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The Nature of Mathematics

This part of the course will guide us in discovering the relationship od MAthematics and
nature. It will guide us in identifying some mathematical concepts which are associated
with things and objects in the natural world and the universe as well. 

1. Lesson 1 Pattern and Numbers in Nature and the World

In most instances, when one says Mathematics, it is oftentimes dubbed as the hardest
course one must take in school. In addition, many would say the course is very difficult
because of the tedious and lengthy solutions you have to perform in calculation. These
sometimes cause students to take the course lightly and even tend to drop the course at
some point. Another thing is that students when making decisions what to take in
college, courses that offered many Mathematical subjects are tend to become the less

          From the situation, what is in Mathematics that has to be afraid of by most if not
all students? Is it because it deals more on numbers? Or it is because the x’s and the
y’s involves in its principles? Regardless of the answer, people just don’t realize that the
theoretical ideas of the discipline are being practiced in the daily human activities in all
walks of life. In education sector, apart from being a course it is used also to assess the
performance of the students through the grade; in business the concept of money is
being applied; in the medical professions most use is on measurement like determining
the amount of IV fluid to be injected to the patient, the amount of radiation required to
get the best possible image in x ray imaging and the likes. Hence, the study of
mathematics is a must since Mathematics is everywhere.

          In connection, numbers is the main tool in the study of Mathematics. Aside from it
and technically speaking, Mathematics is the science that focused on shapes,
arrangement and patterns in the environment. It is a tool used to determine the
different regularities in our surroundings and eventually an aid in decision making.

          In this particular course, we will view mathematics as way to appreciate the beauty
of our nature and an important tool in dealing life’s endeavors.

          Intuitively, mathematics deals mostly with patterns. Sirug (2018) pointed out that
pattern in nature are visible regularities of forms found both in natural world and the
universe. This pattern that we see around us is recurring forms and follows set of rule
that sometimes can be expressed as mathematical models. Sirug pointed out to the man
has developed a formal; system of thoughts for recognizing, classifying and exploiting
patterns which is the discipline of Mathematics. Trying to look around us, many
organized things that we can see can be modelled mathematically. The arcs in bridges
are the concept of parabola. Architectural forms and designs apply the concept of
symmetry, balance and precisions. The harmony of notes in musical composition applies
the concepts of mathematics but not limited to fractions.

          Moreover, Sirug1 (2018, p. 2) explained the application of mathematics to

organize and systematize ideas about patterns, man have discovered a pattern in nature.
The discoveries of patterns in nature are not just for us to admire with because these
patterns provide us some vital life lessons that governs our natural processes. Intuitively,
we can see different mathematical stories in nature that will fascinate us. From the floras
and faunas to the modern day technologies that we have are all associated and
modeled mathematically.

          Nature’s secrets comprise much of our daily activities deduced from the clues of
our natural world. Seeing nature’s beauty is a fascinating thing but applying nature’s
secret in our daily activities is more fascinating experiences.

        Patterns can be observed in many things around us. The stars during starry nights
are likes diamond scattered in the wilderness. The fierce wave on the oceans that
continuously flowing; the stunning beauty of the peacock feathers which are distinct
from each individual peacocks and the majestically engineered beehives are some of the
things where we can see patterns. Thus, appreciating the beauty of nature is very
essential thing however applying the mathematical concepts that underlie it are more
fascinating and interesting one.
The Snowflakes

            Snowflakes are wonders of natural chaotic symmetry, their presence the result of
a harmonious symphony between various elementary principles. They are delicate in
form, exquisite to the eye, and mesmerizing to the mind.

          The snowflakes are a delicate wonder in nature formed by supercool and
supersaturated air. This object is usually seen during winter season. Its creation requires
delicateness in such way where when it gone wrong you produces things as hail, sleet or

           The figure illustrates a form of symmetry which is called the radial symmetry or
rotational symmetry. This symmetry is illustrated by rotating the object at a certain
angle to get the exact figure as it was originally. Snowflakes are 6-fold symmetry where
no two are exactly the same. Intuitively, the amount of rotation of the object is obtained
by dividing 360° by the number of folds of the objects.

           Another object in nature where rotational symmetry is applied is the star.

Applying the given concept above and since star is a 5-fold symmetry so we have

Another form of symmetry is the bilateral or line symmetry. This type of symmetry is
illustrated by drawing an imaginary line along an object forming two equal figures.  The
first part is the mirror of the other part. Below is the illustration of the Taj Majal and its
reflection in the water


Figure 3 The Shadow of the Taj Mahal in Water

Figure 4 Other Illustrations of bilateral symmetry

1.1. Lesson 1b Pattern and Numbers in Nature and the World

The Honeycomb

          Crowder (2014) describes honeycomb as the cluster of repeating hexagonal

beeswax that fills the interior of a honey bee beehive. He further explains that
honeybees are not unique in their selection of the hexagon as a structural building
shape. The hexagon has been utilized throughout evolution due to its simplicity,
strength, and durability. He pointed out also the following natural objects that apply
hexagonal shape like the water-transporting tissue of vascular plants; the hexagon
lattice structure is also incorporated into animal bone tissue provides strength and gives
bones a lightweight quality, and Paper wasps (Polistinae) construct their nests from
paper using a repeating hexagonal honeycomb pattern. Although these insects do not
produce honey, they do use hexagonal cells for developing brood just as the honey bee

Another important concept explained to us by the hexagonal shape form of the

honeycomb is the packing procedure. Packing problems involves optimizing the filling
of a given space such as cubic or spherical containers. The bees’ hexagonal beehives
instinctively explained to us the best solution in constructions. Honeycomb is not only
beautiful and elegant but optimally functional.

The Tiger’s Stripe and Hyenas, Spots


Figure 5 Hyenas’ Spot and Tiger’ Stripes

     Other notable patterns in natures are animals’ stripes and spots. Zebra, tiger, snakes,
and cats are covered with patterns of stripes while leopards and hyenas are covered
with spots. Giraffes on the other hand are covered with blotches.

     Tiger’s stripe as often distinctive reddish-orange fur and dark stripes while hyena,
another Africa’s wildlife predator, is covered with patterns of dark spots. These patterns
accordingly base on the studies of Alan Turing, logician, mathematician, and computer
scientist, are chemical reaction and diffusion processes in the cells of the predators that
determine their growth patterns. Apparently, stripes among animals are either vertical or
horizontal in nature. Another important mark is that no two animals have the same
stripe or spot patterns.

     These stripes and spots among animals are used to camouflage themselves when
they are exposed to imminent danger or when they are hunting their prey.

Below are some animals with stripes, spots, and blotches.


Figure 6 some animal with stripe

Some Other Patterns in Nature

         Apart from the patterns that can be seen from the above discussion, it also is seen
in the different natural phenomena like the intricate waves of the oceans; sand dunes in
the desert; rock formations; stalagmites and stalactite formation in caves; the formation
of the typhoon and others. These natural patterns explain the movement of air, water
and sand. For instance, the majestic of the stalagmites (grow from the cave floor) and
stalactites (hang from the ceiling of the cave) in the cave is a beautiful manifestation of
these patterns. Stalactites are the mineral deposit in the ceiling of caves while
stalagmites are the formation in the flooring. Traditionally, stalactites have pointed tips
formed by the precipitation of minerals from the dripping water at the ceiling of the
caves. Meanwhile, stalagmites are the deposited mineral mound by the precipitating
dripping water onto the floor of the cave.

Figure 7 Mineral deposits at Capisaan Cave, KAsibu, Nueva Vizcaya

2. Lesson 2 The Fibonacci Sequence

      In the previous lesson, patterns in nature have been presented like animals’ stripe
and spots and some regularity in nature. Patterns in nature are everywhere. The next
patterns that will be discussing are one of the most fascinating patterns that ever
discovered out of nature. This pattern evolves from a pair of rabbit experiments. This
study initially aimed to determine the number of pairs of rabbits to be born in a year. It
was assumed that the pair of the rabbit will give birth with a pair of rabbits in a month. It
was assumed further that the initial pair of rabbits will not die throughout the
experiment and each new pair will give birth also. At the beginning of the experiment, a
pair of the unfertile rabbit was taken as the subject. Subsequently, in the second month,
the pair becomes fertile and eventually, at the third month, the pair will give birth to a
pair of the rabbit. Remember that each new pair of the rabbit will become fertile after
the second month and the succeeding months thereafter, similar to the original pair.
After the third month, we have already 2 pairs of rabbits, in the fourth month, we will
have 3 pairs, 5 months 5 pairs until the 12th month in which we will have already 144
pairs. The figure and the table below show us the summary of the experiment.

Figure 8 The Rabbit Experiment

Table 1 Summary of the Rabbit Experiment

Month Adult Pairs  Young Total Pairs

Pairs  for the
1 1 0 1
2 1 0 1
3 1 1 2
4 2 1 3
5 3 2 5
6 5 3 8
7 8 5 13
8 13 8 21
9 21 13 34
10 34 21 55
11 55 34 89
12 89 55 144
From the above experiment evolves one of the greatest discoveries in Mathematics –
the Fibonacci Numbers. This concept was named after Leonardo Pisano or Leonardo
of Pisa (1170-1250). He is an Italian Mathematicians born in Pisa, Italy. He is popularly
known as Fibonacci which means “son of Bonaccio”, a shortened version of the Latin
word “filius Bonacci”.

This sequence of  numbers created a unique pattern which is 1,1, 2,3,5,8,13,21, 34, …
each of which is obtained by adding  the last two numbers in the pattern to get the
succeeding number.

The above-mentioned experiment was one of the exercises in Fibonacci’s book titled
“Liber Abaci” or “Book of Calculation.”

This significant contribution of Fibonacci can be associated with many objects in the
environment like flower petals. If we are a keen observer, we can see that some types of
flowers in the natural world illustrate these number patterns. The white calla lily is a one
flower petal; the euphorbia flower has 2 petals; the trillium flower has 3 petals;
columbine contains 5 petals; bloodroot has 8 petals; black-eyed Susan has 13 petals;
Sasha has 21 petals; filed daisies contains 34; and others classes contains 55 and 89
petals. These numbers are all part of Fibonacci numbers.

In addition, aside from flower petals, we can also observed the Fibonacci numbers from
the seed arrangement of sunflowers. Taking a close look at the pattern of two opposing
spirals (clockwise and counterclockwise direction), these usually contain 34 and 55 seed
in each spirals respectively.

To further illustrate the Fibonacci Numbers in nature is the hexagonal nubs formed from
a pineapple. In most cases 5 or 8 spiral nubs can be seen that rotate diagonally upward
to the right depending on the size of the pineapple. However, in some of the case we
have 8 and 13 spirals. These numbers on the spirals can also be seen with pinecones
depending on the size. These Fibonacci Numbers was exemplified.
           This great discovery of Fibonacci lies another secret wonder that amazed
everyone.  From the number in the pattern, a mysterious and interesting property had
been identified and has a deeper relationship to the golden ratio. Leonardo da Vinci
first used the concept of golden ratio as Divine Proportion in the early 1500’s in his work
“De Divina Proportione” which was late studied by Luca Pacioli in 1509. 


          The golden ratio is the relationship between two numbers on the Fibonacci
sequence where plotting the relationship of these in scales which results to the golden
spiral. The golden ration is actually the ratio two consecutive numbers of the Fibonacci
sequence approximately equal to 1.618033987… The golden ratio is usually denoted by
the Greek character  (small Phidias). 

          Except for the few small numbers on the Fibonacci numbers which has a ratio of
1.61803…, most are approximately equal to the golden ratio.

          The successive numbers of the Fibonacci sequence illustrate another wonderful
properties applied to the proportions of a rectangle called the Golden Rectangle. This
known as the most fascinating visual representation of the different geometric forms –
thus, the appearance of the golden ratio in arts is very much visible.  

            Moreover, the golden rectangle is often associated to the golden spiral. This
spiral is created by putting up adjacent squares of the Fibonacci numbers. Starting form
1 x 1 squares successively up to the largest square which is the 34 by 34 square. Hence,
the golden ratio is the limit of the ratios of the successive terms of the Fibonacci
sequence or any Fibonacci-like sequence. 

Golden Ratio in Nature

                    The discovery of the Fibonacci numbers are said to of the many nature’s
numbering system. The study of the leaf arrangement of plants which is phyllotaxis, to
the different structures in even up to the structures of the outer space reflects the
golden ratio or the Fibonacci Numbers.


                   Figure 9 Some Common Leaf Arrangement

Lesson 2 Fibonacci Sequence Continuation:

1. Golden Ration IN Nature

“Golden ratio perhaps is the most important part of human beauty and aesthetics as
well as a part of remarkable proportions of growth patterns in living things such as
plants and animals. Fibonacci numbers frequently appear in the numbers of petals in
flowers and in the spirals of plants.” (Sirug, 2018 p. 8)

          As mentioned previously, some plants reflect the Fibonacci numbers in their
flower petals such as trillium, columbine, bloodroot, and daisies to name some.  Apart
from the flower petals, plants have also distinct characteristics of the golden ratio
established in some ways out of the Fibonacci Numbers. The spiraling patterns among
the eye of the pineapple, which follows the Fibonacci numbers 5 and 8 or 8 and 13. Also
the natural spiral patterns in leaf arrangement of plants, seed arrangement of sunflowers
and its flower petals, rose, spiral aloe, and some other plants allows the new leaves
and /seeds to grow without blocking the others for from the sun ray or the maximum
amount of rain or dew that gets directly down to roots.
Figure 10 Some Plants’ flower illustrating the Fibonacci Numbers

These spiraling patterns of leaf and flower petal arrangements, as well as the seed
arrangement, usually form as the ratio of successive numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.

Figure 11 Sunflower’s seed arrangement

         Aside from the sunflower’s seed arrangement, we can also see the spiraling growth
patterns in some plants like succulents. The figure below shows the spiraling patterns
among these plants.
Figure 12 Spiraling Growth Patterns of some plants 

From the plants, we also consider the presence of the Fibonacci numbers among the
positions and key dimensions in the many characteristics of animals. The spiral shape of
the ram’s horn; features many animals like tigers, lions, fish, penguins, and dolphins; also
body sections of insects; and the likes. In addition, growth patterns of tree branches also
illustrate the Fibonacci numbers. Thus, the concept of Fibonacci numbers is everywhere
in our environment.  The discovery of these things depends on how curious we are with
the things around us. The concept of mathematics makes us organize patterns and
regularities in our nature.

          The following figures will show us the different spiraling patterns and other
related objects illustrating the golden ratio.

Figure 13 Some Natural illustrations of the spiraling patterns in Fibonacci

Fibonacci numbers and related concepts can be really seen in every creation of nature. A
human, who is the guardian of nature, also illustrates the famous golden ratio. The
human body and other parts to include the human DNA contain the phi proportion. 
Below is the famous Vitruvian Man, Leonardo da Vinci’s illustration showing the
proportion in humans. The Vitruvian Man was based on the correlation of ideal human
proportions described by Vitruvius in one of his book found in his treatise De
Architectura, in which da Vinci was obsessed with. In connection, from the whole human
body, golden proportion or divine proportion can also be seen in the different parts like
the human face, hands, and even the DNA structure.

Figure 14 Vitruvian Man

Figure 15 Illustration of the Golden Ratio in human face and fingers

Figure 16 The Human DNA Structure

The golden spiral can also be seen in the universe and some natural phenomena like the
structure of the galaxy and the structure of a typhoon.

Figure 17 Spiraling pattern of galaxy and typhoon 

2. Golden Ratio in Arts

In the fields of Arts, artists display beauty, balance, and harmony in their works. The use
of the golden ratio helps them achieve balance and harmony in their compositions.
Golden Ratio accordingly was named Greeks. It is also known as the Golden Section or
Golden Proportion or Divine proportion. Moreover, this golden ratio is denoted as phi ,
an irrational number approximately equal to 1.6180336887… The term Phi is obtained
from the initials of Phidias. Apparently, Mark Barr, an American Mathematician,
proposed the used of the first, three letters from the named of Phidias to represent the
golden ration in 1900’s.
In a short note, Phidias (490 BC – 430 BC) known to use the concept of the golden ratio
in most of his works in sculpture. Below are some of the notable works of Phidias

Source:  Sammartino, L.  Phidias. Retrieved


Figure 18 Some of the famous work of Phidias

The Parthenon of Greece was one of the contributions of Phidias being the art director
of it. The outside view of the said works illustrates the golden ratio.

Aside Phidias, painters like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael applied the
concept of the Golden Ration in most of their works. Moreover, many Renaissance
artists utilized the concept of the Golden ratio in the piece of art.
Figure 19 The famous painters of the Renaissance Period 

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci or popularly known as Leonardo da Vinci is one of the
renowned painters during the Renaissance period. He is popularly known for his works
like the Last Supper, Monalisa, and the St. Jerome in the Wilderness to name some. It
was believed that da Vinci incorporated the concept of the golden ratio in his
masterpieces. During this period he was notable for his “Divine Proportion.”  For
instance, in his work, The Last Supper, da Vinci utilized the golden ratio to define the
fundamental proportion of his paintings. Below are the paintings of da Vinci: the
Monaliza and the Last Supper.

Figure 20 Outstanding Works of Da Vinci

Another famous painter during the Renaissance period is Michelangelo di Lodovico

Simon (1475 – 1564) or simply Michelangelo. Aside from being a painter, he is also an
engineer, architect, and poet.  He was considered the greatest living artist during his era.
His notable painting “The Creation of Adam”, is found at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
in Vatican City. This painting shows a very precise meeting of Adam’s finger and God’s
finger by applying the concept of the golden ratio.  Another notable artwork of
Michelangelo was the “Holy Family”, where he applied the golden star or the pentagram
to achieve the best possible proportion in his work.
Figure 21 The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

The third great artist during the period of Renaissance was Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483 –
1520) also known as Raphael was a painter and architect. Among his remarkable paintings were
the Crucifixion and the School of Athens.  Raphael’s Crucifixion applies the concept of the
golden triangle and the pentagram so that the division between the figures and their proportion
to ensure a balance of a piece of art.

Figure 22 Some of the Remarkable Paintings of Raphael

          Aside from the three distinguished Renaissance painters, there are other
remarkable paintings during this era where the golden ratio was applied. Some of them
include the “Self-portrait of Rembrandt; ‘The Birth of Venus by Sandro Boticelli; and “The
Sacrament of the Last Supper” by Salvador Dali.

Figure 23 Some Renaissance Painting applying the Golden Ratio

3. Golden Ratio in Architecture

In the fields of architecture, many of the early architectural works and the present-day
works exhibit the golden ratio concepts. The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt built around 4700
BC by Ahmes was based on the golden ratio. The length of the sides of the pyramids
based on the height of its feet is approximately 1.5717…, which is close to the golden
ratio. Another structure where the golden ratio was displayed was the National Museum
of London, as shown in the figure below. The Sydney Opera House is an intricate
building designed that applies the golden ratio. This building represents modern
architectural design.  And not too far away, the stunning beauty and the literally applied
concept of the golden spiral is the Fibonacci inspired Palawan Nautilus Resort. A
modern architectural work with stunning and intrinsic design, inspired by one of
nature’s wonder concepts of Mathematics. 

The Stunning Beauty of the Nautilus Eco-Resort in Palawan


Figure 24 Architectural Work depicting the Golden Ratio

Lesson 3 Patterns and Regularities in the World

1. Patterns and Regularities in the World

“Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses – especially learn
how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”  

― Leonardo da Vinci
          Intuitively, mathematical concepts and applications are everywhere. Mathematics
is a powerful tool that helps us discovered and organizes the different patterns that we
see around us.  We have been talking a lot about the regularities of the things in our
environment.  From the prettiness of flowers, the grandiose trees, even the different
stunning rock formations to the forceful impact of waves along the seashores that
unveils the most common patterns in our environment. Likewise, the microscopic
structures of different things in our environment and the universe itself display patterns.
Patterns in nature are classified as symmetry, fractals, spirals, stripe and spot, foams,
iterations, and tessellations.  

A.        Symmetry 

In the previous section of the module, we have discussed symmetry. Symmetry is said to
be the harmonious and beautiful balance of things or objects. It is also the varied
transformation of objects where we can almost see the object in its original form be it in
rotation, reflection, or scaling. Previously, we determined the most common types of
symmetry; the bilateral symmetry or the line symmetry, and the radial symmetry or
rotational symmetry.

Bilateral symmetry is the symmetry of objects or things where the left side of the
object is the same or mirror of the right side along the midline of the object. Usually, we
draw a vertical or horizontal line along the midline to form two equal figures. Symmetry
exists in most living and nonliving things in our environment like  the plant itself and it
leaves and flowers, animals like tigers, ants, butterfly, dragonfly and the likes.

Figure 25 Some Living and Nonliving Showing Bilateral Symmetry

          Another type of symmetry is radial or rotational symmetry. This type of

symmetry is around a fixed point called the center.  Moreover, to get an approximately
similar figure, the objects are turned at a fixed angle. The angle is obtained by dividing
360 by the number of folds of the object. Most objects under this kind are plants’
flowers and some animal groups. Among the radial symmetry, animals are the
echinoderms which include sea urchins, jellyfish, and starfish. Flowers like trillium are
considered in this kind.

Figure 26 Things illustrating radial symmetry

B.    Fractals

Fractals are the 'never-ending' patterns that repeat indefinitely as the pattern is iterated
on an infinitely smaller scale. We see this type of pattern in trees, rivers, mountains,
shells, clouds, leaves, lightning, and more. (Patterns in Nature: Definition & Examples,

                                      Figure 27 Examples of Fractals

In addition, a fractal is a detailed pattern that looks similar at any scale and repeats itself
over time. A fractal's pattern gets more complex as you observe it at larger scales. This
example of a fractal shows simple shapes multiplying overtime, yet maintaining the
same pattern. Examples of fractals in nature are snowflakes, trees branching, lightning,
and ferns. (Math Patterns in Nature, 2020)
Figure 28 Natural Examples of Fractals

C. Spirals

Another form of patterns is the spiral. A spiral is a curved pattern that focuses on a
center point and a series of circular shapes that revolve around it. Examples of spirals
are pine cones, pineapples, hurricanes. The reason why plants use a spiral form like the
leaf picture above is that they are constantly trying to grow but stay secure. A spiral
shape causes plants to condense themselves and not take up as much space, causing it
to be stronger and more durable against the elements. (Math Patterns in Nature, 2020)

 Logarithmic spiral or growth spiral is considered as a self-similar spiral curve which

often appears in nature.

Figure 29 Spiraling Patterns in Nature

D.    Tessellations

Tessellations  is a pattern composed of flat shape objects repeated and joined together
in without any gaps or the tiles do not overlap with each other. This is the tiling of
shapes in short term. The word came from the Greek word “tessares” which means
putting thing in a flat surface without gaps or objects do not overlap with each other.
The word was first used during the 17th century.

2. Lesson 4 Behavior of Nature

 From the previous lessons we have, much has been said about the natural regularities
of nature. Much of the things that surround us possess the pleasing beauty in their
visual appearance that creates the feeling of satisfaction and harmony within the image
itself. The beauty, balance, and behavior of nature is due to the impact of the golden
ratio that describes the different natural regularities present in our environment. These
regularities that we see and experience in our daily life includes fractals, symmetry,
tessellation, iterations, stripes and dots, waves, foams cracks, meanders, and trees that
describe the behavior of the natural world.  The golden ratio therefore describes the
beauty of nature and the growth patterns of many living things including the inspiration
of the creation of non-living things including the universe.

          Previously, we pointed out the intrinsic structure of the honeycomb of which is
constructed with regular repeating hexagons. The beauty of the design does not only
rely on the physical appearance of the object but rather the fact the structures will hold
the least amount wax to store honey giving it the strong construction without any gaps
between each hexagon. This idea explains to us the value of utilizing maximum space
without neglecting the strength of the construction we are doing.
Figure 31 Honeycombs

Another, small creatures yet considered best engineers are the spiders. These creatures
create a beautiful pattern in the construction of their spider web and this is done using
the innate steps of a spider. Moreover, animals’ stripes and spots, like the tigers and
zebras are due to the chemical pigmentation on the animal skin. On the other the
spiraling patterns on the growth of plants and some animals can also be observed in our
environment. The nautilus shell perfectly illustrates in its structure the golden spiral
which is called the logarithmic spiral. Moreover, the spiral arrangement of the seeds of
sunflower is perfectly arranged in which no two seeds overlap with each other. This
arrangement allows the seed to grow properly and provides much space for the sunlight
to penetrate. Similarly, the spiral arrangement of the succulent petals is the same as the
sunflower seed arrangement.

In relation to the golden spiral, typhoon structure is another natural phenomenon

associated with it. The spiral structure of this phenomenon is the basis of how long is
the coverage of the typhoon.

Lighting on the other hand, during storms illustrates fractal. Similarly, tree branches are
also considered as fractals in nature. Another pattern in nature is crack. During dry
seasons, we can see some openings in our land. This opening is a crack that serves as
the materials to relieve the stress of the land. Additionally, these cracks explain the
elasticity of the object. On the contrary, we can also see cracks from the barks of the
trees indicating that it is weak.

          Many things in our environment can be modeled mathematically and describe the
natural existence of the object. The curves on the bridge structures are the concept of
parabola modeled by the quadratic equation. Moreover, our daily processes like the
simple arithmetic when we buy things can be modeled by simple linear equations.
Hence, most of it not all activities in our daily life are organized by mathematics, making
it indispensable in our human activities.

3. Lesson 5 Application of Mathematics in the World

Intuitively, many would say that mathematics is just part of the curriculum that students
need to take to pass the course. It is just a subject that deals with numbers. However,
numbers are the raw material that provides information in dealing with daily activities. It
is used also ion describing our environment and a tool in decision making.

Many individuals had considered mathematics as their waterloo and even got to the
point that many would say it is not related to the course they take. Unconsciously, many
are not just aware that they are actually applying the context of mathematics in their
daily activities. In our daily activities, we use it directly or indirectly. Hence, mathematics
is a tool used in many fields of an endeavor like in engineering, information and
communication, business, education, medical fields, and other industries. The uses of
statistics, combinatorics, and graph theory are used in the concept of crime detection
and investigation.

Other applications of mathematics include forensic science, medicine, engineering,

management, and many other fields in human life.


In forensic science, differential and integral calculus are applied to clarify blurred
images. Another application of calculus is the maximization and minimization of
projectile motion and other related forensic activities.  Moreover, the concept of
trigonometry is used in identifying the angles where bullets were fired based on their

          In business and management, the concept of mathematics of investment is used

in dealing with income, wages and compensations, expenses, and other financial
aspects. Moreover the concept of statistics are used in projecting incomes, expenditures
and in assessing the development needs of the organization. 

          In the fields of allied health sciences, the concept of statistics is used in managing
public health status and in implementing innovations and solutions in battling the
emergence of diseases. Specifically, medical imaging applies the concept of angles in
trigonometry to determine the proper position of the imaging equipment to get the
appropriate image of the patient for examination. In this case, medical experts could
give proper medication plan. Medical Technologist applies the concept of measurement
and statistics in their examinations of the specimen.   On the same note, nurses also
used the concept of measurement when administering medicines to their patients.

          In the fields of education, Mathematics does not exist only as a course to be taken
up by students. This is used in assessing the level of performance of students. Apart
from it, it is used also in evaluating the validity and reliability of the test materials used
during examinations.

          Hence, Mathematics plays a very significant role in practicing one’s profession and
nation-building. It is through numbers that we can give the right decisions in planning
and implementing innovations and development. Mathematics indeed is an
indispensable thing in a human’s daily process. Math can help us understand better the
things around us. Finally, perfection in mathematics is shown in many organisms in our
environment and from here we can adopt such lessons of accuracy, balance, and
harmony to improve our status of living.

3.1. Teacher’s Insights

Mathematics for some is a course concentrated more on numbers, equations, and the
long processes with the inclusion of letters as the representation of the unknowns. Many
consider it as a waterloo because they are bored in dealing with long processes. Yet,
looking into the concept of mathematics and its relation to nature, we could really say
mathematics is really an amazing discipline. It entails ideas obtained from nature.
Mathematics does not only teach us the tedious process of providing the solutions of a
certain real-life problem but rather the values of precision and accuracy in doing things.
Mathematics helps us organize the different regularities in nature and it leads us to the
discovery of new ideas based on the behavior of nature. Mathematics is really an
indispensable tool in almost all aspects of human endeavor.

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