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Hemagglutination is the agglutination or clumping of the red cells. Clumping is caused by

antibody binding on the surface of the red cells. Clumping of the red cell can be observed
macroscopically. This term used in the Blood bank, Microbiology, and Serology sections because it is
commonly done in these sections where it is used for blood typing, cross-matching, bacterial diagnosis,
and viral diagnosis. Hemagglutination can be occurring in vitro or in vivo. The term in vitro means
agglutination of the blood outside the body that can be caused by the presence of antibodies, bacteria,
or viruses and in vivo means agglutination inside the body when transfused blood was not compatible
that cause cross-type agglutination that can lead to organ damage and can be fatal. It is done to
determine the presence of antigen and the level of antibodies. Blood typing and cross-matching are
done in the Blood banking section to determine the compatibility of the patient and the donor. To know
what antigen is present in the red cells and antibody in the serum. It is essential to determine the blood
type to avoid transfusion of incorrect blood type that may result in hemolysis of the blood in the blood
vessel. Blood typing has been done manually for many years, because of the sensitivity of
hemagglutination test (Ashiba et al.,2015) used this method and developed waveguide-mode sensor
that is fully automated that uses hemagglutination method for ABO forward typing and also Rh D typing
and also due to some limitations of manual processing for emergencies and point of care diagnoses, a
microfluidic chip was introduced to enhance hemagglutination reaction (Samae2018).

Hemagglutination Inhibition assay can be used for diagnosing viral infection and quantifying the
specific virus antibodies that inhibit hemagglutination. An example of a virus that uses HAI is the
Influenza virus, a specific antibody binds to the surface of the virus, it inhibits the virus from binding on
the surface of the red cell and it won't form a lattice. Analysis of the HIA antibody level used for
determining the probability of having Influenza (Benoit et al.,2017), identify past exposure to the
virus(Truelove et al., 2016) and assess immune response into the virus-induced antibody (Wilson et al.,
2017). HIA used as a standard to evaluate the efficacy of the vaccine (Ng et al., 2017). Assessing
Plumbago indica and Allium sativum extract effectivity against Influenza virus using HAI (Chavan et al.,

In our research we're going to use hemagglutination assay for determining which antigen on the
red cell will Vigna radiata extract will react and determine what concentration of V.radiata and the red
cell suspension is suitable for the analysis.

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