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Best Way To Start

Your Online Business
From Home
“Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.”


Getting started

Chapter 01

How to support yourself financially in uncertain times?

Chapter 02

Ecommerce as your safety net

Chapter 03

Dropshipping business model: what it is and how does it


Chapter 04

What makes dropshipping perfect for ecommerce


Chapter 05

How to start your ecommerce dropshipping business today?

Getting started

What a time we live in! The world is changing faster than ever.

But even if you can’t control these changes sometimes, you still can turn them to
your advantage - just like this guy did.

“ I had some trouble getting a new job after my internship

in the automotive industry. After several job interviews,
they were always telling me I was overqualified for the job.
So, I was staying unemployed and nobody could give me
the opportunity for the job I wanted.

Tony, a mechatronic That’s how I saw the opportunity to work from home. I
engineer from Mexico took the chance and that’s the best decision I could have
made US $42,148 in the
month of his first online
I am thankful to the many “Noes” I received, because it
led me to a new challenge: being an entrepreneur.”

So, Tony decided to become his own boss, launched his own online business, and
got full control over his life - even though there was nothing on the job market.

And if you’re reading this right now, you can do the same!

You have Internet access, a PC or laptop, and an interest in starting an online

business. Basically, that’s all you need!

Chapter 01

How to support
yourself financially
in uncertain times?
In today’s era of globalization, it doesn’t matter where you live and what you do for
a living.

Whatever your profession, education, and current life situation are, you want safety
and stability for yourself and your closest ones. You don’t want to fully depend on
your employer when it comes to finances, right?

And most certainly, you also want to stay in full control over your own life -
especially when there’s a huge change happening in it, like in Sofia’s case.

“ I have been working in multinational companies for 12

years, but after I gave birth, my list of priorities completely

I was disappointed to experience that big companies

do not treat employees with respect: after many years
Sofia, a certified
of dedication and commitment, I was considered to be
accountant from
overqualified. So, for about a year, I was searching to do
something of my own.
made US $664.37 in 3
months of being a mom As a work-at-home mom I wanted something flexible. I
entrepreneur wanted to enjoy my kid’s early years and be there when

So, you’re looking for some kind of business you can combine with anything: your
9-to-5 job, or raising children, or studying, any other activity. Of course, you want it
to be:

• Profitable enough to support you and your lifestyle

• Easy and quick to start even if you don’t have much experience

• Low-cost and requiring minimum startup investments
• Protected from unexpected social and economic events
• Legal

Thankfully, there’s something that ticks all the boxes.

Chapter 02

Ecommerce as your
safety net
Take a look at this guy. Do you recognize him?

This is the year 1999; the man in the picture, Jeff Bezos, has no idea yet that
he will build an unprecedented ecommerce empire - Thanks to
ecommerce, he will become the richest person of all time by 2019.

So… what does ecommerce mean, exactly? And why is it so valued by the people
looking for an addition to their 9-to-5 job? Let’s ask a person with first-hand

“ “Since the beginning of my job life, I was looking for
alternative ways of earning. Having a full time regular 8
am – 6 pm, 6 days a week job, I had no other way to earn
using my passive time than launching an online business.
By starting from a passive income source online business
can become the main income source and eventually it
Sunit, an electrical
engineer from eastern can change one’s life.
I started dropshipping as a side source of income not my
made US $6,477.86 in a main source of income. In that context, I am so happy to
year of doing ecommerce build a long-lasting business using my passive time.

I miss my family, but I still live abroad to earn for them

and my future. Dropshipping gave me hope to return to
my family earlier than I could possibly do by doing only
a job.”

Broadly speaking, ecommerce means buying and selling products and services on
the internet. This business model suits newcomer entrepreneurs perfectly - and
here is why.

The industry is growing right now
In the last years, there has been a stable demand for buying products and services

Now, there is a surge in interest to them, caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Shoppers are increasing their ecommerce activity and the industry is getting ready
for the leap forward. Analysts expect more internet users all over the globe to start
buying online more than in physical stores, and that’s a trend you can’t miss out.
For a newcomer, it’s a brilliant opportunity to enter a rapidly growing market with
such an outstanding potential!

Ecommerce is clear and understandable

If you have never tried yourself in any business before, there will be lots of things
confusing for you when you start.

For example, what exactly do you buy when you invest in stocks? And how do you
get money from this investment? Or, what will you need to do to profit from your
real estate purchase - and how do you make sure all the legal documents are in

When you start your ecommerce activities, none of these questions bothers you.
It’s all simple: you provide a service or offer a product, find online users who need
this thing, and they pay you for it. That’s it!

Ecommerce isn’t at much risk when
there’s something wrong
Your goal is to stay financially stable in any political or economic situation, right?
Well, good news is that ecommerce stays mostly unaffected when there’s some
trouble in a society.

What’s more, in fact, ecommerce has a tendency to grow and develop quickly
when there’s a crisis. For example, the SARS pandemic of 2002-2004 led to a
phenomenal growth of AliBaba and turned it into the largest retail platform in Asia.

Similarly, COVID-19 outbreak of 2019-2020 saw an incredible number of customers

worldwide shopping online more often than in physical stores (data from PYMNTS,
Ipsos MORI and Econsultancy):

In other words...what’s a challenge for traditional businesses is a growth

opportunity for ecommerce!

But does each and every one of ecommerce business models meet these criteria?
What would be the best option for a person with limited savings and little IT

Meet the winning solution you’ll be excited to try out!

Chapter 03

business model:
what it is and how
does it work?
What’s dropshipping? What makes this ecommerce business model so convenient
for both beginners and experienced online entrepreneurs? Here’s what you
can learn from a person who has tried LOTS of options before switching to

“ I think I know almost all Internet money making methods

(haha). I have tried many of them, from clicking, gaming,
blogging, etc. to Forex, poker, bitcoin, MLM, affiliate
marketing and many others. None of them was enough to
help me make a living.

Antonio, an IT
As a freelancer, I was editing pictures on Fiverr and
specialist from
videos on Upwork, but it’s very hard to start and to find
jobs when you are not a professional.
made about US $1,000 in
I’ve heard about dropshipping before and I liked the great
revenue in 2 months of
dropshipping bonus of not having to manage stock. But I thought it’s
too hard to start, and I didn’t have any proper experience
in ecommerce.

After I watched a couple of YouTube videos about

dropshipping business, I got more confident, and
decided to try it.”

Dropshipping is a super easy way to run an online store and resell items that are
made and shipped by someone other than you.

How does it work?

Sounds like a pretty simple business model to try out, right?

About 30% of ecommerce ventures worldwide are based on the dropshipping

business model. Analysts expect global dropshipping sales to reach US $1 trillion
by the end of 2020. Wouldn’t you love to enter this exciting market while it’s on the
rise? Good news - you don’t have to be an IT person or a marketing guru to make it

Chapter 04

What makes
dropshipping perfect
for ecommerce

Here’s a little story for a start.

In 1995, a guy named Jeff Bezos started selling books online. Instead of stocking
and managing 1,1 million books physically, he delegated this task to publishing
companies. After receiving an online order, he would simply redirect the details to
the publishing house, and order the delivery at his address. Then, he would repack
the books, and send them to his buyers directly.

This pre-dropshipping business strategy has led to a thrilling result. In 2019, Jeff
Bezos was officially recognized as the richest person in the world. At the same
time, his online store - Amazon - got the title of the largest Internet company by
revenue in the world.

Another shining example of a dropshipping venture that went beyond any limits
is Zappos, one of the largest US-based online stores selling shoes, apparel and
accessories. Originally, the workers would simply collect orders from customers
and transfer them to suppliers or other sellers. This strategy allowed the company
to minimize storage and delivery costs, and to invest the hard earned money into
client support. The success was so thrilling that in 2009, Zappos was bought
by Amazon for more than US $1,2 billion. Not bad for a former tiny dropshipping
store, right?

What’s the point of these two stories?

Having started from scratch, from selling items online without actually owning
them, these businesses became an inspiration for thousands of people all over
the globe who explore the opportunities of ecommerce. There’s no wonder
dropshipping has so many followers!

“ I’ve been in ecommerce business for over 15
years: I have an eBay store since 2003. As
an eBay store owner, I used to have my own
inventory and some products were very slow to
sell. Of course, it made cash flow really hard to
Flo, an ecommerce manage.
entrepreneur from Australia
And with the dropshipping model, I don’t need to
Made US $23,495.95 in
monthly sales with 1 of her 5 worry about all that.”
dropshipping stores

“ “Before I started with the dropshipping business,

I have earned good money with several websites
doing the Amazon Affiliate program in the USA,
UK & Spain. But, I ended up with too much
competition and poor support.
Mihai, a freelance web
I decided to get something to be fully mine:
designer from Spain
something I would have a 100% control over.”
Mihai, a freelance web designer
from Spain

“ “First, I tried to become an affiliate, but didn’t succeed

much. I want to be in total control of what I am doing
and I’d like my business to let me be fully in charge.

Now, I have 4 ready dropshipping stores, and the 5th

one is under construction.
Reda, a part-time teacher
from Morocco I am actually working part-time with better
Made US $10,612.79 with 1 conditions than my previous full-time job provided.”
of his 4 dropshipping stores

As you can see, dropshipping business owners are excited to be independent, fully
in control of their stores, and more financially stable - even if they are just starting

But what else is awesome about dropshipping?

It is easy to start
Why is dropshipping beginner-friendly?

It’s not only because it is understandable even to a person with no previous

business experience. It’s also because it:

• Requires minimal startup cost

• Is heavily automated and lets you run most of daily business tasks on

• Lets you stay independent in your business decisions and be free from
control or limitations of ‘parenting’ companies

Who wouldn’t love to become their own boss, indeed?

It is flexible
Small business owners have a huge advantage: they can quickly adapt to any
market changes. All you need to do is monitor the market closely. Is there a rise
in demand for health supplies and children goods? Are customers losing interest
in fashion & beauty products? With a small-scale online store, you can take note
of the new trends instantly, and come up with a winning product & advertising
strategy in no time at all.

It goes with in-depth guidance and
As a business model, dropshipping is well researched and described. You can find
plenty of free educational materials if you need expert assistance. There are step-
by-step guides, video tutorials, and experience-based dropshipping tips available
to anyone who wants to benefit from dropshipping.

So… how do you start benefiting from the general ecommerce trends and the
dropshipping business model?

Chapter 05

How to start
your ecommerce
business today?

As you can guess, there are lots of things to consider when you’re starting out.
You need to choose a winning niche and identify demanded items, find a reputable
supplier who makes high quality products, develop a good-looking and user-
friendly website for your store…

Thankfully, you don’t have to do it all yourself! All you need to do is simply ask for
professional help and watch ecommerce experts do your job for you.

“ “I had no previous experience in this exact field, I only

bought products in bulk several times.

But, after watching dropshipping tutorials on YouTube, I

became a fan of dropshipping and loved the idea that I
don’t have to touch the products – just keep the PROFIT
Martin, a sports coach :))))
from New Zealand
So, I purchased the Custom store Basic package, and,
Made US $295 in the
after a 3 week process of getting my website set up with
first month of his store
fantastic help, I am now up and running.

I like the way it’s going, and it seems like I can become
more financially stable if everything goes as planned.”

How exactly does it work?

Meet 3 exciting solutions that will help you get a fully functional online
dropshipping store as soon as possible!

Order a custom
dropshipping store

Meaning: a store created upon your

request by an experienced team that
asks for your individual preferences.

Price: US $299 - 899

(see more here)

Waiting period: 12-25 business days (see more here)

Best for: people who have a clear idea of what they want to sell and would like to
have an active role in their business creation.

Ordering a custom store, you get professional assistance from highly skilled
developers, designers, marketers, and other ecommerce specialists who create a
dropshipping store for you from scratch. They will ask you to share your individual
preferences in terms of the store design, product range, specific, etc., and keep
your wishes in mind. As a result, you get a fully functional store that is unique and
perfectly ready to accept payments and process customers’ orders from day 1.


Buy a premium
dropshipping store

Meaning: an exact copy of a highly

profitable dropshipping store
that has already been attracting
customers and making huge sales.

Price: US $300
(see more on any store page)

Waiting period: same-day delivery

Best for: people who don’t care what exactly to sell as long as it’s profitable, and
want to start running their store ASAP.

Premium dropshipping stores let you start a successful online business in no

time at all. Buying a Premium store, you get an exact copy of a long-performing
dropshipping store that has already proven to be demanded and highly profitable.
It means that you don’t need to experiment with the store design, product offer,
niche, and other specific elements: a winning combination of them has already
been discovered.


Invest in an
dropshipping business

Meaning: an already running

dropshipping business with a history
of sales, trackable performance
data, and marketing campaigns with
a proven efficiency.

Price: US $3,000-5,000
(see more here)

Waiting period: 1 working day

Best for: people who want to invest in a well-developed business that is already
generating healthy revenues at the moment of its purchase.

Buying an Established business, you make a well-informed investment into a

thriving online store. Each of the stores on offer has been created, enhanced, and
advertised by experienced IT specialists and digital marketers. Established stores
are only put on sale after they start showing stable performance numbers, and
you can view the detailed store statistics before the purchase to make sure you’re
making the right decision.


Curious to try dropshipping and wondering how to start?

You’re welcome to get a free consultation

with our ecommerce experts

Mike Pol Daria Grigoreva Chris Puca

Senior Business Adviser Senior Business Adviser Senior Business Adviser

and pick the one and only solution that suits your taste!


So, how about making the first step to a safer, brighter, and
happier tomorrow?


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