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| Stationary Camera Language

Directives & Status

1. Standby /Ready *hold steady - be prepared to dissolve camera to program

2. Dissolve *a smooth transition between camera shots
3. Take/Cut *camera is cut to program
4. Start/Go *begin predetermined movement
5. Hold *stop current movement / Hold current shot & wait for cue
6. Reset *return to the start position of a predetermined camera movement

Composition & Focus

1. Frame _____ Left *immediately frame subject in the Left portion of your picture
2. Frame _____ Right *immediately frame subject in the Right portion of your picture
3. Center Up *immediately frame subject in the Center of your picture
4. Check Focus *quickly correct focus / usually executed when tasked to a new shot
5. Headroom *the given distance allowed between the subject’s head and the top of the frame
6. Lead-room *the given distance allowed as the subject moves in a certain direction
7. Static Shot *no change in shot composition
8. Head Shot *shot that frames just the subjects head
9. Bust Shot *shot that frames the subject just below the shoulders
10. Elbows Up *shot that frames the subject from the elbows up
11. Inseam Up *shot that frames subject just below the waist
12. Knees Up *shot that frames subject just below the knees up
13. Head-To-Toe *shot that frames a subject from head-to-toe
14. 1-Shot *frame shot with single subject (usually a waist shot)
15. 2-Shot *frame shot with two primary subjects
16. 3-Shot *frame shot with three primary subjects
17. Wide Shot *zoom out to a shot that frames an area region or a group of people
18. Stage Wide *zoom out to show the full stage including lights (NO SCREENS)
19. Full Wide *zoom out as far as the lens will go

1 *taken from northpoint community church production material

| Stationary Camera Language


“Pan Right” -turn front of camera RIGHT / Your hands move left
“Pan Left” -turn front of camera LEFT / Your hands move right
“Tilt Up” -turn front of camera UP / Your hands move down
“Tilt Down” -turn front of camera DOWN / Your hands move up
“Zoom In” -tighten camera frame quickly
“Tighten Up” -tighten camera frame just a little
“Zoom Out” -widen camera frame quickly
“Loosen Up” -widen camera frame just a little
“Pick Up / Find ____” -move immediately to directed subject

On Air

“Push In” -subtly zoom in on subject

“Pull Out” -subtly zoom out on subject
“Push __ Left / Right” -subtly move subject to appropriate side of frame
“Lose __ Left / Right” -subtly lose subject from appropriate side of frame
“Reveal __ Left / Right” -subtly reveal subject from appropriate side of frame
“Push __ Center” -subtly move subject to center of frame

2 *taken from northpoint community church production material

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