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Instructor Notes -Group Research Project

Hello and thank you for agreeing to teach PSYU 101. This is a very important class because it is often the
first class students are taking at our university and may determine if they continue with us. In addition
to the usual Discussion Boards and Quizzes, there is a group research proposal project that the students
will be completing throughout the term. Here are some tips that will help explain the project:

Group Research Project Tips:

 Thoroughly review the Instructor Resources section under Course Information.

 Pay particular attention to the “Editable Course Documents” section because it has the
instructions for the Group Research Project
 The document titled “PSYU 101 – Weekly Tasks for Group Research Project” lays out the
tasks week-by-week.
 In Week 1, please assign the students to groups of three to four. It is up to you how you
want to do this.
 After you split up the class into groups, post an Announcement and send an email to
each group.
 The students will then work in those same groups throughout the course to complete
the assignments for the projects due in Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8.
 The assignments for Weeks 2, 4 and 6 are written papers that will be turned in as a
group. In other words, the students will decide how to distribute the workload evenly
and fairly, and then turn in one paper per group. Each group member will receive the
same grade for the paper.
 For the Week 8 assignment, the students will prepare a PowerPoint and present it
together on Zoom. They will then submit the PowerPoint and the Zoom recording for
grading. Every group member will receive the same grade.
 For the Peer Assessment:
o Each student will submit one form, rating the other group members on their
level of participation.
o Each student will received 20 points for completing the form
o Each student will receive a score from the other group members (max = 120)
 Because there may be different numbers (3 or 4) in each group, it will
require you to average the scores received from their other group
 To aid in this calculation, I created an excel spreadsheet that will
automatically calculate the average score (Participation Points Averager)
 You will then have to enter the score in Grade Center manually
 Sorry this is cumbersome but this is a way to make sure every student
participates equally
 Finally, please do not modify this assignment in any way. The course is built around it.

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