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Teacher: Jhon Jairo Ramírez Area: English

Full name: ________________________________________Grade: 8 ____

Topic: Modal verbs: Can/can’t, must/mustn’t Have to /don’t have to,

order of adjectives.

Reading comprehension
Lee el texto y responde las preguntas:

Most spiders live on land, but this spider is different. It spends most of its
time under water. How does it breathe? It breathes by making a tent full
of air bubbles under water.

First it spins a web in the shape of a bell. Then it fixes it to plants under the
water. Next it swims up to the top of the water and traps a tiny bubble of
air with its hairy back legs. It drags the bubble to its web. It does this many
times until its home is full of air. Then it sits nice and snug in its web and
feeds on tiny fish and other water animals.

1. The passage is about a spider that


2. Most spiders


3. How does it breathe?


4. How does it feed?

British people

I suppose the British people are a little bit like Red Riding Hood’s
mother: they think that talking to strangers is a bad idea. In general if
they don’t have to speak, they don’t. On trains, for example, they often
hide behind newspapers. If they have to speak, they use their favorite
words: please, thank you, sorry and excuse me.

Of course they have to talk to people they know. But everyone knows
that they mustn’t mention politics, religion or anything very personal.
They must talk about the weather; British talk about the weather all the
time. The weather is a good topic of conversation because it is neutral:
when the weather is bad, it is bad for everybody; when it is good,
everyone is happy. So when someone says, “Isn’t it lovely today?”, they
aren’t giving you important information or asking for your opinion; they
are saying, “I am saying this to you because I want to be friendly.” And
of course you must reply, “Yes, isn’t it?”

5. British people like.


6. They use the words please, thank you, sorry and excuse me

7. British people

8. When they ask you about the weather,

9. Speaking about the weather

10. They speak about the weather


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