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Extended Polynomial Dimensional Decomposition

for Arbitrary Probability Distributions

Sharif Rahman, M.ASCE1

Abstract: This paper presents an extended polynomial dimensional decomposition method for solving stochastic problems subject to
independent random input following an arbitrary probability distribution. The method involves Fourier-polynomial expansions of com-
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ponent functions by orthogonal polynomial bases, the Stieltjes procedure for generating the recursion coefficients of orthogonal polyno-
mials and the Gauss quadrature rule for a specified probability measure, and dimension-reduction integration for calculating the expansion
coefficients. The extension, which subsumes nonclassical orthogonal polynomials bases, generates a convergent sequence of lower-variate
estimates of the probabilistic characteristics of a stochastic response. Numerical results indicate that the extended decomposition method
provides accurate, convergent, and computationally efficient estimates of the tail probability of random mathematical functions or
reliability of mechanical systems. The convergence of the extended method accelerates significantly when employing measure-consistent
orthogonal polynomials.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲EM.1943-7889.0000047
CE Database subject headings: Uncertainty principles; Stochastic processes; Reliability; Polynomials.

Introduction reference point and surrounding sample points 共Xu and Rahman
2005兲 and 共2兲 Fourier-polynomial expansions employing ortho-
The dimensional decomposition is a promising concept for solv- normal polynomial bases 共Rahman 2008兲. Both methods require
ing complex stochastic problems entailing high-dimensional the same computational effort in providing convergent approxi-
input-output mapping 共Rahman 2008; Xu and Rahman 2005; Xu mations of the component functions. However, the latter method,
and Rahman 2004兲. The decomposition, also known as analysis of coined as polynomial dimensional decomposition 共Rahman 2008兲,
variance 共ANOVA兲 共Efron and Stein 1981兲 or high-dimensional has one major advantage: the need for sample points in the former
model representation 共HDMR兲 共Li et al. 2002; Rabitz and Alis method, often selected arbitrarily, has been cleverly avoided.
1999; Sobol 2003兲, represents a finite, hierarchical, and conver- When input random variables follow well-known probability dis-
gent expansion of a multivariate output function 共Rahman 2008兲 tributions, classical orthogonal polynomials can be employed for
approximating the component functions. It is worth noting that a
decomposition, known as random sampling-HDMR, adopting
y共x兲 = y 0 + 兺
y i共xi兲 + 兺
y i1i2共xi1,xi2兲 shifted Legendre polynomials of scaled variables as the orthonor-
mal basis has been available for some time 共Li et al. 2002兲.
For input random variables with arbitrary probability measures
+ 兺
y i1i2i3共xi1,xi2,xi3兲 + . . . 共distributions兲, several possibilities exist in defining a complete
set of orthogonal polynomials for the polynomial dimensional
decomposition. An indirect approach is to transform all original
+ 兺
i1,. . .,iS=1;i1⬍. . .⬍iS
y i1. . .iS共xi1, . . . ,xiS兲 + . . . random variables into new random variables for which classical
orthogonal polynomials are readily available. For instance, if non-
+ y 12. . .N共x1, . . . ,xN兲 共1兲 Gaussian variables are transformed into all-Gaussian or all-
uniform variables, Hermite or Legendre polynomials can be used
in terms of input variables with increasing dimensions, where y 0 to approximate the mapped performance function in the Gaussian
is a constant and y i1. . .iS : RS → R, 1 ⱕ S ⱕ N, is an S-variate com- or uniform variable space. However, such transformation, albeit a
ponent function quantifying the cooperative effects of S input standard practice in the stochastic mechanics community, is still
variables xi1 , . . . , xiS. A central task is to generate component func- arbitrary. Alternative transformations of original random variables
tions embedded in the decomposition, for which there are basi- into other types of random variables are quite possible. In con-
cally two methods: 共1兲 Lagrange interpolations derived from a trast, a direct approach is to construct from scratch a set of or-
thogonal polynomials that is consistent with an arbitrarily defined
College of Engineering, The Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. probability measure of the random input. Therefore, methods
E-mail: need to be developed for generating nonclassical orthonormal
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 31, 2008; approved
polynomials, including cases when a random input comprises
on March 31, 2009; published online on May 2, 2009. Discussion period
open until May 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- both discrete and continuous probability measures. Using these
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Engineering Mechan- nonclassical orthonormal polynomials, one will then be able to
ics, Vol. 135, No. 12, December 1, 2009. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9399/ determine how a choice of transformation in the indirect approach
2009/12-1439–1451/$25.00. affects the smoothness of a performance function and evaluate the


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

accuracy and convergence properties of a stochastic solution ⬁ ⬁ S

against those obtained from the direct approach. y i1. . .iS共xi1, . . . ,xiS兲 = 兺 ... 兺 Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS 兿 ␺i j 共xi 兲
k k k
This paper presents an extended polynomial dimensional de- jS=1 j1=1 k=1
composition method for solving stochastic problems subject to with
independent random input following an arbitrary probability dis-

tribution. The method is based on 共1兲 Fourier-polynomial expan- S
sions of component functions by orthonormal polynomial bases;
共2兲 the Stieltjes procedure for generating the recursion coeffi-
Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS =
y i1. . .iS共xi1, . . . ,xiS兲 兿
␺i j 共xi 兲f i 共xi 兲dxi
k k k k k k
cients of orthonormal polynomials and a Gauss-type quadrature
rule for a specified probability measure; and 共3兲 dimension- representing the expansion coefficient for the S-variate compo-
reduction integration for calculating the expansion coefficients. nent function. By minimizing an error functional associated with
The following section formulates the extended decomposition a given y共x兲 and the joint probability density of 兵Xi1 , . . . , XiS其T,
method, including generation of recursion coefficients and the the coefficients y 0 and Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS can be expressed by the
Gauss quadrature rule for an arbitrary probability measure. Sub- N-dimensional integrals 共Rahman 2008兲
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sequently, a numerical evaluation of the expansion coefficients

incorporating dimension-reduction integration is described. Five
numerical examples illustrate the Stieltjes procedure and examine
the accuracy, convergence, and computational efficiency of the
y0 = 冕 RN
y共x兲f X共x兲dx 共5兲

extended method. The conclusions and future work are presented and
at the end.


Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS =

y共x兲 兿
␺i j 共xi 兲f X共x兲dx
k k k
Extended Polynomial Dimensional Decomposition
Since the right hand side of Eq. 共3兲 is an infinite series, it must be
Let 共⍀ , F , P兲 be a complete probability space, where ⍀ is a truncated, say, by m terms in each variable, yielding a Fourier-
sample space, F is a ␴-field on ⍀, and P : F → 关0 , 1兴 is a prob- polynomial approximation
ability measure. With BN representing the Borel ␴-field on RN,
consider an RN-valued independent random vector 兵X m m S
= 兵X1 , . . . , XN其T : 共⍀ , F兲 → 共RN , BN兲其, which describes statistical
uncertainties in all system and input parameters of a given sto-
y i1. . .iS共xi1, . . . ,xiS兲 ⬵
兺 ... 兺
Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS 兿
␺i j 共xi 兲
k k k

chastic problem. The probability law of X is completely defined

which approaches y i1. . .iS共xi1 , . . . , xiS兲 in Eq. 共3兲 in the mean square
by the joint probability density function f X共x兲 = ⌸i=1 i=N
f i共xi兲, where
sense as m → ⬁.
f i共xi兲 is the marginal probability density function of Xi defined on
The Fourier-polynomial approximation is valid for any finite-
the probability triple 共⍀i , Fi , Pi兲. Let L2共⍀i , Fi , Pi兲 be a Hilbert
dimensional Hilbert space L2共⫻k=1 k=S
⍀ik , ⫻k=1
Fik , ⫻k=1
Pik兲 with
space that is equipped with a set of complete orthonormal bases
1 ⱕ S ⱕ N. In other words, Eq. 共7兲 can represent all component
兵␺ij共xi兲 ; j = 0 , 1 , . . .其, which is consistent with the probability
functions of the multivariate function decomposition in Eq. 共1兲. In
measure of Xi. For example, classical orthonormal polynomials,
particular, when S = 1, 2, and 3, Eq. 共7兲 reduces to
including Hermite, Legendre, and Jacobi polynomials, can be
used when Xi follows Gaussian, uniform, and Beta probability m
distributions, respectively, 共Abramowitz and Stegun 1972兲.
y i共xi兲 ⬵ 兺
␣ij␺ij共xi兲 共8兲

Fourier-Polynomial Expansion
m m
Let y共x兲, a real-valued, measurable transformation on 共⍀ , F兲,
define a relevant performance function of interest for a given y i1i2共xi1,xi2兲 ⬵ 兺 兺 ␤i i j j ␺i j 共xi 兲␺i j 共xi 兲
j2=1 j1=1
12 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
stochastic problem. Defined on the product probability triple
⍀ik , ⫻k=1
Fik , ⫻k=1
Pik兲, denote the space of square integrable and
S-variate component functions of y by
m m m

P ik兲 y i1i2i3共xi1,xi2,xi3兲 ⬵ 兺 兺 兺 ␥i i i j j j ␺i j 共xi 兲␺i j 共xi 兲␺i j 共xi 兲

123 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
j3=1 j2=1 j1=1

ª y i1. . .iS共Xi1, . . . ,XiS兲: 冕 y 2i1. . .iS共xi1, . . . ,xiS兲


RS where


f i 共xi 兲dxi ⬍ ⬁
k k k
共2兲 ␣ij ª y共x兲␺ij共xi兲f X共x兲dx 共11兲

which is also a Hilbert space. Since the joint probability density

of 兵Xi1 , . . . , XiS其T is separable 共independence兲, the tensor product
␺ik jk共xik兲其 constitutes an orthonormal polynomial basis in ␤ i1i2 j 1 j 2 ª 冕 RN
y共x兲␺i1 j1共xi1兲␺i2 j2共xi2兲f X共x兲dx 共12兲
⍀ik , ⫻k=1 k=S
Fik , ⫻k=1
Pik兲. Therefore, there exists a Fourier-
polynomial expansion and


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

␥ i1i2i3 j 1 j 2 j 3 ª 冕
y共x兲␺i1 j1共xi1兲␺i2 j2共xi2兲␺i3 j3共xi3兲f X共x兲dx
␲−1共x兲 = 0, ␲0共x兲 = 1 共16兲

共x␲ j,␲ j兲dF
are the corresponding expansion coefficients. Applying Eqs. aj = , j = 0,1,2, . . . 共17兲
共␲ j,␲ j兲dF
共7兲–共13兲 into an S-variate approximation of Eq. 共1兲 yields
N m

兺 兺 ␣ij␺ij共Xi兲
冦 冧
ỹ S共X兲 ⬵ y 0 + 共␲0,␲0兲dF , j=0
i=1 j=1 bj = 共␲ j,␲ j兲dF 共18兲
, j = 1,2, . . .
N m m 共␲ j−1,␲ j−1兲dF
+ 兺 兺 兺 ␤i i j j ␺i j 共Xi 兲␺i j 共Xi 兲 + . . .
i1,i2=1;i1⬍i2 j2=1 j1=1
12 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 are the recursion coefficients uniquely determined by the measure
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N m m S
dF共x兲. The index range is infinite 共j ⱕ ⬁兲 or finite 共j ⱕ m − 1兲,
depending on whether the inner product is positive definite on P
+ 兺 兺
i1,. . .,iS=1;i1⬍. . .⬍iS jS=1
... 兺
Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS 兿
␺i j 共Xi 兲
k k k or Pm, but not on Pm⬘, m⬘ ⬎ m. Therefore, the first m recursion
coefficient pairs are uniquely determined by the first 2m moments
共14兲 of X that must exist. In fact, much of the classical theory of
which, for S = N, converges to y共X兲 in the mean square sense as orthogonal polynomials is based on moments. Table 1 presents
m → ⬁. Once the embedded coefficients y 0, ␣ij, ␤i1i2 j1 j2, and exact recursion coefficients of orthogonal polynomials for select
Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS are calculated, as described in a forthcoming section, continuous measures, including a few classical ones 共Fernandes
Eq. 共14兲 furnishes an approximate but explicit map ỹ S : RN → R and Atchley 2006; Gautschi 2004兲. A similar list exists for dis-
that can be viewed as a surrogate of the exact map y : RN → R, crete measures and can be found elsewhere 共Gautschi 2004兲. Un-
which describes the input-output relation from a complex numeri- fortunately, obtaining these coefficients from moments in general
cal simulation. Therefore, any probabilistic characteristic of y共X兲, becomes severely ill conditioned and thus is not useful even for
including its statistical moments and rare event probabilities, can well-behaved measures for which there are no classical orthogo-
be easily estimated by performing Monte Carlo simulation of nal polynomials. As an alternative, approximate methods based
ỹ S共X兲 rather than of y共X兲. The simulation of ỹ S共X兲, which entails on discretization of an arbitrary measure − for instance, the Stielt-
evaluation of simple analytical functions, can be performed for an jes procedure 共Stieltjes 1884兲 − can be employed to obtain the
arbitrarily large sample size. In contrast, the simulation of y共X兲, recursion coefficients.
referred to as crude Monte Carlo simulation in this paper, requires
expensive numerical calculations and can therefore be prohibitive Stieltjes Procedure
when estimating higher-order moments or small failure probabili- The Stieltjes procedure for generating recursion coefficients com-
ties. prises three simple steps: 共1兲 approximate the given measure dF
by a discrete M-point measure dF M such that 共1 , 1兲dFM ª 兰RdF M
= 1; 共2兲 compute the recursion coefficients a j,M ª a j共dF M 兲 and
Orthogonal Polynomials and Three-Term Recurrence b j,M ª b j共dF M 兲 of the discrete measure dF M ; and 共3兲 increase M
Relation and iterate calculations of the discrete versions of the recursion
The Fourier-polynomial expansions in extended polynomial di- coefficients until a desired accuracy is achieved. If the discretiza-
mensional decomposition require orthonormal polynomial bases tion is done in a meaningful manner, the process should converge
consistent with a specified probability measure of the random in the sense that, for fixed j, limM→⬁ a j,M = a j and limM→⬁ b j,M
input. For an arbitrary probability measure, classical orthogonal = b j.
polynomials do not exist; therefore, the three-term recurrence re- If ␲ j,M 共x兲, j = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . ., denote the monic orthogonal polyno-
lation needs to be examined to generate from scratch measure- mials for the discrete measure dF M , Eqs. 共17兲 and 共18兲 yield
consistent orthogonal polynomials.
Let f共x兲 be the probability density function of a random vari- 共x␲ j,M ,␲ j,M 兲dFM
a j,M = , j = 0,1,2, . . . 共19兲
able X, which has finite moments of orders up to 2m, m 苸 N. Let 共␲ j,M ,␲ j,M 兲dFM
P be the space of real polynomials and Pm 傺 P the space of poly-
nomials of degreeⱕ m. For any pair u共x兲 , v共x兲 in P, define an and
inner product

冦 冧
共␲0,M ,␲0,M 兲dFM , j=0

共u, v兲dF ª 冕 R
u共x兲v共x兲dF共x兲 = 冕 R
u共x兲v共x兲f共x兲dx 共15兲
b j,M = 共␲ j,M ,␲ j,M 兲dFM
共␲ j−1,M ,␲ j−1,M 兲dFM
, j = 1,2, . . .

and an associated norm 储u储dF ª 冑共u , u兲dF with respect to the prob- providing a natural framework for computing the recursion coef-
ability measure dF共x兲 = f共x兲dx. Let ␲ j共x兲 , j = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . ., be a set of ficients. All inner products appearing in Eqs. 共19兲 and 共20兲 are
monic orthogonal polynomials with respect to the measure dF共x兲. finite sums and therefore trivial to compute. Gautschi 共2004兲
Since the inner product fulfills the shift property, 共xu , v兲dF gives further details on how these inner products are evaluated by
= 共u , xv兲dF, for all u , v 苸 P, they satisfy the three-term recurrence an interpolatory quadrature rule, known as the Fejér quadrature
relation 共Gautschi 2004兲 rule. The only problem is the appearance of the polynomials ␲ j,M
and ␲ j−1,M themselves, which are not known. However, they can
␲ j+1共x兲 = 共x − a j兲␲ j共x兲 − b j␲ j−1共x兲, j = 0,1,2, . . . be built up successively, and in tandem with the recursion coef-


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

Table 1. Exact Recursion Coefficients a j and b j for a Few Continuous Measures dF共x兲 = f共x兲dx

Names of measure 共polynomials兲 Probability density function f共x兲 Support of f a j, j ⱖ 0 b j b, j ⱖ 1
Gaussian 共Hermite兲
冋 册
1 2
冑2␲ exp − 2 x
关−⬁ , +⬁兴 0 j
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1 1
Uniform number 1 共Legendre兲 关⫺1,1兴 0
2 共4 − j−2兲

1 1
Uniform number 2 1 关0,1兴
共Shifted Legendre兲 2 4共4 − j−2兲

Exponential exp共−x兲 关0 , ⬁兴 2j + 1 j2
共Laguerre兲 x␣ exp共− x兲
Gamma ; ␣⬎−1 关0 , ⬁兴 2j + ␣ + 1 j共j + ␣兲
共Gen. Laguerre兲 ⌫共␣ + 1兲

Betac 共Jacobi兲 ⌫共␣ + ␤ + 2兲共1 − x兲␣共1 + x兲␤ 关⫺1,1兴 共␤2 − ␣2兲 4j共j + ␣兲共j + ␤兲
⌫共␣ + 1兲⌫共␤ + 1兲2␣+␤+1 共2j + ␣ + ␤兲共2j + ␣ + ␤ + 2兲 共2j + ␣ + ␤兲2
␣ ⬎ −1 , ␤ ⬎ −1 共j + ␣ + ␤兲

关共2j + ␣ + ␤兲2 − 1兴

Lognormal 共⫺兲d exp −冋 冉 1 ln x − ␮

2 ˜␴
冊册 2

; ˜␴ ⬎ 0
共0 , ⬁兴 冋
exp ␮
˜ + ˜␴2共2j − 1兲
册 exp关2␮˜ + ˜␴2共3j − 2兲兴
⫻ 关exp共j␴ ˜ 2兲 − 1兴
冑2␲x␴˜ ⫻ exp共j␴
˜ 2兲关exp共␴
˜ 2兲 + 1兴 − 1

Student’s t 共⫺兲d 冉 冊
␯+1 关−⬁ , +⬁兴 j␯共␯ − j + 1兲

冉 冊
⌫ 0
2 x2 −共␯+1兲/2
共␯ − 2j兲共␯ − 2j + 2兲
1+ ; ␯⬎0
冑␯␲⌫共␯/2兲 ␯

Inverse gamma 共⫺兲d ␤␣ 1

⌫共␣兲 x
冉冊 冉 冊 ␣+1
exp −

; 共0 , ⬁兴 ␤共␣ + 1兲
共␣ − 2j + 1兲共␣ − 2j − 1兲
␤2 j共␣ − j + 1兲
共␣ − 2j兲共␣ − 2j + 1兲2
␣,␤⬎0 1

共␣ − 2j + 2兲

共␯1␯2 + 2␯1 + 4j␯2 − 8j2兲 2j共␯1 + 2j − 2兲共␯2 − 2j + 2兲

Fisher’s F 共⫺兲d 关0 , ⬁兴
共␯1x兲␯1␯␯22 ␯2/␯1 共␯2 − 4j兲共␯2 − 4j + 2兲2
共␯1x + ␯2兲␯1+␯2 ⫻
共␯2 − 4j − 2兲共␯2 − 4j + 2兲 共␯2/␯1兲2共␯1 + ␯2 − 2j兲
xB共␯1/2,␯2/2兲; ⫻
共␯2 − 4j + 4兲
␯1 , ␯2 ⬎ 0
⌫共r兲 ª 兰⬁0 ␰r−1 exp共−␰兲d␰ and B共r , t兲 ª ⌫共r兲⌫共t兲 / ⌫共r + t兲.
b0 ª 共␲0 , ␲0兲dF = 兰RdF = 1.
If j = 0, the common factor ␣ + ␤ in the numerator and denominator of a0 should be 共must be, if ␣ + ␤ = 0兲 canceled; if j = 1, the last factors in the numerator and denominator of b1 should be 共must be, if
␣ + ␤ + 1 = 0兲 canceled.
Unknown or does not exist.

J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

ficients, by the three-term recurrence relation for the discrete the first component of the normalized eigenvector corresponding
measure to the ith eigenvalue of Jn.
In summary, the Stieltjes procedure generates the recursion
␲ j+1,M 共x兲 = 共x − a j,M 兲␲ j,M 共x兲 − b j,M ␲ j−1,M 共x兲, j = 0,1,2, . . . ,M − 1 coefficients, thereby defining orthonormal polynomial bases
共21兲 兵␺ij共xi兲 , i = 1 , . . . , N ; j = 1 , . . . , m其 for an arbitrary probability
measure of Xi. Furthermore, the recursion coefficients lead to
Inasmuch as ␲0,M = 1, the coefficient a0,M indeed can be computed Gauss quadrature formulas, which can be employed to evaluate
from Eq. 共19兲 with j = 0, and so can b0,M = 共1 , 1兲dFM = 1 from Eq. the expansion coefficients, also for an arbitrary measure. Since no
共20兲. This allows ␲1,M 共x兲 to be computed by Eq. 共21兲 with j = 0. In response evaluations are involved, the computational effort asso-
possession of ␲1,M and ␲0,M , Eqs. 共19兲 and 共20兲 now become ciated with the Stieltjes procedure is trivial.
applicable, yielding a1,M and b1,M . This, in turn, can be used in
Eq. 共21兲 to generate ␲2,M 共x兲. Therefore, by alternating between
Eq. 共21兲 and Eqs. 共19兲 and 共20兲, all desired recursion coefficients Dimension-Reduction Integration for Calculating
can be computed. Using these coefficients, the monic orthogonal Expansion Coefficients
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polynomials ␲ j共x兲, j = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . ., and hence their orthonormal ver-

sions ␺ j共x兲 ª ␲ j共x兲 / 储␲ j储dF for any measure dF can be readily gen- The determination of the expansion coefficients, which involve
erated. If dF contains also a discrete component 共probability mass N-dimensional integrals over RN, is computationally prohibitive
function兲, it suffices to add this component to the discrete ap- when N is large. Instead, a dimension-reduction integration, pre-
proximation of the continuous part of dF. This does not affect in sented as follows, can be applied to estimate the coefficients ef-
any way the convergence properties of the discretization. In other ficiently.
words, probability measures from mixtures of continuous and dis- Let c = 兵c1 , . . . , cN其T be the mean value of X and
crete random variables can be accounted for by the Stieltjes pro- y共c1 , . . . , ck1−1 , xk1 , ck1+1 , . . . , ckR−k−1 , xkR−k , ckR−k+1 , . . . , cN兲 repre-
cedure. sent an 共R − k兲th dimensional component function of y共x兲, where
S ⱕ R ⬍ N and k = 0 , . . . , R. For example, when R = 1, the zero-
dimensional component function, which is a constant, is y共c兲, and
Gauss Quadrature Formulas
the one-dimensional component functions are
An important application of orthogonal polynomials is approxi-
y共x1 , c2 , . . . , cN兲 , y共c1 , x2 , . . . , cN兲 , . . . , y共c1 , c2 , . . . , xN兲. Using the
mating integrals involving a positive measure by Gauss quadra-
multivariate function theorem of Xu and Rahman 共2004兲, it can
ture rules. For a given function g and measure dF with bounded
be shown that a special R-variate approximation of y共x兲, defined
or unbounded support, there exists, for each n 苸 N, an n-point
quadrature rule

冉 冊

冕 冕
ŷ R共x兲 ª 兺 共− 1兲k

g共x兲dF共x兲 =
g共x兲f共x兲dx = 兺
w 共i兲 共i兲
g共x 兲 + Rn共g兲 共22兲 k=0 k

where the sum on the right provides an approximation to the ⫻ 兺 y共c1, . . . ,ck1−1,xk1,ck1+1, . . . ,
integral on the left involving nodes or points x共i兲, i = 1 , . . . , n and k1,. . .,kR−k=1;k1⬍. . .⬍kR−k

weights w共i兲, i = 1 , . . . , n, and Rn共g兲 is the respective error. The ckR−k−1,xkR−k,ckR−k+1, . . . ,cN兲 共24兲
sum possesses an algebraic degree of exactness 2n − 1, i.e., zero
error Rn共g兲 = 0, when g 苸 P2n−1 is a polynomial of degreeⱕ 2n consists of all terms of the Taylor series of y共x兲 that have less
− 1. The nodes x共i兲 are zeros of ␲n共x兲, and the corresponding than or equal to R variables. The expanded form of Eq. 共24兲,
weights w共i兲 can be expressed in terms of the same orthogonal when compared with the Taylor expansion of y共x兲, indicates that
polynomials as well 共Gautschi 2004兲. However, there exists a the residual error in ŷ R共x兲 includes terms of dimensions R + 1 and
deeper connection between the Gauss quadrature formula and an higher. All higher-order R- and lower-variate terms of y共x兲 are
algebraic eigenvalue problem 共Golub and Welsch 1969兲, enabling included in Eq. 共24兲, which should generally provide a higher-
the nodes x共i兲 to be cleverly obtained as eigenvalues of an n ⫻ n, order approximation of a multivariate function than equations de-
symmetric, tridiagonal Jacobi matrix rived from first- or second-order Taylor expansions. Therefore,
for R ⬍ N, an N-dimensional integral can be efficiently estimated

冤 冥
a0 冑b1 0 0 ¯ 0 0 by at most R-dimensional integrations, if the contributions from
冑b1 a1 冑b2 0 ¯ 0 0
terms of dimensions R + 1 and higher are negligible.
Substituting y共x兲 in Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲 by ŷ R共x兲, the coefficients
0 冑b2 a2 冑b3 ¯ 0 0 can be estimated from
冉 冊
Jn ª 0 0   0 0 苸 Rn⫻n R N
] ] ]   冑bn−2 0 y0 ⬵ 兺 共− 1兲k

0 0 0 0 冑bn−2 an−2 冑bn−1 k=0 k1,. . .,kR−k =1;k ⬍. . .⬍k
1 R−k

0 0 0 0 0 冑bn−1 an−1
⫻ 冕 RR−k
y共c1, . . . ,ck1−1,xk1,ck1+1, . . . ,ckR−k−1,xkR−k,

comprising recursion coefficients 兵a j , j = 0 , . . . , n − 1其 and 兵b j , j
= 1 , . . . , n − 1其 of ␲ j共x兲, j = 0 , . . . , n that are associated with a pre- ckR−k+1, . . . ,cN兲 兿
f k 共xk 兲dxk
s s s
scribed n and measure dF. The associated weights, which are all
positive, can be expressed by w共i兲 = b0v2i,1, i = 1 , . . . , n, where vi,1 is and


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

冉 冊
R N Numerical Examples
Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS ⬵ 兺
共− 1兲k

k1,. . .,kR−k=1;k1⬍. . .⬍kR−k
Five numerical examples demonstrating the Stieltjes procedure,

⫻ 冕RR−k
y共c1, . . . ,ck1−1,xk1,ck1+1, . . . ,ckR−k−1,xkR−k,
the associated Gauss quadrature rule, and the extended polyno-
mial dimensional decomposition method are presented. Classical
orthogonal polynomials and Gauss quadrature formulas, if they
S R−k
exist, and crude Monte Carlo simulation were employed to evalu-
ckR−k+1, . . . ,cN兲 兿
␺i j 共xi 兲 兿 f k 共xk 兲dxk
s s s
s s s
共26兲 ate the accuracy, convergence, and computational efficiency of
the proposed methods. In Examples 2 and 3, the sample sizes for
crude Monte Carlo simulation and the embedded Monte Carlo
which require evaluating at most R-dimensional integrals. The simulation of the decomposition method are the same, but they
proposed equations, Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲, are substantially simpler vary from 106 in Example 2 to 107 in Example 3. The respective
sample sizes are 20,000 and 106 in Example 4 and 1,000 and 106
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

and more efficient than performing one N-dimensional integra-

tion, as in Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲, particularly when R  N. Hence, the in Example 5. The expansion coefficients in Example 2 were
computational effort in calculating the coefficients is significantly exactly calculated by N-dimensional integrations. However, in
lowered using the dimension-reduction integration. When R = 1, 2, Examples 3–5, the coefficients were estimated by dimension-
or 3, Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲 involve one-dimensional, at most two- reduction integration with R = S and n = m + 1, so that an S-variate
dimensional, and at most three-dimensional integrations, respec- decomposition method requires at most S-variate numerical inte-
tively. Nonetheless, numerical integration is still required for a gration. In Examples 3–5, the computational expense in generat-
general function y. The integration nodes and associated weights,
ing measure-consistent orthogonal polynomials and associated
which depend on the probability distribution of Xi, can be ob-
Gauss quadrature formulas is negligible compared with the cal-
tained from the eigensolution of Jacobi matrix described in the
preceding subsection. In performing the dimension-reduction in- culation of the expansion coefficients.
tegration, the value of R should be selected in such a way that it
is either equal to or greater than the value of S, which defines the Example 1: Stieltjes Procedure
truncation of Eq. 共1兲. Then all expansion coefficients of S- or
lower-variate component functions of y共x兲 will have nontrivial Consider three frequently encountered non-Gaussian probability
values. density functions

冦 冧
␭ exp共− ␭x兲 on 关0,⬁兴

冋 冉 冊册
Computational Effort
1 1 ln x − ␮
˜ 2
exp − on 共0,⬁兴
The S-variate approximation of the decomposition method re- f共x兲 = 冑 ˜
2␲x␴ 2 ˜␴ 共27兲

冉 冊 冋 冉 冊册
quires evaluation of the deterministic coefficients y 0 and k−1 k
Ci1. . .iS j1. . .jS. If these coefficients are estimated by at most k x x
exp − on 关0,⬁兴
R-dimensional 共R ⱖ S ⱖ 1兲 numerical integration with an n-point ␯ ␯ ␯
quadrature rule in Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲, the following deterministic
responses 共function evaluations兲 are required: y共c兲, y共c1 , . . . ,
ck1−1 , x共jk 1兲 , ck1+1 , . . . , ckR−1 , xk共jR兲 , ckR+1 , . . . , cN兲 for k1 , . . . , kR = 1 , under exponential, lognormal, and Weibull probability measures,
1 R
. . . , N and j 1 , . . . , jR = 1 , . . . , n, where the superscripts on variables respectively, which have the same mean ␮ = 1 and standard devia-
indicate corresponding integration points. Therefore, the total cost tions ␴ = 1, 0.15, and 0.1, respectively. Based on these second-
for an S-variate polynomial dimensional decomposition entails a moment statistics, ␭ = 1, ˜␴2 = ln关1 + 共␴ / ␮兲兴2 = 0.0223, ␮ ˜ = ln ␮
k=R共 N 兲 R−k
maximum of 兺k=0 R−k n function evaluations. For example, the − ˜␴2 / 2 = −0.0111, k = 12.1534, and ␯ = 1.0430. The objective of
univariate 共S = R = 1兲, bivariate 共S = R = 2兲, and trivariate 共S = R this example is to demonstrate the accuracy of the Stieltjes pro-
= 3兲 approximations require nN + 1 共linear兲, N共N − 1兲n2 / 2 + nN + 1 cedure in calculating the recursion coefficients of orthogonal
共quadratic兲, and N共N − 1兲共N − 2兲n3 / 6 + N共N − 1兲n2 / 2 + nN + 1 polynomials for the three probability measures. The inner prod-
共cubic兲 function evaluations, respectively.
ucts involved in the Stieltjes procedure were evaluated by decom-
Since the decomposition in Eq. 共14兲 is structured with respect
to the degree of cooperativity among a finite number of random posing the support of f into four subintervals: 关0 , ⬁兴
variables, the exponential complexity associated with the curse of = 关0 , 3兴 艛 关3 , 6兴 艛 关6 , 9兴 艛 关9 , ⬁兴 and Fejér quadrature rule. Each
dimensionality has been reduced to a polynomic complexity with subinterval was discretized by a maximum of M max = 400 equally
respect to N or n. Nonetheless, the numbers of expansion coeffi- spaced points. The iteration was terminated when the maximum
cients and resulting function evaluations increase rapidly, al- relative error in calculating coefficients ⱕ2.2⫻ 10−13.
though not as fast as in response surface methods with Table 2 presents calculated values of a j and b j by the Stieltjes
exponential complexity, with higher-variate approximations. procedure for all three measures and 0 ⱕ j ⱕ 9. Since there exist
Therefore, the dimension-reduction integration proposed is lim- classical orthogonal polynomials, known as Laguerre polynomi-
ited to stochastic problems with a moderate number, say, less than als, for the exponential distribution, the associated recursion co-
a hundred, random variables. For higher-dimensional problems efficients can be exactly calculated. No such classical orthogonal
with hundreds or thousands of random variables, the decomposi-
polynomials exist for lognormal and Weibull distributions; how-
tion in Eq. 共14兲 is still useful, but more efficient methods are
needed to calculate the expansion coefficients. ever, the associated recursion coefficients for the lognormal


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

Table 2. First Ten Recursion Coefficient Pairs for Exponential, Lognormal, and Weibull Measures
Exponential Lognormal Weibull
共␮ = 1 , ␴ = 1兲 共␮ = 1 , ␴ = 0.15兲 共␮ = 1 , ␴ = 0.1兲
j aj bj aj bj aj bj
共a兲 Stieltjes procedure
0 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0000000000
1 3.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.0680062500 0.0225000000 0.9284529031 0.0100000000
2 5.0000000000 4.0000000000 1.1396134594 0.0486475528 0.8704450733 0.0226856843
3 7.0000000000 9.0000000000 1.2149968850 0.0788894009 0.8286483233 0.0349016614
4 9.0000000000 16.0000000000 1.2943400152 0.1137212721 0.7985298552 0.0454963084
5 11.0000000000 25.0000000000 1.3778349502 0.1536929503 0.7764914503 0.0544578803
6 13.0000000000 36.0000000000 1.4656828000 0.1994138533 0.7601200722 0.0620102530
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

7 15.0000000000 49.0000000000 1.5580941003 0.2515591676 0.7478043520 0.0684058565

8 17.0000000000 64.0000000000 1.6552892478 0.3108765946 0.7384500761 0.0738659701
9 19.0000000000 81.0000000000 1.7574989548 0.3781937677 0.7312985738 0.0785706825
共b兲 Exact
0 1 1 1.0000000000 1.0000000000 —a —a
1 3 1 1.0680062500 0.0225000000 —a —a
2 5 4 1.1396134594 0.0486475528 —a —a
3 7 9 1.2149968850 0.0788894009 —a —a
4 9 16 1.2943400152 0.1137212721 —a —a
5 11 25 1.3778349502 0.1536929503 —a —a
6 13 36 1.4656828000 0.1994138533 —a —a
7 15 49 1.5580941003 0.2515591676 —a —a
8 17 64 1.6552892478 0.3108765946 —a —a
9 19 81 1.7574989548 0.3781937677 —a —a
Not available.

distribution can also be exactly determined from moments. Com- Example 2: Polynomial Function
pared with the exact recursion coefficients, listed in Table 1, the
The second example involves calculating the probability distribu-
Stieltjes procedure generates convergent and accurate solutions
tion of a cubic polynomial
up to at least 10 decimal points displayed.
Table 3 displays the nodes and weights of the four-point Gauss
y共X兲 = 500 − 共X1 + X2兲3 + X1 − X2 − X3 + X1X2X3 − X4 , 共28兲
quadrature formulas for all three probability measures. They were
obtained from eigensolutions of the corresponding Jacobi matri- where Xi, i = 1 – 4 are four independent and identically distributed
ces with the embedded recursion coefficients from Table 2. A exponential random variables with probability densities f i共xi兲
reference solution, the Gauss-Laguerre formula 共Abramowitz and = exp共−xi兲, means ␮i = 1, and standard deviations ␴i = 1; i = 1 – 4.
Stegun 1972兲, exists for the exponential distribution. The approxi- The problem was solved by two approaches: 共1兲 a direct approach
mate quadrature results for the exponential distribution in Table 3 employing measure-consistent Laguerre orthonormal polynomials
match the Gauss-Laguerre formula up to at least 10 decimal as bases and the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule for calculating
points. For lognormal and Weibull distributions, which do not the expansion coefficients and 共2兲 an indirect approach transform-
have reference solutions, Gauss type quadrature rules are easily ing original random variables into Gaussian or uniform random
generated by employing the recursion coefficients from the Stielt- variables, followed by Hermite or Legendre orthonormal polyno-
jes procedure. Therefore, the Stiletjes procedure is useful not only mials as bases and the Gauss-Hermite or Gauss-Legendre quadra-
for producing nonclassical orthogonal polynomials, but also for ture rule for calculating the expansion coefficients. Since Eq. 共28兲
generating nonstandard Gauss quadrature formulas. represents a third-order polynomial, the Laguerre polynomials

Table 3. Four-Point Gauss Quadrature Nodes and Weights for Exponential, Lognormal, and Weibull Measures
Exponential Lognormal Weibull
共␮ = 1 , ␴ = 1兲 共␮ = 1 , ␴ = 0.15兲 共␮ = 1 , ␴ = 0.1兲
i x共i兲 w共i兲 x共i兲 w共i兲 x共i兲 w共i兲
1 0.3225476896 0.6031541043 0.7524782253 0.1317736148 0.6213077675 0.0094686490
2 1.7457611012 0.3574186924 0.9561381982 0.5878178350 0.8490782330 0.2110077883
3 4.5366202969 0.0388879085 1.1952513180 0.2691273223 1.0157124773 0.5951432207
4 9.3950709123 0.0005392947 1.5187488530 0.0112812278 1.1414478219 0.1843803418


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

10 0 ables. In this case, the tail probabilities in Fig. 2共b兲 fail to
Xi ∼ Exp(1) converge even when the order of Legendre polynomials is tripled
m = 3, n = 4
10 -1 from the value of three employed in the direct approach. There-
Monte Carlo fore, a direct approach entailing measure-consistent orthogonal
Univariate polynomials and the associated Gauss quadrature rule—in this
10 -2

Bivariate case, Laguerre polynomials and the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature


Trivariate rule—is desirable for generating both accurate and efficient solu-
10 -3 tions.

10 -4
Example 3: 10-Bar Truss

10 -5
A linear-elastic, 10-bar truss, shown in Fig. 3共a兲, is simply sup-
-3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 ported at Nodes 1 and 4, and is subjected to two concentrated
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

y random loads P at Nodes 2 and 3. The truss members, which have

random cross-sectional areas Ai, i − 1 – 10, are made of an alumi-
Fig. 1. Tail probability distributions of a polynomial function by num alloy with random Young’s modulus E. The input vector X
various methods using exponential probability measure = 兵A1 , . . . , A10 , E , P其T 苸 R12 comprises 12 independent random
variables with their statistical characteristics listed in Table 4.
From linear-elastic finite-element analysis 共FEA兲, the maximum
with a value of m = 3 should exactly reproduce y. In that case, the vertical displacement vmax共X兲, which occurs at Node 3, is limited
highest order of integrands for calculating the expansion coeffi- to v0 = 1.9 in. 共4.826 cm兲. Therefore, the performance function is
cients is six. A four-point Gauss-Laguerre quadrature should then y共X兲 = v0 − vmax共X兲 with the corresponding probability of failure
provide the exact values of the coefficients. In the direct ap- PF ª P关y共X兲 ⬍ 0兴. As in Example 2, orthogonal polynomials con-
proach, the expansion coefficients were calculated using m = 3 in sistent with the input probability measure 共direct approach兲 and
Eq. 共7兲 and then numerically integrating Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲 with n Hermite orthogonal polynomials in the Gaussian space of trans-
= 4. Therefore, the only source of error in a truncated polynomial formed variables 共indirect approach兲 were employed to calculate
dimensional decomposition is the selection of S. In the indirect the failure probability. The expansion coefficients were estimated
approach, the transformation of y leads to nonpolynomials in the by respective Gauss quadrature rules and dimension-reduction in-
space of Gaussian or uniform variables; therefore, approximations tegration with R = S and n = m + 1. Therefore, an S-variate decom-
in a truncated decomposition occur not only due to S, but also due position method requires at most S-dimensional numerical
to m and n. Hence, several values of 3 ⱕ m ⱕ 6 and 3 ⱕ m ⱕ 9 integration for calculating the coefficients.
were employed for mappings into Gaussian and uniform vari- Since the performance function is nonpolynomial, a conver-
ables, respectively. The coefficients in the indirect approach were gence study is required to calculate the truss failure probability
calculated by the n-point Gauss-Hermite or Gauss-Legendre accurately. Fig. 3共b兲 presents how the failure probabilities, calcu-
quadrature rule, where n = m + 1. lated using univariate 共S = 1兲, bivariate 共S = 2兲, and trivariate 共S
Fig. 1 shows the tail probability distributions of y共X兲 calcu- = 3兲 decomposition methods, vary with respect to order 2 ⱕ m
lated by the direct approach. It contains four plots: one obtained ⱕ 6. The results of both direct 共proposed兲 and indirect 共Hermite兲
from crude Monte Carlo simulation and the remaining three gen- approaches are displayed. All three decomposition methods
erated from univariate 共S = 1兲, bivariate 共S = 2兲, and trivariate 共S adopting either the direct or indirect approach converge, but the
= 3兲 polynomial dimensional decomposition methods. The tail converged 共m = 6兲 failure probabilities from the bivariate 共4.59
distributions, all obtained for m = 3, converge rapidly with respect ⫻ 10−5 for direct, 4.56⫻ 10−5 for indirect兲 and trivariate 共4.69
to S. Compared with crude Monte Carlo simulation, the univariate ⫻ 10−5 for direct, 4.66⫻ 10−5 for indirect兲 methods match the
method is less accurate than others. This is due to the absence of crude Monte Carlo 共107 samples or FEA兲 estimate of 4.64
cooperative effects of random variables in the univariate approxi- ⫻ 10−5 extremely well. However, bivariate and trivariate methods
mation. The bivariate solution, which captures cooperative effects employing the direct approach lead to the crude Monte Carlo
of any two variables, is remarkably close to the crude Monte result much faster than those using the indirect approach, a trend
Carlo results. The results from the trivariate decomposition and also exhibited in Example 2. In other words, the convergence of
crude Monte Carlo simulation are coincident, as ỹ 3共X兲 is identical decomposition methods can be significantly accelerated when em-
to y共X兲, which itself is a trivariate function. ploying orthogonal polynomials and the Gauss quadrature rule
Using the indirect approach, Figs. 2共a and b兲 present the tail consistent with the probability measure of the random input.
distributions of y共X兲 by univariate, bivariate, and trivariate de- Table 5 describes the computational effort in terms of numbers
composition methods for several values of m, calculated when the of FEA required to calculate the truss failure probability by vari-
original variables are transformed into standard Gaussian ous decomposition 共direct approach兲 methods. The univariate
关N共0 , 1兲兴 and uniform 关U共−1 , 1兲兴 variables, respectively. Accord- method 共S = R = 1兲 is the most computationally inexpensive
ing to Fig. 2共a兲, the tail probabilities obtained by all three decom- method, but it is also the least accurate among the three decom-
position methods from the indirect approach converge to the position methods. The bivariate 共S = R = 2兲 and trivariate 共S = R
respective solutions from the direct approach when m and n in- = 3兲 methods are highly accurate, but their computational efforts,
crease. However, the lowest order of orthogonal polynomials re- particularly the effort of the trivariate method, are much larger
quired to converge in the indirect approach 共Hermite兲 is six, a than that of the univariate method. Nonetheless, all three decom-
number twice that employed in the direct approach 共Laguerre兲. position methods are far less expensive than crude Monte Carlo
This is due to higher nonlinearity of the mapped y induced by the simulation.
transformation from exponential to Gaussian variables. The non- Classical methods, such as the first-order reliability method
linearity becomes too high for the transformation to uniform vari- 共FORM兲 and second-order reliability method 共SORM兲, can also


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

10 0 10 0
Univariate Solution Univariate Solution
Ui ~ N(0,1); i=1,4 Ui ~ U(-1,1); i=1,4
10 -1
10 -1

m=9, n=10
10 -2
10 -2
m=6, n=7
Monte Carlo


10 -3 10 -3
m=4, n=5 Monte Carlo
m=5, n=6 m=3, n=4
10 -4
10 -4
m=6, n=7
m=3, n=4
10 -5 10 -5
-3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 -3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500
y y
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

10 0 10 0
Bivariate Solution Bivariate Solution
Ui ~ N(0,1); i=1,4 Ui ~ U(-1,1); i=1,4
10 -1
10 -1

10 -2 m=9, n=10
10 -2


m=6, n=7

10 -3 m=4, n=5 10 -3
m=5, n=6 Monte Carlo
m=3, n=4
10 -4 m=6, n=7 10 -4
Monte Carlo m=3, n=4

10 -5 10 -5
-3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 -3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500
y y

10 0 10 0
Trivariate Solution Trivariate Solution
Ui ~ N(0,1); i=1,4 Ui ~ U(-1,1); i=1,4
10 -1 10 -1

10 -2 10 -2 m=9, n=10


m=6, n=7

10 -3 m=4, n=5 10 -3
m=5, n=6 Monte Carlo
m=3, n=4
10 -4 m=6, n=7 10 -4
Monte Carlo m=3, n=4

10 -5 10 -5
-3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 -3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500
y y
(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Tail probability distributions of a polynomial function by various methods using indirect approach; 共a兲 Gaussian measure; 共b兲 uniform

be applied to solve this truss problem. Using gradients from a Example 4: Double-Edged-Notched Tension Specimen
finite-difference approximation, the FORM and SORM estimates
Consider a double-edged-notched tension 关DE共T兲兴 specimen
of the failure probability are 6.2⫻ 10−5 and 4.9⫻ 10−5, respec-
under plane stress with width 2W = 40 in. 共101.6 cm兲, length 2L
tively. These two estimates, requiring 248 and 685 function evalu-
= 200 in. 共508 cm兲, and random crack length a, subject to a ran-
ations, respectively, for a convergence tolerance of 10−4 are
dom far-field tensile stress ␴⬁, as shown in Fig. 4共a兲. The nonlin-
slightly larger than the crude Monte Carlo result, but given the
ear constitutive equation under small-displacement condition is
low magnitude of the failure probability, both are reasonable.
the well-known Ramberg-Osgood relation 共Anderson 2005兲
However, for more complex stochastic problems entailing nonlin-
ear or three-dimensional stress analysis, locating the most prob-
able points, vital for FORM/SORM, can be unwieldy and may not
always succeed. Further complications arise if response gradients
⑀ij =
sij +
1 − 2␯
␴kk␦ij +
冉 冊 m0−1
sij 共29兲

do not exist or their calculations are computationally intensive. where ␴ij and ⑀ij = stress and strain components, respectively; E
Therefore, gradient-free methods, such as the one proposed here, = Young’s modulus; ␯ = Poisson’s ratio; ␴0 = reference stress; ␣0
provide an attractive alternative to classical methods. = dimensionless material coefficient; m0 = strain hardening expo-


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

360 in (914.4 cm) 360 in (914.4 cm) Table 5. Numbers of Required FEA by Decomposition Methods for 10-
Bar Truss 共N = 12兲
4 5 5 4 6
m n Univariatea Bivariateb Trivariatec
1 2 25 289 2,049
6 10
2 3 37 631 6,571
8 3 4 49 1,105 15,185
3 360 in
7 9 (914.4 cm) 4 5 61 1,711 29,211
5 6 73 2,449 49,969
1 2 6 7 85 3,319 78,779
1 2 3
nN + 1.
N共N − 1兲n2 / 2 + nN + 1.
P P c
N共N − 1兲共N − 2兲n3 / 6 + N共N − 1兲n2 / 2 + nN + 1.
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.


10 -4 X = 兵a , E , ␣0 , m0 , ␴⬁其T, was calculated by employing FEA-

Monte Carlo (4.64 ×10-5) generated stress and displacement fields in the domain form of the
Trivariate- contour integration.
Bivariate- Since the J-integral characterizes a crack-driving force in non-
10 -5 Proposed linear fracture mechanics, consider the probability of fracture ini-
tiation, defined by P关J共X兲 ⬎ JIc兴, where JIc is the Mode-I fracture

Univariate-Proposed toughness of the material at crack initiation. A J-integral-based

Univariate-Hermite probabilistic analysis is commonly used for fracture evaluation of
10 -6
aerospace and nuclear engineering structures. Figs. 4共d and e兲
present how the fracture-initiation probability, calculated by the
Bivariate-Hermite bivariate decomposition method employing measure-consistent
n = m+1
10 -7 共direct兲 and Hermite 共indirect兲 orthogonal polynomials, respec-
1 2 3 4 5 6 tively, varies with respect to the fracture toughness of the mate-
m rial. The higher the fracture toughness, the lower the probability
of fracture initiation. The results were generated for several val-
ues of m = 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the expansion coefficients were
Fig. 3. Reliability analysis of a 10-bar truss: 共a兲 geometry, loading,
estimated by dimension-reduction integration with R = S = 2, re-
and boundary conditions; 共b兲 probability of failure by various meth- quiring at most two-dimensional integrations. From Figs. 4共d and
ods e兲, the fracture-initiation probabilities from both approaches con-
verge to the crude Monte Carlo estimate, obtained from 20,000
FEA that was feasible for this nonlinear problem. As exhibited in
nent; ␦ij = Kronecker delta; sij ª ␴ij − ␴kk␦ij / 3 = deviatoric stress; the previous two examples, measure-consistent orthogonal poly-
and ␴e ª 冑共3 / 2兲sijsij = von Mises equivalent stress. For elastic- nomials again lead to faster convergence of the fracture-initiation
plastic cracked structures, the J-integral uniquely defines the probabilities than Hermite orthogonal polynomials.
asymptotic crack-tip stress and strain fields 共Anderson 2005兲. The The numbers of FEA required by the bivariate decomposition
crack length a, material constants E, ␣0, m0, and far-field stress method in conjunction with either direct or indirect approach are
␴⬁ were treated as five independent random variables with their 181, 276, 391, and 526 when m = 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively.
statistical properties listed in Table 6. The remaining deterministic Therefore, significant savings of the computational effort by
parameters are as follows: ␴0 = 22, 450 psi 共154.78 MPa兲, ␯ = 0.3. crude Monte Carlo is possible for this and similar other examples.
Due to the double symmetry in the DE共T兲 problem, Fig. 4共b兲 Application of classical FORM/SORM to solve this problem is
shows a finite element mesh at mean crack length of the 1/4 less simple, as calculating analytical gradients of an elastic-plastic
model. A total of 114 elements and 393 nodes were used in the fracture response is not unduly easy, not to mention shape sensi-
mesh. Second-order elements from the element library of the tivity analysis required to account for the random crack geometry.
ABAQUS commercial code 共2008兲 were employed. Focused sin-
gular elements were deployed in the vicinity of the crack tip 关see Example 5: Leverarm
Fig. 4共c兲兴. A 2 ⫻ 2 Gaussian integration rule was employed in the
FEA. The J-integral J共X兲, which depends on the random input The final example illustrates the polynomial dimensional decom-
position method in solving an industrial scale, stochastic mechan-
ics problem. It involves probabilistic analysis of a leverarm in a
Table 4. Statistical Properties of Random Input for 10-Bar Truss wheel loader, depicted in Fig. 5共a兲, commonly used in the heavy
Coefficient Probability construction industry. The loading and boundary conditions of a
Random variable Mean of variation distribution single leverarm are shown in Fig. 5共b兲. Fig. 5共c兲 presents an un-
deformed leverarm mesh from the ABAQUS code 共2008兲, which
Ai, i = 1 , . . . , 10 关in.2 共cm2兲兴 49 共316.13兲 0.15 Lognormal comprises 48,312 tetrahedral elements. Two random loads PH and
E 关psi 共Gpa兲兴 107 共68.94兲 0.1 Weibull PV acting at Pin E can be viewed as input loads due to other
P 关lb 共kN兲兴 105 共444.8兲 0.1 Uniforma mechanical components of the wheel loader. The essential bound-
Uniformly distributed over 共105 − 104冑3 , 105 + 104冑3兲 lb or 共444.8 ary conditions, sketched in Fig. 5共b兲, define random prescribed
− 44.48冑3 , 444.8+ 44.48冑3兲 kN. displacements


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.


crack crack
a a
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crack tip



(a) (b)

JIc, kJ/m2 JIc, kJ/m2

0 650 1300 1950 2600 0 650 1300 1950 2600
10 0 10 0
Bivariate-proposed Bivariate-Hermite
n=m+1 n=m+1
10 -1 10 -1
Monte Carlo Monte Carlo
P[J(X) > JIc]

P[J(X) > JIc]

-2 -2
10 10

10 -3 10 -3
m=4 m=5
m=5 m=6
10 -4 10 -4
m=3 m=4
10 -5 10 -5
0 5000 10000 15000 0 5000 10000 15000
JIc, lb-in/in2 JIc, lb-in/in2

(d) (e)

Fig. 4. DE共T兲 specimen: 共a兲 geometry and loads; 共b兲 finite-element mesh at mean crack length; 共c兲 singular elements at the crack tip; 共d兲
probability of fracture initiation by direct approach; and 共e兲 probability of fracture initiation by indirect approach

Table 6. Statistical Properties of Random Input for DE共T兲 Specimen

Random variable Mean Coefficient of variation Probability distribution
Crack length 共a兲 关in. 共cm兲兴 10 共25.4兲 0.1 Lognormal
Elastic modulus 共E兲 关psi 共Gpa兲兴 30⫻ 106 共206.83兲 0.1 Lognormal
Ramberg-Osgood coefficient 共␣0兲 10 0.1 Lognormal
Ramberg-Osgood exponent 共m0兲 5 0.1 Lognormal
Far-field tensile stress 共␴⬁兲 关psi 共MPa兲兴 10,000 共68.94兲 0.1 Lognormal


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

Table 7. Statistical Properties of Leverarm Random Input
Pin E
Pin F
Random variable Mean Standard deviation Probability distribution
PH 共kN兲 507.69 76.15 Lognormal
Two lever PV a 共kN兲 1,517.32 227.60 Lognormal
E 共Gpa兲 203 10.15 Lognormal
␯ 0.3 0.015 Lognormal
Pin G
uxF 共mm兲 ⫺5 5 / 冑3 Uniformb
uyF 共mm兲 5 5 / 冑3 Uniformc
uxG 共mm兲 5 5 / 冑3 Uniformc

uyG 共mm兲 ⫺5 5 / 冑3 Uniformb
To be distributed equally 共halved兲 on front and back sides of Pin E.
Uniformly distributed over 关⫺10, 0兴 mm; to be applied on both sides.
uy=uyF, uz=0
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Uniformly distributed over 关0, 10兴 mm; to be applied on both sides.
PV uy=uyG, uz=0
Pin F are judged to be converged responses, as their changes due to
x Pin G
0.3 m further increases in m and n are negligibly small. Therefore, only
PH 481 ABAQUS-aided FEA were required in generating all three
Pin E ux=uxF, uz=0 probability densities by the bivariate method. Due to expensive
ux=uxG, uz=0 FEA, crude Monte Carlo simulation was feasible only up to 1,000
1.36 m 1.72 m realizations, producing only rough estimates of the histograms.
Given the low sample size, the histograms, plotted in Figs. 6共a–c兲,
are not expected to provide accurate tail characteristics. Nonethe-
less, the overall shapes of all three probability densities generated
by the bivariate method match these histograms quite well. The
accuracy of the decomposition method is further verified in Table
8, which reveals excellent agreement between the second-moment
properties of all three responses obtained by the bivariate method
and crude Monte Carlo simulation. This example demonstrates
the nonintrusive nature of the polynomial dimensional decompo-
sition method, which can be easily integrated with external legacy
codes for solving industrial-scale stochastic problems.

(c) An extended polynomial dimensional decomposition method was
developed for solving stochastic problems subject to independent
Fig. 5. Structural analysis of a leverarm: 共a兲 two leverarms in a
random input following an arbitrary probability distribution. The
wheel loader; 共b兲 geometry, loading, and boundary conditions; and
method is based on Fourier-polynomial expansions of component
共c兲 undeformed mesh 共48,312 elements兲
functions by orthonormal polynomial bases, the Stieltjes proce-
dure for generating the recursion coefficients of orthogonal poly-
nomials and the Gauss quadrature rule for a specified probability
uxF and uyF at Pin F and uxG, and uyG at Pin G. The leverarm is measure, and dimension-reduction integration for calculating the
made of cast steel with random Young’s modulus E and random expansion coefficients. Compared with the previous development,
Poisson’s ratio ␯. The input vector X = 兵PH , PV , E , ␯ , uxF , uyF , the extended method no longer depends on classical orthogonal
uxG , uyG其T 苸 R8 includes eight independent random variables with polynomials or standard Gauss quadrature rules. Instead, nonclas-
their statistical properties listed in Table 7. The bivariate decom- sical orthogonal polynomials for defining basis functions and
position method with measure-consistent orthogonal polynomials non-standard Gauss quadrature rules for calculating the expansion
and the associated Gauss quadrature rule was employed to obtain coefficients are generated for arbitrary probability measures. Due
the probabilistic characteristics of several elastic responses gen- to nonintrusive evaluation of the expansion coefficients, the
erated by linear-elastic FEA of the leverarm. The expansion co- method can be easily adapted to solving complex stochastic prob-
efficients were estimated by dimension-reduction integration with lems requiring external deterministic codes.
R = S = 2, requiring at most two-dimensional integrations. Five numerical problems were solved to demonstrate the
Figs. 6共a–c兲 present probability densities of maximum von Stieltjes procedure and evaluate the probabilistic characteristics of
Mises stress 共␴e,max兲, maximum largest principal strain 共⑀1,max兲, performance functions, which are simple mathematical constructs
and maximum distortional energy density 共Ud,max兲, respectively, or complex responses from FEA. The Stieltjes procedure yields
of the entire leverarm by the bivariate decomposition method. The highly accurate nonclassical orthogonal polynomials and associ-
probabilistic characteristics of these elastic responses, commonly ated Gauss quadrature formulas with little additional effort. The
used for examining material yielding or fatigue damage, quantify probabilistic results indicate that the extended method developed,
the impact of input uncertainty on an output variable of interest. in particular the bivariate and trivariate versions, provides accu-
These probability densities, obtained by setting m = 3 and n = 4, rate and convergent estimates of the tail distribution of response


J. Eng. Mech. 2009.135:1439-1451.

0.004 Table 8. Second-Moment Properties of Leverarm Elastic Responses by
m=3, n=4
Monte Carlo Various Methods

0.003 Bivariate Bivariate Crude Monte Carlo

Response Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
fσ(σe,max )

0.002 ␴e,max 共MPa兲 510.42 132.86 513.87 134.00

⑀1,max 共%兲 0.253 0.065 0.254 0.065
Ud,max 共MPa兲 0.593 0.291 0.599 0.294

Future Work
0 200 400 600 800 1000 For statistically dependent random variables, a direct approach to
(a) σe,max , MPa polynomial dimensional decomposition requires constructing
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

multivariate orthogonal polynomials for a general, multivariate

800 joint density function. In that case, the tensor product invoked in
m=3, n=4 Monte Carlo this paper is no longer applicable. New, alternative methods
avoiding nonlinear transformations will need to be developed for
generating measure-consistent multivariate polynomials. In addi-
tion, all examples presented in this work consider only time-
fε(ε1,max )

400 invariant stochastic problems. Therefore, an examination or
further extension of the proposed method for solving time-variant
problems encountered in dynamic systems is in order.

0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 The writer acknowledges financial support from the U.S. National
(b) ε1,max , mm/mm Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DMI-0355487 and CMMI-
m=3, n=4
Monte Carlo
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