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Module 1 Assignment

Before you begin…….

Before you begin the introductory module, we ask you to reflect on the natural disaster situation in your country.

1. Please list the main natural hazards your country is exposed to.

 Cyclone
 Tsunami
 Floods
 Landslides
 Avalanches
 Heat and cold wave

2. Describe a recent natural disaster event you are familiar with.

Uttarakhand Disaster:-
Some reports claim that the flooding was triggered by a section of the Nanda Devi glacier breaking off early on
February 7, releasing water trapped behind the ice and triggering a glacial lake outburst flood. According to other
sources, satellite images indicate that the incidents were caused by a landslide. A part of the ice was cut away,
resulting in a flood.

3. In what way and how this natural disaster affected your city/ region/ country/ continent?

 Death toll rises to 54

 64 persons from UP missing
 NTPC’s Tapovan-Vishnugad hydel project and the Rishi Ganga Hydel Projects damaged
 Troubles for the ongoing Char Dham road project

4. In light of the losses and damages you have described in the previous answer, what type of actions would you
recommend to decrease the damages from future disasters?

 Capacity of disaster preparedness and response must be increased

 Data for risk prediction and risk prevention must be increased
 Community of the vulnerable area should be prepared to face the disaster
 These kind of glacier melt is because of the climate change, this has to be raised internationally and
adopt climate friendly practices
 Increase funding for adaption and resilience

5. Please define in your own words the following terms:

 Prevention- The aim of prevention is to avoid disasters or emergencies caused by human activity or
natural phenomena. The primary goal of prevention is to minimise -avert- the risk of an occurrence by
eliminating the threat or vulnerability.
 Mitigation- Sustained action that decreases or removes long-term danger to people and property from
natural hazards and their effects, according to the definition of mitigation. It refers to the ongoing efforts
at the National, state, local, and person levels to mitigate the effects of disasters on our families,
homes, communities, and economy.
 Preparedness- Steps taken to plan and mitigate the impact of disasters are referred to as disaster
preparedness. That is to anticipate and where possible avoid disasters to minimise effects on
vulnerable communities and to react effectively and cope up with disasters' consequences.
 Response/Relief- The response process is triggered when a catastrophic accident or emergency
occurs. Relief refers to activities that take place after the emergency has ended in order to restore basic
community functions and begin to coordinate stabilisation efforts.
 Recovery/Rehabilitation- Rehabilitation and recovery efforts after a disaster provide support strategies
aimed at restoring human-centred services and facilities, as well as the physical and ecological integrity
of the impacted environment.

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