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DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(11)60316-8



WU Jian-hua, MA Fei, YAO Li

College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China,

(Received September 19, 2012, Revised November 7, 2012)

Abstract: Slit-Type Energy Dissipater (STED) has been a kind of important devices for energy dissipation. The flow through the
STED is longitudinally extended and the velocity is decreased by means of the cross-section increase of the flow, which is closely
related to geometric and hydraulic parameters of the STED. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate and control the hydraulic condi-
tions through the STED, including the nappe section form, the conversion condition, and the effect of energy dissipation with the
geometric and hydraulic parameters. In the present work, “I-type” and “T-type” nappe forms were experimentally classified, the con-
version conditions of the nappe forms were empirically provided, and the effects of geometric parameters of the STED on energy
dissipation were roughly analyzed. It is concluded that the contraction angle of the STED is a key factor influencing the hydraulic
characteristics of the STED.

Key words: contraction angle, energy dissipation, fin, nappe form, shock wave, Slit-Type Energy Dissipater (STED)

Introduction  Early in 1990, Li and Liu[10] proposed a hydraulic

In recent 20 years, the rapid developments of calculation method of the STEDs. Further investiga-
large-scale hydropower projects with high dams have tions were conducted by Zhang and Wu[11], Yang[12],
taken place in China[1,2]. It brings about tremendous Dai and Ning[13], Boss and Hager[14], and Charles[15].
pressures for the project constructions. The conven- Considering the effect of flow aeration, Liu and Ni[16]
tional approaches of energy dissipation and scour con- suggested the estimation of the jet length with a
trol have faced new challenge due to large unit discha- reduction coefficient.
rge and deep gorge topography. In this aspect, Slit- Liu and Qu[17] observed the section form of the
Type Energy Dissipaters (STED) are proved to be of nappe downstream of the STEDs in their physical
high efficiency on the basis of their geometric chara- model tests. It was noticed that, along the flow dire-
cteristics[3,4]. The flow is transversely contracted and ction, there are three kinds of section forms of the
longitudinally extended when it leaves the edge of the nappe, i.e., rectangular compact section, spreading and
STED, and the energy dissipation ratio greatly increa- breaking ones. The rectangular compact section
ses making use of air entrainment, and violent turbule- appears at the position just leaving the edge of the
nce of the flow[5]. Some of hydropower projects have energy dissipater, then the spreading form exists on
used this kind of the STEDs in their release works, the top due to the turbulence and air entrainment and
such as the Longyangxia, Lijiaxia, Geheyan, Manwan, in the low part due to the effect of the gravity, and
and Shuibuya Projects in China[6,7], the Cabril Project further, the breaking one occurs and its mushroom
in Portugal, and the Almendra Project in Spanin[8]. type section is produced with the two-side drops on
There are some investigations about the STEDs[9]. the top of the section. It should be reminded that those
section forms occur only at various positions along the
flow direction.
* Project supported by the National Natural Science Foun- In fact, there are the changes of the nappe forms
dation of China (Grant No. 51179056). of the flow, which are related to the shock waves
Biography: WU Jian-hua (1958-), Male, Ph. D., Professor
brought about by the STEDs. Meanwhile, there are
also the fins beneath the nappe in certain conditions of

the flow. Hence it is necessary to determine the nappe arctan (e / L j1 ) , is the fin plunging angle. Figure 3
forms and the hydraulic characteristics of the flow for
shows the geometry of the STED, where B and b
the designs of the STEDs.
The objectives of the present work are to investi- are the widths before and after the contraction section,
gate the nappe forms and the hydraulic characteristics respectively, and B = 0.15 m , b / B is the contra-
of the flow through the STEDs by physical model ction ratio, T = arctan[( B  b) / 2 L] , is the contraction
experiments, and to establish the empirical expression angle, L is the length of the contraction section.
of the conversions of the above-mentioned nappe

1. Experimental set-up and methodology

1.1 Experimental set-up

The experiments were conducted at the high-
speed flow laboratory at Hohai University (Nanjing,
China). The experiment model was designed on the Fig.3 Sketch of STED geometry
basis of a middle outlet with the scale of 1/40 for the
Shannipo Hydropower Project. The working section Table 1 Experimental cases and parameters of models
of the STED, made from Perspex, is 0.15 m wide and Cases b (m) L (m) T (o) b/B
1.10 m long, and the bottom angle is –17.15o to the
M1 0.08 0.1125 17.28 0.533
horizontal plane. The maximum available discharge is
135 l/s, and the water head ( H ) varies from 0.4 m to M2 0.08 0.1750 11.31 0.533
1.6 m (see Fig.1). M3 0.08 0.2250 8.84 0.533
M4 0.09 0.1125 14.93 0.600
M5 0.10 0.1125 12.53 0.667

Table 1 lists the experimental cases and the geo-

metric parameters of the STED model. There are two
kinds of geometric variables, i.e., b and L . The
cases were designed to investigate the influences of
the geometric variables of the STED on the nappe
form and the fin, as well as the hydraulic parameters.
Cases M1, M2 and M3 keep b constant, and in cases
Fig.1 Experimental set-up M1, M4 and M5, L is the same. In the experiments,
the Froude number varies from 2.02 to 3.49. The para-
meters H , L j1 , L j 2 and d were directly measu-
red by steel ruler.

2. Experimental results and discussions

2.1 Observation of flow

The flow upstream of the STED is the one of
open channel with hydrostatic pressure distribution.
Entering into the contraction section, the flow narro-
Fig.2 Sketch of flow through STED wed immediately and expanded vertically. The rapid
shock waves are produced due to the effects of the
1.2 Experimental cases and methodology sidewall contraction, and have significant effects on
Figure 2 is the sketch of the flow from a STED, the flow.
in which L j1 and L j 2 are the lower and upper sur- Except the section forms along the flow descri-
bed by Liu and Qu[17], it could be observed that, there
face lengths of the nappe, respectively, d is the app- are two kinds of nappe forms under the conditions of
roach flow depth, e = 0.25 m , is the vertical distance different STED geometry and Froude numbers, i.e.,
of the bottom to the measured plane, and E = “I-type” and “T-type” nappe sections (see Fig.4). The

rapid shock waves are brought about by the contra- value, there does not exist the fin, for example, T 
ction of the STED. The “I-type” nappe form appears 8.84o for case M3. The fins occur if T t 11.31o for
at low Froude number, while the “T-type” nappe form case M2. The flow extends longitudinally, and then
occurs when the flow passes through STED with large the lower surface angle ( E ) , and the range ( 'E ) of
Froude number. The type of the flow, obviously, is re- the fins increase as T increases (see Figs.5 and 6).
lated to the STED geometry and Froude number, and
Finally, both E and 'E increase mainly with T ,
there are the threshold values of the conversions of the
types of flows. and the increment of E (or 'E ) is about 4o for the
increase of each 3o. So, it is necessary to control the
contraction angle to avoid the fins beneath the flow.

Fig.5 Variation of E with Fr

Fig.4 Nappe forms

Meanwhile, the fins beneath the flow were obse-

rved in certain geometric and hydraulic conditions,
and they should be noticed. The fins have high speed
similar to the flow although they are thinner than the Fig.6 Variation of 'E with Fr
nappe body.
2.3 Nappe form and conversion
2.2 Fins
As stated above, the nappe sections of the flow
The fins beneath the flow are a kind of specific
could be divided into two kinds of the forms, i.e., the
phenomena of the flow from the STED. In the present
“I-type” and “T-type” sections. The experiments de-
work, the bottom of the outlet of the STED was desi-
monstrated that the nappe form is related to the geo-
gned as –17.5o, and the boundary of the fins was
metric parameters of the STED and the hydraulic
expressed by the lower surface of the nappe measured
parameters of the flow through the STED.
in E . The range between –17.5º of the bottom and
angle E was defined as the fins. From the experime-
nts, the fins are thinner than the nappe body, and in-
crease longitudinally the section of the flow.
Figures 5 and 6 are the variations of the lower
surface measured for E and the range of the fin 'E
with the Froude number ( Fr ) , respectively. Firstly,
either E or 'E , varies linearly with Fr , but the
variations in them are small. The maximum values,
for the angles E and 'E of case M1, are only 3.3o
from 2.31 to 3.49 of Fr . Secondly, as is shown in Fig.7 Variation L j 2 / d with Fr at various contraction len-
Table 1, the contraction angle (T ) is the key factor
resulting in the fin, and if it is smaller than a certain

( Fr ) thres for the comprehensive geometric parameters,

including all the cases in Table 1. Regression analysis
for the data presents the limit of the conversions of the
nappe forms. Using the data of Fig.9, the best fitting is

§ Lj2 ·
¨ ¸ = 3Fr  0.68 (1)
© d ¹ thres

where ( L j 2 / d ) thres is the upper surface length corre-

sponding to the threshold values of ( Fr ) thres . Thus,
Fig.8 Variation L j 2 / d with Fr at various contraction the chart of L j 2 / d  Fr could be divided into two
parts, i.e., the “T-type” nappe form zone above the
limit and the “I-type” one below limit.
Figures 7 and 8 exhibit the variations of the
upper surface length ( L j 2 / d ) of the nappe with the
Froude number (Fr ) at the various contraction
lengths ( L) and widths (b) , respectively. It could
be seen that L j 2 / d increases approximately linearly
with Fr for either lengths ( L) or widths (b) of the
contraction section. The effects of lengths ( L) or
widths (b) are all owed to the results of the contra-
ction angle (T ) . The shorter L or smaller b pro-
duces the larger L j 2 / d for the same Fr . On the
other hand, it could be observed that, there are the Fig.9 Conversion of nappe forms
threshold values of the conversions of the nappe form
of the flow for each geometric STED with the change 2.4 Energy dissipation
of Fr , stood for by the dots with “T” (see Figs.7 and To compare the effects of energy dissipation for
8). various geometric and hydraulic parameters of the
The threshold values, from Fig.7, are 2.31, 2.58 STEDs, the total energy ( E ) at the measured plane
and 3.37 of ( Fr ) thres , respectively, for cases M1, M2 could be defined as
and M3. It means that the conversions of the nappe
forms occur from the “I-type” to the “T-type” if the p D v2
E=z+ + (2)
Froude numbers reach the magnitudes above men- J 2g
tioned. The nappe forms stay in the extent of the “I-
type” when Fr  ( Fr ) thres , and the nappe form of “T- where z = 0 for the measured plane, p / J = 0 due
type” appears if Fr ! ( Fr ) thres . The similar pheno- to the free surface flow, D | 1 , g = 9.81 m3 / s , and
mena of the nappe form conversions appear for cases v is the average velocity of the flow. Thus, Eq.(2)
M1, M4 and M5 (see Fig.8). Those conversions of the could be rewritten as
nappe forms, naturally, owe to the effect of the rapid
shock waves resulted from the contraction of the v2
E= (3)
STEDs. The strong rapid shock waves will bring 2g
about “T-type” nappe form of the flow with the top
crown of the nappe. Assume that for all the cases listed in Table 1, there
Meanwhile, the effects of the contraction length are the similar section shapes of the flow at the mea-
or width result in the changes of the contraction angle sured plane, then v equals to approximately
of the STED, and then the rapid shock waves. The
small contraction angle decreases ( Fr ) thres for either Q
v= (4)
cases M1, M2 and M3 or cases M1, M4 and M5 (see 'l w
Figs.7 and 8).
Figure 9 shows the variation of L j 2 / d with where Q is the discharge, w the width of the flow,

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