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Co.p..Ytjght 1948 br CHARLES A. WRlGB'l...
Mr. Appleby Balances the Books
A STORY OF THANKSGIVING preS',ed and detelmlOed that they
1\ ould try to do as \I ell, •
As a youn~ man. Mr. Appleby He Ilent to cll.urch at Chrlst- VOLUME 27-NUMBER 46 NARBERTH, PAo, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS
had been a bookkeepel. He had been mas and Easter and on the Sun- _....:~=:::.:::::...::::...--~.::===:-...::.:.. ;--_:.- -------------------------------------
un111 the books Ilele balanced. at meall1mes Just like hIs father
had done befOle him
Elel~body "aid that Ml Appleby
N. rberth Churches to Observe Th. nksgl-vl-n •

"But, deal," his \'Ife would say

cents, "II hy didn't you Just put a agl ee Illth them
qual tel In the cash box?" + + +
SpeCI-.1 Servl·ces and Musl-c.1 ogr • ms
But one night Mr. Appleby had
S·IX Ch urches
Bell AskSBoosl
And Mr, Appleby would try aga\J1 a dleam in It an angel appealed
h h I II •
• to explain that a good bookkeeper carl I Ing a large book II hlch Mr.
didn't do things that I\ay, that It Appleby leallzea lias the ledger of SJtout Leaders Supervisors of C urc
eglon ost to nsta L00 krng Bac k rn In Borough

, "asn't Just the amount of the ellor hiS own life On one side was llsted
b ut t h e fact that an ellln eXlsted,/ ' the good thIngs that had hap-
Plan Busy W·Inter Nursery Groups Named
In Rates Due t0 New Members Tomorrow
Ne\\ members of the HaLOld D
0 ur Tolon
pened to Mr Appleby and on the
and sometimes l\rI Appleby Ilould othel the good tlllngs Mr Appleby
wondel to him ,elf h011 a Illfe II ho had done But II hat caused Mr. P10gram In· Boro
Supervisors of the bahbles' and
chIldren's nurseues II h IC are. con-
ducted dUllng t h e S unthd a~' Nmornmg ''lCreaSe d Costs
Speakman Post, No 356, of the
Amellcan LegIOn, 1\ 111 be Installed L,'st SerVI'CeS
b th at a meetmg tomolrow evening
could be so undelstandlng In other Applel)y to Ilake up \\as that the \\orshlp servlCce at e al bel In the Legion II1Ilg of the Co J Thirty Years Ago This "'eek:
hurch h ave
ways could fall to une!elstand such figul e, dldn t seem to add up
a Simple principle of keep1l1g books plopell~ N• hb h d C
Presbyt erlan
mlOttee announce d
N ew T arl S l e N
F'l d mumt~ BUildIng,
h r- M
The Narberth CIVIC As~oclalion Methodist, Baptist
Fortunate]), hiS em')lo~ er had The' llel e so cleal 10 hIS mmd elg or 00 om MIS J. M Relchatd, of 501 ar bert ",uy oste el. IeSI ent, publIshed an open letter to the I es- Groups Schedule
/. '"'
gleaterapPleclatlonfolMr Apple-thathE'lllotethemdolln but they M
eets Th urs d ayo, R eporis BeechwoodA\e, N al b elt,l\1 h II b e W"th I PUC to b e \\111 ple~lde at the meeting e! t f N al b er th UlgIng th en'
The Post IS currently holding a I ens t 0 d I tt Joint Worship
b~ s passIOn for accul al'l HIS em- stili e!aln't come out lIght At hiS A P t d In chalge a h b a b les group an d EffectlOve January
f te 21
100 pel cent lenellal of n1embel- SUPPOI
t f an f t IS 109d among
I I st PlO]-
ployel shifted MI Applebl' to a office t hat day he had them checked re res en e I\Trs Donal d H R ee d , a f 134 N . ec s or u ure ele opmen e Thanksgl\ 109 Day 11111 be marke4
e I charge of ships dllve follolllllg N b
p~,ltIon of somell hat gleatel Ie- on an add1l1g machine, but the dls- A meetmg of the NeIghborhood N ar b er th A ve, Wl II b n For the filst time smce 1924 the A committee under the chan'- In al erth thl> Thulse!ay whet
sponslblhty, Illth a shght lOCI ease In CI epancy stIll eXIsted Mr Appleby, Committee of Nal berth Gnl Scout the children'" glOUp The nUlSeIles Bell Telephone Company of Penn- manshlp of Geol ge BUlgess has 1 The plaCing of electriC lIght the congl egalions oC the Borough'l
• salary Mls Applebl 1\ as de\lghted II ho puded 111m self on paYing hiS TlOOpo Ivas held last Thulsday are also open on the meeting days s~ Ivanra thiS 1\ eek asked f01 a gen- signs In the Borough SIX chul ches, together Illth thos(
., , G Id f the heen appoInted to study the plob- 2 Th bu Idl of I rge com-
"hen she heard the news and be- hIlls prompt I) lould see that he \1 as mOlnlng at lhe Community BUlld- oC the Womens UI 0 elallJlCleaSe In Its utes, to become lem ot erecting a memollal to Nar- t e d It ng u a a from all ovel the countlY, wlV
. gan leCltlng a hst of the thmgs she bopelesoly III debt to God Jno-, Nalbel th Mrs. E Lee Golds- Church effectll'e January 21, 1949 heltl1 letelans of World War II. munl}' au lOll m gather fOI special serVIces corn·
"au Id b U) nOlI th a t tl leI I\ere a T he dleam came agaIn" T he company fiJ e d new t all ff s 3 "The push In?; to final comple- memOla t Illg th e nil. t I d ay 0'
on other b010Ugh. Jr, plesldent, presided. • • •
Ad lana
o j

Zonlng DeCISlOn
tlOn" of lhe new lallroad "tatlOn th f h k
° I\!th the Puh IIC Utl IIty C ommlsslon
1lttlee b tt er ff 1\1 l A PP Ie bY IIS ten- 1l1ghts, and MI Appleb\ \\ a, so dls- Repolls on the I anous actIvllies
an at Essex Ave * • *
e gl\ Ing 0 t an S

DeIayedby Death
ed to lhe end and ,aid, gosh, yes, tlllbed that he tl'led to elen the of Narbelth Gnl Scouts Ilere ple- at HalllsbUlg, l\hICh, IC apploved, The Narberth MethOlhst Church
he dIal I' fot hel to hal e all those Iledger He gal e nJOi e 10 I hal Ity, sel'lted Mrs .J L TlIlgle lepol ted
thIngs, but he had been Inqulllng'he \\a, more genelous 10 hIS em- on the lecent mothel-daughter
1\ 111 result In an estimated 16 per-
cent mClease m lelenueS The In- P&W Workers and the Ral)t\st Church of thl!
Signs of the limes an ad In lhe I<Jlanl{el 11111 hold a Jomt selVlce at
o ahout some evenlllg COlllses m ac- plo\ ees and he 1'1 en \I entia I hurch du ner held b the tJ oops
countmg and the extla money mOle often, But II hen he dleamed P l S stel\alt : troop leader gave
Voould be Just enough to pay the agalll he saw that so man) more a' ;eport on' Edith Macy Camp,
Of BoardMember crea,e \\ 111 amount to about $25

Examples Get Pay Increase

ee!ltlOn of NOl embel 25 1918, leads the Baptist ChlllCh, Narbelth al1d
"Al1lacllve nel\."ho(~lVeeSnale becom- Elmllood Ales at 10 A M The
Ing scalce In those ReI Halold D Flood, pa~tor of
tUll10n good thlllgs had happened to him Pleasantlllle NY, a tramlllg Some of the Ill'esent and new days) the Methodist ChUlCh, 1\111 pleach
"But, dear," said Ml s Appleby, that t he books II ere more out of I amp fOl adults Interested In Gnl New Appointment
'\\ hat mOle IS thel e fOI ::vou to balance than el el Scouting, \\ hlch she attended dUl-
rates In Narherth are: For resi-
dence suhscrlbers _ mchvidual 1949
Contracts Have T\\ enty Years Al:"o This "leek:
On "Sacllfice 10 Thanksglvmg' and
the choll of the Baptist Church \\ III
ll'aln? You ale such a gOod book- Mr Appleby consulted hiS phy- lllg tne summer, and MIS R H To be Made by Ime flat rate from $3 to $4 ller I d V" The Baptist Church of theElall- lendel the anthems The service
keeper I thought) au knel\ elelY- Silian and then a 1151 chlal rIst, hut Re nolds lepOl ted on the dedlca- Counel"l Deco 13 mont h; t\\ o-part~ flat rate mprove acahon, gel mal ked ItS 35th annlversal y offel Ing 11111 go to the \\ 01 k of the
thm?; about Il'" neither could help 111m HIS appetite tlO~ of lhe nell Gnl Scout camp from $2.50 to $3.25 per month; Insurance Clauses * * • MaIO LlJle Fedelallon of Churches,
Mr Appleb~ endealOled to ex- fell off and Ilhen he ~- dOI\n to hiS on_lhe Woolman Site, held Sunday, A deoslOn by the NMhellh four-Ilart~ flat late from $210 A committee of membel" of the At All Saints' I<Jplsc'ollaJ Church,
plam lhe dlffelence hetlleen mere sumptous Thanksgl\ 19 dmnel he No\embel 14 to $2.75; inch\1dual flat and The Red AllOW LlJles and the Nalberth Methodlsf Chllleh sUIl- Montgomely A\e and W)nnewood
• bookkf'epmg and Accountulg and, felt that he lould not eat a lhlng Future scOUtll1g plans Include the Boald of Zonmg AdJustment on the message from $350 to $4.75. Philadelphia and Westeln RallJoad mltted pans or I f Ih e nell c urc Rd, the mOllllng pra~el sel\ Ice
' h h
lequest of All S~llnts' Church, of
partlculaJ1v, h011 wandel ful It He I lased hiS el es to offel hiS II 1 Gnl SCOllt cookie sale d tl For husluess - IIlch,ldual flat Company last 1\ eek gtanted \\ age blul Ing at Puce an d E ssex A\ es, II III be held at 10 A M Th e R ev.

, MIS App Ieby IIstene d qll1et Iv a'11he I fee 1Ing t hat suc h pel f unc t olY \\
anl1 a
\\ auld be If he (ould become a C P A usual gl ace, hut su dd en Iv h e h a d h ch \\ 111 begm on Februal y 19
Wynnelloo , to use lecen y pur-
e! t N b tl f l'llte from $5 to $7.25; mdl\1d- lOCI eases of 10 cents an hour plus ar er
N b th
* • *
t II rent
e, 1ec ai, 1\ I P es
a meetlJJg of all Malll LlIle and, Sunday
t hase piSchool
oper) pUlpose,
In ar el1\1111 beor ual extended ll1essa/:,e from $5 IIlClease d \acatJOn an d holiday tlle selmon
~~ 1\ es sometimes do, and tinall\ said \\01 ds Ilouldnl do Ph 1lade l l,hla Scouts at ConventIOn Illthheld until a nell membel of (75 messages) to $5.75 (65 mes- benehts to their employes In con- The BOIough Coune Ii announced The dally schedule 1\ III be fol.
\Vell, deal I m SUI e you kno\1 FOI lt ,eemed to him that God H 11 Ph ladelphla on Apnl 2 and h N sages). tl acts which WIll become effectIVe plans fOI paling Hal el fOI dAve, lOll ed at !'il. Marl:'aret's Church,
best," althou?;h she I ealh thought had entered t he loom anll 1\ as a ~1I11et ~Oll In-gathellllg at Lower the Board IS apPol~tec~1 by t e ar- January 1 betll een Essex and Conway Aves Narheilh AI e, Nal belth, WIth I
the money might ha\ e been hetter 1\ altil1g to heal II hat he II auld say M 10 HI?;h School on ApllI 23. berth Borough Co n million a \ eal and \\111 net the Mellltt H Taylor, pI'e~ldent of * * • maSSes at 7 and 8 A M
spent on a nell refllgelatOl He II as stal tied that fOl a mo- el n , The appomtment of a new mem- company apploxlmately $14,500,000 both companies, whose tlolle} sand NOI emhel 24 10 28 II as Plo-I A mOl nlng IIOIShlp sell Ice WIll
+ + + ment he (oule! nol sal a 1\ ord but bel to the Baal d "as made neces- aftel taxes buses lInk HaveIford and Lower c1almee! as Amellcan LegIOn \Veek he held at 10 A M. at the
But as time IIPnt h) It tUlnee! out then he began to thank God 10 a Just for saIl b) lhe lecent death of ROb-I Company othclals stated lhat lhe Mellon Tm\nshlps and Nalberth by the Bmough 111 lecogml10n oflNarherth Plesb~tlmal1 Church,
mcr ease IS necessitated by steadIly BOI ough loth Upper Dar by and the sel I Ice I ennel ed to t he tall ns- ~ mdsol and GI al ling AI fOS, Nar-
that MI Appleby hae! heen light hllmhle \I al He thanked Him for
He I\on hiS CPA shingle and ,oon, all HIS men II'S For the palents
inotead of belllg II 10nSCIentous 1\ ho had gUided him and fOJ the
h R
t e ecor
d ert M Wilson
MI WIlson died suddenly last mountlllg costs of opelatlOns and a Norllstown, signed the agleements people hv the Harold D speakmanlberth The ReI Robelt J Lamont,
II eek before a deCISIon on the pell- sharp declllle In the company slate \\It h the Tl anspolt Workels Umon Po.,t of the American Legion pastol 1\lIi hal e as hIS sel mon
o bookkeeper I\ho looked for 25 centl\\lfe Ilho had been hIS helpmate lIOn plesented by the Chlllch No- of ealnll1gs (CIa) and the Blolhelhood of Rall- * • • tOpIC "A Song of ThanksglvlIlg'"
enol 10 the books he hecame and fOI the childlen \\ho had hllght- Natbelth folk appeal to be mOl'e lember 10, could be announced In the 24 years ~1I1ce the lasl gen- load 'nalllmen The fOlmel covell' Listed for sale In lhe claSSified/The cnoll une!er the duectlon of
the head man II ho dll I
1'1 ted at her ened hIS life FOI lus home and
h [Iesponsl\e
0 po
nd surveys The Church's petlllOn 1\ as pre- eral mCI ease lhe" added thele bus dllvers, tl a 111 III en and malllten- columns 1\ as "a refllgel at or •• L Sarle BI OIl n, II III sing "The
a , , fth P &W
people II ho did suc h detail 1101 k at hel rnatel Ia 1 1Ilings F 01 h sented to the Boale! at a "pecwl 11a\ e been tl\ a general ree!uctlon In ance men a e an mam- 1 \ eal a Id ,pllce $11"
d PI a) el of Ih an k ,gil Ing '
It del eloped lhat MI Applph, not I fl lends FOl the nation In 1\ hlch Ithan IS tl ue of most people heal mg befO! e MI Wilson, and C. local I at es one fOl leSle!ence s~b- tenance II or kel s of the Red AllOW "1 hanksgll Ing 1948 1\ III be the
onlv knell hall to make entI les of Ihe III I'd and fOI 1hose men and Out of the 300 questIonnanes Fred Kueblel Jr chauman of the SCI lbel sane! one for busllless usel s LInes The lattet COl el s bus opel'- 'fen Ypars Ago ThiS 'Veek: tOPiC of a sel man to he Pi ea(hed
inc~me and expene!ltlll es assets women 111 the past \1 ho had made ,mailed out by Ralph Dunne, chan- Baal d Rohel t F
Wood anothel 14 1educt IOns In 1011 and long dls~ atol sand tIammen of the Red Pal ker Woolmmgton s 'Wheat on I hI t he ReI CleWs A Sl'nrt of the
• and lIahllltll'S, Pi otit- and losses, that nation j!;1 eat He thanked God, man of the BUSiness CounCil s sur- membf'r oC the boal d 1\ ho IS also tance I ates and sel eral dOlI ml ald An 0\\ LlOes College sot I f'r tf'am I onduc t I'd a IHoly Trlluh Lutheran Church,
but that he had the knalk of gllle!- too for lhe occasIOnaL unhappy vev committee, 53 pel cent Ilele a trustee of the Chulch, lIas ples- late adjustments on vallous other The mCleases boosted the top Sundav senile at the NalbeIlhlWoodhlOe ane! Narhelth Ave, Nar-
ing a huslness so t hat the IIll0me times III hIS lIfe that made 1he other II d e! t d I n dd tlon ent at the heEllll1g but did not SIt Items baSIC hou Ily J ate of II alllmen and PI esbytellan Chill ch Ibel th at a ~el\ I( I' fit 10:10 A M.
exceee!ed the expenditures the as-ltImes seem so much more happ\ fJ e out adn Ie UI ne t d a PI~S of 1\ Ith the Board • "The cost of \II tuall\ elel)thmg bus opelatols flam $125 to $135 an * • • IThlil sda\ mal nlllg The ('hair \~111
sets mOllnlee! mUlh Imgel than the I At flrst tl le I III Id len \11n k e d
at man.,. leSI ents leques e co h R I f nt n • I rl th nd the offennO'
the questlOnnane The petition was plesl'nted to that goes IIlto'full1lsh1ng telephone OUI a ses or mal e ance men The LOll 1'1 Mf'IIOn 'lo\lnsllPllen 1'1 an an I'm 11 c:'
lJablhtles, an() no hoe!) had to thlnkleachothel all OS', the table hut soon Perhaps the unllsual!\ healY 11'- the Nalbelth Boald aftI'I the serllce has Illcleased gleatly slOce lIlcleased the baSIC rate fOI thIS School Board lonsldered the P,tah-r"lll go to Ihe philadelphia Coun I
of such 11 horrid II00d as loS',es thell e)eS Ilete closed, too MIS pOllse IS due to a gleatel CHIC con- Chulch had plnchased propert~ on the "al" Flancls J Chestelman gloup flam $142 10 $152 an hour hshmf'nt oC night schools forlof Chulches
Mrs Appleh, got her refllgel at or I Applehy bel ame conscIous of a :cl(JlIsness m NEll bel th But II e Ie the COlnel of Mon tgomel v and E pi eSldent of the company, said Ir: Vac atlons II el e expa~lded to tluee adults -----
and the othf'l thlJ1gs on her list aIm 10\ e fOI hel husband that shelaf1-Rld not Rather, 1\ e thmk thel e Wynnell ood AI e. Nal berth announclJ1g the nell rates 'Today, \\ eeks aftel 10 ) ears sel I II e, 10- '" • '" J
I h Bothwell to Attend
and began \101 klJ1g up a ne.\ list had not knOll n fOI years are some conditions so ObllOusly m The pI opel ty mcludes a blllldlllg[OUI total opel atIng expenses ale steae! of the 20 ) em sseI'I ICf' now Radnol defeated LOll er Mellon , o n ,
The htt Ie house Il1 II hlch thell I EI ent ua 111 MI Appleby saId heed of COl rectlOn that OUI I eSI- II hl( h the Chul ch plans to use fOJ neally tllO and one-half times as I equll ed Othel benefits recel\ eel by High School on one of the I alnlest USN Submarme Class
• Chlldl en had been hal n bel arne too I"amen bl~t nobody seemed to 1ealci dents needed onh a slight Jog-m Sune!al S(hool purpo,es If lhe gl eaL as the) 1\ el e III 1940 Re\ e- Red til
~" emplo~ es • I1lclude SIX Idays of th'; ye~lI .
I J 11 H Both\\ ell USN son of
small, so they mm ed to a lal ~el Ize that fhen a sen ant entere the f011ll Of a questlOnn'aITe-to~n- Board apprm es an exception to It tllles hal l! lnC'I't'!asE!d ~lJllng this paid 101\ nys a year, dIe' same as

Merion F'Ire C0
on, •
) house and then to an elen lalgel'llhe loom and the <;pel1 lIas blol,en splle them to open file 111 the BOllOUgh zotllng code pellod but at a substantlalh 101lel those tece1\ed b.,. P & W emplo~es • 1\11 and MIS FOJdyce Bollmell, of
• house. 'When the food lias sened, Mr. Although the fOllnal lepolt on The nell Boald memhel \\110 is late than opelatlOg expenses P & W tlal1lmen Ilele glanted 646 Brln Mal\1 Ave, Penn Valley,
Mrs Applehy, Ilho lbed to he able IAppleln was ,UJplIsed at hO\1 hun- the SUl\el 11111 not be made until apPollltect by CounCIl 11111 deCide
• to cIean Ilel 1louse an d do hel gl \ he l\aS
"ashlllg and (oak the meals and That nlg pp ~ Illg \I e leal ned last mght In talk- hal e to be held but BOlouah offi- heen srnce 1920
'ReLuln on the plant Jnlestment an lIlCleaSe In actldent and health
'ht MI A leb' dl earned Busllless CounCIl's FebluaJ I meet- II helher Ol not a nell heal Ing 11111 IS no\\ a t 111e Io~~ es t Iel e I It 1las In~lnance monthlv for cmelage
he c o n t l l l u e d )
1:1 \1 eeks' dlsabllil :noo
' to Stl·,1 Needs $2000 • has been oldeled to the Suhmallne
CiaOs conI el11ng lanual v 3 1949, at
N London
k the (hl1dlen Spl U( ed tiP nOlI the dl eam aaRm but as he gazed Ch D th t tl e I ' I ~ "Eall1lngs all' contlOlIIng to de $150 monthlv fOl 52 II eeks MaIn- Ihe Submalllw Base, ew ,
eep ,., Id 11 t mg to all man unne a 1 cia s stated thiS \leek t 1at It lIas - t rl I III 60 ° A I d \1 ek
., became exhausted just IIOUylllg at the ledgel he cou see ~a a suggestlons and Cllt!Clsms made by not Ilkeh that Wat caul se Ilould dille III spite of the company hav- e ance emp aves \\ I ecell e Last-Minute ppea Conn It 1\ as announce liS 1\ I' •
about the sell ant plohlem nell ent. v had been made '1 hel e those "ho leplIed lIlclude many be folloll"ed mg made e\ el \ pOSSIble operatlllg pel cent of thell nOi mal cal nlllgs M C h Bothwell a gl aduate of St Jos-
Mr Applehy gal e geneJOuslv to all one page \\ as the long list of thal are pi actICal and helpful Coun(l'l II III not ml11 I' 1he ap- econom\ Thele IS no fUI thel pI ae- fOI a 52-week pellod of disabilIty, Made by C onag y lePh s PI eparatoll School, Ovel-
challty and \\a$ onh pal tly 'a( eood th1l1gs that had happened So~e of coulse ale not m the !)01l1tment untIl Its ne~t legular tIlal Ilav of leducm?; expenses Illstead of the PkleVIOUs $100 a I tl $"000 eeded 10lhlOOk attended the NalY V-12
ft • Alb a lct on the other ' , mont h fOI 13 wee s WI th ess lan '" n \ 11 col-
tuaterl h\ the fael t I1at sue h gl sl to 1\11 pp e:. 1. f pial Ince of the BUSiness CounCIl meet1l1g which 1\111 be held Decem- \\ Ithout sacllfilmg the qualrty of I $10000 oal the Merion tl alOlng ,chao! at 'I anOIa
cut dOI\ n on hiS Inl ome t ax He w aSI SIde II a, the far shor tel lIst 0 Th el e are some people fOI exam- her 13
also generous Illth himself II hen good lhll1gs he h~rl done But at Ie \\ho would hke to s~e Nalbelth
telephone sel vice" Red AIIOI\ emp o~ es alsO en lOy 11 each ItS
olmllaJ benefits The COmpl1nle S al- File Companv a
1 A d thl lege and lalel at the UI1I1 el slty of
I male enl~ Pennsl lIl1ma 1\ hele he l\aS com-
• founJ:( m
I'n asked him the sel I et the hot 10m of that pl1ge was \\ Illten p
o succe ss , '
he I\as glad to tell "one pra\er of thl1nks" and Ml ha,e a
b' I d tallOn
ettel lalroa
t 11 t olhel s 1\ ho llIge that an un elpass
A gLOup of )oung peOI)le flam
HaverfordYOUlh so gl anted a bonus of :ji50 [01 1948 Ileek UI ged all Al dmol e I eSld
and a gualantee of at least $25 for \\ho hale not )et contrIbuted to 1946
1949 d tI el donations
mlssloned an EnSign In Fehluary,

• thf'm
"I dId this" I
Applcbv 1\ as elaten 10 no I' 1a be bUilt at Essex Avenue
• he said anel. "I dId the I tllO pages now a nc
that" and 1he young men II er elm-I fect '
bla edp er - Bul thele ale othel suggestIOns IheNalbelthPlesbvtellanClnnch
' J
11111 lone!uct a Thanksgll1l1g
\\ hlch al e em 1I1ently pl actlcal and Ice fOI mmate, of th e Home fOl
sen In 1 I tl
'We f eelsule 1epeopeo
I f Al d
He II as stallOnee! 111 the Pa(>lfic
mOle ale noL gOlllg tai et us dOlln" mea 101 male than a leal
Palllcla Dunne daughtel of Mr Joseph P '1 aCI onellI, chan man of t he II al and for a t1l1 e I WI°b
r ked
\ h h the 1 chant as a gloup
1 ' 1 \ l t h the nalal expenmenJa a ala-

\Rotarians to be Red Feather - t

IC n el ~ 10- Indigent Women, Philadelphia, ROd LtC t and MIs Ralph Dunne. IS expected the dIlle, declaled ItOlles at San DIego Calif He IS at
cal1 do somethll1g about These Sunda~ afternoon, No\ ember 28. I er OS on ro to I etul II home shOl tly ilom BI yn rhe funds lalSed to date 1epi e- b d t h US S Fitch a
Of N
clude such thmgs as plompt snow
drel11~val 111 the busilless dlStllCt, 50 Make Honor Vehicle Mal\! Hospital 1\ hel e she under- sent a letul n of appr oXlmalel) one pI esent a oal
I\ent an opelatlOn fOI ~ppendlcllIs;n ten on 5000 lettels sent out at destro}er, at Agentla,
e f •d

Honored in City VoIunteer S LIS e

ell oun-
keeping sldel\ alks and stale fLOnts Thayer Dolan 20-)eal-old sopho- on Novembel 16 MISS Dunne IS althe begInnlllg of the dIlle plus do- land

R0 II aI Jr. H'gh
1. tldl seemg to It that bIcycles emp- male at the Un;\elslty of Pennsyl- sophomole at Rosemont College InatlOns gllen to the lolunleel so-

DJ T" h N
' ° M c 19 e
d t) crates and othel obstacles be
lama suffered a bloken neck Sat-
urda~ aftelnoon I\hen hiS motol'-
lI(ltOIS dUllng an IlltenSl\e door- Chrl·stmas Seal
Begin Construction on
B 'ld' Boro Campaign Director
arne kept off the sldellalks
jhen, of COUlse, thele ale nu- cycle Clashed mto a stleet light Attend League to-dool cal1\ass \\hlch follo\led the
lettel appeal D·rIve Launched
G ar d en T ype
Bala-C)'Jl\\)e! N
UI lng
b h R t
ar ert 0 ary
melOus Clltlclsms and suggestions Fifty students \lele named to the pole 10 Wynnellood
Announ(ement of the apPolOt- dlucted at mdl\ldual stales These, honor loll thiS Ileek at LOllel Mer-
Ml Dunne told us Will not be Ion Junior High School 10 the lalg- Dolan Ilho l1\es on Golf House
Safely M'
John 1 MIConaghy plesldent of
th file compan\ said m a last-
e 'h I
Club Day II III he obsell I'd \Ved- men 1 of Desmond J McTIghe, Esq, made pubhc but 1\'111 be tUllled est Ihst qualter nonol loll m SIX Rd, Ha~ el ford, "as taken to BI yn mInu\e appeal to 1hose 1\ 0 lave Frank Royer Is
n sd " Novemhel 24 Membels of of 221 N W\.nne\\ood Rd, Nar- O\EI to the' mel chant cancel ned ~ears MalH Hospital by Jack Gegen- not )et contl1buted t t Ch °
ea... 1 helme 254 Hatha a Lan Wyn Drive to Publicize 'Our men stane! lead~ to pIa ec Sale airman
that group will he the guests of bel th as District Dlrectol of thelThat pollc} lS undel standahle at They al e Janet Abbey, Patllcla l'" 1\ Y e - h nd popel
l t y Illthout legal d
[lcommunlty Chest Campaign 111 the least to the extent that some con- Anzalone, Reuben Baroman, Calol pnel\OOd, Ol\nel of the motOlcycle Session November 30 t~~~:I; Ol\n safell or comfOlt All 'I he 42ne! annual Chnstmas Seal
t h ePh l Ia de I p h Ill. R a t al) CI u b a t I BOI ouah of Nal bel th has been an- d It IOns mal, f 01 fi nancla I 01 a ther B ea tt ), J ames BI ac leburn , Peggy hyslclans said hlS conditIOn \\ as the ask IS that the citizens give sale II III open next Mondav
the Bellel UP - Stlatfol d Hotel I ~ re~sons be be) and the mel chant's BYlnes, Donald Cal r, MalY Chel k- good I The League oC Women Votel s of the;;' the tools to 1101 k 1\ Ith and TIle LOI\ el MerIOn and Narberth
Luncheon 1\111 be sened at 1230\nOunted ability to change sel, Paul Coopel. Valentine Da- The youth, \Ihose fathel lS H LOI\el Mellon TOI\nshlp IS CUl- th n an to mallltam them dlstilCt sale 11111 be sponsoled by
and a progl am \\lll follo\l In Older "not to pla( e any undue ()n the othel hand m a few cases Costa, Ben]amln D'Agostlno, James Hoffman Dolan, SOCially prominent rently engaged 111 an all-out effol t ; Th~ tO~1 IlShlP does not appl 0PII- the CommUJlltl Healt hand CJ\'IC
On Tuesday afternoon, Novem- bUlden on an\ of the lolunteel tl1~L I\e know about, It occurs to us Dalls, Susanne Dlexel, Anne Ed- BI;rn Mal\l automobll,e dealel, \\as to acqualllt township lesldents \\Ith ate funds to keep equIpment In Assollatlon 25 E Athens Ale, AnI-
, -I" OII,ers" the BOlough of Nal beIlh th~t the plesSuI e of publiC opInIon gal, Nm bert Eldlldge. Cynthia tr) 109 out hiS fllend s moto! c~ cle lls open meeting, pal t of a clllsade ood shape" he (ontlnued 'E\ en If mot e II It h FI ank C Ro) er, of
her 30, the local glOUp 11111 be ad nlIght be lust the thlOg the mel- Epps, Balbala FaIIOI\, FeliCia FOI- \1 hen a dog Ian 111 flont of 111m on to promote safe dll\lng to be held gt d I II e mane) Ilouid on Iv come Aldmole seiling as Ihalrman
dlessed by Lams E Fine ladlO has heen dl\lded mto fOlll dl\lSIOnS chant needs to I\ake him up s~the Rlchald GIlliS Balbala GIO' Hatha\\ay Lane neal' ManSion at 8 PM, Tuesday e\ellll1g, No- ~utl~f lI~e olkets of alii plopeltl One of the tubelculosls control
commenlator, econ~J)1lst. hlstollan II Ith an A,soclaLe DII ector and As- We don't knol\ \\ hethel anyone enendaal, Dolol es Gusky, Joseph L~ne
I embel 30. at LOI\ el Mellon SenlOl OIl nel s 10 ;he fOlln of taxes We pi 0 ICd s SUppOl ted b\ the sl'al sale
• and l~ctllJer, 0,1,1 Food and the l socIate Seci etall 111 char ge oC the mentIOned It 111 the SUI\ ey but \\ e Hal tshol ne, Fay Holden. Robel t rhe vehicle sU uck and killed the High School don t 1\ ant taxes boosted, and the) III this al efl IS a mass chest X-I ay
War Id s FutUl e I VI 01 k of ealh dl\ ISlon They al I' hale aliI ays been SOIl V that Nal- Allen 11 VIOl', Wilham Jeffel s, Mae dog, then II ent out of ~ont I 01 and Lettel s UI gmg palllCtpat Ion In II auld be fal gleatel Ihan thev al I' SUI\ ev planned fOI LOI\ er Mellon
Flam 1939 to 1942, Ml Flllella, 1 C H N Id t beJlh has to have such a desolate Johnson F'ledellcle LIPPlllCOIt, John Clashed 1010 a pole 1he Impact the c"'lsade have been sent to lhe f did 110t 11ale Citizens al1d Nalhelth III the spllOg of 1949.
II. J adlo (ommentatol Illth 1adlo I
D1\ ISlon ' 0 , assocla I' nIgilt-t Ime appeal ance A little Llzals Wilfl ed LOI Iy, Milton Mal k· t 111 e\\ D 0 Ian h ell. dfi lS t agaIns t tIle headmastel sand pllnclpals of all 11'11110 nO\1 I toII edo a tileman's ' loh Illth- Postel s shol\lng a I epl oductlOn
station 'OVBBC and WLIB In 1943, Illrellol, and MI". Phoebe Staley 1lllldow-hghtIng 10 the slO1es le\, ChaIles McClester, Patllcla hght standald pllvale and publiC schools 111 lh(> out ~\ I hate to think of I,les of thiS 'ieal s seal 1\111 be placed In
as a member of the United Stateslassollate selletal), DlllslOn 2, Ben I\ould pick up the town s genel~1 McEnanem, Betl1ald McManus, He I\as able to \lalk II1to the ac- township and to mlnlslels counly needfessl lost and unnecessall de- stOle \\Indol\s along the Mall1 LIne.
AI my Ait Forces, he gal e dar!) ISmith associate dll enOl and MI s atlllosphel e appleclRbly. It needn t MarIlyn McManus, DI ake Mlllel, ('Idell! 1\ ald at the hospital and at and tOl\ nshlp comllllSSlOnel s, mem- st uct IOn) of lopel t) ('aused mel 1'- Seals hal e hef'n mallee! 10 pel sons
"lnterpretallons of the ne\1 s, andl R H Re~ nolds a ,sollate sell etal y, be as extensive as the gay dlsplav Calol Nel\ hOi g Mal lOlle Olel\ 111'1. first \1 as tl eated fOI cuts and belS or t he School Board and CIVIC I 1 hecause e:ul I' ulpment failed ' 1\ hose names appeal 10 thp snhur·
"as a unIt hlstollan DUling 1944 DII ISlon 3, H Dudlev Kellogg as- of F'I ed Dannenhauer s I ecO! d shop Sal a Pall an, .Judlth Pel I y, VIrginia bl ulses He latel 10mplall1ed of a 01 ganlzat Ions and clubs ~ 'I h d i eel Ipd 10 close han telephone dll el ton Hal' ever,
and 1945, JO Englane! Fran( e, Bel-j socIate dll ectol and Mrs Mal) 01 as fasclllatll1g as t hat gigantIc Poad, Rul h Rldel. Calol Rllckett, "stiff neck," and X-rays dIsclosed To fuJI her publiCize the meellng the e~ld I~; ~h:: ;:~:k uFune!s I alsed a11\ one e!e,lIlng 1n plll chase seals
glum and Gelmany, MI FlIle spoke Denn), assoCIate secletary, and nevel-11ft" 110n that moves ma- Joan Sandfold, Debolah Shupert, the flactuI;. " the Lowel Mellon TOI\nshlp Police '.'111 be used for the hquldatlon of may ohlam them at 25 E Alhens
• before tllOusands of Amellcan II Dl\ ISlon 4, John F. BI ennan, asso- Jeshcally up and e!own 10 Fred Roslyn Siman. Wilham Simmons, The dog, Rip was a pet of DOl - Depal tment IS co-opel atlOg by hav- $5000 d bt d fa the purchase AI I' Ar(\more or by telephonIng
troops on post War Ploblems Clate dneclor, and Mrs DOl othy Cal tel s 1\ IndOl1 EI en a dim night Thomas Smucker, Balbala Teal e, othy Anne Chandler, 6, and her mg a pohce sound tluck announce a f ' e an t l 1\. d~lOl e 7696
as,ocJate secletal Y lIght IJ1 each wlIldow would do Bal bala Welch and MalY Ann blOtliel, George. 2, of 264 Hatha- the meeting 111 a tOI\ n-Cllel fashIOn ~~qulp_men

· ss GUI'de School Board

Since hI- retuI'n flam actl\ e ser-IHutChmson
Vice, Mr FIne has been a membel Genelal secletalv In chalge of cor- wondels
of the FOlelgn Polilv ASSoliatlon. lelatlng lhe Ilolk of the associate - - -
and has contlllued hiS Illtelesl 111 SE'lletalles Is MIS Map Camel on. Lower Me. S 3d R 0 R d

I\ay Lane t111oughout the ('omJl1unlty
Follo\llng the ShOlllll!{ In local
movIe thpatels of II tUm Stllp titled
land the study of post Wal Plob-
R - ---- erlon cores r In ow ver a nor ''('Ialtic WIth lhe DeVIl," a LOllel Issued len Boro MLJets Thursday ~
lems b} helllg an actllp memherlBI
of the Boald of DnectOlS of th€'
CItizens 'Confeleme on Intelna-IUndefeated in
Uf ays emam

AS Aces' 'C'rlpples' Regaln
· Health , 3310 6 MelJOn police otllcel "Ill ulge the
audIence to attend lhe meetlllg
C C Bel\claft, oE Pottstown, Booklet Goes to All 4 Attend Conference
tI(}Ilal Economic U n i o n , . chall man of the 1\I0nlgomel y COUll- I DO
FI ed E Caballelo IS chall man of '1 he Nal bert h Blue Jay, defeated POUI1I1g It 011 ft on~ sIal t to finish, aratlOn suffel ed aga1l1st Chestel 80-yal d gallop Buck became the ty Safety CounCil, 11111 open the Narberth Residents Of Schoo Irectors
lh I 1 r tlonal Sel I 1( e Commlt- West l\Iana\llllk 12 to 6 last Thurs- LOllel Meuon High s football team Callahan gave hiS usual capable ex- spcond L M II IIlgman to bleak mto t e! D K tI O'SI
e n e na I t1lllnJphee! 0\ el Radnol for the thll d hlbltlon HOII ever hiS alllllg shoul- Ihe scoring column taking a 35-yal d mee 109, an
tee I\hleh lS spon,ollng the PIO-Iday 1I1ght on the home glle!uon SlIRlght yeal III then 52nd annual der lIas hea\lly taped and swathed pas, f10m Callahan and runnlng Elsom of Penn Valley \\111 be chall-
I a lelllle ~ lea A 1949 Narhell h Bus1l1ess Glllde FOUl membel s of the Nal bel'th
gUl.m Mr, Fme 1\111 be mtl Oe!UI eel ane! lemalned undefeated In 19 enlOunter Sature!ay at Villanova In sponge I ubbel He II Ole a spe(lal 20 more to lhe end zone man The pllnclpal speakel s \\ III \\ as Issued to 1eSldents of the B - School Boal d atlenderl a meetmg
by Ra~'mond L Watrous, a com-I ames Tile SCOI e II a" 33-6 pall of shoulder pads Callahan, The hnal L M touc hdol\ n I allle be Gem ge LOI\ e, dll ector of '1'1 affic ough of Narbel th on Satu I e!ay by of the Sl hool dll ectol~ of Montgom·
mittee member. g MOle than 10,00 speclatol's \\ ho blocked Illth hiS chest to a\ Old In tilt: t hll d pellOd \I hen Bill Hal- Safety Education fOI ttle At lanlIc the Nal hel th BUSiness CouncIl 1'1 \ County hele! In NOlustol\ n last
... I Both Nal hel'th SCOles \\ ele made jalllmed 1he Vlllanol a stadIUm as aggl a\ allon oC the InlUl)', II asn't 1ai, "ho hae! been on the Sick lIst RefinIng Co and Sgt .Joseph Ma- The 19 page booklet 1\ I11Ch lS lS- W d d Th M s Sam
m the final qualtel, the iiI st by CORch DICk Mat tis' elel en sCOIed usee! On kickoffs 01 ot hel occasIOns only a couple of days befole the whlnney, he~d of tl affic safety of sued annually bY the Council con- e nes ay e~ 1\ ere I" b·
• Ch
B hD azaar at
Johnny Capelli ar und
en, an
d th two touchdo\\ns III each of the filSt \\hen It appeared he might lecelve game sprinted 20 ~ards down the the LOI\er Mellon Police. Follow- tams an alphabetical mdex of Nal- uel J McCartne~, Mls F M Ro b,
e two peIlOds and tacked on another any unnecessauly lude Jolt 31delllles Mattis later termed It Ing theu' talks WIll be a diSCUSSion bel th stOles, as \1 ell as a lIst of the Jr, W J DI ennen, school pllnct-
Baptlst urc eco I
other by WIlmer Ideld1l1kel. who In the ,third Radnor I al ked up ItS LeadIng the Aces to vlCtOlY was Oll~ of the mosl spel taculal lunlS pel lad With an 0PPOI tuntty fOl' (hUll hes, a IlM]l of Nm bel t hand )al anti Dl \V. W Steckbeck
I A Christmas Bazaar has been went lhlough the nuddle of lhe only sCale 10 the hnal petlod Bill R~'del. \\ho la(ee! ~2 and 80 he s seen. I. 11 fBI I I olliuals I
, Bob Callahan Fl'atuI'eH YIU d, on end-alOuml plays to sCale Hatll101' aIel ted a shutout In the memuelS of 1he auc!lence to offer Ie names 0 a Ol g 1 • At t he Iegullu meeting held last
'llanned fOl' Decembel ~ by t he West Manay link 11111' Billed beJol e the game as a hope- 111 the opening llalf Other L 1\1 closing millutes of the game John lhen comments and sllggestlOns fm' The booklet fOI ewal d states In TI d tI S I I Bcltu d voted
Baptist Churl h of the E\ angel, Highlight of the game came In 1l".:iSly clippled, anemic aggregatlon. touchdowns \\ l!Ie racked up by JQe D'Annco tossed a 35.yald aellal to ledliclllg thl' moull11llg accluent pal t "Few subllllJan dlSlllCts any- lUI s IlV 11", l' lOa 10 1-
!'Ial berth the 111 st qllaltel \.. hen Manayunk LOI\ eJ Mellon showed 110 Illcllna- Callahan, qual teIback, Bill Bllcle Pats,) DIRICO, \\ ho manell\ eled be- late III the township. \\ hele In this countl ~t offel as a conlllbution oC $25 10 Sci 0
To be held at the cl'llUch at 2 scoled aftel 16 tlles WIth the ball tlofl tOIl ard taklllg It easy All but and BIll Halall. hind 1.01\ el Mellon's defe-ndelS at much In acceSSibility in lll\tlllul man's Week, a pI ogtam to be held
p, M, fancy hand-made 81 tlcles, on theil' 01\ n 20-Y81 d line, Nal bel th one of the Aces' "cripples", half- Callahall Goes Over midfield lIe then outl an the Aces' Vl\ISC TRIP bellutv, III JllenLlly nt!lghbOl IIness, at the Uillversit~ of Penns)l\'anla
candll!l3, cookIes, jams and plcldes fumbled and the bkll lIas lecoveled balk Chal1le Wilson, 1\ as used LOller Merion malched 35 yards "ecoudalles to pay dllt. Membels of the Volunteel Medl- as th; dtstJlct of Philadelphia's sub- In Malch and attended by members
wl1l be fOl sale, b~ Manayunk E:ach lime aflel eElII~ al1d often. WJlson was hobbled for lts filst touchdo\\ n, Callahan Tile \ IctOly maileI'd LOll er Merl' cal Sell Ice Cal ps of Nal belth will bUI bs II e kno\\ as the MaIO Litle of the facult} of NEll berth School
In the evening membels of the that that Nal bel th got the bal1, b~ a bad ankle. • ('I ackln/; over flom the one. A, fell on's 23d tdumph of the selles II hlch lattend a meetlng thiS evenIng of In apPleciatIon of thiS f!lendly A I equest of the MalO Line YMCA
!li"llgtegation \\ III meet at the they fumhled and Ma avunk m e! SUI pllse of lhe aftel noon \\ as the mmutes later, Rydet 1 aced 32 ~ ards bega.n 10 1887, ane! enabled the th B k C IRS d r p I it and to fur thet It sl111 mOle to use the school g) m on FridaY
h h f k i n . a I' brillIant perfOlmance of Bob Cal- 011 a handoff from the same gent Aces lo retain the tIoph~ plesented I' uc s oun y escue, qua 0 s I I C b k b II tl e was
cure or a tur ell dinner and the relovely, only to be held by lahan, L. M. center, Supposedly In the second period. Ryder regis- each. year by the Wayne and Ard- the Pennsylvama State First Aid the Nat bel th BusIness counc~~ has n /thts or as et a prac c
evetlblg ~.
. Nubel'th until the 16th tl'b'o sidelined becaWle of a Iihoulder aep tilled hiG second touchdown on an more Lions Club, Council in Bucks Ccunt~ produced this business gUide. granted at the meeting•

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