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Name: Nur-Ysmael A.

Sumlay Course/Year/Section: BSCE-2A

Code/Subject: GE 8 5421- Ethics Date: June 22, 2021

Specific Determinants of Morality

Morality is defined by the variables that affect the good or evil of human behavior. Three such factors
are the purpose, the end and the conditions. The action's end is the fundamental determinant of
morality. Worsening conditions are used to describe bad deeds, such as the amount of money stolen.
The situation surrounding a human act and affecting its moral quality is called circumstances without
being a part of its substance.

A good act alone can be damaged by a bad intention. The morality of a crime is what ends or results in
the act itself. The moral character of crime determines whether it is good or bad. The compound,
occupation of the assassin, use of his position in Government or even exempt the agent from criminal
liability, liability or punishment are all of the aggravating circumstances of the crime. The morals of an
act are those that add or justify an act to the seriousness of an offence; or it can exempt an act from
responsibility, responsibility or punishment.

A human act must agree with the norm of morality on all three counts: in its nature, its motive, and its
circumstances. An indifferent act can become good or evil through circumstance. A good act done with
evil means destroys the entire objective goodness of the act. A justifying circumstance can be a justifying
circumstance in the case of killing an aggressor in self-defense. A morally good act can never become
good through circumstance or can only be morally wrong if it is done out of evil motives.

The Author spoke of the US State of New Jersey's moral code, which includes the highest judicial system
of the state, a criminal justice system, the states and local governments. In English, the word 'virtuous'
means 'good' and in Spanish the word 'evil' means 'good' or 'good.'

Observation on how the Reporter presented the topic.

They deliver their report in good shape, based on my comments, Ms. Alada, Mr. Baundi and Mr. Iskak.
Their voice is clear as the topic explains. I can therefore say that the reporter is prepared to discuss the

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