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Playlist Pyramid Music Discovery System

1. My Existing Collection
I have trimmed my music collection down to just DJ music

I have removed music I haven't played in the past 12 months [ ]

I have removed music I don't think I'll play in the past 12 months [ ]

I have checked all the music metadata is correct [ ]

The ID3 tag editor I will use is: _______________________________________________

2: My Day-To-Day Music Discovery System

The music streaming service I am using is: _____________________________________

Optional: A second music streaming service I use is: _____________________________

The three playlists I have followed on my primary streaming service are:

Playlist 1: _______________________________________________________________

Playlist 2: _______________________________________________________________

Playlist 3: _______________________________________________________________

My chosen radio show / podcast / mix show is: __________________________________

I will listen to it via: ________________________________________________________

More info:

3. Daily Listening
Three activities when I will be listening to my streaming service are (include what you will listen
on - eg car radio, phone/headphones, work computer...)

When I am ______________________ using my _______________________________

When I am ______________________ using my _______________________________

When I am ______________________ using my _______________________________

4. Formal Weekly Listening Sessions

The day each week and time I am going to do this is (add to your calendar):

Day ______________ Time ______________ For _______ hours

Day ______________ Time ______________ For _______ hours (optional)

My mainstream download store is _________________________________________

My specialist download store ___ _________________________________________

Another download store I'm registered with is: (optional)________________________

Two areas on these store/s I will check for new tunes:

In the _________________________ store I will check ________________________

In the _________________________ store I will check ________________________

The DJ download pool I will use is: _____________________ (optional)

More info:

5. Music Library Time
Each week, I will spend _____________ hours working with music already in my library

I have added this time to my calendar

More info:

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