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Skin anamnesis social history (living, background, tobacco/alcohol, sexual history,

occupational hazard/environmental exposure).

- Chief complaint
- History of present illness (HPI)
- Past medical history (PMH)
- Medication Growth
- Allergy
- Family history
- Health-related behavior -How long has the lesion been present?
- Social history -Has it changed? (in size, shape, color, itch, bleeding?)
- Review of system
-Ever had skin cancer? Type? When? (most common basal cell &
HPI: (OLDCARTS) squamous cell ca)
-Onset  when was the first episode? -If melanoma, remember the Breslow tumor depth (in mm)? any
-Location  where on the body did it start? other detail? LN involved?
-Duration  continuous?
Family history of skin ca, biopsy confirmed melanoma.
-Characteristic  itch/burn/hurt?
-Associated symptoms Medication, cosmetic, travel history
-Aggravating & Relieving factor
-Radiation has it spread, pattern of spread?
Itchy Rash
-Severity have lesion changed (evolution)?
-Acute: insect bite, acute urticaria.
Allergy/atopy, medication, past illness, last oral intake/last
-Chronic: fungal infection, chronic irritant contact dermatitis,
menstrual cycle,, cancer, HT, MI, PE/DVT, stroke, DM, Obgyn (GPA,
mens, sexual history), hospital.
Affecting factor: atopy, bath, timing (diurnal, seasonal), medication,
Other: family history (similar, chronic dz), travel history, cosmetic,
exposure (occupation, toxin), associated symptoms, febrile dz
(mucosal involvement, sick contact), fever (fever or rash first?), Dermatologic history:
-Medication (new cream, cosmetic: allergic contact dermatitis,
urticaria, photodermatitis; new drugs: urticaria/fixed drug eruption)
-Travel (new food: urticaria; sunlight: photodermatitis; infestation:
-Hobby (solvent & topical agent: contact dermatitis; new pet: flea
infestation, allergic, urticaria)
-Occupational (chronic exposure to solvent: xerosis, atopic
-Systemic (renal pruritus, cholestatic pruritus, hematologic pruritus,
endocrine (thyroid, DM) pruritus, malignancy (lymphoma),
chronic/generalized pruritus, older age, abnormal PF)
1. Scabies
4. Urticaria et causa food allergy
-Incubation: 3-6weeks after infestation
Trigger allergy (peanut, egg, shrimp, shellfish), can appear
-Intense pruritus at night, burning sensation on any area of the body (face, lips, tongue, throat, or ears);
they may change shape, move around, disappear and
Site: wrists (flexor surface), Medial aspect of fingers, Interdigital reappear over short periods of time. The bumps – red or
folds skin-colored “wheals” with clear edges – usually appear
suddenly and go away just as quickly.
History: crowded living condition, direct contact.
-Kelompok/keluarga serupa? 5. Pityriasis rosea
flu-like symptom (1-2 weeks). Sebagian penderita
mengeluh gatal ringan-sedang. Penyakit
2. Tinea cruris dimulai dengan timbulnya lesi kulit berupa macula eritem
dengan skuama
Erythema, pruritus and rash in the groin, spread to upper thigh.
halus (pitiriasiformis) yang melekat pada tepi lesi (skuama
recently visiting a tropical climate, wearing tight-fitting clothes kolaret). Lesi sering soliter berbentuk lonjong atau anular
(including bathing suits) for extended periods, sharing clothing with dengan diameter kira-kira 3cm, terletak di badan. Lesi
others, participating in sports, or coexisting diabetes mellitus or pertama ini disebut sebagai herald patch. 4-10 hr kemudian
obesity. Prison inmates, members of the armed forces, members of timbul lesi-lesi sama yang lebih kecil secara serentak, garis
athletic teams, and people who wear tight clothing may be subject panjang lesi tersusun mengikuti garis kulit. Pada punggung
to independent or additional risk for dermatophytosis. lesi sejajar costa sehingga memberikan gambaran seperti
Contaminated towels or hotel bedroom sheets, or by pohon
autoinoculation from a reservoir on the hands or feet cemara. Setelah 3-8 minggu kelainan kulitakan menghilang
secara spontan dan hampir tidak pernah diderita untuk
kedua kalinya.
3. Irritant contact dermatitis Predileksi: badan, lengan atas, paha atas (daerah yang
acute: lesi terbatas pd tpt kontak kulit, perih, panas, rasa tertutup).
terbakar, lesi eritematosa, batas tegas, asimetris, edema,
bula/ nekrosis. Slow acute: 8-24h/+ after contact, awal
berupa eritema, besoknya jadi vesikel/necrosis.
Kumulatif/kronis: kulit kering dgn lesi eritem & skuama,
hyperkeratosis, likenifikasi dgn batas tdk tegas, gatal/nyeri,
berhub dgn pekerjaan shg byk di tgn.
Tinea cruris -Intro, inform consent, identity, chief complaint (itch)
Intro, inform consent, identity
-Onset (acute)
Complain: itch on groin
-Location (groin)
-Duration (continuous)
-Onset  when was the first episode?
-Location  usually groin -Characteristic (itch, burn)
-Duration  continuous?
-Characteristic  itch, red, ring shape -Associated symptoms (fever?)
-Associated symptoms
-Relieving/exacerbating factor (memburuk saat aktivitas)
-Aggravating & Relieving factor
-Radiation usually spread to upper thigh -Radiating (upper thigh)
-Severity -Timing (pagi only/malam lbh parah, sebelumnya?)
-have lesion changed?
-Allergy/atopy (buang dd dka), medication (skin ttx, medication),
Allergy/atopy, medication, past illness (DM), last oral intake past illness (DM comorbid), last oral intake

Other: family history (similar, DM), travel history, cosmetic, -Family history (same symptoms, chronic dz)
exposure (occupation, toxin), associated symptoms, fever, social
-Social history (living situation: alone?, hygiene)
history (usually wearing tight-fitting clothes for extended periods,
sharing clothing with others, participating in sports). -Personal background (travel, wear tight cloth, direct contact
similar, sharing cloth, sering keringat)

-Tobacco/alcohol, sexual history

-Occupational hazard/environmental exposure (animal, soil contact)

-Review of system (penyakit hati, ginjal?)

-Summarizing, closing
Lesion on 2 week old baby, on her back, keep crying especially on
warm night.

-Intro, inform consent & procedure, identity, wash hand

-Observe general (asymmetry by stroke, obese, pallor, fatigue,


-Observe lesion head-toe skin (hand, feet, elbow (xanthoma?), knee,

axilla, genital, cubiti, hair follicle, dermatome, face, scalp
(dandruff?), nail (onycholysis?), hair (hair loss, excess?))

-Move patient (sit to lie)

-Close inspection lesion by magnifier (size, shape, border, lesi

tunggal/gabungan, color, morfologi)

-Palpation (texture (rough/flat/raised/depressed), consistency

(hard/solid, firm/fluctuant), mobility, tenderness)

-Summarizing (lesi superfisial vesikel subkorneal jernih di back, 1-

2mm miliaria crystalina), closing, wash hand
STD -Protection from STD
Intro, inform consent, identity, chief complaint (lesi vesicular &/ Apakah anda dan pasangan menggunakan proteksi? If not, why? If
ulcerative in genital, discharge) so, pakai apa? Seberapa sering pake? Kalau kadang, pas kpn aja
pke/sama siapa pke? Apakah ada pertanyaan/ bahas proteksi yg
Onset (bbrp hr lalu); Location (genital); Characteristic (itch, pain)
Duration (continuous); Associated symptoms (fever); Radiating -Past history of STD
(anus); Relieving/exacerbating factor (memburuk saat aktivitas) Sebelumnya perna kena ims? Kpn? Kok bs kena? Perna ada gejala
berulang? Pernah dites hiv/ims lain? Mau dites?
Timing (pagi only/malam lbh parah, sebelumnya?); Severity Pasangan/ mantan perna kena ims? Kl iya, apa anda sama ims nya. If
Allergy/atopy yes, kpn tu? diagnosis? How was it treated?
-Prevention of pregnancy
Family history (same symptoms, chronic dz) Apa lagi mau punya anak? Apakah anda khawatir? Ada pke
Personal background (travel, wear tight cloth, direct contact similar, contrasepsi kb? Mau bahas info kb?
sharing cloth, sering keringat) -Medication history (medication)
-Past medical history (DM, HT, kidney liver dz, nyeri perut bwh, hari
Social history (hygiene, tobacco/alcohol) terakhir haid, keluhan menjelang/sesdh haid)
-Contraception? (apa, mulai kpn)
Sex history
-Completing history
Saya akan menanyakan hal tentang keadaan sex anda. Saya
Apa ada hal lain yang ingin anda bahas ttg kehidupan sex anda demi
mengerti kalo ini sgt bersifat pribadi, tetapi saya tanyakan kepada
kesehatan anda? Apa ada yg ingin didiskusikan mengenai kesehatan
semua pasien tanpa terkecuali utk kepentingan kesehatan,
sex anda?
informasi ini juga pasti dirahasiakan. Apakah bisa kita mulai?
For patients at risk for STDs, be certain to encourage testing and
-Partner (number over last 1y & gender)
offer praise for protective practices.
Apakah anda aktif berhubungan belakangan ini? kl ga, kpn terakhir?
Explain STD prevention methods: abstinence, monogamy, i.e.,
Dalam 1 thn trakhir, ada brp pasangan seks? Jenis kelamin? (If 1=
being faithful to a single sex partner, or using condoms consistently
ask partner RF current/past sex partner, drug use, If >1= ask
and correctly.
condom usage?
-Praise, closing
-Practice (if >1: genital, oral, anal, condom)
Saya akan menanyakan yg lbh sensitif lagi utk mengetahui lebih
lanjut apakah anda beresiko untuk terkena IMS. Anda pernah sex
contact dengan cara gimana saja? Genital (penis in the vagina)?
Anal (penis in the anus)? Oral (mouth on penis, vagina, or anus)?
Discharge swap woman Eye (1)

-Intro, inform consent & procedure (+ditemani suster), identity -Intro, inform consent, procedure, identity, wash hand, bk kcmata
(married woman only, kl blm: only urethra & vagina), wash hand,
-Visus: tutup 1 mata, cek mata skt dulu,
wear handscoon
Snellen chart (normal: 6/6, stop di baris salah 2 huruf, kl plg atas gbs
-Underwear off, lithotomy
ljt hitung jari),
-Bersihkan genital externa dengan kain kasa + NaCl
hitung jari (normal 60/60, jarak 1m dulu, br mundur, min3x bnr
-Siapkan bahan (speculum steril, swab/sengkelit steril) sampe 6m, kl gbs ljt lambai tgn),

-Buka lampu, pasang speculum waving hand (normal 300/300, jarak 1m dulu, arah tgn keatasbwh
atau kiri kanan, kl gbs ljt light perception),
-Cervix: bersihkan endoservix, lalu ambil specimen dgn swab utk
sediaan hapus & sediaan biakan. light perception (normal unlimited, apa ada cahaya, arah drmn)

Fornix posterior: dgn swab utk sediaan basah dan tes amin. -lapang pandang/confrontation test: pemeriksa dan pasien tutup 1
mata, jarak 1m, 4 sisi. (apa ada keterbatasan lapang pandang,
Dinding vagina: dgn sengkelit utk sediaan apus.
bagian mana)
Urethra: dgn sengkelit steril utk sediaan apus.
-gerakan bola mata: Gerakan arah mata angina
-Lepas speculum, closing
-closing, wash hand
Eye (2) Nose

-Intro, inform consent, procedure, identity, wash hand -Intro, inform consent, procedure, identity, wash hand, silahkan
duduk, pake lampu kepala, fiksasi
-IOP: tes sndiri dulu, pasien ttp mata liat bwh, palpasi 1 jari telunjuk
tekan mata, 1 Jri rasa undulasi (keras naik, lembek turun) -Inspeksi: dorsum nasi (perubahan warna btk edema hematom),
vestibulum nasi apa ada secret, krusta? wajah hiperemis, allergic
-Reflex cornea (Hirschberg): pasien liat lurus, penlight ke glabella,
shiner, rease, pendarahan epistaxis, secret, trauma, deformitas,
jarak ½ m, liat pantulan cahaya di mata (kedudukan bola mata:
trauma, simetris, maxilla, mandibula, palpebra edema?secret?
-Segmen anterior (kelopak, conjunctiva, cornea, CoA depth): pke -Palpasi: pegang aja jgn trlalu tekan di dorsum nasi ada
headloop magnifier, pasien liat lurus, inspeksi palpasi (nyeri/mass) fraktur/nyeri? maxilla, frontal ada nyeri?
palpebra superior & inferior, conjunctiva (anemis/folikel/secret), -Speculum rhinoscopy anterior: pegang speculum telunjuk sejajar
eversi palpebra, CoA sinari dr temporal lurus (normal terlihat ujung buat fiksasi, buka lampu arah ke hidung, jgn kena mata silau,
terang, sudut dangkal ada bgn gelap) masukin trtutup, lalu dibuka diangkat telunjuk fiksasi di tip hidung
(warna mucosa (merah muda/merah/pucat) cavum nasi lapang?
-Pupil reflex (direct indirect, normal constrict kena cahaya, kl rusak Secret (kl ada warna kekentalan letak) Concha inferior
dilatasi) eutrophic/atrofi/hipertrofi? Septum deviasi? Meatus media
-Shadow test: pke magnifier sinari 45’ dr temporal (negative: lensa terbuka? Concha media eutrophic/atrofi/hipertrofi) keluarin posisi
normal/keruh smua, positive: blm keruh/katarak imatur, matur) stgh, lalu sisi lain

-Closing, wash hand -Closing, wash hand

Head throat -Closing, wash hand

-Intro, inform consent, procedure, identity, wash hand, silahkan

duduk, pake lampu kepala, arahkan ke mulut
Ear (2)
-Inspeksi faring: rongga mulut (sariawan, plak), lihat gigi -Intro, inform consent, procedure, identity, wash hand, silahkan
(lubang/karies), lihat lidah (normoglosi/makro/mikro, tip marking), duduk, ambil garpu tala 512 Hz
pke tang spatula pd 2/3 anterior lidah lihat uvula (tengah? edema? -Rinne: getar, letak di mastoid, setelah tidak terdengar, penala
hiperemis? Memanjang?) dinding arkus (simetris), dinding faring dipegang di depan telinga sektar 2,5cm. Terdengar: (+), tidak
posterior (mucosa hiperemis? permukaan licin/granul? Post nasal terdengar (-) [ (+) normal/tuli sensori (-) tuli konduktif ]
drip?), tonsil (ukuran? Pembesaran? Simetris?) -Weber: getar, letak di garis vertex, dahi, pangkal hidung, tengah
gigi seri/dagu. Terdengar lebih keras di salah satu telinga:
-Inspeksi leher: ada massa? Benjolan? Trauma? Bekas luka? Jejas? lateralisasi ke telinga itu, tidak dapat dibedakan: lateralisasi (-)
Laserasi? Edema? Julurin lidah apa ada krista ductus tiriglossus (kl [ lateralisasi ke sehat: sensorineural, ke sakit: konduktif]
ada, ada massa naik) -Schwabach: getarkan, letak di pros mastoid sampai tak bunyi.
-Palpasi: periksa kgb ada nyeri? (submental, submandibular, Pindahkan ke pros mastoid pemeriksa. Pemeriksa masih dengar=
cervical, supraclavicula), tiroid (menelan, apa ada massa?) Schwabach memendek (sensorineural), pemeriksa tidak dengar=
ulang taruh penala di pros mastoid pemeriksa baru ke pasien,
-Closing, wash hand pasien dengar=schwabach memanjang (konduktif), pasien dan
pemeriksa sama mendengar: schwabach = pemeriksa
Ear (1) -Bing (oklusi): tragus telinga diperiksa ditekan sampai menutup
-Intro, inform consent, procedure, identity, wash hand, silahkan liang telinga (tuli konduktif sekitar 30 dB). Getarkan penala dan
duduk letak di vertex. Lateralisasi ke telinga yg ditutup=normal; tidak
-Inspeksi: bentuk auricula simetris/tidak, mastoid hiperemis, lateralisasi= tuli konduktif
pendarahan/secret, -Stenger (prinsip masking): pura-pura tuli telinga kiri. 2 buah penala
ulkus/furuncle/fistula/trauma/laserasi/ekskoriasi getarkan dan letak di depan telinga kiri kanan (tidak terlihat).
-Palpasi: nyeri tekan mastoid (nyeri Otitis media supuratif kronik) / Getarkan penala 1, taruh depan telinga kanan (N) jelas terdengar.
tragus (otitis externa nyeri), tarik auricula Penala 2 getar lebih keras, taruh depan telinga kiri (pura-pura). Efek
-Otoskopi: jempol jari tengah Tarik ke superoposterior, telunjuk masking: hanya telinga kiri dengar, telinga kanan tidak. Bukan efek
Tarik ke anterior auricula, pegang otoskop spserti pensil kelingking masking (organik): telinga kiri tuli, telinga kanan tetap dengar.
fiksasi ke pipi, lihat liang telinga lapang, tidak ada secret serumen, -Closing, wash hand
membrane timpani intact tidak cembung/cekung, transparansi,
reflex cahaya (jam 5=kanan, 7=kiri), bayangan tulang maleus

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