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Architecture I believe that to a certain caliber, the best career for me is an architect.

Due to many specific

reasons. When I was around the age six, I had a particular interest in houses and homes, especially those
that include residential and commercial. I would try to build little forts out of wood and cardboard in
ditches or in forests and as I got older, I tried harder to make more unique designs and structures out of
more than just wood. Eventually I tried using bricks and cement. I would make cool and sometimes funky
designs that even my parents found interesting. After numerous compliments and awes of fascination, I
found what was meant for my particular skills. The world of artisism and architecture. The many elements
that come…show more content…
Being an architect requires one’s mind to be open with creativity for home designs and structures on hope
the building will be constructed. As for the charisma part, you have to sell your design and influence your
clients on what would be best for their interests at heart. It is also important to have math skills, so
calculations on certain parts of the home or design are accurate and flow with the home’s structure. I
myself have both of these attributes, but lean more on the creativity side of traits. It’s more easy for me to
come up with a design on clean slate than to fully envelop someone in all my designs. I could easily gain
more experience in persuasion and influencing clients to choose a plan that I believe would be best.
Personality and skill traits that I currently possess are professionalism, Nice, Intellect, knowledge on the
subject, quick, and respectful are the traits that would benefit me the most in this career, in terms of
clients. But just due to having a vast depository of creativity, it allows me to be suited for architecture with
no doubt. Experiences that I have had in preparation are being able to talk to an architect John Paul, at my
stepfathers firm, Lexar Homes. I am also able to use a drafting program known as Chief Architect, to design
homes and publish them to other home building firms. On top of that I am also accredited to help in the
Lexar firm until I achieve my graduation from college. A typical day as an architect is quite simple, and can
vary greatly.

Spanish expeditions conducted during the seventh and eighteenth century has brought a variety of
architectural and artistic influences to the different indigenous regions of the New Americas. It is
documented that “the Architecture of Mexico began with the Spanish conquest of the country.” (Mullen,
18) The architecture of Mexico has exhibited much richness and wealth, has displayed the political and
religious conditions of the time, and has showed off the countries beauty and grace through different
artistic devices, mainly through the ornamentation of buildings. The architecture that developed in Mexico
during the military expeditions and colonization of Mexico has brought forth many different types of
architecture to Mexico, three in particular, Franciscan, Mexican Baroque and Spanish Colonial
Architecture. Historians have documented that the Franciscan, Mexican Baroque and Spanish Colonial
Architecture found in Mexico is, “the transfer of architectural forms, ideas and traditions brought from
Spain to the Americas by Spanish settlers” (Grizzard, 167). Historians believe that, “Spanish colonial
architecture was a period of transition from the Spanish Gothic to Spanish Renaissance” (Mullen, 76)
When observing the architecture found in Mexico one has to wonder about how much influence the
Spanish Colonialists had on this country. Much of the influence the Spanish Colonialists had on Mexican
Architecture came from their conquests over the Native Indians of the Americas. Historically, Mexico has
been a war-torn religiously, socially, economically, and political areas of the country. As the Spanish
Conquerors dominated the Natives, their influence spread thoroughly throughout the Americas. The result
was an aristocratic government where the natives were not given any chance of self-expression. Under
these conditions, it was natural for the Architecture of the New Americas to have been brought from
As it has been found throughout the history of the Americas that, “the church [has] worked in conjunction
with the military to dominate the Native Indians.” (Behav, 306). Many of the buildings built by the church
and the military have become monumental features of Mexico.

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