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Saravanan Iyer
Experiment 4

To understand the working of Jira Project Management tool


1. Registration:
1. Go to and click on Get it free

2. Signup
3. Once registered enter the Domain name
4. Create a classic project and choose the scrum model
5. This will be the home screen

2. Create Epics:
1. Go to backlog and select epics and create epic (Ensure that the issue type is
3. Create Issues in epic:
1. In the epics tab select create issue in epic
2. Select stories as the issue type and enter the summary and create the issue.
Enter the following 5 issues
a. Meet customer
b. Read documentations
c. Create SRS
d. Review SRS for correctness
e. Meet end users
3. The following screen should be displayed in the scrum backlog section

4. Customize issues:
1. Select the issues and you should get the following options
2. You can change the Assignee who will report the updates to the reporter
3. Story points can be added which are numbers in the Fibonacci sequence

4. The priority of the issue can also be changed

5. Create Sprints:
1. Select on create sprint. This should create a new sprint.

2. Drag and drop the existing issues to the sprint tab.

3. Click on Start sprint and select the appropriate name, duration and
preferably add a sprint goal.
4. The active sprint tab should display the issues in the following manner.

6. Using sprints:
1. Jira allows us to categorize the issues in three tabs:
a. To DO
b. In Progress
c. Done
2. Once we complete all the issues, we can complete the sprint
7. Reports:

1. Once we complete the sprint we get the report of our project in the form of a
sprint report
2. You can also get a more detailed burndown chart in the reports tab.

Thus we have successfully studied and understood the working of the Jira project
management tool.

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