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Mechanisms of Foam Flow in Porous

Media: Apparent Viscosity in

Smooth Capillaries
G.J. Hirasaki, SPE, Shell Development Co.
J .B. Lawson, SPE, Shell Development Co.

The apparent viscosity of foam flowing through smooth ferent sizes and containing constrictions. All capillary sec-
capillaries was measured experimentally, and a mathe- tions, or pores, near to one another have the same
matical model was developed. Foam texture (a measure capillary pressure. Thus, phase saturations may differ
of bubble volume) is a key parameter in determining the from pore to pore, but the radii of curvature of the gas/liq-
following properties of foam flowing through a capillary: uid interfaces are equal. When flow in such an array of
(1) whether the foam exists as bulk foam or as a chain capillaries is modeled, resistance to flow in parallel chan-
of bubbles where each pair of bubbles is separated by an nels of both the same and different sizes is conceived to
individual lamella, (2) the number of lamellae per unit be in parallel. Flow in smooth, uniform pore sections is
length of the capillary, and (3) the radius of curvature of in series with flow through constrictions. The component
the gas-liquid interface. The apparent viscosity is the sum of resistance owing to smooth, uniform pore sections is
of three contributions: (1) that from slugs of liquid be- approximated by resistance to flow in smooth, uniform
tween bubbles, (2) the resistance to deformation of the capillaries.
interface of a bubble passing through a capillary, and Measurements and theory presented here show that the
(3) the surface tension gradient that results when surface most important variable affecting foam viscosity in
active material is swept from the front of a bubble and uniform, smooth capillaries is foam texture (bubble size).
accumulates at the back of it. The sensitivity of both Foam of finer texture has more lamellae per unit length
measured and calculated apparent viscosity is presented and, as a result, greater resistance to flow. This is true
as a function of bubble size, capillary radius, ratio of bub- both for flow of bulk foam and series of lamellae.
ble radius to capillary radius, velocity, quality, and sur- The principal factors affecting apparent viscosity of
face tension gradient. foam in uniform capillaries are dynamic changes at
gas/liquid interfaces. These are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Introduction 1. Slugs of liquid between gas bubbles resist flow.
An early conceptual model for the relative permeability 2. Viscous and capillary forces result in interfaces that
of two-phase flow was the bundle of capillary tubes model. are deformed against the restoring force of surface ten-
In this model, the wetting phase flowed in the smaller sion. The extent of this deformation and the resulting bub-
capillaries and the nonwetting phase flowed in the larger ble shape partially determine apparent viscosity as a
capillaries. The relationship between the flow rate and function of flow rate.
pressure drop in a capillary was described by the Hagen- 3. Another factor determining apparent viscosity as a
Poiseuille law. function of velocity is expansion of the interface at the
The flow of a discontinuous nonwetting phase, such as leading end of a bubble, accompanied by compression at
a foam, cannot be described by the Hagen-Poiseuille law. the trailing end. This sweeping action causes surface ac-
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the tive material to be depleted at the front and to accumulate
relationship between flow rate and pressure drop for the at the back of the bubble. The result is a surface tension
flow of foam through a capillary. This relationship is gradient that resists flow.
described by an apparent viscosity that is required to Scaling of Foam Texture and Capillary Radius
modify the Hagen-Poiseuille law for the flow of foam.
Since foam texture is a measure of the average volume
Our previous observations of flow of foam lamellae in or equivalent radius of its bubbles, one would expect that
transparent porous models showed that lamellae move an important scale factor is the ratio of this equivalent
from pore to pore by translation. Breaking and re-forming radius to the equivalent radius of a porous medium or the
oflamellae were rare; so was bubble coalescence. These
radius of a capillary. This ratio can be expressed either
observations suggest that the apparent viscosity of foam as the wetted perimeter per unit area of the solid or as
or lamellae in uniform, smooth capillaries is related to the number of lamellae per unit length of capillary. These
and, indeed, is one component of the mobility of foam
quantities are denoted as n L and are referred to as the
in porous media.
number of equivalent lamellae per unit length. This con-
A reasonable conceptual model of a natural porous
cept is illustrated in Fig. 2.
medium is a bundle of interconnected capillaries of dif-
Bulk Foam. It is assumed that bulk foam flows as plug
Copyright 1985 Society of Petroleum Engineers flow with slip at the wall. If this is the case, then the

)( x




Fig. 1-Mechanisms affecting apparent viscosity in smooth SMALL CAPILLARY, R < < rs

f\ r

resistance is a function of the wette;:! perimeter of the

lamella touching the capillary wall. The conditions for
plug flow have been analyzed by Princen. 1 The valida-
tion of this assumption is discussed in the section on Com-
\/ " J
parison with Prior Work.
If the capillary radius, R, is large compared to the Fig. 2-Lamellae configurations in large and small capillaries.
equivalent radius of the bubbles, r B, then the number of
equivalent lamellae per unit length can be estimated by
the same approach used in estimating the hydraulic radius
of a packed bed. The wetted perimeter is the sum of the of lamellae per unit length can be expressed in terms of
lengths of the lamellae in contact with the capillary wall. the capillary radius and the equivalent bubble radius.
The contacted area is the area of the capillary wall.
number of bubbles
wetted perimeter nL=
length of capillary
contacted area of solid (vol gas/vol foam)(vol foam/length)
area of lamellae (vol of gas per bubble)
volume of foam r7rR2
(area per sphere)(volume of gas) (%) 7rrff
= Ih -------------------------
(volume per sphere)(total volume)
=(%)rR 2/rff, for RB < <rB' ............. (2)
=lh------ Transition Between Bulk Foam and Individual
(%) 7rrff Lamellae. As stated, Eq. 1 applies when capillary radii
are much greater than the equivalent bubble radius and
=(~)r/rB' for RB> ?r . ................. (1) Eq. 2 when capillary radii are much less than the
equivalent bubble radius. In the first case the foam exists
Individual Lamellae. If the capillary radius is small com- as bulk foam, but in the latter case individual lamellae
pared to the equivalent radius of the bubbles, then the are separated by bubbles. Neither equation may be valid
lamellae exist individually, each lamella separating two when R::::: r B. However, a continuous model is desired to
bubbles of gas. From geometric relationships, the number bridge this transition. Therefore, the transition between

APRIL 1985 177


La I
.8 I

LT =1/n L
4 • .5 --.2~~.4-~.6-c-,-~.8-~lO---:1~.2-~L4~-L~6-~L~8-------:"2.0

R Ir.
Fig. 4-Regions of interfacial curvature in smooth capillaries.

R ship between the variables V L and V G is as follows.

VL 47r(I-7r/4)Rr?
................. ' .. (4a)
Fig. 3-Bubble configurations when the bubbles are VG (%)7rri
separated and when they are touching.

. ........................... (4b)
these two cases is estimated by determining when the two
expressions for nL are equal. This is found to be when
R=.firB. Thus, the expression for nL is as follows. This equation can be solved for the radius of curvature.

%)rR 2/r i , R~.firB individual lamellae ~=[ 1 ~] %(rB)%, re~R . ... (5)
nL = ( (%)r/rB, R";? .firB bulk foam. R 3(1-7r/4) r R

............................. (3)
Bulk Foam. When the capillary radius is large compared
In the experiments for which R< .firB, the number to the equivalent bubble radius, the configurations of Fig.
of lamellae per unit length, n L, was measured and r B was 3 are not appropriate. When R> .firB, it is assumed
calculated. In the experiments in which lamellae were in- that the bubbles are pentagonal dodecahedrons. The
terconnected (i.e., bulk foam), the value of rB was following expression for the radius of curvature is derived
estimated from a similar experiment in a capillary tube in Appendix A.
of smaller radius where individual lamellae could be
counted. (1-r)%
1.782 'I
re. r 3

Radius of Curvature of Plateau Borders -=mm ............... (6a)

rB [ 1.0
The radius of curvature of the the gas/liquid interface,
r e' is an important variable because it is a factor in the
expression for the thickness of the liquid film wetting the This expression results in the radius of curvature being
solid and, thus, is a factor in the resistance to flow. equal to the bubble radius at a critical quality of 0.742.
However, it is known that a rhombohedral packing of
spheres results in a critical quality of 0.741. Thus, the
Individual Lamellae. Fig. 3 illustrates both when bub- numerical constant in Eq. 6a is adjusted to correspond
bles are separated by slugs of liquid and when bubbles to this critical quality as follows.
are touching. When the bubbles are separated, the radius
of curvature of the interface is just equal to the lesser of (1-r)%
the capillary radius, R, and the bubble radius, rB. When 1.788 I/, ,r>0.741
the bubbles are touching, the radius of curvature, r e, is re r
less than the capillary radius and is a function of the rB =[ 1.0, r<0.741. .......... (6b)
capillary radius, R, the equivalent radius of the bubble,
r B, and the quality, r.
Assume that the radius of curvature is small compared The various regions of radius of curvature correspond-
to the capillary radius (i.e., the Plateau border is small ing to the models are shown in Fig. 4. There is a discon-
compared to capillary radius) and that the volume of liq- tinuity in the radius of curvature at R= ..hrB, which
uid in the thin films is negligible compared to the volume corresponds to the transition from individual lamellae to
of liquid in the Plateau border. In this case, the relation- bulk foam in the capillary.


Length of Thin Film and Liquid Slugs Pressure Drop With Constant Surface Tension
The length of the thin liquid film on the capillary wall, Bretherton 2 has derived an expression for the dynamic
L B , is a variable in the resistance to flow. In Fig. 3 this pressure drop of an isolated bubble with constant surface
length is shown to be less than the length of the bubble. tension in a smooth capillary tube. In this section, his
Only the length of the thin film is used in the calculation results will be modified to take into account the radius
of the drag caused by the surface tension gradient because of curvature of the bubbles when they are touching, as
the theory was derived for a film of constant thickness. shown in Fig. 2 and the bottom of Fig. 3. He used a
The same expression is used for the case of bulk foam numerical solution to match the thin film solution with
in the capillaries. the thick film solution at the ends of the bubble and
assumed that the thick film has a curvature equal to the
Bubbles Not Touching. When the bubbles are not static value. This resulting matched solution for the shape
touching, the static radius of curvature is equal to the of the interface was used to estimate the film thickness
capillary radius. The lengths, LB and Ls, can be derived where the thick film solution becomes tangent to the
by expressing the volume fraction of gas in terms of the capillary wall. This film thickness was used to reduce the
variables. radius of curvature for dynamic conditions. The difference
in curvature between the dynamic and static interfaces was
used to estimate the dynamic pressure drop.
The work of Bretherton 2 analyzed a single bubble in
a capillary tube. The work presented here extends Brether-
ton's results to a chain of bubbles that are separated by
L T = l/nL, .............................. (7b) lamellae. A lamella consists of a thin film and a plateau
border. The plateau border is similar to the liquid ahead
and of and behind an isolated bubble except that the radius
of curvature of the meniscus can be less than the capillary
LB =rlnL -%R. . ......................... (7c) radius.
Bretherton's analysis has been refined to include the ef-
The length of the liquid slugs, Ls, can be derived in fects of the disjoining pressure and short bubbles by Tel-
a similar manner. etzke. 3,4 The work of Bretherton was clarified and
extended to higher capillary numbers by Park and
We can modify Bretherton' s work to take into account
the two radii of curvature when the bubbles are touching,
and Rand r e' The resultant thickness of the interface where
I-r the thick film solution is tangent to the capillary is equal
Ls=---2f~ . ......................... (8b) to (PR)e (3",U/u)2hre, and the factor (PR)e, equal to
nL 1.79, is the coefficient determined by matching the thin
film solution with the thick film solution by numerical in-
Bubbles Touching. When the bubbles are touching, the tegration. 2 The pressure drop across the front interface
radius of curvature is less than the capillary radius and is as follows.
must be calculated as described in the previous section.


Ls=O. . ................................ (9c)

........................... (lIb)
Viscosity Contribution of Liquid Slugs
The contribution of the liquid slugs to the apparent viscosi-
ty corresponds to the fraction of the capillary length oc- The first term in Eq. lIb is the static pressure drop, and
cupied by the liquid slugs as follows. the second term is the dynamic pressure drop across the
front meniscus. A similar analysis for the rear meniscus
results in the following expression for the total dynamic
",i~j, =~sILT .......................... (lOa) pressure drop .

=",LSnL' .......................... (lOb) .:lPdynamic =2.26(ulr e)(3",U/u) 213 [(r c1R)2 + 1]. . (l2)

APRIL 1985 179

The apparent viscosity in a tube with this model is de- is sufficiently small, the mass flux to the interface, j, can
rived from Poiseuille flow as follows. be expressed as a linear function of I' ' .

n AnR2
shape _ _ L_'-'I'
j=Q(C o ' I')-P(I') ...................... (16a)
JAapp - 8U ....................... (13a)
:::=: -aI", ............................. (16b)

Surface Tension Gradient

a=(;; -:i)ro ........................ (17)

When surface active material is present, the surface ten-

If the two expressions for the flux are equated, then the
sion at the front of the bubble can be expected to be greater
departure from equilibrium in terms of the surface velocity
than the surface tension at the back of the bubble because
gradient is
the interface is expanding at the front and is contracting
at the back. This difference in surface tension will result
in a surface traction that resists flow. - I'o du s
OUf analysis for the effect of the surface tension gra-
r'=---- .......................... (18)
a dx
dient makes the same lubrication theory approximations
made by Bretherton, except that now there is a nonzero
Substituting Eq. 18 into Eq. 14b results in the following
traction at the interface.
expression for the surface traction in terms of the surface
The surface excess concentration of the surface active
material is expressed as I' = I'0 +I' " where I'0 is the
value when the surface is equilibrium with the bulk fluid
- 2
and I' ' is the departure from equilibrium. It is assumed durodu s
that the surface tension can be expressed as a linear func- Ts= dI'
~ dx
.....••................. (19)
tion of the surface excess concentration over the range
of values encountered along the interface. The surface From the normal component of the surface momentum
traction, T s, at the interface then can be related to the sur- balance, the pressure in the liquid relative to the pressure
face tension gradient from the tangential component of in the bubble can be expressed as a function of the mean
the momentum balance on the interface. Neglecting curva- curvature of the interface. If the slope of the interface is
ture and surface viscosity we have: assumed to be small compared to unity and this expres-
sion is differentiated, the result is 2
Ts = -doldx ............................ (14a)
op d 3Yl
. ......................... (20)
ox dx
......................... (14b)
The variable, Y 1 , denotes the value of Y at the interface
(i.e., the film thickness).
The coordinates are chosen such that x is parallel to the The lubrication theory approximation for the momen-
capillary axis and is positive in the direction of flow and tum balance results in the following equation. 2
Y is perpendicular to the capillary wall. The origin of the
x axis is the front of the bubble. 02U 1 op
The surface excess concentration is related to the sur- -- -- . ........................... (21)
oy2 P. ox
face velocity gradient if it is assumed that surface diffu-
sion is negligible and adsorption-desorption is the rate
limiting step in the mass transfer to the surface, as de- If the coordinates are defined to move with the bubble,
scribed by Levich. 6 The depletion of the surface active the boundary conditions are as follows.
material from the film is neglected. This assumption is
discussed in Appendix D. The flux to the interface must u=-U, y=o, ....................... (22a)
satisfy material conservation at the interface.
Y=Yl' ...................... (22b)
j=vs·(I'u s ) ............................ (ISa) oy

- du s and
:::=:ro - . ............................. (ISb)
us=u(Yd=O, x=O, -LB . ................ (22c)

This flux also is equal to the net rate of adsorption and The boundary condition, Eq. 22c, implies that the coor-
desorption. Let Q and P be the rates of adsorption and dinate system is stationary with respect to the front and
desorption, respectively. If the departure from equilibrium back of the bubble.


The overall material balance over the fIlm results in this and
-1 1 du
N s =-----=---
ro 1
................. (27b)
-q- =
27rR 0
fl udy .......................... (23a) (P)c Jl dr arc

The dimensionless differential equations can be ex-

=-Ub . ........................... (23b) pressed as follows.

The variable b is the thickness of the fIlm far from the

ends of the bubble. Eq. 23b results from applying the in-
tegral across the fIlm far from the ends of the bubble
where the fIlm is stationary with respect to the wall.
The preceding relations are now combined into two and
differential equations. The steps are described in
Appendix B.

When N s =0, the equations are the same as those of

Bretherton. 2
(Yl -b) Eqs. 28a and 28b are a set of third- and second-order,
• 3 =0 ............................ (24a) quasilinear ordinary differential equations. Direct
Yl numerical solutions of the differential equations are not
useful because they will not yield expressions for the ap-
d 3 Yl
-- -------s 2 du r 0 1 d2u parent viscosity of a foam in a capillary. Perturbation ex-
pansions may result in asymptotic series expressions for
dx 2
u dr. a Yl dx the solutions. In calculations required for the expressions
for fIlm thickness and interfacial velocity, all but one or
2Jl(u s +U) two terms of the series expression must be eliminated.
- =0 ........................ (24b) The first terms of the series solution of the coupled dif-
u Y? ferential equations are the solutions in which the differen-
tial equations are uncoupled. The uncoupled solutions are
The equations are made dimensionless as follows: the solution for constant surface tension, N s = 0 (de-
scribed earlier) and the solution with constant thickness.
1/ =y lib, ............................... (25a) Eq. 28b with constant thickness, 1/ = 1.0, becomes this
linear, uncoupled differential equation:
~=(3JlUlu)Y,xlb, ........................ (25b)
d2 w 4
w=(u s + U)IU, .......................... (25c) - - - w = O . ......................... (29)
de Ns
The boundary conditions are as follows.

w=l, ~=O, hB . ........................ (30)

The thickness far from the ends, b, is described by The solution to the differential equation, Eq. 29, with its
Bretherton's2 analysis. boundary conditions is as follows.

The coefficient, (P) c, was determined by Bretherton to and

be equal to 0.643. However, the surface tension gradient
probably will change this coefficient. Thus, (P)c is a
parameter to be determined from the experiments or com-
puted by numerical methods.
Substituting the expression for b, Eq. 26, into Eqs. 25b
and 25d results in the following. where

Z=~/hB' O!5Z!5l. ...................... (33)

1 y,
~=--(3JlU/u)- (xlrc) ................. (27a)
(P)c NL=-2hBlJii; ....................... (34a)
APRIL 1985 181
1 . 0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : : ; ; ;......- - - - ,
1. 0.5

3. 4. 5. 10
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .7 1.0
Fig. 7-Normalized velocity gradient and surface tension at
Fig. 5-Dimensionless .interfacial velocity profile. front of bubble as function of N L'


The apparent viscosity resulting from the surface tension

gradient is derived by substituting f¥J into the Poiseuille
equation, Eq. 13a.
fRONT (l-e- N L)
= (lin
LR)(3 II
Ula) -\l,..rN:s (l+e- NL ) . '" (38)

.6 .S .4 .3 .2 o
FRACTIONAL LENGTH The proftles for dimensionless velocity, w, are illustrated
Fig. 6-Profiles of normalized interfacial velocity gradient and
in Fig. 5 for different values of the dimensionless variable,
surface tension. N L. The curves show that as N L becomes small, the in-
terface approaches an immobile interface moving with the
velocity of the bubble. The dimensionless group, N L,
becomes small when LB becomes small and/or Ns
[2/(P)c](L B lr c)(3p.Ula) - \oS
becomes large. When N L is large, the interface is at rest
. . .......... (34b) (with respect to the wall) far from the ends of the bubble.
__1_~ da r 0 ~] liz Fig. 6 illustrates proftles of velocity gradient and sur-
(P) c p. df arc face tension normalized as in Appendix C. As N L
becomes large the velocity gradient and the departure of
The expressions for the surface tensi()n and surface trac- the surface tension from the equilibrium value are limited
tion are derived in Appendix C. The departure of the sur- near the ends. As N L becomes small, the proftles become
face tension from the equilibrium value is as follows. linear but the magnitude becomes less.
Fig. 7 illustrates the normalized velocity gradient and
a-a o =2fllT o(3p.Ula) 2,I,..fii; surface tension at the front of the bubble as a function
of N L. When N L is greater than 5.0, the bubble behaves
-NLZ -e -N L (l-Z)] as if it were of infinite length. When N L is less than 0.1,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (35) the interface is approaching an immobile interface .
In deriving the expression for the surface tension gra-
dient effect, the assumption is made that the ftlm thickness
The surface traction is as follows. is constant and differs by a constant factor from the
asymptotic ftlm thickness of the constant surface tension
case. Since the analysis assumed constant ftlm thickness,
the bubble length was calculated to be the length of the
thin ftlm region. Actually, the bubble length includes the
length of the Plateau border region. This latter length was
[e-NLZ+e-NL ] neglected because the Plateau border would have required
..... . .. ... . . ... .. . (36) a separate solution that must match the thin ftlm solution .
(1 +e-Nq It was felt that this additional effort was not justified. The
analysis of the experimental data for the surface tension
The pressure drop resulting from the surface tension gra- gradient effect resulted in an estimated ftlm thickness that
dient is as follows. was about three times the thickness predicted by the
Bretherton analysis for constant surface tension. However,
this difference in thickness was not used to adjust the ap-
f¥J= - ~~~ (r sdx ...................... (37a) parent viscosity contribution resulting from the interface
-La deformation, Eq. 13b.
Experimental Technique +
The experiments were designed to measure the apparent
viscosities as functions of capillary radius, bubble size, CAPI LLARY
foam quality, and velocity. TU BE
The capillaries ranged in length from 23 to 46 cm [9
to 18 in.]. A pair of experiments in which the capillary
lengths differed by a factor of two showed no significant DRAWN
difference in apparent viscosity. The capillary radii used
were 0.01,0.02,0.025,0.1, and 0.25 cm [0.004, 0.008,
0.01, 0.4, and 0.1 in.]. With the smallest bubbles
generated, the smallest capillary (0.01 cm [0.004 in.] L-._ _ _ _ _- GA S
radius) produced only two lamellae; consequently, the
measurements for this situation were judged to be Fig. a-Schematic of foam generator.
A schematic of the apparatus used to generate bubbles
of specific sizes appears in Fig. 8. The device consisted
of a drawn tip protruding into a liquid-filled chamber and dimensionless group, N p given by Eq. 27b, is factored
ports for injection of liquid and gas. Generators were con- into an empirical parameter, {3, and the radius of cur-
structed as units that could be attached to the various vature.
capillary tubes. Three different tips were used. Nominal
diameters were 0.08,0.01 cm [0.03, 0.004 in.], and one Ns ={3/r c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (39)
as fine as the glassblower could make. Individually they
generated bubbles with radii of 0.123 cm [0.05 in.] (range The other empirical parameter is the coefficient, 2/(P)c,
0.112 to 0.135 cm [0.04 to 0.05 in.]), 0.091 cm [0.04 in the expression for N L in Eq. 34b. It can be seen from
in.] (range 0.079 to 0.105 cm [0.03 to 0.04 in.]) and 0.058 Eq. 38 that this latter parameter has an influence on the
cm [0.02 in.] (range 0.046 to 0.065 cm [0.02 to 0.03 in.]). apparent viscosity only for sufficiently small but nonzero
The bubble sizes were determined from the static number values of N L. The parameter {3, in addition to affecting
of lamellae in the capillary tube after a pressure N L, affects the surface tension gradient contribution to
measurement. the apparent viscosity in proportion to the square root of
The flow rates of air and surfactant solution were the parameter.
regulated with a gear-type syringe pump that would hold The two parameters, {3 and 2/(P)c, were estimated
two syringes of different sizes. Before the experiments, from the experiments by (1) computing the apparent
gas rates were verified by a bubble flow meter, and liq- viscosity, (2) subtracting the contribution resulting from
uid rates were verified by weighing delivered liquid with the slugs of liquid, (3) normalizing the apparent viscosi-
a recording balance. Some data that reported 99% quali- ty according to Eq. 13b such that the normalized apparent
ty were collected while only gas was being pumped. Liq- viscosity would be equal to 0.85 if Eq. 13b was the only
uid was added intermittently to maintain a constant liquid contribution, and (4) comparing the normalized apparent
level in the bubble generator. Here, foam qualities were viscosity with the calculated results of Eq. 38 when it is
not measured since liquid rates were too low to measure normalized in the same way. The value of {3 was estimated
accurately. These high quality data were not used if r c/R by matching the data for which N L was sufficiently large
was less than 0.15 (r c is the radius of curvature of such that the results were independent. of the exact value
gas/liquid interface and R is the capillary radius). The of N L . The value of the coefficient, 2/(P)c' was estimated
foam quality is the volume fraction of gas. by matching the velocity dependence of the normalized
Pressure was measured from a pressure tap at the apparent viscosity when N L is small. The estimated value
horizontal section of the foam generator immediately of {3 was 5.0 cm [2 in.] and the estimated value of the
before the capillary tube. Pressure lines to the transducer coefficient, 2/(P)c, was 1.0. These parameters were not
were 0.I6-cm [1I16-in.] nylon tubing. During some ex- refined within a factor of two. The experimentally
periments, a short section of glass tubing and a glass trap estimated value of (P)c from Eq. 34 is greater than the
were required to prevent lamellae from entering the nylon computed value from Bretherton by a factor of 3 .11. This
tubing. If lamellae are confined to water-wet glass and suggests that the ftlm thickness in the presence of the sur-
do not enter the nylon tubing, the measured pressure face tension gradient effect is greater by the same factor.
should represent the gas phase pressure. The outflow end However, Eq. 34b has several other factors besides (P)c.
of the capillary tube was open to the atmosphere. Inaccuracies in one of these factors or in the model may
The pressure drop across the capillary ranged from 158 have contributed to the value of (P)c. Thus, the ex-
to 6688 Pa [0.023 to 0.97 psi]. The pressure in the gas perimentally determined value of (P) c should be con-
syringe was not measured. No correction was made for sidered as a parameter for the surface tension gradient
the effects of compression. effect rather than the ftlm thickness. The values of the
The foaming surfactant solution was a 1.0 wt% Siponate coefficients in Eqs. 12 and 13b are from Bretherton's
DS-lO, ™ commercial sodium dodecyl benzene analysis, since these contributions are based on zero sur-
sulfonate, in deionized water. face tension gradient.
The values used for p. and u were 0.001 Pa· s [1.0 cp]
Match of Experimental Data and 0.34 N/m [34.0 dynes/cm]. (The measured value of
The theory has two empirical parameters that must be u was subsequently determined to be 0.298 N/m [29.8
determined from the experiments, {3 and 2/(P)c. The dynes/cm].)
APRIL 1985 183
103~----------------------------------~ 10

r· 0.83
U ' 1.0 em/sec
a. 10

3 10

u 10

1. I 1.
101L -_ _ _ _ _ _- L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L -_ _ _ _ _ _- J
10- 1 1. 10 102 10 3
jJ-app (MEASURED). e p
10 -1 L----1.--L-..l...l....LLllL_ _-'--.J........I....LJ.J...J..I.L----1.--L...L..J....LLW

Fig. 9-Comparison of measured and calculated apparent 10-1 1. 10 102


Fig. 11-Sensitivity of apparent viscosity to the surface ten-

sion gradient parameter, f3, and r aIR.
102, . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

respect to the water viscosity. From Eqs. lOb, 13b, and

38, we have:

10 /Lapp =LsnL +0.85 (n LR) (3/L U / u ) - v. [(r c/R )2 + 1]

/L (r c/R )
Ie p (l-e- N L)
+(n L R)(3/LU/u)-'/'.JN; N' . . . . . . . . . (40)
(1 +e- L)
WITHOUT SURFACE/'" Eq. 8b shows that the product LSnL is a function of r
and nLR. The product nLR is shown by Eq. 3 to be a
R ' 0.05 em function ofr and rB/R. The ratio, re/R, is shown by Eqs.
r '0.91 5 and 6b to be a function of rand r B / R or is equal to
r B ' 0.117em unity. The viscosity, /L; velocity, U; and surface tension,
10- 2 10- 1
u appear together as the capillary number, /L U/ u. The
1. 10
dimensionless number, N s , is shown by Eqs. 27b and 39
U, em I see to be a function of a parameter that is characteristic of
the surfactant, {3, and the radius of curvature, re' The
Fig. 10-Effect of surface tension gradient on apparent radius of curvature is shown by Eqs. 5 and 6b to be a
viscosity. function of rand rB and/or R. The dimensionless bub-
ble length, N L , is shown by Eq. 34b to be a function of
LB/re , /LUlu, andNs . The ratio, LB/r e , is shown by Eqs.
The comparison between the calculated and measured 7c and 9b to be a function of r, n Lr e' and r e/R. The term
apparent viscosities is shown in Fig. 9. In this comparison, nLr e is equal to the product of (nLR) and (r e/R), each
the data that were disregarded as unreliable were from part of which has been previously discussed.
(1) experiments with high quality (reported as 99%) in
which the quality was not measured and the estimated Sensitivity of Apparent Viscosity to Parameters
value of r c/R was less than 0.15, and (2) experiments that The effect of parameter variations on the apparent viscosi-
had only two lamellae in the capillary tube. ty was investigated by varying one parameter at a time.
The experimental data had to be interpolated to obtain the
Dimensionless Groups data at a velocity of 1.0 crnls [0.4 in'/sec]. The experimen-
The dimensionless groups affecting the apparent viscosi- tal data are shown as data points and the calculated results
ty are reviewed by normalizing the apparent viscosity with are shown as curves in Figs. 10 through 15.



fL·pp R : 0.1 em
.c p r' 0.83
U : 1.0 em/sec

,e p 10 L-_~_~~~---'-'---"-'--

10" 1.

Fig. 13-Effect of bubble size on apparent viscosity.

r8 = 0.09 em
r = 0.82 5 for the case of individual lamellae with touching bub-
U = 1.0 emlsee bles. The limiting apparent viscosity then is expressed as

lim r"grad = [3(1-11'/4)] lh (~) lh

(3-+ 00 (P)c P. I - f

R, em . (rBIR) -%(3p.U/u) -2j,. . •••.•••.•••.•••..• (42)

Fig. 12-Effect of capillary radius on apparent viscosity. If the bubbles are not touching, the ratio Rlr c is equal
to unity in Eq. 41. In this case, the surface tension gra-
dient contribution to the apparent viscosity becomes in-
dependent of the bubble and capillary radii. In either case,
Surface Tension Gradient. The effect of the surface ten- the dependence on the capillary number is to the - 213
sion gradient on the apparent viscosity is illustrated in Fig. power.
10 by comparing apparent viscosities calculated with and
without the surface tension gradient effect. The apparent
Capillary Radius. The effect of the capillary radius on
viscosity calculated without surface tension gradient ef-
the apparent viscosity is illustrated in Fig. 12. The system
fect is about a factor of eight less than the measured values
changes from individual lamellae for small capillary radii
for these conditions.
to foam at large capillary radii because the bubble size
The relative importance of the surface tension gradient
is constant. The surface tension gradient effect is the domi-
effect varied from experiment to experiment because the
nant effect at small radii and is zero at the larger radii
dimensionless group, N p is inversely proportional to the
because the length of the thin film for each bubble
radius of curvature and the surface tension gradient con-
decreases with increasing capillary radius (Eq. 7c). The
tribution to the apparent viscosity is proportional to L B
slope of the portion of the curve for small radii is equal
for small N L. Some experiments with foam had zero con-
to 2.5. This slope is to be expected from Eqs. 2, 5, 27b,
tribution from the surface tension gradient effect because
and 38. The large capillary portion of the curve has a slope
of zero value of LB' Eqs. lOb and 13b adequately
of 2.0. This is to be expected from Eqs. 1, 6b, and 13b.
described the apparent viscosity for these cases.
The surface tension gradient effect is demonstrated over
a range of capillary sizes in Fig. 11. The experimental Bubble Size. The main conclusion from this work is the
data had varying rB as well as capillary radius. The importance of the foam texture on the mobility. This is
calculations show that there is a significant increase in illustrated in Fig. 13, where the apparent viscosity is
apparent viscosity as {3 is increased from 0 to 5.0 cm [0 shown as a function of the equivalent bubble radius. The
to 2 in.], but that increasing {3 to as much as 50.0 cm [20 calculated curve is discontinuous at the transition from
in.] does not result in much greater viscosity. bulk foam to individual lamellae and rapidly changes at
The limit of {3 approaching infinity can be examined slightly greater bubble sizes. These features occur because
by taking the limit of Eq. 38. the calculated radius of curvature is discontinuous at the
transition and the contribution of the surface tension gra-
dient suddenly becomes important at slightly greater bub-
lim p.g~~P =(P)c -1p.(nLLB)(Rlr c) ble sizes.
(3-+ 00 The slope of the curve approaches -2.0 for small bub-
bles in the bulk foam region. This can be understood from
. (3p.Ulo) _2;' • . . . • . • • . . . . . . • • • . • . . . • . . . • • . (41) Eqs. 1, 6b, and 13b.
The slope of the curve approaches - 3.0 for large bub-
The product n LL B approximates unity if the bubbles are bles in the individual lamellae region. This can be
long and touching. The ratio Rlr c is expressed by Eq. understood from Eqs. 2 and 38. The number of lamellae
APRIL 1985 185
lif~-----------------------, 100
r 0.83
U 1.0 em/sec


,e p
r.= 0.125 em
10 ,e p (LAMelLAE)

1. 20

R = O.l,em
U: 1.0 em/s8e
o :r.: 0.125 em
x : r.: 0.06 em

1. 10
.7 .8 .9 1.0
Fig. 14-The combined effects of bubble size and capillary
radius on apparent viscosity. Fig. 15-Effect of quality on apparent viscosity.

per unit length varies in inverse proportion to the cube by a factor of 100, the apparent viscosity is increased in
of the equivalent bubble radius. the portion of the curve where the surface tension gra-
dient effect is significant.
The Ratio TBtR. In Fig. 14, the effects of capillary These results have practical significance in scaling from
radius and bubble size are combined by illustrating the coarse porous media to fine porous media. Assume that
apparent viscosity as a function of the ratio rBtR. Ex- in-situ-generated foam still has the same ratio of rBtR
periments and theory now are compared over a larger when the pore size of the porous media changes. Then,
range of the variables. The bubble sizes in the experiments these results show that the apparent viscosity resultfng
ranged from 0.056 to 0.119 cm [0.02 to 0.05 in.] while from the smooth, uniform portion of the pore will not
the calculated apparent viscosity shown by the solid curve change with pore size if rBtR< 1.0, but will increase with
was based on rB =0.1 cm [0.04 in.]. The comparison be- decreasing pore size if rBtR> 1.0. Also, the results show
tween the experiments and theory shows that rBtR that, if rBtR is approximately equal to unity, the apparent
describes the combined effect of the bubble size and viscosity resulting from the effects investigated here is
capillary radius reasonably well, even though the model about 0.04 Pa's [40 cp] at a quality of 0.83 and at a veloci-
does not always have the variables r Band R appearing ty of 1.0 cmts [0.4 in.lsec].
as this ratio. The product, nLR, that appears in the ex-
pression for the apparent viscosity is a function of quali-
ty and rBIR. Quality. The effect of foam quality on the apparent
The transition from foam to individual lamellae is a viscosity is illustrated in Fig. 15. The experimental data
for quality nominally equal to 0.99 actually could have
function of rBtR. The radius of curvature of the inter-
been of lower quality since the liquid flow rate was not
face divided by the capillary radius, r ctR, in the case of
individual lamellae when the bubbles are touching is a measured. The primary effect of the quality is to change
function of quality and rBtR. However, the dimensionless the radius of curvature as shown by Eqs. 5 and 6b. This
effect is more significant at high qualities. The quality
number, N s' is a function of the radius of curvature,
which can be equal to rB for small rBtR or can be equal has a lesser effect on the number of lamellae per unit
to R for large rBtR. Thus, the surface tension gradient length, the length of the thin film portion of the bubbles,
effect can be a function of the capillary radius or the bub- and the length of the liquid slugs. These latter effects are
ble radius apart from its dependence on the ratio rBtR. more significant at lower qualities.
Fig. 14 shows the calculated apparent viscosity with the
equivalent bubble radius or the capillary radius reduced Velocity. The effect of velocity is illustrated in Fig. 16.
from 10- 1 to 10- 3 cm. The dashed curves show that The case with bulk foam has a calculated zero length of
when the capillary radius and bubble radius are reduced the thin film, L B, such that there is zero surface tension


effect. The calculated slope is equal to - 113 as described
by Eq. l3b. The case with individual lamellae has the
dimensionless bubble length N L, Eq. 34, changing as a
result of the changing velocity. At the low rates, the ex-
ponential factor in Eq. 38 approaches unity and the p..PP R • 0.1 em
,e P r' 0.83
calculated apparent viscosity approaches a slope of - 1/3 • o 'I' 0.063 (FOAM I
At the higher velocities, N L becomes small and the ex- • 'I' 0.119cm( LAMelLAE I

ponential factor in Eq. 38 approaches being proportional

to N L. This results in the apparent viscosity approaching
a slope of - 2f3 .
A velocity of 1.0 cm/s [0.4 in.lsec] corresponds to a
capillary number equal to 2.94 x 10 -4. The velocities in Fig. 16-Effect of bubble velocity on apparent viscosity.
the experiments ranged from 0.1 to 42.0 cm/s [0.04 to
16.5 in.lsec].

Comparison with Prior Work Conclusions

Other investigators have measured the apparent viscosi- The following conclusions can be made for the flow of
ty of foam in capillary tubes as an approach to understand- foam or lamellae through smooth capillary tubes.
ing the flow of foam in porous media. Some of these 1. The foam texture (a measure of the bubble volume)
investigators neither reported the foam texture nor ob- is a key parameter in determining whether the foam ex-
served if it was changing along the length of the capillary ists as a bulk foam or a chain of bubbles that are separated
tube. The dependence of apparent viscosity on capillary by individual lamellae, the number of equivalent lamellae
length observed by Holbrook et al. 7 suggests that the per unit length of the capillary tube, and the radius of cur-
foam was breaking in their capillary tube. Our work vature of the gas/liquid interface.
showed no dependence on capillary length. Fried 8 2. The apparent viscosity is the sum of three contribu-
observed that the apparent viscosity increased in propor- tions: that resulting from slugs ofliquid between bubbles,
tion to the capillary radius while Raza and Marsden 9 the resistance to deforming the interface when a bubble
observed that it increased in proportion to the fourth power passes through a capillary, and the surface tension gra-
of the capillary radius. Our work showed that the apparent dient that results when surface active material is swept
viscosity increased with the 2.0 to 2.5 power of the from the front of the bubble and accumulates at the back
capillary radius when the velocity was kept constant. of the bubble.
Hu et al. 10 investigated the flow of foam of a known 3. The surface tension gradient has a significant effect
texture through capillary tubes. They observed that the on apparent viscosity when the dimensionless groups N s
. transformation from lamellae to polyhedral (bulk) foam and NL are sufficiently large. As Ns approaches infini-
occurred when lInL =0.75R. From Eq. 3, this cor- ty, the apparent viscosity approaches a value that cor-
responds to R/ r B = 1.25. This is in reasonable agreement responds to an immobile interface. N L is proportional to
with the value of .fi assumed in our Eq. 3. the length of the thin film portion of the bubble.
Hu et al. 10 also attempted to correlate the resistance 4. The dependence of apparent viscosity on the capillary
of foam flowing in a capillary with the dynamic surface radius at a constant velocity for the case illustrated is pro-
tension of bubbles formed at a rate of 10 bubbles/sec. A portional to: the 2.5 power of the radius for radii that are
good correlation was found for all but the highest small compared to the bubble radius and the 2.0 power
molecular weight surfactants. of the radius for radii that are large compared to the bub-
This investigation assumed that bulk foam will flow as ble radius.
plug flow with slip at the wall. This assumption will be 5. The dependence of apparent viscosity on the foam
valid if the shear stress at the wall does not exceed the texture for the case illustrated is proportional to: the -2.0
yield shear stress of the bulk foam. The yield shear stress power of the equivalent bubble radius for bubble radii that
can be estimated from the model developed by Princen. I are small compared to the capillary radius and the - 3 .0
His Eq. 22 can be expressed in terms of the critical power of the equivalent bubble radius for bubble radii that
pressure gradient. The critical pressure gradient can be are large compared to the capillary radius.
expressed in terms of the critical capillary number by in- 6. Many of the effects of the capillary radius, R, and
troducing the apparent viscosity the equivalent bubble radius, rB, can be combined with
the ratio, rBIR. The results demonstrate the effects of

(U: w
) critical
R)(~) ......... (43)
bubble size and pore size as they become small in pro-
portion to each other. The apparent viscosity in the bulk
B /Lapp foam region where the surface tension gradient effect is
insignificant does not change for a given value of rB/R,
but it increases with a decrease in either bubble size or
If we assume that R/ and /Lapp//Lw7'100, then pore size in the region with individual lamellae when the
the critical capillary number is equal to 1.5 x 10 -3. All surface tension gradient effect is significant.
of the experiments with bulk foam had a lower capillary 7. The quality affects apparent viscosity by affecting
number. Thus, the assumption of plug flow with slip at the radius of curvature of the gas/liquid interface, number
the wall appears to be justified for the experiments shown of lamellae per unit length, the length of the thin film por-
here. tion of the bubbles, and the length of liquid slugs.
APRIL 1985 187
8. The dependence of the apparent viscosity on the YI = fIlm thickness, cm [in.]
velocity for the cases illustrated here is proportional to Z = fraction length of bubble
the - ~ power of velocity when the length of the thin ex = mass transfer rate constant, sec- I
fIlm portion of the bubble is negligible or is very large, {3 = parameter for surface tension gradient
and approaches being proportional to the - 2h power of effect, cm [in.]
velocity if the dimensionless length, N L, is sufficiently
small such that the exponential term in Eq. 38 is propor-
r = quality, gas volume fraction
tional to N L but yet the surface tension gradient term is r = surface excess concentration, mole cm 2
dominating the apparent viscosity. r 0 = equilibrium surface excess concentration,

mole cm -2, [mol in. -2]

Future Work
r' = departure from equilibrium surface
excess concentration, mol cm -2 [mol
Apparent viscosity in smooth capillaries is only one com- in. -2]
ponent affecting the mobility of foam in porous media.
71 = dimensionless coordinate normal to wall
The effects of pore constrictions and alternate flow paths
tJ. = viscosity, Pa' s [cp]
still must be considered.
~ = dimensionless coordinate in axial
This work showed mobility as a function of a specified
texture. When foam is generated in situ in porous media, direction
texture is a dependent variable and will depend on the ~ L B = dimensionless length of bubble
(1 = surface tension, N/m-
I [dyne/cm- I ]
mechanisms of foam generation and stability.
(10 = eqUilibrium surface tension, N/m-

Nomenclature [dyne/cm -1 ]
T s = surface traction, Pa [dyne/cm -2]
b = thickness of thin fIlm far from the ends
w = dimensionless velocity
of the bubble, cm [in.]
C = concentration, mol/cm 3 [mol/cu in.] References
D = diffusivity, cm 2 /sec
l. Princen, H.M.: "Rheology of Foams and Highly Concentrated
j = mass flux to interface, mol cm -2 sec- I Emulsions, I. Elastic Properties and Yield Stress of a Cylindrical
L B = length of thin fIlm portion of bubble, cm Model System," J. Colloid Interface Sci. (1983) 91, No.1 160-75.
[in.] 2. Bretherton, F.P.: "The Motion of Long Bubbles in Tubes," J. Fluid
Mech. (1961) 166-88.
Le = length of edge of dodecahedron, cm [in.] 3. Teletzke, G.F.: "Thin Liquid Films: Molecular Theory and
Ls = length of liquid slugs, cm [in.] Hydrodynamic Implications," Ph.D. thesis, U. of Minnesota (1983).
LT = total length of bubble and liquid slug, cm 4. Teletzke, G.F., Davis, H.T., and Scriven, L.E.: "Wetting
Hydrodynamics," paper submitted to J. Fluid Mech.
[in.] 5. Park, C.W. and Homsy, G.M.: "Two-Phase Displacement in Hele
n L = number of equivalent lamellae per unit Shaw Cells: Theory," J. Fluid Mech. (1984) 139, 291-308.
length, cm -1 [in. -1] 6. Levich, V.G.: Physiochemical Hydrodynamics, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1962) 409-16.
N L = dimensionless length of the thin fIlm 7. Patton, J.T., Holbrook, S.T., and Hsu, W.: "Rheology of Mobili-
portion of bubble ty Control Foams," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (June 1983) 456-60.
8. Fried, A.N.: "The Foam-Drive Process for Increasing the Recovery
N s = dimensionless number for surface tension
of Oil" (1961), U.S. Bureau of Mines, Rep. Inv. 5866.
gradient effect 9. Raza, S.H. and Marsden, S.S.: "The Streaming Potential and the
p = pressure, dyne/cm -2 [psi] Rheology of Foam," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1967) 359-63.
p(r) = rate of desorption, mol, cm -2 /sec -1 10. Hu, P.C., Tuvell, M.E., and Bonner, G.A.: "Evaluation of
a-Olefin Sulfonates in Steam Diversion," paper SPE 12660
(P) c = coefficient from constant of integration presented at the 1984 SPE/DOE Fourth Symposium on Enhanced
(PR) c = coefficient from constant of integration Oil Recovery, Tulsa, April 16-18.
q = volumetric flow rate, cm 3 /sec -1 11. Bikerman, J.J.: "Foams," Springer-Verlag, New York (1973),
Q(Co,r) = rate of adsorption, mol'cm- 2 /sec
rB = equivalent bubble radius, cm [in.]
r c = radius of curvature of gas-liquid APPENDIX A
interface, cm [in.] Radius of Curvature for Bulk Foam
R = capillary radius, cm [in.] The bubbles of the bulk foam are assumed to have a shape
U = velocity in axial direction in liquid, approximating that of the regular pentagonal dodeca-
cm/sec [in.lmin] hedron. 11 This polyhedron has 12 identical faces, each
Us = velocity at interface, cm/sec [in.lmin] of which is a regular pentagon. If the length of an edge
U = velocity of bubble, cm/sec [in.lmin] is L e' the volume of the dodecahedron is 7.66 L 1. It is
assumed that the thin fIlms of the faces have negligible
V G = gas volume, cm 3 [cu in.]
volume compared to the Plateau borders and that the
VL = liquid volume, cm 3 [cu in.]
Plateau borders have a constant radius of curvature, r c,
x = coordinate in axial direction, cm [in.] and become tangent to the faces. (See Fig. A-I.)
Xo = location where the interface is at rest, The faces of a pentagonal dodecahedron meet at an
cm [in.] angle of about 116°. It is assumed that the faces meet at
Y = coordinate normal to capillary wall, cm an angle of 120° for the purpose of calculations and
[in.] because this is the angle that foam lamellae must meet.


In the plane perpendicular to an edge, the triangle having
as the apices the edge, the center of curvature of the
Plateau border, and the point of tangency of the Plateau
border with the face is a 30°-60° right triangle. The
Plateau border is a 30° arc of a circle with a radius of
r c' The area of the Plateau border within this triangle is
the difference between the area of the triangle and the area
of the segment of a circle, (.[i16-7r/12)r1-. The pen-
tagonal dodecahedron has a cross-sectional area at each
edge equal to twice the cross-sectional area within the
30° _60° right triangle. The volume of the Plateau borders
within a given ~ntagonal dodecahedron is equal to 60
(.[i16-7r/12)r c L e ·
The volume fraction of liquid is

60(.[i16-7r/12)r 1- Le
l-r= - - - - - - - - .......... (A-Ia)


=0.21l(r cILe)2. . .................. (A-Ib)
The volume of a gas bubble is characterized by the
equivalent bubble radius, r B. The volume of the bubble Fig. A-1-Model for radius of curvature of the Plateau border
and the volume of the pentagonal dodecahedron determine of bulk foam.
the volume fraction of gas.

(%) 7rrd
f= 3" .••••••••.•..•••••••.•..•• (A-2) Substitution ofEqs. 19 and 20 into Eq. B-3 results in Eq.
7.66L e 24a.
When the equations are made dimensionless and the
The length of the edge, L e , can be eliminated between third derivative is eliminated, Eq. 28b is the result.
Eqs. A-I and A-2 to arrive at Eq. 6a.

Derivation of Expressions for Surface Tension
Derivation of Differential Equations for Velocity and Surface Traction
and Thickness
The surface tension is determined by integrating Eqs. 14a
Integration of Eq. 21 with application of the boundary con- and 19 from a hypothetical location, x o , far away from
ditions, Eqs. 22a and 22b, results in an expression for the ends where the interface is in equilibrium and mo-
the velocity profile. tionless.

u=; : (Y: -YIY)- ~ y-U. ............ (B-l) u-u o =- fTsdx ....................... (C-Ia)

Evaluation of the velocity at the interface results in an du 1'0 du

expression for the interfacial velocity, us. =- di' -;- dxs .................. (C-1b)

1 iJp Y? Ts
us=-------YI-U. .............. (B-2) uo 2h dw
p, iJx 2 p, =3 (3p,U/u) Ns d~' ............. (C-le)

Substitution of Eqs. 19 and 20 into Eq. B-2 results in a

differential equation that is second order in the interfacial The normalized surface tension is determined by
velocity and third order in the thickness, Eq. 24b. substituting Eq. 32 into Eq. C-1c and normalizing the sur-
Integration of the velocity profile, Eq. B-1, over the face tension.
thickness according to Eq. 23 results in an expression for
the conservation of material. e -N LZ -e -N L(l-z)
%u 0 (3p,PI u) 2h.JN; l+e- NL
-yl iJp Ts 2
- - - - - Y l ~U(yl -b)=O . ........... (B-3)
3p, iJx 2p, ........................... (C-2)

APRIL 1985 189

The surface traction can be determined by expressing Substituting into this expression the definition of the
Eq. 19 in terms of the dimensionless velocity. dimensionless velocity, Eq. 25c, we have the following
Uo V. d w
7s =- N s(31l'u/u) --2 ......... (C-3a) fo
3(P)crc d~ C(O)-C(x)=-[l-w(x)]. . .............. (0-5)
4u o v.
---(3p.U/u) w. . ............. (C-3b) This expression can be normalized as follows.
3(P)c r c
C(O)-C(x) -r [l-w(x)] ............. (0-6a)
The dimensionless velocity is given by Eq. 31. The sur-
face tension in the capillary number is the equilibrium C(O)
value, but the subscript is dropped. The normalized sur- fo
face traction is equal to the dimensionless velocity. :5 - - ................... (0-6b)
Depletion of Surface Active Material from The inequality, Eq. 0-6b, results from the range of w(x)
Thin Film being from zero to unity. This result shows that the change
in concentration in the bulk fluid of the thin film will be
When we analyzed the surface tension gradient effect, we negligible if the right side of Eq. 0-6b is small compared
assumed that the mass transfer to the interface was in- to unity. More specifically, the change in concentration
dependent of the change in concentration of the surface will have negligible effect on the interface if the concen-
active material in the bulk fluid of the thin film. This tration remains above the CMC.
assumption is justified if the mass transfer to the inter- The value of the term in Eq. 0-6b is estimated this way.
face does not significantly change the concentration in the Assume that the surface excess concentration is 50 A 2
bulk fluid of the thin film. per molecule. This corresponds to f o =3.2XlO- 10
The concentration in the bulk fluid of the film is de- mol/cm 2 [4.9x 10- 9 mol/sq in.].
rived by neglecting the transverse convection and The film thickness is estimated from Eq. 26 by using
longitudinal diffusion. The transverse variation in the con- the experimentally determined value for (P)c of 2.0.
centration is neglected except for the diffusion term. The
mass transfer to the interface is described by Eq. l5b and b=2.0(3p.U/u)'hr c' . . . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . . • • . . (0-7)
Fick's law.
The concentration of 1 % Siponate OS-lO is 2.9x 10- 2
. - du s mol/dm 3 [2.9x 10-2 mol/L].
]=ro dx ............................. (O-la) Typical values for 3p.U/u and r c for the experiments
in this work are 10- 3 and 10- 2 cm, respectively. This
results in the following estimate for the concentration
ae depletion.
= -D-. . .......................... (O-lb)
----:50.055 ...................... (0-8)
The material balance for the surface active material is C(O)
as follows.
However, if the capillary number and the radius of cur-
ae a2 e vature were both reduced by a factor of ten, the deple-
u-=D- . .......................... (0-2) tion of the surfactant from the thin film would be
ax ay2
significant. If the thin film becomes depleted, the surface
tension of the thin film cannot restore itself to the
Eq. 0-2 is integrated over the thickness of the film and equilibrium value with the bulk fluid. In this case, there
Eqs. 23, O-la, and O-lb substituted into the resulting is less change in surface tension, and the result is that the
equation contribution of the surface tension gradient to apparent
viscosity is less .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0-3) SI Metric Conversion Factors
ax Ub dx
cp x 1.0* E-03 Pa's
This equation is integrated from x=O, which is the front in. X 2.54* E+OO cm
of the bubble.
·Conversion factor is exact. SPEJ
Original manuscript received in the Society of Petroleum Engineers office Oct. 5, 1983.
fo Paper accepted for publication March I, 1984. Revised manuscript received July 12,
C(O)-C(x)=-[us(O)-us(x)] . ........... (0-4) 1984. Paper (SPE 12129) first presented at the 1983 SPE Annual Technical Conference
Ub and Exhibition held in San Francisco Oct. 5-8.


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