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VOL. 18 - No.



R.ev. Michael A. Brown Appointed Narberth, Manoa: Rotary'Observes Narberth s New Fire Chief Is /27 To Be Inducted
Rector A t Schuylkill Haven Church In Baseball League 16th Anniversary Art Curator And Musician By Board No.3
Albert II. Nulty, new chIef of left by the resignalion of J oh n
Six Clubs to Comprise Dr. Iv?r. Gr!ffiths Urges the Narberth Fire Company, Is Miller. lie has been assodatl'd Selectees Will Leave
a. man of many accompllsh-
Main Line Circuit; Training In Early ment.'1.
with the Company sill!'e 1911 Wednesday for
and wa.o; elected dlredor in 1935.
Hanley Re-elected Years , During the day he wea rs the
Nulty has been associatt'd with
Fort Meade, Md.
Parents werl' urged to pay more I smock of an art curator at the Twenty-seVl'lI men will bl' 111-
For the first tlme since 1904 there altentlon to Ole formative years in I Barnes FoundaUol~ in Merion. Dr. Albert C. Barnes, founder
of the Barnes Foundation for luctl'd by Montgomery County
wlll be no upper Main Line team, lhe home by Dr. Iver Gnffith when, If there Is an alarm he changes
to the rubber coat and helmet of the past 24 years. As curator at Local Board No, 3 on April 8, The
in the Main Line Baseball League I he spoke Tuesday at the luncheon I
a volunteer fireman. At night the Foundation he reston's and '111'n \\'111 leport al till' Board
thiS summer. l11c<:tinr:- of thc Bala-Cynwyd-N"r'i
bl'rth Rotary Club. ' you may find him at his home. watches O\'l'r famous paintings. tl[ ,l(iqu.lrlcr', 10!! Forn',,~ ,,\', Nar-
The loop ha~ been rcorgalllZ<'d I TIll' mCI',lIlg ' ..
"US th e 16t_1 anl11-, 345 Meeting House Lane, play. antiques and other arl objects. Ill'rth, at ,30 ,I III to 1'lltrall1 for
mto a SIX tcam atTJlr comprising \('Tsury of tLc Clu::>'s organization ' ing tile drum.., [or \'biting fire. Other Illembers of the com.
1"01 t Medl!C', Md,
Manoa, defending champion; Nar- and 78 nll'mbl'rs. other nearby Ro- men. pany are frequent visitors at
Chief Nulty was moved up the Chief's home wherl' then' is Tile ."l'IC'l'tl'l's are:
berth, Gladwyne, Ardmore. Over- tarlans and their friends wcrc lJ",-
brook lind Brookllnr, 'l'nt, from the position of deputy by always musical entertainml'nt Fllllll Nal'lJl'rtll: lIu;.;lt 0 Lcahy,
In addition to thc absencc 01 Dr 01 imlh, who IS presidellt of a vote of the volunteer flrem(,11 a.nd rcfrcshml'nts providl'd by ~;?, ;?OH Gr.I, jlllg .1 \', ,lock cl~rk:

both Berwyn lind Paoli, then' won'; thl' Phlladl'lplua Culll;l;e of Phar- last w('ck to fill the Vl\.{-a.ney "'Irs. Nulty. J,lllll-" Kllox Ml'Clllrlll 011, 3G. 10
be a club. pllotcd by till' vetcran lllllCY and Science, spokc on "Edu, EIlIlI\'()od '1\, s.tlI'Slllall; Howard
Eddie SullIvan for thc first tlllle in llltlOn Be~ills in the Home." Guy Do Bailey Heads
more thlln a decade. Sulhvan man- Al\ln Shull. first president of the
aged the Wcst Piliis for the past club whell It was organized, was Narbrook Park Group I Miller Is Named :,11\ 111 FI'lI'e!l, Jr. 36. 217 N,
WVllllcwood av, laboratory as"l~t­
I wo seasons and in the past piloted
several other clubs. including Dun- lhaJrlJlan of the anniversary pro-
ktrk. "iedla A, A, alld Ardmore.
gram, Dr,' Richard Mears, presl-
d d d
Guy D. Bailey, general directory
manager of the Bell Telephone Co.
Salvage Chairman lilt; Gcorge Ellgll.~h, 28, 1226 MOllt-
;Olll('l'y U\. IIlsulatllJn cnginecr;
':'"J£,orgr Brunettr Knapp. Jr., 29. 418
Marple-Newtown and Pro,o;pect enl. D presl e . t
G Iffitl d th I rt 01 Pennsylvania, was eJected presl- Discuss Council's Part Vudlry a \., landscape gardener;
Park applled for franchises but they r. rr 1. s,rrsse e mpo - dent of the Narbrook Park Improve-
were turned down so that the lea- ance of a mild s first six years of ment AssociatIon at a recent meet- In Memorial Day .Jeo!,!,\!, Ga~plla. 34, 109 Forrest av"
:J,mk c!l'rk; Thomas WIIllam Casey,
gue might bc kept as compact as life, He compared it to those early
ossible. years in the growth of a tree when ing. Observance ~9. III Essex av, mail messenger;
The meeting was held at the homc Augustu~ Stoll Tllus, 31. 92 Wynnc-
The league is conSidering play- a tree's future symmetry and span Appoliltment af Clark E Mlllel
I'll'"b 0111"J olle week-end game and :Jf yearsi
is determined by early of Mr. Bailey, 30 Narbrook Park,
Narberth. 327 DUdley a\'.. Nal bl'rtll, to lIead laic rd, IOUle ~alc:'lllan; John
the other as a tWlhght mid-wed, prun ng and protective measures. tllc defl'lls(, ~al\ at;e 1l1O\l'lll['11l ~II :5,lInul'l Cook, 29, 102 Clle:,tnut av.
'd I Other officcrs nallled wcrc J. R (jerk ..llld Edwal LI MIchael Strol;en.
contest. In the pa~t it has always "To often," he sal, "t Ie third the Borougll W,I', allnoullCl'd till'
operated on Saturdays and Sun- generation of a family Is only one- ~eters. ~r" vlce-presidC'.nt:. E. ,UC' week, 22, :.!53 Iun,1 av .. ~teuogr'Il)lIer.
day:. third as good as its founder," GoldsbOl ough, Jr" secretary, Miss A, The aPPollltmelll W,l~ 1I1,Idc IJ,\' t'llIlIl Ardmore Jo'raukhu Rl'cse
Walter Hanley. of Wynnewood, L. Stanley King, past president. B., Austin. treasurcr and W. W the NllrUerth V<'fC'II~(' COUllCll. K"lilh.J." J:!. Gill Aubn'.I' ll\'.. circu-
Wllb agalll elected prcsldent. I
Herb read off the names 01 the visitors HeIndel and C. H. Woollllgton, ll1- whicl1 ml't la,t Frida,' llight. 1,1l1O1l 1I1.lna~er: Jollu JosC'ph Gal-
Good. of Ardmore. and Harold prescnt. rectors. MIlicI' will act a~ chairman of llll la1,:h('l'. 3ll, :!:J3 E, County Llnc rd ..
Keating of Narberth, vice presl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.'-------- - salvagc COlllnllttec oi t IH' Dl'iell.~(' OftiCL' nWllager; Gl'orge WiJllam

dents. and Charles E. Harnden.

secretary-treasurer, were also re-
COUIlCI!. Later Miller I"~ expected
t.e namc the mrm!Y:rs o[ IllS com-
TllolllPSOll. 28. 134 Elm a\·,. garnge
,ls'I'tant; DaVid Joseph Ghanayelll.
2H, 340 E Spnng av. saleslllal'l;


Meetinl" of all local ."al\'a:;(' chall'-
ml'lI 1ll Mont~oll1er.v Count)' wa'
lallle, TllOlllas K('lly. 34. 168 St.
Paul', I'd .. eoal trm'ker; MelYin
funeral Services It was March, 1942, but It might being Inducted into military s('n-icp held thl6 wcek III Nornsto\\'!1 at thr E\ llib Fr) bergt'l'. Jr. 28. 124 Cricket
For Mrso Amy Kluxen,o have been an experience our grand- and leaves next Wednesday, had ex-
parents hatl during the famous pressed a desire to spend a wcek.
Court House, At the mC'etlllg plam
were discussed as to how till' col-
1\'" ell'rk; Patnck Martin. 33. I-C
W Athcns a\'" dairy machine op-


Old Boro Res,od ent blizzard of March. 1888,
Even the Narberth family that
cnd at their summer home.
They awoke Sunday morlllng to
lection, storage and dl,~positlon ul
salvage should be handled,
or.ltor; Horael' George Mulvancy.
H, 23 W Athl'ns av. plastcrer: Con
I··.ll! WI' 131")\1'11. d""lstan tat St. Margaret's Catholll' Church. Funeral services were held Fri- w('nt through it are bcginnlng to look out on a country Side CO\ ercd J. G. LudWIck. chairlllan o[ t111' ~1l'Dadl', 31. 134 Ed~emont av .. :;1'0-
N.tril.. rth lid' I}('L'1l apPolllted Rector of Sl. 1\mbru~("~ at Schu)'lklll day aft.<'rnoon at 1820 Chestnut st., rub their e,'cs and wondcr If thC'y With 37 inches of snow and 'Vitll L:('lwral ,al\,age cOnJmltt('e o! Mlllll- (·cr.\' c1l'rk; TIH'odorl' DaVid Shlha-
11,,\['11. 1'.1. Philadelpllla. for Mrs, Amy Klux('n. \\'('re really wow.bound 111 a log, drift.~ reaching up above thc win- ~Olller)' COUllt), pre~lded at till kh, JI , 23, 113 Suttoll rd" studl'ul;
The 1:['\ :\1IL'i1.1l'1 l\, Br~'\\'n, ,IS- 'I N"rut'l'th b,'lOlllL'S <1c('w,tollled to 70. who was one of Narbrrth's old- cabin in the Blue Ridge mountains: dow ledges, nlN.·l111~. H:I) Hull SlewHri. 29. 37 E. L"n-
c~t rr~ld('nts, The servic{'~ werr last wcrk-end. I They spent the day illsid(' but on Miller has beell act 1\'(' III 130) ::I,t('r ,1\, C,lIUp carC'tllker, and
,,,-Ltllt II'~ t"r "J ~t, :\[.1 rf',lrct 's iLl' LIlt tll,ll F.ltllL'r Bro\\'l1 has l'OlldlIC'-d ""-
tll(, Re,', Clntll.,
A So snow-boundd d
and surroun e I Monday with a dust pan an d a gar- Scout work 1ll the BOl'ou~1I Wllll,11ll John Nugeut. 31. 141
C.ttlllldl CIllllcll. Noll'l)I·llh. SIlIL'['1 !t'!! 1l for aLilllllllstratne \\'ork 111 Scnft. pastor of the Holy Trllnt) by head-high drifts 1Il then cabin, dcn spade they tried to dig a Ilar- At Fnda\' III~hl'" Illl'ctlll:~ (I[ tll1 Gr,lIHh i.,\\, I'd, po:>t OmCl' clrrk,
Jl'll" 4. l,U, h,l' \l"11 ~ll)Jl"Jllt('(! Ill<''' 'od "II' alld altitUde of Sehu)l- LuthC'l'an Ch\lr('h of NlIr!Y'rth llcar Charlllian. Pa,. that tho' had: row path out through thc snow Defellse C;JunCiI. jJl;\n~ W( IT dl...,- AI"", TlIOIll.r., LUlt.hay Sln:Jl1l;;-
Il'ct"r 0: S: AIIlIJlnSI' S Church. kill CUUllt) all1on~ t.!H' p:ain peop!l' Bunal was at Frrnwood. to be rescued and carried to safety I drifts, AlmOst exhausted. after dig- rus-'iCd for tl1e CouncIl's ['00\)('1';1- lord. :n. ;?O N. Rolx'rls rd, Br)'11
::-l'I1\I) lkl:1 H:-t 1,'11 P.I, Jt \\ d.' oi hIs faith who ha \'e kept the Mrs, Kluxen .Is sur\'lyed by hcr I on the broad. bare backs of dray glng out about 150 feet, they 100kC'd II
tion with the Harold 0 SpC'akllwn :\1 a \\1': Millard Ross Hartley, 31,
h Illl{'d b\ OCH TOWN ""tnda\' husband. Edwald. 'llOrses from n nearby ranch, up to se(' two heavy. dray horses Post. Alllel'lcan U'glOB, for Mem- 26G Ha th,l \\,.,y lane. \Vynllf~\\'ooct,
It I' Ullder'tuud tllat F,IUI~I I p....lCe \\llh the PL'nllsylY.llwl Dutch Mr, and Mrs, Kluxcn's hOlll(, at I' ";\I) we're glad to be homc,' de-: from a. ncarby ranch bucking their 01 tal Day observance. 1l1C'c!wnlc's helver; Mauus 1\ieehan,
Brown Will a"UIIll' hiS new dutJe~ folk lor lllall) decades. 235 lana av, had just 1Y'en built elared Mrs. James K, McCuteheon way through the drills. Their 1323 Race ~l.. Pluladelphla. unem-
Altcr y('ars of endeavor in thc whC'n they moved to Narberth from when she arrived at her home, 10 neighbor, a native of the moun-
01, WI'<!IH'd.t\ 01 I)('xt \I'('ek
The parhh' at SchU)Jklll Hayen 11~' and Its immediate enVirons, lhe West Philadelphia. 30 years ago, Elmwood av., on Wednesday after- talns, just figured they might like
I: onc of till' oldl'~t III the PhJa- local priest faces a task of man,' Their home was one of the first to noon. "I thought. we would never a little something to eat. The next
G. O. P. Countil to played; Charles Alfred Garry, 30,
Valley Forge. gas station attenclant.
:md Jo~n:. q!lf!.rkS !:,ove, , 3f;, 170
(It-lpli,,1 1\,,·hdIOl'~&e. h,\\1I1£ IR-ell lJCW alld ruml aspecl..,>\- but Lheffl be built on, t.he sU·eet.
l'~,tabll'llC'd In 18.51, more than 90 will be none who will say that he
Mrs.. Kluxen ,was fQund uncon-
" 1 get' he~:' ' . ~ day the1T<'ttttghbOr" came back Bnd
Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon left 'I carried them out 011 horseback. -Ietl Officl!ts WoodOlne rd., Manoa, palntel' an(1
)'1 a rs a~o. Incll.1dl'd 111 It is a lacks thc broad outlook nor the sclous 111 a at her homeBlas,t Satul'day Inoming fol' their I.og "All the natives." said, Mrs. Mc-
1ll1S'IOIl Ilwjl"1 .II. Port Clllllon alld Wide knowledge of human values MOn~ay and ,\a8. ta~en. to the rYI~ cabin In the Blue Ridge l110untallls'l Cutcheon, "told us that It was t~lr
'11>.0 t \\ () :,k!lln 1... 111 COllll :,' IIl'tl- Ill'l,[,s~llry for the resulb which, Maw r Hospital whcle she was pro which is miles from thc neare~t WCl'St .>now storm they could le- C~~II~:eth;nd Ditter Install Wiltbank As
(,ught to b n , n, nd It can be expecteJ I nounced dead. tOWII. Their SOli James. Who IS membe:."
tlltlClI', t1H' Allll"now,(' alld Ill~<-111(' ~

A,) JUIll, all 01 \,1,1('11 '\111 be "'1'\,:('. tllat he \\IJI soon be tIle familiar
IIJ~ ,1,.~I't.lnt'
tl,e 11\\\ 11',:0:' ,1m! 11~'lIrp 1Il the hOllles and streds of
5,111l)lklll Ha,'cn that proved to be
Orion Berry, Jro Dies Requiem Mass Sung Young GOP Held repl'L'S('llla-
liY!' ill the Genl'ral AS~elllbl)' fronl
Optimist He'ad
Manoa Pastor Elected
Pn'\lUlb Il) (LJI1IIIl~ to !'i.llbl th, :!11' (a,l' durillg his flye frUItful After Long Illness For William Meagher A N M b Of
, ,- 'tlll'r 13I\i\IJl \\ ,I.~ !.)L.ttL·d ,tt S: _\L'"r~ III N,ll'berth,
FI,lllns' Clllll C'I ""ITI,'tO\\ II, dllli
Funeral services were held last Solemn Requiem Mass was cele-
HI'n' e\l'l') body knew hUll, We Friday for Orion Berr)·. JI'.. 48. brat.<'d at Sl. Margaret's Church.
Annual Dinner the First Lrglslativr Dlstl'lct. w,II,
spl'ak on "State U~lslatlon," Tues, :
day at I p,m, at a luncl1l'un n1l'{'[- i
ew em er
bdon' that ,It ,,, ler;ll Pilllad,'lplll,l LUllllllUIlIl'ants of othcr chWThes ii.S who died last Wednesday at his Narberth. on March 21. for W11- County Officials Were lIig of tIle Lower Merion-Narberth "
c!'UI'Clli", l11cludlng til" IIlC,lrll,l. \\['11. of course, as hIS own. and in home, 222 Essex aY,. Narberth. after !lam Meagher. husband of Mr~, d d H C 'I f R P bli an Women a t Members of thl' Optlll1lSt Club m-
tlOll, Mo,t PIt lULl." B:ood, St, 1:101'(' than a casu.l1 way. as he an illne.>s of two years. Anna Stewart Meagher. 31 N, Nar- Intro uce: ess, ounci 0 I' U
Whitl'hall, HaYerford,
C ,t'lll,'d thl'lr Ill'W oflicers at tlll'ir
C:ll'lll.l~'''' ,tll(; S: TJlollla., \.. 1' a l'lel'lc of l'xcellent comity. Till' scrvI'ces. Wllich were held Iberth n ay,.'Narberth, Interment w~as Barker, Marshall Talk Cadwaladl'r IS sehcduled to ,Il,ln' annllill j'(,orgalllzalion meetlll:':
Hl' 1•., :I gl.1CII". II' 01 5t JU'I'ph ~ ... It h a 11lgh Ic~,lrd for the per-I a Philadelphia funeral parlor. were In St. Charles Cemetery. The eighth annual dil1llC'r of thr 'u tI Ho 01 bl J' Tue'da" 110{)n ;It tl1(' Chateau Col-
the program WI 1 ll' n ',t l' I ot tl' m' Anlmare,
Colli ~I' "lId q lHIHll lor llll' PIIl'~t. 0011:11, cqu,l,uon a,l~d as scomfu.1 of C'Onductcd by the Rey Bryant M, Hc retired in 1933 after scrvinL\ William Dlltpl'. Mont"oml'r)' COUll-I
llood ,I, OH'I'i)I'J,.k s~ Illlll.ll.\, I I" 11 l lk Thr new prt'sldent I' Georgl' WIlt-
-" * "Itol, 1,\Ill ( \lnde I IllS own 100f- Kirkland. pastor of the Narberth for 29 years continuously as a pos- Youn;:: Republlean CounCIl of thl'
11l'L' .1:' when he dIscerned It elsc- PI·esb,·terl,"11
ChUl·cll. Illterment tal l'lcrk In the Philadelp Illa P os t First U'l;tlslati"e District of Mont- ty Con~r{'ssman. w 10 WI a on I bank, Who I'rplace~ Robert A. Lock-
* ...

It Will I)l' a lOllg UIlIC lx J 01 \' (Collti,,"ed Oil Page "1'»'0)

- -- - - --- ---

was Saturday in Baltimore, Office. He was a member of the gomcry County was held Tuesday
Before hc becaml' Ill. Berry was Post Offioe Clerks' Beneficial A.>so- night at the Chatcau Colotte. Md·
"Pennsyl\'ania and Its Mranlllg [01 ard,
the NatIOn," Other "lliClTS arC':
Dilter wlll stl'{'S~ the Ilnporlancl' GeOrl-:l' n, Wm~C'l'. C'xl'cutl"(' v!ce-
Defense Books
No Contests for I a district sales manager for the elation and of the Holy Name So- morl'.
Beechnut Paeklllg Company He ciet)'. Guests of honor included John
of the PrImary 011 May 19th and prcsldent; Captalll E, W, Bonnaf-

I Avao,lable at LO,brary
lhe General Ell'ctlon on NO\'l'lllbl'r fon, U S, N.. \I(,l'-presldent; Ben-
"'a. l' a membcr of the Masonic He is survived by his wife. a son, ' 3:'d, OlTices to bl' "oted arl': Suo jamill E GrotT, "ICl'-pITsldent; Ll'n
Committee Posts ,
The following book& of llItl'rest
I 01 der,

to defensl' workers arl' now a\'ail- ters.

M, Stewart Meagher, 402 Essex a\'..
Marshall. Montgomelj! County Re-
Berrv is survived bv two daug!1- Narberth. from whose home funeral corder of Deeds and former Count)'
Robert Matiack and Miss servIces were held; a daughter, Chairman of the Young Repub-
l'reme Court Judg{', Supel'lor Court WIlson, :reasurer; Joscph Harvey,
Jt;dge. Go\'ernor. L1eutl'nant Go\'- finallcial se('l'etarv: R. E, Dreher,
rrnor, SccretarY af Intanal AfTalr" c01Te,pondmg sec~l'tar)·.
Primary Election Seen a b)1' a t the Narberth Community Doris Bern.", his father. Orion Marie Stewart WIlllllmson. West Ilcans,' Peter C. Hess. treasurer of
Congresslllan, State SCnator, As- GO\,l'rno)'s named wC'rC' Dr, D. E.
Llbrar,: Berrv, Sr,; a .>Ister. Miss Elizabeth
Uneventful in I "Amenca's FIrst Aid Primcr," b, Bcrry; . and a brother, Norman Phi'ladcJphla. and one grandson, L owcr M' erlon T owns h"Ip. Dr . Frallk sl'mblYlllan, StHe COll1lnltll'emoln, Ros(,111)('r~l'r, Willl.lI11 J Kell~·. Cap-
W,'n~er and SellSI' I also lllcluding Berry. M. Stewart Meagher. Jr. P, K. Barker. Monlgomery County State Conllnlltel'WOll1an, local COIll- talll Geor;.:e Vander Vl'ur, A, Crai:,:
Narberth Oi striets I Cl\ Ihan
'Ted' riet!AIIs Asselgneel
ckfense Iwalth mds, C'mer- Controller and prrsldl'nt of thl' Il1ltlrelllun and local committee- Boyd. Paul Mlrabcl and R. E. Dre-
A., 1.11' ,[S tl1l' ~'It'['llon of c11." r:C'[ I gCIlC,\' fcedll1g, blackout inlitructions. More Names for r-l ~ Lower Merion Towllship Boarer of ,;oman. her,
l'ollllllltt""IlH'n ,I11d \\01111'11 :11'1' con-, lllor,lle through nutrrtion\,
"'111"<1, 1"1ll'!J('llh Bllrllllgll \\ III h,l' I'! "FIn' Dl'fcnsl'," b\' til{' Nallonal
Oil' .>1 tlll' 1I11il lest pnlllarll',' 111 1"11'1' Pl'otectlOlI As.'oclation,
Roll of Honor ITo Officers' School
Fed I k Y Pete s who has been
Commissioners; Brooke Jones, Low-
er Merion Township Commissioner
Mrs, John Y, Huber. Jr, prc~l- Ann(lUn('Pllll'llt that the Rev,
dl'nt of till' Councl!. Will pn"ldp at Jamps L, Rohrbolch, pastor of thl'
thl' annual CounCIl mectlllg Wlll'll Ullltl'd prrsb)'ler!,lll Church of Ma-
"E,'I'llttals of Nutntlon," by H The following men, whose names r er c . r·. from West Manayunk and chair- olTlcers wlll be ele:ted for lhc cn noa, Ellgle Rd. and Paris av .. Manol! .
.\ 1',11 ' belOllg on the Narberth RoJl 01 tminlng with Battery D, 166th
I C Slwrmal1
Nc.ll !l'1 i Ill' I{,' plIlJill ,111~ 01' J)~'lIl- I "AlIde]':; New Automobllc GlIlde, Honor. complled by the Harold D.
Field Artillery since Septem er 1940,
man of the Board's pollce and fil'l' suing two years, had !Y'en acc('ptecl a.s a new membl'T
The ballot submltteg bv till' was llladC' at thl' 1I1{,l'tlllg. The pas-
on,,:, 11.1\(' :III\.' ('olltl"I' III till' for Mel·hallics. Opl'nltors and Ser- Speakman Post. American L eg Ion. spellt last W eekend with his par - commIttee', John Kenealy. Lower
nominatillg committee. Mrs. Harold (or WIll \)CCOIllC' thr club's chaplain.
[111(" l'1['['tl011 <I~.Il'll't,o;, v!l'(' MC'Il." by F, D. Graham. were omitted from the original list ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fr~erick C. Merion Tree Ward.m; Grant 011'- B. Collins, chalfluan. Is:
"ThiS Is Your War." bu MarqUIS published in OUR TOWN last week: Peters. Wyoming av .., Ardmore. wlIer, chlcf engineer of the Lowc:

All Itl'P\l1>l1l',11l (lllllllllll('(' pt'op1C'
"L'klllg \[ <!L'l'11\lll to lllL'Il'
John James Dixon. 124 Conway
"RC'CIIX's at Moderatl' Cost," by av.; Roger Graham. 21I Price av.;
TI d t I 1
lUrs ny, prIOr 0 ea\ ng
for home on a furlough, he received
Merion Sanitary Drainage Commit-
President, Mrs. John Y. Hubc:',
Jr.; vIce presidell ts. l\irs. Carl H. Railroad Veteran
J1.1I'l'" poo:." Constanc(' CHart t rl'clpes for Jamcs Ray Parke, 930 Montgomery
IklllC'CI.I:' \\,ll '0[(' 011 I'om- S('l'\lllg fifty persollS), aY,: Henry Seaver Rose. 110 Ionn
orders to report to the Field Ar-
tillery Officers' Candidate School at
tee, and Harry Saks, county Chalr-
man of the Young Republlcans,
Zip!. Mrs. Helen G, Greenwood.
Mrs, E, H. Cockrill. Mrs, Samuel Dies in Wynnewood
Fred C. Peters, preSident of the L. Veitch. Mrs. Benjamin Z. Straw FUlll'ral seryicl's were held Fri-
llllltc('Il)('1l "I](J 1.. 1111l['11 In DI,trJct.~
No ;? ;'llrj Nil, ~ b\ll MOllda,'. (1)('
I "Homl' Vl'~etable Garde11lng, b, Essex av" and John A. Miller, III
. 524
"Vitamllls." b,' Hl'llr:,. Borso~.k ' ,av.; J 0 I11l TIlomas Moste Fort Still. Oklallolna.
Three weeks ago he was promoted
C t C 'I
Montgomery oun Y omllliSS oners,
brldgr, Mrs. Edgar C. Felton, Jr,: day for Joseph A Gumn. 1225 Ml'd-
, H , N ISS Iey. F'orrl'st avo I l;) the rank of corporal. was unable to attend bccause of reeordmt:!; secn'tary. Mrs. J, F, ford rd,. Wynncwood. who died
l,l~t <1,\\' IlJl' 11:II\.g P[·tlllllll.-, pa""C'd, _ . lllneS:!. Slull; cOlTcspondlllg secretary. Mrs, Marcil 24 afll'r a short ill ne.>s , He
wlt 110\1 t till' DClIlOl'I'ats elltermg IB ha Db 71 Ai20th A ° Conrad Burkel', president of the Theodore Philllps; treasurl'r, Mr" was 91. Burial was in We~tl11inster
Cal1dld,ltL" Jill' thl' comllllltl'c yac- oro ~rc nt serves
lYl nntversary :tO~~~ ~~~~~Il~~ll~ C;::~~~~~'c~~e~d:l~
Earle Hepburn. Crlllctl'ry.
Mr, GlIlIln. who rC'llred In 1910
alll'l\" III IJI.,tri<'t No, I.
A Ils1 llf till' (,LlItlHl,tl[,~ \\110 lIa\'(' i
A,l'td Writes A;rticle To Tell How It Was DO'ne ter B. LOWlles, Jr., president of the
Montgomery County Justice of the
Waterall Steps Asolde IIftl'r fil'rvlllg 46 yellrs with the
Penn,) l\'ililla RHllroad. was former-
Wcd 1ll thL' llll'l'c elcctl:lll d.1stricts I LIke lIlany of the unusual Ideas board of directors and employs veloping bulJding materials busl- Peace Association. and Otto Duer, For Party Harmony ly yardmaster at Girard POInt and
at the old West Philadelphia freight
folJu,\.,: lhat haye brought success in his theIr wllimlted ablllties in devcl- ness ... And all the time Ulls enter- treasurer of the Young Republlcans
lng hisbecoalfbuMslneDSS. yard. '
DI>tI'lCt NlJ 1: Jo.>"ph P, WllltC, 'I bu,inl'S8 ('nterpr1l;e, Ralph S, OPA • Id prlslng mercllant was calling Into of Montgomery County and Nar- In the Interest of party harmon)'
, ' num I' 0 r. unne s cas berth justice of the peace. A. Reginald Waterall, declared y('S- Recently he and hIS wife. Mrs.
h. al1d LO\lI~(' Vo.';." Cucknll. R'I Dunne Narberth merchant. IS ob- b f I di wI '~h session his personally selected Brief talks were rrlven b.Y Dr, terday that he had dccided not 10 RacheJ Ann Gumn. celebrated their
DJstnl'l No 2' Jolln C B'ltche- ' were orn 0 Ian caps 11~ b
. R' . E I 'I' "r' W II ' ' I> : p. I serving his 20th an1llvel'sary as a seemed Insurmountable when he Loard of directors to find a way Barker, Mr. Hess and Mr. Marshall. file petitions friends had cirCUlateD 64th weddlllg alllllversary. Mr~.
IOJ. .. t Ie LV, I 1,1111.'. ,,'. Kcl-
Wohlnl. D,; EII:Z1l beth D. M, ,Ill
coal dealer In an unusual way. opened the doors of his coal busl- ou t 0 f I1IS dlfJl cultl es. and a mag can s per f ol'JUance was
I I ' III Ws be Ila If f or tl Ie pos ItIon 0 f ....
e- Guinn and a son. Harper J. Oulnn,
k)'. D. He is staying home, reflecting ness at 258 HaVerford avo In 1922. Actual observance day for the presented as a feature of tIle pro- pubIlcan committeeman In Wynne- ~urvive.
District NQ, 3: MHrgarel U. Gns- uack ovel' t.hose 20 years and jott- "We started on the eve of one amllverl;Uy was Wednesday w.hen gram, wood.
,,'old, R.; Wlllmf:Il 0, R. Evans. R.: Ing down notes on the things that of the Natlon's greatest coal strikes members of Mr, Dunnc's business otto Duel' announced that the "This Is a critical election year," Services Held For
Ellen S. Brmlor:l, D.; Kelllleth L. have. made his smooth-running or- and It was not until OCtober' of statt, presented flowers to the owner Young RePublicans of tIle County said WateralJ, "and I believe evcry
M. Pray-. D. ganlzation possible. that year that our first shipments and held a pnvate celebration. and the Senior Republican Com- Rcpublican should make what sac- Mrso Ao L. Steele
For Mr. Dunne believes that no arrived," he explained. They celebrated a, business that mlttee would sponsor a dance on rlfices are necessary lo Insure a Funeral services were held last
e Tit 5ee HOW Inatter how small the town or ,how Starting his business in the i8 one of Narberth's, oldest, 'for 'May 2 at the Norristownth City
A nHall, party victory next November."
• V,
I mall the business, It call become.
i.1 Its own sphere of developlIient,
Spring of the ~'car when 'nonnal1y
he might hope for a peak now of
ouly seven' or eight of Ute Haver-,
ford' avo tJuslnesses of that time
for, the benefit 01
Red C1'065,
e me can
Thursday lOoming lor Mrs. Bertha
Similar action was taken by Mrs. May Steele, who died SUddenly at
Owen J. TQland befo1'\! she left her home, 39 Berwick rd., Merion,
They F just as big as you make it. orderS, this, alonq. ,~e.ll1ed.:~90ugb, r~m!!Jn, p several weeks ago for Aeon, s. c. on March 2 1 . , '
MoUon plctUl'CS of fir\.' lll,thting' In line with these refleetlons. to dlseourage' the bra'vest bekiiih~~ \ Til\!y celebrated other tWngs too: Art Center rograms Mrs. Toland had Intended to run Mrs. Steele was a member of st.
taken by John Paden wlll be a part ot Mr. Dunne's notes wll11l.P- But Mr. Dunne goes on to, tell us a business that has gr.QWtl steadily Dr. Ella.,D. Kilgus. president of for RepubIlca~ Committeewoman 111 Paul's Pl'esbyterlan Church, Phlla-
feature of the allnual banquet of' pear in an article written by him that on the top of the strike of year \lO year; that Is now the Bryn I\fawr Art center, will dis- the same Wynnewood district but delphia, and was acUve In American
the Nal'b-2rth FI,]'e Company to be and being published in the ApI'1I '22 there came coal strikes again housed in a comfortable oft'lce with cuss "How Art Builds for the Fu- had decided at the last moment to Rcd Cross work at the Memorial
lleld April 11 ill Elm Hall. Issue o[ "Yow' Life." Tl.1e ,Q.J:tjc:le, in 1923 and '24. Then. when things ample yard and st.orage lacilitles turc" on, AprU 8 at 8 p. m. accept a harmony proposal. Church ot St. Paul headquarters In
The pictures show tJle firemen under the title of "How I made were swinging into a.- cycle of less' and a buliine&l that three years ago The talk will tie up'with a forum Watel'al1 lives In the Wynnewood Overbrook_ She was also Ulterested
in ~ct1on Bud cover all' the ftresl Henry Ford Work for Me," Is about worry and labor there came the made a name ~or itself by deUver. on "The Contribution of Culture Park Apartments and has been ac-, In the Grenfell Association.
exti.ngWshed b'y tile Company since ane of Mr. Dunne's UPU$uai ideas deptes810n year drol> of 1929 Which ~ ~~ ~erch~~ in streatn-Uned,' towarel'the P'll,t1,l1'e," which W1ll be tive in civic and defense work in She is survived by her husband,

."\::"."':;;;> ,,:;, ;.....,.~~~~·~~~=';~£~·;!~·.'~f'~:~(;~-c~:;:,"~~~;;:';~~,",':~':~':~':;,:~,

~i!lWli~~c.I."OO~Hl~J ~J~lb ~~J 1~!:l·"·'".lttl."';~,r...·'!,ljlillr.;;'lt~~L.l~~;':t:;~~~~~~~.A~{.~~.~1Lt:,~~Jif.;.:..l'~l<!.;;.t.,J~1'!I_'l.h'_~·i.ii!o'~~t,H
•. ..1~ ifrut':~~,.,~ .."'_~:i"fA~.~i.,'U~i"~;t[~~~;i£_h:~1t~l\rt'~~J~~~~~~ih'~~~,.ttl~~2.~&J~~~~~l'~~·I"3_J;~~._':f,l~d.{1~uk_~I~~.~~T."dAl~
lls~1r!L~ ~. ~
,~.~~ . ," . . . ,
',\1 " _ ..
OUR TOW N ===::::::::::::::::::::=::::::!:::~::::::t ==============::::::== APRIL 2, 1942

r---------------.,'John Boardman
~4~y~he ~~~i~ Elected to fill
Founded in Association
A.-WALKER~ Jefferies Vacancy GEORGE Publ;;her- - - -
HElIN H rLPATRICK. Bu,;".·" Manago
RU\)ru. E. fRANL. Ad~''TI;,jllJ: Md"a!:.., Commissioners Recon-
nit ~1',··,n,1 1'111~!1 lnntt'·r (),' ,her. l~j··ll al the l'tI"4t utT1ee lLt sider Appointment in
:'-iarb.·,th. I·a., uIIJ1.·r \l1tS Act of March J. 1117'.
Gen. Wayne District
P:lbllsh!"d Evcry Thursday
Dcadllll(' for ad\', rli:;in:( and ncws copy-Wednesday. 5 P. M.
~lIlJsl nptlol1 rate -$2 per year in advance

PubllcaLioll Oflice-Eight Cri"ket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.

l'll " 11,' An.!lnun· S,20 !lIlU 5721; Greenwood 7740


TO WALL IN LEAGUE'S TITLE SERIES In!' "I n If witl. Hlrold 0rnlll1l11.

n"(lli. : ~~f (h.ll~r·'
,- of \\':!~!lin'
(,INE LEAGl'E (')lIlirll1l1l1 of t 11i' Mont !!omf'l")' COIlIl
1!'- 1(·II~' '; \r.d!) 1 :!If' n: ,h d \) d!
1 ,. I ,. I ;" ,) I: III \.1 ': I ):.11 l!l Ii'\ t' ~ t',l r ty Victory 0ardpI1 CIll11I11ittN'. for
\1 , ~ I' ( !' . I· 'I, 11. 1)~ , 1', \. • I 11 ; ) 11 . FiN't Game a sppnkf'r from tl1[' CO\!l1IV ~rollp to
loP/'!I,'] ., III I'" , ~ • Ill' ' j ' 11 .. 1 r . 1'\, .... 1"ppl'r Dl1rb.\·, 34; Brookline. 29. addl'f'ss the ,11lt!PIlI, ;It 1111' 111Ipnr!
I'Pi) ! )).1' C. '.\: : 11 :i'.l :1 ' ,1 :1;,' S'"CClIIlI Gam.. .lIlt a ~sl;'rn hl~·.
I' .I1 ~ I ~ • Ii ~ .1I ". In ( 1" l'p/wi' lJ:lrlJ\'. 40; Brooklini'. 37.
I ".[ I .• f·:,· l d'~I' ;:1 I \':Pl :', Standilll:' Ill' Ih .. T ..ams
, ,.11 .: 1 )(1 '~ 1!11 1t. ~ . 1~ 1 1 1 t' W L PC
Ii I·., 1 ~ ll: d (". J~ I,· " l'PI'(' I' 01 rb~' 2 0 1.000
': I "1" :
To. 'p' .\ ,'11' 1 :1> BIII.,I.::IIH' 0 2 .000
:: I ~ i " I Thllr~dIlY. ."pril 2-Tl1ircl gnme
1"'" ,> ", -, ( ('! . l ',l III ('
II" ·":1 til T; .1' H ,If rf:>rel C":I,,,·e.

'):11 1'1; I) I~:": lV'('l! onh :\llIllrlay·. AIJril f;-F()lll'll1 gnmf'.

( ,11' .. i~~::)!: '1) r li)'ll!"t' '!~. If IIp('I'S>11 )"\'. :11 H:l\'l'rford
:--:. i: \; .. 11 n ~', If,:: f 1,\:' I'! l' 1 ~ )11' lIiP1l.
'.1' '.1.", ..
. l ~ 1'. •. II,' 'f; "':Il :1 :!!l-::':l ll'~el ." I bp enel p'
In fOI'II1·,'l"l1 lJ"'k
1 !l ~ . .!,,, 111:1<1 p.'r~od. ~r!1·' BJ'flfl~:"" ll!'\f'~
\\ \;:,1 :'.1,,: 11.1\1·:· C"'m'.1 'il 1),'1"11'" om(',·
1\. ;:: I' ,.; I: 1\ ,;' Ill;!' ('l(l'~I'1' :h:111 [11:ll' P(li:)1'" :iH'l'I'
TI. '1'0\\'11,1111; Hlllidl11\',
'I! ~~ ~ I,. ,oIl ,:','1'. 11\ :11,' SI'(OIHI :::Imp, BronK
1'! 1: \" I I _: I 'd hn~ ~ ~ i!... \ i ' ()aily' "'l:I'I'ot Sunday',
" / )". 1'11" e:ll~"d Ille '.1:1P :11 :lq-~7 \\j'l
i' I! • I... 1,) , .•. " .11. 1 \111 1/1 I).~ 1.':1(l, I"" :11.111 two mil1lltl" tn <In. Inlt ;: !l _ 12 A. :\1.
j'l ,~. III> III" t"1'1 f) I'> :IJ:rl !Il'._ !)\' Fu;ij'r:lI11 :lI~d ;1 IJrJi
r .ll I1P :1 1.-:' 0 :~ .. J(1. f10;(f:11 '..! /ll(' .J dl: fl'flf'7iJl~~ ('Xlliblti<lfl it'll·tr:lteci
I ;, ~I L, ,-, I" I' ! : I 1'· • il' !l" ~111' •. ,
:1;" ch,mp'" rn'l:,·.
( 11 ~ ( I . \ . t • '. ,,\: .) " I 1). I •
H:',,";:lille W:1<; nfT form in tIle
. ! 111 (i,' f~ { • \'1 :\',. (1111' 11\'· 11\!
1.(, I' .Ill' £l"p:lrlnll'lll ill IJUI!l (~;tn1""
II'" .1:1 1::-11 .'cI: .. :1\ HI':Tltl!J, \\',l~ !ht' nll~\· ron·
~l / :1 1 :~:;ll"I':-'Il~.ln. ~ l~(' r(HJ1':1f' ~(}r-
1:1 11 . 1,1.' ",'

. '. '1",' ! ;l:) d

I .,
'·.I~.!·C',11 ~
11:1.... T··.'
:-?fl p·'.:l· ... :11
BrOOK'" n~:ld·l
\"!'. /. ',. :l (-;d-.·
1~ ('~ 7~1 .',hll':- 111 li)l' fir,.f '~'l!l~'
" , I, .'
:4 ,,! t;~ lil :)1,' 'f'. III Hi l'IlJl<,\, Il 'J
'~\ 1
1 , •

'\ .'
,IJI' 14 ol (;11 ;n
1.-1 u~ .~)ll
::11' fir .... : . . . lrw_·
ill tlli' ~)('{"(111(1.
, , and and
, ) J\ . . . ! '·/1
'I ,I' II' •• 1
«(1\11·0 .... 1·, I 1:-.' .... ( nHI' 10c 228 HAVERFORl> AVE .• Narbl'rth Up
1q 17 .,' :'1 ,\ \l\I' 11" 11'·\1." .... 11:11 ...
: •..
.. .' ~'1 :' t • ," ., \) . .\·:1 I I'P.·I· II II II, "I' (, I I

Rev. Brown
,,\ :1" I) .'

'\", : .. , By Installing Some of Our Products

Light on Lamps

II. OA ~""'r In the old lard oil lamps a device

was needed to heat the liquid. This
Kitchen Cabinets .:. Window and Door Screens
Blackout Screens .:. Bookshelves
""0 not neces3ary for the more
: ". .Ict. sperm whale oil. Recreation Rooms .:. Picture Frames
I' Wal1tpd s('\'prnl young' lndies in-

terested In Stage. Screen and Ra-

dio, Free Scholarships to the
(iJO pJt·\ \ t ••

I: ,
Ilf' l:l{ 'z l .. ; ' : ·....

r in
r.:hl",ld be t110
:ll·.r"·:l1·';1~ :~~:l~'

I: ,,!I,.

... ... , 1.' ,r1~ Winning Candldatps to StUdio of

Maurice Kasloff. Bi'veriy Hills.
h'r1rlIl'K ,,: ,",,':
1:,,\ ()11~."· ~'l~~r; ..
d.lI· p:"\;,' ,ilil" :"1 I
· ,J; <. j)
A\"('I1UI', Ardmore. Pn.
Same priee (l; e~~~s) as ordinll.t'1 Cal. Apply Casl ing' Dirf'ctor. 49

! Bala·Cynwyd
Plnl~:t ~.·r! ~'l ,1:1 . Grade "A" 29 Bala Avenue CYNWYD 662
( I"','
West Lal1castpr A\,('lltH'. Ardmor(',
J: j 11 ct ' (' ~ (I ; . ," ',\. , " () ~; f 1:
"===========:==:=====:=:~ GrPilt rr in Qua Ii ty
{1:1itHt'£! ·;~.I !;. {l·'d ):(1' :~':l\"f'll-- '- --- - ' - Double Trade-marked Penna .
Oprn Saturdays until 3 P. M.
\\!1 ho;!' Ill' t",~ I ~ ',\ 1,111 11£" ...--------~
L!H'\\", ). '1';'P4' . : J~. frnJl1
/1: '.1
PAYMENT I 14 cents
Superior - yet prieed same
,;) ~ \\';1 ... Yo;l I11n\" now J1nr('h[J~e n !Jf"ll- as others
,, .111 f"j) : " 1.1: I'd b." Iilulil'-],J( :W'<! We'l L ... :re] H;ll
Jot r;)!' 11!' 1:111(' n, 10' down!
f'fllllihtJ:' nlilh. 10 f·('nl,. pf"r ~nllon In
: 1.C<';'('
; ~.1 ! 1\
j 1! r 1 1
1·: .'

.1 ' I' " <.

I .1(( J:l1
Choo,£' from a wiele \'ariel>' ot .. uur o\\H (nnlll!flt'r - lit the Blooming Plants
101'11 I IOIl~ alld PI"ICl's. Unllllrl'ipd, • Un Ir ...· 0111,.
'r l . : . \1.. 1)1 ' - ' . ' '.p'·(',lcl :11Hi
carefnl ~('ltT!lnll 11m\" .,n\·," AZALEAS
jon~fl';: r. :1' 1 .:~~.:. Bnn\"ll'", THE POINTS worr\'. tIl1H·. /'XPI'lhP \\'1H'n Ill'''d MAIN LINE SERVICE
~\ '~)j'::!'. an~l"', PLUS QUALITY
r'" dt'P:ll'll't
!:I r: \ "()
,I ... Jl:.l11<. 1.\., ·r(· :l t 1l\' (lffin!'
CUI1\,PI111'Il: to ('ellt"r-
('II\' and all suburbs. A,k for CINNERARIAS
fll! ;1 Ii:' II· \ ,I;:" (t! ]11 ....
illti<trnted foldl'l·.
BROOKME~AD also Corsag..s - Baskl'ts
and a large variety of ('ut flowers
8:1\'(':' ,J'lh.11·1
i,1I1 lb. I ,nil \\ ./1 11"\\' I.oi~~
..' 'i,"
;1- \ j.l·.I'.l..: in :\Ll.\'.


.' '.
~: .
;1 nt'lillll" lill'l1 :"\\"1'(1., [J C!l>'-\\,ine
O('I·,'>.lJll \"!,1,11 .,I:nlllci hold forth SAVE GAS
Bi'lmont Ave. bpyond City Line
West Lancaster av., Wayne
Phone VVayne 1121
Brill .. Flowers
to \\'''!'ol I.:lnf·u""tt·r 11\ .•. \rtlmntt", 1'11.
:~nct '.\');.r l . \\,:: ('Il~ll" '~I 1',1 ...... ~1~ :i1(' City Office: 1426 Penn Square .\rclmort' 1n:.u - -Ui ......
r· l·U}! I: 1:.1. (.·,I:J·"·.I·;ll!l ()! N;lt·~
For efficil'nt ('ombustion it is - , - - - - - - - -n-•
L'! :.~!: p·1 .... ' .. 1:1 ·r" \\·;:il hI .... Ip:-~l()n
important that the- points be
•• u ••• •• •••
0: trlt':~;j... ;;1 PJ:1;,Hj";plll,1 .t1Hl·
('Ie-an and thl' ('onta('t properly
Keep 'em
,'. e!.,pwht !'l·.
~.. timed. Our skilll'd ml'chanics
I ..
Autocar Employes are ..quipped to check your dis-
tributor. lIavc it done today! STROLLIN' I.
Gave $1132.72 to C'ONSERVE YOUR
Red Cross War fund
A total of Sl.I:l272 ha.s brf'n C'On- 1
tributt'd ti) thl' AI11l'ric,.n He'd Cros;;'
Let us give your Suit or
Your Clothes
OBSERVE lhis g:rariou~ F.a~tf'r trallition without thr trouble
of mixin, ra • SU)lpll'f' E,r<TllOIYt:"'" is" malle with fine rl!~s. rich ~I:"'
Wl1r Fund b>' tlit' l'mplll\('P" of thf', MAIN LINE Topeoat :i "Springtime Suppkf' Crram. nulml'/!_ milk anll Jamaira rtllll flayor-

., Autocar COlllp;l1\"'. TillS 11I1IOur,I

was given In addition 10 what tIll'
Chl'ck Up". Our expert re-
modl'ling'sl'rvice can make
your dothing like- new for another i-SPRIRG. A home that protects' the fam-
ily is equipped with a medicine
ing. :'ion·alroholi,'. fo:lljOy it plain or arid to it a~ yon
wi!'lh. fh'aila")r fmm April ~ to 6, inl'\u:'i\'l'. Pl("a~l' 01'111'1'

SERVICE STAttON chest well-sU:Jcked with basic I
workrrs h:ld donated nt theIr, Sl'ason. and the cost is low. 2~ hOlll:~ ill ulJ\"anCl' fwm your Snppll'(' milkman or phon l•
h0111(,.'. needs. Call Narberth 28311-2839.
Also. a /;l'le('t line of fabrics is here
"NL~yt,. 'tIC ••
Thes(' funcl, werf' ralsrd wit hOll' Wh ..n Your Car Won't Start,
for your choice of a New Suit or
solIcitation. but WIth a ,>"1('111 Of,
"('l11pl>' pa~' l'!I\'plopes" wlllell nrc'
Call ARDMORE 1825 Topcoat.
SHEll'S B,yn ]f,n, ,..

di"criblltrd among tl.(' 1111'11 nl1d in

which thp\, ma\, se:l1 Ilwir e01ltl"l-
304 W. LancastElr Ave. 102 Forrl'st Av. ADEL I ZZI BR0 S. 228 Bala Av. AT NARBERTH STATION
bution, T'lw A;Il.!lCl1r COmpnll\ it-: Ardmore Narberth 2602 TAILORS .:. CLEANERS .:. DYERS Cynwyd 0928 Narberth 2838-2839

: .

{ ...
self gn\'p S;;,Ooo O~O~, ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-:--:-:--::--:-:-:-:--:--c------:-c---'--------------
~; '.
n loclltcd
chants, a akc
oW lng mel'

\ . blocl"s, 11'\
" Tbe fol of tWO Clty ,"Cllicnt
. n area t con
wit}1.ln a - . l~ - p\Cll San , 650 caTS.
'. ·bIe qUlC' k·ng {or
: posst •~g' Free par 1 . ,. . . •
'.. 8boPpb~ •

SPECIALTY SHOP •.•.•.•.• '.,•.•.•-•••• Best's


British Sport Shop

TOys •••.••••••. F. A. O. Sehw..... Ine.
ElAa Low. IOI!.

,. .' ..... t I
." - ..--- ..• _. .,.._... , ..- '--.

,:.:....;.--.~j~.;... -:""-::.~·~·'·..::l-'o'7---~:··~.,~~. -.:.....-.,.,._::.~~.':".,..:.-.--
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;.·;:i;L;;::~;~,;,J:.~e:'"~:;;':~;;;:~::~d;,~e;;.~,~:,~~;,~j.~i~_:;:j;;.~%~JL~ij~i~J;~i~:i,\i11i:~i;j~,;iG:~~~~~~~~~1~ii~l!ii;~.u2~Gk~::~~j;;i~);::~~~:f.}~2;;!;~i~,i:~"~~l~"~~;~~f~~t .j,~,;i~:~ ;J·; ~ E: ~;',;·~ .'.~;:;~,:.·.~ ;;; . ;'.,

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;·~::~rL.~...;·~,~;i.-,.~~I . "~'- ~\.·( . ·M·~···:··.'
'.: .•• ' \ . " , -' ••••• '.' \." 1 •..•• . . . . ' : ..:'..; .:.,•.••..•', "•.
, ~:: .....-"'., ".L~ .:..•. '/':_. · :: _ - -~~ • ~;
OUR TOWN ~=:::::::::::=:===:::::::::::=::==!::!:::=::::=!:==~'i:!
====:::=::===========PA6E THREE

Sister will be g~~NigT~~~ .fEc;.LLEGE Movie Pre- View ~gT~:et~g~bl'y A. R. II Name Attendants aSB=:tw:a~1rf~~ his brother Will be
Mia t ron OJ.1'
hunor Philadelphia
Thr Connecticut College Club of St d f""_ L· t The Jf'ptha Abbott Chapter. D. FIR E5 IDE D
L' or
M·ISS B 0 IeS ' Mr. J. Gibson McIlvain. 2d. and
the ushf'rs wlll Include Messrs. Al-
T:' Ap.1 b·d on April 10 Bt thf' Bellevue-Btrat- s:""· L
will entertain at a tell
tS S A. R .. will hold Its monthly mf'et-
Ing nf'xt Monday in the Owrbrook I Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hardt, 300 Jlrli?
TXT dd. A
t1lg pr. .
11 Ilvain.
bert D. Matthai. Jr" F. Huston Mc-
L- ---'

IT or rt rl e ford for alumnae. students and 1:'rtng unc eon Prf'sbyterian Bunda'Y School. N. Es~f'X a\'., Narberth, have bpen
Penn Vall.ey Girl to
J. Gibson McIlvain, Jr.
John Febi!1;er C. Christian
Miss Whitehead Will pro~ppctlve studf'nt.q. Motion Pictures During Plans for the Continf'nt~1 Con- .':~ndmg few dws at Chnlfonr.e· Ff'blger Spahr. E. HarrL<;Qn Newl1n, !l

Wed Robed C. Collns, Sppnkpr~ will bl' Dr. M. Robprt

CllbhlNlick, director of adml.~~ion.~
War Will Be Theme gres.~. to be held in Chicngo thl.. ITade!on Hall. Atlantlc City.
year, will be dlscu.~s,'d at tl1P mept- I * * *
Be Bride of T. I Russl'11 S. Boll'S. Jr. and Alan Mc-

Jr. on April II Of Program ! Mr. [11](1 Mrs Josf"ph Honglcr.

Baird Mcilvain
f1vnll1, brother of the bride[':room
~ I t hf' colll'r,f'. nnrl Miss Bnrbnr:l ing. . Following thl' cprpmony. n l'l'cep-
:'J1" n" !l~l'd C :\1f'ClIn!\'. of F.."talJrllok. of G.'rrnanlown. a mf'rn- The Phl1adf'lphin Motion Picture' Thp proQ;ram. In charge of Mr';
Merion 011', Narbl'rth. are \'acatlon-
lI1g in Fort Lauderdale. Fl.l.
Mrs. HarljY Light Quinn, of New I tlOIl will be lwld at the home 01
York. will be ma tron of honor, and I thl' brlc.l'·s parents.
N,rlH'rll1, \1111 I~' 1ll:1lrlln 0 1 honor l)<'r of Ihe cla~" of 1!l43. Molio!:1 P re- VI PW S !
wey Group. composN1 Normnn ,Jo\' Grepne', will fpatnr'"
11 :111' 111.II':i:1'" of ]wr si~lt'r. Miss picturl's of the' collerw will be of rpprf'sentatlvps of woml'n's I Gnil'r S. Wri~ht.
Chllirmnn 0: Mr. and Mrs. Fr€'dprlck B. Huf-
Mi&~ Mary Elizabpth Dpgl'rberg-,! Upon their rpturn from a wed-
maid of honor, at the marriage 01, din~ trip. Mr. McIlva In and his
.1.'111' \1 Wlll "!1I':1r1. rl:lll'dltl'r of ,;hown. nnd Mrs. RUlh Hpne!erson. group.~ in Montgomf'ry. Dplawart', i Mont£oml'r,' County CouncIl. a." nng-lp. 227 Narbforth n\' .. Narberth, Miss Mary Laird Boles, daughtpr ot I bnde will live on Old Gulph rd.
\il'. :\1:: l1,:1 I. Wl1it"hp~(1. 10:; S of M£'rion. nt'wl" pI"cl£'d presie!en~. Chester and Philadplphln Counties.' gu£'st ~pe:lk€'r. Mrs. Elwood Tur- nnnounrl' thp birth of a son. Frpd- Dr. and Mrs. Russell S. Boles. of I Br\1l Mawr. wlll're thl',' will be at
WIll hold its ninth annual Spring: 11I'r. Slate Chall'l11an of Natllma: I'~irk B. Hufnagle. 3d, on March 6 "Kenmuir." Penn Valle~', and Mr' homp after May I.
';.,:!J :"1 :1\ !':;II!JrJ'111 :lI1d Mr. Will p1'l',;ide'.
P,,', I" C'. ",:1111.'. ,H" , . .1 ,,: Mr Luncl1Pon in the bnllroom of Ihe, Dl'fl'nSl'. will also gi,'e' a short talk ~,t Bnn Mlwr Hospltnl. T. Baird McIlvain, son of Mrs.
Ruth Suplee to be *
Waltf'r B. McIl\'ain. of "Smokp
• Garden Club Meeting
Buchnn~n ~tudl'nt
J: (' (,(,:111" p]'l".J(!"lll of 111(' N ,r i Hotel Warwick. Philadelphia. 'n' TIll' hostpssps wiil bp Mrs. Johl1' •
'" : 'II S, '1",1 Bn:lrd. :mrl :\1rs ( ' 0 1 - ' April 13. starting at 12.30 P. M. . Rpie! Hanl1a 'lne! Mr.'. Donn E. Burlon. a al the' Ridge Farm." Downingtown. Thf' execulive board of the Ppn:1
1.11'. tol I:~!I \:1"'111111
Til" (,'rt'IllOIlY w1l: :akl' pbf'p
~\'. N'lr\)('rtll Bride Monday
011 PrinCipal sllt'akf'r will be Chnrlps i Harrar, Jr.
N. Grakelow, director of the DI'-
Pl'drlip School.
sppllCling his Easipr vncation wilh
N . .1" is Hl~ht.<town.
Thp wl'dding will take place on Va;ley Gardl'n Club mf't on Wed-
A.prll 11. at. 4 p. m .. in thf' Church nesday at tl1f' homf' of Mrs. Wai-

OljE,lS,;gl' Dowd "za bet I1 M'"eSell

of St. Luke and the Epiphnny. 131h ter D. Fuller. "Dpllewood," P€'l)n
l\!):ll II ,~I ,'O)lr ()'clock ill Ill" pnrtnwnt of Sllpplips of PhilaClel-:·EI· ~111.' ":11'1'111.',. Mr. '\lld Mrs 0 D and Spruce sts .. Phllad£'lphia. Vallpy. .
" " phia. and others who will addrp:,,' B ... ' " .
1~:IJl;.'1 Cllll1'lll of 111C E\':lll~cl. tl . 1 d F M " " I urton Ri~htpr<; Mill rd .. Nar- Mi~, Boles' bridesll1aicl.~ will be'

:\.Il ),'I:I\. ~l1rl Will )P )W r O1'mt')\

\ \ f rl I Daug ht er f Boroug h
1l' group mc u prank
Jospph E. of Bryn M,)wl"
cNamec ~
0 Ap''"l·110 hprth. Mrs. Hl'nry A. Mile~', Jr.. Mls.<
Off icia I to Live in n' * *
Hplpn Catcllin"s, of Np\\, York; * Dr. Denman Recovers
'I", H"I H"il"rl F: KPI:dlton. p"SIOI'
," 1'1" ,!IIIt'f'h A rl'('l'pliol1 for tlw
I.t1JlI,dl'" J,IIII i!iI''' :11 HI till' llrid:ll Arl'lngton, Va.
foundpr and dlrpctor of the Llltle' I
Symphony Orl'lwstra. n"I\'spappr
A t A I I SaiJlts' Tile' of marrilH~e'
Mary Caro- Mis.~
Mrs. William Watt. Jr .. MISS Fnnn,' Dr. A. J. Dpnman. who wns takpn
columlllst:i Don Rosp and C",'ll Imp M,lSSl'y. rl~ughtpr of Mrs. Frpd- B. McIlvall1. Mr~. Pf'ter I r\'l 11 suddpnly III 1:1St Thursday and con-
(j.,Il": ',\ ,:: fil:lo\\' :U tht" orf'rlJrnok
.. :1 \ ('1'1;' TIl(' m:1I'1'1:1':(' of Miss Ruth Sup- P e'nny f eat Iwr an d Dorothy Waltl" N ar b erth Teacher Will 1'1':1. F.l~·{'!t .. Mnss<'y. of Ha\'l'I'ford
Clough and Mi,s Mary Lou 1.<1' fUlPd 10 Ilis homp. was :11111' to be
Schwnrtz. 0111 for Illp first t IIllP yest.t'l'dny.
B B d
(i('or'~t' 31~
\11 • \\'".',11".](1 \\'j(' will 1)(' 1'1\' II','. d:lllgl1t£'r of Mr. alld Mrs Phlillps. wl10 wili gil'l' or:gll1,l:' Mallsi'Jl1s. Hnyrrfonl. and of thp Miss Bonnie McIlvain and Ml~<; Hf' 11,'ps lit 119 Windsor HI' .• Nnr-
'li 11 Ill.': I :,"'" h\ 111'1' P:·:111rl~:lll1l'r.
Brocthpad Supl('f', Wood- monologups on motion piclur£'.;.'
. G. lI('st~ Will Incl11de' spv"ral Cl'll'l.J- Le G ri e of Raymond 1:111' Mr. Massey, to Mr. Arr'hie Gil- Phopbl' Shplby McNeel~' 1\'lll sen'p berth.
I " i' T 1"':'''.11. of Willllll1"'Il11. '1111' 'II'. Nallwrth. ancl J>,nSl~1l
H"llI'J't !\1"11ll1 Dowel. U. S. N R. rttll'S of 111l' ~t:H:I' and SCrt'I'll :1,'" • regory ( Ilr:.<;t Sp:ll'ks. Jr" son of Mr. and
lli:1 11.,\" :l.S llf'r m:lirl of .'''11 o( Mrs J .J KI'IJnf'dy and tll" w.. ll as rpprpSl'lltatl\'('s of brallch," :\1J." F.liz:lbl'tl1 Tl1f'rl's~ :\1Ips£'l1. :\I1's. Sp:1l'ks. 'If Narbl'rtl1, will takl'
1"1;0'1' \1." \1.'1')' \V"d.. Collins \;<If' "11' Dowel. of Washin~ton. D of thl' motion PICtlll'p businps." _. , cl~II"!I:l'r of :\11" P1'If'!' "lif'\pl1. I-,}I
.... !' ,,! ::1. 11J.,il"~ro":II. rdllCall0l1al ells:rilJlltlll" pXhlbitr)'." "1"1'1,,1\ ,,\'. N,"lwl'll1 11'1': bl'('(J1I1I ,PI~cI on S.1I111d1' Mal 30. at 4
, .., .
' ( ('Jock III St As~"l' Cl u 1 B I
\I!' (;""!'~t' Jl P 11111'. ::!d. wil: Ill'
( w;ll :akp place on Monday at . .".' I
critic.' :JIlll !lll'l1lb('l'.' of the board t \1' il:':<lI' (Jf Mr R:I,'l1lol,d L:1\\'!'-' ' '...... 1" 1 rr. 1 n H.
!" l1un f"r "11'. Collins. :11](1 1'1" 4 ,: clo('k in tl1l' pal'lsh hous/, 01 of CI'I1.".(1rS. 1'lIt'I' (;:'''''or~, "111 ,Ii !\1r, C1:l1"l The RI'I' RIchard T Lyfore! WIll
: '!I":' W:ll 1,<, "11' ,J "T'''poelo:'t, hl'''''k. 0111' L.ldl· of LOllrdps Cl1llrch, OYcr- A fa.'hlon show will bl' stagcd (;:'1"1"::.. :nR Dllell,'Y ~I' ,"",lrlJcrt!1 lJ1'r,orm ' I
llC ,er,'mol1y.
(,.1';11. )Lei \1r. R. Ro« Colnl1'., A I'f'c ption ~t thl' homl' of tlw dUrJn~ 1']1' IUllclwOl1. :11 ~:1O ",llIt'k on ApnJ III in AI: Th,' brId1' will bl' gin'n In mar-
I -,,'h.'!'" "!' t!", hridl'lll'l)(]ll1: :\11' I br:dl".s r p:lrpl\t,~
will follow thl' cprl'- ., Officpr, of till' Prp-Vipw' Stlld\" S;llllJ' ('!::::·(·h. W\'I1I1f"wotlcl. 1;1!!:1' b\' Colonl'l Allel1 R. Kimhall.
;"'p!1'11 .r.. Sr!Jnfl'. :1.11' J;ln]l'~ 11 1"10ll\,. Group nr'" Mr<. Arthur Gold'1111111 \11.S' :\I:,·""n. \\:1(1 I";I('!W' F,r.·; Ul1IIt'd SI;lIf"· Army. Goyernor's Is.
('I',llil. :\'1:'. HlI'L~rd C !\1"(;\lrr!\ :vrl~" Suplel'. 11'110 wlll be given chairman: Mrs. Armnl1d L,wb )1f'n(i GI';ICi,' II' Ill1' ,",,:1rll/'r:ll Pub!1 J:Il1c1. N('w York.
lid :\11' Wllll.ll11 W. :\10rharrl , :n l11~lTiagp b,' her fathpr. will ha',l' of prl'-I'i{'w' comm:ttl'p; Mrs. Fr~nk S(·11Ool. \\'111 Iw P:\'PI1 In Illnrri:II", A I't'Ct'ptlOn wiiJ follow lJlp cprl'-
~1.i:~ W,I~~t"h('~.~ is :l uradll:llf' of Ith(' Mis.<f's Vir~inia and Patrirla Adair. rpcording sf'{'rl'tar~'; "1r.• , by hpr brothl'r. ~r Arthlll' Mil"l'l1. 1l10l1Y ~I thp home of Mr. nnd Mrs.
1;,.,\1 MI1,on Hlhh School. rl:lss of I Patrlrk. or Balt.imorf', Mel" as her HaroJe! Stnll1an. corresponding spc-: of MOl1t"oI1WI'\'\'I,Jp. Pa She will PIl1lhp DOnald Folwpll. of Mf'rlon.
1.J~f1. ;llld ~ltpndpd thp Bf'l'lp Fa. bride~maid~. Ensign Dowe!'s at- retar\'; Mrs. Hprman Krull. tl'p:1s-' h~I'r
as 11l'r male! of honor an(ll
.' :Ion Stl1rllO. Plli1~d,.lphi~. :vIr! tpnelants will bf' Mr. William Hui)- urer;' Mrs. Albpl't Burn.<. publicity:' onl~'
al1l'ndalll. Miss Mntlr GI'PU-, New Home Sold
(1I1Iim. whn w~.< grac!llntpc! frol11 I, b:lre!. of Nt'w York. and Mr. Geor!!'f' '" Mrs. t " Jack Greenp. _" men~bPr"hip'
: nn. Mr slsl,'r
John ofJonf'\ bl'idp~l'o(Jm.
the of BaJa-Cynwyd'! Harns . & Buntlnf( has sold n
IJ ()\\'I'rI I~1l'rion Il1 I!l30. at tcne!l'd \ Stubbs, or Boston. Mass. chairm~n
secre :if\ . forMrs, Prank
Chns.'''r Mat~Krs.:
COllllt\" kIp Will act as bf'.'1 man for Mr . Grp~- . n p~' C,/'or~:an . nc k- h ome ~ t M'or-
In'x.. I1stllutp. Upon their return from a brief
A fl.'r :\1:11' I. Mr. Collins ane! his, wl'e!ding trip. Ensign Dowd and hi.< Allen Cl'nter. chainnnn fOI: Dpla-
~ '" ,"" I Ol'~.
ane! 11lf' uslH'rs will bp Mr
pIO and B
J Hili
r 5"
"arn COllllt" and MI'.o . Gold". 1111-,11. \\'illiam H:lI'\·c\·. of GloU£'I"II'I. N ,,'·ood. to. Mr. a. nd Mrs. F. L. Mc-
" ~ J." and Mr. Thom~s Milll'l'. of Nor- " :\1 anu<. \\ I1(.) WI 11. occupy the prop-
II'rid., will be' at homl' :It :i411 Ol·£'.r bl.·idp WIll be. at 11Onlf' in Colonia.l chairmal'l' .,
for Mont onler,' • COllllt,.

Who Will Be The


'I'll"k ,1\' Ol·,'rhrook. Phlla(!plphl:J I Vll1af(e, Ar1ll1gton. Va .. aftpr Apnl g . . : n<IOW:1 I \'J'I.I· as tl1plr resldf'ncp.

I'D rar!O 11. Seed" 12MiS < Suplee attl'ndl'd Fairmont GIRL .SCOUTS I, Ch~:·l:ll~~;ll~;:in~~·:\\l/(;'~l~~·I~lO~~'
t \1(' I: - ~-'--------------.
,~ Jllnior College. Dukl' UniYPrslty ane! I Mnsic fol' the' (:'I"'Jllfll1~' \\'111 lJe.
'T1 Be Revloe",n'ed
.1 i 0
thl' Uni\'prsity of Pennsylvania
Il'r Arne!pm~'. Harvard Uni\,prsity
Ensign Dowd is a graduate of Ext'-
and nttl'neled Boston Law School
T ,,oOop 8 lYlarks
71 If

20th B·tr thday

[I'pndpl'pd b\' Mr Janw.< W. ErYlnl'.·
Of. NHrl~r~ok, P~rk. or'~al1isl, ~n,d
MI. Hal r~ Nplson. Ionn a\, N,\!-
Grand Prize Baby?
By Mrs • FlJ' Iberth will ~in(.J "AW Maria"

Announce Narberth
Club Nominees for
and Harnre! Law School.
B Miss Suplee's
Suplep. father.
is Health
bprth Borough,
Mr. of
Officer Gl'orgl'
I Upon thplr rl'11Irn from a wcd-
Troop No. 8 cplebrated its 20th dil1g trip. Mr Orpgon'
birthday on Monday night. Mnl'ch bridl' will br at homc at
and his
Election April 14 CALL NARBERTH 3668


30. All of the girls in\'ited their al .. Nnrbf'J'lh aftel Apnl _,1.

Mr.'. John F: FI\'I1n. of t.llP J1In-

inr C11lb. will I'l'lit'w Pl'arl Buck's
mothers to thp celf'bratlon.
The program bl'gan with a for- Buy Narberth Home J. J. WHITESIDE
'Dr~"lln SI,.'d." at :I mpctin!!, of tlw VINCENT GROUPE mal oppning, then soml' of the girls Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Callihan FOOD MARKET
1.111'1';,1:11'0 Group of tlw Women., Thf' marriagp of Miss GPrI"\' Fin- presentl'd a drama. The rl'adf'r for h~\'f' purohased a homp at 73 TO THE WINNING BABIES
C"ml11l1nil\' Club of Narbl'rth on lp~' Na~h,
daul.:htcl' of Mrs. Robl'rt
thl' drama was Betty Hopkins. Aft- Wynnedale rd .. Nnrbprth. from Mr. 111•••••••••••••••"
At,lnl -, ',11 1.30 11.111. ,1 N:l.<h. 4 Iona a\'" Narberth. nnd -._~
I'r thf' drama was o\,er. our leadf'r. and Mrs. William. Wilson. through emDemn_cemnenm_nDi_am.tmi_ameum.m:a.mIl, I -' --- REGISTER NOW AT
On Ap!'il ~. :1;,- HOl11p Dcpart- EI'elyn Hansell. and Mrs. Read the office of HarrIS & Bunting. and '111
111"n: will hold :In nil-day !l1l'etlng
il1 I lit' R!'d Cross rooms at Elm
Ihe latl' Mr. Na!'h. 10 Mr. Vlncpn!
(houpe. son of Mr. Andrew V.
Groupf'. of Overbrook, took plac€'
awarded the badges. will occupy it as their residence
Second class badges were award- when renovations are complete. ' . ,. . I:l
f'd to LOre Krieg, Betty Hopkins I.r,=;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;====;;:;~;;;~~:'l il
W. A~'nrs
Hall sl;ll'til1Q' at 10 a.m. Mrs. A.
is rj1airman.
on Monday. March 30, at St. Mal'Y-
anne's Church. Northeast, Md. and Joan Trotter. Troop Drllrilatlcs • IN NARBERTH • Sponsored by
The Conservation Committel'. ~Iss
Jtdnl' fC'hNash wadS her sls- Tbadgle was awarded to Shirley Dressmaking!. ~~~:~~:I:K~~~~~NE'i~~~
wh:ch will mel'l April 8 at thl'
lHl!np of thp ch~irlllan. Mrs. H A.
ill f .
ter s ma 0 onor an only at-
tf'ndnnt. and Mr. Andrew V. Groupe
:"'11':1 8" hI'" I11nn for hl< ~on
00 e. First Aid badges were
awarded to Shirley Toole. Polly
RO\'d, Joan TJ'otter Martha Mill!'r I
For Smart
" BATH. $50.
li Ardmore Businessmen's Association
J ,~('O 1< 1< ,I' 1110 PDq cards 0 wlle1

M adele';11e
Th h' I . . "'1 Women I ill DINETTE - KlTCIiESETTE &
flow!"!'''. Ihp procpre!s to go 10 Bow- P ceremony. \\' IC 1 was per- Joan McA11lster, Betty Weisman. III benefit
l1l:111 HI:! Sl;ll I' \\'Ijrlfloll','r Pn' '1 forn\f'rl 1ll the prl's€'nce of thl' Im- E\'f'lyn Wf'aver and Deborah Dea- I' I BATH. 840. !
onl~·. .il
1'<'1'\(' - n1C'eliall' ffll11ilie's was followed
con. . .Il MERION
. . . b\' a weddlllg brpnkfast. After all the badges were award "TW il O BEDROO:\IS, LIVING"
AI thp , rlilb <; ml'f':111~ on Ttll's I TI le' b'
el:\\. .F..l!·,. S('11I'11C'k. R('tOI'
neIC 'IS a gI.a e! uate 0 f W as h -
f'd. the hostl'ssf"S Virginia •Bailey- • • R0031. DIN I N G ROO M.
il• KlTe'IiES & BATH. 865, e s e ," II
. ('x- . 111"'t1n
:mel Colll'''c
- . ,Mel . ,nne! of thpPa tse\. Cooper and" .A " . of

. -' Shlrlev nd er_It
pilI":. 'S.Jl"k1' of hIS expl'n ."
. of PpI1I1Q'lI'al1in' G" r a dson u - 'servpe! I'efreshm!'llts. . Th n r n _ II
~ I
"09 HAVE
I JIOll"'F. ""2 :\IERION AV •
.• I:l
il il Special prizes to thl' first baby entert'd. the first red-headed baby
' "' pI'"
nll'd :I !!IOUP of lnb:l1, all' Schc:ol
"~"c;hp is now doin""' re'- f reshmenL~ wpr(' prl'parpd bv Lore RFORD A V E . . ., .-,). ." entered and the first twins entpred•
. db' . , :il, NARBERTH. 850. •
e I1.111".
. ,',.
y tom·toln· SI"IIT!' work ill bact€'riolo"Y
. .. '.
Mr .
. Kneg and Ruth Waters. .~ . .
1:1 25 Qualification Prizes to the first 25 Babies to Qualify.
~1~e!lIatp ~,
1), \ 1I11. :\{l '. H. C. MlrlrllPton . .11. Gl'OIlJlP n rllpmlst. IS Lo.·· HOl'RS: D - J'!,:IO - 1,:10 • 6 I!l

THE B I--~----
""'f' prNide'nl of thl' club. pl'esie!l'd C'f Wps!f'\'an Uni\'C'!'sity re Klleg, Scnbe. ; • REGISTER NOW! DO IT TODAY!
in 1\11' pl:IC'p of "{rs. L. G. Cratl'r . 8ne! thf' Uni\,,.rsity of - 11,1 39 N. NARBERTH AVE. I
followil1~ B L E '~.~:IlIl~.~""'~.~CIli~~IlIl1~.~Ij!l!~.~mn~.~!!l!I~.~mn~.~IlIIl~.~mn~.~!!QI~.~I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
Offil'e Open Daily 9 A. M, to !l P. M.

:vII's F.. C Griswold anl101l1lCpe! i Graduate S C h o o l . · ·
t!;p nominatiol1s for Of-I. NARBERTH 2202

nl~~;~~l:ll::,~~A~;~~,l~:. GOOrl~e"lI':! DUNNE' (~~na~t::'~:hsKVee;s::~~e CLAS SIFIED AO' VERT I SIN G]

f1('pr.' 10 hI' plt'l'!ee! at :l clo.'ed

\'icp pl'I·sirlpnt. Mrs. A. B
Whpplpr. Mrs. R. G. BennC'lt; !"t.-

Narberth 2430
Science and
Christian Science Li!.{>rnture
by Mary Baker Eddy. and all other Authorized
0 •
~::~llll~SP~:pt~;~;~::~.: A'd~~C~~'~I~ r:~d~h~orrow or purchaS{'
~~;;d~~'~'~'i;:::;;Et':t:;,~~:; 1'"1:::-..t: 81 CHRI~~;~..~~~~.~}~~,Gp.~OOM ~H:J: , ~:,:Eh:~:I~: I~:~:_T:\~:'~:i~:':F:I~:';:'~=~:~:'~:I~=":,,7====:F:0=R=S:A:L:E====~~::-.:,:F.:r.=DF.:n:n:,:.:~:.:A:~:R:~n:E:~:,n:e=F:.'l:e:rR:!:ln~n
Jeddo-Highland Coal Are available to c !l

" _ I W kd 9 0 , I , 'I p.l1{ =-=.\1.1-: I,ll :tHII n:ll 1011' , ... 1, "fli,," I
. pst. rs. {'rnar 'v . .,.1 mon • ee ays: :3 A.M. to 5 :30 P.M. Wednesda'.·. 9 P.M. to 9.45 P.M. 'I"'."'·""'" ,,',',',',',', ",.'" "1','., ',','".' ",,",,',.', ,. 1""""'1"'" .l.·~\.; :llld mo't .• ; ',,\ll·,II,\W"1 I I " I·:,· ,,1- o( Telepl~ollt'
eril> C'omlilete.
"r All ."eH, Ardlll!":"
1111:8 hll"I';lUO,
. and Mrs. Clll'~ter McKibbin.
F B M B d \ RAl.PH S. DUNNE. T h ursday, 7:.30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Sunday. 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. 101.,. .. .. " I" I,. ".',,,,, \\', Ol" "" ",., ""011',,,,,. I, ," \\'" ,'", ."" 1'01'
,,'''' r.:l:,~. all-I·22
A board mecting will bf' held 288 HAVERFORD AVE. "" ,. 1:.' 1'1. \ "" "'I"" "II·'·' ~la""a ,},d,·:01,""'· 11,'1"." ~:',;,'. /:-. "·1' HOME IMPROVEMENTS

,1\'J:I:III:lltlh: 1111.1.:'~1·1I1/l1\131 It'!'lhl"I1('!',
April 7 at the home of Mrs. Cratpr. NARBERTH" P.IL ,,:t!, '"' 'il.' I •. tli. 11,.·;,1\ ::I!'4' nllllll. I llf'd
'··Olt 1\.\1.1':


r't'fll. (.T:::TO~I 'M~IVt;:' YI~:-:~~I'l,\:-: "1.1:-':1>;'-
at 10 a.m. r""llllo- :; to,ll.!'!,,' 11"'1' ati"h t\\HI
JiPf.Jl n~G »"U. ,E~.J,ln·
l-' • •... u. ..-- ..... "I'" :..:..II.~I·. nil ~Ul.~~·41nJ
\' Ii .~ I . ',11"
... ~·"Jac .. LF.A.-"': 1~(·:(:l·-I·a!'i".11:111\
I.Pllf'u ... tt>r
.\' "IIlIP
lh. Ip:r','"
T""I,r"~' II':" 1\'

n'l,l~.-t 1',·rlllf'.

I ~ 1111 I J I ' " . I', 11 1 ':: ..
I·:,.:' lilla' '"J'{ ,-!l.-.'I fill.

\ , J l' I, .111
nw) il ':·,011 n :nnwr. I·a.
Get Ready for ,jl't'l1\\'ll'oI ::::lItl I') lit)
nll·l-" " I! • 1 . ~~

\\" 1'\ III 1\\' I', 'I: II':'; I: ,'::\ ,.:\\' Ell, ' ',,10100{,
ROOMS FOR RENT lonll~'" :'1, ' ' ' ' i l l " .. t. \\ lfl,rl4l\\" Col ('haill.
VISIT AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE !'llll~: ',. ::.. , ".llIl'll·11" \\ ludll\\ .t I .: .'. 1':111
:-:U II.'" t 7""'· \\" hI ,~. '1
',\I:I1I-:I:Tll-f.:ln.:p, Jolt'l'flnd fllI"l front
'''''Ill I urnl-;!I' d. :-"II:lio1,' 1,'1 1'\1>:101'''' I·HE\'I~IIr.ET, 1"1t. :-:lw'~'ll II" 1.11\.

I '
DAVIS' STORE NOT 1',,'1":"
\\ 1',01-:.
"r t \\., t.:"llll, Ill' fl.
,\ 1""1 ..: i 11:.41,'
II ;11111',[' 11 ..\ \ ' rill.'.
! 7 It II
~ -, H'I.
P' I
:" 7
"t - 1 -'.

0\\ Il'
C'III1\' 1111,10'
d r:ll {,·d,
til' .... I"
.l' I


I' ,

Fl.,\';-..lTII'''r: ,\',11 Y')I'I~ 11t'~lf':-:":l'rln~
I" ,
r:l' • :-:,
\\ ,or

I" ,.
1,'1".' .....
In!, r 1"1
'''',ld ... tln\ 1111tlL{ In the-
'r,·r ..
... x '('1/111"

pt"!1"--,\' II J-:"11111:11"~ JIll:ldl\'

5c to
,\11:1\111:'\' .-ljal:1L:1' :11';111111"111. tWII ,"0I1llo:
alld ,1'.111l II· ~l :111,( 11l.:ll1 1111'111.1,·"

.\1 A J Il, ('(dol ,'d,fr./I" I I .\ \1 , , I' .\1

1''''1111 \

,'\ I"
I III ~1ar"1l ~I':",
f: ... Hl, At I]nllllt..". I'll

nil· 1·2
.:. EASTER CARDS .:. Fill "'11l~'" 111;111. \\ lilt., 1tf1:1""'1l;111,1' ,'\1 ('pt ~1U111.t\ "I, ,,'ritl' 1: .. , \:'1 .. t \\'IT11 :-1'1:1,'; ''':111'~
1111' TII·t, .. !'Ctolll~ to

Whitman and Schraft's Boxed Candies

Dolly Madison Ice Cream Molds
LONG I'.. " -1.rr:.
.. \.111.11.1,',
1'1111.]"\ Ill' III
T,'II'I,]\ulll' ~ll'rion 1~,~1"
1..:'11 d·

all· I - ~
11"1 this pal'4'1


t, 11"\ ,I!'

., 1

111 ,"
I I \\ II I "a 1\ d" lli., \\ 1I11~
ii' .1 1'.1 ~ .. II.1 1,;,- III I"'. :'1:1 \ I II:. \ .. 111p
LIII-: 0\ j'f'
\ "L11
l)'l ,-4 _ J: (111-4-9 ..', ~1'

. ....
224 Haverford. Avenue NARBERTH WANTED T'O RENT ~111\it' 0p(lrn1ql-!'l Hlld ~lall:l:":' 1.I.tll.,,-1

n,,·, .. , Plto1le: NARBERTH 4035 .. ~tlddl(~-:l1':"tl lady \\"unl'!'l clt'urJ. I II P(' rfll I
.It!4trlet, ~Io\ il' ('11"'1111 \\"" k ,I" ;-":1111,
•• n . " • n t 'sA 1111"111:..01,', Ii rOll III III 1',1\111,' hollll' \\'1111
Tht'IHlt> Bldg, 1'ltt .. 1I111./..:', 1.111·1-_

.KII.1H'14 1'lj'\d'·~'\8. Itl":,l-'IIIl:allll' :'t,I\,' ~:' " ,I \\" ! I ~ t r, \, Inlll:t I.~

\IA1'111 :\I:--;T:--;, I':x,,,,r "Ill" rI. 1.. 1'",1'" ~I 11 1•. \ I'\" ... :. " I'll' \\' t
'"'.IIt».» . » •• •• »»• •• prl,".
\"rll'> Bux 1::11 Jia\l'I['lId Town
:"t'w~. Llal1t'I"&'h, htn-1·~
1\ltH II II 1I'Iol and tori Ii'"
nllt! Ht'::at';II'l'll
\ III' '1' .1'1 ~llll111;"
1'1I1\llllall"11 1:·Il..:I, .\
1..,' '\.
lid' \" 1~I'\\ ,II 01. 1'!l,II1I' 'al ~

You get tired WANTED TO BUY

LUUl't'Ui'tl Ittlad~, ('1'111'1 11,11 11 \, 1'1
.1 II I· ~', r.(I:-:~r-T",' .I"OJI I\.·\~ (""11'11.,,1 ",g('tht'r

1.\ ,!lalll ", I"ll" r 1111'" ", ... \ 1111 PI If''''

of wearing the same dress and are Why miss the joy and happiness you both deserve? Don·t
w.\ :'\TI~D TO BUY: \I i"he'l J1r\'·.A raId "I
:\1, '11\ :.: nil'" r \ .\ \ ""', II,· ~ " ", 11 .: I a \' II r\l~
and 1I11Il:-OI~Il"'" I;UI:ICI' "II ~Iont-
for oJtl hi('yelMl nnd Jlil'y('It' pR rtR, 'V.·
Jm~' rAlth. ~hnhn(h"
rnlt('II Hpr\·'r~ J..::nnr"l \ 1.,·.\\I':lt Ilalllololl'" .;:.,,:II..:t> Ill"
constantly bu}1ng new clothes. But deprive baby of yoUr companionship the 104 days ...ach

~tatlon. ;,00 LanrnRtf'r An.·.. lIa\'E~r(ol·d. tPl"l'll"II" .'\.alh'·lth Iln!I-'" f·\l"'llnl~"l.
how. about hairstyles? How long year It takes to do your washing and ironing. l'hone Phone Br:-'n Mawr 91~1~',
Itt'\\;1 r,t. nIl· t -::- I :!-11
have you Worn your hall' that Way? ST. MARY'S LAuNDRY for excelle.-t completely finiShed INSTRUCTtONS
How about a CHANGE? service. It's ~conoJnlcal ~Rd most saUsfa.ctory. . FJ4.\ T
Tf)ll D~Rl~. t WI) pl',lf'Ntnl. uRed
Dox ,1Zt', caro or lhlf' pappr. ~pF:r·T.-\ L OFJi't:::H: CIlf11plf'tro Fullt-r
. , al1-4·2 CALL ARDMORE 5720 ~hl)l't hnnd ~p::t(>T1t In :'In till) 1::. ~Il In·
Phone for your appointment ~ow.-:.. stnll'llon fl't' whtJ(I II·nT'lllnJ:. Pn~' 18tt-r
Just Cail ARDMORE 4400 REAL ESTAtE ",1I .. n "'01 klnJ,;', I', I\'u{'" In~lnlctilln,
·NARBERTR 3932 Apply no\\', "';:ll1g9h.·~· :lili:'. 'lS31 ~IU'U(,,(,
When You. Want-Your Work Done Well TO PLACE A ~lrN~t. ~Ir", Todd. nll- .. ·1G


Adjoining r",moul Ea'lt golf coUro8 of
Merion. Ar" you looking for a home In.
an unusual lo~al.lon7 Drl"e .out to our ·:a'·:·":.,"1'
W ...
..~,' .' '.. ePHO!.f'TERI:O;O
A;o;O nEPAIRl~I1­

, .-
sample hou.e at ll5 Golf Vlcw rd. '.

Hou,.r'g· tor earb' delh·ery. PrlreB Btal·t· Apl'ln;;,s nf :1-pl"'('(1 RUItt''' rprullrprl.
$1 n.on; dU11I'", .... (·ov,·,·pd. $:1.00. 00
KATHRYN S. McCORMIOK lnll' at $9.900. To reach development-
Alrnlghl out Markel ot. 10 Llanerch. ········:·'8·····-:·,···
.. ,, nn~r\\'h..rp. ('nll I.t·wlPl, "'n~'np 149f1.

.._._. ..._..._-
~:!j Enst 14 aneastf"r A ".... \\'Il.~'nfl. PA.
240 Haverford Avenue NARBERTH. PENNA. "A C·ttrtth'ed Laundry" '
turn !'!I:Il! on Darby ret. Drl\'e e I1lIl~s
to proru~rty. or out I~an(ltlRler pike to .

Open TI"",.sJay EY~ninr Unlit Nin.~ ARDMORE av., lett 1 ml'le to property.
Rumph:' hOUMI) 0llttn tJl\Uy nnd Sun clay,
1 10 r. 'P. M., or cnll m.d. 4610. Ben.
4 WF:li:T< llPE~IAI,. $24.:,0. r~nnl"he. ·old

J-·"- · ·_· ·_·_t '·._ "'.-' _"' _-_,.,"'' ',_ ' ': 11:::================::::::::=====::::lIt::=======dU L. Carrol!. Builder.
ftoorR (It :i-room hou"e. Uke new. HU-
ton and Alarohall. Granite O~16, alJ-~·1
PAGE FOUR ==============-======;::::========
OUR TOW N = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A P R I L 2, 1942

t "",
1111" ,.

:"" l I' llllll!
\ "1\11"':

...; II t I
I:., .. :,
,,, t'ld,-
\\ 111
I \ I,','
(1 ltll,
I hr-

I arberth. Gorman. Margaret Gorman. Jean
Llllis. Winifred McHale. Betty Mc-
Those who went arc: Luelle Clark.
Duncan. Polly Boyd. Dorothy

" I. \:'.1 '11,,01 ,\ ... , I,,,,, I !",·I\I(I'1'\.

SC'h. 00I. '.' News

.... 1''' 1 II 1:, "I.,' ~"I \ ,. , . . . .I'II! Crea. Martha Miller. Mary Lou
.• 1·, 11,.1,1" 11,,\\'1\
, i.·, 1 d ,,'f I' ,- \,. \\" I "11 Haldeman. Joan Trotter. Shirley
I: " ~ 1""" '1 'It· 11.1"111 Toole. Demetra Chios. Kempi!'
\1 r I :,tl '!l 1 I, 1·1'
1 01 , II": ~l I: I 'j" l.
Duw!. Mary Purnll~. Joyce RC'I"e,
".'. ·1\ I NarberUi Publlc Schools wlll give nel,. Alicc Rlcl1ar~Loll. nobcn
II "., \ \1
a comedy on Aprll 16-17 entitled CI-iambers. Jim Fratanton1. Dirk
II 11" I" "The Laundry Mark," It is a play Griest. 1'0111 LeWIS. Joe Tobert.
] I ~.f'
.")~}ut a typical American famlly. Mrs. '8-rennel. 1\11'. L('llIllall
I:" •
l. I, I' \I \ ' 'II -: ] ' " , 1,I 1'1Ip orclll'stra \\'111 play two South A fpw of tll(' interc,tln[.: II1Ul~.
\\ \\ AIIIl'rlCan pl('ces and thl' ehorw, .'('cn are J-II'I;:11 lk 110. IlIllllq).·
11'111 1-.iIl~ Llltln American son[,(s. IlllaClllnl'~. artlsts. Jl';tllll'f' "I\(i ,pMI
NAHBI'"":HTTl Mr.l "l,r.I!'T '"ltl'He'lI
..:"" .. ··x 1\1101 I'rl<f> a \!l
Th(' tll'kets arc now on s<lh· at' writers. It IVas a 11"'1' la I'in<llln~
.hllly-fIll' [l'nts l'al'h. Thl' money, <lnd uiterl'slilll,; trip.
.. ! I., \ \'

',:fllil'('i['d wlil be ~llpn L: t1l(' school I Thr school Will 1>" I:" ,.<\ Apr';
, .~ A M --I"hurdl ~d'nnl
JIIIII<Jr nl'd em.'s M<lteriab Fllnd. 211d - 6th lnclu.'>1I1' II'J!' E.I't I
'I \ I
1.\ I I· 1.'1" '\
Joycr RC'iscIlf'r. i \';1('.ltifln.
\1 \!' School Rl'p0J'll'l' Jrall AliI; II'a:1
SC'llOol Rrport'l
" '
,II' I' ,,
Oil *
WI'dlll·.'da~·. Mar('h 2.1. tlll' * *
I: I:

'rtp Id
lilr ErrlJll1R Bull!'! 111 pl,\I1-
\ , ~
:l-,d 1>:.' thr PIT" Club. took placl'. DR. WM. G. WALTON
\ \1 Ul\c!<-r tllr cilaprronlllg' of the nd- DR. WM. G. WALTON. JR.
I I.-ttl of llll' paprr. Mr. 1,,,l\l1lal1 and OFTOMJIlT-RlllT8
Ambulance being purchased by the Ardmore Businessmen's Association for use throughout the Main Line for ., I' \1
:\11., Ul'elllll'r. Twenty-anI' pupils 417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
National emergency purposes. The ambulance is now on display in the show rooms of Main Line Pontiac, Inc., 43 E. Lan- 11·1t. IIIP s('!Iool at 2.25 P 111. and. PhD.... : N.rl>... r1h 24M
11' lI.Y THlo,;lTY I.I·TlIEHA"; ('lIIJH,'1l
caster Avenue, Ardmore. It nn anflwpr. :"Rfbf'rth 2:,iO J
\ \ . , '111,111' at,ot :\Hll.,·r'h R\S IITIII'd at til" llulll't;11 UfflCI' build- I Otflre Hour" h)" Ap('ln1ntntt"nt
The Association is helping to raise funds far the purchase of the ambulance through the sale of patrons tickets It .. \ ,'j'llJ" ,.\ :-;,·nfl. I n""I'Ir
t ]:111 \ '\ III'~ ;,! J.IO p. m.
and patrons boxes for the National De~~nse Exp.~sitio~o be held in Ar~_~ore June I to 6 inclusive. I:. ".
\1 J' i, ---
Lead Melts

\ \' ,I,;.,.
\ \I
This latter goal made the score I:-!Ql'lItE :\80l!,( .\ LO.\N O:-! YO{:1t LIFt: 1~~l'H\:-i(,E I'O),IC·\·.
30-25 with two minutes and 30 sec· , \.
-' ','" \
, r

GAVE MAROON THIRD CHAMPIONSHIP onds to go. and when Stupka tllliec ,.
\ \'

Who own~
1{~1l1 1n till' s,au-"
t hr finrst ba.'k(': ba ~ i I STATE CHAMPS ~
t.....o free. throws a little more than'
a minute later the tans almost took
JlII:RIO:"/ FRIK:,,/[)S MF.~:1T";
: Wonteuml'ry avo Rnd M~etlflK Ii,Jllhl'" la. ~T
"f" 1:1;'\ H~T;";
HI'\' . .!"'m.· .. ,..'
'ATIlI '1.)1' 1~IIIJ HI ~H
·l"~lf·" H.-l·tor


,.. I.
a t 1(' roo.
f B h . 11000 A. M -Firfllt Vay U;llndtlYl SCbOlll
ut t e Lower Menon I I I.UO A. M -M.e'ln~ r"r W"rah,~.
boys maintained thf.'ir poise uncleI' 1------· --- ~ ' - - - .. - ----- 1'1 !\
H.'\' M A
l'h."Io'!I f'
" ,j ,
... \1
.J he),0liona/Bank
SCHOOL' ! '1. llw inereasf.'d pressure and when! FIRST CI~~::;';~~,~;' L·IIIlI.-H. " ; " 1'1 1', :1 fl·1 ".
\, 'lilt""" I' , \1
Wllo's Ille
nlan~ Ytlll It·ll '()Ill
grf'.lil·~t ['0:"'11 III Illl'
Hrindpl slipped behind Sharon'~' l.lnwood and Alhena ava. A,dm"re
d('[el1~l'. Evans. who had the ball.·:: ~~ ~. ~'::':~'~~~~:~ :'~~~~~•.
1\ as quick to sel' him. There was a .00 /'. M.-Evenln. 8." ,.-
\ " \1
1'1\ '. 'I "I d 1(1 ",
BILL ANDEHSOl\: ' I a lightning pass. Hf.'indel took a: a 00 I' M--E';;';:~·~~~.~.;,,,
You .,ald il. p,l; WIHlopl C" short dribble and banked the shot' Re..dlnll' room at 8 Rllt<'lil'''"" 1·1.,r,
That. in lJrkl. slims liP :'It· .-1'::11
\1., rilill (" I, T. 1',-.
• agall1st the backboard without a ~3gv~~ ;;e"\~,<!"~i; ~r:;" r:n;~~ t"M ~ :': ... sA
nWl1ts of till' Malll 1,1111' ~P()J" I Sharon defender coming close La P. M. Thuraday r,,,m 7 .'0 In ~"O MEMBeR OP THe peDeRAL ReSBRVE SYSTEM.
l' u b J J C toda,\'. E\·,'J'\·ollr·.' .':I;J (I. ' hin). ,~~. and_ Sunday from 3__t~~~~ .- ,
tI'.nlled and singll1g till' pl'al"'s "I ' Sharon took a couple wild sholl; l<:ARBERTlI /'RF.SHYT~;HIA:--; ,'III'H,'1I
"Andy" and his bOIs almost" wel'!,;! I' 1I\ the closing seconds. bul the) Rev. "~~~:~~ alw~~ ~1'~~"·1~~~. '\\~"tor
att~r tllp gloriol1!'. ,"'pillr :in!.!illl!1 ~1 '"
I rJumph which p:a[,f'd LO\\'er :\1('1.
~~~~edca~~h c~~~rran~er~~~ :~~ J~h,~. IV·~I ~~~~: 'I ~' ~),: /'aBtnr ~;""'r<""
Jon on thr ~\.ltr bnskl'lball !lll'olle luler of all it surveys in the Key- '
101' Uw ,econd straight ~('ar \1, ,
h, qllurt.'r'"
i ,
stone domain.
Sh~l'On HI~h SClllJOI. :11" (lull .' . ~
tl:at krpl L. M JI'I1I1l \\,llIllln;: II,,· '. I .....

Merkle Demonstrated
\\ I

stotr ['I'O"\'n in 1940. :llP fir't \",11'

Ihe 1\L1I'00n part:['ip Itecl III tl,,· \1' 1''1 llal :\lu:llar', SIX IJOmt$.
PIAA tournallll'nt. Wa, 111r fIna: Hl'indl'! Illorr tJ1an made lip for Gas Mask Use DO IT NOW!
h.IlTler in a Illonth of Idmp:lwn- 1.1' "~Ilt" ~o<ll to Sharon. He was "THE Bl'(;U:: sonms" I
m~. As W~~ Hnih'lp;1(:'d l.:w We.,>1 Unpreoictablr \\,('alh('\' I.• :tlll'.il~. \\ al. I." I;,"" \ 'l:lI'.lorll \Iaill
f'rll Pennsl'!nll1ia ['hamp, turn" J 'a tl'rn'r on the b:H'kboards and Hea\'y Spnng rains and [',\pn- I 1"\\1" .... tull.' Let us reaffirm, on this Glorious Eastertide,
01 CiOllS wind~ can play h,I\(}['. LI·t I
out to bf' lough, ~t ubborn Joc" blll \'. ,IS IH'I rr be'Ltcl' when 1111' prrssure the Corps. demonstrated the usc of i us rrpalr YOllr ('nl \1'[' I'c)ol ,,:.
. ., _._~ --~--'----

Lower Mrrion ro~r to tlw o,,['a,lon I,·

,I'. on Ii \\'.1, he W!lO bangrd in the gas mask at last WednC'sda\"s
IHH nl I. IIIHII I ,\ I \1 ~.II ,110\\
",nl()~(; Tilt-: 1.1\'1:"(;"
our belief in and the Freedom of HIM
patch roof Irak:> bcJnrf' thr rlll\-
\\'lIh a championship exlllblllOn 10 III" jlllllll, to 'I'.te) a blistning meeting of the Volunteer Mrdi~al I In~' rain ['omrs throu~!J "Jill, \ 11I"I·t •• ,,1,1,(',' . ""''',111 II •• , \\ 111"11 Worship. , GO TO CHURCH.
"~iJH' Lin'•. \1'(' :'1001 EI1"u~h"
grab Ihr drcision at 32,27. :iliid Iwriod [llartH' WhIch netted Ser\'ice Corps of Narberth. damages your crilings ancl walls.' I(III1.11d H,·.IL:all I .1 ••. 111 1"'I'n THE
10.000 S('e Gam(' 1,1 pomls allcl hlted Lower Mer- 1 he Corps needs men to be I .. I A MILLER
More th.lll 10.000 jamllled int·), :<,n, 14-10 ha1l1.II1e Irad to 28-18 trained as ambulance crew~. En-j'
c\'ery nook ,md cranll~ of till' P"lln '1:\ tllc .Ltart of tl1'.' fonrth qU.1I'tN II:>tments are accepted at Corps
111 FORREST AVENl:(l; "1;'
"BLl'E~ I~ T.HE :'IOJ(;JJT"
I ' " " I', I.,,·., II··". Ih,loI
Palp,tra to wltne'>.S tl)(' ('11max bat, 'And it wa<; J-If'indl·l. toda~' being meeungs e\'er~' Wednesday at 8 p ' , NAR8ERTII I ' HlI lIaf" \\ hurt
By W a Iter A . Fares
Ill' and r\ er~'olll' was con\'incl'd .'c('i,llnwd 111C ~rra test money play- m. in Elm Hall, Narberth. A meet·· Phon!' NARBERTH 2920 ::"'(nL\~ 01" THE \"E!\It" V FORD AVENUE Narberth I
that the superior .and more de., I. ,Incc :\likr Zeng"l. who slipped
,erving tpam walked off the fluor I ue])1l1d till' Shnron d<'fense. took a 7. mg ll1stead
will be ofheld on Tuesdav.
Wednesday. April
Corps members are ulliformed. _
8., '--- ~;::;::~:E:S:T::A:B:L:IS-::H:E:0:::1:9:1:2::::::~;1::~~I,~a~l~hn~a~ri~(I~"~'~"~'''~h~,,~n~,~.~'~I~,,~,"~~~r~1~.~r,~.,~.,~~,~~2:2~1~H=A:::E::R~.:. :'~''::=~~:'='::=~==~~~~~:::~~-~-:~~'~--f-:;:' ~I
•. •. L.· ------'- .-
with the spoils. I'''ss from Evans and racked up a
The \'Ictory. 25th In 26 g.lmes fIeld goal In the last 30 seconds to and subject to mild discipline. The "

this season and the 34th in the· halt a Sharon rally which had CQrps has the approVal of the Nar·
Illst 35 contests, enabled Lower: whittled L. M.'s lead to 30-27 with berth Borough Council. the Nar-1
Merion to equal Hazleton's record' a minute to go. berth Defense Council. the Lower
of \\'Inning t\\'O consecutive state 1 Heindel's pl.lY might ha\'e been MeriQn Pollee Department. and the
tiUes and three all told. It \\'as I illst a bit more spectacular than
the. sixth app,-alance for L. M. in. ihat of E\·ans. but the latt<'r's was .:::======::::s::===: I A WEEKLY GUIDE to Lectures. Exhibi-
the finals and ga\'r the lo('als a' I,on" thr less rfff'ctil'f.'. E\'~ns. whr

.:i00 per~enta;:e in g~mes with I'('\'er pl~l~'l'd bl\sketball ulltil this
We,tcrn Regional champions. '. e.'S(1!1. had thr fans man'rling at
tions. Theatres. Sports. Music. Motion
Ju~t sr\'cn younl;sters-Captain I IdS ablhty to gl't the ball off thr I Pictures. Restaurants. and Cafes.
HalT~' Middleton and Orr"r J-Iein· ha('kboards. esp<>rlall\' in thr ,ec .
df.'l. the ; '.\'0 holdo\'ers lroll1 UJr ond half. He handed out man\' nicr
tram thai drfr:lted Duquesne in 'l",i'ts and got Jlis pOints . wh"n EXHIBITIONS THEATRE

the 1941 final: Don EI·ans. Allell ::]{'r 1\',,1'1' IH'cdrd nlO,t DlNE ~\~CE \1'1"11 .• : i \t\\;lt"r h"'nt 'III ... ,"U"I.
l '

Eakins. Joe DeFelice. Ward KaIH', . lI('indf'l. Evans Sparkh' l, I

. i' \1
I': \I
and Ar: C.lmpbrll---carried til<" H'lllckl .lnd E\ans topped bOtll ~ 1 I) 1I • \'1. \
:, >" ',,, '"l \.
Maroon banners into th1S lin,l1 ba,- '11'~Il1S In S"OJ'l[H( with llillC pomt· : :IJ I' ",,' " ,"",.
Ill" . Ful"r.·'"
I: 011 r II ". 1.1 . . 1 \1 •
lIf'. Ever~'one ('owred lum,elf With: '.Il'il. TIl<' lormrr contnbuted loUl . 1 ~ \
,\lId III_ O"~1I11
1.0 'I" (\, I ,.' 1'\ l'.t.:
! ' \\ lllllll~ '1""1 '1 hl'a, r.·
glory in 11<'1 pll1 Il \\'111 one of tl1<': ~o,ds Irom .~cnmmagl' and on' • \I.
• i
': . great \'ictories In thp school's bnl- :rom the 10111 linr wIllie E\'an, I·.ll"'t'mult· )·l.un ....\I\lIl1ill .\,·utll'lII) ur th .. "int' Art!",
Hant athletic hIstory. i I'ftt('d thn',· of rach \'arlel\, I: ." I -\ "" • . \ f t 11 . - 1';Ulltlllg~ ,,,
.. ,
\ 1 ". I ;'1 I ;\1,11 \ II \ pilI', I·'· !
:lliddh'ton Shows Way : .Jim :\101',111. a s:n-lpping' lad 01 I,
, t \. I " .,.1 ; , ~.', l l ' l ! . .

.. It was :'dlddlrton who dIrected C-Ioot 2. on(' 01 the best cl'nten

- I,
,. «

the attack. who krpt thc t(';lt11 Ht, "reI' to oppose tl1<' Maroon. and , h ;,1'" i· \ .\1

even keel at all times With lha: I Splkp Stupka. ,plrndid guard. pacl'd \\ I' ,! \" \1 1-' 'I
\, 'I.,
-" r
c&lm. nerveless manner of Ius alld I ~ihal'On w.tl1 f'lglll pJints pa['h.
' I l •. '
& MANOA INN I;. \1." \ rt \ Ili;1II1
- t,: l
• I ~,,:. 1. .\ .
\. f'. I .. ,

who set thl' standard lor tl1l'1 Tlw l!anH' It,elf wa, III Lower \\·4,·",t.·Iu-",h'r 1»11, .. lind t;u N' h.' nuuet
tram's drfrnsl\'{' play. J-Irll1drl and I Merioll's cOlltrol aflll' tilt· first fiH' MnnUJl . . .,.. ,. l"
.\ 111"11 ,.... \I

E\'ans frustrated tht' TIgrrs undl'!' i 1ll1nlll'·S. but Sharon nr\'rr can I \1,1
II Ill'.' 11 \1'1\\r \ d (1·111,·r. \'.01 .. \: r

the backbo.-lI'~S and also .colllH'['ted 1.l'dl'd the /laml' and was dang('r,
for the heavlf.'~t punchls Eakll1' (IUS ulltll tlw linal seconds. The in.
and DeFelice. the latter playing hIS I aders got off to a 2-1 lead. but

\\ t. J.

.• ht, I"liI .. ll, (luI., .:. I: ;--" " 1IIl00' .. ,

.\l'n1 .:

L 1111' ill

.\ " "I.I I , I" 1',,,, I " 11,.. "', ull·lll' l.' ,,1.-.] 1'1'
first full g~me. \\'ere stead~·. \'1tal Lowrr Merion went ah('ad at 3-2 II t,

pt'rformers. each comill/l throu;:h on a Sf.'t shot b\' Eakins Hnd. ~ftpr I How old is the art of • JIMMY LOGAN .\, , ,1'01\ ' '\ . 1 \ ""J
, "

I" \ \' '" I \1 II

'1'11,' "rilll (Juh. I •. ' I I II '10'
with a field goal e.lrly in tJ1e ~an\l' a foul tuss by S'uita [jrd 1l at 3-all hairdressing? WYNNEWOOD GRILLE I. II I 1 I·" _, ,'11' ".... .111,) ,j 1,1,' 'II,.. - I "I.
, " \I

, \I"
, .. I
to help L. M. ~all\ the upper hand Evan:> scored underneath after tak.
~A~EuR~R~ ARDMOR~ i '~',I\ ~!\
~1i11, .• 11,1'" ,,,/ \11"\1.11 1:,\1,,),,1..'
\ IIrll .\: \I,
• RD., ,. 11,' .. I" "1111" '''1 I " , ' 1';1'" ...... ' "
and then helping La control thr In!; a pas~ 11'0111 Heindel ~nd EakIns ANSWER: The earliest civil- t., .\]-ril JI \\'.1\\ . .1,1.-:1 tl' .'
- '. I"
tempo of the ba tlle \\'1 th dazzlin~ l'on wrted <l foul to make L. M.'s ized people paid close atten- '.' 1 f',. ,-, I . ,I
\\ IIIIII"U·... C'it ~ (1IIh, J li-' ~ L'" yH
pa~sing and smart. effecti\'e dc edgp 6.3 at the cnd of the first

tion to the care of the hair. The '\ . ", '. 1 II _' ~ ,." I {HI ", \I.
fen"lve p:ay. prl'lod \ r·~·" I · . I ;,HII , r,: 10,1;.;11 \ . -
Assyrians. Babylonians. Egyp- I', .1'. :'1 t·
Kane and Campbell rcspondf.'d The Maroon increased its kad to tians, and Persians curled their Remember "1U"lnwrt' .
'\rt (il,ltf'r)', '1~1I1 I;.·
\1· \1.

The ....
\, I' \1 'I. '"
grandly 111 re:>el'\'e role~. using lIH'lr JO.3 before Sharon finally scored , .' I h,nl '"1,1)111 1'1 I'>

height to exef.'lll'nt advantagp ~nd ll~ second field goal. The w('stern.
hair and beards and. in some
cases, wore false beards and I~ \1, \1 \. '11 '. I.,
. t , t l l " n '" ' I ' , I'
h' •• ' ,,
'\11 II ',. I, I' I! ,lIo!
fitting into the \'ietorious machlnr rr~ whipped in three in a row. but wigs. ...... ',.11: l' Uf>I'"nl (·"III',·rt .. \, 1', '.'
without slowlDg its drive or hurt- the Main Liners countered. with The Greeks had an elaborate til," -
I: ·,.·1 J
\1 I ' '" \\'

-,. .1"

ing Its balance. Kane was only in two foul tOS5('S by Evans and a set headdress, and although the I; .' 1'.'\""'" "' lilt· \Inltth: I'" Ill.' ·t I, 01' ~d. ~ " . \ t \\ ,I I"

FAMOUS FOR I. . \l" ,.] I ' " " I .. ".,' UrK"" rl,,·lInl .. I." \\ '1""
the game a minutr when hr drib, shot by DeFelice to gIve them a men began to cut their hair I· I'" III JI. , \, I I I ... ' " , I,
;11 "., • ,01
bled behind the second hnf.' of 14.10 edg(' at halftime. short about 400 B. C., the'
I;, .. \I I, ',. I' .. :--tl'l \V.·t! 11O""·J ,I ~ 011 .\ .\1
Sharon's zone for a layup. onl' of Maroon Spurts women continued (0 pile their .;"

the two goals L. M. collrctcd in Lcwer Mcnon then procerdcd to locks on top of their heads in \, ,'. \.
t'IHI,"a.;l"lIl'h ...
., \1 111.1' I"

the fourth quarter. ,,'1\' up the game with its third

Middleton ('ompJet.-cd his career quarter sp:urge. A foul toss by
fantastic designs. I
I I': did, 10111,'

I' l.n~~I~.l:'OI::Jr l~~,:'~lh~f~ ~1I6S~~I::II:~1h.I1JI'~{~RI:'II~:~'

t ..

Delicious Sandwiches 'll~"":'~ LIII''!'! t'\IIP u( w~1lI1hflr ,nar·

What's the easiest It I.n(illllnllihuit'
,1 t \ '1"1
v,·tth the most da~zling of a sl'ries Middleton and a field goal by I'
fur (h IUulI 1"""11-"- ''I!1i
of brilliant defensIve performancrs Hrindrl r.ln the Maroon's advan- Fountain Service II .. .. e "1,1, 1.. 1,· .... III·! II 1'101 f· dlllll .,1 I""

that clearly placed him in a niel1P la;:P ~o n.1O before Suita scored
way to find the 1415 CITY LINE
, ,
,. ~ 11.01 nd , 1 I '. >ljll,) III 'I" ••

I· .
, I - ! '., .",[. \ 1'.1] .,1",., I , I . '" 11.lItl ""l'

with the greatest L. M. playC'rs of I wo long rang~ goals for Sharon. beauty shops and (Just South of Haverford Ave.) ..... ,,',1 I I " •.
.11i'!". II it II .. r 1"11. .\ II '.' 1\ 0' II lot It ..

all time. The Maroon captain wa'i These potnts were counteracted by h 'I' I
,., II, \In-..... 1I1 Itn.. '.: T'Jo·.lla\·, "··.. tJn ...,lar.
pitted against Pete Molnar. 6-foot- foul tosses by Eakins and Heindel, airdressers in your <l:\' ,
I: ... ,;. , 1 :lur .. ,I,t\ }"·I,Lt." anll ~IUIl"I\' I to I

1 Sharon fOl'ward who had talI1ed plus a spectacular running one-

37 points In the two preceding handed shot by the Iltter.
vicinity? . \1·
.\111'11 !J:
," .,:
l' 'I. "-,,' II' tliI\.· It) .\ ..... :'\1
,~. i :'\1,1/,,1., \ ...
'I.' I ' .\.j 1l1l1o" loll

I,~ I t!' II , l'

•• Ii Il'I
I" ,\
,0 I,

games. So close and c1e\'erl~' did Molnar pushed In his rebound A.NSWER: You'll Rnd a handy I'l,r ,I .f', , \ " , The TAVERN

1'1 "j: I
I'''' Ill' II I" 'I I II f "1 II'
I. ,'.
In I ht· 1.'1 ... 1'llIlIdllrllllU
\.' r·,. 1,.1, r
\~", . I
"'1 •• , I
Middleton gual'd him that Molnar goal a t this juncture for Sharon. lilit of, the beauty shops and 1I000e.oDlCll')' A.... C"W1d. Pa.
".1" \1 1',
I .,'
I'P' , , •• 1
,,, p. "1''1,,~l'.tll '/1:- .'\1 oI.~\ "I : ''',d . . I"
10 \ ,'I" \ I' ,I .-1",\\ t ..

never had a chance to play his ae- cutting tile Maroon lead to 21-16. hiJ,irdressers in your vicinity- 4 cli"j", ro_ .,.cl "- I ... I , ,,'" -' f' ~I :--tl~Jl' .1'10-. ''\1',1 ~, 'w .... , t I' M
custamed game. What 5h(J~s he did However, EvaAs pushed in tw,>' re- " 8f! wo11 BSthe' ~()Y~ .~!It ' • oJ! Ii.....,., clulincdofl. II I. ....,'lIJrd t'\ ,I'ld .. ,.ltd. I \ t'lIdlj" II .. d"llI"'lI

get were huqJ,~d..·ana while he bounds and.Middleton hit the n1arlc .. Bu.:',.J.',.ines, :'~~;"many- ';~,.,:. :'. WJ1llll. '1 \ ,
_._11_&. .. 1',111"11 at II \ ~J :-'.J.IU!tl.l\ .\,lhli,I"'I''''

made two fieldgo~ls, only one was from long rarige and·.alsQ.,.:dunked . . •~i~'4lb.c1;h~'''V~gow~i~~ :,..,.ill"....~~.---_~.II!I
charged .ag~l!1st:" MJddJeton, aod. a ,fouL tpss:, wh:Ue :.,;~h",rpn··leoii\d, .. ·;,9f~j'O""i\~~h·~~~~.;:~.:QW·:: I~:_:.,_:;;::~""",,,,:,.-:,,_ .
Pnprtatcw 11 • 11.11\,,'1 I! I .. , ,,1'

I;:;,;. :
- ........----;;
..,! .,---..0-----
R.IOll over 0 cocktoll, thon enjoy"
delicious I~nch or dlnne', p",mplly

LITTLE THEA TftE ond pe, ~.".d.
that wasl~e;~..~llP.lI, r~boupd. ,. garneto1'11y a' pivot SOa" ~.shlr:l.:,·~·:·t'~ .~':":.":':~'''.::;,;' ,;.,:.. ;\i,i::......""'""......_~-~ ........"'-""'-""'.."...-""""""
Ind.p"IIt1.Dt·..· "oil, "h Ind C'hlllnu& •.
MOJna:r:t~~~~~~;~1 w~·· ::~r~a:Tod~:~:~~~~:-:;: ~~·the . :,,~t:~~~te8\~tin1~diG:~·
Heindel mistook:. hlm fora' team- Moran b3tted In a rebounfj'nd .100.,k. in the Veltqw:"Pa. . Dc;S \Vh.en. ' :'\'--..r_ -...,..-'-...,..-'
.. _". _ -. _ _ ""I;. ',,,,., I',,", '1(,
'. (T..~ELL·.t~::~nl'::~
'I',J \1,·\1,
:u < :.~::I,;:;~:·~~~,,;<:,':~i;I~.~:: I!::::::~"~:l:;. I;:~(~::I:~.:,::
f'h ....... -( IJIIo II It ... U)· I\U,J 8uoday,

• 30 "

I.-~a.l blink
l'h" Aflu.. r ......n. nnlth ", .\'1
F1 .. f',

of the
• _." A, it

LUNCH •• from 50c
DINNIR •• from '5c
c ,.!" ,J ,•• '.IIIt,
":1 "- Q ........ r i', ,'1" •• r 111"""lf "11\'"1''' 'II .... "RlIY ~ A M. In .:]& I'. ))., liu ..l.l'..¥
mate and passed directly to the also caged a ·loul ·try for S •on :rO~i want to a,o,~'Wh9;.•.!!U~ i~f ' . , . ,~I .. '" II,
h'" \I , \ " , . '1,,1"
Sharo)) star In midcourt. The lat- before Kane entet-e,d the. ga~~~.~ or:,.ho-wHI.·cio;'thijQb.·,.·. '1" . ",:'-,,---~ ... - ::~':,'I\::;:I:- .• 1 ',','.." •• ;,', '.',," , , ' :'II::,I.:.','·.II1·::"~' 9 A. M. ID l I'. •1. Frll.
ter was able to score without any- clime througll with blll'it1tnely go8j; ·~MJf!'II(f~ii!fI;J;·";'f'~';;,:'- . _.. , - 11"'"1111'."\\'11 Tllrlll',' /lillie!. I'~I ll!'r-
Thus, the score'·stood·.~t 30~21 ,..f or . . ,.,~.~;w:..~,..".. .·:;;,·,.Wyn·newood tl·.ot'le
'~'I:;',II'~:" I'> '1':'1>'" ,.l ,.':' ':I""'~;
.' ...
one 'coming close to him. M<>lnar Arc"dla C..OI. •
also, converted two foul tries, but
the f til
o wascomm e
Itt d b
more-. than three minutes'" before
M I ' ' ' ' '
onlJ'.fouledlntheactofshoo~_ ·THEBEU.·TELEPH·····O~"C'
I Or'lIftM
lSI. )fONTOOII.,II. '1..
f D , S
'11.'''' ",d I" I .I :.
:--.IKII".. rll ..... 1 1'1".,,·r_. ,,,; .-" .. h .-t.
1'10,1,. Th. ~.,:"" .1",1,,1 I",,! ...
" . .' .,' ".".'
.....\1 1...
R "raft.,
Narberih; Pa.
".. .
Middleton's teammates. Mtddleton. Ing. converted both tries for Sharon .. n~:. OMPANY ;:. " '" '"r, .. pp~, .,. ,:. I". 'I .,. 1.\1 ' ••.• ".1

.. tn tum. seored two field goals and and Stupka drove Inside lor a lay. 'bf'PDlNSYlVANIA' NAB~rth'''' ~'".• "~ [lao • U'i!I':~ 1',".-1 ••,. II.',' " .. "Id .\1 .• ,1'.,,1.' '.1','
SPECIALTY .. . ''.
alao casbecl 111. on two fOul shots up. ": '.,... . • . . ' .".,.. • • • • . •1I1).2• •f•."\.".'"'".a.uo . ~~11I"·.1 \·.·.'d .. "
.... '1'1,.· I.,ttl, F.·'...... ..C•• pl.te ..... ClI"'"
. £;;";' '.
. IiI 'Al'rU " 10. It. ~.,;;u I'. M. ~"l·.

--I .. : --'-~,- ".

• ._ ~ .0.'_ _'
•-~ :..-•..-.;=----.... :-.:.~ ._.- .'.,.....:,...;;-:....;\::..:~_.:.. - ..: .J~~'-:"';\""~~:::;::':'" .!:..:.:..T~~ .•. -_:_~~ ..._~: \ . 7'

. -

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