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1 Read Alan’s story and choose the correct answers.

At Glastonbury Festival

The first time I went to the Glastonbury Festival was in 2013. I was 18 years old and had just finished school.
As a treat my mum had bought me and a friend tickets and she gave them to us on the day that we finished
our last exam. It was only a week before the festival and we were so excited. There were so many great
bands playing, from the Arctic Monkeys to Mumford and Sons and The Rolling Stones. We went out and
bought a cheap tent from a supermarket. We already had sleeping bags. What else did we need? Nothing.
We could buy all our food there.

We left on the Thursday morning. There were no bands until the Friday, but you can go a day early, so we
did, because we wanted to get a good site for our tent. We took a train to Bath and then got a coach to the
festival site. But we weren’t the only ones wanting to arrive the day before. There were thousands of people
making their way through the festival gates. We had to go through a security check to make sure we weren’t
carrying anything illegal. And then we were in. I was amazed at just how big the site was. As far as you could
see there were people and stalls and stages and tents. We had no idea where the best place to be was, so
we just followed everyone else and put up our tent in a field that seemed quite central.

We had just finished when the rain started coming down. For the first hour we sat inside our tent praying that
it would stop. It didn’t, so we went out to explore. The rain just kept coming down and slowly the ground
turned into mud. As more and more people arrived, the mud got deeper and deeper until it became quite
difficult to move. On Thursday night, as we lay in our sleeping bags listening to the rain outside our tents, we
thought about packing up and going home in the morning. But on Friday the music started and the festival
came alive. There was no way we were going home. The rain did stop for about four hours on Saturday, but
then it started again. But we didn’t care. We were muddy, but we were happy. We didn’t even bother trying to
take a shower. I’ve been three more times since, all with perfect weather. They’ve been fun, but I think I
prefer Glastonbury in the rain.

1 Why did Alan’s mum give him Glastonbury tickets?

x To celebrate him finishing school.

 For an 18th birthday present.

 Because she had two tickets she couldn’t use.

2 What did Alan go and get before going to Glastonbury?

 Some food.

 A tent.

 xA sleeping bag.

3 Why did they leave on Thursday morning?

 Because there were some good bands playing that evening.

 xBecause they wanted to find a good place to put up their tent.

 Because they had a special ticket to let them arrive a day earlier.

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4 What surprised Alan when they arrived?

 xThe size of it all.

 The fact they had to go through security.

 There were lots of other people arriving early too.

5 How did they choose a site for their tent?

 They just did what other people were doing.

 They wanted to be near the toilets.

 xIt was so busy they just took the first one they saw.
6 When did the rain start?

 Just after they had put their tent up.

 xAn hour after they arrived.

 As they were leaving the tent to explore.

7 How did Alan feel on Thursday night?

x He was excited by the bands that were playing in the morning.

 He couldn’t sleep because of the rain.

 He wanted to go home.

8 Why didn’t Alan go home early?

 Because it was too muddy to get off the site.

 Because he was having too much fun.

 xBecause he knew the rain would stop on Saturday afternoon.

2 Read about Sally’s trip to Wimbledon and put the events in order.

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A Wimbledon trip

Last year my school ran a trip to Wimbledon. They advertised it back in March and there were only twenty
places, so you had to get your online payment in quickly to secure a place. Luckily, my mum managed to get
me the last place. Then it was just the four months to wait. Four months! It seemed like forever. I should say
here that I’m a massive tennis fan. I was probably a bit over-excited. Anyway, the big day finally arrived.
Exams were already over for the year. I was really in the mood to celebrate.

We took the train to London. It was a two-hour journey, so we were up pretty early. From Euston station it
was another 40 minutes on the underground, but by 11 a.m. we were there. We were outside the most
famous tennis club in the world. Although we had tickets, we still had to wait about another twenty minutes.
I’d checked the weather forecast for the day the night before – sun all day. I looked up. Nothing but blue
skies. It was going to be the perfect day for tennis.

Once inside, our teacher showed us the place where we all had to meet at 7 p.m. Then we were free to
explore as we liked. The first thing I did was to buy one of those giant tennis balls for the players to sign. I
wanted to get as many autographs as possible. Something to remember the day by.

We had tickets for centre court, but since the play didn’t start until 1 p.m., we went and watched some
doubles on the outer courts. It was amazing.

At about 12.30 I got something to eat. It was probably the most expensive hot dog I’ve ever had, but I didn’t
care. I was about to see my hero Roger Federer in action.

We got to our seats fifteen minutes before play started. The atmosphere inside the stadium was electric and
when the players came out, the noise was amazing. The match was brilliant. Roger won and I managed to
get him to sign my ball. It couldn’t have been more perfect.

The journey home was the reverse of the journey to London and we didn’t get back until just after midnight. I
wasn’t too tired, because I’d slept most of the way home. My poor dad was. He’d stayed up to fetch me from
the station and now he had to wait up for another hour while I told him everything that had happened on
perhaps the greatest day of my life so far.

5 Sally has lunch.

6 Sally has a nap.

11 Sally travels on the underground for the second time in the day.

The school announces its trip to Wimbledon.

4 Sally watches some doubles.

10 Sally meets her hero.

3 The teacher arranges a meeting place.

12 Sally looks to see what the weather will be like.

8 Sally does her school exams.

9 They wait outside Wimbledon stadium to get in.

7 Sally buys a souvenir.

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2 Sally’s mum pays for the trip.

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