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Matura próbna 2021

Imię i nazwisko: �����������������������������������������������������
Klasa: ������ Suma: ����� / 50 pkt.

Zadanie 1. (0 – 3 pkt.)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl
literę A, B lub C.

Tekst 1
1.1. What is the best headline for this piece of news?
A. The Japanese earthquake update.
✓ B. The Japanese earthquake casualty report.
C. A post-earthquake tsunami report.

Tekst 2
1.2. The speaker is
A. in a prison.
✓ B. in a museum.
C. at a lecture hall.

Tekst 3
1.3. Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, and not an opinion?
A. If you don’t eat meat, you are healthier.
B. If you don’t eat meat, you lose weight.
✓ C. If you don’t eat meat, you protect the environment.

Zadanie 2. (0 – 4 pkt.)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat mody. Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj
odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo, nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker
A. mentions ways of purchasing more clothing items at a lower price.
B. focuses on accessories more than on the clothes.
C. gives reasons why parents should not worry about their children’s fashion decisions.
D. explains why it is important to wear jewellery on special occasions.
E. expresses criticism of another person’s approach to fashion.

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

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Matura próbna 2021 – POZIOM ROZSZERZONY

Zadanie 3. (0 – 5 pkt.)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę dwojga nastolatków. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D.

3.1. Josh is worried about Kasia because

A. she has done something she now regrets.

B. she is involved in criminal activity.

C. she wants to be an IT specialist.

✓ D. she wants to transform her life.

3.2. What is Kasia going to study at university?

✓ A. Media
B. Polish

C. History

D. Maths

3.3. How old was Kasia when she chose her present school?

A. 7

B. 13

✓ C. 16
D. 19

3.4. What’s Emily going to do about Kasia’s situation?

A. She is going to talk to Kasia’s parents.

✓ B. She is going to get in touch with Kasia.

C. She still needs to make up her mind about it.

D. She is going to talk to Josh about it later again.

3.5. Emily believes that

A. young people should not decide about the future.

B. her dad was wrong to have changed his studies.

✓ C. Kasia needs support in her situation.

D. if a person makes a decision they should not change it.

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Zadanie 4. (0 – 4 pkt.)

Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C) oraz zdania go dotyczące (4.1.– 4.4.). Do każdego
zdania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch zdań.


A. Forensic anthropology
Forensic anthropology is concerned with studying human remains by analysing bones and hard
tissue. Experts use a variety of sophisticated methods, such as X-rays, CT scans, and microscopy
to discover as much as possible about human remains. Based on examining skeletons, forensic
anthropologists can identify not only the victim’s age or gender, but also point out the cause and
time of death or the diseases which the person might have suffered from. Furthermore, the type
of damage done to the bones may help to form conclusions about the kind of weapon used against
the victim.

B. Forensic toxicology
The job of forensic toxicologists is to search for poisons or drugs by analysing biological data.
These scientists can determine what substance was taken, and whether the amount might
indicate the wrong use or overuse. For instance, they could test the blood of a person suspected
of causing a driving accident in order to calculate drug or alcohol content, which might be helpful
in establishing if the level of toxic substances was high enough to contribute to the accident.
Forensic toxicologists must maintain a learning curve at all times, as new drugs, both legal and
illegal, are constantly being invented.

C. Digital forensics
Digital forensics attempts to investigate crimes by using computers and the Internet in order to find
instances of network and password attacks or threats to the digital infrastructure. These experts
must be able to deal with various types of computing software and hardware to analyse data and
predict possible trends. Even though this branch of forensics is relatively new, it can be expected
that with increasing Internet use and the growing number of cyber-attacks, digital forensic science
will gain even more popularity in the years to come.

4.1. This forensic technique could prove that someone wasn’t guilty of a crime.
4.2. These experts must foresee the type of crimes that will be committed in the future.
4.3. Forensics dealing with this technique need to stay updated about new developments.
4.4. Thanks to this technique, we can find out when a person died.

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Zadanie 5. (0 – 4 pkt.)

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki (5.1.–5.4.) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące
zdania (A–E), aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.


When you go to school and see people listening to music on their phones everywhere, you
probably take this kind of reality for granted. Few of us, if any, ever stop to think how much music
players must have gone through to provide the kind of accessibility we are used to today.
However, they have a long history that goes back more than a century.
Everything began when Thomas Edison invented the phonograph – the first device ever that was
capable of recording and playing back human voice or any other sound. It had a cylinder or disc,
called a “record”, and a needle was used to trace the wavy lines engraved on it.
5.1. _____ In addition, the first machines of this kind only allowed for a single playback, which was
not very convenient.
A major breakthrough came in the 1940s when Peter Goldmark came up with the idea of long-play
vinyl records, seven inches in diameter with a hole in the middle. 5.2. _____ As a matter of fact, the
black record is now celebrating a comeback, as growing numbers of music lovers around the
world are turning back to the medium, praising its distinctly warm sound that nothing can
compare with.
After some time, music fans realised that they wanted higher quality recording and more
durability, which the LP could not offer. In the early 1980s, Sony and Philips produced
the compact disc, which was enthusiastically received across the globe, especially by the classical
music communities. The task of the market was not only to release new records, but also to
reissue popular recordings whose popularity had already been tested. 5.3. _____
The end of the previous century was marked with the advent of the mp3 format, which eliminated
the need for another media to store and keep music. 5.4. _____ Luckily, manufacturers were very
quick to learn their lesson and draw conclusions, and soon started providing economical devices
with high capacities. In fact, these days mp3 devices have been integrated into mobile phones,
which is how most of us listen to music on the go.

A. The first players offered very limited memory and came at exorbitant prices, which definitely contributed to
their failure.
B. The problem was that recordings made this way were so faint that listeners had to use large flaring horns or
stethoscope-like earphones to hear anything.
C. It was interesting to observe more and more young people carrying their carry-on music devices everywhere
they went.
D. With a few modifications, this format survived more than four decades and conquered the market until the
late 1980s.
E. For this reason, listeners could now enjoy their favourite tracks in a previously unheard quality.

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Zadanie 6. (0 – 5 pkt.)

Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z szachami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D.

Tekst 1

The big day had finally arrived. For others, it was a day of high hopes and great expectations.
For me – rather a nightmare. When the bell rang, we all gathered outside the school auditorium,
usually reserved for morning meetings and other major school events. The only reason I was
there was because my older brother had given me a few lessons and then pushed me to sign up.
The door slowly opened and the physics teacher, Mr Johnson, smiled as usual and said:
“Welcome to our annual local chess championship. Go to your first tables, and wait for further
instructions.” With more than just a little bit of uncertainty, I entered the room and saw over ten
tables, with that characteristic 64-square, black and white board on each of them. I slowly moved
on to the table by the window, where I was supposed to meet my first opponent. Mr Johnson
explained that we would be playing six matches each and collecting points for every victory. At the
end of the day, there was to be one final match if there were two players with an identical number
of points.
My first game was against Daniel. Everybody, including Mr Johnson, knew that I didn’t really stand
a chance playing him – not only had he played chess ever since he left kindergarten, but he had
also been coached by one of the top chess masters in our country. Some people said his good
grades were also somehow connected with the skills he’d learnt while playing chess. The moment
he moved his first piece was when my nightmares came true. It was a quick one – I think I was
beaten and embarrassed in less than three minutes. To add insult to injury, it was even more
awkward when we had to wait for other players to finish their matches before we could play the
second one and I could feel Mr Johnson’s eyes on me.
I kept losing one match after another, and the sense of failure was pretty much similar to the
athletics competitions I had previously participated in. As I began to play the last game against
Mike, however, something completely surprising happened. My final opponent’s face went pale
and he started feeling sick. In no time, one of the teachers supervising the competition called the
school nurse, who determined that Mike might have come down with stomach flu and he should
be taken to hospital straight away. So, there I was, scoring my only points for not playing the match
with the opponent who was definitely less lucky than me on that day.

6.1. On the day of the competition, the narrator

A. was hopeful about how the matches would end.

B. expected that the competition would be preceded by a meeting.

✓ C. was not feeling very optimistic due to his lack of skills.

D. supposed that he would score points in all the six matches.

6.2. In the last paragraph, the narrator

A. describes why he began feeling sick.

✓ B. mentions that he had experienced similar feelings before.

C. explains why he felt sorry for his opponent.

D. suggests that he could score more points if he had played more games.

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Tekst 2


A growing number of scientists are discovering that the brains of professional chess players are
different from those of regular players or people who never play the game. For instance, a chess
master usually has more activity in the areas of the brain responsible for noticing and solving
problems. The benefits that playing chess provides to the most important organ in our body are
truly impressive.
There are studies indicating that children who play chess at a young age develop advanced maths
and critical thinking skills sooner than their peers, which is the reason why some educational
institutions opt for chess rather than mathematics during the early education years. Apart from
that, there has been research proving that young chess players tend to be more academically
advanced overall, with abilities as diverse as spatial analysis and nonverbal reasoning.
Nevertheless, this correlation hasn’t been proved yet and further research may be necessary.
By investigating the brain patterns of chess grand masters, researchers discovered that advanced
players are able to use both parts of the brain – visually oriented right hemisphere to remember
patterns from previous games, and the analytical left hemisphere to plan the next logical move.
Thus, grand masters become more advanced and skilled thinkers overall.
In addition, those who practise and play regularly can develop a skill called “computational
thinking”, by which one learns to think like a computer by following a set of quite uncomplicated
rules when one has to make a decision based on large amounts of information.
One final benefit of playing chess is that in one study grand masters were found to have smaller
brains than average players, which is actually a positive phenomenon. While it goes against the
popular “bigger is better” line of reasoning, a shrunk brain might actually be the evidence of
improved neural activity and a sign that the person is better equipped to choose appropriate
behavioural patterns in various situations.

6.3. Which of the following is FALSE?

A. An elite grand master’s brain shows more activity in some areas.

B. Chess masters are able to use both parts of the brains in ways that most people can’t.

✓ C. It has been proven that children who play chess have better grades than their peers.
D. Grand masters’ brains are more efficient than those of ordinary people.

6.4. The writer’s intention in the last paragraph is

A. to provide evidence for a surprising scientific fact.

✓ B. to show that a commonly accepted view may not be true.

C. to outline how elite chess masters think.

D. to explain why everybody should aim to become an expert chess player.

6.5. Both texts

A. point to the possible connections between playing chess and other areas of life.

B. mention scientific evidence for the benefits of playing chess.

C. describe how to become a regular chess player.

✓ D. prove that becoming an elite chess player is not possible for some people.

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Zadanie 7. (0 – 4 pkt.)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D.


When Baron Pierre de Coubertin came up with the idea of bringing back Summer Olympic Games
he had a dream of creating an athletic competition patterned on the ancient Olympic Games.
His dream 7.1. ________ and the Olympic Games were re-established in 1896. But a lot has changed
since then, and one might suppose that if Coubertin had known what the Games would look like,
he would have thought twice before 7.2. ________ his vision to life. According to some, issues such
as corruption or using stimulation drugs deny the very idea of sportsmanship and the extremely
high prices of tickets and hotel rooms have transformed the Games into luxurious entertainment
for corporate partners of the IOC. However, 7.3. ________ all this, we can still watch tears of
happiness when athletes win; we can observe sports fans all over the world jumping for joy when
their team beats their rivals; and we can see young people taking up sports 7.4. ________ by
a particularly memorable performance at the Olympic Games.

7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4.

✓ A. came true A. taking A. although A. inspiring
B. went through B. making B. yet ✓ B. having been inspired
C. brought up ✓ C. bringing C. as though C. having inspired
D. got real D. looking ✓ D. despite D. being inspiring

Zadanie 8. (0 – 4 pkt.)

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.) jednym wyrazem, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

My dad keeps taking me to concerts of his favourite bands. As a 8.1. __________________ of fact,
he has done it for the last 8 years. The first gig I went to was by Korn. I 8.2. __________________ told
it was going to be a lot of fun, but the only thing I remember is that it was 8.3. __________________
loud that Dad had to make earplugs out of bread wrapped in paper tissues. Since then we’ve
seen most of the most influential heavy metal and rock bands. As most of my friends I prefer
hip-hop, but I think that if my dad hadn’t been so stubborn and kept taking me with him
I’d 8.4 __________________ missed a lot of good music and special moments with my dad.

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Zadanie 9. (0 – 4 pkt.)

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens
zdania wyjściowego (9.1.–9.4.). W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, wliczając wyraz już
podany. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.

9.1. I’m sure he didn’t talk to her yesterday.


He _______________________________________________________ to her yesterday.

9.2. She hasn’t heard about this author before.


It’s the first _______________________________________________________ about this author.

9.3. He wasn’t thinking clearly when he decided to leave his job.


He was _______________________________________________________ when he decided to leave his job.

9.4. She finished writing one email and started writing another.

She finished writing one email and _______________________________________________________ another.

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Zadanie 10. (0 – 13 pkt.)

Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać
wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat, który wybrałeś(-aś), zakreślając
jego numer.

✓ 1. Coraz więcej młodych ludzi wybiera uczelnie znajdujące się w dużych miastach. Napisz rozprawkę,
w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony studiowania poza miejscem zamieszkania.
2. Wiele młodych osób bierze udział w akcjach charytatywnych na rzecz ludzi i zwierząt. Napisz artykuł,
w którym opiszesz taką inicjatywę i przedstawisz powody, dla których warto zaangażować się w opisany
przez ciebie projekt.


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