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Honorable President,

As a president, you have done everything in your power for the wellbeing of this country
and also you showed much care and passion of its future. Today, I would like to
address you about how this country ran for last 220 years and is this nation followed
your suggestion or not, after your great farewell in 1770. I would mainly express in 3
major categories. Which are known as Unity, Political parties, and alliance.

Unity is one of the major parts for this country from your time. For countries like
America, lack of unity could lead this country to downfall. According to the text, “The
South…. benefits from the work of the North, sees its agriculture grow and its
commerce expand. The tools the farmers in the South depend on are made in the
North. The East, ...finds improvement of communications by land and water... The
West is only able to expand from the East due to these improvements the East
makes…” this means all four parts of United states is dependent on each other in
different sources. And this dependency is also present in today as well. Today, states
like New York, New jersey, Massachusetts dependent on states of south and west for
all kinds of crops. For example, rice, wheat, fruits, and vegetable. Etc. Other than that
people from the south move to NY NJ, MA for work scope as well. Also, the south, and
west also dependent on water port to states like Virginia and New jersey.

As you said to avoid the permanent alliances with foreign nation and to rely instead on
temporary alliances for emergencies. According to the text, “Such attachment of a small
or weak nation to a great and powerful nation dooms the smaller weaker nation to
become a dependent of the great and powerful nation. You expressed that the
attachments would be extra weight to stronger nations like United States. Because
weaker nations tend to be dependent on powerful nations. But today the alliance got
much stronger than before. Every nation needs to be friendly to others and stronger
nations has more responsibility to look over weaker nations. For example, on recent
meetings in UN, United states was suggested to pay more than any nation in this world
for project of Climate Change just because United States has a stronger economy than
others. Therefore, we have not followed the path according to you claim.

America’s political parties are very chaotic and need to be developed because of
discrimination that has formed in time passes you warned us. This is something you
assumed that would take place in future. As you said, “Sooner or later, the leaders of
these parties become the loudest voice, and turns the disposition into the purposes of
his own elevation and ruins the public liberty.” This means that out leaders of political
party did not follow your guided path, that is why it resulted discrimination among the
leaders of political party who led this country after George Washington

Therefore to conclude, a lot of things has been changed after your farewell. But these
changes occurred for the betterment from different perspective.

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