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Spring 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to recommend Joe Janosik to teach secondary social studies in your district. Joe is a
passionate teacher committed to developing his students’ historical knowledge in order to
prepare them for participation in democratic life. Though Joe has faced the unique challenge of
teaching online during the COVID-19 pandemic, he has worked hard to break down the digital
barrier and connect with his students in meaningful ways. Because of Joe’s commitment to
reflection and constant improvement in his practice, I am confident that he will adapt to whatever
environment he finds himself in next.

I have been Joe’s instructor for TE 801, “Professional Roles in Teaching Practice I,” and TE 803,
“Professional Roles in Teaching Practice II” at Michigan State University. These courses focus
on developing teaching interns’ ability to build relationships with students, understand their
needs, and adapt their practices based on the multiple forms of data. Over the course of the year,
Joe has risen to the challenge, constantly working to adjust his practice in order to find what will
work best with students. He has used a wide range of strategies, from meeting with students
one-on-one, to connecting with Special Education teachers and other building resources, to
incorporating student interests and current events into his classes, in order to try to reach every
last student.

Joe is an educator with strong values. He emphasizes co-creation of knowledge, collaboration,

and student voice and choice in his practice. For example, he is currently working on a project
with the aim of increasing student engagement in class discussions by directly incorporating
more of students’ interests in his discussion topics. I look forward to the results of Joe’s current
efforts, especially because I know that even if everything does not go exactly as planned, he will
continue to adjust and improve based on the feedback he receives.

I hope you will seriously consider Joe as a candidate for this position. I can be reached at​ if needed. Thank you for your consideration!

Briana Markoff

Graduate Instructor
Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education
Michigan State University

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