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Watch Manuela’s introduction video carefully and fill out the following graphic

What is Where is she Did her family
Manuela’s full from? study?
name? She is from
His name is Choco-
Manuela Perea Colombia
What subjects
IN did she like in
IN Who does she high school?
live with? The subjects
IN Where does she She live with he liked
live? parents and a Spanish,
She live in Caldas brother English, Social

What does she What grade is What are her
want to study? IN
IN she in? favorite places at
She wants to She is in the school?
study sociology eleventh grade Their favorite
or some places at school
language they are the
library, cafeteria,
IN computer lab.
What’s her
How old is she? phone number?
She is sixteen Her cellphone
years old number is IN When is her
3014667895 birthday?
Her birthday is on
December twelve

Does she have What are her

pets? dreams?
She has three
cats and two What are her
dogs fears?

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