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EGADE Business School MBM

Individual practice 28/03/2021

Leadership and organizational behavior

An attempt to challenge Myself as a leader and implement a unique strength.

1. What happened?

I arrived at a team where the environment was very heavy and complicated there was

no sense of unity as a team and there was no healthy environment to evolve, much

less as a new member and there was a lack of commitment of almost everyone, the

effort was of 75% although everyone boasted that they were giving their 100%. The

leadership that the seniors adopted was very dominant and respect was merited by the

time they had been there, even there was people who were harmful to the team, no

one could question them even if they were a bad example or were not right. The idea

they had there was not to respect the rookies, so I had to survive the years to be

considered part of the "established" in the team, it was his way of motivating the team

but in a very negative way, making people less as there was a lot of insane

competition and lack of respect from seniors to rookies. In the end, it was just that

there was a lack of unity and belonging in the team and the results at the end of the

year were always bad and it did not surprise me that things were like that since many

were not comfortable, between rookies they fought, causing enmities and many could

not hold out and resigned or moved to another area. The good thing about that

approach was that it taught you to earn your place based on obstacles and in the end

that effort was recognized, so those who achieved it, were respected for the effort they

put in to get to where they were since it was very difficult to move forward in such an

EGADE Business School MBM
Individual practice 28/03/2021

2.Why did this happen?

This happened because it was a relatively new team, where people were empowered

without knowing how to guide or lead a team, inexperienced people took the lead and

began to make decisions on behalf of the team without looking at the objectives of the

program, creating subgroups that couldn’t work. Each was developing in his own way

causing a lack of communication between the team where only the older obtained the

best rewards, so everyone looked for a way to fight for the rewards forgetting to work

together to grow and get ahead, most had objectives so individual over the group.

Over the years the group gradually aligned itself but started very badly even though it

was a very large project with enough budget to be the best team in the league. A lot of

money was wasted on people who were not worth it or who were there profiting with

what the team gave, the team was struggling with a lack of leadership that marked the

course and the history of the team and those who arrived could notice it, but many did

not. Seniors and some that endured started to end up retiring but many others couldn’t

finish, who remained there were strong enough to handle the team and some others

made it out because of necessity or courage to keep up.

3.What class concepts are relevant to this situation?

I think that many of the things I learned in the course are shown in this case and that

determined the way the team lived, the first was the abuse of power and the decisions

that were made within to reflect an inappropriate leadership style that only generated

disruption and discomfort since those who had the role of leaders had a lot of power in

their favor, making them distant from the new ones, so they could be cruel and very

judgmental about the decisions of others, being unsympathetic to the difficulties that
EGADE Business School MBM
Individual practice 28/03/2021

that structure gave, there was an abuse of power and there was no one who could

take control of the team because the leaders were used to that. Other examples are

that of persuasion and influence, since these people who had in some way an

established place and little or a lot of power in some way selected some to be part of

their closed circle and many times members were integrated even though they were

not there happy or uncomfortable, they did it because it suited them and adopted the

attitudes of the people who guided them, being an environment of much corruption and

very fickle. In the same way, these people, whom I consider to be negative for the

team, were the role-model to follow for everyone even for the project managers so

many believed that this was the way to grow and adapt to be able to maintain a

Instead in the future, it was an environment that was corrupted from the root and that

meant that newcomers who arrived with positive or clear expectations and goals could

not grow without being hampered.

With the passage of time those people who were born together with the team began to

withdraw due to eligibility issues, because of their age and they could not continue with

the team, so they had to leave as soon as their time came and this happened to have

that little by little change and people with new values and principles were supplying

them, realizing the error in which they lived and the lack of commitment that there was

to be able to make a change and take roles within the team to generate a healthy

space that depended on the effort of all, creating an organizational citizenship behavior

without the need to have someone over you who was watching that you were doing

the right thing, with time things were improving, positive leaders totally changed the

approach that the group had been dragging from the beginning.
EGADE Business School MBM
Individual practice 28/03/2021

4. What did you learn from this?

I learned many things during that long journey, although it was very difficult, it helped

me to see that there is always a solution despite the difficulties, I think that those of us

who suffered from all this that I mentioned, we realized that the whole philosophy of

the team was very bad and that a change was necessary and it was a very difficult

process, I began to fall into conformity and trying to do things differently was a

challenge, but the good thing is that I was not the only one and many were seeking to

generate a change and All together who were in my place took the courage to propose

a change or at least not allow the attitudes that existed so that it would not continue to

grow, we stopped firmly believing in our values and the common sense that things

were going to be fine. If our intentions were positive, at the end of the day in my last

year I could see a radical change in many aspects of the team and the program, the

managers began to realize the inconsistencies of the team or, from the mistakes they

made in empowering the wrong people and the team began to emerge positive leaders

who were there for their merits and not for their time, the rookies gained respect from

their arrival and were taken into account if they showed they had qualities and

commitment to the team was required at all times and the team began to have

outstanding results year after year and I think that was thanks to the change in attitude

that occurred in everyone, people began to feel more comfortable and have that sense

of membership and compensation for the benefits granted by the program.

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