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Membership no: CHA545501GR Issued date: 2021/03/05 16:26:37

Customer details
Customer / Business name: RACODI, OFENTSE Tel home:

ID / Company reg: 7803075877084 Tel work:

Postal address: Cell: +27835597014

Postal code: Email address:

Vehicle details

Model: NP200 1.6 P/U S/C VIN no: ADNUSN1D5U0188702

Year: 2020

Registration no: 188702

Odometer reading: 0

Installed product
Product 1: RECOVER Unit serial no: 865084030694069

Contract status: ACTIVE Installation date: 2021/03/05 16:26:31

Product 2: Unit serial no:

Contract status: Installation date:

This certificate serves to confirm that a Tracker unit was installed in your vehicle and it is valid from the date of issue.
Please note that changes to your contract may affect its validity.

All reasonable measures are taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information presented herein. However, there is the
possibility of unauthorized modification of the data, transmission errors, changes made to the Tracker contract since the date of issue
hereof, and other instances that are beyond the control of Tracker. As such, Tracker does not guarantee the accuracy of the
information provided herein. In using the information provided in this certificate, you agree that it is provided "as is, as available"
without warranty, express or implied, and that you rely thereon at your own risk. The information contained herein may be validated
by contacting Tracker on 0860 60 50 40, subject to privacy laws and security checks.

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