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Journal of Business Ethics (2008) 77:377–403  Springer 2007

DOI 10.1007/s10551-007-9363-y

Well-being Marketing: An Ethical Business M. Joseph Sirgy

Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms Dong-Jin Lee

ABSTRACT. In this article we build on the program of corporate efforts designed to induce consumers to
research in well-being marketing by further conceptual- make contributions to causes based on product sales
izing and refining the conceptual domain of the concept of (e.g., Comcast donates $4.95 of installation fees for
consumer well-being (CWB). We then argue that well- its high-speed Internet service to Ronald McDonald
being marketing is a business philosophy grounded in House Charities). Corporate social marketing
business ethics. We show how this philosophy is an ethical
involves corporate campaigns that support behavior
extension of relationship marketing (stakeholder theory in
business ethics) and is superior to transactional marketing
change intended to improve public health, safety,
(a business philosophy grounded in the principles of the environment, or community well-being (e.g.,
consumer sovereignty). Additionally, we argue that well- Home Depot and a utility promoting water con-
being marketing is based on duty ethics concepts, specif- servation tips). Corporate philanthropy involves a
ically the duty of beneficence and non-maleficence. firm making a direct contribution to a charity or
Subsequently, we show how the well-being concept cause in the form of cash grants, donations, and/or
guides marketing decisions for consumer goods firms. linked services (e.g., WaMu awards cash grants to
fund professional development of teachers). Com-
KEY WORDS: well-being marketing, marketing and munity volunteering refers to incentives a firm
quality of life, societal marketing, marketing ethics, social provides its employees to volunteer their time to
responsibility in marketing support local community organizations and causes
(e.g., employees of a high-tech company tutoring
youth in middle schools on computer skills). Socially
responsible business practices involve business prac-
tices designed to support social causes, improve
Introduction community well-being, and protect the environ-
ment (e.g., Starbucks working with Conservation
Much of the literature in corporate social responsi- International to support farmers to minimize nega-
bility has focused on six aspects of citizenship tive impact on their local environment).
behavior: (1) corporate cause promotions, (2) cause- Well-being marketing, the focus of this essay, can
related marketing, (3) corporate social marketing, (4) be viewed as a contribution to the literature
corporate social philanthropy, (5) community vol- involving the sixth aspect of corporate social
unteering, and (6) socially responsible business responsibility–socially responsible business practices.
practices (Kotler and Lee, 2005). Corporate cause In that context, much has been written on socially
promotions involve corporate activities to increase responsible marketing practices in the marketing
awareness and concern for social causes (e.g., The ethics literature. Much of the literature in marketing
Body Shop promoting a ban on the use of animals to ethics can be grouped in two major camps:
test cosmetics). Cause-related marketing involves descriptive (positive) versus prescriptive (normative)
models of marketing practice.
M. Joseph Sirgy is Professor of Marketing and Virginia Real Descriptive or positive models of marketing ethics
Estate Research Fellow at Virginia Tech (USA). Dong-Jin focus on explaining actual behaviors in an ethical
Lee is Professor of Marketing at Yonsei University (Korea). situation (e.g., Hunt and Vitell 1986, 2006; Ferrell
378 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

and Grasham, 1986; Trevino, 1986; Wortuba, sumers with goods and services that not only can
1990). The focus of these models is to describe how enhance their overall quality of life but also do it
marketers behave in ethical dilemmas. These models safely—to the consumers themselves, to other pub-
attempt to capture the ethical decision-making lics, and the environment. Reflecting this need,
process and all the organizational, social, cultural, Kotler et al. (2002) emphasized marketingÕs impact
situational, and personality related factors that on the quality of life by stating that marketers should
influence the various components of the decision- determine the needs, wants, and interests of target
making process. consumers and deliver satisfaction more effectively
Normative marketing ethics, on the other hand, is and efficiently than competitors in a way that pre-
designed to advocate and establish guidelines for serves or enhances consumer well-being. The firm
ethical marketing practice rather than attempt to should deliver superior value to customers in a way
report what practitioners say or do (Smith, 2001). that maintains or improves the customerÕs and the
Much has been written about prescriptive or nor- societyÕs well-being. The traditional marketing
mative models of marketing. However, the vast concept overlooks possible conflicts between con-
majority of what has been done in this camp has sumer short-run wants and consumer long-run
focused on narrow topics such as design and man- welfare (Armstrong and Kotler 2002). Our concept
ufacture of poor quality products, failure to ensure of well-being marketing is grounded in societal mar-
product safety, misleading advertising, among others keting as introduced by Kotler (1979, 1986, 1987).
(e.g., Cespedes, 1993; Mattsson and Rendtorff, Specifically, well-being marketing is a business
2006) and the prescriptive standards that marketers philosophy that guides managers to develop and
should adhere ‘‘minimize the damage.’’ With respect implement marketing strategies that focuses on
to general or overarching models of normative enhancing consumer well-being through the con-
marketing ethics, Dunfee et al. (1999) found only sumer/product life cycle (acquisition, preparation,
four models that are distinctively normative. These consumption, possession, maintenance, and disposal
are: Laczniak (1983), Williams and Murphy (1990), of consumer goods) and to do so safely in relation to
Reidenbach and Robin (1990), and Smith (1995). consumers, other publics, and the environment. We
More recently, Laczniak and Murphy (2006) define consumer well-being (CWB) as a desired state of
developed seven normative perspectives for ethically objective and subjective well-being involved in the
and socially responsible marketing. various stages of the consumer/product life cycle in
Although much of the work in normative mar- relation to consumer goods. By providing need
keting ethics is indeed commendable, the emphasis so satisfaction over the entire consumer/product life
far has been on the non-maleficence aspect of mar- cycle, well-being marketing guides the firm to
keting practice. That is, the focus has been on devel- establish long-term relationships with target con-
oping a set of guidelines to ensure that marketersÕ sumers. Thus, the long-term objective of well-being
decisions are not likely to create damage to the firmÕs marketing is the enhancement of CWB. In addition
stakeholders—customers, employees, distributors, to enhancing CWB, well-being marketing pre-
suppliers, the environment, the local community, etc. scribes that enhancement of CWB should not come
The work presented in this article focuses on at the expense of adverse conditions experienced by
normative marketing ethics by integrating two other organizational stakeholders (e.g., employees,
aspects of marketing ethics: marketing beneficence the local community, the general public, and the
and non-maleficence. Thus, what we attempt to do environment).
here is to develop a more comprehensive perspective Although much has been discussed about well-
of normative ethics. We call this perspective well- being marketing and its implications to CWB (e.g.,
being marketing. Sirgy 2001), we still have a limited understanding
regarding its ethical basis, strategic implications, and
The concept of well-being marketing implementation (4 Ps). More specifically, we ask:
how different well-being marketing is from other
Marketing has the potential to enhance consumer philosophic concepts of marketing such as the
well-being in significant ways by providing con- marketing concept and relationship marketing in
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 379

guiding managerial decision-making? We answer the TABLE I

question by conceptualizing the domain of the well- The measurement constructs involved in the ACSI
being marketing construct and identifying its
dimensions in terms of specific marketing mix 1. Expectation
decisions directly related to consumersÕ marketplace • Customer expectation about overall quality
experiences: product acquisition, preparation, con- • Customer expectation about reliability
sumption, possession, maintenance, and disposal. • Customer expectation about customization
Understanding well-being marketing should help 2. Performance
marketers use this philosophic concept that is con- • Perception of overall quality
sistent with both organizational and societal goals. • Perception of reliability
• Perception of customization
3. Value
• Price given quality
Consumer well-being (CWB) • Quality given price
4. Consumer satisfaction
In this section, we review various circumscribed • Overall satisfaction
attempts to conceptualize CWB and then present in • Satisfaction against expectation
more detail our own conceptualization of CWB. • Satisfaction against the ideal
However, before we describe the various concep- 5. Customer loyalty
tualizations of CWB, the reader should be aware of • Repurchase likelihood
the distinction between the concepts of consumer • Price tolerance (increase) given repurchase
satisfaction and CWB. • Price tolerance (decrease) to induce repurchase
6. Customer complaints
We view the American Consumer Satisfaction
Index (ACSI) as highly representative of consumer Source: Fornell, Claes, Michael D. Johnson, Eugene W.
satisfaction conceptualizations and measures. Much Anderson, Jaesung Cha, Barbara Everitt Bryant (1996),
of consumer satisfaction research is guided by the ‘‘The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature,
theoretical notion that consumer satisfaction plays a Purpose, and Findings,’’ Journal of Marketing, 60
major role in customer loyalty, repeat purchase, and (October), 7–18.
positive word-of-mouth communications (e.g.,
Fornell, 1992; Fornell et al., 1996; Oliver, 1997; high levels of consumerÕs quality of life—higher
Szymanski and Henard, 2001). The goal is to levels of life satisfaction, overall happiness with life,
enhance customer satisfaction for the purpose of absence of ill being, societal welfare, etc.
ensuring higher levels of repeat patronage, ergo sales,
market share, and profit.
The ACSI measure is based on the notion that The acquisition model of CWB
customer satisfaction is determined mostly by per-
ceived value, perceived quality, and customer The acquisition model posits that CWB is deter-
expectations. It is based on a survey of actual users of mined by satisfaction with acquisition of consumer
major brands in various product categories. The goods. For example, Meadow (1983) generated a
survey includes questions capturing customer measure of CWB based on the consumerÕs experience
expectations, perceived quality, value perceptions, with retail institutions in purchasing food, housing,
satisfaction, customer complaints, and customer household operations, household furnishings, cloth-
loyalty (Fornell, 1992; Fornell et al., 1996). The ing and accessories, personal care, medical care, rec-
exact measurement constructs are shown in Table I. reation, transportation, and education. To reiterate,
In contrast, the concept of CWB is inherently this approach focused on measuring overall acquisition
guided by a different meta-level concept, namely the or shopping satisfaction in oneÕs local area. Based on
link between consumer satisfaction and quality of life. the theoretical notion of satisfaction hierarchy (e.g.,
In other words, the conceptualizations of CWB we Andrews and Withey, 1976; Aiello et al., 1977), the
review in this section are grounded on the implicit or author used a sample of 249 elderly consumers to
explicit assumption that high levels of CWB reflect demonstrate that life satisfaction can be predicted
380 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

significantly from satisfaction with a host of retail The consumer/product-life-cycle model of CWB
establishments in the community.
Lee et al. (2002) argued that the dimensions of the
consumer life domain are most appropriately con-
The possession model of CWB ceptualized in terms of five stages of the consumer/
product life cycle: acquisition, possession, con-
Others have focused on material possessions to sumption, maintenance, and disposal (cf. Wilkie and
capture CWB. For example, Nakano et al. (1995) Moore, 1999). They cited research evidence sug-
examined consumersÕ overall satisfaction with their gesting that consumers experience satisfaction and
material possessions and standard of living. As part dissatisfaction across the entire consumer/product
of a larger investigation of consumer socialization, life cycle, and that consumer satisfaction with all the
Nakano et al (1995) used a two-question measure stages of the life cycle spills over onto other life
to capture CWB, namely: ‘‘How do you feel domains affecting overall life satisfaction (e.g.,
about your standard of living—the things you have Andrews and Withey, 1976; Campbell et al., 1976;
like housing, car, furniture, recreation, and the Day, 1987; Lee and Sirgy, 1995; Meadow, 1983,
like?’’ and ‘‘How do you feel about the extent to 1988; Nakano et al., 1995). Specifically, acquisition
which your physical needs are met?’’ CWB is satisfaction was defined as consumer satisfaction with
conceptualized as the composite of these items. In respect to shopping and other activities involved in
sum, CWB is construed in terms of satisfaction the purchase of consumer goods. Specifically, the
with oneÕs ownership of consumer durables and authors identified seven factors of the acquisition
other material possessions. Sirgy et al. (1998) experience that play a significant role in consumer
found that satisfaction with material possessions satisfaction with shopping experiences, such as sat-
influences overall life satisfaction especially for isfaction with the quality, prices, hours, and services
those consumers who are highly involved with of stores in the local area. Possession satisfaction was
material possessions. defined as satisfaction that results from the owner-
ship of major classes of consumer goods such as
house or condominium, consumer electronics, and
The two-factor model of CWB private transportation. Consumption satisfaction was
defined as consumer satisfaction resulting from the
Day (1978, 1987) and Leelakulthanit et al. (1991) use of consumer goods. It is closely related to but
conceptualized CWB as consumer satisfaction with distinct from possession satisfaction, the difference
acquisition and possession of consumer goods being that possession satisfaction focuses on positive
(durable goods). Acquisition satisfaction refers to con- affect that flows from ownership per se, whereas
sumer satisfaction with experiences related to the consumption satisfaction focuses on satisfaction that
purchase of consumer goods in traditional retail flows from the actual use of the product. Maintenance
establishments in oneÕs community. Examples satisfaction was defined as satisfaction consumers
include the assortment, quality, and price of goods experience when they seek to have a durable
available in local stores, the attractiveness of the product repaired or serviced. The authors concep-
stores, the courtesy and helpfulness of store person- tualized maintenance satisfaction as having two
nel, and after-purchase service provided by local major sub-dimensions—satisfaction with mainte-
stores (e.g., warranty policies). In contrast, the pos- nance and repairs provided by service vendors in the
session satisfaction focuses on subjective experiences community (i.e., repair services), and satisfaction with
related to material possessions (e.g., house/apart- services that facilitate maintenance and repair by the
ment, furniture, car/truck, clothing/accessories, owners themselves (i.e., do-it-yourself support services)
savings, etc.) and overall satisfaction with those such as satisfaction with price of replacement parts
possessions. Leelakulthanit et al. (1991) found a and tools and availability of necessary parts and tools
significant relationship between acquisition/posses- in the local area. Disposal satisfaction refers to the
sion satisfaction and life satisfaction, especially for degree of satisfaction consumers feel with the
older and low-income people. disposability of durable goods (e.g., satisfaction with
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 381

the convenience and ease of disposal and the envi- that come in contact with the product, and the
ronmental friendliness of the product at the time of environment). Specifically, in relation to product
disposal). acquisition, subjective well-being translates into con-
There have been several empirical studies devel- sumer satisfaction with the shopping for and the
oping and testing the validity of CWB measures in purchase of the product in a manner contributing to
relation to several product categories such as per- the consumerÕs life satisfaction. In contrast, objective
sonal transportation and housing. With respect to well-being in relation to product acquisition means
personal transportation, Sirgy et al. (2006) found that expertsÕ assessment that the product is high quality
consumerÕs perceived quality-of-life impact of cur- and the price is fair and affordable; also that the
rent vehicles is largely determined by satisfaction purchase experience is safe to the purchasers, the sales
with purchase, preparation for personal use, own- people and facilities, the general public, and the
ership, use, and maintenance (i.e., various experi- environment.
ences across the consumer/product-life-cycle with a With respect to product preparation, subjective
particular product). In relation to housing, Grzesko- well-being reflects consumer satisfaction with the
wiak et al. (2006) developed and tested the validity preparation or assembly of the product in a manner
of a CWB measure based on the consumer/product contributing to the consumerÕs quality of life (life
life cycle model. The CWB measure captured home satisfaction). Objective well-being in relation to
residentÕs cumulative positive and negative affect product preparation means that the preparation or
associated with house purchase, use, maintenance, assembly of the product is assessed by experts to be
ownership, and selling. easy (or convenient) and safe to the people who elect
to prepare or assemble the product, the assembly
facility, the general public, and the environment.
Our definition of CWB In regards to product consumption, the subjective
well-being dimension captures consumer satisfaction
We define CWB as a state of objective and sub- with the use of the product in a manner contributing
jective well-being involved in the various stages of to consumerÕs quality of life. In comparison, the
the consumer/product life cycle in relation to a objective well-being dimension captures expertsÕ
particular consumer good. The consumer/product assessment that the consumption of the product is
life cycle deals with various types of marketplace significantly beneficial to those who use the product,
experiences a consumer has with a product from and that the product is safe to consumers, the general
purchasing the product to its disposal. Specifically, public, and the environment.
the stages of the consumer/product life cycle are: Focusing on product ownership, subjective well-
product acquisition (purchase), preparation (assem- being means consumer satisfaction with the owner-
bly), consumption (use), ownership (possession), ship of the product in a manner contributing to the
maintenance (repair), and disposal (selling, trade-in, consumerÕs quality of life. In contrast, the objective
or junking of the product). See Table II. dimension captures expertsÕ assessment that the
The distinction between objective and subjective ownership of the product has appreciable value and
well-being is important. Subjective well-being refers is safe to the owners, the general public, and the
to feelings of satisfaction/dissatisfaction the consumer environment.
experiences in a manner that contributes to his or her Focusing on product maintenance, subjective well-
quality of life. What we are talking about here is being reflects consumer satisfaction with product
consumer-life satisfaction or the link between con- maintenance and repair in a manner contributing to
sumer satisfaction and life satisfaction (overall hap- the consumerÕs quality of life. Objective well-being
piness in life, overall sense of subjective well-being, associated with product maintenance reflects expertsÕ
or the perception of life quality). In contrast, objective assessment that the maintenance of the product is
well-being refers to an assessment by experts (e.g., easy (or convenient), not costly (affordable), and safe
engineers, scientists, consumer economists, safety to the people who are doing the maintenance, the
experts) regarding consumersÕ costs and benefits as maintenance or repair facility, the general public,
well as safety assessments (safety to consumers, others and the environment.
382 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

Our conceptualization of consumer well-being

Subjective well-being (consumer satisfaction) Objective well-being (experts assessment of

consumersÕ and societal costs and benefits)

Product acquisition Consumer satisfaction with the shopping for ExpertsÕ assessment that
and the purchase of the product in a manner • the product is high quality and the price is fair
contributing to the consumerÕs quality of life and affordable, and
• the purchase experience is safe to the pur-
chasers, the sales person/facility, the general
public, and the environment
Product preparation Consumer satisfaction with the preparation ExpertsÕ assessment that the product is
or assembly of the product for use in a
• easy (or convenient) and
manner contributing to the consumerÕs
• safe to prepare or assemble to the preparer, the
quality of life
general public, and the environment
Product consumption Consumer satisfaction with the use of the ExpertsÕ assessment that the consumption of the
product in a manner contributing to the product is
consumerÕs quality of life • significantly beneficial to consumers and
• safe to consumers, the general public, and the
Product ownership Consumer satisfaction with the ownership of ExpertsÕ assessment that the ownership of the
the product in a manner contributing to the product
consumerÕs quality of life • has appreciable value and
• is safe to the owners, the general public, and
the environment
Product maintenance Consumer satisfaction with product mainte- ExpertsÕ assessment that the maintenance of the
nance and repair in a manner contributing to product is
the consumerÕs quality of life • easy (or convenient),
• not costly (affordable), and
• safe to the repair person/facility, the general
public, and the environment
Product disposal Consumer satisfaction with product disposal ExpertsÕ assessment that the disposal of the
(or trade-in or re-selling) in a manner con- product is
tributing to the consumerÕs quality of life • easy (or convenient),
• not costly (affordable), and
• safe to the disposal person/facility, the general
public, and the environment

Finally, in relation to product disposal, subjective remainder portions of the article. Therefore, the
well-being signifies consumer satisfaction with the reader should expect greater clarity of the CWB
disposal (junking, trading-in, or re-selling) of the concept and how it guides well-being marketing
product in a manner contributing to the consumerÕs decisions as we move along into the article.
quality of life. On the other hand, objective well-
being means expertsÕ assessment that the disposal of
the product is easy (or convenient), not costly (or Comparing the ethics of three marketing
affordable), and safe to the person doing the disposal, concepts: transactional, relationship, and
the disposal facility, the general public, and the well-being marketing
We will discuss those aspects of subjective and Throughout the remainder part of the article, we
objective well-being of CWB in greater detail in the will describe well-being marketing in terms of the
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 383

traditional elements of the marketing mix (i.e., the Competition among firms to generate higher and
four Ps). In doing so, we contrast well-being mar- higher levels of sales is the motivating force that
keting with two other forms of marketing, namely drives firms to develop higher quality products and
transactional marketing and relationship marketing. selling them at low prices. Thus, the drive to sell
We do so to show how well-being marketing can be serves society by motivating the business enterprise
distinguished from traditional marketing (as captured to innovate and develop new and better quality
in transactional and relationship marketing). We products, and market those products at lower prices
argue that well-being marketing is based on a busi- than the competition. When consumers purchase
ness ethics philosophy that is more adapted to con- high-quality products at low prices, they reward
temporary society. To make this argument, we do firms that develop better products at lower prices.
the following in this section. We argue that the Thus, firms that are able to meet consumersÕ needs
ethics supporting transaction marketing is based on the and wants for better products at lower prices sig-
concept of consumer sovereignty of business ethics. We nificantly benefit (financially speaking), and those
then argue that consumer sovereignty falls short in that cannot compete fall by the way side (e.g.,
several ways, and thereforeit is not well-suited to Friedman, 1962, 1970; Scherer, 1971; Smith, 1776).
contemporary society. Then we focus on the rela- Consumer sovereignty theory posits that society
tionship marketing and argue that this approach to benefits when consumers vote with their pocket-
marketing is grounded in stakeholder theory of busi- books (e.g., Nelson, 1970; Smith, 1995; Smith and
ness ethics. We then argue that stakeholder theory Quelch, 1993, pp. 30–34; Stigler, 1971; Thorelli and
serves society better than transaction marketing, but Thorelli, 1977). To do so, consumers have to be
nevertheless it also falls short. Finally, we define well- informed about the productÕs quality and price.
being marketing and show how this approach to Consumer behavior is based on the assumption that
marketing is grounded on business ethics concepts of consumers shop around and buy the highest quality
duty of beneficence and non-maleficence. Our goal is to product at the lowest price. Consumer sovereignty
convince the reader that well-being marketing is reflects the idea that consumers can serve society by
most ethical in serving the business community, engaging in ‘‘rational decision-making’’ and exer-
consumers at large, and society overall. cising their economic votes wisely. By selecting
products that provide best value, consumers reward
manufacturers that best serve consumers. Much of
The ethics of transaction marketing todayÕs business laws (e.g., anti-trust laws, con-
sumer protection laws) are designed to ensure that
Transaction marketing is marketing guided by neo- consumers are well informed about their market
classical economic theory. It focuses on profit max- choices. If they are well informed, they serve
imizing by recruiting more and more customers to society by rewarding efficient firms that deliver ‘‘a
purchase the firmÕs product. Sales reflect the notion better mousetrap at a lower price’’ and weed out
that the firm serves society by marketing a product inefficient firms that cannot deliver on the same
that consumers need or want. A firm meeting market terms.
demand for consumer goods is a firm that serves Nevertheless, market inefficiencies do occur in
society. Furthermore, the more sales, the more the the form of sales that do not reflect market demand
firm prospers financially. Financial prosperity trans- and the fulfillment of consumer wants. For example,
lates into more jobs and economic security for the Galbraith (1956, 1973, 1977, and 1985) has argued
firmÕs employees. The firmÕs financial prosperity also that many firms survive and prosper not because they
benefits society through taxation—the more the firm market higher quality products at lower prices. They
sells, the more it is taxed, the more the tax revenues survive and prosper because they have countervail-
are used by government to provide public services ing power. They overwhelm their competitors
that benefit society at large. Similarly, the more through massive advertising and marketing com-
people are employed, the more tax revenues are munications campaigns. They also may control the
generated through personal income taxation, which channels of distribution, thus restricting consumer
in turn serves society at large. access to competitors. Furthermore, it has been
384 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

argued that consumer sovereignty is increasingly of the firm indirectly through external stakeholders
becoming less relevant in the age of high tech, and (e.g., legal groups, consumer advocacy groups,
that it fails to sufficiently guide ethical marketing government agencies).
practice (Sirgy and Su, 2000). This is due to the fact One can argue that the ethics of relationship mar-
that many consumers lack the opportunity to be keting can be justified by stakeholder theory. A firm
exposed to objective information about the quality serves society well by establishing positive relation-
and prices of competing high-tech products, and ships with its various stakeholders. The firm does this
consumers also lack the ability and motivation to by meeting the demands of stakeholders leading to
process this information (see Table III). trust and commitment. By the same token, if the
primary stakeholders of marketing are customers and
distributors, then stakeholder theory advocates that
The ethics of relationship marketing the marketing department within the firm should
make every effort to cater to customers and distribu-
Relationship marketing is an emerging paradigm in tors in ways to elicit their trust and commitment.
marketing thought that focuses on the development Doing so necessitates ethical marketing practice,
and maintenance of quality relationship between ex- which in turn serves society as a whole. Relationship
change partners for mutual benefit. Relationship marketers focus on developing long-term relationship
marketing refers to all marketing activities directed with customers. Relationship marketing concentrates
towards establishing, developing, and maintaining on generating repeated sales from customers by pro-
successful relational exchanges (Morgan and Hunt, viding satisfaction and establishing trust.
1994). That is, relationship marketing is an integrated Although one can argue that relationship market-
effort to identify, maintain, and build up a network ing is considered to be on a higher ethical plane than
with customers for mutual benefit over a long time. transaction marketing, it still falls short. Establishing
The conceptual domain of relationship marketing positive relationships with customers based on trust
includes concepts such as trust, commitment, and and commitment does not ensure that the firmÕs
satisfaction (e.g., Dwyer et al., 1987; Ganesan, 1994; marketing decisions enhance consumer and society
Parvatiyar and Sheth, 1994; Morgan and Hunt, 1994). well-being. Consider the automobile industry. Many
According to the stakeholder view of the firm automobile manufacturers do a good job trying to
(Freeman, 1984), a firm operates in a network of establish positive relationships with customers. Cus-
relationships. That is, a firm engages in various tomers are happy with their cars and the service pro-
exchange relationships with many exchange partners vided by the warranty and dealer network. Customers
including suppliers, customers, competitors, other end up trusting their automobile manufacturers and
functional departments within the organization, and their dealers. They feel a sense of loyalty and com-
various stakeholders in the society (e.g., Carroll, mitment to manufacturers and dealers. Paradoxically,
1989; Evan and Freeman, 1988; Goodpaster, 1991; the same automobile manufacturers might design
Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Robin and Reidenbach, their cars by cutting corners on safety measures. The
1987; Wheeler and Sillanpaa, 1997). Stakeholder same manufacturers might design more fuel-efficient
theory is a grounded in the literature of business cars to minimize toxic gas emissions and air pollution
ethics and corporate social responsibility (e.g., Ca- but choose not to. Relationship marketing based on
roll, 1989). Stakeholders are typically classified as stakeholder theory fails to guide marketing decision-
external stakeholders, internal stakeholders, and making in areas concerning consumer safety, the
distal stakeholders (e.g., Sirgy, 2002). Internal stake- safety of other publics, as well as the safety of the
holders are other functional departments and business environment (see Table II).
units within the firm—other than the marketing
department. External stakeholders refer to stakeholders
outside of the firm, which survival and growth of the The ethics of well-being marketing
firm depends on (e.g., customers, shareholders, dis-
tributors, and suppliers). Distal stakeholders refer to Drucker (1969) has long maintained that business
stakeholders that influence the survival and growth has a significant impact on society. Therefore,
Well-being marketing vis-à-vis transactional marketing and relationship marketing

Transactional marketing Relationship marketing Well-being marketing

Strategic planning Ethical philosophy • Consumer sovereignty • Stakeholder theory • Duty of beneficence and non-malef-
Major strategic objectives • Financial goals (short term) • Financial goals (long-term) • Financial and societal goals (long-
Strategy • Developing marketing pro- • Developing marketing pro- • Developing marketing programs de-
grams designed to enhance grams designed to enhance signed to enhance consumer well
brand preference and pur- customer satisfaction, trust, being
chase and commitment
Target market • Focus on developing brand • Focus on developing satis- • Focus on developing well being of
preference and purchase faction, trust, and commit- consumers whose quality of life can
intentions of new customers ment of current customer be significantly enhanced through
product adoption, and doing this
safely to consumers, other publics,
and the environment
Consumption/product life cycle • Product purchase • Product purchase, prepara- • Product purchase, preparation use,
tion, use, ownership, ownership, maintenance, and dis-
maintenance, and disposal posal
Product decisions Factors considered in product • Consumer pre-purchase • Consumer pre-purchase • Consumer pre-purchase expectations
design, packaging, warranty, etc. expectations expectations • Consumer post-purchase expectations
• Consumer post-purchase • Safety concerns (consumers, other
expectations publics, the environment)
• Product impact on the quality of life
of the consumer
Pricing decisions Factors considered in • Costs • Costs • Costs
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms

pricing decisions • Profit goals • Profit goals • Profit goals

• What the market can bear • What the market can bear • What the market can bear
• Competition • Competition • Competition
• Customer perceived value • Customer perceived value
• Customer objective value
• Price affordability
• Safety and remediation costs
continued 386

Transactional marketing Relationship marketing Well-being marketing

Distribution decisions Factors considered in distribution • Sales • Sales • Sales

decisions • Market share • Market share • Market share
• Profit • Profit • Profit
• Customer access & • Customer access & • Customer access & convenience
convenience convenience • Repeat purchase & customer
• Repeat purchases & • Access, convenience, and pleasant
customer turnover environment to repeat customers
• Access, convenience, and • Consumer satisfaction, trust, &
pleasant environment to commitment
repeat customers • Safety and ethical concerns
• Customer satisfaction, trust, • Access & convenience to customers
& commitment most likely to benefit the most

Promotion decisions Factors considered in promotion • Brand awareness • Brand awareness • Brand awareness
decisions • Pre-purchase expectations • Pre-purchase expectations • Pre-purchase expectations
• Brand preference • Brand preference • Brand preference
• Purchase • Purchase • Purchase
• Post-purchase expectations • Post-purchase expectations
• Satisfaction, trust, & com- • Satisfaction, trust, & commitment
M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

mitment • Repeat purchase

• Repeat purchase • Safety concerns
• Use of the product to maximize
quality-of-life impact
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 387

business managers should accept the responsibility consumer wants are consistent or inconsistent with
to preserve and enhance consumer and society societyÕs well-being. The second stage of marketing
well-being. The concept of well-being should be evolution is the humanistic marketing concept. This
built into the firmÕs mission and mindset of senior concept posits that marketers consider both con-
executives. This is most significant for large cor- sumer wants and consumer interests. Thus,
porations since they tend to impact society more humanistic marketers do not tell people what they
significantly than small firms. Drucker argued that should have. Instead they market ‘‘better’’ goods and
executives should incorporate the concept of well services and subsequently attempt to ‘‘educate’’
being in their mission statement, business strategies, consumers about the benefits of the new and
and daily operations for three reasons. First, the improved ‘‘products.’’ The third stage of the evo-
societyÕs costs for neglecting to do this are very lution of the marketing concept is societal marketing.
high. Second, business is part of society, and not This concept is designed to address the concerns of
doing something about the preservation and the humanistic marketing concept (i.e., some mar-
enhancement of quality of life in society will keting practices may serve consumer wants and
ultimately affect business in adverse ways. That is, interests and yet hurt societyÕs interests).
healthy business and a sick society are not com- So what is a good definition of well-being mar-
patible. Third, improving consumer and society keting? We define well-being marketing for con-
well-being should be a tremendous business sumer goods firms as a business philosophy that
opportunity. Many marketing scholars followed the guides the development, pricing, promotion, and
lead of Drucker in calling for the kind of mar- distribution of consumer goods to individuals and
keting that enhances both consumer and societyÕs families for the purpose of enhancing CWB at a
well-being (e.g., Fisk, 1971; Kelly, 1974; Kotler, profit (in the long run) in a manner that does not
1979). adversely affect the public, including the environ-
For example, Kotler (1979) referred to ‘‘societal ment. Because customers are considered to be the
marketing’’ as a concept equating well-being mar- primary external stakeholder, marketersÕ primary
keting. The societal marketing concept calls for a con- responsibility is to meet the demand of their cus-
sumer orientation backed by integrated marketing tomers safely and enhance their quality of their life.
activity aimed at generating consumer satisfaction and But, because the firmÕs marketing decision may ad-
long-run consumer well-being as key to achieving versely impact the well-being of other external
long-run profitability. He developed a set of axioms stakeholders, it is vital that marketing decisions are
for societal marketing. Examples include ‘‘Outside made in ways to minimize possible adverse effects
parties should be represented in seller decision-mak- impacting the well-being of employees, distributors,
ing’’ and ‘‘Sellers will be effective to the extent that suppliers, stockholders, etc. (Sirgy, 2001).
they attempt to serve consumersÕ interests in addition Well-being marketing is grounded in duty ethics,
to their desires.’’ Kotler (1986) defined marketing especially the duty of beneficence and non-malefi-
effectiveness in terms consumer and society well- cence. Well-being marketing focuses on the
being: ‘‘The organizationÕs task is to determine the enhancement of CWB. This is the essence of the
needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to beneficence component of well-being marketing (e.g.,
deliver satisfaction more effectively and efficiently Beauchamp, 1999). The principle of beneficence
than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances refers to a general group of duties that include a
the consumerÕs and societyÕs well-being’’ (p. 16). positive injunction to assist customers. The principle
Kotler (1987) also suggested three stages of evo- of beneficence judges the ethical nature of an action
lution of marketing. The first stage is the marketing based on the criteria that one ought to promote to
concept. He argued that the marketing concept had good (Frankenna 1973, p. 47). The duty of benefi-
emerged as a result of movement from a product cence is one of the RossÕ (1930) prima facie duties in
orientation to a sales orientation to a marketing ethics–the duty that one recognizes at first sight as
orientation. The marketing concept focuses on being obligatory when all other things being equal.
consumer wants. Marketers adhering to the mar- Duty of beneficence is the sense of obligation we
keting concept make no judgments about whether feel that there are people in the world whose
388 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

situations we can improve. For well-being market- customers and making new transactions. Competi-
ers, it is a duty to improve the well-being of con- tiveness is the state of mind of the transaction mar-
sumers by meeting their needs fully over the entire keter. The goal is to gain more market share, to
span of the consumer/product life cycle. make customers belonging to competitors switch to
Well-being marketing also focuses on preserving the firmÕs brand. Marketing performance is judged in
the well being of stakeholders. This is the essence of terms of sales, market share, and profit. Much of the
the moral duty of non-maleficience. The principle of science and technology that helps the firm recruit
non-maleficience refers to injunction not to inflict new customers is grounded on the psychology of
harm to others (Beauchamp, 1999; Fisher, 2001). brand preference and choice. Transaction-oriented
The duty of non-maleficence is the sense of obli- firms focus on understanding the psychology of
gation that we should not harm others. Besides not purchase to create marketing programs that entice
inflicting harm, one ought to prevent or remove new customers to purchase the firmÕs product (see
harm (Frankenna, 1973). Table III).
Thus, well-being marketing is grounded in the The marketing strategy of relationship-marketing
ethics concepts of duty of beneficence and non- firms is significantly different from transaction-ori-
maleficence in that the focus is not only on serving ented firms. The strategic objectives of relationship-
consumers safely in a manner that contributes to marketing firms are more long term. The time
their quality of life but also the preservation of well horizon is not restricted to quarterly sales and
being of the firmÕs other stakeholders (see Table II). profit. Marketing performance is assessed through
We believe that the ethics of well-being marketing financial and behavioral measures. The firm is said
is on placed a higher plane than transaction and to be doing well not only when the financial
relationship marketing. Well-being marketing is numbers look good but also research shows that
more comprehensive in the way it accounts for both current customers are satisfied with the firmÕs
consumersÕ and societyÕs well-being. In the next product, they have trust in the firmÕs ability to
section of the article, we analyze how the concepts of deliver on its promises, and they are committed to
well-being marketing guide marketing decision- doing business with the firm in the foreseeable
making. We will contrast marketing decision-making future. Thus, relationship firms invest a great deal
guided by well-being marketing with decision- of resources in understanding the psychology of
making guided by transaction marketing, and satisfaction, trust, and commitment, and develop
relationship marketing. marketing programs to increase customer satisfac-
tion, trust and commitment. Furthermore, rela-
tionship firms do not focus on enhancing customer
Implementing the concept of well-being
satisfaction only through purchase. The focus of
marketing in the context of consumer goods
their marketing programs is post-purchase experi-
ences—marketplace experiences related to product
preparation, consumption, ownership, maintenance,
In this section, we will further expound on well-
and disposal (see Table III).
being marketing by describing how, as a business
In contrast to transaction and relationship firms,
philosophy, it guides both strategic and tactical
the strategic objectives of well-being firms involve
marketing decisions.
both financial and societal goals. Marketing perfor-
mance of a well-being firm is judged in terms of
Marketing strategy guided by the well-being principle sales, profit, customer-life satisfaction, customer
safety, employee safety, and safety to the environ-
The strategic objectives of transaction marketing are ment. The time horizon of well-being firms is long-
short-term financial goals. Most firms, driven by a term and multidimensional. Well-being firms invest
transaction philosophy, focus on quarterly sales and in the science and technology related to quality of
profit to assess the financial health of the firm and to life studies; they develop marketing programs to
set new goals for the coming quarter. The focus is enhance the quality of life of customers through the
short-term. Thus the impetus lies in recruiting new entire spectrum of marketplace experiences: product
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 389

purchase, preparation, consumption, ownership, With respect to product decisions designed to

maintenance, and disposal (see Table III). enhance wellbeing in relation to product purchase, a
transaction-oriented firm typically designs the
product in units that are most sellable, making the
Product decisions guided by the well-being principle transaction easy and convenient, and therefore
marketable. In contrast, a relationship-oriented firm
Product decisions (product design, packaging, designs the product not only in units most sellable
labeling, branding, warrantee, technical assistance, but also in volume and mass to make the transpor-
etc.) guided strictly by transaction marketing may tation logistics of the product easy and convenient to
lead to short-term profitability, yes, but also may the customer. Transaction-oriented firms may not
contribute to ill being. Of course, product decisions care about making transportation logistics easy and
in that vein are guided by the goal of maximizing convenient for customers because they may feel that
sales and reducing costs. In doing so, many of the their job is done once the sale is consummated.
product decisions are guided by an understanding of Relationship marketers care much about post-pur-
consumersÕ pre-purchase expectations. The product, chase transportation logistics because not doing so
the package, the warranty, etc. are all designed to may adversely affect customer satisfaction and repeat
meet consumersÕ purchase expectations. The goal is business. Well-being-oriented firms go two steps
to deliver a product mix that would result in high beyond what relationship marketers do. First, they
brand preference and choice over competitor make a concerted effort to ensure that product de-
brands. sign is not only guided by market demand and
In contrast, a relationship-marketing firm makes a customer satisfaction/trust/commitment goals but
host of product decisions to meet or exceed cus- also by safety concerns—the product is designed in
tomer expectations, ultimately to ensure repeat such a way to ensure the purchase experience is safe
business and brand loyalty. To reiterate, the goal to consumers, the general public, and the environ-
here is to maximize customer satisfaction, trust, and ment. This is because safety is an important goal of
brand loyalty. To do so, the marketer has to have a well-being marketers. For example, in relation to
good understanding of not only pre-purchase transportation and shipping logistics, well-being
expectations but also post-purchase expectations. firms are likely to make every attempt possible to
Product decisions, guided by the well-being ensure that the product package is safe to transport
principle, focus on developing and marketing and safe to the transporter, the general public, and
products that are significantly beneficial to con- the environment. That is, the well-being oriented
sumers with little or no negative externalities. In firm takes additional precautionary measures to de-
other words, a firm guided by a well-being philos- sign a package for the product that, if damaged
ophy makes a host of product decisions in ways to during transport, the contents would not spill and
significantly enhance the quality of life of individual harm the customer (or transportation personnel),
consumers or families without adversely affecting those in the vicinity of the spill, as well as the
employees, the local community, the environment, environment in terms of land, water, and/or air
and the general public. Well-being marketing fo- pollution (cf. Jacobs, 1988). Again safety issues re-
cuses on maximizing consumer satisfaction across all lated to packaging are not likely to be viewed as
six stages of the consumer/product life cycle important if guided by relationship marketing.
(product acquisition, preparation, consumption, Relationship marketing guides the firm to focus first
possession, maintenance, and disposal) with little or and foremost on customer satisfaction, trust, and
no negative externalities. Thus, the goal of a well- loyalty assessments. Furthermore, one can argue that
being firm is to enhance consumersÕ and societyÕs packaging safety assessments are best captured by
well-being—a concept above and beyond sales/ expert assessments, not customer perceptions and
profitability and customer satisfaction/brand loyalty. evaluations of safety issues related to shipping,
Product decisions guided by the well-being principle transportation, and product logistics. Emphasis of
are shown in Table III and described in some detail safety issues during shopping reflects the non-
in the sections below. maleficence component of well-being marketing.
390 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

Second, well-being firms attempt to design the go beyond what transaction firms do. They offer free
product in ways to make the purchase experience product assembly, or they may charge a nominal fee
satisfying to the customer, not only in the sense that for the assembly. Doing so, not only minimizes
this satisfaction would lead to purchase but also product returns, but also serves to enhance customer
satisfaction in the quality-of-life sense. It is the kind satisfaction, trust, and commitment.
of satisfaction that makes a contribution to life sat- Well-being marketers do what relationship mar-
isfaction. This dimension of product strategy reflects keters do and go beyond relationship marketing in
the beneficence dimension of well-being marketing. two ways. First, they design the product in such a
Consider the example of Nextel and the way they way to avoid the possibility of customer injury while
make the purchase of their cell phones an exciting assembling the product and to ensure safety to others
event at NASCAR-related events. Nextel sets up a as well as the environment. In other words, safety is
playground at a racing event or more like a huge an important criterion in product assembly and
arcade. In that arcade, consumers are invited to play preparation. Safety in product preparation is
a variety of car racing simulation videos. This is an important, not only to customers, but also to the
environment that is pleasant and exciting for con- general public and the environment. Again, as pre-
sumers. It is an environment that enhances the viously mentioned, this is the essence of the non-
purchase experience. For consumers whose lifestyle maleficence component of well-being marketing.
reflects NASCARÕs activities, interests, and opin- Second, well-being marketers attempt to make the
ions, the satisfaction generated in the context of a product assembly/preparation experience as satisfy-
NASCAR event is highly involving, enduring, and ing and meaningful as possible. Consider the fol-
adding to life satisfaction. lowing example: the USA television channel has a
With respect to product decisions designed to movie program hosted by two anchor guests who
enhance well-being in relation to product preparation, during movie breaks comment about the movie
transaction marketers attempt to maximize sales by while showing the audience how to cook a recipe.
ensuring that the product can be easily assembled or The recipe, of course, has food ingredients and/or
prepared for consumption. Many consumers do not cuisine utencils sponsored by specific manufacturers.
have the necessary skills, patience, or stamina to The focus is to show how the manufacturer’s
assemble or prepare purchased products for con- ‘‘product’’ can be prepared, and this demonstration
sumption. This situation can be very frustrating for is done in ways that is highly entertaining. Those
many customers, resulting in product returns. Most watching the movie learn how to prepare the recipe.
companies are contractually obligated to accept Imagine implementing this concept to help con-
returns, which can significantly cut into profit. sumers prepare a host of products and things, from
Product returns are averted by designing the product cooking with certain grocery items to assembling
for easy assembly or preparation. The case in point is computers. The goal is to make the preparation
Ikea, the worldÕs largest home furniture manufac- experience fun, exciting, and meaningful to target
turer. The firm produces home furniture with sim- consumers. This is the essence of the beneficence
ple design, modular interchangeable parts, and easy component of well-being marketing.
to assemble (Kumar et al., 2000). Furthermore, to With respect to product decisions designed to
ensure that the product is not returned, many enhance well being in relation to product consumption,
transaction-oriented firms make a concerted effort to a good transaction firm designs a product by study-
provide technical assistance to customers. Most firms of ing consumer purchase expectations. Understanding
consumer goods provide technical assistance (in the what consumers expect out of a product when
form of customer service) to assist consumers in consumed is important in designing the product to
product assembly or preparation. Relationship-ori- generate those benefits. Once the product is
ented firms also design the product for easy assembly. designed guided by purchase expectations, the
They also provide technical assistance to assist with transaction marketer promotes the product to tout
product assembly. However, to ensure that cus- those benefits. Doing so enhances the marketability
tomers are highly satisfied with the product (and feel of the product. For example, an automobile com-
trust and commitment toward the company), they pany studies young adultsÕ expectations used in
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 391

making car purchase decisions. The company finds 1988). In other words, well-being firms feel obligated
out that these consumers seek cars that are sporty by a sense of social responsibility to ensure that their
looking, equipped with nice CD/stereo system, and products (when consumed) will not adversely hurt
have power. As a result, the company designs a car to others (others than the consumers) and not harm the
meet these expectations and targets this car to young environment by polluting the air, water, and/or land.
adult consumers in a promotion campaign. Note Transaction- and relationship-marketing firms may
that the product is designed to generate consump- focus on safety, but if so, they do this from the vantage
tion utility guided by purchase expectations. In con- point of the consumer (e.g., Bettman et al., 1986), not
trast, a relationship marketing car manufacturer, society at large.
targeting young adults, designs a car guided by pre- With respect to the design of the product to
and post-purchase expectations. In other words, to generate a meaningful and enriching consumption
generate consumption utility that leads to customer experience, well-being firms conduct research to
satisfaction, trust, and commitment, the relationship identify pre- and post-purchase expectations that are
marketer takes into account how young adults linked with life satisfaction, not just customer satis-
evaluate the car after purchase and consumption, and faction. How can the product be designed to max-
how these evaluations lead to feelings of satisfaction imize the quality-of-life impact of the product? For
or dissatisfaction. The goal is to design a car for these example, in relation to personal transportation,
consumers in such a way to generate customer sat- marketing research is conducted to identify utilitar-
isfaction after purchase and use. In this instance, ian, symbolic, and aesthetic features that would lead
post-purchase expectations may not only involve to positive affect in various life domains of the
driving a sporty looking car equipped with nice CD/ consumers (e.g., work life, family life, social life,
stereo system, and having power, but also driving a leisure life, and travel life). A car designed to max-
car that is reliable, low on gas mileage, roomy en- imize positive affect in the driverÕs various life
ough to haul stuff, and reasonable in price not to domains is the kind of car that is likely to play an
hurt the pocketbook. In other words, the product is important role in enhancing the well being of the
designed to generate utility guided by pre- and post- driver, not the kind of customer satisfaction that is
purchase desired expectations (cf. Park et al., 1986; short-term, ephemeral, transient, or non-enduring.
Sheth et al., 1991; Sweeny and Souter, 2001). Again, Therefore, well-being marketing prompts marketing
the goal is to design a product to generate con- researchers to use methods that go beyond customer
sumption utility in such a way leading to customer satisfaction, methods grounded in quality-of-life
satisfaction, trust, and commitment. research (see SirgyÕs [2001] Handbook for Quality-of-
A car manufacturer guided by the well-being Life Research for research methods and measures).
concept goes beyond the design standards of the With respect to product decisions designed to
relationship marketer. In addition to incorporating enhance well being in product ownership, many
pre- and post-desired expectations into the design of products depreciate their market value very rapidly.
the product, the well-being marketer is guided by Many companies design their products with prod-
safety concerns during consumption and a consump- uct obsolescence in mind. A case in point is com-
tion experience that is most meaningful and enriching. puter hardware. One can argue that transaction-
With respect to safety concerns, both transaction and oriented firms design products to maintain (or
relationship marketers would include safety only if the possibly enhance) their market value. However,
research uncovers the fact that consumers do make they do so if, and only if, aspects of product
pre-and post-purchase decisions based on car safety. appreciation/depreciation are identified as criteria
Only then do car manufacturers design cars to ensure in purchase decision-making. Sometimes consumers
consumer safety. Manufacturers of consumer goods use criteria such as product obsolescence, durability,
guided by a well-being philosophy design their market value after purchase and use, and product
products to ensure consumer safety (when the product appreciation/depreciation in purchase decision-
is consumed) and safety of employees, the general making. If so, a transaction marketing firm has to
public, and the environment (in the manufacturing design the product in such a way to convince
and shipping of the product) (cf. Jackson and Morgan consumers that their brand is better than competitor
392 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

brands on durability and market-resale value. can be viewed as life satisfaction, happiness, or
Relationship-marketing firms place emphasis on subjective well being.
product durability and market-resale value too. What about product maintenance? Many transac-
However, they do so, when their market research tion-oriented firms provide their customers a
indicates that durability and resale value are not product warranty. A warranty helps the customer
only criteria in purchase decision-making but also when the product is in need of service or repair (cf.
customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment. The Dunne et al., 2002; Udell and Laczniak, 1981).
underlying assumption is that customers who are These firms provide a good warranty to enhance
happy with the resale value of the brand are likely the sale potential of their products. In contrast,
to remain loyal to that brand in future buying relationship-marketing firms do the same to
occasions. increase brand loyalty and enhance the chances of
Well-being marketing does not only equate with repeat business. In doing so, they go beyond the
relationship but also extends it in two significant traditional warranty. A good warranty offered by a
ways: safety concerns and subjective well-being. relationship-marketing firms focuses on both pre-
With respect to the safety issue, well-being firms ventative and reactive maintenance (e.g., Chonko,
design a product to ensure that the ownership of 1985). That is, the warranty is designed to (1) help
the product is not associated with safety prob- the customer periodically service the product to
lems—safety to the owners and their families, safety prevent malfunctioning, and (2) help the customer
to the local community, the environment, and the repair the product when it malfunctions. Such a
general public. Consider the case of gun ownership warranty develops customer trust and reinforces
or the ownership of rifles, assault weapons, and brand loyalty (Thurau and Hansen, 2000). A
other lethal weapons. There are many consumers product that is more reliable and durable decreases
who collect weapons for a variety of reasons. Some the productÕs need to be serviced and repaired
do so for the monetary value as collectible items; frequently. Reliability and durability are typically
some do so because consumers use them for product attributes desired by consumers, and
hunting purposes; and so on. Social critics have therefore these attributes are manifested in the kind
long accused the gun industry for failing to ensure of research conducted by consumer goods firms.
that gun owners are sufficiently educated to store Transaction firms typically make engineering deci-
these collectibles in a manner to avoid accidents to sions concerning product quality improvements by
self and others. Well-being firms are very sensitive assessing consumersÕ perception of reliability and
to safety concerns. In the case of gun ownership, durability. These firms make reliability and dura-
they are likely to design weapons with high quality bility improvements to the product only if mar-
safety systems such as safety locks and storage bins keting research shows that product reliability and
that are highly secure. durability are important criteria in purchase deci-
Furthermore, the well-being firm is motivated to sion-making. In contrast, relationship-marketing
design the product in such a way that its ownership firms are motivated to make reliability and dura-
becomes a part of an overall constellation of products bility improvements to the product when market-
and services signifying a lifestyle, a passionate hobby ing research shows these product attributes are
or vocation, or leisure activity. For example, some important in the development of customer satis-
people are avid readers of mystery novels. Their faction, trust, and commitment.
reading activity reflects a lifestyle of sorts. Buying a Well-being firms are very conscientious about
mystery novel is not simply an end goal. Buying a safety concerns. The maintenance warranty offered
mystery novel allows the reader to add that novel to by the firm is safe-proof. That is, the warranty
his or collection of mystery novels, which partly program has been tested and re-tested to ensure that
defines consumerÕs identity. Adding to oneÕs col- no aspect of reactive or preventative maintenance is
lection of mystery novels does not simply generate likely to jeopardize the safety of customers,
customer satisfaction with the purchased item but employees, the environment, as well as the general
also the kind of satisfaction that is linked with oneÕs public. In addition to the safe-proof warranty pro-
overall personality and self-concept. This satisfaction gram, well-being firms do not hesitate to recall their
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 393

products when evidence arises concerning lack of addition to the design of the product with envi-
safety. Well-being firms also are likely to provide a ronmentally-friendly ingredients and packaging, the
maintenance program that can induce feelings of well-being firm makes every effort to ensure that the
subjective well-being. For example, there are many disposal activity is not only safe to the environment
car owners that are emotionally involved with their but also to those involved in the act of disposal,
cars. The car reflects their identity, their status, and whether they are consumers or disposal service
the image they project to others. These customers personnel. Furthermore, well-being firms are likely
read much about cars. They pay attention to ads about to offer their customers the opportunity to trade-in
cars. They are opinion leaders in that they talk to their consumed product with newer and upgraded
others about cars. These people are likely to take care ones. This could be in the form of continuously
of their cars in a manner that feeds their subjective developing a product line with new upgrades or new
well-being. In other words, they spend much time, features that can serve peripheral needs. For exam-
energy, and money to take care of their cars. These ple, a consumer whose cell phone is damaged sends
maintenance activities meet a variety of needs across it back to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer
several life domains contributing to life satisfaction. sends back an upgraded model. This exchange may
Car manufacturers and dealers have an opportunity to be part of the product warranty. Thus, the disposal
further enhance life satisfaction to consumers highly experience becomes an exciting event in which the
involved with their cars by offering them a mainte- customer experiences subjective well-being by
nance program that can induce feelings of subjective exchanging his old product with an upgrade.
well-being. For example, the car dealer may offer a
maintenance course to their customers. They may
allow customers to bring their cars into the shop and Pricing decisions guided by the well-being principle
have them conduct reactive and preventative main-
tenance themselves, with the professional auto Pricing decisions guided by a well-being philosophy
mechanics lending a hand only if and when needed. are very different from pricing decisions guided by
Finally, we have product decisions related to either transactional or relationship marketing. Typ-
product disposal. Transaction-oriented firms are likely ically, a transaction-oriented firm makes pricing
to use environmentally-friendly product ingredients decisions guided by factors such as cost-plus (plus a
and/or packaging if consumer research uncovers that margin to achieve a desired profit level), what the
consumers do indeed consider environmental- market can bear, and competition. Relationship-
friendly dimensions of the product in purchase marketing firms also price their products using cost-
decision-making (e.g., Wasik, 1996). The rationale plus and market demand methods. Additionally,
is to deliver what consumers want; otherwise, the their pricing decisions are guided by customer per-
product will not sell. Relationship-marketing firms, ceptions of value (e.g., Sweeny and Souter, 2001;
on the other hand, attempt to find out the role of Woodruff, 1997; Zeithaml and Bitner, 2000). Doing
environmentally-friendly product ingredients and so ensures higher levels of profitability in the long
packaging in developing customer satisfaction, trust, run, mostly through repeat business.
and commitment. If research were to indicate that In contrast, well-being firms make pricing deci-
customers feel more satisfied (feel more trusting and sions guided by additional factors such as expertsÕ
committed to the brand) because of its environ- assessment of product value, price affordability, and
mentally-friendly ingredients and packaging, the cost of safety and remediation (cf. Kotler et al., 2002).
firm acts to design its product with more environ- A well-being firm tries to balance societal goals with
mentally ingredients and packaging. the firmÕs financial goals (Kotler, 2003). Pricing
Well-being firms are motivated by corporate so- decisions guided by the well-being principle are
cial responsibility and environmental stewardship. summarized in Table III and described in some detail
This means that the product has to be designed in the sections below.
keeping in mind that it will be disposed after con- With respect to the purchase stage of the con-
sumption, and the disposal of that product should sumer/product life cycle, well-being firms are gui-
not contribute to environmental degradation. In ded by other factors in addition to cost, profitability
394 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

goals, what the market can bear, competition, and only pay for the purchase of the product but also
customer perceived value. First, well-being market- every time the product is used. Many examples
ers are likely to use both subjective and objective involve the telecommunications industry (e.g.,
assessments in determining value. In other words, wired telephone, cellular telephone, Internet access,
well-being marketers do not strictly rely on cus- satellite television, and cable television). Consider
tomer perception of value; they take into account the case of cellular service provider targeting the
expertsÕ assessment of value. Consumer Reports value poor by providing very low prices. A family is given
ratings are an example of what we mean by five cell phones for free; the service plan is very
‘‘objective assessment of value.’’ Taking into affordable; and poor families end up saving money
account expertsÕ evaluation of value is important by disconnecting their hard-line phones.
because in many instances consumers do not have With respect to pricing decisions designed to
knowledge or ability to assess product performance enhance well-being in product ownership, many firms
in relation to price. Second, well-being marketers help consumers assume ownership of high-ticket
take into account price affordability. Their goal is items (e.g., automobiles). Ownership of certain
not to maximize profit in the short run as is typical consumer goods (e.g., car, house, furniture, and
for transaction firms. Their goal is not to maximize household appliances) has been shown to contrib-
profit in the long run as is typical for relationship- ute significantly to life satisfaction (e.g., Belk, 1985;
marketing firms. Their goal is to place the product Lee and Sirgy, 1995; Leelakulthanit et al., 1991).
with as many consumers who need the product as Material possessions bring about feelings of power,
much as possible. This means consumer affordance control, and exclusivity. Also, possessions allow
of the productÕs price. Consider the flowing case consumers to express their identities to significant
involving Tata Motors in India. This is a large auto others. Consumers gain social approval by doing so.
maker that recently developed a $2,200 passenger Similarly, well-being firms help consumers assume
car, distributed in a kit and assembled at point of sale. ownership of high-ticket goods. Well-being mar-
Thus, making a ‘‘peopleÕs car’’ affordable to a vast ketersÕ pricing of credit is guided by additional
segment of the population in India is the primary factors such as expertsÕ assessment of value, con-
motive driving this venture (Kripalani, 2005). Third, sumer affordance, and other costs related to safety.
well-being firms are typically safety-conscious in Consider the case of housing. A developer in a
their pricing decisions. For example, if their product community finds out that there is a significant
is determined to degrade the environment in certain segment of the poor and disabled elderly needing
ways, then the cost of environmental restoration is better housing. The challenge is not to simply build
included in the price of the product. low-income housing for that market segment but
The same additional factors (objective value, price also to help those consumers assume ownership of
affordability, and safety/remedial costs) are equally their homes. To do so, the developer joins forces
involved in pricing decisions involved in product with a mortgage company to facilitate ownership of
preparation, use, ownership, maintenance, and dis- affordable homes.
posal. Specifically, in product preparation, marketers With respect to pricing decisions designed to
have to price parts and tools necessary to prepare or enhance well-being in product maintenance, many
assemble the product or for providing technical consumer goods companies offer repair services
assistance (in the form of customer service) to assist from the manufacturing site. Customers ship their
customers in the product assembly or preparation. malfunctioned product, and the manufacturer re-
Consider the case of a furniture retailer selling pairs the product and charges for replacement parts
inexpensive furniture to working class families. The and labor (minus what was guaranteed by the
retailer allows the furniture to be assembled at the product warrantee). Well-being firms strive to
storeÕs warehouse with the assistance of warehouse price repair services affordably. Consider a com-
personnel at no extra charge. puter company that offers special computers for
With respect to pricing decisions designed to the disabled who are supported by entitlement
enhance well-being in product consumption, there are programs. Through marketing research, the com-
many consumer products in which consumers not pany finds out that these consumers cannot afford
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 395

to spend more than 5% of their annual income on consumers access and convenience in purchasing are
computers and computer repairs. The 5% amounts likely to meet the firmÕs financial goals. Relation-
to approximately $3,000. The computer manu- ship-marketing firms also consider factors such as
facturer strives to price the special computers, to- sales, market share, profit, and consumer access and
gether with the warranty, below $3,000. Although convenience as important criteria in distribution
most of the disabled are likely to purchase these decisions too. However, they also consider the
special computers at higher prices, this well-being extent to which the channel type and members are
firm is guided by consumer well-being. Pricing likely to generate repeat purchases through customer
the computers with the warranty at higher levels satisfaction, trust, and commitment. Thus, relation-
would result in having their customers consider- ship firms focus on the extent to which a channel
ably tighten their financial belt in relation to other type or members is able to provide access to the
living expenses that can undermine their quality of product to repeat customers.
life. Firms guided by the well-being concept make
With respect to pricing decisions designed to distribution decisions guided by both firm and
enhance well-being in product disposal, one can ar- societal goals. Thus in addition to all the outcome
gue that many transaction- and relationship-mar- and process goals of transaction and relationship
keting firms price their products without taking firms, the well-being firm considers social and
into account environmental concerns. Well-being societal factors such as safety (safety to consumers,
firm do. For example, many beverage bottling other publics, and the environment) and the extent
companies charge a little extra for the glass bottle to which the channel can effectively reach target
and promise a small refund when the customer consumers—those likely to benefit from the product
returns the consumed bottle for recycling. Paint the most. Distribution decisions guided by the well-
products and other chemical toxins are priced by being principle are summarized in Table III and
taking into account the cost of programs designed described in some detail below.
to neutralize the environmental effects of these Let us examine how distribution decisions made
toxins on the environment. Computer companies in relation to product purchase. In the context of
offer a computer recycling program by covering the indirect channels, transaction firms tend to distribute
costs of shipping (to help and encourage consumers their product extensively—channels in high market
to ship their surplus computers to a recycling demand location—thus generating the highest level
facility). In other words, well-being firms take into of sales, market share, and profit. In contrast, a
account the cost of product disposal, the environ- relationship-marketing firm does not rely exclusively
mental consequences of disposal as well as the cost on traffic flow and market demand but also data
of programs designed to reduce environmental related to repeat business. They tend to be selective.
degradation caused by the disposal of the product A well-being also is likely to select exclusive distri-
in question. bution outlets—more selectively than relationship-
marketing firms—especially in relation to products
that are likely to be misused or abused. Consider the
Distribution decisions guided by the well-being principle distribution of diet pills. This product can be dis-
tributed through discount stores, drug stores, or
Distribution decisions guided by a well-being phi- medical clinics. The safest way to distribute this
losophy are very different from distribution decisions product is through medical clinics, because physi-
guided by transactional and relationship marketing. cians and other healthcare professionals can educate
A firm guided by transactional marketing makes a consumers about the safe use of this product.
distribution decision guided by the goal of sales, In addition to making distribution decisions about
market share, and profitability. To accomplish sales, whether the channel should be extensive, selective,
market share, and profit goals, marketers design the or exclusive, manufacturers of consumer goods tend
channel and select channel members with those to select specific distributors or agents. Transaction
financial goals in mind. In most cases, the type firms tend to select distributors guided by the agentÕs
of channel and channel members that provide ability to push the product (generating high levels of
396 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

sales, market share, and profit). Thus, agents that or order inventory of parts, tools, manuals, assembly
have a demonstrated record of high selling are typ- instructions necessary to prepare or assemble the
ically selected. Relationship-marketing firms select product successfully. These firms also develop train-
agents not only because of good selling skills but also ing programs to help distributors with product
because of ability to care for and retain customers. installation. Relationship firms are concerned with
Well-being firms also select agents based on the repeat business. Therefore, they do what transaction
agentsÕ ability to sell, service accounts, and also the firms do to help distributors with product preparation
agentsÕ record of ethical conduct and social respon- and beyond. In addition to providing incentives to
sibility. In other words, the agentÕs reputation as stock or order parts and tools and developing training
being an ethical person becomes part of the selection programs, they actively engage in training customer
equation. service personnel at the retail level to assist customers
In the context of an indirect channel, transaction- in responding to questions about product assembly or
oriented firms are motivated to create a shopping preparation. Well-being firms also do what relation-
environment that would facilitate purchase. For ship-marketing firms do and beyond. These firms are
example, a publisher of, let us say, romantic novels motivated by safety and ethical concerns too. They
targeting women, may have a website that makes it ensure that the professionals hired to install the
convenient for women interested in romance novels product are certified for performance and safety
to enter the site, browse through the site, identify a reasons. Thus, these firms attend to product prepa-
few good titles, and facilitate the payment process ration concerns to ensure customer satisfaction and
through the use of a shopping cart procedure and safety as well as the safety of the general public and the
credit card transactions. Now let us consider another environment.
publisher of romance novels but guided by a rela- With respect to product consumption, most trans-
tionship marketing philosophy. The website is likely action firms do train their distributors on how to
to be not only convenient but also pleasant—pleas- demonstrate the use of the product to custom-
ant enough to ensure that the customer would have ers—the goal is to implement the legal requirements
a pleasant experience finding and purchasing a few of the transaction contract or warranty, especially
titles and coming back for more. Perhaps that pub- given that the customers expect such demonstration
lisher may have images of each novel capturing the at the point of purchase. Relationship firms go be-
essence of the story, or perhaps a video clip in which yond transaction firms in that they are interested in
the author describes the novel in his or her own generating a high level of customer satisfaction that
words. In other words, the indirect channel is may lead to customer trust and commitment. To
designed to maximize both convenience and a ensure customer satisfaction, trust, and commitment,
pleasant shopping experience. Now let us consider many firms train retailers not only on how to
another publisher of romance novels guided by a demonstrate the use of the product but also how to
well-being philosophy. That publisher is likely to use the product safely. Safety concerns do enter into
have a website characterized as convenient, pleasant, the picture here because customersÕ perceptions of
as well as safe. That publisher may have safeguards to manufacturer as a caring company do affect cus-
ensure that personal information provided by the tomersÕ satisfaction, trust, and commitment. Well-
customer is not shared or likely to be stolen by being firms, on the other hand, train their distribu-
computer hackers (as in identity theft). In other tors on how to demonstrate the use of the product to
words, that publisher attempts to maximize benefi- customers with a different goal in mind—consumer
cence and minimize maleficence. safety as well as the safety of the general public and
Now letÕs focus on product preparation. Transaction the environment.
firms do not pay much attention to issues dealing with With respect to product ownership, transaction firms
product preparation; some firms pay some attention tend to select retailers that can provide lease versus
to customer concerns about product preparation only buy options to their customers. Again, the motive is
to the extent that customers express these concerns. to ensure the sale. Providing options to own or lease
However, to ensure that the product is not returned, facilitates the transaction. For example, a number of
transaction firms do provide incentives to stock and/ automobile manufacturers offer lease versus buy
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 397

options indirectly through selected automobile disposal. They assist their distributors develop
dealers. In contrast, relationship firms not only product trade-in/disposal programs that allows cus-
provide lease versus buy options but also train tomers to turn in the consumed product for proper
retailers to help their customers understand and and environmentally friendly disposal. For example,
appreciate the value of the product if leased versus a number of printer manufacturers (e.g., HP, Canon)
owned. Ensuring that customers perceive product have recycling programs at many large and medium-
value is important in customer satisfaction, trust, and size companies throughout the U.S. to collect
commitment. Well-being firms go beyond what printer cartridges to minimize environmental
relationship firms in the way they train retailers to degradation.
provide services to customers to help protect the
investment value of the product. Consider a furni-
ture manufacturer that provides training to furniture Promotion decisions guided by the well-being principle
distributors on how to educate customers to enhance
the durability of the furniture. Of course, such Promotion decisions guided by a well-being phi-
efforts do not only reflect relationship building but losophy are very different from promotion decisions
also customer care. guided by a transactional or relationship-marketing
In relation to product maintenance, transaction firms orientation. A transaction firm makes promotion
make replacement parts available at the retailers to decisions guided by four goals: to create maximum
honor the warranty requirements, and they do so at a brand awareness, to inform prospective customers
profit. Relationship-marketing firms go one step that the brand matches their expectations, to gen-
further by helping retailers develop their own war- erate maximal brand preference and purchase. With
ranty program that allows customers to service and a slightly different twist, relationship marketing firms
repair the product through the retail outlet instead of do the same but pursue additional goals of informing
shipping the product to the manufacturerÕs site. customers of product and other service benefits that
Well-being firms go even one step further. These matches their post-purchase expectations, which in
firms train retailers how to help customers on how turn should lead to high levels of customer satisfac-
to maintain the product themselves to save money. tion, trust, and commitment, and repeat purchase. In
For example, some lawn mower companies (e.g., contrast, the well-being firm pays attention to
Caterpillar) provide detailed and reader-friendly additional goals related to product safety and quality-
manuals on how to periodically service the product of-life impact of the product. Promotion decisions
to avoid costly repair services. guided by the well-being principle are summarized
One can argue that transaction firms do not pay in Table III and described in some detail below.
much attention to issues of product disposal. This may Let us first consider promotion decisions in rela-
be due to the fact that most consumers tend to focus tion to product purchase. To reach their sales, market
on aspects of consumption; aspects of disposal do not share, and profit goals, transaction firms tend to
arouse much involvement. However, many trans- develop their marketing communications campaign
action firms typically develop programs that allow to generate maximal brand awareness. Once brand
customers to trade-in the product for a newer model awareness is achieved, transaction firms attempt to
at retail outlets. Of course, automobile manufactur- inform target consumers of certain product bene-
ers are a good case in point. Relationship firms may fits—those matching their purchase expectations.
do what transaction firms do in terms of offering a Consumers who become aware of the brand and
trade-in program but also help customers dispose of perceive the brand as providing benefits they expect
their ‘‘old’’ product at convenient locations in the of the product class are likely to judge the brand as
community at reasonable or no cost. Doing so preferable and purchase it. Relationship firms pursue
ensures customer satisfaction, trust, and commit- the additional goal of generating high levels of cus-
ment. Computer companies (Dell and Gateway) tomer satisfaction, trust, and commitment that leads
have such programs in many communities in the to repeat purchase. To do this, the relationship
U.S. Well-being firms are typically much more in- firm tries to understand not only consumersÕ pre-
volved in issues related to environmentally-friendly purchase expectations but also their post-purchase
398 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

expectations. Doing so allows them to inform their product in a manner safe to themselves, the general
customers of their product has those benefits and public, and the environment. They may also develop
features that they expect after having purchased the and disseminate an educational program designed to
product. Again, the goal is to generate customer enhance the preparation experience.
satisfaction, trust and commitment. In contrast, well- In relation to product consumption, transaction firms
being firms go beyond what relationship marketing inform their customers about the availability of
firms do in terms of promoting the product for product use manuals, how to purchase them, and at
purchase. They provide much more information not what price. Such information may be part of con-
only in relation to the product benefits but other sumersÕ expectations that may influence their pur-
costs-related concerns that affect well being of chase decision. Relationship firms go one step
consumers, the general public, and the environment. further by informing their customers how to effec-
In other words, well-being companies are more tively use the product in ways to meet customersÕ
willing (than transaction- and relationship-marketing post-purchase expectations. Such information is
firms) to share information about their productÕs likely to enhance customer satisfaction, trust, and
potential hazards. They are more willing to discuss commitment. Firms guided by a well-being philos-
safety concerns (safety to consumers, the general ophy go several steps further. They provide their
public, and the environment). Another point of customers with information on how to use the
distinction is the notion that well-being firms at- product safely and in ways to derive the maximal
tempt to inform target consumers about how their quality-of-life benefits. In many instances, the
product can enhance their quality of life. In other manufacturer may offer educational and training
words, their promotion campaign focuses sometimes videos and seminars about that topic.
on how the product contributes to life satisfaction. How about promotion decisions related to product
How about promotion in relation to product ownership? Firms guided by a transaction philosophy
preparation? Transaction-oriented firms tend to focus typically inform targeted consumers about incentive
on educating customers how to assemble or prepare programs to trade-in their current product for a new
the product for consumption. For example, many model. They may inform consumers about financing
instances manufacturers of consumer goods (e.g., programs to help customers assume ownership of the
bicycle manufacturer) provide easy-to-comprehend product. They may inform consumers of availability
instructions with images and possibly videos. of retailers in the local area that can provide lease
Transaction firms also tend to inform customers versus buy options. In each of the aforementioned
about the availability of technical assistance to help case, the motive is to facilitate new sales transactions.
in product assembly or preparation. They may do so Relationship firms go one step further by informing
because customers may expect such information as a customers about any financing deals. The goal is to
pre-requisite to purchase. Not providing this infor- ensure customer retention. For example, customers
mation to consumers may prevent the company that bought their cars from a dealership through an
from turning these consumers into customers. In auto maker financing program may switch to an-
addition to what transaction firms do, relationship- other financing program because the rates are better.
marketing firms do more. Relationship marketing To enhance customer satisfaction, trust, and com-
firms tend to inform customers about the availability mitment, an auto maker may take pre-emptive
and cost of installation services from selected retail measures by contacting customers and informing
outlets, and they inform customers about the avail- them of the availability of new refinancing programs
ability of replacement parts and tools needed for at lower interest rates. Similarly, some home builders
product assembly or preparation. Even so they may do express customer care by identifying mortgage
not financially benefit from these additional trans- companies willing to refinance at low interest rates.
actions, such information may be part of post-pur- These builders then communicate to their customers
chase expectations that may influence customer about these lending institutions willing to refinance
satisfaction, trust, and commitment. Well-being at lower rates. Well-being firms go further by edu-
firms go several steps further. They attempt to cating their customers on how to maintain the
educate customers how to assemble or prepare the market value of their product. For example, some
An Ethical Business Philosophy for Consumer Goods Firms 399

automakers (e.g., Honda) disseminate information safely, safely to the customers and their families,
through their dealership to Honda owners about safely in relation to the general public and the
how Honda cars tend depreciate less than other environment. Examples include motor oil, paint,
brands. To help maintain the carÕs market value, gasoline, computers, printer cartridges, refrigerators,
customers are advised to service their cars periodi- among others. Well-being firms emphasize recycling
cally by engaging in certain maintenance-like and the benefits of recycling. For example, beverage
activities. bottling companies (e.g., Coca Cola) communicate
With respect to product maintenance, manufacturing with local residents about recycling programs to
firms guided by a transaction philosophy do very encourage environmentally-friendly disposal of
little in terms of communicating to customers much beverage bottles and cans.
about product maintenance. The reason is simple:
they do not have a financial, short-term stake in
doing so. Much of the maintenance-type promotion Conclusion
is done by dealerships and retail facilities. Dealerships
and retail establishments are the ones that financially We strongly believe that firms engaging in well-
benefit in the short run from product maintenance being marketing are likely to prosper in the long run
programs. If and when they do, they may focus on than firms practicing transactional marketing. Well-
the renewal of product warranty. That is where they being marketing serves to help establish long-term
can make extra money. Relationship firms are relationships with customers and develop company
motivated to foster customer goodwill. Thus they goodwill (cf. Collins, 1993). Studies have identified
engage in promotion that can generate customer that long-term relationships and positive corporate
satisfaction, trust, and commitment. They may do so image help business firms achieve higher financial
by informing their customers about how to service performance (e.g., Collins, 1993; Kalwani and
the product to enhance its reliability and durability. Narayandas, 1995; Jap, 1999; Naidu et al., 1999).
Such firms may also inform their customers about But then the reader would say: and so do firms
the availability of customer service from selected guided by relationship marketing. The difference, of
outlets in the local area and the price of that service. course, is that well-being marketing is a business
Well-being firms go further than that. These firms philosophy grounded in business ethics. That is,
may inform their customers about preventative consumer goods companies are urged to practice
maintenance. They may educate their customers on well-being marketing not only because this philos-
how-to-do-it repairs in a manner that can enhance ophy translates into a business strategy that leads to
the customersÕ quality of life. They may also instruct higher financial returns in the long run; companies
customers on how to do their own repairs safely—to should practice well-being marketing because it is
ensure their own safety, bystanders and others, as the right thing to do. It is the moral thing to do. It is
well as the environment. most ethical.
Finally, with respect to promotion decisions One can argue that marketing paradigms have
dealing with product disposal, one can argue that evolved to culminate in well-being marketing. At
transaction firms engage very little in disposal-type early stages of marketing thought and practice,
promotion. However, there are instances in which marketing performance was judged in terms of sales
manufacturers have a financial, short-term stake in and profit. Much research was generated focusing on
product disposal (e.g., trade-in programs). Much of competition and marketing performance was judged
the promotion focuses on informing customers of mostly by market share. In time, the competition
the availability of any trade-in programs and the paradigm was overshadowed by much research on
market value of the trade-ins. In contrast, relation- customer satisfaction. That research has shown that
ship firms do well in the area of communicating with customer satisfaction leads to brand loyalty and
their customers about product disposal issues. The repeat purchase, and therefore high levels of profit-
goal, of course, is to generate customer satisfaction, ability. Much of the research dealing with the
trust, and commitment. Well-being firms inform marketing concept, customer orientation, and mar-
their customers about how to dispose the product keting orientation seem to be embedded in that
400 M. Joseph Sirgy and Dong-Jin Lee

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