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Joe becomes friends with a child-like deaf-mute girl named Ann Croft. The friendship begins
when Joe, on his way to Placerville, tries to educate Ann's father, Sam, about his deaf-mute
daughter. Her father believes her condition is a curse from God and has no intention of helping
her or gaining any understanding about it. He reveals that he wants to protect her by sheltering
her at home.
Joe buys a book on sign-language and after mastering some of the basics begins to teach Ann
how to communicate. The weeks pass and Joe keeps teaching Ann, who quickly picks up on the
lessons. Sam tells Ann, that's nice what you're learning, waving your arms around and all that.
But the first real roadblock comes when Joe tries to teach Ann the sign for love. He tries to use
Ann's love for her father, and vice versa as the example, but Ann misunderstands and reveals
her love for Joe. She tries to kiss Joe, at which time Joe gets angry and tells Ann in sign
language that she does not love him. Ann, upset that Joe is angry with her, tears pages out of the
sign language book and runs off.
Joe goes to Ann's father to explain what happened. He then goes back to the Ponderosa. Joe
wants to find a way out of the mess and goes to his Pa for advice. Ben reminds Joe that he needs
to help Ann understand her true feelings, which do not include love, as between a husband and
wife, but gratitude. In the meantime, Joe has to deal with Albie, a simple-minded trapper who
has been obsessed with Ann, harassing and stalking her. Wanting Ann all to himself, the oafish
Albie keeps folllowing her. Already, Joe has fought off Albie and ordered him to leave Ann
alone. But Albie keeps tracking Ann, and eventually forms a plan to kill both Sam and Joe so he
can have Ann to himself.
Albie nearly makes good on his goal. Sam worries about his daughter and goes looking for her.
However, he runs into Albie, who beats up Sam and throws him in a ravine. Ann finds her
injured father and runs home, only to find Albie waiting for her. He corners Ann and tries to
attack her, but she gets away. Albie nearly catches her, but Joe arrives in the nick of time and
fights him off.
Joe and Ann run, with Albie still trailing them, yet Albie catches up to them. In a last-ditch
effort to gain an edge, Albie grabs his knife and runs toward Joe, but the youngest Cartwright
manages to dodge him at the edge of a cliff. Albie tumbles over the edge and is fatally injured.
In the end, Ann finally understands that her relationship with Joe is just friends, and Sam is
grateful to Joe for helping both of them. Ben also commends Joe for how he handled

Carlos Javier Cardie Malave

C.I: 24873834

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