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The passing of Fimbulwinter
presages the end of worlds of gods and men.
The legions of evil storm across the Rainbow Bridge
to do final combat with the heroic Aesir in the battle called,

for combining
REVIEWS OF both games of
Timelag * Warp War • Starfire *
Starffe&t Battles and Expansion Modu plus COMPLETE BACKGROUND


editor and ART director Redmond A.Simonsen

managing editors Michael E. Moore
managing art director Manfred F. Milkuhn
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: John Boardman, John H. Butler-
field. Esakof, Eric Goldberg. Brad E. Hessel,
Darryl Ragnarok: Mythic Story of
Christopher John. Nick Karp. David James Ritchie, Eric
the Twilight of the Gods 4
Smith, Susan Shwartz. Chris Wagner. EDITORIAL STAFF:
Trish Christen. Carolyn Felder. David McCorkhill. Deborah
C. Ritchie, Paul Stevens. GRAPHIC PRODUCTION: Kate
Higgins. Ted Keller, Ken Stec. CIRCULATION AND Pandoras Link JUSTIN LEITES 9
Michael George, Charles J Brandau. Sandra Hudgson,
An SF Game Sampler STEVE LIST 25
Kathy Tennyson. WHOLESALE FULFILLMENT: Theresa Canto

Facts for Fantasy SUSAN SHWARTZ. Ph.D. 10

Science for
Science Fiction JOHN BOARDMAN, Ph.D. 10








SPI rewrvm Urn absolute r BOOKS GREGCOSTIKYAN 34

Although the publication a

tored, SPI does attempt to s


SUBMISSIONS: ARES w. ENCLOSURES: oa™m* map and count ^F^dbackcart, sumption torn,.

material. In this issue you'll notice an in-

number of game reviews and an

Looking Ahead to Next Time
Ares nr. 9 will feature
simulation of ship-to-ship combat in deep
Laserburst, a
Muse crease

in the
showing you how
dora games published
to link the two Pan-
Ares. Incidentally,
Voyage of the Pandora
space; all sizes of ships from one-man
was fantastically well received (getting a 7.4

fighters to armored transport ships are in- I suppose that editors strive to re-
all rating).Other games in this format are being
cluded in this multi-scenario game. There express their identities through the material dreamed up even as write this.I

will also be fiction. Science for Science that they put into their publications. An Next issue John's major new role-play-
Fiction, Facts for Fantasy, reviews, and arm's length analysis might assume that ing game. Universe, will be formally in-

much more. because I'm of Scandanavian descent, I troduced by the inclusion of its tactical com-
caused this issue to come to being with its bat system as the issue game. It's going to be
When to Expect Nr. 9 Norse theme. I'm here to tell you it "ain't so good fun. Redmond
Domestic Subscribers: If you have not Joe." The one who determines what subject
received your copy of Ares nr. 9 by 7 gets treated by an Ares game is the collective
August 1981, notify our Customer Service identi.ty of the Ares readership (via feed-
Department. Please include your Custo- back cards}.
mer Code and issue of expiration, both of
which should be found on this issue's
mailing label, just above your name.
Perhaps some of you who've been with
us a long while have become jaded over the
use of feedback cards included in our various
^"* New York,
257 Park Avenue Souih,
N. Y. 10010

Foreign Subscribers: Add eight weeks to publications. must assure you that the feed-
the above date to allow for the lymphatic back is the single most important component
pace of international mail. of the decision process that determines what

On the Cover game gets published in the magazine. If you

care about the games and articles that come
© A <5«k
John W. Pierard's representation of Odin,
to you through Ares, you must do your feed- SPI is a member of the Hobby Industry of
Thor, and Vidar entering the Plain of America, The Adventure Games Division of
back card, even though, realize,Iit

Vigrid, based on a concept by Redmond the HIA, and the Game Manufacturers
sometimes becomes tedious.
A. Simonsen. You've kept up a steady pressure in- Association.

dicating that you want game-oriented

You, the master of your destiny,
venture across the sea of stars
to meet the challenge of
alien worlds in...

UniVCRfE The Role-Playing Game

of the Future
In June 1981
SPI will release
this major science fiction
role-playing system
designed to be
the definitive
game of a
whole new generation of
adventure products.

22" x 34" four-color star map • 17" x 22" tactical map

200 tactical playing pieces
64-page Gamesmaster Guide • 32-page Adventure Guide
THE FUTURE History of the Interstellar Federation THE GAMESMASTER Guide to Gamesmaster's Duties C Creation
of Worlds CHARACTER GENERATION Physique, Coordination, Intellect, and Social Background G Choosing F elds of

Study D Determining Strength, Endurance. Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Mental Power, Aggression, Leadership, Wealth,
and Social Status CHARACTER PROFESSIONS 25 Career Areas CHARACTER SKILLS L: Acquiring Skills n Improv-
ing a Character's Adventure Life ROBOTS AND EQUIPMENT G Artificial Intelligence Purchasing Robots G Weapons G
Clothing D Land Vehicles Electronic Aids Armor Tools LI Foodstuffs CHARACTER COMBAT Resolving Combat
Between Characters Accuracy and Lethality of Weapons Technology D SPACE TRAVEL Hyperjumping c. Psionic
Navigators Travel within a Star System D Orbital/ Sub-orbital Travel Chartering a Ship SPACESHIPS H Purchase and
Rental of Ships [71 Attributes. Design, and Construction of Spaceships G Military, Merchant, Courier, and Personal Ships G
Spaceship Weaponry and Armor SPACE COMBAT G Resolving Combat Between Spacecraft Firepower Reaction
Time Effects of Gravity D STAR SYSTEM GENERATION Spectral Type of Stars G Number of Planets G Resource
PotentialG Habitability G Planetary Characteristics G Determining Environs G Human Colonization G Surface Movement G
Encounters Accidents G ADVENTURES G Complete Adventure [1 Adventure Outlines G Plotting an Adventure CI Expen-
diture of Money Q Experience Points

Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods,

M^OKSawafi" to harm Baldr. Since on earth loved
all things
/ Susan Shwartz
bring Baldr up. Hermod, one of Odin's sons,
promptly borrowed his father's
might have begun with the battle of the Aesir him, Frigg received these oaths. Baldr
all Sleipnir,

and Vanir, after which all faith seemed easy now seemed invulnerable. A favorite pastime eight-legged horse, and rode to the under-
to break. After the battle, betrayals were in Asgard consisted of hurling weapons at world. Hela was not encouraging; she would
more common than oaths. More probably, him for the sheer joy of seeing him remain release Baldr only if every creature and thing
however, Ragnarok began when Baldr unharmed. in the universe wished it. If one single being

was slain. But Loki the trickster watched. He hated refused to weep for Baldr, she intended to
Most beautiful of the Aesir, Baldr was Baldr as he hated all good things. He chang- keep him.
the son of Odin and of Frigg. Everyone who ed shape into the guise of an old woman and Meanwhile the gods prepared his
saw him loved him, but there came a time visited Frigg. Why were the gods laughing so funeral. They laid the body on his ship. His
when he began to have nightmares which much, he asked. Frigg told him of the oaths. wife Nanna slew herself out of grief. As Thor
prophesied danger for him. His mother went Loki asked if Frigg had really extracted an blessed the ship and the funeral pyre, other
to every being and every thing on earth — oath from every thing and creature in Middle gods led Baldr's horse on board. Then the
fire, gold, water, stones, serpents, illnesses, Earth. Frigg confessed that she had passed ship was burnt. All the gods attended, and
birds — and asked them to swear an oath not by the mistletoe, which seemed too young even some of the giants of Jotunheim,
and too humble to harm anyone. Asgard 's enemies.
Upon those words, Loki reassumed his When Hermod returned from Niflheim
own shape and gathered the mistletoe. He with Hela's message, the Aesir were
came back to Asgard, where the guards were delighted. If even the giants mourned at
THE VIKING GODS still throwing rocks and spears at Baldr and Baldr's funeral, surely all creatures would

Norse were divided into two

deities laughing at their sport. Only Hoddr, Baldr's grieve for him, and he would be reborn. But
clans, the Aesir and the Vanir. The Aesir brother, stood apart. Hoddr was blind and, they had not counted on Loki, who disguised
— among them Odin, Thor, Tyr, Heim- as he told Loki (who pretended to be sym- himself as a giantess called Thokk. She alone
dall, Baldr, and Loki — were preeminently pathetic),he had neither missile to hurl at refused to weep for Baldr, and Hela kept him.
gods of war. The Vanir, who were Baldr nor sight to hurl it with. Loki handed
especially popular in Sweden, provided him the mistletoe and offered to guide his
Fimbu (winter
forests and fields with sunlight and rain. hand. The mistletoe pierced Baldr and killed Now it seems that spring has not come
They made plants, animals, and human him. Hoddr killed himself, and the gods to Middle Earth for years. Gradually the gods
beings thrive, and they cherished peace. wanted to kill Loki, but dared not — the place and mortals begin to suspect the truth. This
The three Vanir — Njord, Freyr, and Frey- where they met was consecrated ground. is no true winter that keeps the lands be-
ja (often confused with Frigg, Odin's So Loki escaped, and the gods grieved. tween Asgard, home of the gods, and
queen) — can be regarded almost as fer- Frigg promised to sleep with anyone who Niflheim, the underworld, dark and cold.
tility spirits. Njord is equivalent to Ner- would dare Niflheim, Hela's kingdom, and This is the Fimbulwinter, the years long
thus, the Mother Goddess of whom
Tacitus writes (see Facts for Fantasy); but
Tacitus regarded only one aspect of
Njord, who was actually bisexual. Freyr
and Freyja simply mean lord and lady.
At the dawn of time Aesir and Vanir ODIN
lived in peace. They built altars, worked in
Called the All-father, Odin was the Odin was also a shape-changer with
gold, 3nd forged tools. however,
principal god of the Germanic people and the power to assume any shape he pleas-
the Aesir tortured an emissary of the maker of poems,
was given numerous attributes. Riding on ed. He was a skald, or
Vanir and war broke out between the
the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, he prowl- who had paid for his wisdom with one
races. From then on, the Aesir used
ed the world for knowledge, often con- eye. All during his early wanderings, Odin
treachery, deceiving the giant who built
spicuous in his flowing cloak and wide- questioned everyone he met, slowly
Valhalla for them of the bride he thought
brimmed hat. Sometimes he hunted, the up
building his body of knowledge. But
he had earned, and causing all the treaties satisfied. So he went to his
thunder on stormy nights being the mad- he was not
and oaths throughout the world to lose
dened gallop of his troop of dead warriors mother's brother, Mimir, wisest of
their validity.
as they chased across the skies after their counsellors and the guardian of a foun-
Sitting in Valhalla, his daughters the
quarry. Odin inspired warriors with tain of wisdom located near the roots of
Valkyries bringing him his Einheriar, or
courage and honor, but was also master Yggdrasil, the ash tree that holds up the
chosen warriors, his ravens bringing him —
of the war-fetter the panic that drives world. Mimir took an eye from Odin
information, Odin, ruler of the gods, knew
armies into mad retreat. before letting him drink from this foun-
that this trickery meant only one thing:
Like thegods of Greco-Roman myth, tain. Although Mimir died during the war
that the earth approached its end.
Odin achieved his sovereignty by over- between the Aesir and Vanir, Odin retain-
Gradually the weight of evil and the in-
throwing older gods - primarily Ymir, ed both his wisdom and the head of
creasing strength of Valhalla's enemies
the frost giant. With his brothers, Vili and Mimir, which prophesied and told him of
would bring it down.
Ve, Odin created Midgard {Middle Earth) hidden things.
The end of the world, Odin knew, In a poem called the Havamal, the
for men from the eyebrow of Ymir, and
would come and he would not survive it.
then created the first race of humankind. story is told of how Odin sacrificed
Already it had many names. The oldest
Odin is seen in Asgard as wearing a himself to himself and hung for nine
bards called it ragna rok, which means the
breastplate and golden helmet and nights on the World-Ash tree, and thus
fatal destiny of the gods. Later Norse
brandishing his great spear, Gungnir, learned the secrets of the Runes. If he is
poets called it ragna rokkr, the twilight of
which no power can deflect from its the Norse god of wisdom, he is also its dy-
the gods, which translates into German as
course when it is hurled. ing and reviving god.
Cotterdammerung, the gods' twilight.
freeze that presages Ragnarok, the twilight revenge. Loki tried to hide by transforming Odin, who had once hung for nine
of the gods and the destruction of the world. himself into a salmon. The gods captured the nights on a world-ash tree as sacrifice to
There is no real need to be surprised. No fish-god with the very net Loki had created. himself to learn the secrets of the runes and
one ever expected the world — or, for that He was bound in chains made from the who paid an eye to drink from the Well of
matter, the gods — to last forever. And after bowels of his son, Narvi, and a poison ser- Wisdom, could not rest. He went to the Sybil
Baldr's death, no one seemed to want them pent was hung over his head to drip venom in and asked her for a prophecy. She mocked
to, least of all themselves. Nevertheless, they his face. fLoki's wife Siguna sat by her hus- him with his own destruction and began to
went on living. Valkyries brought more and band, catching the venom in a cup; prophesy. After each verse she taunted,
more men to Valhalla, Odin's hall in Asgard, whenever she emptied it the poison dripped
"Well, would you know more?"
to build up the army he would need to fight inLoki's face, causing him tremendous pain. I

on the last day. Every morning the men went He would remain a prisoner of the gods until
The Prophecy
out and fought. Every night, restored to the world's end. What the Sybil predicts to Odin is terri-
health despite the wounds their day's exer- The gods knew they could not hold ble. Baldr is dead, she tells him, and the

cise cost them, they feasted. So did back Ragnarok. It was Fated, and the Aesir Valkyries bring slain warriors in every day to
the gods. swell Valhalla's armies for the coming battle.

Loki returned to Asgard during one of Inthe Ironwood, she warns, the brood of the
these feasts and taunted the gods. He accus- Fenhs wolf, who long ago was chained by
Tyr, is thriving. Soon all these wolves will
ed all the goddesses of infidelity and called
Thor a coward. When Thor threatened to kill break free; one of them is to swallow the sun
him with Mjollnir, his great hammer, Loki TYR muz) and the earth will be plunged into a long,
fled, afraid to stand and fight. ..but his last The god from whom the word Tues- miserable winter. The world roils in murder,
words were a threat. This feast, he told the day comes is a major figure at the last bat- warandtreachey.
Aesir, would be their last. Soon Loki's flames tle. The etymology of his name indicates

would consume them all. that he was once a sky-god very like Zeus,
Fleeing Asgard, Loki went to a moun- for the roots of both names are identical.
tain and built himself a house with four Originally he was the god of war, but as
doors; thus, if the gods were to approach, he Thor became more important, Tyr VIDAR AND VALI
was bound to see them come and could flee. became the god who governed the rules These gods, sons of Odin, are later
Soon the Aesir did arrive to seek their of war and finally descended into the creations of poets and never achieved
status of a minor god. This, however, was separate cults. Vidar was considered
far from the actual case. Tyr indeed was rather dim-witted and seldom spoke
the symbol of law, of fidelity, and of among the assembly of the gods; often
THOR adherence to contracts. He earned that his opinions were entirely ignored. He is

Whereas Odin is known as the com- reputation with the loss of his hand when best known for slaying the Fenris-wolf
mander of the Aesir, Thor is best known the Fenris-wolf was bound. after it had slain his father on the field of

asits greatest fighter. Odin's son and hus-

In attempting to bind the wolf, a Vigrid. Vidar and his brother Vali surv

band to Sif, he is known for his plainness mortal enemy of the Aesir, the gods twice Ragnarok and become new gods in the
of speech, his cherished magic goats, forged the chains which the wolf easily golden world. Vali is best known for his

and, most of all, for his magic hammer snapped. Finally, the dwarfs fashioned a great desire to avenge Baldr's death,
Mjollnir, which always returns to its
new kind of chain; it was formed from the being so concentrated on the task that
master. He is the god of thunder and the wail of a cat, the beard of a woman, a he never combed his hair or washed
god of war. Called Donar in Germany and mountain's roots, a bear's tendons, a his hands.
fish's breath, and a bird's spittle. Soft as a
Thor in Scandinavia (the Vikings called
silk ribbon, the chain, Gleipnir, looked like
themselves the sons of Thor), he is more
beloved, but less awesome, than Odin. a fragile thing. Challenged by the gods to
Customarily, he is depicted as wearing a test its strength, Fenhs was dubious. It in- FREYR
long red beard and carrying Mjollni sisted that the only way it would be chain- Originally Freyr, whose name means
which had fallen, poets say, out of ed was if one of them placed a hand in its "lord,"was one of the Vanir, a far more
thunderbolt during a storm. He also mouth. While the other gods hung back, peaceful race than the Aesir. An emissary
possessed a which doubled his
girdle, reluctant to lose a hand, Tyr placed his was sent by the Vanir to the Aesir,
strength when worn, and a pair of iron hand in the wolf's mouth and lost it as the perhaps to make them more greedy for
gloves which enabled him to wield his beast realized it was trapped. gold and thus tame their warlike ways,
hammer. but the Aesir grew so avaricious they tried
to tear away the emissary's knowledge,
first by burning her and then, after ret
HEIMDALL recting her, by torturing her. The Vanir
BALDR (Balder) One of the most important of the were outraged at such treatment, and war
With Odin, Baldr is also recognized Aesir, Heimdall is also one of the least was declared. However, neither side
as a god of death and rebirth. The most known. Poets say little about him. He is a could overcome the other, and after
handsome of the gods, he was also the god of light; his main job is to guard Bi- much fighting, a truce was arranged.
most clever in speech and the kindest. He frost, the rainbow bridge at the approach Freyr, along with Freya and Njord, w
was also known as an upright judge, to Valhalla. He resembles the Roman god to live with the Aesir, and Hoenir went to
reconciling all who came to him for ad- Janus, since he presides over beginnings live with the Vanir.
vice. It was his treacherous death at the and endings. At divine assemblies, he is Freyr was a chief god of the Vanir,
instigation of Loki that formed one of the always the first to speak. His senses are but his role seems to have been primarily
keystones for Ragnarok. The evil Loki highly acute; he can even hear grass symbolic, a sort of personification of
tricked Hoddr, Baldr's blinded brother, in- growing. order and fertility. He had wonderful gifts
to throwing a mistletoe twig, the one Tall, handsome, and a patron of — a boat large enough to hold all the
thing Baldr's mother, Frigg, had forgotten order, he had a mortal feud with Loki, Aesir, yet which folded up to fit into a
to draw an oath from not to harm her son; who constantly mocked the watchman. pocket; a golden boar that could pull a
the twig killed Baldr, and with his passing At the beginning of Ragnarok, Heimdall chariot; and an invincible sword that m
went all perfect happiness, justice, and sounds his great trumpet that resounds ed through the air on its own. He seems
beauty out of the world. Loki was punish- throughout the world and announces the to have lost his sword somehow, for he
ed for his crime, but his escape triggered coming of the enemy. He and Loki are to lacks it at Ragnarok. He is one of the first
the coming of Ragnarok. slay each other on the battlefield. gods slain in the battle.

In ihe meantime, Eggthur, a warrior and giants, advances from the south. All about Already devastated by fires and earthquakes,
harper, spies near the kingdom of the giants, him flames spring up, mountains crumble, the earth's surface becomes a shapeless
and the Aesir watchman, Heimdall. holds his and what is left of humanity perishes. Even mass. One by one, the stars come adrift from
post at Bifrost, the rainbow bridge thai the vault of heaven shakes. The fire giants the sky and fall into the void. Surt, the fire
guards the approach to Asgard. Though men ride across therainbow bridge Bifrost, their giant, sets the entire earth on fire. All over
and Aesir cannot withstand Wyrd, or Fate, passage kindling it and causing it to collapse. Middle Earth steam hisses as the seas boil
they must try. Now the gods of Valhalla together with over, and all life perishes. Finally, the earth
The signal of the beginning of the actual the men the Valkyries have brought to Odin sinks into nothingness.
Twilight of the Gods is Loki's escape from his in anticipation of this day meet their enemies There is no Middle Earth now, no ruling
bonds. He manages by trickery to steal on the field of Vigrid. The first to attack is company of Aesir, no evil giants. All that re-
Heimdall's sword,and by the time the watch- Odin, clad in his helmet trimmed with eagles' mains is Yggdrasil. shaken, gnawed, and
man sounds an alarm on his great horn to wings, who rushes at Fenris, only to disap- charred — yet indestructible — and the pro-
warn the Aesir, it is already too late. The pear into its gaping jaws. As Odin's wife phecy of the Sybil.
Giants are on the march from Jotunheim, faints from grief, his son Vidar avenges his
and their allies — all the creatures of land, father; he forces open the wolf's mouth and Rebirth
sea and fire — prepare to join them. then uses a long sword to pierce its heart
Garmr, the terrible hound who howls Freyr, one of the Vanir who allied The Sybil leans forward to tell Odin
outside Niflheim, signals the coming of the himself with Odin, faces off against the fire what will come after the destruction of
last battle by baying. Fenris, the wolf-son of giant Surt, who manages to turn the god's heaven and earth. After the death of the
Loki, breaks the chain Gleipnir that Tyr had own sword against him. Thor crushes the Aesir and the triumph of fire, Middle Earth
will rise a second time from the void It will be
bound him with (losing a hand in the pro- Midgard Serpent's skull with his hammer,
fresh and green, very much like the Middle
cess). As Fenris shakes himself free, the en- but the serpent's venom, expelled in its death
Earth that was, only it will be more beautiful.
tire earth trembles. These cataclysmic earth- agony, overpowers the god. He takes nine
quakes trap all the dwarfs, who made Fenris' steps forward, then falls dead. Heimdall the
The eagle, stooping in its flight to catch fish,

chain, and shake from its roots to branches watchman finds Loki and kills him, but dies will thrive in this new world. Land will bring
forth crops even before it is sown with seed
Yggdrasil, the ash-tree support of the of the wounds Loki inflicts on him. Mean-
universe. while, Tyr, one of the fiercest and the last
Who will live in this land and rule it, she

This is an evil time to be alive, the Sybil surviving god, strides across Vigrid seeking
queries. The land has been cleansed of evil
warns. ..though the world will not last much and distrust, and now gods and men will live
to slay the wolf who cost him his hand. In-
longer. Those humans not destroyed by the stead he meets up with Garmr, the hound of
together in peace forever. Several of the
earthquakes will not survive the burning... or hell, and they kill each other.
the battle. Nor were they meantto. The heroes that the Valkyries brought to
The giant Hrym is ready for battle and Odin's aid are long dead. Now all the Aesir
sails against Odin and his warriors in a ship
crewed by phantoms. His ship rides a giant
too have died. The giants and evil creatures
— those that have survived the battle -
GARMR (Garni)
wave created by the Midgard Serpent, who have conquered. They will not have long, Garmr is the hound of hell and ser
has risen from the depths where it circled the a function similar to Cerebus by guarding
however, to enjoy the world they have won.
world and now thrashes the ocean in its fury. the entrance to the realm of the undead.
From the east, accompanied by his son the One sign of Ragnarok is the howling of
Fenris wolf, sails Loki on Naglfar, a ship con- Garmr, who breaks free to join the battle.
structed entirely from nail clippings; Fenris
drips blood from its open mouth, its upper
SURTR (Surt, Surtur)
jaw touching the sky, its lower brushing the Surtr is a fire-giant and rules Muspel-
sea. Surt, the most powerful of the fire sheim, the realm of fire that lies beneath HRYM
the burning midday sun. This land Hrym is a leader of the Jotuns, or
borders Midgard (Middle Earth) on the giants, the hostile race that opposes the
south. On the day of Ragnarok, Surtr ad- Aesir. At Ragnarok, Hrym approaches
ices, splitting the earth before him and the field in a boat powered by phantoms.
LOKI starting the world on fire. He kills Freyr
during the battle and survives to burn up
Loki, despite some accounts, is not
Odin's son. He is the son of Farbauti, who
symbolized flint, and his mother Laufey,
which means the wooded isle which pro- Also called Midgardthsormr, this ser-
He is an elemental, a be-
vides fuel for fire. pent was an offspring of Loki and Anger-
FENRIS (Fenrir)
ing who has bullied his way into the gods. bode. Odin seized the serpent and threw
As a sort of fire-spirit, he is a trickster, An offspring of Loki and Angerbode, it into the depths of the ocean that sur-

often present and usually treacherous, this great wolf was an implacable enemy rounded the earth; it had grown so large it
of the gods. a huge being, its top jaw was able to take mouth and encir-
embodying many of the cliches about It is its tail in

fire's being a good servant but a bad scraping the sky, its lower touching the cle the lands of men. Its writhings caused
master. Not only does he trick the gods, sea. Fire shoots from eyes and nostrils,
the great storms on the seas. In his youth,
bring about Baldr's death, and prophesy and bloodgushes from its mouth. Thor sought to destroy the serpent. He
the ending of the world in flames, he also Though the gods could not slay him, went out with a giant-fisherman and man-
takes an active part in the process by tak- since that would have involved spilling aged to hook the serpent on a harpoon.
ing the nail-clipping boat Naglfar into the blood on sacred ground, they could chain The fight was terrible between the god and
last battle.
him. Only the dwarfs' magical chain monster, and the terrified giant finally cut
He has sired numerous giants and Gleipnir was able to contain the beast, the line that Thor used to hold the serpent,
though in the process of trapping it Tyr
the great monsters who threatened the allowing it to return to its ocean bed.
gods. His children include the Midgard was forced to sacrifice his hand. In its At Ragnarok Thor is to meet the ser-
cavity it spawned a litter of wolves off a
Serpent, the Fenris-woff, Hela (guardian of pent once more. This time he will shatter
the underworld), and Odin's steed, Sleip- giantess; one of its children swallowed
its skull with his hammer, but the
nir. Loki was known for getting the gods
the sun, throwing the earth into darkness poisonous venom and the thrashing of
into dilemmas and then using his quick at the beginning of Ragnarok. In the bat-
the serpent's tail will take their toll. Thor
wit to get them out safely again. Next to tle Fenris swallows Odin early on and is
will survive only long enough to take nine
Satan, Loki is one of the great mythic
then itself dispatched by Odin's son,
steps and then fall dead.
figures of sheer evil and betrayal. Vidar.
SPI means great SF/F
AFTER THE After th e Holocaust
HOLOCAUST The Uniled States
fragment,: dafleradevasla

ar war. Player
e development o



Pandora's Link
The Voyage and Wreck of the Pandora Campaign Game
When Voyage of the Pandora appeared Port ratings should also count for victory and capture a new creature earns double the
as a feedback suggestion in Ares, it was sup- points for the creatures at a rate of one point victory points for that creature; other players
pose to be compatible with the game system per rating. who discover that creature only get the
of Wreck of the Pandora. Voyage was original victory points.
designed with this restriction in mind. There Tournament Games Tournament II: Each player records the
are a few holes in the rules that need to Players may wish to compete against information about a planet he explores;
be covered in order to play a campaign game each other using the Voyage and Wreck of when another player visits the same planet,
using both game systems. In addition to the the Pandora games. Each player should have the first player announces to that player the
campaign game, rules have been added for a copy of both games. The player with the characteristics discovered for that planet.
tournament games using the Voyage-Wreck highest victory point total is the winner. {This method of recording a planet's
game systems. There are two categories of tournament characteristics will slow down tournament
games. play considerably.) As in Tournament I

Combining Voyage and Wreck Tournament I: Each player records the game, the first player to discover and capture
To use the campaign game, a player information about each planet explored and a new creature earns double the victory
starts out playing Voyage of the Pandora keeps it separate. The first player to discover points for this deed. Justin Leites
normally. When, during the game, a player
arrives at Paragraph 232, he should use the
following new text in its place.
Ratings Chart for
232. Bypassing a blue-white Wolf-Rayt star
on its homeward bound journey, the Pan- Voyage Creatures Survival Chart
dora suffers massive internal damage. Set up CREATURE WEIGHT SHIELD PORT SURVIVAL
AbomnkJ ' '
Wreck of the Pandora game and place the
Acracat 2 1 (3) B 11-12
counters using the following guidelines.
All creatures captured during Voyage are Aaron 1 1 3 c B 11-12
used, rather than the creatures that appear in Allidon 1 (2) (2) c C 9-12 2-4,9-12
Wreck. Aquan 1 (2) (3) D D 2-5, 9-12 2-9

•Any picked up during Armeetle (11 1 1 B Explanation of Results: Determine

artifacts the
Bisape 3 2 3 B the creature's Survival rating from the
Pandora's exploration may be used.
Bubbler 1 (2) B Ratings Chart, and roll two dice. If the
•Roll 1D6-1 to determine how many crew 1
number falls within the range Indica-
members are awake. (Either the Voyage or Crusher 3 3 B
ted in the Survival Chart the creature
Wreck rati ngs may be used for the crew, Curder 4 1 C
dies. A creature must be checked the
Oecapus J 2 C first time it is encountered and the
Creatures Aboard the Pandora Docidon 1 (1) 1 c first time it moves out into a corridor.
When the Pandora is damaged, the Drada 1 1 3 c
players use only those creatures that have Eleboid (2) 1 (3) A
been captured during the play of Voyage of Erequrto (1) (1) D
the Pandora. To translate the values on the
Voyage creature counters to Wreck creature
Fast'rtomrte 2 2 (1) C Voyage of the Pandora
Florist (1)
counters, see the accompanying Ratings Folisaur 1 1 c Addenda
Chart to determine Weight, Port, and Shield Map
ratings. (Speed, Aggression, and In-
Garbist w NA D
Hex 1318 does not contain marsh terrain.
Glass man 121 1 D
telligence are the same; a Combat rating in Hexes 0507 and 0607 are underwater
Glosper 3 2 C
Voyage is the same as the Impair rating in cliff hexes.
Iron horn 4 3 B
Ivy Five 2 1 3 A
The Rating Chart also includes a new
Mirror Fly 1 4 C The Reconbot is considered to contain a
category. Survival, which indicates how able
scanner, in addition to its other attributes.
a creature is to survive aboard the wrecked
Nessie" 5 1 NA D When in an expedition, the Reconbot may be
Pandora. The first time a creature is en-
DnMd 1 1 B used to help prevent surprise as described in
countered by a character, a check must be
C 8.1.There is no additional effect when the
made to determine whether or not the Ornifly (2) (2) (1)
Reconbot and the scanner are both in an
creature is still alive (although its atmosphere Paraboid (3) (1) (3) c
still lingers in its pod, the air might be too Promite NA NA NA c
diluted). If the creature later does venture out Radrod 1 c Rule*
into the corridor, a second check must be Reeler 1 1 1 c (6.7) {correction and addition) Flat, hill,

made. In the corridor a creature has the 3 1 C mountain and cliff terrain types are exclusive
chance to dash back into its pod before dy- Sholf 2 3 1 C of one another. Only the single most expen-
ing; one die is rolled, and if the resulting
number is lower than the creature's In-
Snoup 1 (DM D sive type (in terms of hours required to enter
or explore) of these four in a hex is con-
Spilcer 1 2 C
telligence rating, it stays in the pod. Unithato* 6 NA C sidered to exist for purposes of hour expen-
diture and expedition encounters. All other
Determining Victory Urasmax 3 2 1 C
terrain is cumulative. For example, hex 0309
X-Wasp (2| 1 11) C
If the ship is saved from cold shutdown, is a mountain only and hex 0311 is a cliff
Kay: Weight, Shield and Port ratings are applied
then determine the number of victory points to creatures in Voyage for play in Wreck of the
hex only.
according to the Voyage of the Pandora Pandora. For survival, see Survival Chart. (8.7) [correction)The last line of the first col-
game system. If the ship enters cold shut- • = Creature too large to move into corridors; umn of rules on page 6 was inadvertently
down, the player automatically loses. To (#) = number is subtracted from die roll; NA=Not omitted; it reads "A creature may be ported
balance the game, the Weight, Shield and applicable. back to theshuttle in an..."

he would win seven more years of fruitful creating the rest of Sparta's governmental
Facts for life. Henry agreed - for one night, and then

reconsidered. He died in 1189 (presumably

structure. The assembly of citizens had the
greatest power in classical Sparta: later
without those seven extra years), and so the riders placed on the archaic document called

Fantasy commands Roger wanted enforced had to

wait until 1215 and theMagna Carta in which
the Great Rhetra {rhetra = enactment) gave
the kings and the council of elders (Gerousia)
many of them were incorporated. veto power. In addition to kings, Gerousia,
and assembly there were five ephors or
Edited by Susan Shwartz, Ph. D. How to Be a Spartan magistrates.
Lycurgus, the legendary king of Sparta, This society, which produced the most
Roger of Asterby was supposed to have set down rules by fearsome land army in all Hellas, was based
Gerald of Wales, historian and story- which the Spartans lived ever afterwards; upon two classes of subcitizens: the perio-
teller, speaks of a knight of Lincolnshire call- their social code was unlike any other in ikoi, who lived around Sparta and, though
ed Roger of Asterby. While walking through Greece. Atseven,aboywastaken in charge they had no vote in the assembly, were free-
his fields one day. Sir Roger encountered by the state. From ages fourteen to twenty- men, and the helots, who were slaves.
visions of St. Peter and the Archangel one, boys were grouped in age-classes and The Greek Tyrants, A. Andrews.
Gabriel. He tested these visions by requiring Harper Torchbooks, 1S63
strictly trained.Adult males ate together in
them to redeem from pawn his mailcoat messes called syssiiia. Though female Spar- The Barnacle Goose
which he had pledged to Aaron, the Jew of tans also received military training and, In the Middle Ages and the early
Lincoln. After they returned his mailcoat, he relative to women in other city-states, Renaissance, story-tellers who enjoyed
agreed to do their bidding. They sent him to possessed great power, Sparta cut down on creating interesting animals spoke of the bar-
lay seven divine commands before Henry II homelife, separating the sexes to a degree nacle goose. They claimed that it was
These commands were: 1 The King should
I that puzzled the rest of Greece. generated from the barnacle, the shell-fish
uphold his coronation oath and the laws of To this system was allied a
social which grows on a flexible stem and sticks to
England; 2) no one could be sentenced to deliberate austerity. Spartans were to scorn docks and the bottoms of ships. Probably
death without a trial; 3) inheritances must all unnecessary luxury. Lycurgus stressed this mistake started when some tenth-rate
pass to their proper owners; 4) there should this austerity to promote civil equality, and naturalist mistook the flesh foot of the shell-
be no charge for justice; 5) Henry should he forbade citizens to possess silver coins. fish for a gooseneck, the shell for its head,
take charge of his ministers; 6) right, in Instead they used iron "spits" which the rest and the tentacula for a tuft of feathers.
general, should be done; and 7) the Jews of Greece had replaced with silver in the 7th In France this belief was so common
should be expelled without their pledges, century B.C. Lycurgus redistributed the land that people were permitted to eat barnacle
which should be restored to the people who so that each citizen had an equal portion. goose on fast days: after all, they were per-
had pawned them. Except for the Spartan habit of having mitted to eat fish, and didn't the goose come
If Henry executed these promises, two kings —one to rule at home, the second from the barnacle?
Roger was told to say, and went on Crusade, to lead troops —
Lycurgus was credited with Some people said that the barnacles

error of St. Jerome and render ash as "Arc- Sumerian inscriptions are supposed to sup-
turus." But khadrei teman is an utter port this hypothesis.
mystery. Some think it a reference to the Scientific American, December 1971; New Scientist, 11

signs of the zodiac — but these are called March 1976; Explorers' Journal December 1975; The
mazzarot or mazzaiot in Job 38:32, which Historical Supemovae, David H. Clark Br F. Richard
Step I on son, Pergamon Press, 1977
Tolkien renders as "the morning star."
Edited by John Boardman, Ph. D. Khadrei is an elided plural of keder
The Hfy-Mlllion Year
(room) and teman means "on the right hand"
Is Anyone Home In the or, by extension, "south." It is the same Weather Forecast
Semitic root word that appears in the name Meteorologists do not have a great
Mansions of the South? Yemen. This could also be rendered as reputation for accuracy. Yet the
By comparison with other ancient "secrets of the south," since b'kheder means meteorologist Greg Forbes has dared to
religions, there are very few astronomical "in secret." make a forecast, in general terms to be sure,
references in the Jewish scriptures. This is In recent years, several people have sug- of the weather patterns that will exist
probably because ancient astronomy was gested a "secret of the south" which might 50,000,000 years in the future. Forbes'
bound up with star-worship. Except for qualify as the source of this passage. Several predictions, which appeared in the July-
some very early references like the Song of thousand years ago, light reached Earth from August 1974 issue of The Sciences, are based
Deborah ("From high in heaven fought the a truly staggering celestial event — a super- on the known present rates of continental
stars, fought the stars in their orbits against nova in the constellation Vela. The remnants drift, and the way in which geology affects
Sisera"), the Bible expresses the conviction! of this supernova are located in the Gum the weather. For example, New York City is
that the stars do not govern but are governed. Nebula, the wreckage of a still earlier explo- presently 74° west of London. In 50 million
The greatest number of astronomical sionnamed after its discoverer, Colin S. years this distance will extend to 100" as the
references occur in Job, where God sudden- Gum. The Vela Pulsar, which spins on its axis Atlantic Ocean continues to widen. This drift
ly steps into the book's philosophical discus- with a period of 0.089 second, is all that is left will push Alaska into Siberia, re-establishing
sion and asks the humans whether they think of the supernova. the Bering land bridge. This will prevent Arc-
themselves competent to explain his crea- The age estimate for the Vela supernova tic Ocean water from entering the North
tions and his judgements. In the 9th Chapter, runs between 6000 and 11,000 -years ago. Pacific, and thus the coasts of Alaska and
prior to this interruption.Job anticipates this From southern Asia it would have appeared Kamchatka should become warmer. The
resolution to the argument in the following as a star in the southern sky, bright as the full wider gap between Greenland and Scan-
lines, as translated by thelateJ.R.R. Tolkien moon, and shining for a couple of years dinavia will carry the Gulf Stream into the
in The Jerusalem Bible (1966): before fading from visibility. Its impact would Arctic, so that Lapland, Iceland, and the
"The Bear, Orion too, are of his making, have lasted in myth long after it had ceased eastern coast of Greenland will be made
the Pleiades and the Mansions of the to shine. considerably warmer at the expense of
South." (9:9) The principal proponent of the Vela western Greenland, Labrador, and eastern
The four Hebrew terms are ash, kosil, supernova as the "secret of the south" is the Canada.
kimah, and khadrei teman. The translations philologist George Michanowsky, who puts The central United States is presently a
of the first three are fairly well established, forward his ideas in his book The Once and "tornado alley," whose geographic confor-
although some older translations follow ar> Future Star. His translations of ancient mations promote the development of these
grew on trees, and only when they dropped he was a human representation of the dying in the navy because they kept to the open
into the sea did they turn into geese. In Lan- and reviving god. sea, did not waste time in daily stops, and of-
caster, in fact, barnacle geese were called Tacitus also reports that Scandinavians fered luxurious accommodations — a very
tree geese. Gerald of Wales, who has col- called Swionihadaqueen rather than a king. agreeable thought, given that the journey
lected so many other strange tales, describes This presence of a Scandinavian queendom would take two months. Very often such a
the barnacle goose as growing feathers after represents a survival of the older matriarchal ship might carry as many as six hundred
it enters the sea, and becoming bigger than a society which Indo-European sky-god wor-
mallard, with black legs and beak, and white shipping patriarchies replaced. The Ancient Mariners, by Lionel Casson, Oxford, 1959

spots, The Germanic People. Francis Owen,

Folk-Lore of Shakespeare. T.T. Thistleton Dyer, College and University Press, 1960 The Werewolf Prince
Dover Press, 1963 In the 12th Century Lay of Prince Igor
Sail The Friendly Seas (who was one of the great Russian legendary
Nerthus Writing in the 2nd Century A. D., Lucian heroes), the poet describes Vseslav, Prince
Although worship of the Magna Mater describes one of the great grain ships of the of Polotsk who died in 1 101 In 1068 he ruled

or Great Mot her- Goddess is most commonly Rome-Alexandria fleet. It was one hundred Kiev for seven months. He was thought to be
associated with Mediterranean countries, and eighty feet long and forty-four feet from a sorcerer. The poet describes him as ruling
Tacitus, one of the earliest cultural anthro- the deck to the lowest part of the hold. The the cities as befits a prince during the day-
pologists, describes in the Germania how the mast was extremely highandthe stem rose time, but turning into a werewolf at night. In
Ingvaeoni of the North worshipped a god- up to end in a gilded goosehead. Statues of his werewolf guise, Prince Vseslav could
dess called Nerthus. She was, like all early the goddess Isis adorned the prow. Able to travel from Kiev to Tmutorakan on the Black
mother- goddesses, a fertility deity. Cattle carry enough grain to feed Athens for a year, Sea, an immense distance to cover in one
were sacred to her. Once a year, during the such a ship probably held between 1 ,200 and night on two feet - or on four. When the
spring festival, the goddess' image was 1,300 tons of grain. bells of the church in his native Polotsk rang,
drawn by cattle in a wagon over the land to This ship was as big as the U.S. Con- he could hear them in Kiev, the city he
bless it. This wagon was accompanied by stitution ("Old Ironsides") now preserved in wanted most to rule. Despite his sorcery and
priests who scourged themselves as they Boston Harbor. It carried three times the his courage, he too suffered the judgement
walked. After the ceremony, before the im- cargo of any Atlantic merchantman before of God, the poet says.
age of the goddess was restored to its island 1820. In ferrying 150,000 tons of grain a year Medieval Russia's Epics, Chronicles, and Tales,
shrine, it was cleansed in the sea. The slaves from Egypt, Rome required eighty-five of edited by Serge A. Zenkovsky. Dutton. 1974

who performed this ceremony were then put these ships.

to death. Though people claim that the They were regarded, in addition, as an God and Goddess of Japan
slaves were killed to preserve the secrecy of outstandingly comfortable way to travel. When heaven and earth began, says
the ritual, the execution of the slaves is ac- Even the Roman Emperor Vespasian, when Japanese mythology, there first arose seven
tually a holdover from the time when the returning from Egypt to Rome in 70 A.D., generations of gods. Last of these were the
goddess' consort was ritual ly killed because chose a grain clipper over any military vessel pair Izanagi and Izanami, who received the

dangerous whirlwinds. Forbes believes that Europe and North America. (The grizzly and often used them in his stories. His 1936 story
similar "tornado alleys" will open up in Kodiak bears are races of this species. Since) "At the Mountains of Madness" takes an ex-
China, and in east central Europe. However, itonly lived in Europe, it has been extensively pedition into the Antarctic, where relics' are
the coast of China will suffer fewer studied since serious palaeontology began in found of a non-human civilization that ex-
typhoons, since Australia is drifting towards the last century. At one time, it was believed tended from the Mesozoic well into the
the equator and will occupy the region where that the cave bear had become extinct Cenozoic (Age of Mammals). As the conti-
they presently breed. The Indonesian islands because it produced a serious imbalance — nent turned colder, its inhabitants fled into
will be squeezed between Australia and Asia, many more males than females. The relative cities of refuge now located deep beneath
but New Zealand will drift off towards the numbers of male and female specimens the Antarctic Ocean.
Antarctic. found in the collections were cited as At that time the continental drift theory
The tectonic plate on which Africa is evidence for this belief. was not well regarded by geologists. But,
located will drift further towards Europe, forc- The Finnish palaeontologist Bjorn thirty years laterwhen it once again seemed
ing the Turkish plateau upward until it Kurten refutes this notion in his recent book plausible, geologists located a minor prob-
becomes a second Tibet. The Straits of The Cave Bear Story. He points out that a lem. The continents of South America,
Gibraltar and the Bosporus will be forced selection effect is operating here. Unlike the Africa, and Antarctica could be fitted
shut, causing the climate of southern Europe "cave man" or "cave lion," the cave bear together, and the fossils of the same lumber-
to become cooler. really was a full-time cave dweller. It lived, ing mammal-like reptiles were found on all
Islands will drift into the Pacific, peeling bred, hibernated, and died in caves. three. But there was a gap where they joined.
off eastern Asia and western North America. all the cave bears that ever
Therefore, almost In 1974 this gap was filled. Cores taken
Japan has already begun this process, and remains in sites where they
lived left their from a research ship indicated that a piece of
the volcanic peninsula of Kamchatka will were preserved and can be collected and continental material existed, under the
follow it. California, which early explorers studied. waters of the Antarctic Ocean about 1400
described as an island, will become one in The earliest investigators were as much kilometers east of South America and 800
fact, and its climate will more nearly ap- collectors as they were scientists. So, faced kilometers east of the Falkland Islands. This
proach the claims of its chambers of com- with caves containing the skeletons of hun- seems to be the missing piece that split off
merce. The famous San Andreas Fault will dreds of cave bears representing dozens of before the Age of Dinosaurs, when the con-
be the line along which the island of Califor- generations, they tended -to remove the tinents separated.
nia will separate from the mainland. Even- skulls of the huge, heavily fanged males, and New Scientist,
4 July 1974
tually it will drift further to the north and leave behind the less spectacular females.
Subsequent scholars, cataloguing collec-
Who's Been Sitting
west, collide with the southern coast of
Alaska, and be subducted back downward tions, assumed the males had greatly In our Niche?
under the earth's crust. But that will lie in the predominated in the latter days of the The concept of an "ecological niche"
future, even 50 million years from now. species. dominates much discussion about evolution.
There are certain roles available in nature,
Also Bear In Mind The Lost Subcontinent and animals evolve tofit them. At one time in

The European cave bear [Ursus

extinct The science fiction and fantasy writer H. Earth's history, for example, the role of
spelaeus) was a large, ponderous, vegetarian P. Lovecraft (1890-19371 kept up well with "fresh-water-dwelling fish-eater" was filled
edition of the brown bear that still exists in current developments in the sciences, and by the Paleozoic amphibian Eryops; later the

order to fertilize the moving earth. Izanagi Izanagi reached the end of the slope to Hell, wives, each one a position of the moon dur-
stirred the water of the sea with his celestial he plucked three peaches and threw them at ing the lunar month. That the moon waxes
lance and created land, including all the the Thunder gods and soldiers who accom- and wanes is explained in two ways: first that
islands of Japan. Their offspring were gods. panied the female demons. When they fled, the gods drink the soma that the moon con-
When the goddess Izanami died after he blocked the entrance to hell with a tains; and second, that Soma's twenty-
giving birth to the child who became the god boulder. seven wives, the daughters of Daksha, were
of fire, her husband lamented and cut off the Izanami had also followed her husband unequally favored by their husband. Be-
child's head. His blood gave birth to even out and was trapped now that the road back cause Daksha thought Soma paid too much
more gods. into Hell was blocked. She and her husband attention to one of the wives, he condemned
Then Izanagi went down to hell to at- swore that they would divorce one another. him to die of consumption; his daughters'
tempt to get his wife back. The place was Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology pleas made him change Soma's punishment
called, variously Yomi-tsu-kuni (land of dark- toatemporary thing.
ness), Ne no Kuni (land of roots), and Soko Soma New L arousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
no Kuni (the deep land). A sloping and wind- Most readers know of soma because
ing road begins in Izumo province and leads they have read Aldous Huxley's Brave New The Bear Festivals
underground. There is another road to hell: a World in which soma is presented as a For the Ainu in Japan, hunting the bear
bottomless abyss on the seashore which hallucinogenic drug dispensed to Alphas, was considered the most useful way in
engulfs all the water of the sea and sweeps Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons alike which a man could possibly spend his time.
away sins and impurities. as a way of making them happy. But Soma They paid taxes in skins, ate the bear's meat,
In this kingdom are palaces and cot- (or Haoma, as it is sometimes called) is a and used its fur for clothing. Because the
tages, the homes of male and female plant, and an essential part of the sacrificial bear was so important to their lives, they also
demons. These female demons are called offerings in Indian mythology. It is also the conciliated the deity that they believed dwelt
shiko-me (ugly women) or hisa-me (frown- juice of the plant — obtained by squeezing it inside the bear.
ing women.) between two millstores - and is called nec- After a bear was killed, the Ainu would
When Izanagi went down to hell, he met tar, the drink of the gods. Tasting it ensures sitdown and admire it and offer it gifts. If it
his wife who refused to leave with him be- victory over death. were merely trapped or wounded, the
cause she had already tasted the food of the Soma is also a god who appears in many hunters would apologize before slaying it.
underworld. Izanami suggested that she talk different forms. At different times, he is a The skulls of slain bears were set up on
matters over with the god of hell and begged celestial bull, an embryo, a bird, a water- sacred posts and offered libations of millet
Izanagi not to look inside the house, but the giant, and even the greatest of poets, a beer and sake. Many Ainu claimed descent
god followed her and entered the palace. source of inspiration. The Vedic hymns, call- from bears.
There he found Izanami's body decompos- ed Puranas, regard him simultaneously as an Toward the end of winter, the Ainu
ing and watched over by eight Thunders. immortal food and the moon god, born from prepared for their bear- festival. They caught
Humiliated by this revelation, Izanami set the the churning of the sea. a bear cub, raised it tenderly with their own
female demons after her husband. When As the moon, he has twenty-seven children, and then imprisoned it for several

phytosaur took over this niche, then during makes us such good walkers, and the unique which may never be answered. To judge
theAge of Dinosaurs it was occupied by the arched palate which makes us such good from the way that later branches of human
crocodile. The crocodile still quite suc- talkers. These features already seem to be evolution dealt with each other, the issue
cessfully fills this position in the tropics, but evident Ramapithecus, a wide-ranging
in may even have been settled by means of
the otter occupies it elsewhere - except in humanoid first discovered in the famous direct conflict.
Australia, where there does exist a marsupial fossil beds of India's Siwalik Hills in 1934. The apes, many millions of years later,
equivalent. Their remains have been dated some 12 or 14 developed one ground-dwelling form which
Humanity itself once started out in an million years ago, in the late Miocene, as showed signs of convergent evolution with
which might be described as
ecological niche open grasslands began to replace heavy humanity. This was the huge Giganto-
"ground-dwelling social primate." But the forests in India and Africa. Ramapithecus is pithecus, the largest primate that ever lived.
evidence indicates that other primates
fossil now recognized as being in the direct line of The animal is known from the Pliocene of In-
have at one time or another tried out this human ancestry, although it would be nice to dia, but most fossils come from the early and
same niche. have more material from elsewhere than middle Pleistocene of China, from three
The first to do so was a creature which the skull. million to about a half million years ago. (In
stood neither in our line of ancestry nor in Ramapithecus already had competition fact, the first evidence of the existence of
that of the great apes. (These two stocks for the "ground -dwelling social primate" Gigantopithecus were teeth found in a
seem to have diverged some 35 or 40 million role. This was Oreopithecus, first discovered Chinese drugstore by von Koenigswald near-
years ago in the late Eocene.) The common in 1871 at Montebamboli, Italy. A complete ly 50 years ago.) Being too big for the trees,
ancestor had arms and legs of about equal Oreopithecus skeleton turned up at Bac- Gigantopithecus developed many of the
length, and molars of a type still common to cinello in 1958. The hipbone suggests an specializations seen in humans for a ground-
apes and humans, though our more complex upright stature, and the face had human dwelling life. The molars were worn flat, in-
jaw movements cause wear on the molars to characteristics rather than the ape-like muz- dicating a human way of chewing. The
be completely flat, rather than irregular as in zle. The teeth, however, are unlike anything canine teeth and incisors were small, and the
the apes. found in the ancestors of either humans or tooth rows diverged as they do in humans,
The apes went in for arboreal specializa- apes. Oreopithecus might have been a rather than being nearly parallel as they are in
tion, developing longer arms and bow legs, separate primate line, neither humanoid nor other apes.
and walking with their knuckles when forced ape nor monkey. The similarities with However, this two-meter tall ape came
to the ground. Their canine teeth became humanity could be due to "co'nwergent too late. By the Pleistocene, humans were
large and formidable, and formed with the evolution," the same process of adaptation varying their vegetable diet by hunting. A
first premolar an interlocking cutting ap- that put shells on both turtles and armadillos heavy, lumbering Gigantopithecus would
paratus quite different from the teoth ar- and makes the placental moles of South have been an easy target for a hunting party
rangements of humans and their ancestors. America similar in appearance to the mar- of early humans. There is some speculation
Since jaws and teeth survive better than just supial moles of Australia. Apparently if you that Gigantopithecus may survive as the
about any other part of the body, palaeon- live like a human being, you start to develop "abominable snowman" imetohkangmi),
tologists can immediately tell apes from some of the characteristics of a human though this will have to remain doubtful
humanoids in the fossil record. being. unless someone can actually manage to
The human line of descent developed, Why Ramapithecus survived and evolv- catch one of them.
by contrast, the unique arched foot which ed, and Oreopithecus did not, is a question There is one surviving primate which is
years until it grew big enough to kill and be The Man-Haters of Lemnos particular shore leave, Apollonius Rhodius'
eaten by the entire village. This ceremony Because the men of Lemnos had fallen Argonautica does not say.
generally takes place in September or Oc- madly — and collectively — in love with Argonautica, Apollonius Rhodius,
tober, once the bear is grown. First the Ainu some captive maids from Thrace, their wives Loeb Classical Library. 1 967
apologize to their gods for killing the bear. had been fired by Venus with a fierce hatred
Then they invite the entire community to of them. They killed their husbands and
Class and Clergy
what they expect will be a very pleasant then, so that their husbands' kin could not One of the most cherished misconcep-
feast. A special orator addresses the bear, bring them to justice, they killed
the other
all tions about the medieval church was that it

calling it a precious little divinity (!) and ask- men on the island. Of all the women of Lem- provided a way for a gifted man to rise in the
ing it to speak well of them to its parents. nos only Hypsipyle spared her ancient father world despite a humble beginning. Like all
The bear is then ritually executed by Thoas, the king. She shut him in a hollow good misconceptions, it contains elements
strangling. Frequently, the men drink its chest and set it adrift, leaving it to the gods of truth. A royal serf freed by Charlemagne
blood in a rite of sympathetic magic to en- whether he should live or die. Eventually, did indeed rise to be Archbishop of Rheims,
sure that they will possess its courage. The fishermen dragged him ashore at the island but during his entire tenure in that office. Ar-
bear is beheaded, and invited to be a guest at of Oenoe, named after the .water-nymph chbishop Ebo was opposed by the nobility
the feast, during which all the people praise who had once borne King Thoas a son. and doubtless reminded, that his ancestors
it. The head is placed upon a pole and The women tended the cattle, wore had been goatherds and not royal ministers.
venerated because the Ainu believe that the bronze armor, plowed, and did all the work Also the Abbot Waldo, related to the royal
spirit remains in it. that their men had done in addition to their family of Charlemagne, once swore while
The Gilyaks, a people living in Eastern own tasks. They also had to fear reprisal feuding with the Bishop of Constance, that
Siberia, hold a similar festival once a year in from the Thracians. as long as he had three fingers left on his
January. Unlike the Ainu, who eat the bear's When they saw VnsArgo, Jason's ship, right hand, he would not acknowledge a
flesh raw, the Gilyaks cook it slowly and sail by, they put on their armor and ran down superior of lower birth than himself. He was
ritually. Only the eldest men in the village to the beach because they expected that the prepared not just to snub the bishop, but to
may participate in the cooking. They seethe Thracians had come to seek vengeance. A fight him. In England, the story circulated for
the bear's flesh in snow, since water is taboo herald persuaded the Lemnians to receive centuries that Becket, Henry ll's chancellor
when cooking bear meat. Before serving the the men of Argo; more powerful than the and later the rebellious archbishop of Canter-
meat to anyone else, it is offered to the bear- herald's words were the arguments of Queen bury who was canonized as St. Thomas a
spirit (represented by the bear's head), and Hypsipyle's nurse, who saw in these men the Becket, was of lowly Saxon blood despite
the vyorrTen tie bandages around the head "in perfect solution by which the young women records to the contrary — another proof of
order to dry the tears" that the bear weeps. of the island could repopulate it. people's fondness for stories which trace
Everyone who partakes of the bear is given a While Hercules guarded the ship, Jason men's climbs from poverty to ecclesiastical
light blow with a branch of fir; this is punish- and all his men accepted the hospitality of power.
ment for having mistreated a sacred animal. the women. But whether or not Lemnos rais- The Carolingian Empire,
The Golden Bough, SirJ.G. Frazor, MacMillan ed a thriving generation of children from that

making a fair success of the social, ground- an auroch in such severe profile that it ap- better than any of the other possible sources
dwelling role — the baboon. However, they peared to have only one horn; the rare Ara- of the legend.
have faced such fierce competition from our bian oryx antelope whose bones were sup- Modern fantasy artists tend to represent
own species that they can perhaps be par- posed to have medicinal properties; a mis- the unicorn as a white horse with a single
doned for the mean disposition and bad translation of the Hebrew word re'em spiral horn, and a flowing mane. The spiral
manners for which they are proverbial. (aurochs) into unicornus in the Latin edition horn comes in from the narhval, an Arctic
Million-year-old garbage dumps in Africa of the Bible; and the custom, which still ex- whale whose males bear a horn of this sort,
have shown that baboons were the preferred ists, of transplanting the horn-buds of a new- about two meters long. But the horse im-
prey of our ancestors, who would smash born calf or kid so that they grow as a single agery is entirely modern. In the Middle Ages,
their skulls with rocks or with antelope horn in the middle of the forehead. when the Bible's testimony caused the
legbones. The predatory bands of chim- There did in fact once exist a beast, re- unicorn to be accepted as existing, artists
panzees which Jane Goodall has described cent enough to have been encountered by drew it as having the cloven hoof of the goat
also prey on baboons. In fact, she has seen humans, which had one long horn in the mid- or deer, rather than the single hoof of the
young chimpanzees play with young ba- dle of its forehead. This was the Elas- horse. This not only testified to the share of
boons one day, and kill and eat them the motberium, the largest horned rhinoceros the aurochs in the myth, but also agreed with
next, which should confirm the fact that that ever lived. It was the culmination of an the Christian view of the unicorn as a Christ
chimpanzees are humanity's nearest living evolutionary line separate from that of the symbol. It was unthinkable to have Christ
relatives. The intelligence and ferocity of any living rhinoceri, whose horns grow on their symbolized by anything but a "clean" animal
animal that regularly preys on baboons must noses. The horns of rhinoceri are not true as the Old Testament distinguished them.
be great indeed. Perhaps such predation has outgrowths of the bones of the skull, as are The Age of Mammals, Zdenek Burian; The Age of
developed the tight tribal organization of ba- those of cattle, sheep, and antelopes. They Mammals, bjorn Kurten; The Lungfish, the Dodo, and
the Unicom, Willy Ley; The Lore of the Unicom, Oiiell
boon packs, who set out young males as are concretions of hair, which take root on
sentries while the older males can amuse the bone just as do the transplanted horn-
themselves with the females. The social buds of unicorned cattle.
evolution of baboons is still going on. Egyp- Elasmotherium was the size of a modern
tian paintings indicated that they kept pet ba- elephant, and lived in Siberia during the last
boons; no human of the present day would glaciation. It must have carrieria thick coat of
consider these beasts even remotely hair, like the wooly rhinocer&s {Coelodonta)
Not from the Apes, Bjorn Kurten, 1970

The True Unicorn

of Ice Age Europe. It was hunted by the
ancestors of the fungus people, who still in-
habit eastern Siberia and tell tales about a
beast that once lived in their land, so great
that an entire sledge was needed just to
The legend of a beast with one long transport the single horn. Certainly the
horn in the middle of its forehead can be trac- unicorn legends emphasize the strength and
ed back about 2500 years. Like all the best ferocity of the animal, and say that it could
legends, it has many sources: the Indian defeat an elephant in single combat.
rhinoceros; the ancient custom of drawing Elasmotherium would meet this condition
. .

A Regular Feature for

DrajSonflotes DragonQuest Players b y David Ritchie

[46.5] TheTarotistalentQ-1.
We had to bump most of this spring's 18. Grievous Injury [47.3] Imps have a 7% chance of knowing
Dragonquest product into the summer or "B" weapons inflict a specific injury on past, present and future events, but will
fallas a result of scheduling difficulties (too dice between 21 and 80 inot20 and 80).
rol Is seldom speak truthfully of what they know.
much product impacting at the same time), [18.6] Grievous Injury Table [47.5] The Base Chance of a Ritual being a
but except for a temporary delay, we are on (see page 28) success is increased by 3 (not 5) for each
track with the project. Items currently in the hour spent in Ritual Cleansing (Q-1 of the
Art Department include Arcane Wisdom,
20. Unarmed Combat
The Experience Multiple for unarmed College of Greater Summonings).
The Frontiers of Alusia and the DragonQuest
combat is 150. Also, the last sentence in the [47.7] The Earl, Malthus, may not be bound.
Random Dungeon Kit. Currently in develop- thirdparagraph should read: "If the result is The Kings, Asmoday and Palmon (and his at-
ment is our Monsters supplement, World greater than 4 times the character's Agility, tendants) may not be bound either.

Generation (our GM's supplement), a Book the character inflicts a number of Damage
of Days (which won't be out for a year and a Points on himself equal to the Protection BOOK THREE:
half), a "boxed world," a "boxed city" and a Rating of the armor worn by the target Monsters, Adventure
couple of adventures (one by Paul Jaquays character (2 points if the target is unarmored,
tentatively titled Enchanted Wood and a not unarmed).
[60.8] A Willpower (not Courage) Check is
mini-adventure by Jerry Klug called The necessary whenever the effects of a paraly-
[21.5] A
character may attempt to disarm
sant must be determined.
Camp of Allah- Akabar) .
another character in either Melee or Close
Meantime, we are still playing around Combat (not just in Melee). [54.2] A flute is an example of a woodwind
with the idea of having more mini- instrument. A lute is, of course, a string in-
23. Infection
adventures inures and, perhaps, publishing strument. Sorry 'bout that.
Cloth armor only protects against infec-
some sneak peeks at future DragonQuest [55.4] The formula for determining the ef-
tion if the only wounds suffered by the
products in the form of short excerpts. The fect prolonging life is D10x ([Healer's
character were Class A (from puncture-type
final decision on that, however, awaits the Rank] + Ipatient'sEndurance]). Ignore the
will of the feedback. So get those cards and plus sign after D10 in the rules.
letters in and let us know what you want. [16.1] A -5 modification applies if a target
The Military Scientist may not at-
We, in turn, will provide just about anything is currently implementing either Action
tempt to rally a being who has fled for over
(within economic reason) that you desire in M,S,JorW.
30+15* Military Scientist's Rank) seconds.
the pages of Ares. [19.3] Weapons Table Ignore the minus sign after 30 in the rules.
The O Dachi should cost 35 (not 30)
Addenda Silver Pennies. Shot should weigh 2 pounds VIII. Monsters
We are currently working on a new er- for 20. The following monsters should have no
rata sheet for DragonQuest which concen- The Character Record on the back page MD: Boar, Camel, Ox, Stag, Wooly Mam-
trates mainlyon making alterations in the ex- of Book One should use Silver Pennies (not moth (and Mastodon), Hippogriff, Pegasus,
isting booklets to clear up what various gold) to calculate the value of coinage that is Crocodile, Gila Monster, Hydra. No MD
players have perceived as being serious pro- carried. modifiers are used to determine if they suc-
blems with the rules. Often these are cessfully hit a target.
numbers changes for purposes of "balance" BOOK TWO: Magic
(read fairness). A preliminary listing of these [32.2] The effects of Ritual Purification [66.3] Under the heading for Ox, it should be
changes is given below. should be measured in minutes (not hours) pointed out that the same animal existing in
equal to Rank+D10 + the character's un- nature in a non-gelded state will have iden-
modified MA. tical characteristics except that it will run 100
BOOK ONE: Character [32.4] OnlyaNamermaydispellaWard. yards per minute faster and will attack with-
Generation, Combat The Spell of Invisibility (G-8) has a out provocation.
[8.1] On
the Social Status Table, the Base Chance of 45%. [66.4] Weasels are Uncommon, not Infre-
Money Multiplier for Poor Trash should be quent in appearance in the game. The value
[37.6] The does not
Spell of Healing (S-7)
"2" and that for impoverished Gentlefolk of their pelts will be quartered if taken in any
work at any range. The Adept must touch
should be "3." the target.
season except winter.
[8.51 On a roll of 01 -02, a character receives [40.4] The Spell of Conjuring Mist (G-6) has
A Wolf has a 60% (not minus 60%)
10 (not 5) Silver Pennies. a duration equal to 1 minute x D10x Rank Base Chance of doing damage by biting.
[8.7] Characters should be equipped with Ixl, ifunranked). [68.1] Pike are not found in oceans, folks!
armor, shields and weapons (not wagons). Weather Like Piranha, they will be found in streams,
[40.7] The Ritual of Controlling
rivers, marshes and lakes.
13. Maneuver Actions (R-1) causes 6 inches of precipitation to fall

{plus, not minus, six inches per Rank). [68.3] Krakens found in Arctic waters will
The paragraph should state that a
probably be users of other water magic in ad-
character moves through contiguous hexes [41.6] The Spell of Liquid Purification (S-1)
dition to the maelstrom spell.
{not hexsides) may only be used to turn any aqueous
substance into potable water. [70.1] The value of treasure found on Ogres
[13.1] A character may Move through up to willbe(D-5)x100SP.
5 (not 6) contiguous hexes through his Front [41.4]The Spell of Seablessing (G-14)
Hexsides at a cost of 1 Action Point to enter decreases the chances of effects occurring
[70.3] Like Dwarves and Halflings, Hob-
each hex. by5(not1) +1 per Rank. goblins will venture into sunlight, though
character implementing a Move Ac- The Base Chance for the Ritual of
they prefer shadow. Gnomes have a 30%
must cease all movement (but may chance of detecting secret doors, traps and
tion Summoning Animals (Q-1 55%. ) is
change facing) upon entering the Strike [46.3] It takes 10 seconds (-1 second per
Zone of a hostile character.
Rank) for the Adept to become invisible
[15.6] A character may only attack Hostile when employing the Projected Image talent
characters who are in the same hex or in at (T-2). Also, a note to T-3: the Base Chance 74. One does not become a Vampire by
least one hex of his Attack Zone. of conception isnormally 5% making the Greater Pact of the College of
Black Magics, but by performing the Ritual [86.2]The Experience Point awards in become familiar initially with a weapon
of Becoming Undead or by being drained by DragonQuest are some of the most restric- (achieve Rank 0) without any real benefit
a Vampire. In order to prevent someone from Too much so, we feel. In
tive in role-playing. before becoming truly proficient with the
rising from the grave, it is necessary, in addi- an effort to eliminate Monty Hall-type weapon. Rank accordingly offers no
tion to staking their heart to the ground, to worlds, we went a little too far and the result benefit to a character. However, he must
stuff theirmouth with garlic, and it helps to is that it is far too difficult to both progress achieve this Rank before achieving Rank 1 It .

and turn it face and to maintain existing skills. Therefore, the is not necessary to use a weapon during an
cut off the corpse's head
down. A
Vampire may continue to drain his awards for Mercenary Level characters adventure in order to achieve RankO.
victim during feeding even when the Vam- should be increased from the current 300 [87.4] An ordinal number is that numerical
pire has absorbed all possible Fatigue and EP's to 600 EP's. The basic awards for part of a spell's identification code. Thus
Endurance. The remainder of the victim's Adventure Level characters should be in- S-14 has an ordinal number of 14.
Fatigue and Endurance is lost (i.e., spilled on creased from the current 500 EP's to 900
EP's. The awards for Hero Level characters
[87.5] Demonic aid may be used to increase
the ground). -Vampires dislike (are somewhat
Rank at the rate on one Rank increase per
white roses.
afraid of) should be increased from the current 750
ability per session. Ranks raised in this man-
An individual by a Wight
drained EP's to 1200 EP's. In addition, a character is
at Adventurer Level if he has 10 abilities at
ner do not require an expenditure of time or
becomes a Night-Gaunt (not a Wight). money nor the practice of the ability during
The number of Wraiths normally found Rank 3 (not 41 or above. He is at Hero Level if
the previous adventure.
together is from 1 to 10 (not 2-10). he has 10 abilities at Rank 6 (not 81 or above.
Abilities include talents, spells, rituals, and [81.4] Sandals cost 1 SP(notcf). A 3 course
76. Only Warhorses can enter Close Com- meal weighs 32 ounces. A warhorse weighs
skills (including separate weapons skills).
bat. Other Riding Animals in 76 may not in-
character must have used an ability
one half ton (not pound). A quiver of 20 ar-
tentionally do so. Warhorses may kick at [87.1]
on the previous adventure in order to gain rows costs 5 not 6)SP

targets in either their front or rear hexes.

Rank with that ability. He need not have [87.7] Giant Maces cost the same EP's as
Warhorses are Uncommon (notlnfrequentl.
done so successfully. Thus, it is merely Maces to progress in Rank. Giant Axes cost
84. There is no limit to the Rank achievable necessary to attempt a spell (not to actually the same as Battle Axes. Great Spears cost
successfully cast it) in an adventure in order the same as Spears. Great Glaves cost the
Experience Point awards are made for to subsequently gain Rank with that spell. same as Glaves. Giant Bows cost the same
The text of the second paragraph as Long Bows.
each five hours of play whether an adventure [87.3]
is completed or not. Thus, in playing SPI's should read as follows: "A character is In about a month we will add this infor-

The Palace of Ontoncie (requiring several assumed to use any weapon unranked until mation to that on the existing errata sheet
sessions to finish), it is possible that three or he improves his ability to Rank 1. He must and make it available to DragonQuest players
four separate awards will be given each achieve Rank before progressing to Rank for the investment of a stamped, self-

player. 1." The idea here was to require players to addressed envelope.

^^oWn in trje^iirtgeons?

HIGH FANTASY is your introduction to a brand-new series of high ad-
venture, role-playing games. Unlike other fantasy role-playing games,
HIGH FANTASY is simply designed - you don't have to memorize
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FANTASY leaves off. You'll get four wondrous adventures.
Fortress Ellendar is breathtaking adventure where
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Moorguard is a powerful wizard who tries to create
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for hundreds of years with three warring societies
that believe the world has perished. Lord of Con-
quest is for those HIGH FANTASY players who
love the battlefields of miniatures, a complete
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A Prentice-Hal' Gon>pany
Go to your favorite hobby store and
Restoi), Virginia 22O0O
Well, we
are planning to include the planet executing justice in less developed
outline for this adventure in the Universe Although he did not get rich from this,
Designer's package so J do not want
to give anything
more away. Suffice it to say that in the play-
Michael acquired many skills in his twelve
years of service. He knew the ins and outs of
through only two of the characters survived geology, mining, law, jet craft, ATV's and

Notes to leave the planet {with nothing but their ex-

pedition suits! and the world was soon
renamed Spiderweb.
many types of hand weapons. He owned a
plastic pistol Ifor avoiding detectionl and a
paint gun (an advanced hand-held laser

Character Generation weapon). Unfortunately, Mr. Puidokas did

Universe The character generation system is
notsurvive the expedition to Laidley.
Our science-fiction role-playing project complete and we have used it to generate Planet Generation
is just a month away "from
deadline time, and some interesting individuals. Here are two of The planet generation system in
it looks like we just might make itl All the the characters that participated in the above Universe has proven very successful and
elements of the game are now resofved and adventure. popular with the playtesters. The following
testing of whole adventures has been under- Aram Ben Helissar was born into the planet is an example of one of many types of
way for several weeks. A few days ago sub- I local establishment on. a planet with ,7 G's worlds that may be created step-by-step us-
jected five players tq a harrowing exploration and grew up in a barren, hilly environment ing the system.
and in-formation-gathering mission. with very hot
temperatures. His social The Star Ononis (spectral class F6| is 26
The planet Laidley in the 82 Eridani background and early evidence of good light-years from our sun. It has five planets of
system had been explored and abandoned a coordination led him to study the military, interest in orbit TitUS is one and a half
few years previous to the outset of the business and the body, Atage 20 he chose to Astronomical Units (about 210 million kilo-
adventure. About 10 of the original explorers capitalize on his high strength, dexterity, meters) from Ononis, Titus is slightly larger
had not returned from Laidley with the party agility, mental power (bordering on the than Earth with a gravity of 1 .3 G's. It has a
and were declared missing, presumed dead. psionic] and wealth by becoming an armed spectacular set of rings and, orbiting further
A wealthy merchant believes that some of trader, exporting and importing goods in out, a small moon. Eighty percent of its sur-
the missing party (to which he is related) is hazardous areas of the empire. After 16 years face is water (simple purification is required
still alive and he has also been told of some of experience he had accumulated trading, for drinking! and its atmosphere is like that of
interesting creatures on Laidley, so he linguistic, pilot, gunnery and navigation Earth's, with a few irritants that may be
organizes an expediton (our five characters) skills. His cash had been increased by a fac- removed with a mouth filter. Titus rotates
to return to the planet for this dual purpose. tor of four and. he owned an excellent quickly; its day is only 15 hours long.
The five man expediter is well equipped for business/analytical Computer. Somewhat warmer than Earth, the equa-
its 20-day task (after which the merchant's Michael Puidokas was born into the torial band rarely drops below 100 degrees
ship will return to retrieve them) with a large skilled tech class on a planet with Earth-like Fahrenheit and one small icecap covers the
ATV and light weapons. gravity. He spent some of his childhood in south pole.
Things start out well; the characters en- cities but did most of his growing up in a The planet has been undergoing ex-
counter and capture a few of the local lightly vegetated mountainous area with a ploration and colonization for 80 years and
creatures. They notice, however, that tfrn mild climate. His excellent physique and love now has about 20.000 humans in scattered
roads and trails are much more developed of people led him to study the body and the settlements. Titus has a small spaceport in
than they expected and there are many new humanities extensively. At age 20 he joined Orion, its largest town (6000 people) with
ones leading to unknown destinations. Then the local law enforcement agency where his limited service to other planets in the same
they begin running into the missing ex- high strength and endurance soon allowed system but no interstellar facilities. The col-
plorers, one at a time. him to become a lawman, wandering his onists generally live in a manner similar to life
Jarallnuett on page 361

H = Peaks and Cliffs

"!§?\ Volcanic
^ Forest |
* |
= Human Settle™

- Light Vegetation Ij? Jungle

p|§:J j

gg- Woods :_."--.'; .ceCap ^g . Marsh


The Twilight of the
Copyright © 1981, Simulations Publications, Inc., New York, N,Y., 10010

Read This First: [1.0] INTRODUCTION The charts and tables used in Ragnarok
the Terrain Effects Chart, Disengagement Table,

Ragnarok is a game depicting the struggle of Mortal Enemy Combat Modification Summary,
The rules 10 Ragnarok are organized by the Aesir race of Norse gods againstan invasion of Damage Table, Rainbow Bridge Collapse Table,
major topics arranged in the order in which enemies led by the traitorous god, Loki. The map Attack Ratings Modifications Summary, and
(hey occur in the play of the game. Each such depicts the Plain of Vigrid, lying between the Summary of Special Abilities. In addition, the En-
major topic is given a number and a name Rainbow Bridge and the city of the gods, Asgard, durance Level Track and the Rainbow Bridge
below which given (usually) a General Rule

or description which summarizes the rules in

where the battle takes place, and the playing pieces Track —both printed on the mapsheet —
are used
represent warriors, Valkyries, Frost Gianls, Fire to record the progress of certain game functions.
thai Section. This is usually followed by Giants, and such celebrated individuals as Odin,
numbered paragraphs called Cases, which give Thor, Loki, and the Midgard Serpent. Each player The counters represent the Aesir
the specifics of the rules. Note that the maneuvers his forces across the map in an effort lo and Jotun forces that fight on the Plain
numbering of the Cases is a decimal form of fulfill his Victory Conditions. To win, the player of Vigrid.
ihe Major Section number. Players should ex- commanding There are three types of counters: ground
the invading Jolun forces must
amine the map and counters and then quickly destroy Asgard, thus bringing about Ragnarok, units, Valkyrie units, and heroes. Each major god
read the rules (without trying to memorize the "twilight of the gods." The Aesir player must and mythological creature that participates in the
them). Then the game should be set up to play repel the Jotun invasion to win, thus postponing battle is represented by a hero counter. Each
and a trial run made. Asgard'sfall. ground unit represents a group of severalthousand
Rules Questions warriors, Frost Giants, or Fire Giants, Each
Valkyrie unit rep resents a group of Valkyries.
Should you have any difficulty inter-
preting the rules, please write lo SPI, phrasing [2.0] GAME COMPONENTS The Aesir player
controls warrior, Berserk
and Valkyrie units, plus Odin, Thoi, Tyr,
your questions so that they can be answered by Each copy of Ragnarok should include the Vidar, Heimdall, and Freyr. The Jotun player con-
a simple sentence, word, or number. You must following components: trols Frost and Fire Giant units, plus Loki, Fenrir,
enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Hrym, Garm, and the Midgard Serpent.
One 17" x 22" game map Surt,
We cannot guarantee a proper answer should
you choose to phone in your question (the right One sheet of lOOdie-cut cardboard playing pieces [2.4] Sample Counters:
person is not always available —
and since SPI One rules booklet (bound A res edition)
has published hundreds of games, no one in*
in A rendition)
Three six-sided dice (not included
dividual is capable of answering all questions).
Write to: One game box (not included In A res edition) ^toki
SPI If any of these components are missing or 4fl32*
Attack Rating
Rules Questions Editor for Ragnarok damaged, fill out the enclosed Complaint Card
257 Park Avenue South (not included in Ares edition) and return it to SPI
New York, New York 10010 with the appropriate items checked. Those who Movement Point Allowance
have the Ares edition of Ragnarok should address HERO COUNTER; Back incapacitated!
complaints to:

1.0 Introduction Customer Service

2.0 Game Components Simulations Publications, Inc.
3.0 Game Terms 237 Park Avenue Soulh
New York, New York 10010
4.0 Sequence of Play
5.0 Movement Note: The process used to manufacture the die-cut
playing pieces used in SPI games sometimes results Mo veme/t Po in A llowance
r 1

6.0 Engagement in colors from one piece overlapping the edge of

and Disengagement another, or in the characters being printed slightly
7.0 Incapacitation and Recovery
off-center. SPI cannot replace counters displaying
8.0 Combat such, minor manufacturing inaccuracies. Only
counters that are illegible can be replaced by SPI.
9.0 Combat Results
10.0 Special Abilities CASES:
11.0 The Rainbow Bridge [2.1] The mep represents the Plain of Attack Rating »52 3 *
12.0 Asgard Vigrid, where Ragnarok occurs.
13.0 Reinforcements A hexagonal grid is superimposed on the map Movement Point Alio viance
to regulate the movement and positioning of play- UNIT COUNTER: Back (Reduced strength)
14,0 Victory Conditions
ing pieces. Each hexagon (or hex) represents one
league (about three miles) from side to side, and
each Game-Turn represents the passage of 20 Unit Type -
Open the magazine to the center; bend
staple^wiihapenknifeor screwdriver; lift
out [2.21 The game includes various charts
AnackRating- -424-
the rules and close staples. and tables whose uses are explained in
the appropriate rules Sections. Movement Point Allowance
[2.5] Summary of Counter Types: COUNTER VALUES • On-Map Unit Segment. All eligible Aesir units
A counter's Attack Rating quantities a basic that began the Phase on the map can move; engag-
AESIR COUNTERS ability to damage an enemy. The more powerful a ed Aesir units may attempt to disengage and, if
counter, the higher its Attack Haling. An Attack successful, can move.
Rating may be modified during combat by terrain • Reinforcment Segment. All Aesir rein-
and other factors described in the appropriate forcements, if any, can move.
rules Sections,
Aesir Combat Phase.
A counter's Defense Rating quantifies a
• Engaged Hero Combat Segment. All eligible
basic ability to withstand an attack by an enemy
Aesir heroes that are engaged can attack Aesir
counter. The more powerful a counter is defensive-
ly, the lower its Defense Rating.

The Movement Point Allowance printed

• Unengaged Hero Combat Segment. Eligible
Aesir heroes that began the Phase unengaged can
on a counter indicates the number of Movement
attack Aesir counters.
Points the counter may move in a single Move-
ment Phase. The number of Movement Points • Unit Combat Segment. Eligible Aesir units can

necessary to enter each type of hex on the map is attack Jotun counters.

summarized on the Terrain Effects Chart.

Jotun heroes (only) have a Fetter Escape
Rating which is used in a special combat situation
covered later in these rules. [5.0] MOVEMENT
Other terms, relating to specific game func- is imprinted with a Movement
Each counter
tions and situations, are defined and discussed Point Allowance, which indicates how many
later in these rules, Movement Points the counter may expend in one
JOTUN COUNTERS friendly Movement Phase. Most hexes on the map
cost only one Movement Point to enter, but some
counters must expend more than one Movement
[4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY Point to enter certain types of terrain (see Terrain
Effects Chart and Terrain Key on map).
SETTING UPTHE GAME The movement of counters is also affected by
Players should punch out and sort the playing
the presence of other counters on the map, as
pieces by color and type, and decide who will play
described in the foil owing Cases.
each side. The Aesir player places the Heimdall
coumer on hex 0101, and both players place each PROCEDURE:
Ground Unit (Fire Gia. of their heroes' Endurance Level markers on the During the friendly Movement Phase, a
Endurance Level Track in the space containing the player can move as many of his eligible counters as
name of each hero. Play then begins and proceeds he wishes, moving each counter individually up to

strictly in the order that is outlined in the Game- the limit of, but not exceeding (see 5.7A&B), its

Turn Sequence. Movement Point Allowance. A

counter need not
GroundUni!(Frtisi Glacis) expend its entire Allowance, but unexpended
GAME-TURN SEQUENCE Movement Points cannot be accumulated from
Jotun Player-Turn turn to turn, nor may they be transferred to other
Rainbow Bridge Phase. The Jotun player deter- counters. Once a counter is moved and the owning
GAMEMARKERS mines whether the Rainbow Bridge collapses. player has removed his hand, that counter's move-
ment is ended tor the current Movement Phase.
Jolun Recovery Phase. The Jotun player deter-
mines which of hi? incapacitated counters recover;
eligible Jotun heroes can regain lost Endurance (5.1] The number of counters that can
t.ciiliuaiiLi: Level Points. occupy the same hex at the end of a
friendly Movement Phase is limited.
Jolun Movement Phase.
At the end of a friendly Movement Phase, a
• On-Map Hero Segment. All eligible Jiilun
hex can be occupied by the following counters:
heroes that begin the Phase on the map can move.
• 1 ground unit
• On-MapUnit Segment. All eligible Jotun units
• 1 Valkyrie unit
Phase on the map can move; engag-
that begin the
ed Jotun units can attempt to disengage and, if
• An unlimited number ofheroes
successful, canmove. A ground unit and a Valkyrie unit
can occupy
• Rainbow Bridge Segment. All Jotun counters on thesame hex, along with an unlimited number of
the Rainbow Bridge Track can move, heroes.Important Note: There is no limit to the
number of friendly counters of any type that can
Jolun Combat Phase. move through a hex, as long as no hex violates the
; of this Case at the end of the Move-
• Engaged Hero Combat Segment. All eligible
t Phase.
Jotun heroes that are engaged can attack Aesir
enemy and friendly
[3.0] GAME TERMS n occupy the same hex are covered
• Unengaged Hero Combat Segment. Eligible i the following Cases.
PLAYING PIECES Jotun heroes that began the Phase unengaged can
It is important to distinguish among the 5DIS.CU5.SEt) IN CASES5.;
various types of playing pieces in (he game. Noie • Unit Combat Segment, Eligible Jotun units can INCAPACITATED.
that the lerm counters used in (he rules includes
attack Aesir counters.
all units and heroes. The term units refers 10 but h [5.2] A
ground unit must cease its
ground units and Valkyrie uniis. The term ground Aesir Player-Turn movement immediately upon entering
units includes warriors. Berserk warriors, Frost Aesir Reinforcement Phase. The Aesir player a hex adjacent to a hex containing an
Giants, and FireGianls. determines which counters are available for entry enemy ground unit.
The terms enemy and friendly are used to onto the map. No two ground units — enemy or friendly —
distinguish the playing piece, (and actions) of one may ever occupy the same hex at the end of a
Aesir Recovery Phase. The Aesir player deter-
player from those of his opponent. All Aesir Movement Phase. At the instant that a ground
mines which of his incapacitated counters recover;
counters are friendly to the Aesir player, and all unitis adjacent to an enemy ground unit, the two
eligible Aesir heroes can regain lost Endurance
Jotun counters are enemy to the Aesir player — Points.
ground units are considered engaged.
and vice versa. The Jotun Combat Phase (see 4.0)
is the friendly Combat Phase in relation to the A esir Movemen I Phase. [5.3] A Valkyrie unit must cease its
Jotun player, and it is the enemy Combat Phase in • On-Map Hero Segment. All eligible Aesir heroes movement immediately upon entering
relation to the Aesir player. that began the Phase on the map can move. a hex occupied by a Jotun unit.
. ,


Al the instam a Valkyrie unii enters a hex oc- [6.2] A unit may attempt to disengage [7.0] INCAPACITATION
cupied by a Jotun unit, (he (wo units are con- during the friendly Movement Phase.
sidered an gaged (see 5 7C) .
engaged unit may attempt to disengage
during the friendly Movement Phase (only) by GENERAL RULE:
[5.4] A Jotun unit must cease its
following the procedure outlined in Case 6.4. An An incapacitated counter cannot move,
movment immediately upon entering a engaged unit that successfully disengages may cannot engage, and cannot attack (note, however,
hex occupied by a Valkyrie unit. move during the current friendly Movement that incapacitated counters can be engaged and at-
Ai he instant a Jotun unit enters a he* oc-
Phase. tacked by non-incapacitated enemy counters). In

cupied by a Valkyrie unit, [he two units are con-

order to regain its full functions, an incapacitated
sidered engaged (see 5.7C). [6.3] A hero may attempt to disengage
counter must recover from its incapacitation.
during the Engaged Hero Segment of
[5.5] A hero must cease its movement PROCEDURE:
any Combat Phase, enemy or friendly.
immediately upon entering a hex An engaged hero may attempt to disengage Jotun units can be incapacitated by blinding
occupied by an enemy hero. during an Engaged Hero Segment (only) by light castby Heimdall or Freyr. Jotun heroes can
A lie instant a hero enters a hex occupied by
i i

following the procedure outlined in Case 6,4. Im- be incapacitated by blinding light or by fetters cast
an enemy hero, the two (or more) heroes in the hex
portant Note: An engaged hero that successfully by Odin. Jotun and Aesir heroes can be in-
are considered engaged. capacitated by a loss of Endurance Points leading
disengages during the Engaged Hero Segment of a
friendly Combat Phase cannot participate in com-
Heroes never interfere with the
[5.6] Counters recover from incapacitation in
bat in the immediately ensuing Unengaged Hero
movement of units into or through a various ways and at different limes, according to
Comhat Segment
hex, and units never
interfere with the (he type of counter and the means of incapacita-
movement of heroes through a hex. [6.4] Disengagement attempts are tion, as described in Cases 7. 1 through 7.4.
A hero may always move into or through a resolved by comparing the Movement
hex occupied solely by a unil (enemy or friendly), Point Allowance of the engaged
and a unit may always move into or through a hex counters, rolling a die, and consulting
occupied solely by a hero (enemy or friendly). [7.1] Jotun units can be incapacitated
the Disengagement Table.
by blinding light cast by Heimdall or
[5.7] There are several exceptions to To determine whether a friendly counter's at-
the general rules governing movement: tempt to disengage is successful, subtract the
Heimdall and Freyr both have the special
Movement Point Allowance of the engaged enemy
A. A warrior unit can move one hex (only) in a ability to cast blinding light at Jotun units (or
counter from the Movement Point Allowance of
friendly Movement Phase to cross a river hexside heroes) as described in Case 10.3. A Jotun unit in-
the friendly counter attempting to disengage (if
directly into a forest hex (see Terrain Effects capacitated by blinding light has the Incapacitated
more than one enemy counter is engaged, use the
Charl), even though such a move would normally Unit marker placed on it. A Jotun unit that is in-
greatest Movement Point Allowance among
exceed the unit's Movement Point Allowance. capacitated by blinding light automatically
them). Find the column corresponding to the dif-
recovers during Ihe next Jotun Recovery Phase,
B. Any ground unit or hero (other than Odin) thai ference on the n.iscngagemem Table (see 6.6), roll
and the Incapacitated Unii marker is removed.
begins a friendly Movement Phase on a road hex one die, and cross-index the die roll with the ap-
and moves only through road hexes in that Move- propriate column to determine the result. A hero [7.2] Jotun heroes can be incapacitated
meni Phase can expend oneexlra Movement Point I
immediately moved
hat successfully disengages is
by blinding light cast by Heimdall or
over and above its Allowance. one hex, into a hex that does not re-engage the Freyr.
C. Jotun units and Valkyries never affect one hero with any enemy hero. If no such hex is avail- Heimdall and Freyr bolh have ihe special
movement hex able, the disengagement may not be attempted. If ability lo cast blinding Mghl at Jotun heroes (or
another's in a fores:
a disengagement attempt is unsuccessful, the units) as described in Case 10.3. A Jotun hero in-
[5.8] Terrain Effects Chart counter attempting to disengage remains engaged capacitated by blinding light is inverted to show
(see the back side of the playing piece. An engaged
Example of Disengagement: Jotun hero thai is incapacitated by blinding light
Thor is engaged with Surt, Fenrir, and Hrym may attempt lo recover during an Engaged Hero
(they all occupy the same hex, and none is in- Combat Segment by rolling a die; on a die roll of 1
[6.0] ENGAGEMENT capacitated) at the beginning of the Engaged Hero or 2, the hero recovers, and on a die roll of 3
Combat Segment of a Combat Phase. Thor's through 6, the hero remains incapacitated. A
AND DISENGAGEMENT Movement Point Allowance is 4. Fenrir has the Jotun hero incapacitated by blinding light
highest Movement Point Allowance of the engag- auiomaiieally recovers during the next Jotun
engaged eantioi move ed Jotun heroes with an Allowance of 4. Subtract- Recovery Phase. Whenever an incapacitated
A hero or unit iliat is

ing Fenrir's Movement Point Allowance from Jotun hero recovers, it is re-invened to show the
during the friendly Mownctil Phase. An engaged
Thor's yields a difference of 0. The Aesir player front side of ihe playing piece.
unit may attempt to disengage during the friendly
rolls one die and consults Ihe column on the
Movement Phase and, if its attempt to disengage is [7.3)Jotun heroes can be incapacitated
successful, it may then move in that Phase, An
Disengagement Table, and he rolls a 1. The in-
tersection of the column and the 1 row yields a by fetters cast by Odin.
engaged hero may a tempi to disengage during the

result of D, which indicates a successful disengage- Odin has the special ability to cast fetiers ai
Engaged Hero Segment of either the Aesir or
ment. Thor is immediately removed to an adjacent Jotun heroes as described in Case 10.1. A Jotun
Jotun Combat Phase.
hex free of non-incapacitated enemy heroes. hero incapacitated by festers is inverted lo show
PROCEDURE: the back side of the playing piece. An engaged
Counters become engaged by moving into a [6.5] An engaged counter may become Joiun hero that is incapacitated by fetiers may at-
hex adjacent to, or occupied by, an enemy counter, disengaged as a result of combat. tempt to recover during an Engaged Hero Combat
as described in Cases 5.2 through 5.5, Counters A retreat result during a Unit Combat Seg- Segment by rolling a die and comparing the die roll
disengage (by moving to another hex) either as a ment may automatically disengage units by requir- with the Fetier Escape Rating imprinted on ihe
result of combat (which may call for a counter to ing one of the engaged units to retreat one or two hero's playing piece; on a die roll greater than or
retreat or become incapacitated) or as a result on hexes. A
combat result that incapacitates an equal io the Rating, the hero is immediately unfet-
the Disengagement Table (which may allow a engaged unit or hero can automatically disengage tered and recovers from incapacitation, and on a
counter attempting disengagement to move to an opposing engaged counter. die roll one less than ihe Raiing, ihe hero remains
another hex). incapacitated. A Jotun hero incapacitated by fet-
[6.6] There is one exception to ters may also attempt to recover, following the
the general rules governing same procedure, during a Jotun Recovery Phase.
[6.1] Incapacitated counters never engagement end disengagement: Whenever a Jotun hero recovers, is re-inverted

engage enemy counters. A. When a friendly ground unit is attempting to to show ihe front side of the playing piece.
Important Note: It is possible, under certain disengage from an enemy ground unit that is
circumstances, for a friendly noi)-n;eapacitaied [7.4]Jotun and Aesir heroes can be
across a river hexside, the disengagement attempt
hero to occupy the same hex as an enemy in- incapacitated by a loss of Endurance
is resolved one column to the right on the
capacitated hero (this situation may 'also exist Points leading to unconsciousness.
be- Disengagement Table (for instance, on the + 2 or
tween units, but it is less likely). In such a case, the morecolumn rather than the +1 column). Any hero who, due to a loss of Endurance
incapacitated hero would be mgiiged, whereas the Points for any reason, has only one Endurance
non-incapacitated hero would not be engaged. [6.7] Disengagement Table (see map) Point remaining falls immediate'
and is incapacitated. A hero incapacitated by un- JOTUN UNITS Vidar attacks Hrym (the result is a loss of 3 En-
consciousness can recover only by recovering one durance Points for Hrym, which reduces his En- attack a Valkyrie unit, must occupy Ihe same
or more Endurance Points (see Case 9.1). hex as Ihe Valkyrie unit; combal takes place during durance Poini level lo zero, eliminating him).
the Unit Combat Segment. Once all ihe heroeson one side in a hex are
(7.5] Jotun heroes may be
two ways Important Note: A unit can attack only eliminated, the Engaged Hero Combat Segmeni
incapacitated at one time.
once per Game-Turn, but it can be attacked more immediately ends, even if three Rounds have not
Jolun hero incapacilaled in two ways can
than once per Game-Turn. been completed.
recover from only one type of incapacitation dur-
ing a given Jolun Recovery Phase or Engaged [8.2]During the Engaged Hero Combat Example (continued):
Hero Combat Segmeni. If a hero is incapacitated The Engaged Hero Combal Segmeni is over for
Segment of each Combat Phase,
by both unconsciousness and Odin's fetlers, he Ihe Combal Phase in the example, even though
eligibleengaged enemy heroes can be
must recover from the unconsciousness first. A another Round remains unplayed, because all
attacked by eligible friendly heroes.
hero incapacitated by blinding light who becomes heroes of one side in Ihe hex are eliminated.
Combat during the Engaged Hero Combal
unconscious recovers immediately from the blind-
Segmeni can lake place only among engaged [8.3] During the Unengaged Hero
ing light incapacitation. An unconscious Jotun
heroes occupying ihe same hex (note thai only one
is not affected by blinding light. A Jotun hero
Combat Segment of a friendly Combat
incapacitated by fetters and blinding light may
of the heroes in the hex need be engaged the — Phase, eligible unengaged friendly
other could be incapacitated). Each Engaged Hero heroes can attack eligible enemy
recover from either manner of incapacitation first.
Combat Segmeni is played in three Rounds, and counters.
all three Rounds are completed in one hex before
In order lo attack during ihis Segment, a
Rounds are begun in another hex. Note: When a
[8.0] COMBAT number of heroes are engaged in a hex, players can
friendly hero must noi be engaged, and he musi
noi have been engaged at any time during Ihe im-
GENERAL RULE: remove the heroes, marking the hex with the Melee mediately preceding Engaged Hero Combat Seg-
During the Engaged Hero Combat Segment Location marker, to simplify keeping irack of the
meni (for example, Freyr in the example in Ihe
of each Combal Phase, eligible engaged friendly preceding Case could not participate in ihe ensuing
and enemy heroes can attack eligible enemy Example: Unengaged Hero Combal Segmeni because he was
heroes. During the Unengaged Hero Combat Thor and Tyr (both and Loki (Jotun) oc-
engaged at the beginning of the Engaged Hero
Segment of a friendly Combat Phase, eligible cupy hex 1012 during the Engaged Hero Combat Combal Segmeni), A friendly hero complying wilh
unengaged friendly heroes can attack eligible Segmeni of the Aesir Combal Phase (no oiher this restriction may attack any enemy counter oc-
enemy counters. During the Unit Combat Seg- counters occupy Ihe hex). At Ihe same lime, Freyr
cupying the same hex. Important Note: Combat
ment of a friendly Combat Phase, eligible friendly and Vidar (boih Aesir) and Fenrir and Hrym (bolh
during the Unengaged Hero Combal Segment
units can attack eligible enemy counters. Jolun) occupy hex 141 (no olher counters occupy
does not lake place in Rounds; an eligible friendly
ihe hex).
PROCEDURE: hero can altack one enemy counter once only, and
Combal is by adding [he Attack
resolved During each of ihe three Rounds in each he*, cannot use the Segment to recover from in-
Rating of the attacking counter to the Defense Ihe Phasing player must perform an action with capacitation rather than attack.
Rating of the defending counter, and then rolling each of his heroes in the hex. There are three possi-
three dice. If the total of the three dice rolled is ble actions: (11 attack an enemy hero in the hex; (21 [8.4] During the Unit Combat Segment
atiempt to disengage; (3) attempt lo recover from of a friendly Combat Phase, eligible
less than or equal to the sum of the Attack and Ratings, a damage result must be deter-
friendly units can attack eligible enemy
mined; if the sum of the dice rolled is more than counters.
Example (continued):
the sum of the Attack and Defense Ratings, there During a friendly Unit Combat Segmeni, a
Sinceit is ihe Aesir Combat Phase, the Aesir
is no effect, and both counters remain in place
friendlyunit may attack one eligible enemy
player begins the firsl Round, choosing lo resolve
without losses. When a damage result is called for, Ihe action in hex 1012 first . In Ihe Aesir half of the
counier.Important Note: Combat during the
the players refer to the Damage Table and roll two first Round. Thor attacks Loki (the attack is Unit Combal Segmeni does not take place in
dice. The result of this dice roll is cross-indexed Rounds.
resolved and has no effect), and Tyr attempts to
with the type of counter that is defending (cither disengage (he is successful and immediately moves
[8.4] Under certain circumstances, a
unit or hero), and the damage result is applied im- lohex 1013). In the Jotun half of ihe first Round, counter is obligated to attack an
mediately. Loki allacks Thor (the result is a loss of 1 En-
Important Note: There are a number of cir-
enemy counter.
durance Poini for Thor), The firsl Round is com-
Altacking is voluntary in mosl instances.
cumstances in which Attack Ratings may be pleted, and the Aesir player begins the second
However, in the following circumstances, a
modified during combat. These situations are ex- Round: Thor attacks Loki (the result is a loss of 3 counier musi allack:
amined in the following Cases. Endurance Points for Loki; nole that Tyr no
CASES: longer participates in this Segment, because he has A. A ground unii (whether it isengaged or not)
disengaged). The loss of 3 Endurance Points lhat occupies a hex adjacent lo an enemy ground
[8.1] During the friendly Combat Phase,
reduces Loki's Endurance Point level to 1, and he unit, or occupies the same hex as an enemy unii or
friendly counters must meet certain
immediately falls unconscious and is in- hero, al the beginning of a friendly Unit Combal
requirements in order to be eligible to Segmeni musi attack one eligible counier of the
capacitated. Loki can do nothing in Ihe Jotun half
attack: friendly player's choice.
of the second Round (heroes cannot recover lost
ALL COUNTERS Lndurance Points while engaged, see Case 9.1). B. A Valkyrie unit (whether ii is engaged or not)
...must not be incapacitated. The Jolun player therefore forfeits his action in lhal occupies the same hex as any enemy counier al
the second Round, and the Aesir player begins the the beginning of a friendly Unii Combal Segmeni
ALL HEROES third Round: Thor attacks Loki (the result is a loss must altack one eligible counter of ihe friendly attack an enemy hero, must occupy the same of 2 Endurance Points for Loki, reducing his En- player's choice.
hex as that enemy hero; combat takes place during durance Point level lo less than zero, ihus
the Engaged Hero Combat Segmeni (see 10.0). eliminating him from the game), Nole thai, in ihe [8.5] There are certain instances in
third Round of Ihis example, Thor is no longer which an attacker's Attack Rating may attackan enemy unit, must occupy the same
hex as that enemy unit; combat takes place during engaged, because he docs not occupy the same hex be modified prior to resolving combat.
the Unengaged Hero Combat Segment as a non-incapacitated enemy hero. Loki, from Ihe These modificaiions, described below, are
(see 10.0).
insiant he becomes incapacilaled, remains engag- summarized on the Atlack Rating Modification
ALLGROUND UNITS ed, however. After all three Rounds in hex 1012 Summary, Terrain Effects Chart, and ihe Mortal enemy ground unit, must occupy a
attack an are completed, the Rounds in hex 141 1 are begun. Enemy Combat Modification Summary.
hex adjacent to the enemy ground unit; combat In this hex, Hrym is already incapacitated lis loi- Terrain. Forest hexes and river, bridge, wall, and
lakes place during the Unit Combat Segment. ters. The Aesir player begins the firsl Round: gate hexsides reduce an attacker's Atlack Rating as attack an enemy hero, must occupy the same Freyr attacks Fenrir (ihe result is a loss of 1 En- indicated on Ihe Terrain Effects Chart.
hex as the enemy hero; combat takes place during durance Point for Fenrir) and then Vidar allacks Mortal Enemies. Cerlain heroes are mortal
the Unit Combat Segment, Fenrir {with no effeel). In the Jotun half of the enemies of olher heroes and, as such, are especial-
firsl Round, Hrym attempts to recover from in- ly likely to do harm to one another in combat. A
VALKYRIE UNITS capacitation and succeeds, and Fenrir attempts lo hero's Attack Rating is increased when at lacking a attack any enemy counter, musi occupy Ihe d:scne.a:;.e (he is sueccss:'ul and iiti:ticci;v.c!> moves mortal enemy. Mortal enemies and the i

same hex as the enemy counter; combat takes The Aesir player begins
to hex 1412). the second which ihey are entitled are summarized c
place during Ihe Unit Combal Segment. Round: Freyr attacks Hrym (with no effeel) and Mortal Enemy Modification Summary.
Hsro Modifications to Unit Combat. When a end of each friendly Unengaged Hero Combat [9.71 If all heroes on a side are killed,
friendly unit, occupying Ihesame hex as a friendly Segment following the Game-Turn in which the in- then the units on that side become
hero, attacks an enemy unit, the friendly unit's At- jury is sustained. These two-point losses continue demoralized immediately.
tack Rating increased by one. When a friendly
is until the hero is dead, and are in addition to any
As a result of demoralization, an result of1 or
unit, occupying the same hex as a friendly hero, is normal Endurance Point losses.
Z (ordinarily calling only for a retreat) on ihe
attacked by an enemy unil, the enemy unit's At- To indicate that a hero has suffered a grievous Damage Table obtained by a hero against an
tack Rating is decreased by one. injury, his Endurance Point marker is inverted to
enemy demoralized unit is treatedasalf- 11 result
Grievous Injury. When a hero that has suffered a show the back side. A hero with a grievous injury (calling for a Step loss and retreat; see Damage
grievous injury is attacked by an enemy counter, has his Attack Rating reduced by one whenever he
the enemy counter's Attack Rating is increased by attacks, and when defending, his attacker's Attack
Rating is increased by one. Note that a hero can
[9.8] Endurance Record Track
suffer a grievous injury only once, and he may
(see map)
Incapacitation. When an incapacitated unit is at- regain an Endurance Point during the Recovery
tacked by an enemy counter, the enemy counter's
Attack Rating is inereasedby one.
Phase in the normal manner.
Surrounded. When a surrounded unil is attacked Units absorb combat damage by
by an enemy counter, the enemy counter's Attack Several heroes have one or more special
losing Steps. involve either movement
Rating is increased by one. A unit is surrounded
Each unit begins the game with two Steps of
abilities. Special abilities

when there is no adjacent hex to which it could or combat. Odin is the only hero with a special
strength, the greater being represented on the front
ability involving movement, which may be used
legally move without becoming engaged.
of the unit's playing piece and the reduced strength only during the Aesir Movement Phase. An engag-
[S.6] Damage Table on the back. When a full-strength unit loses a Step
ed hero may only use a special ability involving
(see map) on the Damage Table, the playing piece is inverted combat against a hero with which he is engaged.
Attack Rating Modifications to show the back side. When a reduced-strength
[8.7] Exceptions to ihis rule are Odin and Tyr, who may
unit loses a Step, it is eliminated and is immediate-
Summary (see map) produce Berserks even if they are engaged (but not
ly and permanently removed from the map,
if ihey are incapacitated). An unengaged hero with
[8.8] Mortal Enemy Combat
the ability to attack a unit or hero in another hex
Modifications Summary (see map) [9.4] Units may be forced to retreat as
a result of combat.
may atlack a target in another hex only during a
friendly Unengaged Hero Combal Segment. An
A ground unit that is forced to retreat may
[9.0] COMBAT RESULTS not retreat through a hex so that it becomes engag-
atlack with a special ability is in lieu of a normal
attack. The special equipment used by a herocan-
ed with an enemy unit, even if that hex is occupied
GENERAL RULE: noi be used by any other hero and is considered
by a friendly unil. In addition, a ground unit may
Results on the Damage Table can reduce the destroyed if the owning hero is eliminated. For a
not retreat into or through a hex occupied by a
strength of defending units, reduce the Endurance summary of special abilities, seepage 23.
friendly ground unit. An Aesir ground unit may
Point level of defending heroes, cause defending
retreat into a hex containing a Valkyrie unit and no
units to retreat, incapacitate defending counters or
other ground unit; a ground unit may also retreat
eliminate them entirely, CASES:
into a hex containing enemy or friendly heroes. A
PROCEDURE: retreating unil that cannot retreat ihe total number [10.1] Odin
Damage Table results, as described in the of hexes required because it would become engag-
following Cases, Lite always applied immediately, 1. Odin has the abiliiy lo travel thro
ed or because of the presence of friendly units
before combal is resolved among any other oppos- must lose a number of Steps equal to ihe number
his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir. Od
all terrain during movement and moves at a rate of
of hexes the unil cannot retreat. Example: A full-
five hexes perturn,
CASES: strength unit required to retreat two hexes, which
can retreat only one hex. retreats ihat hex and im- 2. Odin possesses a spear, Gungnir, which has
[9.1]Heroes absorb combat damage by mediately loses one Step. enormous striking power. He may use this spear
losing Endurance Points. Valkyrie units may not retreat into or through once during the game to attack another hero w ho
Each hero begins the game with an allotment a hex occupied by a non-incapacitated Jolun unit. is five or fewer hexes away. The spear has an At-

of EndurancB Points specified on the Endurance Valkyrie units may retreat into or through hexes lack Rating of 12. When Gungnir hits a hero, ihe
Point Track. Whenever a hero draws a damage containing friendly ground units, provided there hero loses twice ihe number of Endurance Poinis
result (or uses a special ability that expends En- are no Valkyrie units in those hexes. indicated by the Damage Table.
durance Points, see 10,0), he will lose a number of Units thai arc forced to retreat orf the map Odin has the ability lo incapacitate enemy
Endurance Points specified on the Damage Table. are considered eliminated. heroes with fellers. During ihe Aesir Combat
Whenever a hero loses Endurance Points, his En- Phase, Odin may attempt lo place a fetter on an
durance Point marker is moved along the En- [9.5] When a defending unit retreats as
enemy hero five or fewer hexes away. To deter-
durance Track to reflect his new level, a result of combat, the attacking unit
mine whether or not a fetler has been place suc-
An unengaged hero can regain lost Endurance or hero may advance.
cessfully, ihe Aesir player counts the number of
Points at the rate of one per Game-Turn by neither Only the attacking unit or hero mav advance.
hexes to the target and rolls one die. If the die roll
moving nor participating in combat (as attacker or If the attacker is a Valkyrie unil or a hero, it may-
is greater than the range in hexes, then ihe Teller
defender) for an entire Game-Turn; a regained En- advance into the hex into which the defender
has been placed successfully. Odin may not at-
durance Point is added to the hero's Endurance retreats or may slop in a hex along the path of
tempt to place fetters on heroes in his own hex or
Point level during the friendly Recovery Phase of retreat. If the aitacker is a ground unil, it may ad-
on engaged heroes. A hero caught in a fetter is in-
the following Game-Turn by moving his En- vance into any hex along the path of retreat, but
verted lo show its incapacitated side. Fetters may
durance Point marker on the Endurance Point may not enter the hex of the retreated unil unless be placed on incapacitated heroes, but Ihe Attack
Track to reflect the change in level. Note that a the retreated unil is a Valkyrie unil. An advancing
Rating ofunils and heroes at lacking such a hero is
hero's Endurance Point level may never exceed his ground unit may ignore hexes in which it would
nol increased Iwice. Odin has an unlimited supply
original allotment. normally become engaged while advancing. A
of fetters,
When a hero has only one Endurance Point Jotun ground unit in the same hex as a Valkyrie
remaining, he immediately falls unconscious and unit may advance out of the hex if the Jotun unit 4. Odin has the ability to make all warriors unils
is incapacitated, A hero incapacitated by un- aitacks an Aesir ground unit successfully. A Jotun within one hex of himself become Berserks. At the

consciousness can recover from incapacitation on- ground unit must cease advancing whenever it beginning of the Aesir Movement Phase of each
ly by raising his Endurance Point level above one enters a hex occupied by a Valkyrie unit. If a Player- Turn, the Aesir player examines Odin's hex
in a friendly Recovery Phase. ground unit eliminates an enemy ground unit, then and the six hexes immediately adjacent to him.

When a hero's Endurance Point level reaches it may advance into the hex that comained the Any warrior units in these hexes immediately
.-v;o. he hem |. dead, and hi- play in.: piece i- im-
eliminated unit. A unit may retreat in any direc- become Berserks and are replaced by Berserk
mediately and permanently removed from the tion the owning player desires, in keeping with the As shown on ihe Berserk playing piece, a

preceding restrictions. n fighting ui

unit. All Berserk warrior unils reven
[9.2] Heroes can sustain grievous An advancing hero must halt and
[9.6] atus in the Aesir Recovery Phase of
injuries. becomes engaged upon entering a hex irn after which they become Berserks.
hero sustaining a grievous injury on the containing one or more non- l of Berserks during a Movement
Damage Table loses two Endurance Points at the incapacitated enemy heroes. iot prevent Odin from attacking dur-
ing a Combai Phase. The same applies to Tyr (see Midgard Serpent attacks a hero and inflicts a loss move normally on the map in the
10.5). Odin and Tyr cannoi create Berserks if they of Endurance Points, the Jotun player roils two Movement Phase in which they enter hex 0101.
are incapacitated. Warrior units replaced tem- dice. If the sum of the dice results is less than or Then, counters in the first and second boxes of the
porarily by Berserks must be kept separate from equal to five, then the target hero has been infected RBT can be advanced into the second and third
un-entered warrior units. If a full-strength Berserk by the poison and suffers a grievous injury. A hero boxes, respectively. Finally, the Jotun player can
loses a Step in combat and then reverts to normal with a grievous injury may not be poisoned by the place available counters in the first box of the RBT
status, it is replaced with a half-sirength warrior Midaard Serpent, as reinforcements. Counters cannot move into a
lower numbered box (for instance, from the se-
[10.7] Fenrlr cond lo the first). The Jotun player may advance
increase his Attack Rating by two for all, some, or none of his available counters along
Fenrir may
[9.2] Thor the duration of one Combat Round by making a the RBT.
1. Thor's hammer, Mjollnir, returns to his hand lunging attack. The Jotun player must announce a CASES:
after striking an opponent. Thor may use his ham- lunging attack before combat is resolved in that
mer to attack other heroes two or fewer hexes Round. In the Aesir half of a Round after the [11.1] Ifhex 0101 contains no non-
away using the Attack Rating imprinted on his Jotun half of a Round in which Fenrir executes a incapacitated Jotun counters, and if
playing piece, Thor may attack an enemy unit with lunging attack, Fenrir's Defense Rating is increas- thishex is occupied by an Aesir unit or
his hammer only if it lies in his hex. Thor may not ed by two. This defense penalty does not carry non-incapacitated Aesir hero, Jotun
throw his hammer at engaged heroes in another over between Combat Phases. A lunging attack counters on the RBT may move freely
hex. If Thor hits a hero in another hex with his maybe made only against an Aesir hero in Fenrir's onto the map only as specified below.
hammer, then the hero loses twice the number of hex. If Fenrir makes a lunging attack and inflicts a An Aesir counter in hex 0101 may be attacked 1'oints indicated on he Damage Table.
grievous injury, then there is a chance that he has normally by Jotun counters already on the map, or
The hammer does normal damage to a hero in the swallowed the defending Aesir hero. The Jotun by Jotun counters in the third box of the RBT. If
same hex as Thor. player rolls one die. If the result is a 1, 2, or 3, then the Jotun player attacks from the RBT, he may
the defending Aesir hero has been swallowed and move one unit and an unlimited number of heroes
2. Thor has the ability to throw thunderbolts at
removed from play immediately. Otherwise, a from the third box of the RBT during a
enemy counters. A thunderbolt has an Attack
into 0101
normal grievous injury is inflicted. Vidar can Jotun Movement Phase. If the Aesir counter is not
Rating of 12. The range of a thunderbolt is
never be swallowed by Fenrir. removed from 0101 by the end of the ensuing
unlimited, but Thor must expend one Endurance
Point for every two hexes between him and the jotun Combat Phase, then any Jotun unit that was
target of a thunderbolt, rounding fractions up if moved into 0101 from the RBT in the immediately
the target is an odd number of hexes away. Thor preceding Jotun Movemenl Phase is eliminated.
[10.8] Garm No Jotun counter moved into 0101 from the RBT
must expend one Endurance Point to attack an
enemy counter in his own hex with a thunderbolt. Garm, a hellhound, may execute a fire-breath at- may leave 010! until it is completely free of non-
Thor may throw a thunderbolt even if the resulting tack against one Aesir counter in his hex. Garm's incapacitated Aesir counters. Jotun counters can
loss of Endurance Points causes him to lose con- Garm must
fire-breath has an Attack Rating of 10. continue to advance along the RBT even if hex
:. All i l he Si expend one Endurance Point to make a fire-breath 0101 is obstructed by an Aesir counter.
the target of a thunderbolt also are attacked by the attack. Garm may make a fire-breath attack
against a gate hexside adjacent to the hex he oc- [11.2] No counter can ever move or
thunderbolt, with an Attacking Rating of 6, except
cupies. Garm may make a Tire-breath attack even retreat from the map to the RBT.
for Thor himself.
if Endurance Point causes him
the resulting loss of
3. During battle, there is Thor will
a chance that [11.3] During the Rainbow Bridge
to lose consciousness. Garm's fire-breath is inef-
lose the girdle of strength he wears. Whenever
fecii\ c against wall hexsides.
Check Phase of each Game-Turn, the
Thor receives a -4g damage result, the Aesir Jotun player determines whether or
player rolls one die. If the roll is a 5 or 6, then Thor [10.9] Suit not the Rainbow Bridge collapses.
has lost his girdle of strength. If Thor loses his gir- During the Rainbow Bridge Check Phase, the
Sun has the ability to fling bolts of fire. Instead of
dle of strength, then his Attack Rating reduced is Jotun player determines the greatesl number of
a normal attack, Surt may make a tire bolt attack
by one iind his Defense Raihia is increased by one Jotun units in any one box of the RBT and finds
on a counter three or fewer hexes away from his
for the rest of the game. The girdle of strength may the corresponding column on the Rainbow Bridge
hex. Fire bolts have an Attack Rating of II. Surt
never be recovered once it is lost. Collapse Table (11.7). The Jotun player rolls
must expend one Endurance Point for every hex of
4.Thor is very proficient at killing Frost Giants. range between him and the target hex of a fire bolt two dice and finds the result by cross -indexing the
Whenever Thor attacks a Frost Giant unit with his dice roll with the proper column.
and one Endurance Point to attack a target in his
hammer, his Attack Raima is increased by one. If the result is first and
a 1, all counters in the
own hex. Surt may fling a bolt of fire even if the
second boxes of the RBT are eliminated and
resulting loss of Endurance Points would cause
[10.3] Heimdall removed from the Track. The bridge collapses at
Heimdall has the ability to cast blinding light at the end of the Jotun Movement Phase of the next
Surtmay use his fire bolts against gate hex-
enemy counters in his own hex. During the Aesir sides. To determine the range from Surl to a gate
Game-Turn. If any counters in the third box can-
Unengaged Hero Combai Segment or during a number of hexes from Surt not enter the map before the collapse, they are
hexside, count the to
Round of an Engaged Hero Combat Segment, eliminated.
a hex adjacent to the gate hexside. This figure in-
If a result of 2 is obtained, all counters in Ihe
Heimdall may cast blinding light at one target in creased by one is the range. The range between
his hex. To determine the effects of blinding light, Surt and an adjacent hexside is one hex. Surt's fire firstbox of the RBT are eliminated and removed
the Aesir player rolls two dice and consults the bolts are ineffective against wall hexsides.
from the Track. The bridge collapses at the end of
Damage Table under the appropriate column. The the Jotun Movment Phase in two Game-Turns.
result obtained on the Damage Table is applied im- Any counters still on ihe Track when the bridge
mediately. Heimdall must expend one Endurance collapses are eliminated.
If a result of C is obtained, the Rainbow
Point each lime he uses blinding light.
[11.0] THE RAINBOW BRIDGE Bridge collapses immediately, and all counters on
[10.4] Freyr are eliminated and removed from Ihe RBT.

Once the Rainbow Bridge has collapsed, no

Freyrhas the ability to cast blinding light. The ef- Jotun counters enter the map via the Rainbow
fects and limitations of this special ability are iden- Uridge. which is represented by a track on the
more Jotun counters can enter the map. Once it is
tical tothoseforHeimdall(10.3).
determined when the Rainbow Bridge will col-
map. The number of counters that the Jotun
lapse, Ihe Rainbow Bridge Check Phase is omilted
player may place on the Rainbow Bridge Track at
[10.5] Tyr in subsequent Game-Turns.
any one time is unlimited. The more Jotun
Tyr, like Odin, has the ability to cause warrior counters on the Rainbow Bridge, however, the
uiir.s I" become Berserks, though hi a lesser e\-
When counting the number of
greater the chance the bridge \\ ill collapse.
box of the RBT, all heroes
tent. Berserks produced by Tyr are the same as
units in a
those produced by Odin, but Tyr can only make a PROCEDURE: except the Midgard Serpent (which
After all Jotun counters on the map have counts as a unit) are ignored.
Berserk out of a warrior unit in his own hex at the
Movement Phase. moved in a Jotun Movement Phase, Jotun
beginning of the Aesir
counters in the third box of the Rainbow Bridge [11.5) Combat may not take place on
[10.6] The Midgard Serpen! Track (RBT) may be placed on the Rainbow the RBT.
The Midgard Serpent has the ability to infect his Bridge Terminus Hex (0101). A counter expends Heroes '.villi an ability to attack into another
victims with a deadly poison. Whenever the one Movement Point to enter hex 0101. Jotun hex may not attack Jotun counters on the RBT.
rs already on the map are moved in a Move- (14. 2] A Jotun hero exited from the
ment Phase. map all Aesir counters on the
PROCEDURE: map have been destroyed does not
All Jotun counters must cross the Rainbow- fulfill the Jotun player's Victory
Bridge to enter the map. The Jotun player decides Conditions.
[11.81 Rainbow Bridge Track the rate at which these counters will cross Ihe
bridge, taking into account the risk of collapse. [14.3] A Jotun unit exiting the map
The Jotun player must place his counters onto Ihe between 0726 and 1526 by retreating as
Rainbow Bridge Track in a certain order. Surt, a result of combat does not count as
Garm, the Midgard Serpent, and Fire Giants may an exited unit for the purposes of
[12.0] ASGARD not be placed onto the RBT until Loki, Fenrir, Jotun Victory Conditions.
Hrym, and all Frost Giants have passed through
GENERAL RULE: [14.4] The Aesir player wins if he
the first box of the RBT.
Before Jotun counters can enter Asgard, the eliminates all Jotun counters that enter
Before the start of the game, the Acsir player
walls surrounding it must be breached or one of
rolls one die and adds two to the result. This sum is the map, regardless of his own losses.
the gates penetrated.
the Game-Turn in which Aesir reinforcements
PROCEDURE: begin to enter the map. In the Reinforcement
Wall hexsides have an intrinsic Defense
Rating of zero, and gate hexsides have an intrinsic
Phase of each Aesir Player-Turn while there are
still Aesir counters to enter, the number of warrior
Defense Rating of one. Add the Defense Rating of units, Valkyrie units, and heroes to be entered is
a wall or gate hexside being attacked to the Attack determined. To determine how many warrior units Game Design and Development:
Rating of the attacking counier, and roll for a hit enter, the Aesir player rolls one die and subtracts Darryl D. Esakof
using the combat resolution procedure. If a result one from the result. The resulting figure is Ihe Physical Systems and Graphics:
is obtained, roll for damage on the hero combai number of warrior units that enter the map. To Remand A. Simonsen
column of the Damage Table. If a loss of two or determine the number of reinforcing Valkyrie Rule Editing: BradE. Hess el
more Endurance Points is inflicted, the wall or units, the Aesir player rolls one die and subtracts Play testers:
gate hexside being attacked is destroyed. On any two from the result. The resulting figure is the Thomas N. Stanford, Anthony Stanford,
other result, nothing happens to [he wall or gate number of Valkyrie units that enter the map. To Charles Giannone, Bronda Howard, Max
hexside being attacked. Endurance Point losses in- determine which heroes may enter the map, the Weissman. Laurence Hoh, Nick Karp
flicted on wall or gate hexsides are not cumulative. Aesir player rolls one die for each hero. If a 1 is Blindtesiers:

CASES: rolled for a hero, that hero may enter the map, Jamie Adams, Charles R. Bucey.
Odin exempt from this entry process and enters
is Scott Lai ken
Only Valkyrie units and Odin can
[12.1] automatically on the first Game-Turn in which Production:
move through an intact wall hexside. Aesir reinforcements enter. The Aesir Reinforce- Ted Koller, Michael E. Moore, Manfred
ment Phase is omitted once all Aesir counters have F. Milkuhn. Ken Stec, Bob Ryer
hexside. entered the map. All Aesir reinforcements enter
the map along the east mapedge between hexes
Ground units and all heroes
(12. 2]
0726 and 1526, inclusive. If a zero or negative
except Odin must expend one number is obtained when determining the number
additional Movement Point when of warrior or Valkyrie units that are reinforce-
crossing a destroyed wall or gate ments during an Aesir Reinforcement Phase, there
hexside (to reflect the effects of
are no reinforcements of the type rolled for in that
rubble). Player-Turn. AESIR HEROES
[12.3] Aunit or hero (without ranged CASES: Kreyr •Can cast Minding light in the hex he
special abilties) must be adjacent to a occupies at a cost of one Endurance Point
[13.1] Jotun counters entering the map per blinding light attack.
wall or gate hexside in order to attempt
from the RBT and Aesir ground units
to destroy it. Heimdall 'Can cast blinding light in the hex
and heroes entering the map on road
Counters must attack wall and gate hexsides he occupies at a cost of one Endurance Point
hexes may benefit from the road
individually. Engaged counters cannot attack wall per blinding light attack.
movement bonus on the Game-Turn in
or gale hexsides. Special abilities involving fire Odin •Rides Sleipnir and cun imiore lerrain
which they appear.
may not be used againsi wall hexsides, but they during movemeni. »Can hurl Gungnir once
may be used against gate hexsides. Players must [13.2] All counters must expend one per game. "Can throw Tetters as far as five
keep a record on a separate sheel of paper of which Movement Point to enter the map. hexes. »Can form Berserks within one hex.
wall and gate hexsides have been destroyed.
Thor "Can huii Miolinir ill unii.s urhin his
[12.4] The Attack Rating of a ground own hex or heroes wi'.Min two hexes. •Can

unit attacking another ground unit hurl thunderbolts ai a cosi of one Endurance
through a destroyed wall or gate [14.0] VICTORY CONDITIONS Poinl for every two hexes hurled. 'Wears gir-
hexside is reduced by one. dle of strength. »Adds one to his Aitack
GENERAL RULE: Rating against Frost Giant units.
[12.5] Combat can never occur across The first player to fulfill one of his Victory
Tyr »Can form Berserks in the hex he oc-
intact wall or gate hexsides. Conditions is the winner of the game. The Jotun
Adjacent ground units are never engaged player wins by exiting counters from the east
across an intact wall or gate hexside, but Ihey can mapedge within Asgard. The Aesir player wins by Vidar No special abilities.

be engaged across adestroyed wall or gate hexside. repelling the Jotun invasion successfully. The JOTUN HEROES
game ends immediately whenever one player has Fenrir *Can make lunging attacks.
[12.6] A hero may never use a special fulfilled one of his Victory Conditions, and he is
ability involvingattacking a counter in declared the winner.
Garm »Can make fire-breaih attacks in the

another hex if the target counter lies hex he occupies at a cost of one Endurance
CASES: Point per fire-breath atiack.
on the opposite side of a wall or gate
hexside, whether the hexside is intact [14. 1] player wins the game
The Jotun Hrym No special abilities.
or destroyed. if he one hero (without a grievous
exits Loki No special abilities.
injury) orone unit (full or reduced
Midgard Serpent »Can infect victims with
strength) from the east mapedge
deadly poison.
[13.0] REINFORCEMENTS between 0726 and 1626, inclusive.
To exit a counter from the mapedge, the Surt 'Can fling bolts of fire as far as three

GENERAL RULE: Jotun player must move the exiting counier into a hexes at a cost of one Endurance Point per
During each Player-Turn, available reinforce- holt of fire aitack.
hex adjacent to the mapedge and expend one
ments can enter the map. Reinforcements are mov- Movement Point lo leave the map. Once a counier
ed onto the map by the friendly player after any leaves the map, if may never re-enter.

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An SF Game Sampler
Critiques of 8 Space Combat Game Systems
By Steve List
Were it not for the surge of interest in random when the point is discovered; each All Infinity ships are capable of direct
science fiction adventure games in the last tripthrough the Starfall ends in a different military action, but the other incom-
few years, the magazine this article is in randomly selected location within the given must be eliminated by the use of
would not exist, nor possibly would most of quadrant. Starfall movement is very rapid, Development ships in a process that is
the games being reviewed. All but one of the allowing for instant transit of the entire deliberately analogous to combat. The
eight were published during 1979 or later, board, but there is no guarantee that a player Development ships "attack" the problem to
and many appear to have been brought out will find a Starfall to take him where he wants be solved, reducing or eliminating it if suc-
to jump on the bandwagon. The exception is to go. Each Starfall is, of course, a one-way cessful. The problem, however, can also
Metagaming's Warp War, published in 1977. road. "counterattack" and possibly remove
It was a part of a series, the MicroGames Spaceships are of two types and three Development ships from play.
(quick, the copyright symbol!) which may classes. "Infinity" ships can move three Development of a system is usually
well have helped get the bandwagon rolling hexes per turn and make Starfalls. They are rather time consuming, counting both travel
in the first place. classed as Exploration, Development and and the lead times for ship construction. It
Whatever the reasons for publishing Military. "Pi" ships are cheaper and less ef- can also be very costly. The maximum
games, these that will be examined have fective, but can be built much more quickly. resource point value for
a system is 9,
been selected as recent additions to the hob- They move only two hexes per turn, but they though than a third of the systems
by and as a random sample of what kinds of cannot leave the quadrant in which they discovered ever be worth more than 4
goods are being offered. Fortuitously, it were built nor move by Starfall. Given these points. A single Development-type Infinity
seems that between us the Managing Editor conditions, there are no Pi Explorers. ship costs 12 points to build, and several
and came up with two titles in each of four
I There are a variety of scenarios for 2 to4 could be lost in the effort. Since a Pi
categories; Tactical space battle, Opera- players, where each generally starts with a Development-type ship costs only 3 points,
tional Space
battle, Strategic space battle, home system and a few colonies and known once a system in a quadrant is developed, it
and "generational" exploration/exploit- Starfall points, either in specified locations or can build these cheaper vessels to colonize
ation. While these distinctions are a bit determined at random. Victory in most cases nearby systems, assuming the player be
blurry, they serve to identify the main thrust depends on the total of developed systems lucky enough to discover any sufficiently
and/ or level of detail that is most prominent. or resource points obtained within a given dose,
Star Fleet Barries is tactical because it puts time. This choice of goals allows the players While it may appear that too much of
the player in the role of a ship's captain, to concentrate on either developing their the game depends on luck or dice rolling, this
while Srarfire is operational because it is own resources or using military action to is not really so. The sheer amount of dice roll-

more concerned with the handling of fleets. retard the competition. ing tends to level out fluctuations from the
Starfall could be considered strategic, but is Resource points are the currency of the mean, and over the course of a twenty turn
classed as a generational game because the game and are used to purchase new ships game, the effects of good strategy are of
main activity is exploration and economic and planetary defenses. They are obtained greater importance. This effect also makes
development. Warfare may be required to from colonized and developed systems, as this a game well suited for solitaire play.
win, but is not the purpose of the game. The well as from star clusters. Players begin the
games themselves are presented in descend- game with an uphill job of exploring to locate
ing level of detail. new systems, and then building the Develop-
ment ships needed to improve the Simulations Canada, 1980
STARFALL discoveries, while still being saddled with a Design/Development: Stephen M IMewberg .

Yaquinto, 1979 limited economic base. 16-page rulebook, 255 counters, 22" x 28" map,
Exploration itself is tricky. The player 9"x 12" tiptoe bag. Sff.SS.
Design: J. Stephen Peek
must decide first if he is searching for a D$rk. Stars is another multi-generational
28-page ru/ebook, 560 counters with set-up
system or a Starfall point; in either case, the game of exploration and- colonization. It is
sheets. Jog sheets, charts and screens in box with
odds of locating one depend on the number set in a globular cluster of "around 1500
tray. $13.00.
and nearness of similar discoveries. Locating stars" and is about 120 light-years in
Starfall is reminiscent of earlier games a Starfall provides quick entry to virgin ter- diameter. However, in terms of thegame this
like Stetfar Conquest in that the players in
is not true - only 70 stars are shown on the
ritory, but leaves the Explorer literally out on
general are competing over the colonization a limb. Looking for systems has pitfalls, too, map (the other 1400-odd stars have no
of a stellar cluster and in doing so may for even a "successful" search may yield on- planets?). Since the map is only 32 by 34
choose to pursue or avoid armed conflict. ly a star cluster, an ion storm or a hostile hexes and 19 levels, at a scale of 2 light-years
The map is two-dimensional, but this (non-player) fleet (The storm stands a good per hex, the playing space is only about a 65
abstraction does not detract from play. chance of destroying a lone Explorer, and the light-year square 38 light-years deep, a far
Scales are 3 light-years per hex and 10 years hostiles will always do so) Once a system is
cry from a 120 light-year diameter globe. This
per turn. discovered, its resource point value is deter- discrepancy between what the designer ap-
The map isdivided into a 6 x 6 array of mined, along with its "compatability" and parently visualized and what he actually pro-
quadrants, each subdivided into 6 areas the presence, if any, of intelligent life. If alien duced is symptomatic of the primary defect
which are comprised of 6 zones (individual races are discovered, their attitude toward of the game, incomplete realization of its
hexes) so that each hex on the board can be star traveEling colonists and their willingness potential.
specified by a four digit number. While ap- and ability to fight for their world must also Native to this cluster are three races, the
parently more cumbersome than the SPI be determined. Riin, GzrelandTasaar. Each can colonize on-
system of numbering every hex, it is func-
tional; all coordinate digits are in the range of
To get maximum
resource points from a ly certain spectral-type stellar systems <18 of
system, it must be Developed. First, the 70 cannot be colonized by anyone
1 to 6, so any location on the board can be
however, it must be colonized, which re- though they are of certain economic value)
generated at random by the roll of four dice.
quires the elimination of any compatability and there is limited overlap {e.g., the Riin
Movement on the board is either hex by differences between the system and the col- and Tasaar have no spectral types in com-
hex or via an instantaneous transfer by onists' home system. If there are hostile in- mon). Not native to the cluster are Terrans,
means of a "Starfall Point." Each of these is habitants, their system defenses must first who can colonize at least some of the types
focused into a given quadrant, determined at be overcome. usable by each of the other races.
. .

The game is played on two levels, inter- every star on the map (once), at which time old it is compared to some arbitrary stan-

Stellar and interplanetary. Each turn on the they can only jump off the map, never to dard. A ship that attempts no movement at
Interstellar map represents 20 terrestrial return. all in a turn will have its marker moved
years. Whenever a player ends a turn with Each race except the Terrans must backwards 5 years, to reflect incremental im-
ships in a steltar hex and he wishes to do choose one of three "racial goals" as its provements made to it.
anything in the star system it represents, the secret victory conditions. Terrans, being The system is flawed, though. Consider
Interplanetary Display is set up and the ac- both paranoid and xenophobic, have only two ships built at the same time, which leave
tion resolved.Up to 100 turns may occur on one goal: waste any aliens they encounter. their base at the same time and spend 10
the Interplanetary Display before play must All races, including the Terrans, must satisfy turns wandering around the map. One
resume on the Interstellar map, but generally "checkpoint" conditions every 20 interstellar moves two hexes per turn and so ages 100
far fewer turns are required. turns to avoid losing. The game can continue years; the other moves only one hex per turn
Movement on the Interstellar map is to as many checkpoints as the players and thus ages only 50 years. But at the end of
pre-plotted and simultaneously resolved, as decide. To structure this, four scenarios are ten turns when
they return to the base, they
is action within a star system if more than supplied. One, "The Long Reach," sets up willbe equally old in terms of the base's
one player has ships present there. The In- each native race with only its original home frame of reference. If they were identical to

terplanetary Display consists of a central hex world, and is the campaign version. The start with, they will still be identical, no mat-
surrounded by nine concentric rings of hexes other scenarios start the native races off with ter what the apparent elapsed time to the
called "orbitals." The scale varies from or- assorted colonies already in existence. Ter- respective crews has been
bital to orbital,those farther from the center rans always start the game, though, so their This flaw shows the basic problem with
being considered larger (i.e., the first orbital initial strength relative to other races varies. trying to plug relativistic effects into a game.
is 6 hexes long, the ninth is 54, or nine times The racial goals also seem to have been Time dilation has the effect of making the
as long counting hexes; in the Solar System, drawn up with "The Long Reach" in mind; passage of time slower to the people on the
Pluto's orbit is a bit more than 100 times as fulfilling them in some of the other scenarios moving ship, and the faster they move the
long as that of Mercury, hence requiring a is trivially easy. It appears as if the game was slower time will run. The method used in this
variable scale to fit the thing on the map). designed and tested using the campaign ver- game has a different effect — the faster a
When a stellar system is first explored, the sion, with the short scenarios simply being ship moves, the faster it ages as seen from
type of planet to occupy each orbital is deter- late add-ons. some fixed reference. The result is to in-
mined by die roll and then recorded to ensure The economic and exploration systems troduce an "age" factor that has no real
that the next player to explore the system underlying the societies in the game are too validity, because the players will see time
finds the same things. simplistic. While playable, they are unsatis- pass at a constant rate (i.e., one turn at a
fying and "unrealistic." The rules for inter- time); the subjective passage of time aboard
stellar movement are poorly done, with huge the little cardboard squares pretending to be
loopholes and unstated assumptions. Other spaceships is irrelevant to the game.
rules are at best sketchy (and done with Sim- Each player represents a society con-
Can's notorious spelling), and the rulebook sidered to be at a Tech Level of from 1 to 7.
is a graphic headache, with full page width Increases in Tech Level can be gained from
columns of smalt print and few "landmarks" investing economic points or they can come
to aid looking up half- remembered rules. about automatically. A marker on the Out Of
In summary, the game is only half- Tech track is moved at the same rate as the
cooked. The essential idea behind it is good oldest ship, and when it passes certain
and parts of the design are very nice, but on milestones the Tech Level is increased due to
the whole it is underdeveloped and not ter- passage of time. This way a player can make
ribly well produced as a physical artifact. If time stand still, merely by not moving his
you like to tinker with game designs, buy it, oldest ship.
for you're sure to find lots of things to Increased Tech Level allows purchase of
elaborate on. However, if you want a com- faster and more powerful ships that are less
plete product, look elsewhere. prone to scattering when jumping. But a
player can only buy ships of his current Tech
TIMELAG Level, which means that as older ships are
lost in combat they cannot be replaced. The
Gameshop, 1980
counter mix provides 6 ships at Tech Level 1,
Design: MikeVitale but the number per ship-type decreases so
4-page rules folder, 720 counters, 9'A "x 14" only 1 ship at Tech Level 7 is available. That
map, charts, bagged. $3.96 ship is a monster, but it can only be in one
This game had some promise — a place at a time.
strategic conflict in which relativistic effects The combat system is interesting. Each
would cause spaceships to age at different player moves all his ships, and then initiates
rates, leading to interesting problems of ob- combat as he wishes in hexes containing
solescence vs. newness. Sadly, the pro- enemy ships. Each totals the product of
mise is not kept. Furthermore, the game has Force Level and Tech Level of each ship he
Each native race has its own mode of so many defects that the failure to provide a has; the difference between the aggregate
travel, both' interstellar and interplanetary, good treatment of time dilation is only a strengthsis then modified by the difference
but while the details are different, they are minor disappointment inaverage ages of the two forces, with the
similar. They all move hex by hex on the in- The map shows 17 systems of 4 collap- younger force getting the advantage. The
terstellar map; Terrans, in contrast, can jump sars each, linked by jump route lines. Most final differential is cross-referenced with a
instantaneously from star to star. They do collapsars are Yellow, but two are Black and die roll to get the results, usually a loss of 1 or
this by locating a "black hole" in the last or- on an average slightly less than one per 2 ships for one or both players.
bital of the system they are in and entering it. system is Red. Ships can move hex by hex Economic Points are gained by control-
This transports the ship to a corresponding across the map, or attempt to make jumps. ling collapsar systems. To have control, a
"white hole," the center of another star (the Jumps between collapsars in the same player must control more of the collapsars
casual description of how spaceships can be system are easiest, while from a Black to a (i.e., have more ships there) in the system
built to survive in a star's interior is a bit Red is almost as easy. Jumping Red to Black than his opponent. This means that even un-
flabbergasting!. However, such jumps are is more difficult. contested systems must be garrisoned for
one-way only, and the mechanics are made A ship will age 5 years for every hex it the points to be counted. Given the limited
so the path never intersects itself — each moves or jump it attempts. An "Out Of number of ships available, this is a great
black hole leads to a new star. The Terrans Tech" track is provided, and a counter for drain on a fleet. Also, calculation of
enter from off the map, and in time can reach each ship is moved on the track to show how Economic Points occurs after the second
player turn in each game-turn, giving that ship racks. In addition, the Technological some tactical flavor, the main emphasis is on
playera strong advantage. Level of the ship is recorded (a player's tech the handling of fleets rather than single
The graphics of the game are very weak, level starts at and increases by 1 every 4th vessels. Ship movement is purely two dimen-
map. It is a white hex grid
especially the turn; a ship remains at whatever tech level sional, each ship possessing a movement

superimposed on a positive print of the Crab was in effect when it was built). factor and a turn mode (the number of hexes
Nebula. Like most star-filled photos, it The cost of building or repairing ship it must move before changing direction by

shows a lot of white spots (if you look close- components is given in "Build Points." Three one hexside). Movement factors are expend-
ly, the background is really black spots on a
scenarios are given, differing in complexity. ed by moving one hex or by marking time
In the Learning and Basic scenarios, the (i.e., while movement is not mandatory,
white field). This reproduction combined
with the pale quality of the black on my copy players get all their Build Points at the start, movement point expenditure is).
(some copies may be better) give the map a with no further building or repairs allowed. The sequence of play is first to deter-
charcoal grey look. In the midst of the
The Advanced scenario gives the players a mine who has the initiative (this fact is often
Nebula, the white is so predominant that the per turn allowance of Build Points and uses specified by the scenario), and then to move
all the rules. All scenarios end when one all ships one movement factor at a time, the
hexsides disappear. The hexes appear to be
numbered SPI style, but the white numbers player has acheived a set number of victory player with the initiative moving his last.
are illegible on the mottled background. The
points (gained by occupying enemy bases) Combat occurs next; the player with the in-

two Black collapsars stand out very well, but or when both have run out of ships. with one ship and then his oppo-
itiative fires

the Reds are so pale as to be hard to see, and Combat is a semi-tactical abstraction. nent shoots, alternating until all ships have

the Yellows are almost invisible. Each player secretly writes down for each fired. Damage is inflicted immediately,
The counters are little better. The blue ship the following information: Combat tactic though, making the right of shooting first a
on white set is adequate, since the ship (attack, dodge or retreat), a target for beam tactical advantage. After combat, ships with
names are readable, if corny (Gordon, fire, a target and Drive Setting for each tractor beams may attempt to grab enemy
Rogers, Caesar, Napoleon - famous missile launched, which Systemship (if any) ships, a process which brings benefits in

spacemen all), but the red on yellow set is it will pick up or launch, and its power alloca- subsequent combat and may allow
not. For some reason, the designer printed
tion. Power is allocated to Drives for "capture" of the ship for victory purposes at
these names in Greek. Fortunately for maneuver (the number of PD points the end of the scenario.
players who are not classical scholars, each allocated is the Drive Setting) and to beams At the heart of the game mechanics is
ship has an ID number as well, in good ol' and screens for combat (the number of PD the mix offensive and defensive systems on
Arabic numerals. The rules are only four points to each determines how strong the at- the ships. Offensively there are guns,
pages long, and surprisingly complete. The tack or defense is), and a point must be pro- missiles and assorted beams, while the
scope of the rules is small, however, so that vided to each tube that fires a missile. The defense uses shields, armor, overload
total points cannot exceed the ship's PD dampeners and point defense systems.
while what's there is complete, there ain't
rating, nor can beams or screens be powered Other ship systems include fire control,
much to it. Save your money.
beyond their base value. engines (the sum of engines is the ship's
Combat is resolved by cross-indexing movement and various non-combat
WARP WAR on a matrix the tactic of the attacking ship (or
types such as cargo holds.
Metagaming, 1977 missile) with its target, and determining the
For each system on a ship, a code letter
Design: Howard Thompson difference between the combatants' Drive
is written in the ship's "control sheet" (i.e.,
16-page rulebook, 56 strip-cut counters, 8H"x Settings. The result will be escape (if the
scratch paper). For example, a Corvette
14" map, packed in a 4 Si " x 7S4 " pouch. $2.95. defender retreated), miss or hit. Beam hits
might be SSAHRLII which means2shields, 1
Like many of the MicroGames, Warp score points equal to the power applied plus
armor, 1 hold, 1 missile launcher, 1 laser and
War packs a goodly amount of interest into a the Tech Level, missiles equal to 2 plus the
Tech 2 engines. When a weapon fires, a dice roll
small package. It is a strategic military game Level.After totalling all hit points
equal to or less than that prescribed for the
with a quasi-tactical combat resolution that scored on a ship, the powered Screen points
uses' a diceless system. There is a minor ef- plus the Tech Level is subtracted to deter-
weapon at that range is needed for a hit. If
the hit is made, the amount of damage is
fort to show elapsed time effects, but it mine the net damage. Each point destroys
determined by cross-indexing the weapon
merely boils down to old ships being not as one attribute factor of the defending player's
choice (e.g., if a ship that had PD 5 with 2 type with range on another table. Each
good as new ones.
damage point wipes out a system, usually in
The map contains 28 star hexes, all of tubes and a 3 screen took three hits, it could
order from right to left. Some weapons ig-
which are connected to at least one other lose all three screen factors, or one each
from PD, tubes and screens, etc.). Warp nore shields or armor, while overload
one by a "warp line." Three stars at each end
of the board are designated as bases, for pro- Generators cannot be hit, but once a ship has
dampeners can negate certain types of hits.
There are ten scenarios, which are
duction and victory purposes. There are two lost all other attributes, it is destroyed.
meant to be played in order. Drawn from two
types of spaceships. Systemships must re- The game system is clean and playable,
separate wars between earth and other star-
main in the base hex where they are built, but poorly suited for solitaire play. An ir-
faring races, they are representative of the
unless they are carried by one of the other ritating simplification lies in the fact that
progress of the wars; thus, they start simply
type — the Warpships — which can move Tech Level affects only the amount of dam- and increase in complexity, mainly due to the
hex by hex across the map (at one movement age done in combat. It has no bearing on increase of ships on each side and the addi-
point per hex) and from one star to another ship movement or the ability to score a hit in
tion of new systems. Starfire is both a multi-
via warp line (also at a cost of one movement the first place. Given the scope of a
scenario game and a system that could be
point). The Warpships must stop moving MicroGame, this is not a terrible omission,
used for tactical combat resolution in
when entering a star hex containing enemy especially since the rules encourage players
another game or in a campaign context. Ex-
ships. After the phasing player finishes all to make up their own where they want more
tensive information on building custom
movement for his turn, he resolves combat in complication. Given such official "approval,"
designed ships is included, with rules for
all hexes where both players have ships the game can be viewed as a starting point
(checking victory conditions and building or
repairs and modifications.
for whatever complexities the players can
While many of the elements of this
repairing ships is done prior to movement). mutually agree upon.
game are similar to other types of systems
Each ship is represented on the board by (e.g., naval boardgamesand miniatures), the
a counter with type and ID number only. All
STARFIRE blend is an excellent and playable system
details are recorded on paper. A ship can be Task Force Games, 1979 with a lot of enjoyment potential, and is
provided with a number of Power/Drive (PD) Design: Stephen V. Cole reasonably suited for solitaire play. There is
points — the PD value is also its movement 24-page ratebook, 108 die-cut counters, 16" x an irksome element, though. The designer
allowance on the map — a beam weapon, an 21" map, ziplock bag. $4.95. has stated that the scale is one-half light-
energy screen, one or more missile tubes Starfire is an operational space combat second per hex and ten seconds per turn. In
with missiles, and in the case of Warpships, a game for two players, each controlling this context, the weapons are unbelievably
Warp Generator and one or more System- several ships. While the combat system has effective. Missiles can travel 20 hexes in one

turn (merely the speed of light) and guns can lection of phonemes that range in flavor from out it can still be hit; such hits count as "ex-
hit targets nearly a million miles away travel- Arabic to pseudo-Slavic, while Rigelian cess damage," but enough of them will
ling at relativistic speeds. Rather than names are simply Germanic. The High Seas destroy the ship even if other systems remain
swallow this whole, it is better to forget what Fleet is also added to the roster, and WW II functional. However, allocation of hits to
the scales are supposed to be and just play armor as well, such as Wespe, Hummel, systems uses a fairly complex hierarchy
the game. Hetzer and Nashorn. Going from ships to schedule that spreads the damage around.
scenarios, one finds the Rigelian carriers Besides major starships, the game includes
STARFI RE II smashed Khanate battleships "at anchor" at shuttlecraft carried aboard the starship
Task Force Games, 1980 a base called "Paurl Harbor." After that, the which can undertake a variety of missions in
Design: Barry Jacobs Terrans, who could read their codes, beat battle. Also included are drones (guided

30-page rulebook, 108 die-c the Rigels in a battle at a place called Midway torpedoes) as well as fighters (specialized
21" map, zip/ock bag. $4.95 Station. shuttles).
A more serious and functional flaw is in The key operation in each game-turn is
the use of fighters as missile firing ships. The dividing up available energy among the
rules allow all fighters in a squadron (up to 6 weapons, defenses, movement and
units) to fire a single volley, with as many as miscellaneous operations. After this is done,
four missiles per fighter. A 24 missile volley movement is pre-plotted. Movement resolu-
will seriously damage, if not cripple, all but tionis broken up into as many as 32 impulses

the most heavily protected ships. Since inwhich a ship can move at most one hex per
fighters can land, be re-armed, take off and impulse. Following movement in each im-
get in firing position again in as few as 4-5 pulse, weapons may be fired, damage taking
turns, this is an overwhelming capability effect before the next impulse. Each weapon
tempered only by a limit on the number of can be fired only once per turn; deciding just
missile reloads available. would suggest
I when to pull the trigger is another "Com-

that players making up their own ships mand Decision" left up to the harried player-
and/or scenarios limit the size of fighter captain.
volleys so that a fighter-heavy force is not A variety of basic scenarios are provid-
undervalued in game terms. ed, including the space amoeba and Dooms-
don't think anyone who buys this game
I day machine familiar to TV viewers. There
will be dissatisfied with it. Those owning are two campaign games as well: The Cap-
Starfire will get additional interesting tain's Game has the player trying to survive,
material, while those who do not own the intact and victorious, through six of the
original will still get a nice, fast, playable and regular scenarios in a specified order, while
non- taxing recreation at a low price. the Star Fleet Defense Game pits the Federa-
tion against an invasion of Klingons or
Romulans. There is also a mini-game
STAR FLEET BATTLES representing the First Romulan War that
Task Force Games, 1979 (1980) uses "primitive" ships on both sides. The Ad-
Design: Stephen V, Cole vanced Game and new races added in
the Designer's Edition are covered by a rules
Star Fleet Battles originally came in a
section revising these basic scenarios, as
package similar to that of Starfire at a §4.95
well as adding a clutch of new ones. Heavily
price. However, a boxed "Designer's
TNs game, while complete in itself, is Edition" is now available (at S1 2.95) with ex-
featured are the Pirates, but natural!?)
based on Starfire. In 9 scenarios it covers the disasters still appear: "The Moray Eel of
panded components. The rules have beep
conflict of the Terran Empire and the Space," "The Cosmic Cloud," and "The
amended and enlarged, additional ships and
Khanate of Orion with the mysterious bases added, the board made 50% bigger,
Coming of the Meteor.
Rigelians. With minor deletions and major Despite the minute details with which
and the little extras included, such as grease
additions, the mechanics are those of Star- the player has to contend, this is neither a dif-
pencils and sheet protectors for marking ship
fire; added is an Assault Movement Phase ficult game to learn (mastering it is another
control sheets, so that photocopies need not
after combat for certain ships, followed by matter) or to play as long as the player
be obtained.
an attack phase for Fighters, a new vessel in- doesn't try to handle too many ships at once.
Star Force Battles is a tactical space bat-
troduced here (along with "Fighter Carriers" Fleet actions with this game system are like
tlegame. While confined to only two-dimen-
for transporting them). This game does not division-sized battles for PanzerBlitz — for
sional space, it is more highly detailed than
contain the rules for ship construction and the fanatic only.
Starfire. The game universe is at heart that of
repair, though information about the new
Star Trek (though probably for legal reasons,
elements is provided so those rules can be that title is never mentioned); the designer
applied. Like the original, Starfire II is fast
has tried to meld TV shows, "novelized Expansion Module #1
and fun to play. The rules are comprehen- scripts" and "semi-official" data into the Task Force Games, 1980
sive, well-written and complete. Learning
game. It includes not only your basic Federa- Edited: Stephen Wilcox and Barry Jacobs
them should be a snap even for an inex- tion, Klingons and Romulans, but waik-ons (over two dozen individuals are credited for
perienced gamer.
as well like the Corn and Kzinti (who were in- various design elements)
The flaws of the game are numerous but cluded when a Larry Niven "Known Space" 38-page rulebook, 64 die-cut counters, 20 control
largely trivial, as in Starfire. Its mechanics story was adapted for a cartoon series sheets, ziplock bag. $4.95
seem more suited to sea-going than space- episode). The Designer's Edition added the This is not a game in its own right, but
faring ships, and the putative scale is Tholians and "Orian Pirates [sic]".to the cast rather a supplement to Star Fleet Battles.
ludicrous. A purely cosmetic problem crops as well. The rulebook opens with a brief explanation
up in the usage of names, where the designer In Starfire, each ship contained a variety to this effect, followed by nine pages of "ad-
suffered an extreme case of cutes. The roster of systems; one hit destroyed one system, ditional rules, erratta [sic] and clarifications
of Terran battleships sounds like the Grand and when all were gone, so was the ship. In for the Designer's Edition." Then comes
Fleet at Jutland, which is not too bad com- Star Force Battles, on the other hand, each seven pages of new weapons, including the
pared to a class of battlecruisers including ship system is represented by a group of hit "Catling phaser" (which can fire up to 4
the Count of Transylvania, the Duke of boxes on the ship control sheet (a printed times per turn), the Romulan Mauler (both
Hazard and the Earl of Campbell. And while form, not just scrap paper). As long as any an energy beam weapon and the ship which
the "Comet" class may sound innocuous, it hit boxes remain, the system can still func- carries it), and improved types of Fighter-
includes Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen tion, though possibly at reduced effec- Shuttlecraft. Next follows five pages of new
as well. Khanate names are an unlikely col- tiveness. Once a system is entirely knocked ship types, including some for two new.
[continue on pap 35j

piciously like a horse's head). Atop the il- niche). Mutation the act of replacing a

Games lustration are a few which, when the

rest of the plant or animal is formed, will spell
out a fanciful name. If you've ever wondered
what a "trunkoon" was, now you know that
quirk part from one's hand or from the ap-
propriate deck. If the lower niche is unoc-
cupied, the player may build (ah — evolve) a
two-part quirk from his hand or the decks to
it has an elephant's head, a sloth's body, and fill the vacancy. Drawing quirk parts from the
QUIRKS cocoons during the larval stage. The
itself deck gives the player variety, while playing
Dttign and Development: Bill Eberle, Jack Kituedge, trunkoon, by the way, is one of the saner cards from the hand gives the player
Peter Olotka species you can encounter in QUtRKSwortd. control.
Development: Ned Horn may be because of my disinterest in
(It The third option available is to challenge
Mail order and retail sales
Botany, but when you've seen one plant- another player's quirk, A
player may
Eon Products, $12.00
QUiRK, you've seen them afl.) challenge the upper niche quirk if he
Today's science and fantasy (specula- The evolution of the quirks (as complete possesses the lower niche quirk, or the lower
tive, collectively speaking) fiction authors plants and animals are called) is governed by niche quirk if he owns neither quirk* A suc-
possess an originality when plotting ra- a climate track. This track, for reasons cessful challenge is either the result of
tionales unparalleled in any other fiction known only to the designers, has nothing to guesswork, bluff or dumb luck.
genre. Sf&f game designers, on the other do with climate, instead displaying ocean, Each trait is coded for the environment
hand, routinely display a lack of imagination forest plains, desert and jungle e/7- in which it is most useful. A trait with code
reminiscent of the pulp writers of the 19GQ's. vironments. Also displayed are plant, her- "OFJ" is desired in the ocean, forest and
Consumers are expected to subsist on a bivore and carnivore niches, which really are jungle environments, but anathema in the
steady diet of tactical space battles, clashes niches. plains and deserts. These codes are conceal-
between and rebellions against empires, and ed by the owning player's identity marker,
enough elves, dragons and malevolent and only he can look at them untii a chal-
wizards to keep Faerie safe from Christen- lenge to extinction is resolved, However, if
dom forever. The recurrent use of these the challenger can't guess that baleen teeth
uninspired themes cannot be totally made up
will help the challenged quirk in the ocean,
for by innovation in game design and sound
he should try something less demanding, like
development; the construction of a plausible Uncle Wiggfy.
background is as much the responsibility of a Whether a carnivore or herbivore has an
sf&f game designer as proper research is ex-
appropriate food source also figures in the
pected of the historical simulation ist quirk's total value, the colored symbol in
Eon Products is a vivid exception in this the carnivore head matches that on the her-
drab landscape of hackneyed backgrounds.
bivore's tail, the carnivore gains points while
The company debuted a few years ago with the herbivore loses them, If the colors do not
the marvellous Cosmic Encounters, which
match, the herbivore flourishes and the car-
deserves recognition as a classic. Eon has nivore doesn't. The same relationship holds
never been afraid to tackle the most bizarre true for the colored symbofs on herbivore
of subjects (which QUiRKS assuredly is),
and plant heads.
provided the end result is a simple multi- The challenge procedure is styled on the
player design. An Eon product is almost
traditional Eon challenge mechanic. The
always a combination of design and graphic challenger completes his quirk: if the
craftsmanship. This high standard extends
challenge is in the lower niche, a new two-
to their supplements, reinforcing Eon's uni-
part quirk is formed; if the challenge is in the
queness in the field. (When the full five sup- upper niche, a third part is added to the lower
plements are added to Cosmic Encounters, it niche quirk, The challenger looks at his latest
is not so much played as experienced. Im-
wonder, and secretly decides whether he will
pressive, but for experts only J
go through with the challenge. The challeng-
QUiRKS proudly bills itself as "the game ed player may then mutate the defending
of un-natural selection!" The colorful, attrac-
Pfay begins with the sorting of the cards quirk,and then chooses whether he will ac-
tive, strange and very crowded cover picture
into eight decks, A three-part quirk is placed cept the challenge. (My mind still refuses to
clearly indicates that the subject is evolution
in the upper three niches, while a two-part accept the creature with a bear's head and
{of a sort), without a hint of the sexual devia-
quirk is placed in the lower three niches. shark's fins that I evolved in a moment of
tion suggested by the sub-title. The word
Since this process is random, the initial crea- desperation.)
"loosely" is missing from a pronouncement
tions might be wholly inappropriate to the If one player has folded, the other ob-
that the game is "based on evolutionary prin-
1 ocean environment in which all creatures viously wins. If both fold, the challenged
ciples/ but given a choice, Darwinians great and small begin. The players also draw quirk retains his position. If both players
would play QUiRKS instead of going elect to stay to the bitter end, the values are
hands, which consist of nine cards (a com-
through a second Scopes' monkey trial
plete plant, herbivore and carnivore). compared: the challenger wins only if his
The components are unusually flimsy value is higher than that of the challenged.
The object of this exercise is to possess
for an Eon product, Everything but the rules
quirks occupying the three upper niches. The losing quirk is extinct, and its cards are
must be separated by hand, and is printed on removed from play. Three extinct creatures
Each trait has a value, dependent on the cur-
thin stock, However, none of the cards with
rent environment; the sum of the quirk's end a player's feeble attempt at godhood:
which played was in imminent danger of

he's out of the game.

three trait values is a rating. The scales and
disintegrating even after three enthusiastic
fins which were so useful in the ocean will When a player's turn is over, he has a
have to mutate into something on the order choice of movi ng a marker one or two spaces
Play of the game revolves around the of digging claws if the quirk is to survive in along the climate track (which really con-
use of 108 cards, which represent char- the forest A quirk must adapt to the chang- cerns environments, as you wilJ remember),
acteristics of plants and animals. Each plant ing environments if it is to prosper (or be depending on whether he likes or dislikes the
or animal is divided into a head, trunk and owned by a player who is a good bluffer, but current environment. Just to keep things in-
tall, though some unfortunates must make such a skill is not based on these vaunted teresting, a random mutation occurs every
do with only two parts. A
card informs the principles of evolution). six spaces, prompting the players to fresh fits
player what trait the animal or plant is given A player begins his turn by picking a fate of hysterical giggles as some new im-
(e,g,, prehensile tail), and includes a pretty il- card, which tells him in which niche he may probability emerges. And so it goes.
lustration which corresponds to this trait operate. If he has a quirk in that niche, he QUiRKu nas one more rule which gives
("grinding teeth/' for example, is accom- may mutate the quirk (a player can never away its Eon lineage. When one player has all
panied by something which looks sus- have a quirk in both the upper and lower the quirks in the upper niches, the other
players are allowed a series of last-ditch his scientific theory, and rarely erred in con- too sensible for bloodthirsty instincts. An in-
challenges to try to stave off defeat. This structing his universe. The other is Marc teresting twist causes war to be more likely
would have, had it been included, solved the Miller's rather flabby futures for the Traveller when contact is between few ships. Space
major problem with Cosmic Encounters: the universe. Marc's extrapolations work well as fleets that encounter each other, however,
random nature of the fate discs often allows background for adventure stories, but leave are likely to negotiate a peace.
a player to sneak through to victory, possibly a lot to be desired for sf purists (who should The goal of every player is to garner as
ruining what has been a fine diplomatic see the misleadingly named Space Opera in- many systems with high technological (tech)
game. stead). With Simonsen's universe on hold levels as possible. A system must be ex-
QUIRKS has more serious problems with the continued non-appearance of plored, then seeded with a colony, before it
than Cosmic Encounters. A player will soon Against Four Worlds, Newberg has taken the can be developed. One of the great pleasures
learn the values of the various traits, even if responsibility for addressing the future in a of playing Dark Stars is the first foray into a
he makes no conscious attempt to do so. manner compatible with the latest astro- star system. The ships pick their way
This obsolescence can be alleviated by pur- physical findings. through nine orbitals, arrive at the planet, ex-
chasing one or both of the expansion sets Do not be fooled by Newberg's guerilla plore it, and — given any foresight by the
(seems I've seen this one before), which ex- warfare with the English language. (At least player — establishan outpost.
tends the playing "life" of the game. The lack he has a sense of humor about his shortcom- The crucial decisions during the game
of diplomacy find to be uncorrectable; a
I ings; after a fascinating ramble through a are in economics. Each system produces
game of QUiRKS is a series of one-to-one black hole/white hole theory, he dismisses double its tech level in econ points per turn,
confrontations between players, with the us: "So much for background.") His science and these points are usable anywhere. Cer-
cast changing in stately order from lurn indicates he has read a goodly portion of tainly that is an "unrealistic" abstraction, but
to turn. the impressive bibliography, and under- it saves much tedious bookkeeping. These
Eon has also provided a solitaire and stands his data base well. steadfastly plump
I points can be used to build new units, raise
children's version. Solitaire QUiRKS is a for double-star systems including (possibly the tech level of a planet, and must be spent
which the player must meet a cer-
pu?2le, in habitable) planets, though Steve takes the to maintain planetary stability.
tain score from the hand dealt to him. I correct and conservative approach that such A planet's tech level can drop if it does
assume that, after a while, the player can systems do not. not remain stable. The chance of a planet be-
look at the distribution of cards and ac- A quick perusal through the com- ing stable is governed by the amount of econ
curately predict the precise result The ponents discloses a remarkable resemblance points spent on it. An elegant variation on
children's game is excellent. It not only can to StarForce. To paraphrase one of the truly the star empire effect is acheived, because a
be played over and over without falling into a lifeless cliches, don't judge a game by its player can choose between the conservative
rut, it shows thought. For instance, the components. The blue and gray map may be - and probably decadent - solid|y-based
youngest child present is given the advan- virtually identical in layout (even to the power, or the expansionist empire racked
tage of playing first. In an industry noted for system display!), the counters may be a with internal strife.
terrible "tack-on" versions of games, variation of the StarForce theme, but the Movement for the three races native to
QUiRKS is a refreshing change. rules are different. The counter
entirely the galaxy is treated as an extension of cur-
Any Eon game is faced with near- graphics are nice, as is the MacGowan cover rent physical law. Faster-than-light travel has
impossible challenge of being measured illo, but the rest of the package is drab. been achieved, but the law of motion still ap-
against Cosmic Encounters. QUiRKS Our story begins in a galaxy inhabited by plies: a ship travelling at FTL speeds must ac-
doesn't, as might be expected, compare three star-faring races in the developing celerate and decelerate between speeds.
favorably with its predecessor, and, ultimate- stages. The dramatis species are the Riin Thus, if a ship is travelling at five hexes per
ly, is fun for only a limited number of times. turn, it must travel a minimum of three hexes
(advertised as quadripodial; we know what
The game is quite good until that point of Steve means...), the Gzrel (a middle-class on the next turn. The Terrans use a one-way
diminishing returns is reached, and the avian race), the Tasaar or Tassar (the text white hole/black hole transport net, in which
premise is delightfuly different. Buy QUiRKS fluctuates spellings), and — to no
between a ship goes into a star to arrive at a destina-
if only to support a highly creative and eclec-
one's great surprise — renegade Terran em- tion from which it cannot return (by that
tic company, and be amused in the bargain. route, at any rate). Combat is absurdly sim-
pire builders. The introduction of "Terran"
into the lexicon is a nice example of life im-
ple, using a table which could just as easily

itating art: some sf writer must have become come from a basic wargame.
Dark Stars tired with his bug-eyed monsters chomping The forms provided for bookkeeping are
Deiign and Development Stephen M. Newberg on Earthlings, and reached back for his Latin not adequate. Players should make their own
Mail Order and retail sales lessons. No one thinks of himself as a Terran, to photocopy and ignore the back of the
Simulations Canada. $11.99 (baggedl, $13.99 (boxed)
yet that is how we will undoubtedly in- rulebook.
Simulations Canada is Steve Newberg troduce ourselves to our first contact. Dark Stars is essentially a simple, time-
and Canada's modest-sized entry into the Newberg subscribes to the design ra- consuming, solitaire exercise. Interplayer
wargame field, not necessarily in that order. tionale "every race to its own." Each race has contact is discouraged by the system, which
Since SimCan started a few years ago, Steve a different method of faster-than-light move- makes sense in light of the rationale. cannot I

has shown a fine design talent, an occasional ment and of combat, even though the say the game is very rewarding face-to-face,
unfamiliarity with the English language relative technology levels are roughly but it should be an excellent play-by-mail
(mayhaps a victim of a French separatist equivalent. On reflection, this seems dubi- vehicle.The rules are not complex enough to
plot), and an ability to simulate campaigns ous; the history of inventions demonstrates daunt a referee, and the time required of the
from really obscure historical periods that that it is nearly impossible to develop many players is just right for a postal campaign. I'm
transcends even the nascent GDW. He is so different, equally efficient methods of not sure this was the design direction New-
enamored of covering unappreciated military achieving the same goal. Or, to examine the berg sought to head in, but he should be
history that he says he will avoid science fic- corollary, probable that, even given
is it
commended for his treatment of the science
tion for the foreseeable future. Too bad. If these different methods, none of the races and an interesting game.
Dark Stars is any guide, he could be the first would discover a method identical to one of Eric Goldberg
lucid proponent of "hard" science fiction to the other's within a group of four?
come along in quite some time.
Only two philosophies have been Dark Stars is primarily an exploration,
developed in more than one release in the
adventure gaming field for serious science
fiction. Redmond Simonsen propounded the
first in BattleFleet: Mars, StarForce and the
other games in that universe. Redmond's
colonization and economic game, with com-
bat for the foolish or endgame, when all the
good planetary systems have been settled.
When one race meets another, the two
players engage in diplomacy. The players do
strictaccuracy sometimes interfered with the not have the usual full control over their
play of these games, but he was grounded in s' a 'ns vis a vis competitors. The system is

to the length of the film, forty-five minutes scanner. All his sculptures show trapped

Rlm& were reportedly trimmed to bring it down to

a more comfortable showing time. Although
this does leave a noticeable hole in the film, it
does not rob one of understanding. Whether
people or figures, or just heads trying to
release things from within which do not
belong there. These scenes offer an excellent
insight into the unusual mental process of a

Television or not the cut was truly necessary, it does not

affect the quality of Scanners.
Similar scenes, often filled with incredi-
For the first time in many years, an ble bits of understated filmmaking, coupled

SCANNERS honest, old-wave, "hard" science fiction

movie has been made. Recently, we have
with the imaginative use of special effects
which abound, make Scanners an excellent
Executive Produce™: Pierre David & Victor Solicki gotten into the habit of equating science fic- film, although a tough one at times to sit
Producer Claude Heroux tion films with space battles and lasar shoot- through. The film is much like Alien;
Director: David Cronenberg 'em-ups. Wehave forgotten of late what the although both are firmly rooted in science
Screenplay: David Cronenberg
term really means. Scanners is a welcome fiction, they are both still horror films.
Cast addition to a genre of film much broader than Cronenberg himself says, "I want to scare
Stephen Lack Vale close encounters and jedi knights. people. want to provide a mood that com-

Jennifer O'Neill Kim bines the physically terrifying and mentally

Palrick McGoohen Dr. Ruth unsettling - and I think I've accomplished
Lawrence Dane Keller this in Scanners."
Michael Ironside Revo* He is correct. Many
the scenes of
Writer/ director David Cronenberg has a throughout the film, especially
the final duel
certain obsession; for one reason or another, between Vale and Revok are rough, gritty,
getting things out of the human body has bloody, frightening sequences. Unlike so
been the focal point of most of his films. In many of his contemporaries, Cronenberg
They Came From Within it was an alien strain taxes his audience to the limit, demanding
of VD; in The Brood it was genetically that they both think and feel throughout the
twisted babies. Now, in Scanners it is other film. He has made an excellent film while not
people's thoughts. underestimating the people who would be
Cronenberg's "scanners" are a random watching it. Scanners is top-notch entertain-
group of people who gained tremendous ment. It is haunting, exciting, shocking and
mental powers due to an unsafe baby drug literate — an unusual combination to
which upsets their normal development. The discover in a film these days.
drug was quickly pulled from the market, but Christopher John
not before it had started several hundred in-
fants on their way to becoming scanners. HANGER IS
The film begins with the most powerful Producer: Charles E. Sellier, Jr.
scanner of all, Revok, attacking a govern- Director: James L. Conway
At glance, Scanners appears to be
ment agency. He has determined to gather Screenplay: Steven Thorn ley
just another horror movie. Avco Embassy's
all willing scanners to his cause, and kill the
own promotional material calls the scanners Cast
rest. His target is a scanner working for the Damn WcGavin Harry Forbes
people who "possess mental abilities which
government. He manages to eliminate his Robert Vaughn . Gordon Cain
are supernatural..." which is totally
target, and then escape two carloads of arm- Gary Collins Steve Bancroft
misleading. The film's action arises from a
ed agents trying to stop him. James Hampton
research scientist who discovers a product
From this point, the plot slowly begins Joseph Campanella Frank Laferty
he feels will help mothers through pregnan-
to unfold. The government's Dr. Ruth
cy, which he tests on his own wife and then Hanger 18 is at heart the best television
(Patrick McGoohan! tells his agency that
markets. There is no netherworld influence movie ever made. If you missed it in your
Revok (Michael Ironside) has either found or
involved. This confusion has caused a neighborhood theater, don't worry; it should
of the other scanners except one.
killed all
number of people to dismiss the film out of be on TV by the end of the year. Not that
Vale (Stephen Lack), the last free scanner, is
hand, simply because they have not under- Hanger 18 is a bad film, it is merely a very
under Ruth's care. Ruth's plan is to send Vale
stood it. Many elements, clearly outlined in uninspired one.
after Revok to either stop him, or at least lead
the film, have been called unclear by the A being launched into orbit
satellite is
the government to him. Vale agrees in return
Vale's stuttering and wooden speech
critics. from a space shuttle, as the film opens. The
for Ruth's help.
patterns have been labeled bad acting. Yet in satellitecrashes into a UFO, knocking the
Cronenberg's premise is that scanners
the beginning of the film we are told the man ship from the skies and killing one of the
suck in all of the thoughts of the other people
is awkward because of his years of limited shuttle astronauts. Since the revelation of
in the area around them. With the thoughts

of dozens of people blasting at them twenty-

social contact. We
are told he does not know the flying saucer would hurt the incumbent
four hours a day, most of the scanners have
how to speak. We
are also shown that the president's re-election chances (he has been
scanning process is the linking of one per- a big "there are no UFO's" supporter), the
become recluses, living as far from the ma-
son's nervous system to another. Later, White House Chief -of- Staff (Robert
jority of the world as they can. They are anti-
telephone and computer systems are com- Vaughn) covers up the crash. The UFO is
social, angry, frightened; they are often
pared to human nervous systems. Yet when found and then hidden, and the blame for
backward in their speech patterns and un-
Vale connects his nervous system to a com- the accident is laid on the two surviving
tutored in the ways of social conduct.
puter, several critics have charged that this astronauts, the idea being that after the elec-
Both Revok and Ruth havea drug which portion of the film makes no sense. tion "the truth" will be revealed and the
allows. scanners to move about in crowds Cronenberg's problem here is that he astronauts cleared.
without suffering the side-effects of their has disguised an intelligent, audience-de- No one bothers to tell the astronauts,
powers. For reasons of his own, Ruth wants manding film as just another horror-quickie. however. Determined to unveil the cover-up,
to bring peace to the scanners, while Revok It is not. Despite the emphasis placed by the
flyboys Gary Collins and James Hampton
wants them to ban together to rule the film's advertising campaign on the movie's play detective, getting involved in car
world. Secretly, he is administering the baby special effects, it is still an amazingly crashes and killing secret service men right
drug to pregnant women without their con- coherent and trenchant piece of work. and left as they close in on the stashed flying
sent, his motive being to raise thousands of An interesting facet of the film is the saucer.
scanners to become his army. "scanner" symbolism which runs through- In the meantime, government teams
It sounds like the stuff of "B" films, but
out. Cronenberg brilliantly portrays the pour over the ship, discovering the secrets of
it is not. Cronenberg has written a highly anguish of his scanners in two scenes, both man and the universe in about a week
literate script, and directed it flawlessly. Due including the works of an artist who is a roughly.

Hanger 18 is not a bad. film.

All in all. and an unformulated sense of wonder sorely continue for thirteen hours a story has allow-
Relying heavily on the "Chariot Of The lacking in our own shows. American adven- ed the crew of the Yamoto to develop true
Gods" theory, it weaves a pseudo-scientific ture cartoons always came in short seven or personalities. Nearly all American animation
explanation for flying saucers, "proving" eight minute lumps: find monster, kill is interchangeable. There is no development;

that ancient astronauts were the missing link monster, make world safe, hug girl. The the episodes can be shown in any order.
which started the caveman on his way to the Japanese competition offered half-hour Tezuka and Masuda realized that their
suburbs. There are sturdy performances by stories which sometimes continued three characters, like people, needed to lead linear
Darren McGavin and Joe Campanella as well and four episodes. The story lines were tight, lives so that they could grow. Unlike Star

as by everyone else. The special effects are the characters fresh, and the animation far Trek even with its relatively well -developed
very good. The hard and software portrayed superior to what anyone else was doing. characters, no one aboard the Yamoto falls
lend a good deal of believability to the film. Finally, in the early 1970's, a full length in love in a half an hour, or walks on screen

The major problem is that we have seen entitled Space Cruiser,

animated feature for a few seconds to die conveniently. The
it all before. Between Saturday morning car- Yamoto was released in the Japanese Starblazers develop their friendships, love
toons, Erich von Daniken, and a lot of recent It was the tale of a resurrected
theaters. affairs and hatreds slowly, normally. When

space operas, there is nothing new in Hanger World War battleship rebuilt as a space-
II someone dies, it is just as likely to be a major
18. Try as it may, it is just a rehashing of all going dreadnought that was to be used in a character as an extra.
the rumors and theories that have been desperate attempt to prevent the destruction Behind this rather unusual script
heard since the mid-60's. The movie itself is of the earth. The success of the film was as- development lies the fact that the crew of the
based on the popular story that the govern- tounding, breaking box office records Yamoto is not where the show's emphasis
ment really did find a downed UFO
the in throughout Japan. Quickly, the show's pro- lies; rather, it iswith the Yamoto itself. In
desert, complete with intact alien bodies. ducer, Osamu Tezuka padded out the Japan, the ship is the show's major
This tale surfaces every few years, with not- movie's storyline into 26 half-hour episodes. character. The Yamoto symbolizes strength,
too-stable people cursing the evils of In Space Cruiser Yamoto first aired on
1974, courage and perseverance. Small, and
American politicians for hiding such a spec- Japanese television during prime time. It was always outnumbered, still it can not be stop-
tacular find. a smash success and consistently took a ped. The Yamoto is more than a machine —
40% share of the audience. it has a soul. For the Japanese, the Yamoto is
lot of people con-
Despite the fact that a
sider the film to be something of a documen- Since then, there have been three more almost alive.
tary, it isn't; is no actual Hanger 18
there feature films, and 78 more episodes made Because of this quirk, when the show is
Taft International has delivered a well-made, from them. Last summer, the fourth Yamoto translated, it takes on a quality of real life
tidy little movie, but nothing more. It is pretty feature outdrew The Empire Strikes Back at usually reserved for soap operas. In truth,
to look at, occasionally involving, and does the Japanese box offices. Throughout the Starblazers might well be called a never
have an upbeat ending, but it also has no real world, Yamoto (renamed Starblazers for ending science fiction soap opera. When
foreign markets) has proved itself both shown in the US in a five-times-a-week for-
Hanger 18 is the perfect Sunday even- highly salesworthy and easily merchandised. mat, it is nothing more than a soap for
ingmovie for television. If you watch closely, Only in America have set-backs kept the heroism junkies. Watching an episode here
you can even see the spaces they planned for show from the public. In syndication here or there is harmless fun, but starting at the
the commercials. since the fall of 1979, only a relatively few beginning and watching twenty-six episodes
Christopher John people know of the show. in a row is something more. Suddenly you
One of the primary reasons for the know the people in front of the screen. You
STARBLAZERS show's failure is that none of the networks discover the painful reasons why Wildstar is
wanted it. Blissfully ignoring the fact that the a loner; why Avatar drives his crew the way
Producers: VoshinoOu Nis, Osamu Tezuka
show drew huge adult audiences around the he does; why Nova loves Wildstar and not
Director; Toshio Masuda
world, the big three turned it down solely Venture, etc. It is a continual unfolding of
Animation Director: Noboru Ishiguro
because it was a cartoon show, and "every- human drama, sometimes funny, often
Screenplay: Keisuke Fujikawa, Eiichi Yamanoto
one knows that cartoons are only for kids. touching, but always real.
Mmic: Hiroshi Miyagawa
There is little point, and no room for, a
V\sso many other things, America
in Failing to the reach
prime- time description of the plotline. With 52 episodes
once led the world in the field of animation. American market, Starblazers was sold into already translated and on the air in America,
The dynamic strength characteristic of this syndication. Further troubles were awaiting and another 52 being translated at present, it
country showed through in our cartoons. it, however. Like the networks, local stations
would be impossible to do the series justice
Our heroes were the likes of honest and around the country refused to believe a car- in the space available.
clever Mickey Mouse or strong and fearless toon show could interest anyone but The show is rapidly becoming a cult
Popeye the sailor. American cartoons, while children. Thus, it was aired at 6:00 in the phenomenon. Like the British import, Dr.
wild and colorful, were eight minute morality morning or 2:00 the afternoon, and
in if
Who, Starblazers has received a lot of good
plays, constantly showing the underdog when it got on the air at all. press. Without once having been on during
triumphant. Movie houses were packed just An adverse market has not kept the prime time anywhere in the country, the
as easily by the newest Bugs Bunny short as Starblazers down. Wherever it has been show has gathered a following totalling in
they were by Bogart, Cooper or the Three aired, the show has picked up enormous the hundreds of thousands.
Stooges. grass root support. The reasons for this en- Furthermore, unfortunately, by not be-
Two things helped knock American thusiasm are obvious. First, Starblazers has ing a network show, it can also be pulled
animation into the basement: soaring pro- been excellently dubbed into English. Unlike from the air at any time, as viewers in New
duction costs and the voracious appetite of the quick-cram-in-a-lot-of-words-real-fast York City discovered when a local station
television, both of which cheapened the pro- style of earlier imports such as Speed Racer, pulled it without warning in mid-continuity.
duct. While TV audiences wanted more the dubbing here is crisp and well-paced. When the same happened in Washington,
new cartoons every day, rising prices forced There is more acting than reciting in D.C., audience response was fierce enough
studios to cut corners. In the 1940's, the evidence. Second, even though Starblazers to have the show put back on the air the very
Warner Studios turned out approximately makes use of as much limited animation as next day.
160 minutes of animated fare a year. In the the next cartoon, it does so much more Starblazers is well worth more than one
1960's, Hanna-Barbara was turning out 75 to creatively. Because director Toshio viewing, even if it is run at 6:30 in the morn-
90 minutes worth a week. Today, there is lit- Masuda uses live-action film techniques, ing. It may be the only chance you'll have to
tle quality work being done at any of our even when the characters stand around in see a beautiful and exciting work of art.
country's studios. conversation, they are shown using close- Christopher John
Such work is being done, however, in ups, pans, and jump-action. Masuda gives
Japan. During the early 1960's, shows such Starblazers near wide-screen depth through
as Kimba The White Lion, Gigantor and
Astroboy were imported to our shores. They
were instant hits. They had action, pathos,
the attention he has paid to background
details in his "sets" and his camera work.
Finally, the decision to let the storyline A
The teaser for The Shining was almost ponyup ready cash?

Media better than the film. In her glowing assess-

ment of Walter Hill's The Warriors, Pauline
Kael cited the trailer for same as a marvelous
mini-epic by itself; the Greenberg brothers
"Destruction" means dumping the

no box
the waste bin. Since NSS demands
trailer in
of ashes, or affadavit, as proof
thereof, plucking the film back out of the
Coming Soon to a launched an entire career in visual effects on trash proves not only expedient, but de-
Theatre Near You — Maybe the basis of their highly evocative work on sirable. The loss rate for NSS is high enough
When movies meant a first-run double the original Superman trailer. They are col- to worry them, and postage rates are upward
feature plus a newsreel,
cartoon, and
lectables, they are the stuff from which bound; the response to these trends, plus the
assorted short subjects, going out to them filmclips are made and frame blowups taken new rate hike, by exhibitors may be simply to
for an evening was literally that - an entire (often, for magazine articles), they frequent- book fewer trailers. The viewer loses again.
evening spent inside the theatre, sing-alongs ly include scenes missing from finished Ironically, those "costly" trailers are
and all. Through the years these embellish- features. .and you may be seeing less of
. often available to collectors shortly after
ments on the basic program fare have been them, since National Screen Service (NSS) release of the films they promote, and for a
pruned away save for one persisting bastille fomented their recent rate hike. fraction of the NSS rate. Think $1 is too
of fun at the movies, one holdout. NSS is the number-one promotional en- much for that Shining trailer? Think again.
tity in the business, cranking out trailers, You cannot patronize NSS unless you're an
Coming attractions. Previews. In a
word, trailers. onesheets, stills, lobby cards and other such institution, which means sf conventions, film
"Trailers" are so-called principally be- paraphenalia, all leased to exhibitors virtually workshops and the like are out of luck unless
cause they used to follow the feature, that is, at cost. It is kept afloat by a sort of common they go the collector's route. The market for
trail after it. Look it up in the dictionary.
kitty among the major studios in the form of collectors is healthy in spite of the witch-
These mini-epics, often several minutes an annual fee, in return for which NSS hunt approach used by those worthies who
long, form a separate entertainment in and of represents a common locus for advertising make their dole by combating so-called film
themselves — revival houses frequently material - much simpler than a similar piracy - their sights have shifted to the
sponsor "trailer fests," preview- orgies department for each studio. Given these videotape industry, since more money is to
lasting up to five hours straight. For televi-
facts, in addition to postage costs which the be made there. As Star Wars goes, so goes
sion audiences attuned to attention spans of exhibitor, not NSS, pays both ways, why a the FBI.
sixty seconds or less, trailers are often more rate hike? Theatres, of course, cannot totally
coherent than the films they encapsulate. An individual trailer must cost approx- eschew trailers since there is a certain degree
For film buffs they are heaven, representing imately S60 to produce. It is rented to of determinism in the name of proper adver-
collectable chunks of complete features with theatres for approximately S10 per week, per tising exposure. And some come totally free.
trailer. If the exhibitor keeps the trailer, he is Teasers are frequently tacked onto the heads
scenes cut together for best effect inside of a
high-intensity, fast-moving framework. Even out 510 and NSS is out $60 if it's a first- of prints from a single studio, as with Avco-
the most execrable feature-length effluvium rental. NSS policy as regards the return of Embassy's The Howling (on Scanners), 20th
can be made to look good by a canny trailer. use encourages attrition and has
trailers after Century-Fox's Wolfen (on Sphinx), and
Unlike TV spots, produced in 16mm for formed the basis for a thriving trailer- U niversal's Conan (on Flash Gordon).
home consumption collecting vogue. All NSS items specify that Ah, trailers are so much fun that the
exclusively, trailers are
rendered in 35mm and are even they must be "returned or destroyed" after most crucial question about them can be
separately, but according to the same
use — well, given that choice, what would blithely ignored.
criteria, as features. Recently the MPAA you do with a mint Empire Strikes Back But are they Art?
trailer for which you know people would
cards for trailers were revamped
conform to David J. Schow
to a color code like that previously used in
packaging the trailers for shipping; thus, on FIRST TIME EVER ON THE WEST COAST
a "green band" trailer you will now see a
green background declaring for what au-
dience the trailer is suitable. Red band
IR-rated) trailers can only be shown with
R-rated features; these can often be more
potent than the features themselves since
graphic effects relating (usually) to the twin
bugaboos of sex and violence are packed
closer together, by nature of the trailer
medium. Again, the colors you see refer to
the trailers, not the films, which is why Scan-
ners can have both a PG-rated trailer to run
ahead of Disney features, as well as a red-

July 3-5 1981

band trailer to prime the exploding head
crowd. ',

Trailers represent a peculiar substruc-

ture in the hierarchy of film and film advertis- Dunfey Hotel san Mateo calif.
ing, as do their shorter brothers, "teaser"
Sponsored by PACIFICON
trailers.Teasers are quick shots, titillation
Hundreds of events. Fantasy, SF & War Gomes. Miniatures. Role Playing and
embodied, usually synthesized before there
is any actual film footage on which to draw
Computer Games. National Tournaments. See new 1 981 Game releases & talk
for publicity. They generally consist of ad art,
with designers and manufacturers. Free Movies. Seminars. Minia
Miniature Figures
narration, a catchphrase or two, and
are Painting Conies Medieval Combat Display
salted with either pictures or snaps of a
film's earliest completed footage. Both Write:PACIFIC ORIGINS
forms require a special knack for editing,
Phoneor Write: DUNFEY HOTEL
P.O. Box 5548 1770 S. Amphlett
dealing as they do with a severely compress-
ed time frame in which an impression must Son Jose. CA 95150 San Mateo
be left on the viewer —
though some trailers CA 94402
are so efficient they frequently blow the en- 1415) 573-7661
tire story and every good scene in advance of
release, save, almost always, for the kicker Registration is$11 before 15 June. $12 at the door (for 3 days).
scene ox denouement. Pre- Registrants will be sent an Events Registration packet.

Jose Farmer's The Spiders of the Purple difference in time rates; fifteen human
Mage, which leads one to believe that Asprin minutes is an alien generation. However,

Books is not the only victim of the Loathsome Pun-

ning Disease.
Vulgar Unicorn and
through the miracle of microprocessor
technology, the humans are able to transmit
information to the aliens at something ap-
Tales of the
Robert Lynn Aspnn, proaching their own baud rate, so to speak.
Myth Conceptions, Another Fine Myth are excellent reading. If
Forward's scientific expertise shows
you're suffering from the Hong Kong- Asian-
Starblaze Books, $4.95 (trade paperback)
in his book, his lack of writing expertise
Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn, mid-winter flu, take two Asprin and read in
shows as well.The book is written in awk-
ed. Robert Lynn Asprin, Ace Books, $2.25 bed.
ward and occasionally stilted language, the
Transfigurations, Michael Bishop, Robert Heinlein's Expanded Universe is
aliens are excessively human-like for such
Berkley Books, $2.25 It is an expansion
idiosyncratically Heinlein.
non-human creatures, and the story is less a
Dragon's Egg, Robert L. Forward, of the old Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein,
tightly-plotted novel than a logical explora-
Del Rey Books, S2.25. printed some years ago by Ace. That volume
tion of the consequences of Forward's
Expanded Universe, Robert A. Heinlein, included several of Heinlein's early short
premise. Forall of that, Dragon's Egg is in-
Ace Books, $8.95 (trade paperback) stories, plus an essay called "Pandora's
because it is the epitome of what
The Spell Coats, Diana Wynne Jones, Box," which purported to be a prediction on
"hard" science fiction is all about — ex-
Pocket Books, $2.25 what the world would look like in the year
trapolation of the most interesting facets of
Songs from the Stars, Norman Spinrad, 2000. The expanded version includes all of
scientific knowledge and speculation.
Pocket Books, $2.50 the former, plus several Heinlein stories not
If Robert Forward's strength is his
collected elsewhere and a lot of his non-
Robert Asprin, better known in the science and his weakness his writing,
fiction. The stories are mostly non-science
Society for Creative Anachronism as Yang, Michael Bishop has the reverse problem. The
fiction, or marginally in the genre at best.
is the author of several mediocre science fic- best example of this, was his Catacomb
Tambu and The Bug The non- fiction is more or less equally divid-
tion novels, including Years, a collection of short stories about
Wars. His forte, however, seems to be fan- ed among essays about science and essays
people living in closed cities cut off from the
about Heinlein's own unique political
tasy, as evinced by his latest two offerings. outside world. That book contained some of
Myth Conceptions is Asprin's sequel to philosophy - which can best be described
science fiction's best writing, but the ra-
as militaristic libertarianism.
his popular tend excellent) Another Fine tionale for the creation of Bishop's cities and
Expanded Universe book for the
is a
Myth. The protagonist of both books is their continuing existence was extremely
completist, the Heinlein devotee, and those
Skeeve, an apprentice wizard in the land of weak.
interested in seeing what Heinlein the man,
Klahd. His master is a demon from Perv - a Transfigurations is based on Bishop's
rather than Heinlein the writer, actually
Pervect you're polite, a Pervert in common
if award-winning short story, "Death and
believes. The political essays may be of in-
parlance. In the first novel, the two defeat an Designation Among the Asadi"; the short
terest to someone
delving in political
evil wizard and therefore save the multiverse story is included in the novel, interspersed
from conquest. In Myth Conceptions, the
economy, though they are more forceful
statements of opinion than incisive analysis.
among other passages. The short story dealt
two are hired as court wizards to defeat an - with an anthropologist's stay among a group
army of tremendous size, a task complicated
Some of the essays notably Heinlein's
of technologically primitive and culturally
fascinating description of his trip to Russia,
by the fact that one court faction has vowed bizarre aliens, termed the Asadi. In the story,
and his well-written account-for-the-layman
to kill them if they succeed, while another is the anthropologist either went slowly insane,
of Dirac's theories of antimatter and gravita-
determined to do the same if they do not. or made some remarkable discoveries which
heroic fiction, of a sort; needless to
tion — will be of interest to almost anyone.
This is he was unable to document. Transfigura-
For the most part, however, the stories have
say, they accomplish the task. tions deals with the efforts of the anthro-
either been seen elsewhere or are excep-
Science fiction's pretentions to the pologist's daughter and colleague to vin-
tionally minor Heinlein, while the non-fiction
status of a literature are, perhaps, best sup- dicate his work and discover the true nature
is more interesting for the insight it gives into
ported by its more humorous works, such as of the Asadi.
Robert A. Heinlein than for any inherent
Anderson and Dickson's Earthman's Burden "Death and Designation" was a haunt-
reason. $8.95 is, it seems to me, a bit much
and the works of L. Sprague de Camp. Yet ing and sparsely- written account which did
to pay.
the field of humorous science fiction has too much to establish Bishop's reputation. Its
Robert L. Forward's Dragon's Egg is an
long been without a steady practitioner. subject matter, however, was precisely
gap admirably, and be attempt to out-Clement Hal Clement. It deals
Asprin fills the it is to suited to the length of a short story, and the
same with life on a neutron star.
hoped that he will continue in the rich novel is, in a sense, superfluous. It explains
Forward is, according to his biography,
vein. in detail the events of "Death and Designa-
a pioneer in the field of gravitational
Tales of the Vulgar Unicorn, edited by tion"; and, in the process, trivializes the
astronomy, so presumably he knows his sub-
the self-same Asprin, is the second in a series mysterious occurrences of the story. The ex-
ject. His scientific expertise shows; the
of short story collections which began with planations are an amalgam of bot-boiler sf
nature of a neutron star is explored in some
Thieves' World. Asprin's concept behind the elements better treated elsewhere. One can-
depth, and his aliens are well-thought out
series centers on a city in a fantasy world he not escape the feeling that Bishop should
has designed; he has invited a number of
and believable. On an object where gravity is
have left well enough alone.
nine orders of magnitude greater than
noted science fiction writers to write stories None of this discussion should be con-
earth's, matter as we know it does not exist;
based in the city. Writers are free to use (but strued as an attempt to dissuade you from
rather, most matter consists of neutrons.
not abuse) characters invented by other purchasing the book. Despite its narrative
Strong nuclear force reactions take the place
writers. The result is a sort of multi-hero fan-
of electromagnetic reactions on earth; and flaws. Transfigurations is exceptionally well
tasy epic — something which should surely written, and Bishop is a writer whose work
these reactions are of sufficient complexity
appeal to players of fantasy role-playing deserves close attention.
to permit the evolution of self -reproducing
games (which, after all, are attempts to
entities and, eventually, consciousness. Norman Spinrad is one of those writers
game multi-hero fantasy)
Strong nuclear force is orders of magnitude who is greater than the genre in which he
Several critics are disappointed with
stronger than electromagnetic forces; con- works. Assuming that the trend toward
Vulgar Unicorn, claiming that its stories do
sequently, the beings on Forward's star live academic aceptance of science fiction as a
not have the eclat of Thieves' World. To the
contrary, Vulgar Unicorn is a more in- many orders of magnitude faster than valid form of literature continues, it seems in-

teresting and richly developed book. One of

human beings. evitable that Spinrad will eventually be

its most intriguing features is that the stories

Fortuitously, Forward's neutron star recognized for the giant that he is. His work
wanders near Sol at a propitious time in the is assuredly among the best being written to-
build on each other as the book progresses
- despite the fact that each is written by a development of his race's culture. The Ter- day — and it is improving. One trusts he has
different author. The result is a work midway ra ns arrive just as the aliens gain the capabili- not reached his peak.
between a collection of short stories and a ty to communicate with the ship above their Songs from the Stars shares many of
novel. The first story in the series is Philip star. The contact is necessarily limited by the the themes of Spinrad's last few novels,
55. Sorships & Sgaamen FGUI M 7 5.3 9 na na na
Pub S § 96. Black Hole MGC ft 3 5.2 23 5.0 2 6.5

57. NeM MGC a 3 52 30 5.2 1 11 TFG ISO 4 6.1

1. Mto GDW 7777 12 7.5 39 u B Si io of Air Eaters

Umpttun liCw 2.;; a 31 e 26 59. Strange New Worlds GDW 7175 10 60

1 Cr»njri!...ShBtnYBan SPI 179 7.1 63 5.D 1 6.5 60 Asternal Zero F mir

4.GEV MGC 71 5.0 2 66 I. Sirica Team »*rn

5. Creerjorn in the Gekrr sn 679 20 7.1 31 7J 7 B6 76 5 5.0 23 HO S IB 39 6.6 4 55
LOore HG 577 3 7.0 52 1 6.5 I
5.6 29 na na

7. Starfleet Barries TfG 11,79 13 n MGC 3 5.7 23 50

8. Cosmic Encajrners 76 12 7 J) 23 35 1 26 65. Darkover 15 56 21 i

9. Dark Nettie GDW L'BO 6 6.B 5.6 2 2.5 66 Space Patrol SPI 11/79 4 5.6 32 !

ID. HMW Men SPI 4177 IB 66 31 68 1 u 67. Aran Space TC 7J77 5 96 9

11. John Carter ol Mars SPI » 1! 9.0 4 66 5 29 32. Sorcerer SPI 10175 12 5.5 36

12. Sleler Conquest MGC 2.75 13 6.7 22 58 6 3.0 MGC 79 3 1 16 33 SwrjrrJquast TFG 12/79 9 96
13. Timet npper SPI 7B0 1 6.5 1! 60 2 7JJ m Hot, Wat 1 26 34. Monsiers Monsters MGt I 5.5 15 6.0 9 IS
14. Objective Moscow 1'7! Z7 E.5 IS I 30 5.0 71 Galactic Con na na 35. Beasl Lord

15. Thplanoaiy GDW 9,73 1] 6.5 17 57 2 4.6 72. Galactic Gren na na 36. Stomp! TC 11(79 3 5.4 10

lb. Villains 6 Vrglarrns Feu 1 u 6 HI 177 9 43 4 46 31. Citadel FGUI is 5 55 8

SPI 99 u 3 7J> na na 3B. Tribes of Crane SS 79 3 5.4 8
GDW 6J79 1 6.3 19 5.3 1 4.0 FGUI na 12 53 8
13 After the Holocaust 1777 22 76 1 1.0 TC 7179 10 5.1 6

71 Mayday Zi7H 5 6.2 21 4.9 2 IB GG 79 20 51 11

21. Starship Ttooows 7'7E 15 6.2 5.0 7 3.5 na 42. Soil's Revenge TSR 79 7 56 22

US*w* n 71 to u 1? Si 7 na na na 43. S Bl n na 54 7

23. Invasion: America SPI 12,75 n 6.1 30 61 6 4.5 80. Sooerhero 2044 7 3J 7 m 44. Mythology IT trrll 14 56 1 U 3 46
GDW 11,79 13 1.1 2B 6.6 5 2.5 5 na na

SBerw GDW 6778 12 6.0 4 Z.5 82. FormaHiaul II 7 36 5 na 46. Dragon Lords rau na id 49 na
26. Start rjrce ft'74 12 6.0 45 6.0 4 4.5 83 Stariering r, 4 36 3 m ; I 47. Sword Quest TFG HM h

SPI 11:76 12 SO 36 6.0 5 4.0 DC na 3.4 3 na 48. Knights Round Table ffl B 4M
aft™ AH 6778 16 6.0 35 M n* m 85. Flash Gonlcn FGUI 6 13 3 na 43. KnigriB of Camelot TSR 46 5 na M
29. SBTfaH IP 8,79 13 63 1 KCuezar EG 76 12 3.1 1 U 12 3 50. Magic Realm Ml 36 74 10
U. W» >n the lea 12 75 6.9 5 4.5 5,1. Hurras Et BurtCMS KM m B 4.7 na na IB

31. Sdi Sotfar SPI tin 1Z 5.9 27 7.1 2 3.5 66 Cyborg EB 71 9 19 4 na na na

32 Godsfire MGC 79 IB 5.9 1 1i TSR 0/70 12 4.5 12

a Starfleet Battle Mania as 5.9 ID 63 5 1.0 rewards TSR m na 1.5 10 na na

3*. Warn War MGC 3 4.5 1 50 HI 7 46 10 (5 J l\\

& Tana War 9.79 13 BJ 1 HP BP 16 4.4 t 25 6.0

YP 12.79 17 5.6 6 6.1 5 Armies DSR n* 4.4 9 na

31. Starfira TfG 6'79 S 67 pj na n 1. Huneouest TC 677B 12 74 16 7.0 7 1.0 Destruction 6 4.1

3B. Treai-aO Jfi IB 67 3 2 DragonOijest SPI 7 '80 10 35 BS 6 1.0 FGUI 6 4.0

39. StarGato SPI 4'79 5.7 30 5.5 2 60 3. Melee MGC 19 3 52 6.5 euJdtni RP m 16 3.8 4 26 1 54
MGC 3 5.6 H Si 1 26 SPI 11 177 18 7.0 58 6.1 1 46 s & Warners TSR 77 7 3.4 6

11. Space Duest Tffl 5.9 B 5. flobaiKtood OSG a 9 7.0 10 66 2 66 EG 7/7B 4 33 9

42. Ice Wat MGC 7B 3 56 23 5.0 6. Adventurers in Fantasy EG GO 25 6.9 17 6.5 6 1.0 ABBREVIATIONS: AH = Airalon Hill

43. lords of Middle Sea TC 7771 10 5.6 B 7 Wizard 3 5.9 39 66 6.0

Casciaro Co.; EG - EicaliQra Games;
44 IMmaturn 6.73 S 4.5 i \a 6. White Bean Had Moon 1C 11171) 10 6.7 IE 5.0 3 6.0
. Flying Burtaiolnc
eWonWIa - SPI JM 6 5.6 59 3.5 9 Ctavaky & Sorcery FGUI 10 7.0 5 1.0
• = Game Designers
Double Star GDW 3771 16 5.5 5 5.0 10. Dungeons 6 Dragons TSR 1274 to 6.7 62 16 5 1.0

47. Cerberus TIG 6771 4 56 11. Swashbuckler 7 16 46 2 6.0

46. JJohaOmesa AH 777 lb 5.5 11 12 Death Test MGC 79 3 6.6 35 5.8 1 1.0

«. Mm: 1 MGC S 5.4 28 u 1 3.5 13. Divine Right 79 6.5 4 6.0

SO Owhjl Green Thnngs TSF n u 26 62 2 l| 14. S*ords & Sorcery SPI 7,76 IB 1 6.0 3 5.0

Vector 3 SPI V7B 63 30 59 2 3.0 IS. Bushrdo TTB na 10 15 7 6.8 5 1.0

B Trtao Strike SPI 4,79 * 5.3 a 60 I 56 16. Nomad Gods TC 6777 10 6.4 12 Stt 3 6.0

79 10 5.3 21 o. 17. Advanced D&D TSR 71 36 U 49 16 9 16

18. Intruder TFG UN » 6.4 16 5.7 2 60

SF Game Sampler /contimmUrompBgeW The designer's notes of this package

promise that at least one more expansion
module is to be produced. What has been
races, theHydrans and Andromedans. The
balance of the book (except for Designer's published so far goes well beyond Star Trek Feedback Results, Ares 6
Notes and credits) consists of rules for in- the TV show, but like Squad Leader and its
offspring, it presents a basically playable Rank Item Rating
tegrating the new material into old scenarios,
and, of course, new scenarios. system onto which layers of minute detail Voyage
1 of the Pandora 7.38
can be heaped. Further expansions will of Games 6.75
Of the new
the mostscenarios, in- 2
Special Ally." A monster
course feed the appetites of the hardcore
teresting is "A Very 3 Books 6.13
fans, not force those with more
but will
is on the prowl, and an intrepid captain must
modest wants to cope with more detail than 4 Media 5.96
check it out and, if needful, destroy it.
they wish. 5 Science for Science Fiction 5.96
However, this is a two-player scenario, and
the second player also has a starship, hostile 6 Film & TV 5.93
to the first (the monster acts by pre- 7 Facts for Fantasy 5.78
programmed rules). Each player can try to
8 Dragon Notes 5.30
get close to the monster (at the risk of being
destroyed) and attempt to investigate it.
Once enough "research points" are gained,
the player will know how to kill it. Beyond
that, he can attempt to communicate with it
A 10

Ares 6 Overall
Pandora Tech
Quick Combat II

and thereby control it. The ultimate aim of

each player, though, is destroying the other
ship, not the monster.

Book* feautnttflempmMI gorgeous in its imagery, and full-fleshed in The best of fantasy, like the best of science
its characterization. Spinrad explores his fiction,can consequently be immensely pro-
especially his fascination with audiovisual themes with insight and power. However, it vocative. Sadly, there are few fantasy (or
media and their impact on human thought, has a number of flaws: its Schumacherism science fiction! writers who are sufficiently
and his conception of human consciousness leads it to treat the black scientists, especial- skilled and sufficiently aware of the
as behaviohstic "programs" which can be ly their master, Arnold Harker, as stereo- dynamics of the problems they handle to
altered either by an outside force or con- typed inhuman calculating machines; and fulfill the promise of their themes.
sciously reshaped by one's own mind. The one of its major themes is a bit infantile: the Diana Wynne Jones, though, is a
book takes place in Aquaria, the only human idea that someone, in this case our big thoroughly skilled professional who knows
civilization to survive a nuclear war. The pro- brothers from the stars, is going to save us precisely what she is doing. Her The Spell-
tagonists are Clear Blue Lou, a sort of zen from all our problems. Coats not only a ripping good story, but
master of Aquaria's anarchistic society, and An interesting aspect of Songs from the evocative in imagery. It deals with a family of
Sunshine Sue, one of the people who runs Stars is that it seems perfectly calculated to four children who, orphaned by a war, are
news network. The dominating
the culture's appeal to the 1960's style counter-culture, forced to flee their village with their
belief of their society is a sort of idiot and that degraded remnant of it that survives household gods. Propelled by magical forces
Schumacherism — "white" technology is in the anti-nuke movement. The alien con- they do not entirely understand, they flee
that which operates off muscle, wind, water, tact theme is very much consonant with the down the river on whose banks they have liv-
or solar energy, and "black" technology is Aquarian mystical beliefs abounding in the ed all their lives to a meeting and destiny
that which uses fossil fuels or atomic power Haight- Ash bury culture; the Schumacher that are both beyond their knowledge and
Aquaria manages to retain a fairly high stan- "small is beautiful" business will appeal to comprehension.
dard of living only because it obtains large econuts young and old. If the 1980's become In part, The Spell-Coats is a comtng-of-
quantities of solar cells, transistors, and another age of protest, it is likely that Songs age novel. In part, it is a story of awesome
other hi-tech items from a colony of black from the Stars will be one of its cult books, magics fearsomely wrought — and has the
scientists living in the radioactive wastelands as Lotr and Stranger in a Strange Land wets advantage that its magic is organized within
to the east — a fact which its conscientiously inthe1960's. a logical conceptual framework. In part, as
"white" citizens do their best to forget. Whatever dialectical disagreements one well, it is a mystery: the reader must put
Caught a maleficient plot of the evil
in may have with Spinrad's themes. Songs together what is going on in the novel from
black scientists, Sue and Lou eventually take from the Stars shows once again that he is the evidence that the author provides — and
a space shuttle built by the nasties to the an extremely powerful writer — among the probably will not be able to before the
"Big Ear," a deactivated astronomical obser- best science fiction has to offer. characters do, which shows that, as a
vatory and telecommunications satellite. Part of science fiction's power is that it mystery, it is well done. As a whole. The
There, they learn that, shortly before Ar- plays on the cultural archetypes of our times: Spell-Coats is sufficiently good to warrant
mageddon occurred, human civilization had space, the machine, human progress, the place on my Hugo Nomination ballot, and
made contact with extraterrestrials. future. Part of fantasy's power lies in the fact should help establish Jones' credentials as
Songs from the Stars, like all of that it plays on the mythic archetypes of our an excellent writer.
Spinrad'swork, is vigorous in its prose style. culture: magic, power, evil, strange beings. Greg Costlkyan

Designer's NotB«i( ™, w,y/,<™ ,i6; w chants coming to Orion to take the delicacies changed somewhat. At the moment they in-
in 1900; some industrialization combined to other worlds (where they are sold at exor- clude a four-color 22" x 34" Interstellar
with heavy agriculture. The empire does no! bitant prices). Titus also has a fair amount of Display, providing detailed information on
keep a close watch on Titus, and many of its iron, copper, cesium and some minor non- 150 stars within 30 light years of Earth; a
inhabitants only know of their heritage from metal elements. However, the Titusians are 64-page Gamesmaster's Guide, a 32-page
stories.Unscrupulous traders and pirates us- not industrialized enough to manufacture ex- Adventure Guide; a 22"x17" Tactical Dis-
ing the latest technology from other worlds portable goods with these resources. Ship- play for resolving ship-to-ship combat; 200
often get the better of the rather rustic ping is the main form of transportation on counters for use in ship-to-ship combat; two
Titusians. the calm seas of Titus, and most of the set- 20-sided dice, a countertray and two-inch
The major resources of Titus are its tlements hug the coastline. Some alien life deep box. The package will sell for $20. An
found in great
delicious high-protein fruits, forms have been discovered on the planet, introductory pack is also planned, consisting
abundance throughout the temperate cli- but none that were edible or intelligent. of the two guides and the Interstellar Display
mates. Demand for this fruit keeps mer- The components of Universe have only. It will sell forSIO. John H. Butterfield

Twilight of the Gods will never be destroyed. Under them the the Voluspa, the song of the witch, as
fconlinuedfrom pugt 7/ whole world will be renewed. preserved in the 12th century collection of
gods have indeed survived Ragnarok — Now Yggdrasil flourishes. Its trunk poems, myths and history, the Edda, made
though no one knows how and no one ever splits open and releases into the world a sec- by Snorri Sturluson. For further readings,
will. Odin's sons Vidar and Vali, and their ond race of mankind, which the indestructi- see the accompanying bibliography.
cousins Vili and Ve walk over the new land ble tree protected during Ragnarok. They The Elder Edda, A Selection, translated by
and meet at the mysterious place called wander out into the beautiful world to enjoy Paul B. Taylor and W.H. Auden. New York:
it. Like the gods who rule them, this second
Ithervale. Baldr arises from the dead, and his Vintage Books, 1970
brother Hoddr with him, who has now race of humankind will never know pain and
Encyclopedia of Mythology {Hew Larousse
regained his sight; Baldr takes the central sorrow.
Encyclopedia), 1959
seat in the meeting place of the gods. Thor's "Would you know more?" the Sybil
asks Odin. There is a great deal more to tell The Germanic People, Francis Owen. New
sons, Magni and Modi, also appear, along
about the future world, she tells him. Haven, Conn.: College and University
with the valiant Hoenir; these new gods
At that moment, however, a dragon Press, 1966
remember what has gone before and will
learn from the old gods' errors. Odin's great soars overhead. In its pinions are the bodies Introduction to Old Norse, E.V. Gordon.
hall is tobe rebuilt, and the gods will rule of men it has caught and will now eat. The Oxford University Press, 1971
Middle Earth from a hall thatched with gold. appearance of the dragon breaks the Sybil's The Vikings and Their Origins,
The loremaster Hoenir reads the mysterious- concentration, and with it, her prophecy. David Wilson. London: Thames and
ly engraved runes that have been found and She will say no more. Hudson, 1970
forecasts a new era of peace. Unlike the This version of Ragnarok has been Voluspa: The Song of the Sybil, translated
Aesir and Vanir whose disagreement gathered from several sources and does not by W.H. Auden and Paul B. Taylor. Iowa
brought about their destruction, these gods mean to serve as the only interpretation of City: Windhover Press, 1968
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i prefer in games? 46. What percentage of the lime you spend playing
numbers games do you spend

FeedbocK eased complexity- Use the following games

:.4=WorldKiller, 7 = BattleFleet: Mars;
ith higher science fiction role-playing
FGUI's Space Opeial
47. What percentage of the time you spend playing fan-
tasy role-playing games do you spend playing TSF's

centage of the games you buy do you ex- Dungeons and Dragons''
8 will be SPI games? I = 10%; 2 - 20%; 3 = 30%; 4a. What percentage of the time you spend playing fan-
Reader Survey, Ares nr. 0ec<
. 9 = 90%. tasy role-playing games do you spend playing SPI's

; area ot science fiction that you most en- DragonOuest?

Your opinions directly affect the editorial content of Ares j"| = Space opera/science fantasy; 2 = 48. What percentage of the time you spend playing ten-
Magazine. We invite you to participate in this, our regular
survey of readers.
I" -SIT sion; 4 - Extraterrestrial societies; 5 = Runequest?
How lo use the Feedback Response Card: After you've Full I Utopia /dystopia); 6 - Alternate history; gn. In the past 12 months, what percentage of your total
finished reading this issue of Ares, please read the Feed-
back questions below, and give us your answers by writ- Other Iplease write in the category gamesorequipment?
51. In the past 12 months, what percentage of your total
boxes which correspond to each question number. See 32
centerfold for card. Please be sure to answer all questions see: = Strategic space con- orequipment?

bers labelled "no question"!. Incompletely filled-oui Stra

gaming expenditures were for no n -role- playing

9 = Other Iplease write

gaming expend. lures were for historical games?
"yesor no" question. "I" means sociological /po itics conflict; in
When the question isa
"2" means NO When the question a rating the category description). 54. In the past 12 months, what percentage of
YES and is

WORST rating, "9" the BEST rat- gaming e*penditur

question. "1"

is the is 33. How many science fiction games do you own lin- '""
"5" supplementary
" " material Iraf for hardware!?
ing. is an AVERAGE rating, and all numbers ii

following games on a 1 to 9 scale, with ")

1-3. No question = 26ormore. indicating a very low solitaire playability ra

ly high solitaire playability rating. Plaaie rata on-

1: 1: le „r«,i
= Sword and Sorcery,
asv 3 ~ aues( adventure, 4 - Classically -based lantasy
;ii .,1 .d:,y i,j.
1 v.- u=i l-n|u,
2 = Mythological fan-

(r those game* which you have played (against an

o pponBn? or , o|ita|re) Bt Mst in ,„. , ^ ^„
^ ^ ^nd
m0nth ,. If you have not played in the last 12 months,
j. (___., L
le -9 A ' ,hl" ian legendl;
Arthurian ,e
5 =
5 W>-
Fan,as * lr a contemporary
- Fant; p|MM do „ "0" In the .pace). All
ttmg; 5 = Superhero/ heroic adventure; 7
games are SPI published, UI
6. An SF GameSamplerlrevrewJ ropomorphic fantasy (e.g. Watersnip Down); 8 ,

r/occult; 9 » Other Iplease write in the c

35. one area about which you would most like to

Pick the 67. Arena ot Death
9. Fa els for Fantasy
seefantasygamesdone: 1 = Strategicswordandsorcery 58. Magic Realm (AW
boardgames larmy against army); 2 = Tactical sword and 59. Swordquest (TFG)
11. Boots (review) sorcery boardgames Ihero against evildoer); 3 =
60. StarweblFBI
Film and Television Ireviewl Quest /adventure boardgames; 4 = Sword and sorcery
role-playing: 5 = Quest /adventure role-playing; 6 = 81. StarfleetBattleslTFGI
13. Games (reviewl
62. Time War (YPI
14. Dragon Notes societies; 8 = Horror/occult; 9 = Other Iplease write in
63 Lords of the Middle Sea (TCI
15. Designer's Notes the category description).
64 Lankhmar(TSR)

= Indicate on a 1 to 9 scale the gameworthiness of the

36. How many fantasy games do you own? 1 1 2 2;
and novels, with a "1" indicating a very

= = following stories
3 3; 4 =
5 = 5 to 10; 6 =
4; 1 1 to 15; 7 = 16 to 20; 8
2 1
to 25; 9 = 26 or more.
indicating a very high level of gameworthiness.
of /Ires? 1 = Yes; 2 = No 65. Foundation Trilogy lAsimovl
37 If you are a subscriber to Ares indicate how you
20. Assume that you don't subscribe to Ares. Would tf cametobeone: 1 = An ad in StrategyQ Tactics; 2 = An 6G. The Moon Isa Harsh Mistress (Heinlein)
quality of this issue alone motivate you to subscribi - An ad in Games; 4 - An ad in a
ad in Analog; 3 67. RingworldlN.venl
1 = Yes; 2 = No.
previous issue ol Ares; 5 = An ad in a sl/l gaming 68. Mission of Gravity ICIementl
21. Your age: 1 = 13 years old or younger; 2 = 14-1 magazine; 6 = An ad in a science fiction magazine; 7 =
3= 18-21; 4 = 22-27. 5 = 28-35; 6-36 or older
69. 1, Robot lAsimovl
= Male; 2 = Female. kind of magazine not mentioned; 9 = Other Iplease 70. Martian Chronicles (Bradburyl
22. Yoursex: 1

Education: 1 = 11 years or less; 2 = 12 years; 3 = 13-1 specify on the Feedback card).. 71 Nightfall lAsimovl
years; 4 = 13-15 years and still in school; 5=16 year: 38. Indicate on a f-9 fantasy-to-science- liction spectrum 72. Nine Princes in Amber (Zelazny)
6=17yearsormore. The Forever War IHaldemanl
Questions 24 and 25 ask about your income. Since feei terested in fantasy games and stories, you'd write "1"; if
74, Childhood's End (Clarke)
back cards are annonymous, we hope you'll be willing r

help us develop statistical information to attract adve you might "2" or "3"; evenly divided interest would be 76. Dorsail 1 Dickson)
"5"; and, of course, puresf interest would rate a "9". The Space Merchants Pohl / Kornbluth)
risers; U you'd rather not. simply respond with a "0" h 76. 1

both questions. Thanks.

24. Your individual personal income 1 = less than S5000; copy of /Ires? 1 = 1:2 = 2. 8.9 = 9ormore n Little Fuzzy (Pipi
2 = between $5-10,000. 3 = between $10-12,500; 4 = be- Questions 40 through 54 are to be answered with a to 9 ™ pi M «. «.i».-t closely
tween $12,500-15,000; 5- $16,000-17.500; 6 = $17,500-

response indicating the percentage ol time or money J,

7 = 320-22.500; 8 = 822,500-25,000; 9=ove. spent on a given activity. O = none or almost none; 1 =
S25 000

Your total household income: = less than $10,000.

WW *M = " 30% ..9 = 90% ormore.
what percentage of your total game- playing time is and
^£ TaZ^SBTo^
^cnbe to^scnlv- 2
MOVES only; 5 =

subscribe to S&T and

I subscribe to
?. 4 = ,
S*r nnlv
slfcnbe fo^es
3 - I

$10-15,000; 3= $15-17,5O0; 4 = S17.500- ,,.;,.,, :)n ^I,,^,,;,:;,,:,..,,,. , Jvh

. 3mes ; only; 6 = I subscribe to-^es, S&r, andMOWTS.
20,000; 5 = S2O-22,500; 6 = $22,500-25,000; 7 = $25-
41. What percentage ol your total game-piaying time is ffare the lollowing game proposals on a scale of 1
30.000; B = $30^10,000; 9 = over $40,000.
26. How long have you been playing conflict simulatior published up through 9 indicating e definite mtentk
42. What percentage ol your total game playing time is
games?0 = lessthanayear;1 = 1year;2 = 2years .8 =6
years;9 = 9or more years.
games' "* Odyssey- After the sack of Troy, the Greek heme
27.What is the average number ol hours you spend play out tor nome. Athena ana roseiaon. however, were angry
ing simulationgames each month? = none; = hour 01 1 1
43. W hat percentage of your t owl game- pi
at the Greeks for having failed to offer proper sacrifice and
less; 2=»2-5 hours, 3 = 6-9 hours; 4=10-15 hours.
5= 16-20 hours: 6 = 21-25; 7 = 26-30; 6 = 31-40, 9 = 40 01 44. W aying time is
storms. Thus began a series ol adventures lor various
spc-i' ilaying 1
computer soft war e games? heroes, the toils of Ulysses being among the most
46. W famous. Using a variation of the paragraph story system
from Voyage of the Pandora, Odyssey would be a game
i;:)W:; Traveller? for one to six players; each would take the role of a here
ists would be played out on one or more
Tactical Displays showing the great arenas of the Arc- Freedom loving people have flocked to the colony, since
rse. thewayis fraught with peril - Scvllaand Charyb- turns system using either die-cut counters or miniature many of the governments on earth have become more
angry gods and goddesses among
sirens, Cyclops, figures to represent the gladiators.Two combat systems dictatorial as the pressures of population increase. Now,
jrs. The goal of each player Is to return home safely or, would be provided, e system for non-lethal
fast-playing the L-5 colony demands a voice in the United Nations as a
at is impossible, to set up a new homeland in a foreign contests and those taking place early in a cycle of games, free and separate state, able to determine its own destiny.
and a more detailed and exciting system tor the climactic The US. USSR and European Common Market band to-
matches that finish each festival. Emphasis would not, gether to take over the colony and put down the rebellion.
however, be upon the combat system, but on the eco- The L-5 colony has only one potential weapon, its
nomics of founding end building a "school. " Circus In slingshot transport used to send finished products into
tha Stare could appear in two possible forms. Please rate
eech separately: used as a cannon to attack approaching ships and to
84. A 22" x 34" Tactical Display [possibly printed on two bombard the capitals of unfriendly nations. Assault on L-5
sides). 200 backprinted counters. 20-32 pages of rules. would be a game in which one player directs the fate of
Boxed to sell for S12. the colony, sending shuttles to friendly lunar colonies for
86. A 22" x 34" Tactical Display (possibly printed on two raw materials to use in the transport and fighting for
sides).200 backprinted counters, 20-32 pages of rules. 20 freedom; the other player represents the angry forces of
metal figures (25mml of fighters and other opponents. earth attempting to re-conquer the Colony. The 22" x 34"
Boxed to sell for S18 map would contain a strategic display of the earth -moon-
Kingdom! of Aluaia. Not a stand-alone product, KOA L-5 system, plus floor plans of the v;
would be a completely generated fantasy continent I with ) colony wl

the Netherlands. Genoa, and theGerman Bankers - send SCO o- ;s with M

expeditions to the east, west, south and north to discover to other areas) for use with SPI's D ragonQueit or any •_-e- 'or 3

new lands. As exploration proceeds, the rest of the world other fantasy role-playing game on the market The Fron- 91. TimeTripper (Updated Edition). An expansion of

is generated by chit placement, using a system similar to tiers ol Aluiia. the first installment in the system, is SPI's time- travel ling adventure game, this updated edi-
that in Citadel of Blood Historical and mythical events scheduled for release this summer. Future maps would
would betall the players in a series of paragraphs, as in link to it land to each other) to form a total area about the
size of our War In Europe map. This project could he
Voyage of the Pandora. The players may discover lands
ry different from what Europe actually found. They may presented in two forms. Fete each one separately.
n fin. ,ft 5B<.-ei 86. A Series. Each package in the series would contain

a 400 one or two 22" x 34" maps lusing mini-hexes) and 8-32
counters, a 22" x 34" game-map and 20 pages of rules s pages of rules and description concerning the various
paragraphs To sell for S12 to S15.
82. The Las! Enchanters. Mans, the mysterious enei stallment would be packaged in a zip-lock bag and would
sell for between S6 and S12.
from which magic springs, is fast disappearing from
from the competing medie
face of the earth Sorcerers 87. A Single Game-Aid. The entire continent of Alusia
kingdoms of the old world converge in the Black For would be portrayed in 9-12 separate maps at a scale of 5
where the last great c miles per hex (again using mini-hexes) Three handbooks
(a total of 128 pages of material) would be included, each
detailing The social structure, history, geography,

continent Ithe barbarian northlands, the steppes and

mountains of the east and the rich kingdoms of the Five
Sisters in the southl. The entire package would come in a
four-inch box and would sell for S35.
88. Dragon's Egg. On the surface of a neutron star, an theEmr.
amazing amoebic form of life has evolved The Cheela live them, they have succeeded too well
on Dragon's Egg, which rotates five times a second, and courage nerve regrowth have awake:
their civilization develops at a rate thousands of times
faster than that of humans. A fascinating new book by Dr. g unleashed here Escape is im|
st the dying art of conjurei
Robert L. Forward traces the development of the Cheela
from the rJl fate. Station M
Along the way, the Cht <f the Pandora ai

.eight subjects
solar system in 2050. Dragon's Egg would be a multi-
player game based on the early stages of Cheela culture. telepathy, telekinesis and domination The gui
Each player initially controls a small tribe of Cheela and at- react as the specimens in Pandora, or becontrc
tempts to consolidate his faction into empire, searching second player. The
for the perfect location on Egg in which to set up his do-
main Battles pitting tribes against barbarians and against on the way Would include one 22" x 17" game-map, 200
showing not only downtown Sheboygan other tribes are common The winner is the player who is
-out: first make successful contact with the humans
able to TosellforSIO.
Ibackprlnted) and the rules (when they Would include a 22" x 34" game-map
arrive). Wrack of tha Pandora Deluxe. An expansion of the ac-
of Dragon's Egg, specially designed to show the odd claimed Ana 2 game to flesh out the existing rules, in-
Game which would use the existing Creature system, an nature of Cheela movement and migration, 200 counters crease the area of pley and incorporate into the game
Advanced Game would be included 10 provide those and short rules. A possible Ares game to sell separately some of the elements from its sister design. Voyage ol
chrome elements for which there was not room in the first for 512. Availability subject to author's approval. tha Pandora /especially the additional monsters from
edition of Creature. Specia 89. The Sagittarian Encounter. In this, the third part of that game). Pandora Deluxe would include e 22" x 17"
the "Pandora Series," the biological survey mission Pan- map of the Pandora with larger spaces to facilitate play,
at system, a "Nuke 'er dora encounters one of its strangest discoveries: a planet- diagrams of the Scapepod, Epithemus, end the shuttle
ly glow" rule, the inclusic t The cc
200 back-pi

an indication of intelligent beings within the creature? The player /monsters vs. crew) version of the game, more
boxed for S10. detailed rules for EVA /including using the shuttle which
Clrcui In tha Stars. In the decadent cities of the Arc- the radio waves. Gathering their exploratory equipment, was presumed damaged and unavailable in the original
turus system the favorite sport is deeth. During each of the search party descends into the nearest orifice, and the game), revised strengths for crew, tools and bots. new
the five to eight seasons /depending upon the planeti the adventure begins. The Sagittarian Encounter is a game
. .
monsters and equipment, and rules for an exact interface
populace gathers at festive! tir forone to four players, based partially upon the Citadel ol with Voyage of the Pandora. There is also the possibili-
they a n their Blood game system. The party may travel together or split ty that SPI would commission a miniatures company to
fighters in a brutal contest ti up as they follow the winding digestive sculpt a series of characters and monsters /25mm scale!
Arcturus' warlike past the games may spell death for the
criminals, slaves and infrequent freemen who actually imals adapted fc

face each other in the arena, but for those who manage,
train end sell the services of the fighters, they are e
goldmine. Circus In tha Stars would be a role-playing forms of intelligence. Thega
game for 7- 10 players in which each participant would
adopt the role of "Master" of a gladitorial school. Players
would be provided with limited wealth and power which
they would have to parley into a stable of fighters. Actual
Build an Empire
that stretches
across a galaxy!
Sword and the Slars is a game of Galactic Empire building in which one to five
player guide the destinies of star-faring races as they expand from star system
to star system. Based on SPI's popular Empires of the Middle Ages, Sword
antf ffceSrars simulates l-he dynamics of the creation, expansion, and perpetua-
tion or an empire that stretches across hundreds of light years. Each player
controls the central government of one race; during a year, the race may at-
tempt lo expand iis range of operations through the creation of a StarGate, de-
fend its system through the construction of a GuardianWeb, improve its
technical level, encourage trade, or go on raids of pillage and conquest. Special
rules cover ihe Confederation of Worlds, random events (Trom advances and
failures of technology to the toppling of governments), colonization, and the
appearance of alien raiders. Sword and. the S'ars includes a 17" x22" map
showing one quarter of a spiral galaxy, 56 Year Cards, 400 cardboard playing
pieces, rules, and various playing aids.

SECTOR CHECKS 1.2. Card Nr. 42

Operation Result Target Act. Base
CONQUEST C<5*-) -U3»-) -K-«2)
RAID - -1(3»-) -l(-«3)

GOVERN - - + 1(4«-)


GUARDIAN WEB G(S»-» - -1<"«8)

STARGATE SC8»-) - -i<-"8)


Tech Level Norm I Resource Value

Ideology, Q |^ jf 3
sectoh checks None required.
(Color) 1
Operation Result Target Act. Bate
CONQUEST C<8»") -1
RAID . B«l»-) -1 -

GOVERN - - + ]


GUARDIAN WEB G<1»-) - -1(-«1)


SEAT! Treaty

StrGate Trade- Level

Military **>

Admin is Cofon,
6 Diplmcy n

Revolt 7f?\

Ad Resource
Points Epidemic In Exile
Syntirrne Infcertt
xlO Xl Colony

Now available for $12 through retail outlets nationwide!

Ragnarok Counter Section Nr.l (100 pieces): Front
Quantity of sections of this identical type: 1. Total quantity of Sections (all types) in game: 1.

4- — nul l in i i • » iypfWjppp|^WW*Pi^W»w*>ll|*WW .

'II )
' " " «« < .

^mmmm *>« ^!PPP!P«•" , •



Berserk Berserk Berserk Berserk
Odin Thor Tyr Vidar Heimdall Freyr

932 lOol >

1051 1140 1030 1032
63 2 632 632 I
nmvpftptvppii!* iP tmmmmmmmmmtmmtm^mtmmmmmm n n — n . , immmmmtmn mm

Berserk Berserk Berserfe Berserk

Odin Heimdall Freyr

632 | 632 | 632 632

tm^mmmmnmmmim«t <






523 4

523 1


^^W m

523 J
523 j

m i i ^i » ., ! i n i Muppwwwpi^nmn i
'" mmtmmmmm***** .. —

I h

Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior

523 523 523 523 i
523 523 523 523 523
^wwwmu MM" fa , . i i wwpwi w.M iiwi m i ^wwnw»w PB ~-> ":-

fWWP^— ' 'W^WHPWWWIWP" — mmmmmimmmmmimmmmmmmm^^

Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie

644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 633 633
H i i i i ii . i i.- i iJ i i

Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Fire Fire

/^ TV Loc
644 644 644 644 644 644 644 633 633
} iii
—-«^*p1H . : • •. -
** — »- —— , »- 1. —

' —— ..-.- — _ — ^__

Fire Fire Fire

Loki i Fenrir Hryrn Suit Gartn Serpent
1032 1040 931 1031 940
633 633 633 633
— '
-•——•— ——— 1

Fire Fire Fire Fire

Loki Fenrir Hrviri Surt Garm Serpent

633 633 633 633

——— i **-* ——

> — ^—^^^-^-^^^— i i
i —— »——^^^-^— i. j — *" —i^^^^™^™

Frost r rosi Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost

734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734
^^^^""" ' ' "i
"in ' — — A.
I — I M I

Frost Frost !
Frost Frost Frost r
Frost Frost Frost Frosi
734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734 734
^ Ml

»" M » ,fc». « ! B^— M ^— -H.i »*' '

—. —- - —
Copyright © 1981, Simulations Publications. Inc., New York, N.Y.. 10010
Ragnarok Counter Section Nr.l (100 pieces): Back
-^. -^ m , ,
. — T »" I .

, - _ _ - .'I -,. i* t»" i- "V W T-» "^


^—^.^»» —



» « rr . • '

'-- '


-"— ->-w-

001 Oo3
Tyr Thor

Ool 0o2


•- " -

^ •••
_. ••



—~ .



,nJ ur*

"— '
—- w^---, .

Injury Injury
Grievous I

. m-r Irt ||l , F r *~*T r l|l III

• . i- ll I I

JMw^fcrillMWfc^fcwlW i ^i V i i i tfr^^afr ——^^rfii '

ii'Tfaii^irflip < • i— » — — 1 ,-- — — — . _ -^ —«— — —- — "'- H_V, B •^ w — a^MMfr—^^

Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior

424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424
-H -i ......... - - — -' m d. 1— ! v - -w --*» — .• . . — ,. . _

Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior

424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 I 424
-—- w-L-r* ' ' '
ii " tm *

-r- —— t, »
• m -r-t-
. _ ^.- .... .»

Fire Fire Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie f Valkyrie

534 534 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 545

*- — - -

Fire Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkvrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie Valkyrie

534 534 545 5

545 545 545 545 54? 545
__•_'_*! —*_ 'i 1 1 -ITi i
•> u- -m «i saJ> ^.-. *** — — - •''
; ,u -mill l

Mll't II '

Fire Fire Fire

Serpent Garm Suit Hrym

534 1] 001 [3] 002t4] Oo2[5] 001E2] 003[4]

534 534 534

Fire Fire Fire Fire

Serpent Garm Suit Hrym
Grievous Grievous Grievous Grievous Grievous Grievous
534 534 534 534 injury Injury injury Injury injury Injury

Frost Frost Frosl Frost Frost Frosl Frost Frost Frost Frost

635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635
Frosl Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost

635 635 635 635 635 635 635 635 >.. — ••-• •

..__ .

19 I
• Serpent

I Freyr
I Fenrir, Surt M
|Tyr *
IHrym m







in CO
H a
a s __JB ° g

_. Vimir Riv T
a | s §A Kj A ~2


MODIFICATION SUMMARY htract 1 from the Attacker's Attack Rating
a friendly hero occupies lie same hex as the defending unit
TARGET IS... TARGET «... These heroes add the indicated number Effects on Movement Effects on Combat ...if t

...if the attacker is a hero with a grievous injury

Hero Unit Dice Hero Unit toi heir At lack Rating when attacking Clear |
1 MP lo enter None

-1 (he indicated enemy hero. 1 to the attacker's Attack Rating
](-!) 2 Incap Incap Road I MP to enter None ,.,if a friendly hero occupies the same hex as the attacking unit
-3 i J Jncapf - 1) j
(see 5.1)
the defender a hero with a grievous injury
...if is The Aesir player can use this space lo hold warrior
1 1 4 Incap Incap Forest \ 2 MP to enter - 1 to Attack Rating if defender is in
...if the defender is an incapacitated unit units that are currenlly replaced by Berserk units
AESIR MODIFICATIONS forest; Valkyries cannot attack or be
-4g H-l) b J neap Elim Freyr: vs. Surt
...if the defender is a surrounded unit (see 10.1, 10.4).
1 attacked by units in forest
- 3 Elim 6 - Incap (- 1)
] Heimdall: 1 vs. Loki River 1 additional MP -2 lo Attack Rating if attacking
-1 / Incap Incap Odin:

- Thon
I vs. Fenrir to cross across river (unil altackers only)
2 8 - I vs. Loki; 2 vs. Midgard Serpent; j Bridge j
Negates MP cost -2 lo Attack Rating if attacking
-1 vs. Hrym; vs. Surt 10 cross river across bridge (unit altackers only) MOVEMENT ALLOWANCE DIFFERENTIAL
1(-1) 9 Incap Incap 1 I

+ 2 or
l( !) 10 Incap Incap Intact Wall Cannot be crossed Combat across wall prohibited -1 more
Vidar: 2 vs. Fenrir
-1 K-i) n HH - Destroyed i 1 additional MP - to Attack Rating if units ai lacking
1 D D 1) 1)

Loki, Fenrir, Hrym,

|-1 l(-l) 12 Incap Incap

Intact Gate

to cross (see 11.1, 11.2)

Cannot be crossed by
Jotun counters
across destroyed wall

Combat across gate prohibited BL_

\3 -

- D

and all Frosi Gianis Fenrir: vs. Odin; vs. Vidar

must pass through this
EXPLANATION: -llthrough -41: OSes indicated number of
1 1
Destroyed 1 additional MP - ! to Attack Rating if units attacking
Garm: vs. Tyr
The Bridge collapses in the Rainbow Bridge Gate to cross (Joiun or Aesir) across destroyed gate -
- -

bos before Surt, Garm 1: Endurance Points. 1 Uni retreats one hex. 2: Unit
1 I
ihe Midgard Serpen!,
Check Phase of ihe nexi Game-Turn. 2: The retreats two hexes. 1 (-11 Unil loses one Step and Hrym: No modification 5 -
Bridge collapses in ihe Rainbow Bridge Check then retreats one hex Elin Unit eliminated. Incap:
. and ihe Fire Gian can 1
Loki: 1 vs. Heimdall
Renter [he Track. Phase of Ihe Game-Turn after next (2 Game- Unit or hero incap citau d. Incapl -1): Unit in- EXPLANATION EXPLANATION:
Turns). C: The Bridge collapses immediately, capacitated and los s Ol s Step, g: Hero suffers Midgard Serpent; 1 vs. Thor MP: Movement Point. Note that the movement resirictio-ns indicated in this char: appiyonly D; Disengaement successful; (-): Disengage-
(-1; No effect. grievous injury. -: Nc effet t. Surt: 1 vs. Freyr logroLinduniis to heroes other lhan Odin (see 5.3 and 9.1>.

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