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2020 was a year of transition marked by the arrival of the virus called COVID-19. Given this, many
areas were affected, from the workplace to the health-related area. However, apart from the areas
already mentioned, no one can doubt that education in Peru was the most affected area. For those
who conjecture that this is due to the low quality of teachers that we have in Peru or the little interest
of students and parents, it is regrettable to say that this idea is somewhat wrong. The main cause that
education in Peru is obsolete given the arrival of COVID 19 is the poverty and economic instability
of society and there are many reasons to conjecture what has been said.

Firstly, economic poverty hampered the education in Peru during 2020 because it prevents students
from acquiring technological means such as the internet or a simple cell phone. According to the
Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), more than 6.4 million Peruvians live in poverty, that is,
20.5% of the country's population. Of this figure, more than 50% of the population didn’t have access
to the internet during 2020, in other words and under this situation, more than 50% of the population
didn’t have access to education during 2020. Not having internet, neither a smart mobile phone, the
student under this situation will simply not be able to access a remote education. It is true that, despite
this, one can educate oneself through books and other means; however; education doesn’t only
consist of reading books or solving logical-mathematical exercises; guided, reflective and accompanied
learning (teacher's work) is essential for a good education. On this basis, and as previously stated,
poverty, understood as economic instability, affects the education of the student in the sense that it
makes it impossible to acquire technological means that are essential for education in these times.

Secondly, due to poverty, evaluating their priorities, many families choose to put aside their studies
to carry out jobs that provide economic income to the household. During the years and more, during
2020, child labor had a significant growth according to INEI statistics. There are many children and
teenager whose, due to the obligation of their parents or by simple necessity, dedicate themselves to
be part of some economic activities and leave their studies; or, if they don't; they rarely attend. So,
having said that, we can clearly see that poverty in Peru affects remote education for the reason

Basically, the current educational system, in an environment of such poverty, where students cannot
exercise the body or take care of the mind, without supervision in writing and calligraphy; without
water; without electrical power; without food; without peace, the learning outcomes will simply not
be positive.

In conclusion, although it is true that there are several reasons why education in Peru in 2020 is
obsolete, poverty can be limited as one of the main reasons for the reasons already explained. In these
times, where technology has reached its apogee or critical point, having electronic devices such as a
cell phone and having access to the internet is essential and inherent in all areas, such as education in
this case, in the face of economic poverty constitutes one of the main obstacles that precisely prevent
the acquisition of said technologies, consequently making it impossible for the student to access a full
quality education.

N° of words: 561


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