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University of Management & Technology


ID: F2017356032
NAME: Ayesha Babar
COURSE: Cloud Computing
DEADLINE: 05-01-2021
Step no 1:
I create account on docker hub with my umt id.

Step no 2:
Then I create account on AWS educate with umt id.

Step no 3:
Then I open vagrant cmd and give vagrant up command and then give vagrant ssh command
to up vagrant machine.

Step no 4:
First start docker with sudo service docker start command.

Step no 5:
Then give sudo docker login command and then it will ask about username and password.

Step no 6:
Then give docker tag t48 f2017356032/t48:<tag>

Step no 7:
Then give docker push f2017356032/t48:<tag>

Step no 8:
Then login to AWS account.

Step no 9:
Then select ECS to deploy docker image and select “get started” wizard.

Step no 10:
For container and task definition creation give<tag> path.

Step no 11:
Then in the task definition select all default.

Step no 12:
Then in configure service select all default.

Step no 13:
Then go to view service then task tab and click on it.

Step no 14:
After that in network section click on ENI id.

Step no 15:
Then it will give IPV4 public IP.

Step no 16:
Paste in the browser. Game runs.

Step no 17:
My public IP address is

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