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Fear and ineffective coping After 4 hours of nursing 1. Assessed patient’s 1. Provides knowledge base for Goal met

-Pt stated she feels helpless.

related to the diagnosis interventions, the client will knowledge about the the nurse to enable the
acknowledge and discuss condition, expected surgical reinforcement of needed After 4 hours of nursing
concerns and will demonstrate intervention and future information, and helps identify interventions, the client
-decreased self-assurance
appropriate range of feelings.
therapies. Noted presence of patient with high anxiety, low acknowledged and discussed
-restlessness denial or extreme anxiety.
capacity for information fully her concerns and also
2. Prepared pt for diagnostic processing, and need for special demonstrated the appropriate
After 2 days of nursing tests.
attention. Note: Denial may be range of feelings.

interventions, the client will 3. Implemented an ambiance of useful as a coping method for a
report fear to be reduced to a concern, openness and time, but extreme anxiety needs
manageable level. availability, as well as to be dealt with immediately.
After 2 days of nursing
2. More understanding of interventions, the client was able
4. Encouraged questions and procedures and what is to report fear to be reduced to a
provided time for expression happening increases feelings of manageable level.
of fears.
control and lessens anxiety.

5. Determined the support 3. Time and privacy are needed

available to the patient. Gave to provide support, discuss
information about feelings of anticipated loss and
community resources and other concerns. Therapeutic
encouraged a visit with a communication skills, open
woman who has recovered questions, listening, and so forth
from a mastectomy.
facilitate this process.

6. Considered role of 4. Provides an opportunity to

rehabilitation after surgery. identify and clarify
misconceptions and offer
emotional support.

5. Can be a helpful resource

when patient is ready. A peer
who has experienced the same
process serves as a role model
and can provide validity to the
comments, hope for recovery
and normal future.

6. Rehabilitation is an essential
component of therapy intended
to meet physical, social,
emotional, and vocational needs
so that the patient can achieve
the best possible level of
physical and emotional

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