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A toilet is a plumbing fixture primarily intended for the disposal of human excreta: urine and fecal
matter. Additionally, vomit and menstrual waste are sometimes disposed of in toilets in some societies.

Toilet germs
Toilets house a large amount of germs, particularly toilets in public establishments. Interestingly,
however, the floor of the bathroom actually contains more germs than the toilet bowl, as
explained in a 2005 report by ABC News. Tests at the University of Arizona revealed that 62
percent of bathroom floors were contaminated with potentially dangerous bacteria, as compared
to 19 percent of toilet bowls. Nonetheless, toilet bowls can contain some nasty bacteria, and
proper hand washing is the best way to prevent infection.

Shigellosis is a gram-negative bacteria that is found in toilet bowls. The bacteria can cause a
wide range of symptoms, including severe diarrhea and dysentery. The bacteria cause
inflammation of the intestines and are usually passed in fecal matter. According to Merck online,
one of the common ways that shigellosis bacteria are spread is when food workers fail to wash
their hands after using the toilet.

Staphylococcus bacteria can be hard to kill, particularly the methicillin-resistant strain known
as MRSA. According to the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency, MRSA is
spread by person-to-person contact and is often harbored in toilet bowls. If MRSA is suspected
in a home or community, the toilet bowl and seat should be disinfected once daily with a strong
cleaning solution.

Salmonella are often found in toilet bowls. These harmful bacteria can cause severe vomiting
and diarrhea in affected persons. A 2000 study by scientists at the UK's Aston University School
of Health and Life Sciences examined the household conditions of six families who had recently
suffered from a salmonella outbreak. In four out of six homes, salmonella bacteria were found in
the toilet bowl, specifically under the water line.

Serratia marcescens
Fortunately, not all bacteria in the toilet bowl cause illness. Serratia marcescens, a very common
bacteria in toilet bowls and the environment in general, can cause a pink or gray lining inside the
toilet bowl that may cause alarm. Although the bacteria can be harmful to a small ratio of people
and cause illness such as urinary tract infections and pneumonia, they are generally harmless and
removable with the aid of chlorine bleach.


Remove items from atop and around the toilet. Clearing items away from the toilet will keep them out
of the way and will prevent any accidental drops into the toilet.

Wipe down the toilet with a damp sponge. First put on clean gloves. Then moisten a sponge with hot
water and wipe around the tank, lid, seat, base, and the exterior of the bowl. This removes excess dirt
and helps disperse the cleaning product.

Squirt a liquid (cream) toilet cleaner inside the bowl. Squirt the cleaner inside the bowl, starting at the
rim and making sure to get the area under the lip of the bowl. Read the manufacturer's instructions first
for specific directions. Many cleaners work best if you allow them to soak on the bowl for a while.

Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush. Brush the entire bowl thoroughly, paying special attention to
mineral stains that may accumulate along the water level and at the back of the bowl. The more
thoroughly you scrub the bowl, the cleaner it will get.

Flush the toilet. Flushing rinses the bowl and the brush. Continue to scrub as the water drains from the
toilet. Repeat several times to thoroughly rinse the bowl and brush.

Spray the rest of the toilet with a disinfectant cleaner. Follow the manufacturer's directions. Make sure
to get both the top and bottom of the seat, and spray the entire exterior of the toilet. Use a cloth or
paper towel to work in, and wipe away, the cleaner.

Clean the handle thoroughly. Be sure to get the handle with the disinfectant spray. The handle is the
primary avenue for the spread of germs, so clean it well.

Spray the floor and tiles around the toilet with the disinfectant spray. Wipe clean with paper towels or
a cloth.

Replace items that were on or around the toilet. Put on clean gloves and rinse off the items that were
on or around the toilet. Wipe them dry with a paper towel and put them back in their places.

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