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Dukun Beranak: Indonesia’s Birth


Location: Kelurahan Pasuluhan, Walantaka, Kota Serang, Banten.

Length: 15-18 Minutes
Shoot Dates: 2020
Host: —

Dukun Beranak or Birth Witchdoctors has been around in Indonesia’s
culture and tradition for centuries. From the time period of when the Dutch
colonized Indonesia until now for people in rural areas who still don’t
believe in modern science. Back then, it was not just for the local women
who uses the services of a witchdoctor but also the women of European
descent who reside outside large cities and were far from the reach of
health clinics/workers. The limited education and number of medical staffs
at the time made these Dukun Beranak have important positions and roles
in the delivery of childbirth.

What makes Birth Witchdoctors different than real doctors is in terms of
the customer service they give to patients. They are known to build
emotional ties with their patients and have a sense of grandmother’s
figure. Witchdoctors usually reside near the patient’s home or who live just
by the neighborhood, this is why they can come to the patient’s home
whenever they are needed. It is through this type of service that makes the
patient feel guarded and secured. Not to forget the tremendous difference
in the price range they offer.

Beat 1: The Origin

Picture: 4 Witchdoctors in early 1900.

Going back in time to explain the history of witchdoctors.

Beat 2: The Witchdoctor

Picture: Siti Halimah, a Birth Witchdoctor.

We interview Siti who is a Birth Witchdoctor and go into her daily life to
find out how she became a witchdoctor, this is when she’ll talk about her
grandmother, mother, and sister who is also a witchdoctor. She then will
explain the process in the delivery of a child. The stories that she has from
customers and why she thinks people still use her instead of birth clinics.

Beat 3: The Soon To Be Mother

We get an interviewee who is pregnant and who will be using the service
of a witchdoctor. We will be there on her journey until the birth of her
child. We will explore her financial state and her take and opinions on

Beat 4: The Service

Emphasizing on the work that a witchdoctor does to service and care for
her patient. The techniques and the tools. In this scene, she will also talk
about her financial state and her portfolio a bit more.

Beat 5: The Date of Birth

We will document the child after it is born, the smiles and the little faint of
cries it’ll show. How the mother is doing and the process the witchdoctor
does in the post-birth service to the mother and child.


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