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As per
75% student
student and
4.2% are

💯As per diagram 95.8 percent are male and 4.2 percent are female

Gender Percentage

Male 95.2

Female 4.8

As per ddiagram 83.3 percent are unmarried 16.7 are married

Martial status Percentage

Married 16.7

Unmarried 83.3

As per diagram the annual income 100000-200000 are 60.9% , 200000-300000 are 26.1% , 300000-400000 are
8.7% and 400000 above income is 4.3 %

Annual income Percentage

100000-200000 60.9%

200000-300000 26.1%

300000-400000 8.7%

400000above 4.3%

As per diagram the family members in family 2 members percentage is 0 . 3 members in family 37.5 %
45.8% percent they have 4 members in there family. 4 and above family members are percent is 16.7%


As per diagram 1 member 50%, 2 member 41.7%, 3 member 3.7%, 4 member3. 7%


As per diagram 41.7% are believe DNS bank is trustable bank 29.2% well known about the bank 8.3% better
service 20.9% are other

As per diagram 25% current account and other 75% demate 0 %


As per diagram 83.3% yes interest rate of DNS bank is good by other bank and 16.7% no

As per diagram 95.8% net baking service is good and 4.2% no


As per diagram 87.5% like staff behavior and 12.5% are dislike staff behavior

AS per diagram 58.3 %bank caters all there banking need,12.5% no 29.2% maybe

As per diagram 54.2% Percentage excellent

29.2% good 12.5% fair and
remaining are poor


As per diagram 66.7% like insurance scheme and 33.3% no


As per diagram home loan 54.2% , car loan 3.1 % and other loan scheme is 41.7%

As per diagram 1 year 45.8% 2 year 16.7% 3 year 8.3% 4 year less percentage and 5 year 25%

As per diagram 70.8% yes they recommend to other 12.5% no and16. 7 maybe


As per diagram they about this

bank 37.5% family 33.3%
friends 20.8%
advertising 8.3% pamphlet



The above dialogue indicate that consumer satisfaction differ according to the personality of

service. In this case, the maximum consumer satisfaction is confirmed in the loyalty quarter

such as organization, pertinence connecting the consumers and the bank, follow by the examination

quality such as compliance to help consumer, welcoming feelings of staff. On the further hand,

the temperate satisfactions are in the protection such as wellbeing and protection. Our

implication for other researchers to strengthening more study about consumer satisfaction in


consumer satisfaction characterize itself by a soaring degree of rumour where happy customers

are most expected to divide up their experience by way of other people to the order of perhaps

five or six people. Equally well, dissatisfied customers are more likely to tell another ten people

of their unfortunate experience. The correlation shows that there is a significant relationship

among customer relationship, customer loyalty and service quality. The correlation also shows


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2. Email ID

3. phone number

4. What is your age?

 20-30
 30-40
 40-50
 50 above

5. occupation
 business
 service
 student
 other

6. Gender
 Male
 Female

7. annual income
 100000-200000
 200000-300000
 300000 above

8. Martial status
 Unmarried
 Married

9. how many members in your family

 2
 3
 4
 4 above

10. how many members in your family they have account in DNS bank
 2
 3
 4
 4 above

11. why do you like DNS bank


 24×7 service
 ATM facilities
 NET banking intrest rate

12. why did you choose open account in DNS bank

 Trustable bank
 well known about the bank
 better service
 other

13. which type of account you prefer in DNS bank

 current account
 saving account
 demate account

14. Net banking services is good

 Yes
 No

15. interest rate of DNS bank is good by other bank

 Yes
 No

16. DNS Bank staff behavior is better than other bank

 Yes

 No

17. DNS bank caters all your banking need

 Yes
 No

18. DNS bank ATM facility

 Excellent
 Good
 Average
 Below average
 Poor

19. which type of loan good in DNS Bank

 home loan
 car loan
 business loan

20. how many years you have account in DNS bank

 1-2 years
 2-3 years
 3-4years
 4 years above

21. overall the DNS Bank service is

 Excellent
 Good
 Average
 Below average
 Poor

22. Would you recommend this Bank to other

 Yes
 No

23. how do you know about this bank

 friend
 family
 mobile
 pamplet

24. DNS Bank insurance policy scheme you like it

 Yes
 No

25. personl opinion about the DNS bank

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