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Quarter 3 - Module
Health Trends, Issues
and Concerns
(Global Level)

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Directions: Read each question about Global Health and Millennium Development
Goals. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in before the number.
1. Which of these international organizations is the chief body responsible for providing
leadership on global health, setting norms and standards and giving health support to nations
around the world?
A. World Bank
B. World Health Organization
C. United Nation Health and Life Insurance
D. International Committee of the Red Cross
2. Which nation or continents has the very best death rate recorded among children aged 5
years and below?
A. Africa
B. South Asia
C. Latin America
D. East Asia and Pacific
3. Which among the diseases below is the leading cause of death among people who live in
developing countries?
A. Malaria
C. Heart diseases
D. Respiratory diseases
4. In what particular region did new HIV infections occur among individuals living in low and
middle-income countries?
A. Easy Asia
B. South Asia
C. Pacific Region
D. Sub-Saharan Africa
5. Which among the lifestyles below is the top leading cause of death worldwide?
A. Stroke
B. Diabetes
C. Hypertension
D. Heart disease
6. This refers to diverse health issues, concerns and trends which involve all nations to deal with
an act to protect the health of people and groups across boundaries.
A. Health
B. Public health
C. Global health
D. Health education
7. These are goals set by the United Nations for its member nations to be fulfilled on an agreed
span of time to be evaluated and counter-checked under world standards.
A. World Health Goals
B. K-12 Development Goals
C. Millennium Development Goals
D. United Nations Development Goals
8. What Millennium Development Goals greatly protect and look after for women and children’s
A. MDG No. 1 and 2
B. MDG No. 7 and 8
C. MDG No. 3, 4 and 5
D. MDG No. 1,6 and 7
9. Which of this primary international body is responsible for developing leadership in health,
and in setting norms and standards to provide health support among nations around the
A. World Bank
B. United Nations
C. International Red Cross
D. World Health Organization

10. This refers to global health effort to control poverty and eradicate the spread of mosquito-
borne infections through development, preventive measures, and effective treatment.
A. Roll Back Malaria
B. Roll Back Dengue
C. Stop Dengue and Malaria
D. Destroy Mosquitoes Program
11. This is nationwide effort of the Department of Health to prevent and control the spread of
tuberculosis (TB).
A. Tuberculosis – Direct Occupational Treatment System
B. Tuberculosis – Department of Tropical Treatment Service
C. Tuberculosis – Directly Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy
D. Tuberculosis – Dangerous Occupational Therapy Short Course Strategy
12. Which of the following vaccines is NOT part of the program in the Global Alliance for Vaccine
and Immunization that aims to strengthen children’s immunization programs particularly in the
developing countries?
A. HIV vaccine
B. hepatitis vaccine
C. influenza vaccine
D. pneumonia vaccine
13. Which of these communicable diseases has greatly threatened developing nations particularly
in Africa?
A. Malaria
C. Influenza
D. Tuberculosis
14. Which of the subsequent isn’t a provision of the World Health Organization Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control?
A. decrease in age limit to use tobacco products
B. new packaging and labelling of tobacco products
C. increase in price and tax measures of tobacco products
D. protection of the public from the dangers of tobacco smoke
15. Which of the following is a shared risk factor for developing chronic non-communicable
diseases as identified by the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-
Communicable Diseases?
A. physical inactivity
B. unhealthy eating habits
C. tobacco and alcohol use
a. all of the above

Global Health Initiatives

Global health embraces several perspectives that focus on the determinants and distribution
of health in international contexts. It is determined by problems, issues and concerns that transcend
national boundaries. Koplan et al, define global health as an area for study, research, and practice
that places a priority on improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide.

The Millennium Development Goals are an ambitious agenda for reducing poverty and
improving lives that world leaders agreed on at the Millennium Summit in September 2000. For each
goal one or more targets have been set, most for 2015, using 1990 as a benchmark.

What I Know
Directions: Read the question carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the letter before
the number.

1. Which of the following is the most appropriate term an individual use to refer areas where
groups may target for global health efforts?
A. Poor country
B. Third world country
C. Developing country
D. Resource limited setting
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the UN Millennium Development Goals?
A. To completely end gender inequality
B. To ensure environmental sustainability
C. To achieve universal primary education
D. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
3. Which of the following promotes maternal health?
A. Limited access to day care center
B. Using high heels during pregnancy
C. Spacing of child birth for at least 2 years
D. Absence of education on cervical cancer and other diseases
4. Which disease is the leading cause of death among people who live in developing countries?
A. Malaria Heart diseases
C. Heart diseases
D. Respiratory diseases
5. Which region did new HIV infections occur among individuals living in low and middle-income
A. Easy Asia
B. South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa
C. Pacific Region
D. Sub-Saharan Africa
6. Which lifestyle disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide?
A. Stroke
B. Diabetes
C. Hypertension
D. Heart disease
7. Which of the following is not a Millennium development Goal?
A. Reduce child mortality
B. Improve maternal health
C. Ensure environmental sustainability
D. Dig more wells for water in developing countries
8. Which of these international organizations is the chief body liable in
providing leadership on global health, setting norms and standards and providing health
support around the world?
A. World Bank
B. World Health Organization
C. United Nation Health and Life Insurance
D. International Committee of the Red Cross
9. Which of the following conditions do not transmit the HIV virus/AIDS?
A. Blood transfusion
B. Use of recycled syringe
C. Hugging an AIDS patient
D. Pregnant mother is a HIV positive
10. What factor affects the increasing number of children despite of low birth rates in the country?
A. Birth rate
B. Immigration
C. In-vitro fertilization and new fertility methods
D. None of the above
11. Which of the following conditions are sustainable?
A. Funding for AIDS research
B. Reduction of consumption patterns
C. Shift to the use of wind-powered electricity
D. Clearing of agricultural lands for grazing cows

12. What period did the United Nations member states work to achieve their Millennium
Development Goals?
A. 1990 – 2015
B. 2000 – 2015
C. 1990 – 2005
D. 2000 – Present
13. Which of the following is an example of breast cancer screening?
A. Primary prevention
B. Tertiary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention
14. Which of the following illnesses is not a common cause of death
among children particularly in underdeveloped countries?
A. Malaria
B. Diarrhea
C. Hypertension
D. Typhoid fever
15. Which of the following is not part of the Sustainable Development
A. Provision of internet services
B. Promotion of decent jobs for all
C. Access to sustainable energy for all
D. Availability of water and sanitation for all

What’s In

The lessons in the previous quarter discussed about health trends, issues and concerns in
the national level, deepen our understanding on how the government works with various
institutions and sectors to address issues and concerns, and orients us about the importance of
knowing these policies that embodied our rights as a citizen of our country.

Directions: Write a short reflection on how HIV/AIDS affects a person’s life.

What’s New
Directions: Using a pencil, answer the crossword puzzle by circling the ten words associated with
global health issues and concerns that the World Health Organization and member-nations are facing
at present. Then, complete the table by writing the 10 words on the first column and its effects to the
people on the second column.
1. Loop at least ten words associated with global health issues and concerns that the World
Health Organization and member-nations are facing at present.
2. Complete the table by writing the 10 words on the first column and its effects to the
people on the second column.



Issues/Concerns/Trends Effects to People

1. Tobacco Tobacco can cause lung cancer.
What is It

Millennium Development Goals (MDG)

These are goals set by the United Nations (UN) for its member-nations to be fulfilled on an agreed
span of time (2015) and to be evaluated and counter-checked under world standards. UN created
MDG in 2000 in effort to change life in developing regions in 2015.

Directions: Read and analyze the description and choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write it on the space provided.

Answers Description of MDG 8 MDG

1. Gender equality means equal
representation of men A. To eradicate extreme poverty
and women. It implies that each and hunger
_______ individual should have equal value
of treatment. Equal gender treatment
B. To achieve universal
empowers women and other groups creating
opportunities in education, work, finances and primary education
other aspects which improves the life and
lessen effects of monetary crises. C. To promote gender equality
Gender equality can be achieved through: and empower women
• Early childhood development
intervention D. To reduce child mortality
• Promotion of women’s political rights
and involvement E. To improve maternal health
• Improved reproductive health
programs and policies F. Combat HIV/AIDS Malaria
• Education and integration of gender and Other Diseases
equality in school curriculum

2. The United Nations, World Health
Organization, World G. Ensure Environmental
Bank and governments work Sustainability
_______ together in order to have fair trading
which heavilyindebted countries obtain relief
H. Global Partnership for
and funds to combat poverty, malnutrition and
funds for education and social projects. Development
Some benefits of global partnership are:
• Expanded international trade
• Improved access to affordable
• Reduced poverty through government
debt relief grant
• Developed information and
communication technology (ICT)
3. Improved Maternal Health – this is
not only about mother’s health but
also involves the health and
_______ wellness of the family. Maternal health also
helps eradicate other problems like poverty,
gender inequality, decreased workforce, lower
birth deaths and disability of women.
Some ways to improve maternal health
• Improved and proper nutrition of
• Teaching the benefits of birth spacing
and small family size
• Educating young boys and girls
about the importance of maternal
• Better and improved access to
hospital care especially obstetric-
gynecology, prenatal and postnatal

4. Programs and policies which help

reduce child mortality like
improving nutritional
_______ intake,healthcare facilities and
infrastructure, and other fields which improve
children’s lives. Strengthening local and
national health programs and policies is a
method to scale back child mortality. This
• Immunization programs
• Assured the survival and better health
of mothers
• Improved reproductive health
programs and policies
• Better nutrition program forinfants,
children and adults
5. Developing countries particularly in
Africa and Asia suffer from extreme
poverty and hunger. Poverty and
_______ hunger may result to severe malnutrition, and
also lifelong physical and cognitive learning
and reasoning that affects health, well-being

and economy.
Some Key suggestions to eradicate poverty
and hunger are:
• Education
• Gender equality
• More jobs
• Invested more in agriculture
• Strengthened nutrition programs for
children and Infants
6. Investing and supporting sustainable
energy like solar, wind and water
energy help support jobs, create
_______ business opportunities, and save remaining
non-renewable energy sources.
Environmental sustainability assures peoples
to live healthier and enjoy a clean and green
Some of the benefits of having a sustainable
environment are:
• Cleaner air and environment
• Clean, environment friendly, and
renewable energy
• New and aspiring jobs and business
in energy
• Increased access to sanitation
7. Persons particularly women who are
educated are more likely need
medical attention especially during
_______ pregnancy to make sure proper
nutrition for his/her family to adopt, healthy
sanitary practices and to ascertain
immunization of children. As a result, infants
and youngsters have better survival rates, are
healthier and better nourished. If these are
attained, children who receive primary
education are morelikely to:
• Marry and have their ownfamilies at a
later stage in life
• Practice family planning and have
fewer children
• Know rights, responsibilities and civic
• Seek employment and sustain
personal and family needs
• Have high risk of getting sexually
transmitted infections like HIV/AIDS
8. Emerging and re-emerging
diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria,
influenza and other diseases
_______ affect productivity and growth of
countries. Some of the consequences of
disease outbreak are loss of jobs, shortage in
professional workers, and creating social
crises. Children are the foremost vulnerable
and are exposed to exploitation and abuse
undermining their normal growth and
Some ways to combat these diseases include
effective prevention, treatment and care like:

• Improving housing conditions
• Increased access to anti-malarial
• Promoting safer sex behavior and
preventive education for all
• Promoting Tuberculosis (TB)
screening of HIV/AIDS persons and
TB – Directly Observed Treatment
Short (TB-DOTS) Course therapy
• Promoting the use of insecticide –
treated nets to fight mosquito-borne

What’s More

Modified True or False

Directions: Tell whether these statements are true or false. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and change the underlined words to make the statement correct if it is false.

_______________1. The World Health Organization is the main International body

which promotes international leadership in health, sets norms and standards, and sets policies for
global health awareness and campaign.

______________ 2. In the Philippines, the lead executive department of the

government which ensures every Filipino’s access to public health through quality and efficient health
care programs and services is the Department of Public Works and Highways.
______________ 3. All of the eight millennium development goals are essential in
the fulfilment of healthy and sustainable growth and development of every Filipino.
______________ 4. Many nations have common programs and services which help
to prevent and control the spread of emerging communicable diseases like malaria, dengue, filariasis,
_____________ _5.World Health Organization (WHO)is the primary international
body responsible for developing leadership in health, setting norms and standards and providing
health support among nations around the world.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the necessary words to make the paragraph complete. Choose your
answer/s from the words given inside the box.

Global health World Health Organization

projects health issues
prevention alcohol
non-communicable sanitation
climate mental
pollution trends

Global Health initiatives are programs and 1)________________ which help address global
health issues, concerns and trends. 2)___________________ is a new trend in which the
3)____________________________________addresses health concerns in cooperation with
member-nations and private international organizations as partners. Some of these
4)_________________________ , concerns, and trends about 5)__________________ health,

pollution, 6)_________________ change, environmental 7)____________________, tobacco control,
harmful use of 8)_________________, and 9)____________________ and control of
communicable and 10)_________________ diseases.

What I Can Do

Directions: Write your personal report about the Philippines’ capability to achieve the
Eight Millennium Development Goals. List which goals are highly achievable and which are not. Copy
the table below on a one whole sheet of paper.


Highly Achievable Explanation Not Highly Achievable Explanation

Goals Goals

Directions: Read the question carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the
letter before the number.
1. Which of the following is the most appropriate term an individual use to refer areas where
groups may target for global health efforts?
C. Poor country
D. Third world country
C. Developing country
D. Resource limited setting
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the UN Millennium Development Goals?
E. To completely end gender inequality
F. To ensure environmental sustainability
G. To achieve universal primary education
H. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
3. Which of the following promotes maternal health?
E. Limited access to day care center
F. Using high heels during pregnancy
G. Spacing of child birth for at least 2 years
H. Absence of education on cervical cancer and other diseases
4. Which disease is the leading cause of death among people who live in developing countries?
A. Malaria Heart diseases
C. Heart diseases
D. Respiratory diseases
5. Which region did new HIV infections occur among individuals living in low and middle-income
A. Easy Asia
B. South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa
C. Pacific Region
D. Sub-Saharan Africa
6. Which lifestyle disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide?
A. Stroke
B. Diabetes
C. Hypertension
D. Heart disease
7. Which of the following is not a Millennium development Goal?
A. Reduce child mortality
B. Improve maternal health

C. Ensure environmental sustainability
D. Dig more wells for water in developing countries
8. Which of these International Organizations is the chief body liable in
providing leadership on global health, setting norms and standards and providing health
support around the world?
A. World Bank
B. World Health Organization
C. United Nation Health and Life Insurance
D. International Committee of the Red Cross
9. Which of the following conditions do not transmit the HIV virus/AIDS?
A. Blood transfusion
B. Use of recycled syringe
C. Hugging an AIDS patient
D. Pregnant mother is a HIV positive
10. What factor affects the increasing number of children despite of low birth rates in the country?
A. Birth rate
B. Immigration
C. In-vitro fertilization and new fertility methods
D. None of the above
11. Which of the following conditions are sustainable?
A. Funding for AIDS research
B. Reduction of consumption patterns
C. Shift to the use of wind-powered electricity
D. Clearing of agricultural lands for grazing cows
12. What period did the United Nations member states work to achieve their Millennium
Development Goals?
A. 1990 – 2015
B. 2000 – 2015
C. 1990 – 2005
D. 2000 – Present
13. Which of the following is an example of breast cancer screening?
A. Primary prevention
B. Tertiary prevention
C. Secondary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention
14. Which of the following illnesses is not a common cause of death among children particularly
in underdeveloped countries?
A. Malaria
B. Diarrhea
C. Hypertension
D. Typhoid fever
15. Which of the following is not part of the Sustainable Development Goals?
A. Provision of internet services
B. Promotion of decent jobs for all
C. Access to sustainable energy for all
D. Availability of water and sanitation for all

Additional Activities

Directions: Predict the global effects if the eight Millennium Development Goals are
achieved or not achieved. Copy the table below and write your predictions in each column on a one
whole sheet of paper.

Goal Millennium Development Goals What if this global is What if this goal is not
No. achieved? achieved


Adapted from: Measuring success: the millennium development goals (mdgs) a high school unit (grade 9-12). Teach
UNICEF. United States Fund and UNICEF. 2008

Impact of Global Health Initiatives

What I Need to Know

Directions: Read the question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is considered as the most serious problem we are
facing today?
A. Smoking
B. Malnutrition
B. Water shortage
C. Scarcity of oil supply
2. Which of the following is the leading cause of a very poor health condition of
the people globally?
A. Poverty
B. Smoking
C. Sanitation
D. Cardiovascular disease
3. What was the leading infectious disease that kills people globally in 2001?
A. Malaria
C. Heart diseases
D. Respiratory diseases
4. Which of the following is related to over-nutrition?
A. Obesity
B. type 2 diabetes
C. Cardiovascular diseases
D. All of the above
5. Which group of health workers has the highest number of victims of violence?
A. Nurses
B. Physicians
C. Psychiatrists
D. Mental health workers
6. What is the primary objective of immunization program?
A. Prevent disease
B. Spread infection
C. Prevent infection
D. Population control
7. Which of the following is the major mode of HIV transmission globally?
A. Male to male sex
B. Male to female sex
C. Using of used syringe
D. Female to female sex

8. Which of the following regions has the highest incidence of HIV infection globally?
A. Pacific Islands
B. South America
C. Southeast Asia
D. Sub-Saharan Africa
9. Which of the following is/are true about childhood obesity?
A. Type II diabetes, one results of obesity, is now seen in children
B. Prevalence studies of obesity that is more prevalent in Africa and
South Africa
C. The prevalence has been increasing in many Western nations but not
in poor, developing countries
D. None of the above
10. Which of the following diseases was controlled primarily by the innovative use of
epidemiologic strategies?
A. Mumps
B. Cholera
C. Measles
D. Smallpox
11. What processes include environmental factors that influence health?
A. Chemical
B. Biological
C. Psycho-social
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following is the most important thing in giving a vaccine?
A. Safety
B. The proportion of infectious prevented
C. Ability to stimulate anti body production
D. Ability to stimulate an immune response
13. What are the benefits of breastfeeding to infant’s health?
A. It is not affected by the mother’s nutritional status
B. It decreases the mother’s chances of getting pregnant
C. It transfers immunity against certain infectious diseases
D. All of the above
14. Which of the following communicable diseases transmitted by mosquito?
A. Dengue
B. Influenza
C. Meningitis
D. None of the above
15. Which of the following substance exposure causes the highest risk of
A. Chromium VI
B. Sodium Chloride
C. Methylene Chloride
D. None of the above

What is It

Global health initiatives are the collaborative work in the region which covers several areas of
health issues of the countries such as AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, immunization programs, maternal
and child health, tobacco use, human resources, emerging diseases, nutrition, health promotion and
health system.

Directions: Among the Global Health Initiatives written in the box below, pick one that corresponds to
the description of the “what” and “why” in each item. Write your answers on the blank provided.

The Global Fight Against Communicable Diseases

Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol

Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases.
Global Initiative for Mental Health
Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and Alcohol Use

1. WHAT: It is an initiative of Global health that the WHO FCTC came into existence
in reaction to the global epidemic of tobacco use and abuse. It reaffirms the right of every
individual across the world to the highest standard of health promoting public health and
providing new legal means for global health cooperation.
WHY: Reduces demand for tobacco.
2. WHAT: It is a global action plan of the following non-communicable:
Cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, cancers, and diabetes and the
four shared risk factors: unhealthy eating, physical
inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use.
WHY: For the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable diseases.
3. WHAT: The “Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020” is the result
of extensive research and consultations by stakeholders, member
nations, academic and non-government centers across the globe.
WHY: It basically addresses the following:
• to fight and alleviate negative trends in mental health,
• to improve and make mental health services and care accessible, and
• to protect abuse of rights and unjust treatment against people with mental problems,
disorders, and disabilities which are still prevalent around the
4. WHAT: This initiative recognizes the close ties between the harmful uses of alcohol and the socio-
economic development of a nation.
WHY: This strategy builds and supports other global health initiatives like
the global strategy for the prevention and control of non-communicable
5. WHAT: This initiative includes roll back Malaria, stop TB, Alliance for vaccines
and immunization and Global Fund to fight Aids, TB and Malaria.

WHY: It reduces the number of deaths from malaria infection through the
heightened prevention tools, rapid response to outbreaks, development of
new anti-malarial products and effective treatment of the infection
It strengthens children’s immunization programs and introduce new
generation of licensed vaccines into use in developing countries across
the Globe.
It prevents further transmission of tuberculosis or TB around the world.
It helps in the prevention, reduction, and mitigation of the negative
impacts of the three diseases to humanity which contributes to the
fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals.

What’s More
Directions: Tell whether the statement is true or not. Write the word TRUE if the statement
is true and FALSE if it is not on the blank provided.
_______1. WHO stands for World Health Organization.
_______2. Tuberculosis is an example of a communicable disease.
_______3. Nicotine is one of the ingredients in cigarette.

_______4. Cardiovascular disease is an example of a communicable disease.
_______5. Vaccine is a substance that is usually injected into a person as
protection against a particular disease.
_______6. DOTS is one of the programs which is implemented by STOP TB
program in order to stop tuberculosis.
_______7. Physical inactivity is a healthy lifestyle practice.
_______8. FCTC stands for Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
_______9. Malaria is a serious disease that comes from the bite of mosquito and
another is by direct or indirect contact.
_______10.Cardiovascular is a disease of the heart and blood vessels.
_______11.AIDS means Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome.
_______12.Tuberculosis is an infection of the lungs but may also occur in other
body parts brought about by bacteria that cause lesions (cut or break in tissue).
_______13.Alcohol is a gateway drug which depresses the central nervous system.
_______14.HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which causes the
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome to deteriorate.
_______15.Climate change is significant and long-lasting change in the Earth’s climate and weather
What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the paragraph by supplying the blanks with word/s from the box below.

Along with the(1) __________initiatives to prevent the prevalence of health (2)__________,

the United Nations formulated the (3)_______millennium goals in the year(4) ________ so that
nations across the world can reduce (5)_________and hunger, promote universal(6)_________ for all
and gender equity, reduce (7)_________among children, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS,
malaria, and other(8) ____________diseases, ensure environmental(9) _____________, and develop
global(10) ________________ in addressing global problems.

partnership education problems health

communicable 2000 eight sustainability
poverty mortality disease

What I Can Do

Directions: Make an awareness poster about health issues and concerns in your locality. Do it on a
one whole bond paper.
Materials: bond paper
Coloring materials

Directions: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is considered as the most serious problem we are facing today?
A. Smoking
B. Malnutrition
C. Water shortage

D. Scarcity of oil supply
2. Which of the following is the leading cause of a very poor health condition of
the people globally?
A. Poverty
B. Smoking
C. Sanitation
D. Cardiovascular disease
3. What was the leading infectious disease that kills people globally in 2001?
A. Malaria
C. Heart diseases
D. Respiratory diseases
4. Which of the following is related to over-nutrition?
A. Obesity
B. type 2 diabetes
C. Cardiovascular diseases
D. All of the above
5. Which group of health workers has the highest number of victims of
A. Nurses
B. Physicians
C. Psychiatrists
D. Mental health workers
6. What is the primary objective of immunization program?
A. Prevent disease
B. Spread infection
C. Prevent infection
D. Population control
7. Which of the following is the major mode of HIV transmission globally?
A. Male to male sex
B. Male to female sex
C. Using of used syringe
D. Female to female sex
8. Which of the following regions has the highest incidence of HIV infections
A. Pacific Islands
B. South America
C. Southeast Asia
D. Sub-saharan Africa
9. Which of the following is/are true about childhood obesity?
A. Type II diabetes, one results of obesity, is now seen in children
B. Prevalence studies of obesity that is more prevalent in Africa and
South Africa
C. The prevalence has been increasing in many Western nations but not
in poor, developing countries
D. None of the above
10. Which of the following diseases was controlled primarily by the
innovative use of epidemiologic strategies?
A. Mumps
B. Cholera
C. Measles
D. Smallpox
11. What processes include environmental factors that influence health?
A. Chemical
B. Biological
C. Psycho-social
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following is the most important thing in giving a vaccine?
A. Safety
B. The proportion of infectious prevented

C. Ability to stimulate anti body production
D. Ability to stimulate an immune response
13. What are the benefits of breastfeeding to infant’s health?
A. It is not affected by the mother’s nutritional status
B. It decreases the mother’s chances of getting pregnant
C. It transfers immunity against certain infectious diseases
D. All of the above
14. Which of the following communicable diseases transmitted by mosquito?
A. Dengue
B. Influenza
C. Meningitis
D. None of the above
15. Exposure to which of the following substances causes the highest risk of cancer?
A. Chromium VI
B. Sodium Chloride
C. Methylene Chloride
D. None of the above

Implementation of Global Health Initiatives

What I Know

Modified True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and change the underlined word/s if it is false to make
the statement true.

1. Research indicates that staying physically healthy can help prevent or delay
certain diseases, including some cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and can
also relieve depression and improve mood.
2. It is important for a successful aging person to eat foods that are rich in fats and to
avoid the empty calories in candy and sweets.
3. Being overweight or obese increases your chances of dying from hypertension,
type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep
apnea, respiratory problems, dyslipidemia and endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon cancer.
4. Health-related Policies are formal or informal written statements that are designed to protect or
promote employee’s health.
5. Tobacco use is now called "Tobacco dependence disease."
6. Substance abuse usually means drugs and alcohol.
7. Dementia can be caused by disease and may be reactions to medications, vision
and hearing problems, infections, nutritional imbalances, diabetes, and renal failure.
8. One of the benefits of nutrition to the world is the development and improvement
of various health initiatives by different nations and governments to address health issues and
9. Strategies to reduce injury include sleeping to improve balance, strength and
medication review.
10. Even though pollution affects all of us, government studies have indicated that
low-income, racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in areas where
they face environmental risks.
11. Influenza and pneumonia are among the top 10 causes of death for older adults.
12. Seniors frequently do not monitor their weight seriously as they should
13. The most common late-in-life mental health condition is anxiety.
14. Global Health initiative is a program run by World Health Organization to fight
against certain diseases globally.
15. Pneumonia remains one of the most serious infections, especially among women
and the old ones.

What’s In

Directions: Identify what Millennium Development Goal is being represented by the

picture in each item. Select your answer from the box below.

Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

Achieve Universal Primary Education
Promote Gender Equality & Empower Women
Reduce Child Mortality
Improved Maternal Health
Combat HIV/AIDS Malaria and Other Diseases
Ensure Environmental Sustainability
Global Partnership for Development

1._____________________ 5. _____________________

2. _____________________ 6. ______________________

3.______________________ 7. _____________________

4. _______________________ 8._____________________

What’s New

Directions: Determine the present status of the global health crisis. Write these in
the Present column and predict what will happen if these global health
crisis are properly addressed by the different nations. Write these in the
Future column.
Global Health Issues
Present Future
and Concerns

Example: COVID-19 is very alarming as shown by Vaccine for COVID-19 will be

the number of its victims and increasing available worldwide and people
fatality rate. The pandemic has also will be particular with health and

Covid 19 Pandemic affected the world economy. sanitation.

1. Dengue



4. Mental Health

5.Primary Health Care

What Is It

Philippines–World Health Organization Country Cooperation Strategy

The overarching goal of World Health Organization (WHO) is a support to the Philippines and to
ensure that all Filipinos, regardless of their age, gender, socioeconomic and cultural background,
have the opportunity to live healthy lives in a safe environment, through timely and equitable
access to quality health services.
The Government of the Philippines and WHO have jointly identified five strategic priorities for
WHO support to the Philippines over the coming six years.
Directions: Rearrange the group of words to form a sentence that describes the strategy of World
Health Organization in promoting people’s welfare. Write your answer on the blanks provided. Then,
make an analysis on the impact of these strategies to you as a Filipino citizen. Write it on the box

Strategic Priorities Jumbled Words Answer

1. Save lives full access
to immediate-impact interventions
2. Promote well-being to lead healthy lives empower people
and enjoy responsive health services
3. Protect health health threats
and emerging
anticipate and mitigate disasters, and environmental
4. Optimize health Overcome
Architecture achieve Universal fragmentation to
health coverage
5. Use platforms for Support
health health in all settings,
policies and

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the necessary words to make the statement complete. Choose
your answers from the words given inside the box.

Control global health World Health Organization

led Comprehensive Alcohol
fight Prevention diseases Non-communicable

Among the 1) ______________initiatives 2)______ by the 3)________________are: Stop

TB, Roll Back Malaria, Global Fund to 4)_____ HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other 5)__________,
Framework Convention on Tobacco 6)__________, 7)_______________ Mental Health Action Plan,

Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of 8)__________and Global Strategy for the
9)___________and control of 10)_______________________ Diseases .


Modified True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and change the underlined words to make the
statement true.
1. Research indicates that staying physically healthy can help prevent or delay
certain diseases, including some cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and can
also relieve depression and improve mood.
2. It is important for a successful aging person to eat foods that are rich in fats and to
avoid the empty calories in candy and sweets.
3. Being overweight or obese increases your chances of dying from hypertension,
type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep
apnea, respiratory problems, dyslipidemia and endometrial,
breast, prostate, and colon cancer.
4. Health-related Policies are formal or informal written statements that are
designed to protect or promote employee’s health.
5. Tobacco use is now called "Tobacco dependence disease."
6. Substance abuse usually means drugs and alcohol.
7. Dementia can be caused by disease, reactions to medications, vision and hearing
problems, infections, nutritional imbalances, diabetes, and renal failure.
8. One of the benefits of nutrition to the world is the development and improvement
of various health initiatives by different nations and governments to address health issues and
9. Strategies to reduce injury include sleeping to improve balance and strength and
medication review.
10. Even though pollution affects all of us, government studies have indicated that
low-income, racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in areas where
they face environmental risks.
11. Influenza and pneumonia are among the top 10 causes of death for older adults.
Emphasis on Influenza vaccination for seniors has helped.
12. Seniors frequently do not monitor their weight seriously as they should.
13. The most common late-in-life mental health condition is anxiety.
14. Global Health initiative is a program run by World Health Organization to fight
against certain diseases globally.
15. Pneumonia remains one of the most serious infections, especially among women
and the old ones.


Directions: Read and analyze the question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it before the number.

1. Which lifestyle disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide?

A. Stroke
B. Diabetes
C. Heart disease
D. Hypertension
2. This refers to diverse health issues, concerns and trends which call for all nations to address
and act on to promote and protect health of individuals and groups across boundaries.
A. Health
B. Public health

C. Global health
D. Health education
3. These are goals set by the United Nations for its member nations to be fulfilled on an agreed
span of time to be evaluated and counter-checked under world standards.
A. World Health Goals
B. K-12 Development Goals
C. Millennium Development Goals
D. United Nations Development Goals
4. What Millennium Development Goals greatly protect and care for women and children’s
A. MDG No. 1 and 2
B. MDG No. 7 and 8
C. MDG No. 3,4 and 5
D. MDG No. 1,6 and 7
5. This primary international body is responsible for developing leadership in health, and in
setting norms and standards and providing health support among nations around the world.
A. World Bank
B. United Nations
C. International Red Cross
D. World Health Organization
6. This refers to a global health effort to control poverty and eradicate the spreading of
mosquito-borne infections through development, preventive measures, and effective
A. Roll Back Malaria
B. Roll Back Dengue
C. Stop Dengue and Malaria
D. Destroy Mosquitoes Program
7. Which continent has the highest death rate recorded among children aged 5 years and
A. Africa
B. South Asia
C. Latin America
D. East Asia and Pacific
8. Which disease is the leading cause of death among people who live in developing countries?
A. Malaria
C. Heart diseases
D. Respiratory diseases
9. In what region did new HIV infections occur among individuals living in low and middle-
income countries?
A. Easy Asia C. Pacific Region
B. South Asia D. Sub-Saharan Africa
10. Which of the following is considered as the most serious problem we are facing today?
A. Smoking C.Water Shortage
B. Malnutrition D. Scarcity of Oil Supply
11. This is a nationwide effort of the Department of Health to prevent and control
the spread of tuberculosis (TB).
A. Tuberculosis – Direct Occupational Treatment System
B. Tuberculosis – Department of Tropical Treatment Service
C. Tuberculosis – Directly Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy
D. Tuberculosis – Dangerous Occupational Therapy Short Course Strategy
12. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations aims to strengthen children’s
immunization programs especially in developing countries. Which of the following vaccines is
NOT part of the program?
A. HIV vaccine
B. hepatitis vaccine
C. influenza vaccine
D. pneumonia vaccine
13. Which of these emerging communicable diseases greatly threaten developing nations around
the world especially in Africa?

A. Malaria C.HIV/AIDS
B. Influenza D.tuberculosis
14. Which of the following is NOT a provision of the World Health Organization Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control?
A. decrease in age limit to use tobacco products
B. new packaging and labelling of tobacco products
C. increase in price and tax measures of tobacco products
D. protection of the public from the dangers of tobacco smoke
15. Which of the following is a shared risk factor for developing chronic non-communicable
diseases as identified by the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-
communicable Diseases?
A. physical inactivity C. Tobacco and alcohol use
B. unhealthy eating habits D. all of the above
C. tobacco and alcohol use


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