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Name: Nadem A.

Section: AIS21

The Scent of Apples

1. Describe the feeling evoked/picture created in your mind after reading

the short story by coloring the apple above (it can be one color or more).

After reading the story, I kinda felt bad of the Filipinos who can’t go back
to our country just because they don’t have means to do so. This story broke the
stereotype of most Filipinos here in the Philippines which they thought that if
someone is living abroad, that person has a comfortable and pleasant life which
is not the case of all Filipino immigrants. I believe that there’s nothing more like
home, which means that wherever we are, we will always seek our home in a
matter of time. This story reminds us of the struggles Filipinos experienced
letting go of their homeland and trying to make a new life with nothing but
memories of how things used to be. And as for me, who is comfortably living my
life in my own home and own country, I felt isolation for them, alienation, joy at
the same time now that I am home with my family here in my homeland.

2. Explain your color choice by relating this to words in the story (note: not less
than five related words found in the story) that created a feeling or picture in
your mind. In what ways did these words evoke images or feelings captivated by
your color choice?
The colors that I put on the apple represents on how I felt after
reading the story. The violet apple represents the nostalgia and isolation that Mr.
Fabia and all immigrants must have felt, knowing that they are far away from
their home country. The red stem symbolizes the longing of going back home
which all of us would feel if we were in the main character’s shoes. And the black
leaf symbolizes the loss of hope in coming back home. The story's central theme is
the sense of alienation and loneliness that many immigrants experience. They will
feel a persistent longing for their home country, but they realize that they will not
be able to return, at least not anytime soon. At the same time, certain aspects of
the new culture, such as the smell of apples that can only be found in America,
are odd and foreign yet it can remind us certain memories of our past in our

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