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The chart below shows the calorie source for UK males at different life

periods in 2019.

Summarise  the information by  selecting  and  reporting  the main

features, and  make comparisons  where relevant. 

Complete the missing information below (all the missing words

are verbs) 

The bar chart describes/shows/describes the different calorific

sources of UK males of varying age groups, 0-24, 25-49 and 50+. The
sources are dairy, meat, pulses and vegetables.

Between being born and reaching 24 the main source of calories was
dairy products, with over 40% coming from dairy products, and the
other sources equal at around 20%, except pulses which represent
around 18%. For the 25-49 age group by far the largest source was
meat at exactly 50% of total calorie intake, followed by dairy at 25%,
vegetables at 15% and pulses representing just 10%. Regarding the
over 50group the largest contributor were pulses at well over 60%,
followed by meat, dairy and vegetables in that order. Overall it is clear
each group lent towards one predominant caloric source over the rest.
Pulses were the least favoured choice for the younger groups, with
vegetables also making up a minority contribution amongst every age
Summarise  the information by  selecting  and  reporting  the main
features, and  make comparisons  where relevant. 

-Complete the words in the description below. 

-The task below will not score beyond 6.0
What does it need to go beyond the 6.5 mark? 

The bar chart compares export revenues in five different categories

for one country in the years 2015 and 2016. The table indicates
the amount of proportion change in 2016.
It is clear that petroleum exportation accounted for the highest
export figures among all categories in 2015. In 2016, the value of
engineering goods reached a similar figure to that of petroleum
In 2016, the amount of money earned from exportation of petroleum
products saw an increase of 3% and reached more than 60 billion
dollars. In the same year, there was an 8.5% shrank in the exports
of engineering goods compared to that of the previous year. 

Gems and jewellery were the only sector that saw a decrease in the
profit from exports, they surge from nearly 43 billion dollars in 2015
to about 40 billion in 2016. While export revenues of textile
experienced a considerable increase in percentage change, 15.4%,
rose from close to 25 billion to dollars in 2015 to just above 30 billion
in 2016. Export earnings from agriculture products remained
relatively unchanged during the period shown, namely above 30
billion dollars.

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