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Unit 29- Music Video Production

LO3- Plan

Shot Camera Movement
1-2 Stationary camera (mild jitter from projection effect)
3 Camera zooms/ pans away from shot out of frame
4 Pans to the left to reveal object
5 Shot is zoomed in and out of focus (purposely)
6 Pans slowly to the right and zooms in
7 Stationary close up (out of focus)
8 Stationary then slowly moving forward
9 Zooms into object and is stationary
10 Stationary (mild jitter from projector effect)
11 Moves down screen and then zooms into picture
12 Camera quickly turns from right into stationary spot
13 Stationary camera
14 Camera moves higher and points downwards
15 Camera is stationary
16 Camera slowly moves towards the subject
17-18 Stationary camera (mild jitter from projection effect)

Shot Shot Type
1-2 Mid-Shot
3 Medium Long Shot pans into long shot
4 Close up (panning slowly to right)
5 Close up (panning slowly to left)
6 Extreme long shot (panning slowly to left)
7 Extreme close up (whilst zooming forwards)
8 Mid-Shot (slowly moves forward)
9 Mid Shot
10 Medium Long Shot
11 Close Up (moves down screen)
12 Long Shot (pans to left)
13 Mid Shot
14 Medium long shot ( moves to higher angle)
15 Long-Shot
16 Close Up
17 Mid-Shot
18 Long Shot

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