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Name: Showkatul Islam

ID: 2022900
Question: Sustainability is the key goal of business ethics. Give your arguments in favor of this
Answer: Before know sustainability is the key goal of business ethics, at fast we need to know
the what is sustainability. Sustainability refers to the long-term survival to maintain economic,
social and environmental considerations . Business sustainability, also known as trade
sustainability, is the management and society of environmental, social, and financial demands
and interests to ensure reliable ethical and ongoing success. Without ethics no business is
continue in long run. So, we can say that if any business wants to sustain in long run it must
follow business ethics.
Company must follow some sustainable development goal. Like Environmental perspectives,
Economic perspectives, and social perspective. If any company harm the environment by doing
business the company will not sustain in the long run. if company doing business but the
business organization do not help the country’s economy the government will stop the business.
In Social perspective business organization must be involve in CSR activities. If the big
company do not help the our local people the company will not sustain . Sustainability has
become an increasingly common term in the rhetoric surrounding business ethics, and has been
widely used by corporations, governments, consultants, pressure groups.

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