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Hi, my name is Dwi Hasna Khairunnisah. I'm an accounting student majoring in Universitas
Negeri Jakarta. I'm from Darussalam Islamic Senior High School in Bekasi. Today, I will be
showing and describing you about my school and how's life going on my school, and also
several interesting things here.

History part:

Why did I choose this Darussalam school to continue my learning path? because I already
know how Darussalam teaches How can Darussalam give religious knowledge to her
students and because at junior high school my grades were not sufficient to enter public
high school. Finally I decided to go to Darussalam. this school has also been established 16
years ago for high school level. The school facilities provided are also attractive and of
course good, for example Darussalam has a swimming pool, labs, libraries and others that
can be used for its students. in high school I majored in social studies, since I was superior in
social subjects than science subjects, so I was sure to enter social studies majors. I also don't
like to calculate a lot of confusing formulas even though in social there are calculations in
Economics but standard calculations don't make me confused.

Academic part:

Now I will tell you what academic activities are in high school Islam Darussalam, entered
school at 7 in the morning, and immediately read the Koran and pray Duha. For high school
itself, there is no flag ceremony held every Monday but the ceremony for high school is held
only when celebrating Indonesia's independence. and learning is carried out at 8.15 to
16.00. Every month a qur'an camp is held for grades 10 and 11 which aim to increase the
memorization of the Qur'an, periodic mabit for grade 12 and there is also an annual mabit
for learning outside of school for refreshing and studying the exams to be carried out, For
the 12th grade program, the school itself holds additional lessons or so-called drilling which
is done at 5.45 am before entering the school bell. This superior class at SMA Darussalam
gets more English learning facilities than the regular class. SMA Darussalam has
extracurricular or non-academic facilities, namely futsal, men's / women's basketball,
archery, badminton, swimming, saman, and drumband. Of course, every school also has an
organization, namely OSIS.

Facilities part:

The facilities provided by the school to its students are quite interesting, the first facility of
course every school has a good class, in this class there are blackboards, tables and chairs,
projectors, air conditioning, and cabinets. Darussalam SMA also has 2 computer labs. There
are about forty-five computers in 1 lab room. Near the lab an ATM center is also provided,
of course not only the computer lab on the 4th floor there is a chemistry, biology and
physics lab for science students who want to do practicum usually using this lab, on the
fourth floor there is also a library room complete with various kinds of books and there is a
large hall for gathering or worshiping. Next to the canteen facility in Darusslam, there are 4
light snack places, 1 heavy food canteen or what is commonly referred to as a green house,
besides that there are also motorbike and car parking lots, next there is a basketball court,
one futsal court, two futsal courts. Ohiya, there is also an open hall between field one and
field two, this hall is usually used for sports in a closed place. Now near the futsal field two,
there is a large and clean swimming pool. Towards the main gate on the left, there is the ar-
rahman mosque which can accommodate hundreds of school worshipers, equipped with air
conditioning, fans, pulpits, ablution places and others.

maybe that's how much I can tell you about the facilities at this Islamic high school in
Darussalam, and bye see you later.
Fasilitas yang diberikan oleh sekolah ke murid-muridnya cukup menarik, fasilitas pertama
tentunya setiap sekolah mempunyai kelas yang bagus, didalam kelas ini terdapat papan
tulis, meja dan kursi, proyektor, ac, papan tulis, dan lemari. SMA darussalam ini juga
mempunyai ruang 2 lab komputer lab tersebut sekitar ada 45 komputer dalam 1 ruang lab.
Didekat lab juga disediakan ATM center, tentunya tidak hanya lab komputer saja di lantai 4
terdapat lab kimia, biologi dan fisika untuk anak murid jurusan ipa yang ingin praktikum
biasanya menggunakan lab ini, di lantai empat ini juga terdapat ruang perpustakaan yang
lengkap dengan berbagai macam buku, serta ada aula yang luas untuk berkumpul-kumpul
atau untuk beribadah. Selanjutnya ke fasilitas kantin di Darusslam ini terdapat 4 tempat
jajanan ringan, 1 kantin makanan berat atau yang biasa disebut dengan green house,
disamping itu juga terdapat parkiran motor serta mobil, berikutnya ada lapangan basket,
lapangan futsal satu, lapangan futsal dua. Ohiya, ada juga aula yang terbuka terdapat di
antara lapangan satu dan lapangan dua, aula ini biasanya dipakai untuk berolahraga
ditempat tertutup. Nah didekat lapangan futsal dua terdapat kolam renang yang cukup
besar serta bersih. Kita ke arah pintu gerbang utama di posisi sebelah kiri terdapat masjid
ar-rahman yang bisa menampung ratusan jamaah sekolah yang dilengkapi dengan ac, kipas,
mimbar, tempat wudhu dan lainnya.

Mengapa saya memilih sekolah Darussalam ini untuk melanjutkan jenjang pembelajaran
saya? Karena saya sudah tau bagaimana cara Darussalam mengajar, bagaimana Darussalam
bisa memberikan ilmu agama kepada anak muridnya. Dan karna saat SMP nilai saya tidak
mencukupi masuk ke sma negeri akhirnya saya memutuskan ke Darussalam. Sekolah ini juga
sudah berdiri sejak 16 tahun lalu untuk jenjang SMA.

Dari fasilitas-fasilitas sekolah yang diberikan juga menarik dan pasrinya bagus-bagus, seperti
contoh Darussalam ini mempunyai kolam renang, lab-lab, perpustakaan dan lain-lain yang
bisa digunakan untuk murid- muridnya.

Di sma ini saya mengambil jurusan ips, sejak dulu saya lebih unggul di mata pelajaran ips
dari pada pelajaran ipa maka saya yakinkan untuk masuk mengambil jurusan ips ini.

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