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Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

Indonesian Journal of Medicine and Health

Primary repair tetralogy of fallot and major aorto-pulmonary

collateral arteries with suspected Noonan Syndrome: A rare case
Heroe Soebroto1, Erdyanto Akbar*1, Arief Rakhman Hakim1
Department of Thoracic Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga/ Soetomo Gen-
eral Hospital Surabaya, Surabaya , Indonesia
Case Report

ARTICLE INFO Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a congenital heart disease that includes
Keywords: ventricular septal defect (VSD), pulmonary stenosis (PS), right
Tetralogy of Fallot, ventricular hypertrophy (RVH), and an overriding aorta. Cyanotic
Noonan Syndrome,
MAPCAS, heart defect can develop aorto-pulmonary collateral (APCA) to supply
Primary Repair underperfused pulmonary bed. Genetic syndromes can occur in 20%
*Corresponding author: of patients with TOF. In developing countries, diagnosed genetic syndromes associated with heart defects have not been covered by
DOI : 10.20885/JKKI.Vol11.Iss3.art13 health insurance, even though the outcome of primary repair is still
History: unknown. We report a case of an 11-year-old boy admitted with
Received: December 19, 2019 cyanosis since birth, dyspnea on effort, growth delay, learning
Accepted: December 17, 2020 problems, scoliosis, micropenis, hypertelorism, exophthalmos, facial
Online: December 31, 2020
dysmorphism, cryptorchidism, and major aorto- pulmonary collaterals.
Copyright @2020 Authors.
This is an open access article
The patient underwent an echocardiographic study. It showed VSD
distributed under the terms malalignment with overiding aorta 48%, critical pulmonary stenosis,
of the Creative Commons At- size of pulmonary arteries favorable for primary repair. Cardiac
tribution-NonCommercial 4.0 catheterization showed classic fallot with normal coronary arteries and
International Licence (http://
major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCA) arising. The
by-nc/4.0/). patient underwent percutaneous coil embolization just before surgery.
There was a problem during induction, the anesthetist found it hard to
place the ETT because there was membrane-like covering the trachea.
A median sternotomy was then done, and aortic cross-clamping was
achieved. Right atriotomy was performed and provided exposure to
the malalignment VSD. A longitudinal pulmonary arteriotomy was
made to expose the infundibular stenosis. Infundibulectomy was
performed and reconstructed the MPA with a pericardial patch. The
VSD was closed using a PTFE patch. The patient was transferred to
ICU afterward. Post- operative echocardiography showed a good
outcome, and 15 days after surgery, the patient was discharged. We
conclude that primary Repair TOF with MAPCAs and suspected
Noonan Syndrome was done successfully.
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) adalah penyakit jantung bawaan termasuk defek septum ventrikel (VSD),
stenosis paru (PS), hipertrofi ventrikel kanan (RVH), dan overiding aorta. Cacat jantung sianotik
dapat mengembangkan aorto-pulmonary collateral (APCA) untuk memasok vaskularisasi pada
pulmonary bed yang kurang vaskularisasi. Sindrom genetik dapat terjadi pada 20% pasien dengan TOF.
Di negara berkembang, sindrom genetik yang didiagnosis terkait dengan kelainan jantung belum
ditanggung oleh asuransi kesehatan, dan hasil koreksi primer masih belum diketahui. Kami melaporkan
kasus seorang anak laki-laki berusia 11 tahun dirawat dengan sianosis sejak lahir, dyspneu on effort,
keterlambatan pertumbuhan, masalah belajar, skoliosis, mikropenis, hipertorisme, exopthalmos,
dismorphism wajah,
cryptochidism, dan major aorto-pulmonary
hypertrophy) is attributed to Canadian
collateral. Pasien menjalani pemeriksaan ekokar-
diografi dan menunjukkan malalignment VSD Maude Abbott in 1924.3
dengan aorta 48%, stenosis pulmonal kritis, About 3.5% of all infants born with
ukuran arteri pulmonal menguntungkan untuk congenital heart disease have tetralogy of
koreksi primer. Kateterisasi jantung menunjukkan Fallot, corresponding to one in 3600 or 0.28
fallot klasik dengan arteri koroner normal dan every 1000 livebirths, with males and
major arteri collateral aortopulmonary (MAPCA) females being affected equally.4 The
yang timbul. Pasien menjalani embolisasi koil
ventricular septal defect is almost always
perkutan sesaat sebelum operasi. Ada masalah
selama induksi, ahli anestesi sulit menempatkan large and non-restrictive in the tetralogy of
ETT karena ditemukan membran yang menutupi Fallot, ensuring that the pressure is equal in
trakea.Median sternotomi dilakukan dan the two ventricles. Consequently, the loud
penjepitan silang aorta tercapai, atriotomi systolic murmur typical in affected infants
dilakukan dengan benar dan ada paparan VSD originates from the dynamic narrowing of
yang tidak selaras. Arteriotomi pulmonal the right ventricular outflow tract. The
longitudinal dibuat untuk mengekspos stenosis direction and magnitude of flow through the
infundibular. Infundibulektomi dilakukan dan
defect depends on the severity of the
merekonstruksi MPA dengan patch perikardial.
VSD ditutup menggunakan patch PTFE. Pasien obstruction of the right ventricular outflow
dipindahkan ke ICU sesudahnya. Ekokardiografi tract. If obstruction to the right ventricular
pasca operasi menunjukkan hasil yang baik, outflow is severe, or if there is atresia, a
dan 15 hari setelah operasi pasien keluar. Kami large right-to-left shunt with low pulmonary
menyimpulkan bahwa koreksi primer TOF dengan blood flow and severe cyanosis requiring
MAPCA dan dugaan Sindrom Noonan dilakukan intervention at birth are present.4,5
dengan sukses.
However, most patients have adequate
INTRODUCTION pulmonary blood flow at birth but develop
Tetralogy of Fallot was first described by increasing cyanosis during the first few
Niels Stenson in 1671, although William weeks and months of life. In countries with
Hunter elegantly illustrated its precise well developed pediatric cardiac services,
anatomical description at St Georges Hospital severe cyanosis, recurrent hypercyanotic
Medical School in London in 1784: “…the spells, squatting, and other consequences of
passage from the right ventricle into the severely reduced pulmonary blood flow are
pulmonary artery, which should have admitted nowadays rare because diagnosis is seldom
a finger, was not so wide as a goose quill; and delayed and infants undergo palliative
there was a hole in the partition of the two procedures, or frequently complete repair
ventricles, large enough to pass the thumb within the first few days, weeks, or months
from one to the other. The greatest part of the of life. Temporary treatment with
blood in the right ventricle was driven with propranolol, which decreases right
that of the left ventricle into the aorta, or great ventricular hypercontractility and heart rate
artery, and so lost all the advantage which it and increases systemic vascular resistance, is
ought to have had from breathing”.1,2 His sometimes used to reduce the incidence of
description of a large outlet ventricular septal hypercyanotic spells before surgery. Although
defect together with subpulmonary and an experienced pediatrician or cardiologist
pulmonary valve stenosis, and its resulting usually suspects the diagnosis clinically,
physiology, was refined by Etienne-Louis transthoracic cross-sectional
Fallot in 1888 in his description of echocardiography provides a
L’anatomie pathologique de la maladie bleu, comprehensive description of the
but the term tetralogy of Fallot (a tetrad of (i) intracardiac anatomy. With the exception of
ventricular septal defect with (ii) over-riding patients with major aortopulmonary
of the aorta, (iii) right ventricular outflow collateral arteries and rare cases in whom
obstruction, and (iv) right ventricular an echocardiographic assessment is
incomplete, any other diagnostic investigations
(e.g., cardiac catheterization) are now rarely done
before palliative or corrective
surgery.2,6 dominant, variably expressed, multisystem
Before the advent of surgical disorder with an estimated 1 in 1000–2500.
intervention, about 50% of patients with It was characterized by Jacqueline Noonan,
tetralogy of Fallot died in the first few years who reported nine patients with pulmonary
of life, and it was unusual for a patient to valve stenosis, small stature, hypertelorism,
survive longer than 30 years.3 Nowadays, mild intellectual disability, ptosis, undescended
almost all those born with this disease in all testes, and skeletal malformations.10 In
its variants can expect to survive surgical developing countries, diagnosed genetic
correction and reach adult life. Since the first syndromes associated with heart defect
reported intracardiac repair of the tetralogy have not been covered by health insurance,
in 1955, the age of patients receiving yet the primary repair outcome is still
primary corrective surgery has gradually unknown. Therefore, the purpose of
decreased, with some units advocating reporting this case was to emphasize the
surgery at diagnosis, even within the first outcome of surgical correction of isolated
few days of life. Most centers prefer to pulmonary valve stenosis with Noonan
operate on children aged 3–6 months, syndrome because the outcome remains
preserving earlier open-heart surgery for unknown.
those presenting with severe cyanosis or
hypercyanotic spells. Some centers CASE DESCRIPTION
continue to offer surgical palliation by Patient information
constructing a systemic-to-pulmonary An 11-year-old boy admitted with
arterial shunt, balloon dilation, or placement cyanosis since birth, dyspnea on effort,
of a stent in the right ventricular outflow, growth delay, learning problems, scoliosis
in neonates and young infants, thereby (Figure 1), micropenis (Figure 2),
deferring intracardiac repair. 2,3,7 Noonan hypertelorism (Figure 3), exophthalmos
syndrome is a common genetic disorder (Figure 3), facial dysmorphism (Figure 3),
characterized by facial anomalies, cryptorchidism, and major aorto-
congenital heart defect, short stature, pulmonary collaterals. Consent was taken
webbed neck, chest deformities and from the legal guardian to study and publish
undescended testes.8,9 Noonan syndrome is the case.
an autosomal

Figure 1. Scoliosis
Figure 2. Micropenis
Figure 3. Exophtalmos, Facial
dysmorphism and Hypertelorism

Diagnostic methods The patient underwent percutaneous

The patient underwent an echocardiographic coil embolization just before surgery was
study. It showed VSD malalignment with performed. There were several problem
overiding aorta 48%, critical pulmonary during the induction, the anesthesiologist
stenosis with MaxPG 30.62 mmHg, and size had trouble placing endotracheal tube (ET)
of pulmonary arteries was favorable for because there was membrane-like covering
primary repair according to the kirklin table. the trachea. The operation used median
9.3 mm for the LPA and 1.12 for RPA. sternotomy, the thymus was excised, and the
Cardiac catheterization showed classic fallot pericardium was preserved. Heparin was
with normal coronary arteries and major administered before arterial cannulation
aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCA) until the targeted ACT was accomplished.
arising (Figure 4). However, the patient has Aortic and bicaval venous cannulation was
not tested for karyotyping to define the performed. Cardiopulmonary bypass was
syndrome he had with his condition. initiated with moderate hypothermia.

Figure 4. Cardiac catheterization showed classic fallot with normal coronary

arteries and major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCA) arising
We were using crystalloid cardioplegia can develop Aorto- pulmonary collateral (APCA) to
delivered using antegrade route. After the supply under perfused pulmonary bed. Genetic
aortic was crossclamped, and cardioplegia was syndromes
delivered the heart suddenly stopped. Right
Atriotomy was performed, and left ventricular
vent inserted via PFO. VSD was examined
about 1.5 cm and there was a hypertrophic
segment which was muscle bundles
obstructing RVOT. A longitudinal pulmonary
arteriotomy was made into RVOT.
Infundibulectomy was performed carefully to
avoid excessive resection. Furthermore, VSD
closed using 0.4mm Goretex patch with 5-0
prolene continuous sutures. A transannular
patch was placed into the Pulmonary Artery
previously incised into RVOT using a
pericardial patch, followed by PFO and RA

Follow-up and outcome

Transesophageal echocardiographic post
operative showed, there was no residual
flow through the VSD. Pulmonary valve
gradient becomes Trivial PR. The patient
was transferred to ICU afterward. ABP
showed 85/45 (55), heart rate 119x/m sinus
rhythm with dobutamine support. Total
CPB time was 170 minutes and the
crossclamp was 79 minutes.
The post-operative problem found a
low cardiac output syndrome due to right
ventricularfailure the symptoms included
low blood pressure, oliguria, and metabolic
acidosis. And right pleural effusion due to RV
failure. Chest tube insertion to drainage
pleural space and peritoneal dialysis was
performed to fix these problems. In POD+5,
peritoneal dialysis and a chest tube were
removed. POD+7 the patient was moved in
to the intermediate room. POD+14, the
patient was discharged from the hospital.

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a complex
congenital heart disease including four
abnormalities; ventricular septal defect
(VSD), pulmonary stenosis (PS), right
ventricular hypertrophy (RVH), an
overriding aorta.3 Cyanotic heart defect
can occur in 20% of patients with insufficiency is well tolerated for the first few
TOF.11,12 Noonan syndrome is a years, but may result in a chronically dilated
common genetic disorder right ventricle. Patients with isolated
characterized by facial anomalies, congenital pulmonary regurgitation are known
congenital heart defect, short to remain asymptomatic for up to 20 years, but
stature, webbed neck, chest thereafter freedom from symptoms declines
deformities and undescended rapidly with time.4
testes.10 Noonan syndrome (NS) Surgical complication of TOF can occur
is an autosomal dominant both in the immediate and late post-operative
disorder with vast heterogeneity periods, include RV diastolic restriction.2,4 RV
in clinical and genetic features.13 diastolic restriction can occurs in the face of
Congenital heart defect associated an apparently
with Noonan syndrome usually
isolated pulmonary valve stenosis,
but Noonan JA in 1963, stated a
combination of subaortic stenosis
and pulmonary stenosis is a
possible variant of Noonan
Primary surgical repair of TOF
was first described in 1954.2 This
procedure using ventriculotomy of
right ventricular wall to approach
the right ventricular outflow tract
obstruction (RVOTO). In our case
we using a transpulmonary to
approach RVOTO because
ventriculotomy and aggressive
RVOTO relief can cause residual
lesions resulted in late morbidity and
mortality. In our case we using
transannular patch (TAPs) because the
size of the PA is small. Patient with
TAPs were associated with
Pulmonary Regurgitation, like our
patient.14 Regarding post-operative
complications, the most common
complication was pulmonary
regurgitation (PR), the incidence of
moderate to severe PR was
(37.1%).15 In a study by Khan et al.,
postoperative incidence of PR was
25%.16 In our transesophageal
echocardiographic post operative
study showed, there was Trivial PR.
Pulmonary valve regurgitation after
repair of ToF is relatively well
tolerated in the short term, partly
because the hypertrophied right
ventricle usually adapts to the altered
hemodynamic load.17 Pulmonary
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