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YOUNG LEARNERS ELL Proficiency Levels

Level 0-1: Beginner

 This student is often a new arrival with little previous English training and --this is the key -- a very limited
 The student has no knowledge of English beyond answers to simple questions like “What’s your name?”
He/she may respond with “yes” or “no,” but not always consistently or correctly
 He/she lacks sufficient vocabulary and oral comprehension to be able to follow directions 

Level 2: High Beginner

 This student can understand some directions and attempts to do simple assignments but with great
hesitancy and misunderstanding.
 Vocabulary is still greatly limited to commonly-used words. 
 He/she reads and writes with great difficulty, usually below the assigned grade level.
 This student may be unable to respond to some activities which involve independent decision making.

Level 3 - 4: Low – Intermediate

 This student participates in most class activities and follows directions adequately, though with frequent
 Vocabulary is limited but rapidly improving. 
 He/she may feel comfortable enough in the classroom to respond orally, despite frequent errors and
incorrect word selection.
 This student may be able to do academic work close to grade level but needs frequent writing and
vocabulary support. 
 He/she exhibits growing confidence in his/her ability to comprehend and respond in English.

High Intermediate Level 5-6

 This student easily participates in classroom and social activities, constantly adding to his/her knowledge
of vocabulary, American culture, and teacher expectations.
 His/her speech still exhibits a considerable accent, but grammar and vocabulary errors should be
 This student’s English is changing rapidly at this point, and his/her confidence level should be increasing at
the same rate.


 At level have strong skill sets in all areas of speaking, writing, listening, and reading. They are able to use a
range of professional and technical words and maintain the ability to coherently communicate even in
unfamiliar areas. For example, these individuals are able to conduct international business negotiations,
author a publishable paper, and engage in public speaking with accuracy and confidence.

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