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Write about a teacher who made an unfortunate mistake which

caused a student to suffer as a result.

It was a morning of great excitement and unparalleled happiness, as the sun was
high in the sky, and I was going on a trip with my classmate and teacher. We set
out at the crack of dawn to the camping site of the Great Mountain of Kinabalu
and arrived just at the beginning of the afternoon. We explored the area and did
what any other student would do on a trip – have fun. After a long day of
invigorating adventures, I went to sleep in my tent clueless about the terror I
would face tomorrow.
I woke up to the roaring of the clouds and pitter-patter of the rain; a complete
change in the weather and as I went out of my tent, the lingering silence took me
by surprise. There was no one there! Rummaging through the entirety of the
place and thinking about all the worst possibilities, I realized they had left me. My
teacher must have made an unfortunate mistake and forgotten about me. How
could he do that? My mind completely consumed by these thoughts of loneliness
and perhaps betrayal, I suddenly slipped and before I knew it I was falling into an
In the thick folds of the forest, when I woke up, I found myself gasping. Gasping
for air, gasping for something that would remind me how to be alive in that place
where all seemed to be dying! The night had fallen upon me quietly, like a blanket
that is thrown upon one’s shoulders to protect them from the cold, but the only
thing I needed protection from, was the very thing that was gripping me –
The air was heavy with the sound of silence; I dared not to move in fear of what
might happen, so I laid still. Face in the ground, my nose filled with the scent of
grass and wet fallen leaves; my hands in my pocket; my legs against my chest.
There had not been a moment before where I felt this vulnerable, this fragile. As if
my bones could break at the mere attempt of movement, or that my eyes would
no longer be able to withstand the sight of light. Fear is a mighty thing. It
paralyzes you to the very core of your being. The only sound discerning time was
my heartbeat; a constant ticking of the clock, a simple reminder that life existed in
that desolated space… until I heard something else. Something warm. Similar to
my heartbeat but just faster, more fearless; and so I decided to get up and follow
the sound.
My legs were stiff from lying still, burdened by my body weight I fell to the ground
in my attempt to walk. I tried again. And again, until I finally stood up – a little
twig, towered by trees. I found myself wandering off into the forest obliviously.
The sound was getting louder by the minute. I continued following the sound and
after what seemed like an eternity I saw a mystical fog. With hints of purples and
blues and greens, the fog seemed unworldly.
A new wave of strength and fortitude overcame me. It was as if the fog were
calling upon me. As I entered through the barrier of fog, what caught my sight
was unlike anything I had seen before. Was I still on earth? Was I dreaming?
It would be impossible to believe that the dark forest not much far from a maze
could lead to this. The sky above me was blood red, with not one, but two bright
yellow suns. The ground beneath me was green, the field covered in millions of
new species of flowers and plants and trees. The far end of the ‘new land’ was
adorned with a chain of mountains that seemed to be covered in snow. I could
not believe my eyes anymore! I was looking upon a new world that went against
every human and worldly fact and law that I had ever known. What had I just
discovered? And would this have happened if my teacher hadn’t made such a

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