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With increasing numbers of people choosing to teach English as a foreign language,

the need to gain a(n) ________ (credit) qualification has never been more important.

accredited: được công nhận

2. A campaign is calling for the reversal of a decision to scrap A-level archaeology -

saying it would cause _______(revoke) harm to the development of future

irrevocable: không thể thay đổi

3. Sir Adrian was a true gentleman. He was ________ (fail) polite to everyone he met
within the business and was on first name terms with many of them, regardless of where
they worked.

unfailingly: luôn luôn

4. An eight-month inquiry by the all party group on ________ (mind) found frontline
public servants could be less likely to fall ill with stress, or quit altogether, if they engage
in the increasingly popular meditation practice.

mindfulness: chánh niệm

5. ________ (absent) is an issue of growing concern among employers in the UK owing

to changing legislation, but there is virtually no robust data on its direct or indirect costs.

Absenteeism: sự vắng mặt không có lí do chính đáng

6. A decision to allow ________ (hear) evidence in disciplinary proceedings against a

doctor linked to child abuse claims was ________ (law).

hearsay – unlawful: tin đồn-bất hợp pháp

7. Slavoj Žižek was born in communist Yugoslavia in 1949, and received a thorough
grounding in Marxism and the principles of ________ (dialect) materialism.

dialectical: biện chứng

8. Can you make up a(n) ________ (four) for tennis tomorrow?

foursome: đấu cặp

9. These wonderful books ________ (capsule) moments in history in truly unforgettable

ways .
encapsulate: tóm lược

10. Proposals to protect the right of mentally ________ (capacity) people to be involved
in important decisions about their life have been published by the government.

incapacitated: bị làm mất sức lao động

11. Authorities in the US state of Michigan have charged a taxi driver with six counts of
murder after he went on a random shooting spree on Saturday. Jason Brian Dalton, 45,
remained ________ (express) as the charges were read in court on Monday.

expressionless: không biểu cảm

12. Around 40% of jobseekers have been without work for more than one year, the report
says, running "significant risks of ________ (moral), loss of self-esteem and mental
health problems"

demoralization: sự làm mất tinh thần

13. A former migrant has returned home to Senegal after becoming ________ (heart)
with life as an illegal migrant in Spain. After six years, Babacar Dialor Faye never got his
legal documents and had to live on ________ (hand) from the Red Cross.

disheartened – handouts: nản lòng-sự cứu trợ

14. Kids have become ________ (sense) to violence. Someone's been shot, and kids are
playing up and down the streets on their bikes, because they're used to seeing it and that's
also what you see in a war zone.

desensitized: bớt nhạy cảm

15. Parents often favour one child over another and, at its worst, parental________
(favour) can be one of the most profound and damaging emotional dynamics a child ever
encounters. It can affect the rest of their lives.

favouritism: sự thiên vị

16. When Emma was widowed in 1879, she decided to leave her home in Koblenz,
Germany, to start ________ (new) in Glasgow, and settled in the city by 1881.

anew: từ đầu
17. Anti-terrorism police patrol units are to be introduced across London boroughs. This
tactic was endorsed by Lord Harris in his review of London's ________ (prepare) for a
terror attack, commissioned by the mayor.

preparedness: sự chuẩn bị sẵn sàng

18. Reports of memory loss with long-term cannabis use are nothing new, and an
influential paper published last year provided evidence that smoking marijuana has a(n)
________ (delete) effect on intelligence.

deleterious: có hại

19. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis and

is what causes the subjective "high". This includes changes in ________ (perceive)
sensations, a feeling of ________ (content) and increased appetite .

perceptual – contentment: thuộc giác quan-sự thỏa mãn

20. Cyanide ________ (toxic) is experienced by humans at doses of around 0.5–3.5

milligrams per kilogram of body weight .

toxicity: tính độc

21. She has become increasingly ________ (opinion) and verbalises her opinions
forcefully without any insight into their effect on others.

opinionated: bảo thủ, ngoan cố

23. ________ who want to fund the restoration of a derelict arts centre in Cheltenham
have pleaded with other bidders to let it become community-run (benefit)

Benefactors: nhà hảo tâm

24. He was a bad influence on the child, who was at a(n) ________ (impress) age.

inpressionable: dễ bị ảnh hưởng

25. Membership talks were launched in 2005, but progress has been slow, as several EU
states have serious ________ about Turkish EU membership. (give)

misgivings: mối nghi ngại

26. He has such great power and yet talked with such ________(humble). There aren’t
many people in politics who are as charismatic as President Obama.
humility: sự khiêm nhường

27. For many people Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) is the most influential figure in
the history of western classical music. His extraordinary talent was already clearly
evident as a young man, ________ (mercy) surviving a somewhat unconventional
upbringing during which his eccentric father would often force him to take music lessons
in the middle of the night.

mercifully: 1 cách nhân từ, một cách may mắn

28. How often have you seen rich people take to the stress, shouting that they are earning
too much? Protesters are typically blue-collar workers yelling that the minimum page has
to go up, or that their jobs should not go overseas. Concern about ________ (fair) is
always ________(symmetry), stronger in the poor than the rich. And the ________ (lie)
emotions are not as ________(loft) as the ideal itself. Children become
thoroughly________ (indignation) as the slightest discrepancy in, say, the size of their
slice of pizza compared to their sibling’s.

fairness: sự công bằng, asymmetrical: không đều nhau, underlying: cơ sở, cơ bản, lofty:
kiêu kỳ, indignant: căm phẫn

29. Many teachers expressed serious ________ (give) about the new tests.

misgivings: mối lo ngại

30. The price of property in the city is ________ (prohibit)

prohibitive: đắt đỏ

31. ________ is an economic theory which states that a progressively greater level of
consumption is beneficial to the consumers. (consume)

consumerism: chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng

32. If your credit card debt is mounting and yet you can't stop spending, you could be a

shopaholic: nghiện mua sắm

33. The number of people suffering from shopping addiction has . ________ (TAKE) the
number of drug and drink addicts combined.

overtaken: vượt
34. Everyone has heard of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; few of his son Franz Xaver. A
new CD collection ________ (title) The Other Mozart celebrates Franz's music - in all its
haunting, ________ (melancholy) innocence. The 27 songs are brief slivers of ideas,
________ (develop) shadows of what might have been, reaching a beautiful fulfillment in
the later works. But it is clear that the music never reaches the heights of his genius
father. Franz was the youngest of Mozart's children, and his mother's hopes and
ambitions focused on him following the ________ (mature) death of his father. The very
best teachers were automatically available to Franz's, who made his public debut as a
singer, aged five. The songs bring to light Franz's ________. (piano) accomplishments;
the piano parts are extremely demanding. The songs hint at Franz's love for a woman;
they speak time and again of unattainable love and ________ (fulfil) longing.

________ (realist), however, the fact remains that this music, had it been written by a
composure of any other name, would probably have remained buried in the archives.

entitled: cho quyền, melancholic: u buồn, underdeveloped: chưa phát triển hoàn toàn,
premature: sớm, pianistic: thuộc về piano, unfulfilled: không thành, realistically: thực tế

35. The region has several medium-sized towns and cities, but no major ________

conurbation: khu thành phố

36. When you're on a cross-country flight, it's tough to tolerate the ________ crying of a
baby. (cease)

incessant: không dứt

37. Our ________ mind registers things which our conscious mind is not aware of.

subconscious: tiềm thức

38. They were now faced with seemingly ________ technical problems (mount).

insurmountable: không thể vượt qua

39. The report should distinguish clearly between ________ fact, firm opinion and mere
speculation (dispute)

indisputable: không thể chối cãi

40. They have become ________, with both sides refusing to compromise any further.

irreconcilable: không thể giảng hòa

41. Finland’s metalworkers' union chief Riku Aalto has criticised government proposals
to alter nationwide labour conditions as ________and unprofessional (amateur).

amateurish: nghiệp dư

42. His interpretation of the figures is far too ________ (simple)

simplistic: đơn giản

43. The organization insists that it is ________ and does not identify with any one
particular party (politics)

apolitical: phi chính trị

44. The new regulations will be ________ for small businesses. (burden)

burdensome: phiền toái

45 Solon replies that birds like peacocks are ________ in their beauty. (compare)

incomparable: vô song

46. It is ________ to generalize from the results of a single experiment. (advise)

inadvisable: không nên

47. Try not to ________ to criticism (react)

overreact: phản ứng quá mạnh mẽ

48. He was confused and ________ and I didn't get much sense out of him. (cohere)

incoherent: không mạch lạc

49. Gradually she began to notice one or two little ________ in his character. (perfect)

imperfections: sự không hoàn hảo

50. They’re concerned about the ________ of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (build)

buildup: sự tích tụ
51. Karen has always felt ________ by her famous elder sister. (shadow)

overshadowed: bị làm lu mờ

52. An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal ________ (normal).

abnormalities: sự bất bình thường

53. He is currently standing trial for alleged ________ (practice)

malpractices: hành động phi pháp

54. All points on a circle are ________ (distant) from the centre.

equidistant: khoảng cách bằng nhau

55. The worsening situation forced the company to ________ (size) from 39 employees
to 7.

downsize: cắt giảm

56. The new version of the program comes with a much better user ________(face).

interface: giao diện

57. Who will be the main ________ of the cuts in income tax? (benefit)

beneficiary: người được hưởng lợi

58. The parents showed remarkable ________(bear) toward their defiant and unruly son.

forbearance: sự chịu đựng, rộng lượng

59. A(n) ________(mean/menace) has been committed but the offender has not been

misdemeanour: tội nhẹ

60. I keep getting ________ (contrary) advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and
some tell me to put ice on it.

contradictory: mâu thuẫn

61. He gazed at her with ________ (smell) eyes, wishing she wasn't married.

smouldering/smoldering: âm ỉ
62. He had a(n) ________ (rival) knowledge of south Arabian society, religion, law and

unrivalled: không gì sánh được

63. The ship is an exact ________ (reply) of the original Golden Hind.

replica: bản sao

64. ________(provide) and expression as well as musical accompaniment of the exercises

plays a central role in the training programme of the Medau-Schule.

Improvisation: sự ứng biến

65. Ariadne herself personifies the passively courageous, endlessly ________(resource),

and ________ (love) restorative element in every psyche.

resourceful – lovingly: tháo vát-yêu thương, âu yếm

66. ________ (brain) on creative tasks has been a major activity in the advertising
business where it began in the 1930s.

Brainstorming: ý kiến bất chợt

67. Abuses of the investigative process may ________(perceive) lead to abridgment of

protected freedoms

imperceptibly: không thể nhận thấy

68. Their contributions to science have earned them a(n) ________ (last) place in history.

everlasting: vĩnh viễn

69. She appeared on television to make a(n) ________ (passion) plea for help.

impassioned: mãnh liệt, dữ dội

70. No one will raise moral psychology of the question of obesity, for fear of sounding
________(passion) and ________(reaction).

uncompassionate – reactionary: tàn nhẫn-phản động

71. We should take a more ________ (passion) view and consider the long-term effects
of Briant's work.
dispassionate: không thiên vị

72. The solutions ________ (compass) a wide range of options to suit all tastes and

encompass: xoay quanh

73. He was known to be a loud-mouthed, ________ (opinion) bigot.

opinionated: ngoan cố, khăng khăng giữ ý kiến của mình

74. The aim of the report is to ________ (lucid) the main points of the new regulations.

elucidate: làm sáng tỏ

75. Some things are ________ (alien) true: Water is wet, gra is green (kind of), dogs bark
and houses prices rise

inalienably: không thể thay đổi

76. Jack tried to ________ (one) for his rudeness by sending her some flowers.

atone: chuộc lỗi

77. By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who
pledged to ________ (law) abortion altogether had been elected.

outlaw: cấm

78. Tootle seems to be essentially a(n) ________ (caution) tale, warning the child to stay
on the narrow road of virtue.

cautionary: để cảnh báo

79. The country's great influence in the world is ________ (proportion) to its relatively
small size.

disproportionate: thiếu cân đối

80. In the US, a school ________ (intend) is in charge of the schools in a particular area.

superintendent: giám thị

81. The demonstrators ________ (brand) banners and shouted slogans.

brandished: nói một loạt

82. He has a(n) ________(can) knack of being able to see immediately where the
problem lies.

uncanny: phi thường, kì lạ

83. Mick was stubborn and ________ (dominate) with a very bad temper.

domineering: độc đoán, hốc hách

84. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and

________ (temper).

temperament: tính khí

85. The final whistle was greeted with ________ (triumph) cheers from players and

triumphant:chiến thắng, vui mừng

86. She has never traced back her ________ (line), but believes her grandparents were
from Aberdeenshire.

lineage: dòng dõi

87. She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, ________ (assail/salient)

unassailable: không thể đánh đổ

88. In the field of ________ (diet), standards of practice have been developed for
practitioners in the field.

dietetics: dinh dưỡng

89. I am afraid I have quite a(n) ________ (incline) to retire on a pension.

disinclination: sự không thích

90. A(n) ________ (reach) and comprehensive strategy, carefully integrated with broader
plans for health care reform, is required.

far-reaching: có ảnh hưởng sâu rộng

91. They're making efforts to streamline their normally ________(cumber) bureaucracy.

cumbersome: phức tạp

92. Trading can be characterized as a pure, ________ (cumber) personal choice with an
immediate outcome.

unencumbered: không lúng túng

93. He's ________(centre), ________(manipulate), insensitive; classic signs of a

personality problem.

self-centred – manipulative: ích kỉ-áp đặt

94. Sometimes a sympathetic friend can be a constant source of discouragement, all

________ (know).

unknowingly: vô tình

95. Some say he was reborn as an undead god, others that he was simply a(n) ________

disembodied: tách rời thể xác

96. This book is about people who claim to have ________ (normal) abilities such as ESP
and mind-reading.

paranormal: bất bình thường

97. The refugees slept in ________ (shift) tents at the side of the road.

makeshift: tạm thời

98. The inheritance of ________ (mode) company structures from the past, reinforced by
further concentration, produced very rigid company organisation.

outmoded: lỗi thời

99. In the ________ (mingle) of news and commercials we have a struggle of sorts
between two different orientations.

intermingling: trộn lẫn

100. Two hijackers used fake explosives to _______ (command) the airliner.

commandeer: kiểm soát

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