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Saint Francis University

Education Department

Unit Plan

Standards-Aligned Unit Planning Process-Domain I

1. Unit Overview Content Area: Character Traits

Grade Level: 5th and 6th grade

1a. Brief description of the unit of study Character traits are the qualities in which we “identify” people. These characteristics are broken
down into two different categories, physical traits and personality traits. Throughout this unit
students will explore both physical and personality traits of themselves as well as characters from
stories. During this unit, students will choose/read a Dr. Seuss book, read, choose a character,
analyze their character by his/her traits, and compose a final product to present to their peers. By
having these experiences, students will be able to make connections between each component to
fully understand the use of character traits and how we use them to identify people.

1b. Grade level standard(s) to be addressed in CC.1.3.5.B- Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says
this unit of study explicitly and make inferences.
Standard - CC.1.4.5.F

2. Learning Targets - Domain I/III

2a. Concepts and Competencies for all students By having these experiences, students will be able to make connections between each component
to fully understand the use of character traits and how we use them to identify people.
How are character traits used to describe individuals?
How do character traits relate to us and the world we live in?
Students will know:
By having these experiences, students will be able to make connections between each component
to fully understand the use of character traits and how we use them to identify people.
Students will do:
During this unit, students will choose/read a Dr. Seuss book, read, choose a character, analyze their
character by his/her traits, and compose a final product to present to their peers.

Eligible Content - E05.A-K.1.1.3- Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or
events in a story, drama, or poem, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters

2b. Key vocabulary for all students 2b. Prioritized key vocabulary and ideas for all exceptional learners
Character trait, personality trait, physical trait, 1. Character trait- A main or supporting individual in a story.
inside, outside, appearance 2. Personality trait- A trait that describes a person on the inside; easiest to see by actions,
words, or behaviors.
3. Physical trait- A trait that describes a person on the outside; easiest to tell by looking at the
person's appearance.
4. Inside- The inner part, interior.
5. Outside- The external side or surface of something.
6. Appearance- The way that someone or something looks.
Limitation List:
1. Character- A person in a novel, play, or movie.
2. Personality- Characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
3. Physical- Relating to the body.
4. Trait- A distinguishing quality or characteristic that describes an individual.
5. Inside- The inner part, interior.
6. Outside- The external side or surface of something.
7. Appear- Visible or noticeable.

3. Instructional Process - Domain III

Universal Design for Learning Principles:

Multiple Means of Representation, Expression and Engagement
Instructional BEFORE identifying barriers, consider options and multiple pathways Accommodations and
Components for ALL students as they access the general curriculum. Consider: the Modifications
modes in which instruction and materials are presented, how students Barriers to Access
will interact, respond, and demonstrate what they know, and ways to
adjust levels of challenge and maintain engagement.

Instructional Materials, Resources Assessment

Practices and Tools
Use youtube videos to ● SMART board ● Youtube ● Reading level
● Provide guided
introduce and teach activities/game ● Gimkit ● Informal too high.
character traits. notes
s ● Kahoot observation of ● Complexity of
● Provide
● Hands-on ● Google slides student material.
Use a read aloud to activities ● Powerpoint conversation. ● Requirement
introduce a character organizers.
● Youtube ● Dr. Seuss ● Informal of written and
to determine the ● Outline
videos books (10 observation of verbal
character’s traits. ● Read aloud
● PowerPoint different) smart board responses.
presentation ● Paper plates activities. ● Students will
Provide vocabulary ● Read aloud Dr.
● Google Slides ● Tracing ● Informal rely on
instruction to see, Seuss books.
hear, and use key ● Direct Explicit templates observation of presentation
● Give 3 answers
vocabulary and ideas Instruction ● Chromebooks student and other
related to character ● Teaching ● Pencils completion of supplemental
choice options
traits. examples/non- ● Colored information.
hands on on
examples pencils activities. ● Requirement
Provide students with ● Task cards ● Markers of sustained
● Percent of ● Provide
hands-on activities to ● Kahoot ● Outline/rubric attention.
explore character traits correct frequent 5
● Gimkit for each ● Requirement
in depth. responses on minute breaks.
● Outlines student of written and
character trait ● Repeat
● Rubric ● Scissors spoken
Provide guided notes. quiz. directions
● Study Guide ● Tape responses.
● Informal multiple times
● Quiz ● Glue ● Requirement
Provide students with observation of (both verbal
● Stapler of relying on
the opportunity to Kahoot/Gimkit and written).
● Task cards visual aids and
locate information in student ● Providing the
readings. responses. directions
● Requirement
of listening to
Provide step-by-step.
the teacher
activity. speak and
listening to
videos for
about character

4. Individualized Student Planning

Student Standards-Aligned IEP Goals Student-Specific IEP Goals Individualized Student Supports
Aligned to prioritized learning
Hearing 20: Given a prompt, Given a writing prompt and
Micah Colbert ● Repeat directions for
Micah will respond in writing by graphic organizers, Micah will
using precise language to (inform, respond to the prompt with a 2
● Preferential seating near the
persuade, entertain) and sentence introductory paragraph, 5
point of instruction.
demonstrate grade-appropriate sentence body paragraph, and a 2 ● Limited vocabulary list.
conventions of standard English sentence concluding paragraph ● Read-alouds.
grammar, usage, capitalization, with 5 or less errors in spelling,
punctuation and spelling scoring punctuation, capitalization, and
75% accuracy using a writing sentence formation on 100% of
rubric measured over a nine week trials during a nine week marking
period. Standard - CC.1.4.5.F period.

Alexi DiLoreto N/A N/A ● Repeat directions for

● Periodically check work for
● Study guides prior to tests.
● Periodic checks of
independent tasks to ensure
Alexi is completing tasks
correctly and understands
● All tests/quizzes read aloud.
● Reduce answer choices by
● Preferential seating near the
Carmen Ianuzzi N/A Given a writing prompt, Carmen point of instruction.
will independently write a 3 ● Carmen will be monitored
paragraph essay with an while working on assignments
introductory paragraph consisting to ensure that assignments are
of at least 3 sentences, one body being completed correctly.
paragraph with at least 5 sentences, ● Study guide prior to
test/quizzes -elimination of 1
and a concluding paragraph with at
answer choice on multiple
least 3 sentences with 4 or less total choice in tests/quizzes -all
errors in spelling, capitalization, test/quizzes read aloud to
sentence completion, and Carmen.
punctuation on 2/2 trials over a
nine week marking period.
Brady Neil N/A ● Preferential seating near the
Given a writing prompt and point of instruction to increase
graphic organizers, Brady will attention and focus.
independently write a 3 paragraph ● Prompting to stay on task.
essay with no more than 3 total ● Assignments may be
errors in spelling, capitalization, shortened and/or broken down
punctuation, and sentence into smaller units of learning
formation in 2/2 trials per nine in all general education
week marking period. subject areas.
● Repeat or have Brady repeat
directions and ensure he
understands the directive/task.
● Verbal and nonverbal
prompting to increase
attention and focus.
● Positive reinforcement and
praise small successes.
● Study Guides prior to
● Reduce answer choices by
Caylee Rex N/A N/A ● Seated near the point of
instruction for frequent checks
of focus and task completion.
● Prompting to remain on task.
● Frequent checks for
understanding on
● Study Guides that outline
what material/concepts will be
on assessment.
● Adapted Assessments
(true/false, multiple choice
with limited choices (no more
than 3), matching with a word
bank, fill-in-the blank with a
word bank(no more than 5 in
each section) .
● Tests questions and choices
read aloud (with the exception
of math assessments).
● Writing Assignments:
● Use of a graphic web
organizer to brainstorm ideas.
● Use of an outline .
● Chunking of writing
assignments (paragraph by
Dylan Slaventa ● Preferential seating near the
Given a writing prompt and point of instruction to increase
graphic organizers, Dylan will time on task and reduce
independently write a 3 paragraph distractions.
essay with a 3 sentence ● Provide frequent positive
introductory paragraph, 5 sentence reinforcement and
body paragraph, and a 3 sentence encouragement.
concluding paragraph with no more ● Prompting to remain on task.
than 7 errors in spelling, ● Test adaptations to include: -
capitalization, punctuation, and eliminating an answer choice
sentence formation on 100% of (no more than 3 answer
choices) - extended time if
independent trials.
needed - tests read aloud to
ensure Dylan is taking his
time and following directions.
● Advance notice of
assessments and study guides
● Firm and consistent
expectations / consequences
across environments.
● When taking many notes,
provide Dylan with a skeleton
outline (fill-in the blank type)
of the notes so he writes
legibly and correctly.
Heaven Taylor N/A N/A ● Preferential seating near the
point of instruction.
● Prompting to remain on task.
● Test adaptations to include: -
eliminating an answer choice
(no more than 3 answer
Dominic Trigona N/A N/A ● Extended time to complete
assignments in general
education reading and content
● Content area, reading and
itinerant subject areas may
modify tests and assignments
to include: alternate mode of
response, limiting concepts or
length of text, providing a
word box, color coding
matching, no penalty for
grammar, handwriting, or
spelling, extended time.
● Preferential seating near the
point of instruction.
● Prompting to remain on task.
● Positive reinforcement for
appropriate responses and
on-task behavior.
● Classroom behavior
management system (token
economy or behavior chart).

Everett Vaught N/A Given a writing prompt, Everett ● Preferential seating near the
will write a 3 paragraph essay point of instruction.
including an introductory, body, ● Periodically check to make
and concluding paragraph with 5 or sure Everett is following
less errors in spelling, directions and completing
capitalization, and punctuation on
● All grade level material read
at least 1 trial per marking period. aloud to Everett.
● Prompting to remain on task.
● Test accommodations:
-tests/quizzes read aloud
-reduce answer choices by 1
-word bank for matching
-open ended answered orally
-study guide prior to test
-extended time up to 1/2 the
regular time.
Kaden House N/A Given a topic or a writing prompt, ● Prompting to remain on task.
Kaden will write a 4 paragraph ● Preferential seating near the
essay including an introductory (at point of instruction.
least 3 sentences), 2 body ● Study Guides that outline
paragraphs (at least 5 sentences), what material/concepts will be
on assessment
and concluding paragraph (at least
● Adapted Assessments
3 sentences) with no more than 5 (true/false, multiple choice
total errors in spelling, punctuation, with limited choices (no more
sentence formation, and than 3)
capitalization on 2/2 trials per nine
week marking period.

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