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Model Question Paper –I Total marks=60
STD- IV Mathematics
Q1 Tick the correct answer (1X5=5)

i) It the deviser of a number is 10, Quotient is 17 and Remainder is 7 than the

dividend is ________

171 1071 071 1701

ii) Ali is using a number code to represent letters. Each letter is shown by a

This is how Ali would code the word “maths”

M a t h s

13 01 20 08 19 How would Ali code the word






iii) Sunil had a 20m roll of masking tape. He cut off 15cm.

How much tape is left on the roll, in cm?

1985 500 185 5

iv) Manling and Luisa arranged a time to meet to play tennis manling arrived 20
minutes late, Luisa arrived 5 minutes early.

Luisa arrived at 12.45 pm.

What time did manling arrive?

1.10pm 1.00pm 12.50pm 12.30pm

v) Half a liter of milk fills 2 cups.

How many cups can be filled with 3 liters of milk?

11/2 3 6 12

Q2) Solve the following sums (2X10=20)

i) Convert the following into like fractions

6/12 and 8/24

ii) Simplify using ODMAS

6+8/2 -2X1+5 of 2/5

iii) Add


iv) Subtract

2 3/6-5/6

v) Prepare a bill for the following purchase and find the amount of money
received back.

Rahul paid Rs 100 note and Rs 50 note to the shopkeeper to buy 2

registers each costs 15Rs 75P, 2 gel pens, Each costs 20Rs 25P, and 1
geometry box costing 60Rs 50paise.

vi) Multiply.


75 28

X 12

vii) Find the area and perimeter of the following figure.


viii) Find the sum of consecutive numbers

a) 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=_______

ix) Compare.

a) 10,46,29,456 10,00,29,456

b) 21,59,16,007 21,95,61,007


L ml 500ml 250ml 150ml 5ml

a 1 750
b 3 155
c 1 650
d 2 255

Q 3) Story sums (3X5=15)

a) A marathon runner ran 35km in 7 hours. How much distance he covered

every hour?

b) I have 12 one rupee note, 25 fifty paisa coins and 20 ten paisa coins. How
much money do I have?

c) On a certain day, the sun rose at 5:45am and set at 6.20pm. Calculate the
length of the day.

d) Change to 24hr clock.

i) 1.45pm _________.

ii) 5.20am _________.

iii) 10.40pm ________.

e) Find the sum of weights in each case.

i) 200g 500g 50g 50g= __________.

ii) 500g 500gm 300g 100gm= ________.

Q 4) Solve by lattice method.(5X2=10)

i) 469X37

4 6 9

ii) Multiply by suitable rearrangement.

a) 4x13x25

iii) Find the product by expanded notation.

a) 524X5

iv) Multiply.

a) 782X100

v) 155/23.

Q 5) Draw a bar graph for the following data.

Animal Life span

1)Tortoise 125yrs
2)Cat 6yrs
3)Cheetah 25yrs
4)owl 4yrs
5)Human 85yrs
6)Elephant 100yrs

Answer the following questions based on the bar graph. (1X5=5)

1) How much more life span.

i) A tortoise has that a human.

ii) An elephant have than an owl.

iii) Who has the minimum life span?

iv) Who has the maximum life span?

v) What is the life span of cat?

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