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2/10/2020 Ecology Introduction | Print - Quizizz


Ecology Introduction
20 Questions

1. The study of the interactions between organisms and their

environment is:

a) Ecology b) Microbiology
c) Biology d) Evolution

2. All living things in a given area, living and non-living.

a) Ecosystem b) Biotic

c) Community d) Species

3. The role an organism plays in its environment is known as its

a) ecosystem b) habitat
c) niche d) biosphere

4. All the organisms of the same species living in the same area

a) Community b) Population
c) Habitat d) Ecosystem

5. The non-living parts of the environment such as rocks, air,

temperature, sunlight, and water

a) Abiotic b) Biotic
c) Habitat d) Community

6. A group of very similar organisms that can mate and

reproduce offspring of the same type

a) Community b) Population

c) Species d) Niche

7. The living or once living organisms in an ecosystem

a) Biology b) Abiotic
c) Biotic d) Ecology 1/4
2/10/2020 Ecology Introduction | Print - Quizizz

8. An entity that displays all of the characteristics of life. Has the

ability to maintain homeostasis

a) animal b) organism
c) species d) trophosphere

9. Which of the following is the highest level of organization

within the environment?

a) population b) organism

c) ecosystem d) biosphere

10. Which of the following is an abiotic factor?

a) leaves b) soil

c) grass d) animals

11. The physical place where an organism lives is known as its

a) niche b) habitat

c) community d) biome

12. This group of organisms are made up of predominately

autotrophs, either photoautotrophs or chemoautotrophs

a) producers b) primary consumers

c) tertiary consumers d) decomposers

13. These organisms must eat to obtain their energy

a) autotrophs b) heterotrophs

c) producers d) niche

14. Groups of rabbits that live in the same area make up a

a) species b) population

15. The rabbits and squirrels in an area are a part of the same

a) population b) community

16. Organisms that are similar enough to reproduce are grouped

into a
a) species b) population

c) community d) biome 2/4
2/10/2020 Ecology Introduction | Print - Quizizz

17. The smallest level of ecological classification

a) population b) biome
c) ecosystem d) organism

18. The largest level of ecological classification

a) ecosystem b) biome
c) population d) biosphere

19. One specific member of a population

a) organism b) species

c) community d) dude

20. All the living and nonliving things in an area (biotic & abiotic)

a) population b) community

c) ecosystem d) biome 3/4
2/10/2020 Ecology Introduction | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. a 6. c 11. b 16. a
2. a 7. c 12. a 17. d
3. c 8. b 13. b 18. d
4. b 9. d 14. b 19. a
5. a 10. b 15. b 20. c 4/4

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