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There are three elements needed to make a man/ woman responsible for his/her own actions.

elements are namely the object, intention, and circumstances. The object, the object of a moral act is
the thing that the gesture, by its own essence, is aiming for. Homicide, for example, is the intentional
killing of an individual who is not guilty. It is the object, in this context, that decides whether an action is
morally good or wrong. This normative object decides whether an action is good or evil. The intention,
the intention does not have to be limited to guiding individual acts; it can even be used to lead a
collective of actions toward a shared objective; it can also be used to steer one's entire life toward its
ultimate goal. For example, a service conducted with the intention of assisting a neighbor may also be
guided by God's love as the primary goal of all our acts. One and the same behavior may be motivated
by a variety of motives, such as doing a service in exchange for a favor or to brag about it. The
circumstance, the circumstances alone cannot alter the intrinsic quality of actions; they cannot render
an action that is inherently immoral good or right. Moreover, getting raised in a moral manner increases
pleasure, whereas being treated in an unethical manner reduces it. People's sense of significance and
reason in life grew as a result of their personal participation in moral actions. This research discovered,
among other things, that religious and non-religious people were similarly likely to commit spiritual and
unethical acts.

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