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CÂMPINA - 03.03.2020


1. How the Solar System formed…………….....……...........9
2. How the Earth and the Moon formed..............................16
3. How water formed on Earth and Moon...........................18
4. The Universal Engine….……………………………....…32
5. The planet Earth....……………………………..……......38
6. The satellite Moon..……………..……………….........….72
7. The planet Mercury…..……………….…………………81
8. The planet Venus. ……………………….…………........94
9. The planet Mars………………….………...…….......…106
10. The planet Jupiter……….………………..…..…....….117
11. The planet Saturn..….…………………...…….…........138
12. The planet Uranus………….……………...…..….…...154
13. The planet Neptune...........……………...…….…..…...167
14. The Sun….………………………………………....…..181
15. The Bollovan……………………..….…....…………....190

This book would not have existed if on Earth the remarkable
people had disappeared. These special people are all the Teachers and
all those who have sacrificed their time to share their knowledge to all
the learners, to help them discover wonderful things. Here, we
especially distinguish:
PhD Engineer Mr. CRISTEA NICOLAE, which is
categorized by me as “A MAN AMONG PEOPLE”, because he was
patient to explain the books and the Treatises of Physics, of Materials
Resistance, of Chemistry, translated from English, French and
German, in a period when there was no computer or internet network.
The interesting aspect is that this MAN did not claim anything ever,
and even more, he discussed with two great teachers to accept me in
their training groups to finish my Mathematics and Physics studies.
This book, THE SIGNS RULE is a HOMAGE brought in the memory

Since antiquity, Homo Sapiens, who is the one who managed to
survive in the fight with nature, with the animals, or even with his less
evolved fellows, wanted to understand the nature, to know what
happens around him and to possess different goods, as many as
possible. Thus, the trade appeared between communities. But it does
not matter if you are wealthy, as long as your neighbour says he has
more than you, although he has less. Thus, it appeared the need for
accounting all goods. The most correct calculations are made with the
Arabic numerals. In the first place, the Arabic numerals are from 0 to
9 and the calculations made with these figures, were so correct that
today all the nations of the world use them. Let us not forget that the
Romans had a way to write the figures, even the Chinese, who were
innate merchants, had a specific one, although from their numbering
the sign 0 was missing. So, as a conclusion, the requirement to exist a
form of universal calculation appeared, which could be applied to all
nations and due to these calculations to be clearly demonstrated who
is richer.
The man, after having accumulated many goods wanted to
amaze and show his greatness, because in vain is he wealthy if he does
nothing with it. More than that, the Man wanted to become immortal.
In his thinking, this objective could have been reached through the cult
of personality, through offerings to the gods and by the construction
of a mortuary temple, to give him the opportunity to lead just beyond
of death and which to help him even to revive, at a certain time. That
is how the pyramids appeared, for the Egyptian Pharaohs, or different
temples or palaces for other people, because they needed to help the
leader in the journey beyond life. The problem was that this leader
wanted to know in how much time, with his resources, could make
such a temple, because, if the construction of this temple had lasted
more than a human life, it would have remained unfinished and it
would not have helped him in his journey to immortality. Thus, the
calculations moved from the area of goods accounting to the area of
mathematics, more precisely in the trigonometry area and in the
geometry area. In this way, the first “engineers” appeared and gave
viable solutions for road construction, canals, buildings, bridges,
viaducts, aqueducts, temples and finally to the cities.

In the Nile Valley two documents were discovered, about 3700
years old, one called the Rhind Papyrus which contains 87
mathematical problems and the other one, which contains 25
problems, is called the Moscow Papyrus. In these papyruses it is
described the method of calculating and solving the equations of first
and second degree, even with fractions, the arithmetic means, the
geometric means, the calculation of the surface, the calculation of the
volumes of cylindrical form (amphorae), the calculation of the
volumes of the trunks of pyramid and the pyramid. These calculations
were necessary to know exactly how many blocks of stone with
predetermined dimensions would have been needed for the pyramid
according to the dimensions specified by Pharaoh. Thus, the ancient
Egyptians were calculating the area of the circle with the relation:
𝟏𝟏 𝟐𝟐 𝟖𝟖 𝟐𝟐
Acircle = �𝐃𝐃 − 𝟗𝟗 𝐃𝐃� = �𝟗𝟗 𝐃𝐃� , and the volume of a cylindrical
container with the relation Vamphora = hAcircle, where D was the
diameter of the circle, and h was the height of the amphorae. They
also were calculating the volume of the trunk of pyramid with the
𝐛𝐛 𝟐𝟐 𝟏𝟏 𝐛𝐛 𝟐𝟐
Vtr.pyramid = 𝐡𝐡 ��𝐚𝐚 + 𝟐𝟐� + 𝟑𝟑 �𝐚𝐚 − 𝟐𝟐� �, where h was the height
of the trunk of pyramid and a, b were the sides of the large base of the
trunk of pyramid. It can be seen that the sides of the small base of the
trunk of the pyramid are not in the relation. This means that the
relation is also applied approximately in particular cases, and solving
the particular cases can lead to design errors. As it is for example the
Pyramid from Dahshur built during the Pharaoh Snefru, pyramid that
has two inclination angles, with an angle from the base to the middle
of the pyramid which is of 54.5o and another angle from the middle to
the top of the pyramid, which is 43.3o. Finally, laws and relations have
been discovered that give the correct solution to any problem that we
want to solve.
The Egyptians were building on a smaller scale the pyramid they
wanted to construct, after wards they measured the length of the base
and the height of this pyramid and then were growing n times, each
length, thus obtaining the size of the large pyramid. At the same time,
knowing the solution of the problem, they solved the equations by the

“false position” method, thus the known elements adjusted until they
got the right result.
The methods do not differ much, not even now, when the
majority of laws and relations are based on observation, on
measurements and of course, on computing. Consequently, we
observe a trajectory and we calculate the equation, the opposite of how
we were taught, namely we calculate the equation and then we draw
its graphic.
Problems arise when we imagine transcendental phenomena and
we begin to calculate the equations of these non-existent phenomena,
and from these results and solutions we make basic laws, which no
one will ever be able to prove.
Most theorems, laws, measurements and experiences have been
made on planet Earth, under defined standard conditions, such as
pressure ps = 101.325 KPa (1 atm = 1.013 bar = 760 mm Hg =
= 14.696 psi), temperature ts = 293.15 K (68 oFahrenheit = 20 oC), but
in the Solar System, we have a variety of cases, where the temperature
varies, from absolute zero to = 0 K = –273.15 oC = –459.67 oF, up to
one million degrees Kelvin, in the outer atmosphere of the Sun and the
pressure also varies from the absolute pressure po = 0.0000 mbar,
which is the absolute perfect vacuum, up to pressures of hundreds of
millions of bars, pressure located inside the Sun. Already, the pressure
and temperature conditions change drastically in our own Solar
System. Furthermore as we move towards the center of the Milky Way
galaxy, the pressure and temperature conditions will change radically,
but going beyond the limits of our galaxy, the pressure and
temperature conditions, together with distances and phenomena which
happen there, are beyond the human perception. Thus, we need to
create computer models to understand the phenomena and laws that
apply in each presumptive situation. But we must be very careful
about the entered data, because if we enter incorrect data, we will get
results that will not reflect the reality.
If we change the conditions of pressure and temperature, of
course we must apply other laws which we do not know about Fluid
Dynamics, Electricity, Magnetism or Atomic Physics. Still, we can
extrapolate and make predictions, and the Researchers will confirm
due to experiences in special laboratories.
The essence is that people have encountered various unknowns
and problems since ancient times, but with a lot of ambition, tenacity,
hard work and perseverance they have been able to offer solutions and
successfully solve some of the most complicated problems. Why is
this happening? Obviously, because the power to succeed in solving
any problem is in our DNA. Let us not forget the famous aphorism,
said by the Greek Philosopher PROTAGORAS from Adbera:




1. How asteroids, comets, satellites, planets and the Sun
formed, briefly, how the Solar System formed.
One of the theories, accepted by all Researchers is that: the Solar
System formed 4.568 billion years ago, due to the gravitational
collapse of a zone of a molecular cloud. In the part where more matter
was accumulated the Sun formed and due to the accretion the
protoplanets formed too. The rest of the matter, which did not
materialize in the planets, became the asteroid belt, the Kuiper belt,
and the Oort cloud. Thus, the Nisa model was born due to
astronomical observations (the most accepted by Researchers), which
say that the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, were
formed closer to the Sun, because the density of the matter was higher
towards the center of the Solar System and due to the gravitational
interactions they later migrated to the present positions.
Now, we will propose a new vision, on the formation of the
Solar System.
In the beginning, we need to see how the Researchers have
obtained the age of 4.568 billion years. Nothing easier, the
Researchers began to establish certainly the date of different rocks on
Earth, and when they dated a portion of an asteroid or comet with the
age of 4.568 billion years old, they have come to the conclusion that
this is also the age of the Solar System. The dating of the elements was
done by the Rubidium - Strontium method, thus 87Rb disintegrates in
Sr, with a half-life of about 48 billion years. Another dating method
is the Potassium-Argon method, here 40K disintegrates in 40Ar inside
the rocks, gas 40Ar stays in the rock and cannot go out, unless the
mineral is heated and knowing that 40K has a half-life of 1.3 billion
years, thus the age of the rocks can be dated.
These methods are used for rocks or on any solid material. But
if we melt this material or element several times, we will get the value
of time that has passed since the last solidification of the material, or
the element. Thus, the Researchers have discovered that 4.568 billion
years ago all the celestial bodies in the Solar System were
incandescent or were brought to the melting temperature. The

conclusion is that the Researchers discovered exactly the time when
all the bodies of the Solar System began to cool down. So, it means
that, since this date, all the bodies of the Solar System have begun to
solidify. So, the crust appears, and from this moment, it will be noticed
all the collisions from the Solar System, because the protoplanets
cooled, and in this crust any asteroid or any comet will leave its mark
in the form of craters. Nevertheless, at this time (4.568 billion years
ago) there were already a lot of protoplanets, and these protoplanets
had already different masses compared to the today’s planets (all were
proportionally smaller). So, the Researchers discovered the date when
the Shell layer of the celestial bodies in the Solar System began to
solidify, neglecting the fact that at that time they already had quite
large volumes, close to the dimensions of the present volumes.
Assuming that the Earth was hit by a protoplanet with the size
of the planet Mars, it results that the Earth at that time was slightly
smaller than the planet Venus, namely it had approximately 80% of
the Earth’s current volume. We can extrapolate, thus calculating the
approximate values of all the planets in the Solar System, at that time.
Proportionally, each large protoplanet (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune) will attract other smaller protoplanets. This phenomenon
also applies to the Sun. So every body in the Solar System was
definitely smaller, compared to the current volume of the same body
of today. Here we have to keep in mind the order of size, because an
exact calculation can be made after many simulations with collisions
between protoplanets which have different densities. Thus, it is
possible that the Sun had 4.568 billion years ago, about 99% of the
Sun’s current volume. The essence is that 4.568 billion years ago there
were protoplanets with different sizes, but all at that time were in the
state of incandescent magma, regardless of their size (the same thing
happened to the meteorites, the satellites or the comets). This thing
contradicts that these protoplanets have formed into a molecular cloud
in such a short time, because if they had formed into a molecular cloud
and there had been no outside intervention, when these protoplanets
would have reached certain dimensions they should have cooled
gradually and there should be differences there of billions of years
between the rocks of the meteorites and the rocks of the planets. Thus,
the Researchers have dated rocks only from Earth, Moon, Mars,

meteorites and comets, so there is a large margin of error in this regard
as well.
We noted with to, the primordial time starting 4.6 billion years
ago. The conclusion is that, at the time to, of the formation of the Solar
System 4.6 billion years, the Sun and all the planets of the Solar
System had proportionally smaller volumes and all these protoplanets,
as well as the meteorites and the comets had the bodies formed of the
incandescent magma.
This phenomenon could happen only under particular
conditions and particular circumstances. One of the cases is a collision
between two galaxies, when this phenomenon occurs is a galactic
cataclysm. Only then at to, could there have been a chaotic
agglomeration of planets and this area located at a distance of 2/3
against the Inner Core of the galaxy, would have acted like a planetary
collector pocket and of planetary debris crushed. At the same time,
observations have been made to the other Solar Systems and seen that
the planets of Jupiter size, or even larger, orbit the star into an orbit
closer to the star. So, what force could bring a planet, the size of
Jupiter, so far from the Sun? The answer is that just a force resulting
from the collision of two galaxies could do it. In case that two galaxies
collide, the heat generated by friction, collisions between particles,
collisions between planets, kinetic energy, as well as due to the
proximity of the orbits of the celestial bodies against the center of the
galaxy which generating very high speeds near the stars, as well as the
planets acceleration and deceleration in a short time and in a small
space, can bring them into an induction zone in which all the mass of
the planets becomes plasma. This phenomenon happens in a short
relative time and the planets, as well as the other celestial bodies do
not have time to disintegrate. Then the bodies immediately begin to
cool (excepting the planets that collide, these will disintegrate,
resulting the comets). If the galaxies are approximately equal it will
result a crowding of stars, planets, asteroids, comets, all these being
surrounded by a nebula of gas and the time required for every star,
planet, satellite to clean its orbit will be of several billion years.
A large galaxy such as the Milky Way, cannot reach the existing
dimensions directly only from a molecular cloud in a very short time.
This phenomenon happens in tens of billions of years, time, when the
astronomical bodies collide with each other, it is made an
accumulation of mass and matter, then the stars, the planets and the
other celestial bodies are formed. Due to the rotation motion of the
celestial body from the center of the galaxy, which result from the
collision of the two celestial bodies located before the collision, in the
center of galaxies, but also due to the gravitational field exercised by
the area of this celestial body, the stars begin to form through cleaning
the matter and the gases in their rotate movement around this central
body. At the same time, each star will have the accumulation globes
around it (the protoplanets) that will clean the matter and the gases in
their turn on the orbits around the respective star.
The Researchers called this celestial body, located in the center
of a galaxy, the Black Hole. Why did they do that? Because, the
definition of a Black Hole is: a region in space-time with such a large
gravitational force that nothing, not even the particles and the
electromagnetic radiation like light, can escape once entered into it.
Then, the Physicist Albert Einstein, one of the Eminences of the
Humanity predicted within the Theory of General Relativity: that a
sufficiently compact mass can deform space and time so that it forms
a Black Hole. Thus, it is understood that this definition of the Black
Hole is accepted by all Researchers and Scientists, from ancient times
up to the present. But although we agree with the definition of the
celestial body, which usually is in the center of a galaxy, we disagree
with its name that is the “Black Hole”. Why? Because we believe that
this name is devoid of substance and does not express the reality from
this celestial body. Therefore, we will name the “Black Hole”, the
Bollovan (bollo-sphere, van-machine).
So, if the Solar System had formed from a molecular cloud, then
surely the time that has passed since the creation of the Solar System
would have been bigger than 4.568 billion years.
Another explanation for the formation of the Solar System can
be the anchoring in the Milky Way galaxy of a mini galaxy which had
a collision with one of the arms of our galaxy. Thus, it should exist in
our area a mini Bollovan (a mini Black Hole) and one or more pulsars
besides the multitude of stars and planets.
The most important thing is that at the time to, all the matter, all
the planets (regardless their size), all the satellites, the meteorites and
the comets became incandescent. The Sun was formed by catching in
its gravitational field some giants of two to three times larger than the
planet Jupiter, including a dozen planets larger or smaller than the
planet Neptune. From this moment the planets began to balance in
orbits in the equatorial plane of the Sun, orbits that were much closer
to the Sun than current orbits (from now on, we can take into account,
the Nisa model).
Another observation is that, in a molecular cloud the motion of
bodies and particles is very slow, instead, in the Solar System most
planets and satellites have quite high speed. Most of the Researchers,
when studying the Solar System appreciate the planets and satellites
speed from 4.527 billion years ago as being close enough to the current
speed of the same planets and satellites, (the report value is 4 and that
means the speeds were four times higher). This is impossible, the
sudden formation in a short time of all the bodies of the planets
including the Sun, namely since 4.568 billion years ago, up to 4.527
billion years ago (in about 40 million years). This means that from
zero, the bodies of the planets will reach speeds 4 times bigger than
today, for that later, in about 4.5 billion years (that is in a while over
111 times higher), the speeds of all bodies in the Solar System to drop
4 times and reach the speeds of today. We agree that 4.527 billion
years ago there were planets that had speeds four times higher than the
speeds of present and which reached the current speeds in the present
(that is in 4.527 billion years), these planets having the volumes of
about 80% (average) from the current volumes. But we disagree with
the fact that 4.568 billion years ago it began the formation of the
planets in the Solar System and in a relatively short time of 41 million
years was formed a Solar System with Sun and protoplanets which
will reach colossal dimensions, that the volumes they will reach are
about 80% of the current volumes, and the planets with non- speeds
(4.568 billion years ago) will have 4 times higher speeds existent
(4.527 billion years ago) than the current ones. So, in the Solar
System, if the celestial bodies were formed from a molecular cloud in
the Milky Way galaxy and no external forces intervened, these
celestial bodies formed in a period of time much higher than the
estimated period (a period of 100 times greater, which is about 4
billion years and not 40 million years).

The second situation is the case in which the Milky Way galaxy
collected a mini galaxy which remained anchored in one of the spiral
arms of the large galaxy such as it appeared a gravitational disturbance
in all orbit located at 2/3 as against the Nucleus of the large galaxy.
Celestial bodies have a predictable trajectory and speed, and if
the conditions change in the system (if collisions occur between
bodies or other cataclysms), then the trajectories, the velocities and
implicitly the volumes of the celestial bodies will change radically.
Other types of cataclysms are excluded from the Solar System, such
as the influence of the pulsars, the quasars or the magnetars, or the
emission of gamma radiation from a Bollovan, etc. But the difference
in years is too high, from 4.568 billion years ago up to 4.527 billion
years ago (41 million years), compared to, from 4.527 billion years
ago and until now (4.527 billion years), as in the same Solar System
to exist two creative models so different, without any interference
from the outside of the Solar System, for the movements of the
celestial bodies to change so much. Another observation is that most
of the stars from the center of the Milky Way galaxy are old stars
concentrated in groups with spherical shape (the orbits planes of these
stars have a 60o angle and more against the galactic plane). The Milky
Way galaxy has about 200 such groups, so stars that are in the final
stage of the existence. The stars in the spiral arms of the Milky Way
galaxy are young stars. Also, these spiral arms contain celestial
bodies, nebulae and interstellar matter. Thus, most of the stars in the
vicinity of the Solar System are young stars of the type of the Sun that
is in the middle of the evolution sequence. This means that, in the area
there was an infusion of the matter, and the gas that fed these stars
activated them.
At the same time, it is observed that matter spreads in the
Universe in a certain way, thus from a star to its gravitational limit the
planets are arranged according to the distance from planets to the star
depending on the size and on the equilibrium state of the matter. Each
planet cleans its own orbit and due to the gravitational forces, the
centrifugal forces and the convection there is a stratification of matter,
so that the crust of each planet consists of matter that can maintain its
balance at that distance against the star. For example, closer to the star
there is a planet which on the surface has the metamorphic activity

(Venus), but at greater distance there are planets which on the surface
have a lot of gas which is in balance (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
and at even greater distance to the star there are planets covered at the
surface with carbon ice and nitrogen ice.
In conclusion, formation of the Solar System resulted from the
collision of a mini galaxy with one of the arms of the Milky Way
galaxy about 4.6 billion years ago, date when the Milky Way galaxy
increased by adding a new mini-arm in the spiral, where the Sun
formed. The appearance of a new mini-arm in one of the spirals of the
Milky Way galaxy caused a gravitational disturbance, which
rearranged all star systems from that distance against the center of the
galaxy, and at the opposite distance of point of impact, another mini-
arm was formed attached to the spiral of the galaxy, mini-arm that
balanced the two arms of the galaxy. But, between these arms two
more agglomerations of matter were formed, a phenomenon that
ultimately led to the formation of four Spurs at the same distance from
the center of the galaxy. It resulted a shock which supplied in the Solar
System with the matter and the gas, but at the same time a force which
rearranged the planets on new orbits, which are on the trajectories of
collision with a lot of planets from the Kuiper belt, thus resulting in
new planets in the gravitational field of the Sun.

2. How the Earth and the Moon formed.
Next, we propose a new theory which explains how the Moon
was formed.
Let us go back to the planet Earth 4.527 billion years ago.
Towards protoplanet Earth was heading a protoplanet with the
dimensions close to the dimensions of the planet Mars (Theia), but
this protoplanet was not alone. This protoplanet (Theia) was part of a
double planetary system, just as Pluto and Charon are now, which
were accompanied by a few smaller satellites. We called these planets
Theia and Leia. Theia had the dimensions roughly equal to those of
the planet Mars at present, and Leia had the dimensions roughly equal
to those of the dwarf planet Pluto at present. Extrapolating the
phenomenon, it is explained why the rotation axis of the planet Mars
oscillates so much today. Thus, there had to be a protoplanet namely
Leia, which became the Moon.
On Mars we see what happens in case that two protoplanets
collided. Mars has two satellites: Phobos and Deimos, but in fact,
these are two asteroids. After the collision of the protoplanet Earth
with Theia if the Moon had been formed according to the theory that
says all the matter resulting from the collision and which is beyond
the Roche limit is materialized in the satellite Moon, then around the
planet Mars we should see one single satellite (single block)
proportionately smaller (respecting the Earth/Moon report). This
satellite of the planet Mars should be approximately the same size with
the satellite Titania (the satellite of the planet Uranus), which is a
satellite with a radius equal to 1/4 of the radius of the planet Mars at
Thus, the planet Mars after about 4.5 billion years from the
moment of the impact did not recover from the oscillation because
during a complete revolution around the Sun the axis of the planet
oscillates approximately with a 35o angle.
What followed was predictable, immediately after impact, due
to the very strong shock, the Nucleus of the protoplanet Theia, a
protoplanet that had the dimensions of the planet Mars, remove the
protoplanet Earth from orbit and gives it a rotating motion, and the
mantle of the protoplanet Theia was wrapped on the protoplanet Earth
along with some smaller satellites. After the impact due to friction in
the gravitational field, Leia had its own impact with some of the
smaller satellites and the surface of the Moon became the melt magma.
After the impact, the Shell of the protoplanet Earth reaches
incandescence and because of the impact violence, some of the contact
matter located between the two protoplanets who collided (Earth and
Theia), is projected into space. The fact is that the second mini
protoplanet Leia was caught in the gravitational field of the planet
Earth. Then, all the matter up to the Roche limit falls on Earth and the
matter beyond the Roche limit falls on Leia, which will become the
Moon. After impact, the Earth was spinning faster than today and the
Moon had a slight retrograde rotation, like Venus. This retrograde
rotation of the Moon will be stabilized after all the Regolith is
deposited (3.8 billion years ago), so that, from this date the Moon will
only show one face to the Earth.
It is certain that the Moon was a gyroscope for the Earth helping
to stabilize its rotation in few tens of millions of years. The retrograde
rotation of the Moon was due to the gravitational force of the Earth
which did not completely counteract the force of inertia during the
collision. The cooling of the Shell of the Moon and the Earth form a
dross on the two circumferences of the two bodies, and over this dross
the matter out of the cosmic space mixed with the volcanic lava begins
to deposit, obtaining the Regolith deposits. During this period, both
on Earth and Moon the phenomenon of volcanism was at a higher
intensity than now on Earth.
Here, we receive information from the Earth’s Geology which
indicates the presence of the Regolith deposited on a gray primary
layer, that is over the cooled and solidified slag in the period 4.5~3.8
billion years.

3. How water formed on Earth and Moon.
Let us remember what happened during the Second World War,
when a ferry was submerged by the Allies in the Tinnsja Lake, while
carrying heavy water from Norway and after the war, after more than
50 years, when the Researchers made the measurements in that place,
found the proportion of radioactive isotopes exactly at the proportion
of submerged heavy water of 50 years ago. The Hydrogen, the main
component of the water can be represented by different isotopes. One
of these is the Deuterium from which the heavy water is obtained. The
relative ratio between the Hydrogen and the Deuterium provides much
information about the origin of water. Even if 4 billion years have
passed, the Deuterium/Hydrogen ratio is a water marker and it shows
us under what conditions the water was produced.
The Exogenous theory - The water reaches the Earth with the
help of the comets and the asteroids. The Researchers studied the
water from the Comet Hartley 2 and found that the
Deuterium/Hydrogen report is approximately the same as that from
the water on Earth. It was calculated and experiences have been made
so that the American Researchers have come to the conclusion that
the water was brought to the Earth by the comets. Other Researchers,
with the help of the spacecraft Rosetta, after calculating the
Deuterium/Hydrogen report found in the comet 67P/Churyumov-
Gerasimenko obtained a report of three times higher the
Deuterium/Hydrogen than the water on the Earth and then excluded
the comets as the water carriers. Some Researchers, this time the
Europeans, have come to the conclusion that the water would have
been brought to the Earth by the asteroids.
There are several types of comets, namely the short periodical
comets which have a return period of up to 200 years (the Kuiper belt),
the long periodic comets who have a return period more than 200
years (the Oort cloud), the nonperiodic comets who have a return
period more than 1000 years (the interstellar space), or which do not
return at all.
Due to the diversity of comets and asteroids, the Researchers
have come to the conclusion that 4.5 billion years ago after the Moon
was formed, the Earth-Moon ensemble was supplied with water from
the comets and from the asteroids. Comets which would have the
water similar to the one on Earth.
The Endogenous theory - The water has occurred within the
primordial Earth by combining the hydrogen molecules with the
oxygen molecules. Well, but how was this water formed in the comets
or asteroids? What is the phenomenon which led to the possibility of
the water emergence? These are the questions the Researchers asked.
The conclusion is that water was formed inside the planetary bodies.
The Researchers have launched a theory in which they explain
the migration of the elements with a higher density, such as the
Platinum in the Core of the planet. This is the theory which says that
the asteroids that collide with the Earth produce a layer of the
material which contains the water when the high pressures and
temperatures arise. When the meteorite sinks into the Earth’s crust,
the water rises to the surface.
Another theory says that water appeared in the form of hydroxyl
group, a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom. This hydroxyl group is
in the rocks of the Mantle and when they melt, the water dissolves in
the magma. When the volcano erupts, the magma gets to the surface
and when the magma cools down, it releases the water as vapor. The
Researchers say that through this phenomenon the water is expelled
from inside the Earth to the surface due to the volcanic eruptions.
After that, the Researchers have done several experiments
according to which they obtained the water from the rocks. They
subjected the rocks to high temperatures and pressures obtaining the
water. Thus, they discovered that can get 13% water from a rock unit,
at a temperature of 620 oC and a pressure of 5 GPa, or at a
temperature of 690 oC and a pressure of 3 GPa, or at a temperature
of 720 oC and a pressure of 2 GPa. These pressures and temperatures
corresponded with a depth of 150~200 Km in the Crust of the Earth.
The Researchers have done experiments at temperatures of
1400~1500 oC and a pressure of 18~22 GPa, which corresponded
with a depth of 410~660 Km that is in the transition region of the
Mantle, so they drew the conclusion that at these depths there are huge
reservoirs of water. So, they concluded that water was formed on

The problem appears when the Researchers cannot explain how
to make the water transition to the surface, because these volcanic
eruptions could not accumulate such a great quantity of water as the
Earth has now. Then, they have returned to the fact that the highest
percentage of the Earth’s water was brought by the comets, a small
percentage of the water was due to the volcanic eruptions and one
little percent was brought to the Earth by asteroids.
These are the theories which divide the Researchers into two
camps. We know these theories, but we still do not have a clear answer
for the question “How did the Earth acquire the water?” or to the
fundamental question “How does the water form, in the Universe?”.
Still, the Researchers have calculated which is the percentage of
the irradiated water of the ocean and they discovered that it represents
a percentage of 0.03 % of all existing water on Earth. The conclusion
is clear. The majority of the amount of water which exists on Earth is
not irradiated, so the water was formed in the proportion of 99.97 %
on Earth. Otherwise, if the water had been formed outside the planet,
at present we would have all the irradiated water, or most of this water
would have been irradiated.
In fact, there are a multitude of phenomena which have
accumulated and which have determined the miracle of the
appearance of the water on Earth.
The Geologist Robert Hazen divides the Earth’s history into six
stages, and draws an analogy between the rocks and the life, and each
stage is represented by a color.
Thus, the first stage is called the Black Earth and it starts 4.6
billion years ago. It was a stage when the volcanoes were very active
and the whole Shell of the Earth was covered with lava. This has
cooled down and has become the black Basalt.
The chemical properties of the minerals were essential in the
emergence of the life. Initially, on Earth it was considered that there
were 250 minerals as a chemical starter kit which contained the few
elements. Then, with the intense heat and the high pressure within the
Earth, the new minerals were created. These transformations changed
the look of the Earth from black to gray. The Geologist Robert Hazen
names the second stage, the Gray Earth. The dominant rock during
this period is the Granite which contains the Quartz and the Feldspar.
A team of Geologists, among whom Martin Van Kranendonk
and John Valley, joined the Geologist Robert Hazen to collect the
rocks from Pilbara of Western Australia of 4.3 billion years old. From
these rocks they extract the Zircon crystals which they analyze under
the microscope. The chemical structure of the Zircon crystals gives us
the information about the environment from that period, as well as
about the age at which they formed. The conclusion is the Zirconium
crystals form just in the presence of the liquid water. The third stage
is called the Blue Earth and refers to the existence of the water which
helped to form the ingredients of the life on Earth.
Charles Darwin said that in a hot pond could be the birthplace
of the life. Thus, Stanley Miller along with his mentor Harold Urey
did an amazing experiment in which they recreated the environment
of the early Earth. They took two glass balloons that they connected
to each other. One balloon contained water to simulate the primordial
ocean and the second balloon simulated the atmosphere so it
contained gas, more specifically ammonia and methane. If the first
balloon is heated, the water evaporates and reaches the second
balloon. To completely imitate the atmosphere in the second balloon
two electrodes were mounted which produced the sparks, to represent
the lightning. Thus, the energy from the spark of the lightning
decomposed the gas and the water molecules, so that the obtained
compounds give new chemical reactions, the amino acids being
obtained in a few days, which in their turn created the proteins. These
organic compounds are the ingredients for obtaining the life. The
amino acids are the basic bricks of the life, because they form the
proteins which are the materials from which the muscles are
composed and the other tissues. By creating the amino acids, the
experiment Miller-Urey confirms Darwin’s hypothesis that life has
appeared in a warm pond. But, after 24 years from this experiment,
on the bottom of the ocean near the fumaroles of a volcano new forms
of life have been discovered which used the chemical energy for
existence in that biosystem and not the energy of the Sun. Another
experiment was made by Professor Peter Coveney who took the clay
as study material and made simulations on a supercomputer to track
accurately the movement of 10 million atoms. The clay is a material
formed at the atomic level from layers overlapping to each other.

These layers can catch between their surfaces the molecules which
combined can even give RNA, namely the most important part from
the genetic code of life. We return in Australia and we are looking for
the traces of life in the rocks from 3.5 billion years ago and we find
the stromatolite fossils. The stromatolites it resembles with the corals
and it develops by the deposition layer by layer. The top layers which
make these deposits are made up of the unicellular microbes which
capture the minerals and the sand in the water, then cement them
biologically in the solid round mounds. Furthermore, the Geologist
Ruth Blake analyzes some of the oldest rocks on Earth with the age of
3.5 billion years old, collected from Greenland and finds a strong
signature of the life left by the microbes, inclusive of the bacteria. This
signature of life tends to extend in the rocks of 3.8 billion years old
too, but it is weaker, and the Geologist Ruth Blake is not very sure of
this result. Thus, it places the emergence of life from the time of the
Blue Earth. Furthermore, the microbes like those from the
stromatolites began to live from the energy of the Sun by the
photosynthesis. Thus, the oxygen gas began to appear and be
accumulated in large quantities in the atmosphere. The appearance of
the oxygen will bring about a fundamental change in the chemistry of
the Earth by producing the new minerals. The Geologist Robert Hazen
names the fourth stage, the Red Earth. If at the time of the Earth’s
formation, the Researchers estimate that there were approximately
250 minerals, today, due to the occurrence of the oxygen, it exists on
Earth over 5000 minerals. Thus, life is interwoven with minerals,
because the rocks create the life, and life creates other types of rocks.
In the next period new continents formed and they broke up. At
that moment it may have been created the extreme situations in the
climate, so that the Earth was submerged in the total frost. In those
conditions, life on Earth was almost extinguished. Nevertheless, the
volcanism continued. Thus, substantial quantities of sulfur and big
quantities of carbon dioxide were expelled into the atmosphere. The
Geologist Robert Hazen names the fifth stage, the White Earth.
The carbon dioxide accumulated in the atmosphere determined
the greenhouse effect. Slowly slowly, the Earth began to melt and
resulted more and more oxygen. This fact allowed the animals to
appear increasingly bigger. Thus, studying some rocks of 520 million

years old from Morocco is observed that the diversity of life on Earth
exploded and the oceans were lively, although there were not as deep
as nowadays. Here, the Geologist Robert Hazen finds the trilobites
which have a calcium carbonate shell, the same mineral found in the
limestone. This means that life began to make the rocks for its own
advantage. The mineral trilobite shell represented a new phase, in the
evolution of the animals.
This new phase was the beginning of the sixth stage which the
Geologist Robert Hazen calls the Green Earth. Thus, we owe our
survival to the minerals with shells, then with bones and teeth which
have opened the way to life being taller and stronger.
The conclusion of the Geologist Robert Hazen is: the life and
the rocks are intertwined through billions of years of the Earth’s
history, because life makes the minerals, and the minerals led to the
creation of the new life forms.
We return to the moment when the Earth and the Moon were
incandescent and they started to cool down forming a slag on all the
circumference of the two spheres. During this period, the volatile
elements (hydrogen, helium, potassium, etc.) were released into the
Immediately on these two spherical surfaces the Regolith began
to deposit. On the Moon there was a layer of Regolith of 40~70 m and
on the Earth a layer of Regolith of 110~220 m, in a period of 7 billion
years, more precisely during the period 4.5~3.8 billions of years. Let
us remember that on Earth the volcanism has never disappeared, but
during this period it was more intense. But, on the Moon the volcanism
only existed during this period. This period is associated with the
intensification of the metamorphism phenomenon on the surface of
the Earth’s crust and of the Moon. At the beginning the Moon rotated
completely around the Earth in 6 hours, but at the same time had also
a retrograde rotation, similar to the rotation of the planet Venus of
today. Also, at the same time the Earth rotated completely around the
Sun in 90 days. 4.5 billion years ago, the Moon was near the Roche
limit of the Earth. The Earth surface was swept by the strong tidal
waves due to the Moon rotation around the Earth, so due to the Moon
force of attraction, but also the Moon surface was swept of strong tidal
waves due to the Earth rotation and due to the force of attraction of
the Earth to which was added the Sun force of attraction. Analogously,
4.5 billion years ago, the Earth was near the Roche limit of the Sun.
At the same time, the Earth surface was swept by the strong tidal
waves due to the revolution movement of the Earth around the Sun
and due to the Sun force of attraction. Thus, the Earth was swept by
two types of the tidal waves on two different trajectories, trajectories
that intersected, from time to time. The Moon was swept away only
by a type of the tidal waves on a single trajectory, but with the major
influences from the Sun too, apart from the influence of the Earth.
Thus, due to the plastic deformations of the solid Shell, a thin
layer of the slag and one layer of the Regolith formed, the “orange
Peel” appeared on both the Earth and the Moon, which we observe
today on the Moon and Mars in the so-called areas of the plain. The
“orange Peel” is formed from the Regolith, which is a mixture of the
matter from space with the volcanic lava which is deposited in layers
strengthened like a concrete and has the porosity of the Basalt (under
the action of the high pressure and temperature). Throughout the
trajectories where the tidal forces act, the “orange Peel” gets bulged
and elongated. At the same time, when the waves appear the frictional
forces appear inside the plasticised Magma, and it (the Shell layer)
becomes plastic. Throughout the trajectory where the tidal forces act,
in the Shell layer the metamorphism phenomenon will begin. Thus,
both on the Earth and on the Moon, the tidal waves run below the
“orange Peel” like a rotor of a high-pressure pump. The plasticised
Magma is on the surface of the sphere, but the “orange Peel” is
solidified and covers all the plasticised Magma of the sphere. From a
depth of about 60 Km the plasticised Magma became the plasticised
Shell, because the metamorphism phenomenon appears. Between the
plasticised Shell and the “orange Peel” the fluids will form which will
boil and form the gases due to the friction of the tidal waves. The
phenomenon is called the metamorphism and we can compare it with
the laundry washing in a centrifugal washing machine (under the
action of the high pressure and temperature). Thus, due to the rotation
of the planet and due to the strong gravitational forces in the
plasticised Shell, the tidal waves appear. At the same time, also due to
the rotation of the planet, in the plasticised Shell a centrifugal force
and the Coriolis force appear which engage the matter from the inside

to the surface producing the release of the elements with the lower
densities. Inside the plasticised Shell we will have the stratified matter
by density, so that the matter with the lowest density will always be at
the upper limit to the plasticised Shell, but also at the lower limit of
the “orange Peel”. Due to the tidal waves, the frictional forces will
appear between the peaks of the tidal waves and the inside of the
“orange Peel”. These forces will raise the temperature in the contact
area with the “orange Peel”, that is on the peaks of the tidal waves.
From this moment the fluid production began both on the Earth
and on the Moon, and as a side effect the Granite is also formed. The
fluid expulsion is done through the cracks of the Regolith in the form
of the geysers and is similar to the production of the cotton candy, or
with the extrusion of the solid plastics in the molded shapes. By doing
the comparison, the extruder is the Regolith under which is the
plasticised Magma. The high temperature exists inside the Shell and
also occurs, due to the tide wave friction with the inside of the
Regolith deposits, and the high pressure is obtained due to the tidal
forces which sweeps the two surfaces of the Earth and the Moon under
the calotte of the Regolith. The pressure and the temperature grow at
the same time as the depth increases.
Even if the Earth rotated around the Sun to four times faster than
at present and the Moon rotated around the Earth in 6 hours, these two
celestial bodies would have rotations around their own axes (the Shell
layer of the Moon being separated by the next layer of the satellite).
Due to the Earth rotational motion, the Earth Shell was swept by the
tidal waves in the direction of the Moon and due to the retrograde
rotation of the Moon, in turn the Moon was swept by the tidal waves
in the direction of the Earth.
On the Earth the two phenomena were intertwined: the
volcanism which has its origin to over 60 Km from the surface of the
planet and the metamorphism which has its origin between the
“orange Peel” and about 50 Km from the planet surface. Analogously,
the two phenomena were intertwined on the Moon: the volcanism
which has its origin to over 120 Km, from the surface of the satellite
and the metamorphism which has its origin between the “orange Peel”
and about 100 Km, from the satellite surface.

Here, under the “orange Peel” will combine the elements with
the lowest densities and the highest melting points, resulting the
liquids. The ridges of the tidal waves will engage the elements with
the lowest densities and will rub on the Regolith. Here come the
melting point and the boiling point of the elements. All the elements
with the densities up to 1 Kg/m3 and with the melting points and the
boiling points up to –200 oC will combine and will be eliminated
through the cracks of the “orange Peel”. After which, they will be lost
in outer space, because not even the Magnetic Field of the Earth will
be able to keep totally these volatile elements (Potassium, Neon,
Argon). This cycle will last several million years, until these elements
will be exhausted. After which, the friction of the tidal waves with the
“orange Peel” will be more intense, and the temperature on the ridges
of the tidal waves will exceed the value of –200 oC. At this moment,
the Nitrogen will be eliminated through the cracks of the “orange
Peel”. This cycle, it will last several million years until this element
will be also exhausted. The most of Nitrogen produced will be stopped
by the Magnetic Field of the Earth. Not the same thing will happen on
the Moon, where due to the weak Magnetic Field a part of the Nitrogen
is lost in the space (at this stage). The friction intensity of the tidal
wave with the “orange Peel” will be much more intense and the
temperature on the ridges of the tidal waves will exceed the value of
0 oC. If the Nitrogen and the other elements came out easily through
the cracks of the Regolith, not the same we can say about the saltwater.
From this moment, the saltwater will be accumulated under the
“orange Peel”. Thus, deposits of saltwater appear under the Regolith
layer of (the “orange Peel”) and when the Regolith stopped to be
deposited on the surface of the Earth, aproximately 3.8 billion years
ago, the water formed completely in the Shell of the Earth. After that,
due to the tectonic movements the Granite also came to the surface,
but after the saltwater was expelled. Furthermore, the most important
event is the phenomenon by which the saltwater arrived at the surface
of the Earth Crust in huge quantities.
To understand the phenomenon of expulsion of the saltwater on
the surface of the Earth, we have to go back to the Norwegian Explorer
and Physicist Kristian Birkeland. This has made expeditions to the
North of the Arctic Circle and has rediscovered that at the appearance

of the aurora the needles of the magnetometers changed direction,
confirming findings of Anders Celsius and the assistant Olof Hjorter
with more than a century before. This phenomenon could not have
happened, unless the currents were flowing, in the atmosphere above.
The Physicist Kristian Birkeland theorized that the Sun emitted a
cathode ray and corpuscles, (what is known now, as a solar wind),
entered the Magnetic Field of the Earth and created the currents, thus
forming the aurora. The Birkeland currents are also associated with
the phenomenon z-pinch. This one explains that, in a plasma
environment if a current flows through the plasma, a magnetic field
will form which will squeeze the plasma in a compact cloud.
In reality, the Birkeland currents exist between all the lines of
the Magnetic Field of any celestial body and the solar explosion did
not create these currents, but it only highlighted them (temporarily
changing them, the sense). This fact not diminishes the genius of the
Physicist Kristian Birkeland. These currents are noticeable at the poles
and at the equator. Let us look carefully the Saturn rings. Thus, it is
observed that inside the Roche limit there are rings near the equator,
and these rings as we move away from the Saturn they have increasing
thickness. But also beyond the Roche limit the Saturn has rings with
the variable thicknesses depending on the matter existing in the area,
collected from the various satellites. This means that as we move away
from the Saturn, the Magnetic Field lines are more distant. Between
these lines of the Magnetic Field are the Birkeland currents. Thus at
the equator the centrifugal force pushes the Birkeland currents in the
Magnetic Field lines and form the points which become the energetic
nodes of high power. The geometric place of the lot of points where
the Birkeland currents intersect with the Magnetic Field lines are in
effect the energetic orbits. If the trajectory of a celestial body
intersects with an energetic orbit, then to the celestial body is activated
a continuous flow of electrons.
Going back to the Earth aproximately with 3.8 billion years ago,
the “orange Peel” was filled with the saltwater and the volcanoes
erupted into the atmosphere the lava with the sulfur and the carbon
dioxide. Of course, some geysers existed too, but most part of the
saltwater remained locked under the Regolith which was actually the

Basalt. Furthermore, the Earth and the Moon were heading to one of
the energetic orbits of the Sun.
Now, we need to look at our neighbour, the planet Mars. Here
we will see exactly the moment when the planet Mars was left without
the Magnetic Field, but after the saltwater was expelled to the surface
(or much of it). Thus, we see the Valles Marineris Canyon with the
traces of the saltwater expulsion. If we look more closely at the Valles
Marineris Canyon we see exactly the four slits through which the
saltwater came out to the surface.
Here, we need to remember the famous experiments with a slit
and the two slits placed in front of an electron beam. If we straighten
a beam which emits the electrons to a screen and before the screen
there is a panel which has one slit, we will see on the screen a single
trace of the electrons exactly in front of the slit. But, if we straighten
a beam which emits the electrons to a screen and before the screen we
put a panel which has the two slits, will see on the screen the traces of
the electrons exactly in front of the two slits, but there will be two
more traces on the screen, one in the left and the other in the right of
the electrons on the panel, as against the two traces already existing
on the screen. So, in case of the two slits, we will have four traces on
the screen. Just like in the case of the Saturn satellite, the Enceladus,
or just like in the case of the planet Mars. In the case of the satellite
Enceladus which had the North Pole axis perpendicular to the
equatorial plane of the planet Saturn, the electrons flow which entered
to the satellite equator was reflected by the rotating Nucleus and
penetrated through the two cracks of the Mantle and cut like a laser
the Basalt of the Shell layer of the satellite in the four slits and then
expelled the saltwater of under Regolith in the four spectacular
geysers. In the case of the planet Earth which had the North Pole axis
inclined at 23,5o angle towards the equatorial plane of the Sun, the
electron flow which entered in the South Pole of the planet was
reflected by the rotating Nucleus and penetrated through the two
cracks of the Mantle and cut like a laser the Basalt of the Shell layer
in the four slits near the equator of the planet and then expelled the
saltwater of under the Regolith in four huge geysers.
From this moment, through the cracks of the Shell layer of the
planet Earth, will sprinkle the saltwater helped and accompanied by
the flow of electrons. The saltwater will come out through the cracks
of the Regolith, as long as the Earth will be in the energetic orbit
created by the Sun, transforming these cracks in veritable canyons.
Thus, the primordial Continent was broken into two parts near the
equator. Then, these two parts began to move towards the poles (North
and South).
The temperature of the Shell layer of outside remained constant
even if is raised inside, instead, due to day/night alternation, the night
periods correspond to the cooling of the Shell layer. These jets of the
saltwater are launched in the atmosphere of the Earth where they
encounter low temperatures. Here, the ice crystals will form next to
the new saltwater produced, so that in a short time we will have the
true planetary storms. On the other hand, the Nitrogen will gather in
the atmosphere being stopped by the Magnetic Field of the Earth. In
the case of the Moon, the Nitrogen and the saltwater will be dissipated
in the outer space because of the fact that this satellite will lose the
Magnetic Field with the anchoring of the Shell layer of the Moon in
the gravitational field of the Earth. We need to consider that the
Regolith can also be perforated due to the violent clashes with the
other bodies in the Solar System, so that the occurrence of the geysers
can be accelerated. Another phenomenon that is prevalent in this
periodis the volcanism. We can see the violence of the eruption from
this period to the volcanoes on the Terra and the Mars, which have a
volcanic cone with a very sharp angle to the top. From here, we deduce
that the volcanic eruptions on the Earth were very strong. The
phenomenon of the volcanism favors expulsion into the atmosphere
of the carbon dioxide and the sulfur, apart from the pyroclastic rocks
and the volcanic tuffs. The carbon dioxide will produce a greenhouse
effect. The planet Earth will still produce the saltwater, but not in the
quantities so far, because the path of the energetic orbit will be weaker.
Instead, on Moon the saltwater production will stop definitively.
At this moment on Earth will be formed the real cyclones similar
to the storms that exist today on Jupiter (Saturn, Neptune or Uranus).
After the production of the saltwater decreased, only the interstitial
water will remain in the solidified Shell layer. Even if the saltwater
production has stopped, the volcanism will continue. So, when the
water production stopped, the Shell layer began to be over-saturated

with the water. All this saltwater remained on Earth, thus the
Primordial Seas formed. Due to the greenhouse effect and under the
action of the rays of the Sun most part of the water storms in the
atmosphere will evaporate and will rise in the upper layers of the
atmosphere, where will condense in the rain which will become the
fresh water which will flood the Earth. Due to the volcanism, a part of
the Earth surface will raise, thus the water vapor that will invade the
highest areas of the Shell layer will turn into real rivers with the fresh
water. In the lower areas, where the saltwater has already accumulated
due to the freshwater rains this saltwater will no longer have the same
high concentration of the salt. The saltwater from the lakes and the
seas will dilute later and also form the oceans. Furthermore, the
atmospheric front of the rains keeps certain trajectories and the fresh
water will not reach to all areas of the Earth. That explains the
existence of the seas with the higher salinity, such as the Caspian Sea.
In conclusion, after the Hydrogen and the Helium were
removed, after the rare and the volatile gases were eliminated
(Potasium, Neon, Argon), after the Nitrogen was removed of the Shell
layer, the saltwater formed inside the Shell layer due to the
combination of the gravitational forces with the tidal forces with the
Coriolis force and with the centrifugal force, which contributed to the
phenomenon of stratification of the elements arranged by density in
the plasticized Shell.
Thus, due to the rotation of the planet (of the satellite) the tidal
waves appear and the ridges of the tidal waves will rub with the inside
of the Shell layer raising the temperature on the peaks of the ridges
and so the saltwater will be heated. At the same time, the Earth and
the Moon will reach the energetic orbit of the Sun and the electron
flow will pushes and will sprinkles the heated saltwater on the surface
of the planet (of the satellite) through the four slits cut in the Basalt.
The water cyclones appear in the atmosphere of the Earth. Due to the
volcanism, the carbon dioxide is released, but is stopped by the
Magnetic Field. Thus, on Earth the storms will be very strong and the
cyclones of the saltwater will be condensed, and the rain will show.
This rain will produce the fresh water which will be filtered in the
deposited rocks on the tops of the volcanoes, resulting thus the
drinking water. Still, in appreciable quantities the sulfuric acid will

also appear, especially in the vicinity of the volcanoes, but the
differences in the altitude will be so big that the sulfuric acid will be
isolated in the volcanic areas. The flow of the saltwater will be so great
that will eclipse the sulfuric acid.
On Earth, 3.8 billion years ago, the expulsion of the saltwater
from the plasticised Magma was stopped on the surface of the planet.
This limit is marked in the Geology with the end of the deposits of
Regolith. Also, during this period on the Moon the expulsion of the
saltwater was stopped on the surface of the satellite, but because of the
fact the Regolith cooled down, the Mantle and the Shell of the Moon
solidified. At this moment, the Moon has lost the Magnetic Field and
also all the water from the surface.

4. The Universal Engine.
We must expose some of the basic Laws of the Physics, which
together with the Geometry and the Trigonometry can be extrapolated
and used throughout the Universe.
The First law of Kepler “The orbit of every planet is an ellipse
with the star at one of the two foci”.
The second law of Kepler “A line joining a planet and the star
(the vector radius of the planet) sweeps out equal areas during equal
intervals of time”. From this law (of equal areas) we see that a planet
moves much faster than a planet approaches the star.
The Roche limit is the theoretical distance within which a
celestial body held together only by its own force of gravity, will
disintegrate due to a second celestial body’s tidal forces exceeding the
first body's gravitational self-attraction.
𝒅𝒅 =2.422849865 · R· 3�ρ 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 ,

where d is the Roche limit and R is the radius of the planet,

ρ𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 = the density of the planet,
ρ𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = the density of the satellite.
The Hill sphere of an astronomical body is the region in which
dominates the attraction of the satellites. The outer zone of that region
forms a zero-velocity surface. To be retained by a planet, a moon must
have an orbit that lies within the planet’s Hill sphere. That moon
would, in turn, have a Hill sphere of its own. Any object within that
distance would tend to become a satellite of the moon, rather than of
the planet it self.
3 𝑚𝑚
rH ≈ a·�3𝑀𝑀, where r is the radius of the Hill sphere,
a is the semi-major axis of the satellite,
m = mass of the satellite, M = mass of the planet.
The Titius-Bode Law is a hypothesis that the bodies in some
orbital systems, including the Sun’s orbit at the semi-major axes in a
function of the planetary sequence. The relation suggests that
extending outward each planet would be approximately twice as far,
from the Sun as the one before.

a = 0.4 + 0.3·2m, where a is the semi-major axis of the planet,
m = -∞.…
Due to the forces of the attraction of the particles, they attract
and clash with each other, such that they will become the satellites,
the planets and the stars. But for a planet to reach the dimensions of
the Earth is necessary to go a long way, in which clashes between the
protoplanets is the main multiplication factor.
A satellite spins around a planet having as a rule the First Law
of Kepler. The same law applies to the planets, the stars, and the other
astronomical bodies. In case of two celestial bodies with different size,
they will rotate around a center of gravity which is called the
barycenter and is closer to the largest body.
The relation which calculates the barycenter is:
∑ 𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑖 𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖 𝑚𝑚𝑆𝑆 𝑟𝑟𝑆𝑆 +𝑚𝑚𝐸𝐸 𝑟𝑟𝐸𝐸
RB = ∑ 𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑖
= 𝑚𝑚𝑆𝑆 +𝑚𝑚𝐸𝐸
In the case of the Earth-Moon System, we will have the
∑ 𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑖 𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖 𝑚𝑚𝐸𝐸 𝑟𝑟𝐸𝐸 +𝑚𝑚𝑀𝑀 𝑟𝑟𝑀𝑀
RB = ∑ 𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑖
= ≈ 4 641 Km,
𝑚𝑚𝐸𝐸 +𝑚𝑚𝑀𝑀
where mE and mM are the mass of the Earth and the mass of the
Moon and rE, rM are the vector rays of the Earth and the Moon. For
the calculation, we consider rE = 0 and rM is the Earth-Moon distance.
Thus, the barycenter of the Earth-Moon System is at 1700 Km from
the surface, towards the center of the Earth.
We should not confuse the barycenter with the Anchor point of
the gravitational-reaction force, which is inside the larger body due to
the force of action of the smaller body. According to the Third Law of
Isaac Newton, any action has a reaction, namely if two bodies interact
gravitationally then the anchoring force located in the center of the
gravity of the smaller body (the gravitational-action force which is in
the Anchor point 1), will be found in the larger body (the gravitational-
reaction force which is in the Anchor point 2). The Anchor point 2 (in
the case of a celestial body, orbiting a satellite) can be calculated with
approximation, used as a comparison term the Hill sphere, which
indicates the limit between the action of the force of gravity, of the
larger body. In reality, the Anchor point 1 is not in the center of the
weight of the smaller body: (for example, the Anchor point 1 of the

satellite Moon is the geometric place of all the points located on the
Shell of the Moon). That is why, the Moon shows only one face to the
Earth. But more important for our observations and calculations is the
approximate location of the Anchor point 2, which is in the larger
body. For example, if we take the Earth-Moon System, we have the
Hill sphere of the gravitational influence of the Earth which has a
radius of 1 500 000 Km. The Moon orbits the Earth at an average
distance of 384 400 Km. To find (with approximation) the point
correspondent from the gravitational field inside the Earth where the
Moon is, we will make the report: rH-E/aE-M = 1500000/384400≈ 4.
We will consider all the matter around the Earth a gravitational force,
which can generate the mass. Thus, we will consider the radius of the
Earth visible from space, namely R = 6460 Km. We will do the report
R/4 and we will find out (with approximation) the Anchor point
correspondent of the force of gravity of the Moon inside the Earth. R/4
= 6460/4 = 1615 Km. This point measured from the center of the Earth
is in the Outer Core of the Earth, more precisely is of (approximately)
340 Km inside the Outer Core against the limit between the Inner Core
and the Outer Core.
The Earth has a strong Magnetic Field. This Magnetic Field has
a certain shape and has included in it the two Van Allen radiation belts.
A magnetic field is always generated by an electric current and also
the reciprocal is valid. At the question: “What generates the Magnetic
Field of the Earth?”, the Researchers and the Scientists respond: The
Magnetic Field of the Earth is generated by the electric currents from
the conducting iron alloys of its Nucleus, created by the convection
currents due to heat which escapes from the Core. The Magnetic Field
of the Earth has its origin in its Nucleus. This is a region of iron alloys
which extends to about 3470 Km. It is divided into a solid Inner Core,
with a radius of 1270 Km and a liquid Outer Core, which extends to
3470 Km. The movement of the liquid from the Outer Core is
determined by the heat flux from the Inner Core, which is about 6 000
K (5 730 oC; 10 340 oF) to the Outer Core limit, which is about 3 800
K (3 530 oC; 6 380 oF). The heat is generated by the potential energy,
released from the heavier materials from the Outer Core, which sinks
into the Inner Core, as well as the decomposition of the radioactive
elements from inside. The mechanism by which the Earth generates a

Magnetic Field is known as dynamo. The Magnetic Field is generated
by a current loop. This current loop runs through the conducting fluid
due to the Coriolis force, found in rolls of motion. All the current
loops, which form in the Outer Nucleus generates the Magnetic Field
of the Earth.
Next, we will define the electric current and its effects. So, what
is the electric current? The electrical Charges in motion can be carried
between two given points of electrons, ions or a combination of ions
and electrons.
The electricity is of two types, the alternative current and the
continuous current. If movement of the electrical charges is made in
only one sense it is about the continuous current (generated, for
example by the galvanic battery or by dynamo). If the direction of
movement alternate in time, the current is called alternative (the
alternator generates current). The Electricity can produce the
following Physical phenomena:
- The heat, phenomenon, known as the thermic effect or the
Joule effect;
- Appearance of a force, on the conductors crossed by it under
the magnetic field, known as electromagnetic forces or
electrodynamic forces;
- The appearance of a rotating magnetic field around the
conductors that they cross;
- Transport of substances, in the case of electrolysis, when the
carriers of electrical charges which determine the continuous electric
current are ions from a solution.
The phenomena are the same, but viewed differently they
generate other conclusions. Thus, we will explain next the Universal
As a conclusion, the electric current is the displacement of the
electrical charges.
We agree with the fact that it is a dynamo which produces the
Magnetic Field of the Earth, so it is about a continuous current.
Let us do an experiment, let us take a copper conductor with the
section S and the length L, and then connect it to a continuous current
source. This movement of the electrons from the positive pole of the

power supply, at the negative pole of the power supply, through the
copper conductor produces a magnetic field on the entire length L at
a distance d, as against the copper conductor. In fact, this is the
conventional sense for displacement of the current from the positive
pole to the negative pole. Properly, the electrons move from the
negative pole to the positive pole. But in fact, we are interested in the
rotating magnetic field, which wraps the conductor, located at distance
d, as against the conductor. Practically, this magnetic field is a
concentric cylinder, with the copper conductor, in the circle of radius
d + rCond.Cu, but, displacement of the electrons, produces besides this
rotating magnetic field, two more rotating magnetic fields. As the
current intensity increases, more and more concentric rotating
magnetic fields are formed. So, by connecting the conductor to the
power source, three concentric rotating magnetic fields are formed at
a distance d, d1, d2, from the conductor. We consider that the thread
is perfectly straight, and has no curves. Thus, we will obtain, at a
distance d, d1, d2, three concentric cylinders, where each cylinder is a
rotating magnetic field.
Now, we cut the conductor in half and weld the two copper
funnels, so that the copper wires fit perfectly into the two funnels, and
between the two funnels we wil weld a copper sphere with the
diameter of 100 times bigger than the diameter of the conductor. Thus,
after we connect the conductor to the power source, three concentric
spheres with the copper sphere will form, (near the sphere at a distance
D, D1, D2, against the surface of the sphere, with except for the
funnels), where each sphere is a rotating magnetic field. So, with the
circulation of the electrical charges (of electrons), through the copper
sphere, three spheres of the magnetic field appear which have the field
lines oriented according to the rule of the right hand.
Extrapolating to the celestial bodies, we notice that around the
value of the diameter of 500 Km the spherical satellites are beginning
to appear and as the size grows, there is no chance to exist the
satellites, for example in the form of a cube or other shapes with
corners. This means that it exists a phenomenon that compacts the
matter and another phenomenon which gives the satellite a round
shape. A conclusive observation is that during a total eclipse of the
Sun is observed that, the shadow of the Moon covers the Sun perfectly.

This means that, these celestial bodies are shaped like the perfect
spheres. Although, we know that they are not perfect spheres, but we
see them as perfect spheres. Why is this happening? Because we see
an energy Barrier which clad the celestial body and this energy Barrier
is shaped like a perfect sphere, which focuses like a magnifying glass,
the celestial body, and gives us the opportunity to see through this
dome, the celestial body as perfectly spherical.
A common thing of these celestial bodies is the fact that are
trapped in a revolution movement. The conclusion is that once the
celestial bodies become spherical, they are clad with a sphere of
energy. This sphere of energy must be produced by the Core of this
celestial body.

5. The planet Earth.
We have most of the information from inside the Earth, due to
the seismic wave propagation. Thus, we know that the Earth has the
following layers:
- An Inner Core, with the thickness of the layer of 1270 Km;
- An Outer Core, with the thickness of the layer of 2200 Km;
- An Inner Mantle, with the thickness of the layer of 2000 Km;
- A Transition Zone, with the thickness of the layer of 500 Km;
- An Outer Mantle, with the thickness of the layer of 370 Km;
- A Shell, with the thickness of the layer of 40 Km.
And if we also add the Atmospheric layer, which extends to
80~95 Km, we have all the layers of the Earth, including the distance
to the ionosphere, namely the distance to the energy Barrier.
We notice that, if we add the thickness of the Outer Mantle
layer, with the thickness of the Shell layer and with the thickness of
the Atmospheric layer, will get exactly the thickness of the layer of
the Transition Zone.
Thus, we notice that we have three limits at equal distances, the
last being the ionosphere, an energy Barrier, in fact a magnetic field.
The question is: Which of the spheres, inside the Earth produces these
three magnetic fields? We have the Inner Core and the Outer Core.
Let us not forget that the Earth, apart from the ionosphere, also has the
Van Allen radiation belts, plus the energy Barrier against the solar
shock. The conclusion is that the ionosphere is generated by the Inner
Core. So, there is an electrons transport at the surface of the Inner
Core, a continuous transport which generates the three energy
Barriers. This electrons transport can happen within the limit area of
the Inner Core with the Outer Core, only if the Inner Core sits on an
electrons layer and spins, engaging the moving of the electrons.
Who did not spin a ball situated in a bag when he was in school?
For the transport of balls, there were bags of “spiderweb”who take
shape on the ball by tightening a rope. If you spinn a transparent crack
ball filled with water, in a bag of “spiderweb” and you stopped it
suddenly, you will notice the water flowing in the opposite sense and
coming out of the ball in opposite jets, against of the sense of rotation.

But the ionosphere is a perfect sphere. It means that the
movement of the electrons is done all over the circumference of the
sphere. Still, how can you rotate a sphere in such a way that the
electrons move uniformally over the surface of the sphere? The
answer is the following: The Inner Core rotates after an oscillating
axis, which describes two equidistant cones with the peaks in the
center of the Earth. Another possibility is that the Inner Core rotates
after a spindle which does not oscillate, but the Outer Core rotates
after an oscillating axis. But there is still a third possibility, both the
Inner Core and the Outer Core, rotate after an oscillating axis.
We consider that the direction of displacement in orbit of the
celestial body is from left to the right and the sense of rotation in orbit
of the celestial body is from left to the right, then for the sense of
rotation will use the syntagma “the rotation of the planet is
prograde”, (for example the rotation of the planet Earth around the
Sun). If the direction of displacement in orbit of the celestial body is
from left to the right and the sense of rotation in orbit of the celestial
body is from right to the left, then for the sense of rotation will use the
syntagma “the rotation of the planet is retrograde”, (for example
the rotation of the planet Venus around the Sun).
Another conclusion is that the Inner Core rotates retrograde.
Thus, this rotational movement of the Inner Core from right to the left
produces a displacement of the electrons layer from left to the right.
But, because it is the most important movement of a spherical celestial
body, we think that the Inner Core has enough inertia not to oscillate
and the Inner Core actually behaves like a gyroscope. Therefore, the
conclusion is that the Inner Core has a spindle, which does not
oscillate because the Earth is strongly anchored in the gravitational
field of the Sun.
The layers of the Earth are known but we must identify each
feature of each layer.
There are situations when the spherical celestial bodies are
observed, but they are static. This fact is an illusion, because that body
is static from the point of view of the Inertial Reference System, from
where we make the observation. But if we look in another Inertial
Reference System, that spherical celestial body is moving.

So, we are helped by the telescope to observe a lot of the
spherical celestial bodies at different distances, compared to our
Inertial Reference System. Through different methods of calculation
and comparison with the other spherical celestial bodies that we see in
that area, but for which we know the diameter, we can find out the
approximate diameter of these new spherical celestial bodies. Other
information about that newly discovered spherical celestial body, we
will find by the type and nature of the electromagnetic radiation
emitted by that body. We can also find out more information by
observing that spherical celestial body when it occults a light source,
namely a star or a galaxy (when he goes through her face). In all cases,
we will know approximately the diameter of that spherical celestial
body. In the case of stars, if we notice a new star after having measured
the diameter and the emissions, we will know what kind of star is and
its stage of life. This fact is due to a correct classification of the types
of the stars. One of these is the Harvard spectral classification. But we
can not say the same thing about the classifications of the planets. The
classifications of the planets we have today are not eloquent, because
the first criterion by which we must make this classification is the
support system of the human life. The human life can be possible on
any planet, only if the planet has a certain diameter. This diameter D
involves a certain mass m which produces a force of gravity G. The
human body can survive, for example in the Orbital Station with the
zero gravity. But, G increasing, there is a limit beyond which the
human body cannot pass. The bigger G is, the more the human tissues
begin to dismember and destroy under the action of their own weight.
The same phenomenon also happens if on that planet (or that satellite)
we have the pressure and temperature of the environment lower below
certain limits, or higher above certain limits. Furthermore, we can
have all these conditions met by gravity, pressure and temperature but
we cannot survive because of the poisonous and the toxic gases that
exist on that planet or on that satellite. From these points of view, a
classification of the planets must be made.
Let us go back to the first information we get when we discover
a new spherical celestial body. This information is the approximation
of the diameter. The diameter can give us the approximate information
about the inside of the spherical celestial body which we discovered.

Because we know the interior of the Earth, we will extrapolate
a calculation system to find the approximate values of the Core, the
Mantle, the Shell, etc. This system of calculation is approximately and
it is like a system of calculation from Accounting, but it gives us
approximate values close to the real values of the dimensions that
interest us. Thus, if we gather all the layers of the Earth including the
layer up to the ionosphere, we obtain the “observable” sphere who has
a diameter D and the radius has the approximate value of 6460 Km.
Next, we will use the law of proportions. If the value of the
radius of the celestial spherical body visible in space is R = 6460 Km,
then it represents 100%, thus we will have x percent for finding the
atmospheric layer, noted with a = 80 Km. Similarly, we will proceed
to find out the other thicknesses of the Earth’s layer, considering
known as a reference point only the value of the “observable”
diameter, D = 12920 Km (R = 6460 Km).
So, to find out the atmospheric layer, we will have:
x= 6460
= 1.2384 %.
We make the test,
1.2384 1.2384
a= 100
6460 = 80 Km, QED, so, a = 100
R, [Km]
The radius of the celestial spherical body, up to the level 0 of
the sea level, will be: Ro = R – a = 6460 – 80 = 6380 Km.

The definition of angular velocity is: the angular velocity, noted

by ω, is the angle at the center described by the vector radius, in the
unit of time. The unit of measure is radians/second.
The notions of basic are:
- The period (T) is measured in seconds and represents: the
time required for the body to travel the circumference of the circle
(2πR); f = 𝑇𝑇 = ν;
- The frequency (f or ν) is measured in Hertz (1Hz=1/s=s-1) and
represents the number of rotations performed in the unit of time. The
relationships between sizes are:
ω = 𝑇𝑇 = 2πν.

The tangential speed: v = ω x R (the tangential speed vector is
equal to the vector product between the vectors ω and R). The modulus
of the tangential speed vector is given by the relation: v = ωR sin(ωR),
where (ωR) is the angle between the vectors and the direction of the
vector v is perpendicular to the plane formed by the vectors ω and R,
and the sense is given by the rule of the right screw: rotating the first
vector over the second, on the shortest route, we get the sense of the
movement. The body speed on the circular trajectory v is constant in
the module, but it changes as a direction and because of this the body
has an acceleration a, having the relationship:
a = ω xv = ω x (ω x R) = ω2R.
The acceleration is perpendicular on the speed, having the same
direction as the radius, but its sense is toward the center of the circle
and that is why it is called the centripetal acceleration.
In fact, all the layers of the Earth that rotate are divided on
stratified densities in the concentric spheres with the center of the
planet, which means that there will be different periods of the rotation
in the same rotating layer. But, to simplify the calculations, we will
consider each layer like a single block with the same rotation period.

The Shell layer.

The terrestrial Shell layer has a thickness of 40 Km from sea
level 0. At the depth of 40 Km towards the center of the Earth, the
tectonic plates are the Shell layer which floating on the volcanic
magma and due to the rotation of the Crust of the Earth, these tectonic
plates push one into each other, forming the mountains.
The Shell layer of the planet Earth is characterized by the
following sizes:
- s - the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mo - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρo - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Earth.

The thickness of the Outer Mantle layer is:
5.7276 5.7276
hOM = 100
R= 100
6460 = 370 Km.

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Earth rotates prograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- hOM - the Outer Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- f1 - the Outer Mantle layer spindle is the axis of rotation of the
planet, or axis of the North Geographic Pole, of the planet;
- m1 - the mass of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg];
- T1 - the period of the Outer Mantle layer -[s];
- ν1 - the frequency of the Outer Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- v1 - the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle at the equator-[m/s];
- vT1 - the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ω1 - the angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωT1 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρ1 - the density of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- ε1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εT1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Mantle
layer -[m/s2].
The Outer Mantle spindle, f1 is the axis of the North Geographic
Pole and, although the rotation axis of the Earth has deviations from
the initial position, we will consider the spindle, f1 fixed. The most
data and information we have about the Outer Mantle are about the
speed of rotation. Thus, the surface of the Earth spins at speeds
between 0 Km/h at Poles and 1650 Km/h at the equator, that is
between 0 m/s at Poles and 459 m/s at the equator. There are a lot of
graphs that show us the speed of rotation on the surface of the Earth,
anywhere in the world. We are interested in the speed at which the
Outer Mantle spins at the depth of 410 Km that is exactly at the limit
of separation between the Outer Mantle layer and the layer of the
Transition Zone (the Anchor layer). To find out the rotation speed at
the depth of 410 Km, we intersect with the sphere of the Earth a
concentric cylinder with the axis of the North Geographic Pole, so that
the generatrix of the cylinder is tangent to the internal separation limit
between the Outer Mantle layer and the Transition Zone layer (the
Anchor layer). All points, which intersect this separation limit on
generatrix of the cylinder, will have the same tangential speed on the
entire surface of the cylinder. The rotation speed of the Outer Mantle
at the equator at the limit between the Outer Mantle and the Transition
Zone (the Anchor layer) will be:
2π ROM
v1 = ,
where, T1 is the period of complete rotation of the Earth in 24
hours, and ROM is the radius to the center of the Earth, at the limit
between the Outer Mantle and the Transition Zone (the Anchor layer)
(ROM = 5970 Km). Thus, we will have:
2π 5970000
v1 = 86400
= 434.15 m/s ≈ 1563 Km/h.
At this speed of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer at the equator
v1, will be added, using the parallelogram rule or the triangle rule, the
pendulum speed of the Transition Zone layer (the Anchor layer) at the
limit betwen the Outer Mantle layer - the Transition Zone layer (the
Anchor layer) vP-OM-A, so that the motion of the electrons on the
surface of the sphere with the radius ROM will be undulating. Thus, we
will get the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the equator,
at the limit betwen the Outer Mantle layer - the Transition Zone layer
(the Anchor layer) vT1. Because v1 and vP-OM-A make between them a
90o angle, the result will obtain with Pythagoras’ theorem:
vT1=�vP−OM−A 2 + v1 2.
Thereby, vT1=√0.052 + 434.152 = 434.15 m/s. The translation
speed vT1 will have approximative the same value in the module with
the rotation speed v1, but its sense will oscillate depending on the
pendulum of the Transition Zone layer (the Anchor layer). Namely,
the translation speed will make an angle to the equatorial plane of the
Earth towards the South Pole, alternating with changing the angle in
the opposite direction against the equatorial plane towards the North
Pole, thus the trajectory of the translation speed vT1 will be a sinusoid.
This sinusoid will surround the sphere of radius (ROM = 5970 Km).
The frequency of the Outer Mantle layer is:
1 1
ν1 = T = 24 · 3600 = 1.1574·10-5 rot/s.
The angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
2π 2π
ω1 = T = 24 · 3600 = 0.0000727 rad/s.

At this angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer at the equator
ω1, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the angular velocity of
the pendulum of the Transition Zone layer (the Anchor layer), at the
limit betwen the Outer Mantle layer - the Transition Zone layer (the
Anchor layer) ωP-A, so that, we will get the angular translational
velocity of the Outer Mantle layer ωT1. Because ω1 and ωP-A make
between them a 90o angle, the result will be obtained with Pythagoras’
theorem: ωT1 = �ωP−A 2 + ω1 2 =
= �(1.99099 · 10−7 )2 + (0.0000727)2 = 0.0000727 rad/s,
where ωP-A = 1.99099·10-7 rad/s.
Following the symmetry of this movement it is observed that, at
the same time, at the opposite diameter point, we will have another
translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer vT1, at the limit between
the Outer Mantle layer - the Transition Zone layer (the Anchor layer),
which will generate another angular translational velocity of the Outer
Mantle ωT1. Thus results that the vector of the angular translational
velocity ωT1 oscillates in a perpendicular plane on the plane delimited
by the axis North Pole of the Sun, with the axis of the spindle fA in the
direction of the spindle f1, both in the northern and southern
hemispheres. Thus, ωT1 the vector of the angular translational velocity,
will have the application point in the center of the planet Earth and as
we move toward the poles, the application point of ωT1 will move
properly, on the spindle f1. We have ωT1 maximum, for vT1 maximum.
Because at the same time, we have the angular velocities of translation
ωT1, for all translation speeds of the Outer Mantle layer vT1, in all plans
parallel to the equator at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the
Transition Zone layer (the Anchor layer), we will have a total angular
translational velocity ωTT1, which will be: ωTT1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωT1i .
The centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
ε1 = ω12 · ROM = 0.00007272 · 5970000 = 0.0315532 m/s2,
where, ROM = 5 970 000 m.
The centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Mantle
layer εT1, will be obtained, using the parallelogram rule and will be
equal in the module with the sum of the centripetal acceleration of the
Outer Mantle layer ε1 with the centripetal acceleration of the
pendulum of the Transition Zone layer (the Anchor layer) of the planet
Earth εP-OM-A having the direction perpendicular to the spindle f1 and
the sense is a vector with the application point in the center of the
planet Earth, directed to the outside of the equatorial circle,
perpendicular to the spindle f1. The centripetal translation acceleration
of the Outer Mantle layer εT1 is maximum at the nodal points, where
the Outer Mantle equator intersects direction Sun - Earth and is
minimal at the nodal points where the Outer Mantle equator intersects
orbit direction, when εP-OM-A is null. Thus, εT1 in the equatorial plane
of the Outer Mantle layer, we will have the application point in the
center of the planet Earth and as we move toward the poles, the
application point of εT1 will move properly on the spindle f1.
εT1 = ε1 + εP-OM-A =
= 0.0315532 + 2.3665·10-7 = 0.03155344 m/s2,
where, εP-A-OM = 2.3665·10-7 m/s2.
Analogously, for total angular translational velocity ωTT1, we
will have a total centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer, εTT1.
εTT1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εT1i ,
which will have the maximum value εmaxT1, to the equator and it
will drop to zero, towards the poles.

The Anchor layer of the planet Earth.

The passage layer, from the Outer Mantle to the Inner Mantle,
we called it the Anchor layer, as against “the Transition Zone”, as it
was called until now, thus we will find out the thickness of the Anchor
layer with the relation:
7.73994 7.73994
A= 100
R= 100
6460 = 500 Km.
It is noticed that a + s + hOM = 80 + 40 + 370 = 490 Km is not
exactly equal to A, namely with 500 Km, because the sphere of the
magnetic field that propagates in space meets with the properties of
the environment by which it propagates, compared to the plasma
environment in which the other two magnetic field spheres propagate
inside the Earth.
The Anchor layer of the planet Earth, is fixed in relation to the
Sun, but oscillated in the plane delimited by the axis North Geographic

Pole of the Sun with the axis of the spindle fA, like one pendulum and
is characterized by the following sizes :
- A - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fA - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the North
Geomagnetic Pole of the planet;
- mA - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TA - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vP-OM-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vP-A-IM - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s];
- ωP-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor layer
- ρA - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εP-OM-A - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εP-A-IM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s2].
The Anchor layer is a layer that behaves differently compared
to any other layer on the Earth. The spindle fA oscillates like a
pendulum. Normally, we should choose a spindle which passes
through the equator of the Earth and is collinear with orbit, but to
simplify calculations, we will choose an oscillating spindle. Thus, the
spindle of this layer can be any of the four spindles of Earth, but
because it is related more to the Inner Core than to the Outer Mantle,
or the inner Mantle, we will choose for its spindle, the axis of the
North Geomagnetic Pole. Thus, the spindle of the Anchor layer is
constantly oscillating in the plane delimited by the axis of the North
Geomagnetic Pole of the Earth and the axis of the North Geographic
Pole of the Sun, pendulating at a total angle of 14.50o. Thus, the
spindle fA moves to the northern area on the direction North
Geomagnetic Pole - North Geographic Pole of the Earth, and the place
where it intersects the center of the Earth is fixed. The equilibrium
position of the spindle fA is when the spindle fA is identified with the
axis of the North Geomagnetic Pole. More precisely, the pendulum
begins the oscillation when the Earth is at the Ascending Node, when
the spindle fA is in the position of the axis of the North Geomagnetic
Pole, after that the spindle fA begins the inclination to the left of the
North Geomagnetic Pole reaching the inclination of 7.25o, when the
Earth reaches exactly to half the distance between the Ascending Node
and the Descending Node. In the moment when the Earth had reached
the Descending Node, the spindle fA returns to its original position, to
the position of the axis of the North Geomagnetic Pole. The pendulum
continues the oscillation and the axis fA will tilt, this time to the right
of the North Geomagnetic Pole up to a 7.25o angle, reaching the
inclination of 7.25o, when the Earth reaches exactly halfway between
the Descending Node and the Ascending Node. Then, after the Earth
reaches the Ascending Node, the fA axis returns, along the axis of the
North Geomagnetic Pole, after that the process is repeated. Attention!
We must look from the right side, thus the Sun - Earth System is
always in front of us, from left to the right, the first celestial body
being the Sun, then the Earth. We will consider the beginning of a
complete oscillation, from the moment when the Earth is in the
position between the Ascending Node and the Descending Node. The
Earth crosses the entire orbit and then returns to initial position. So,
the pendulum period is of 365.256366 days.
It is observed that at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer -
the Anchor layer is a continuous flow of electrons, so the magnetic
field that is formed in this area will be a perfect sphere. The Anchor
layer moves just like a pendulum with the period TA equal to one year,
so: TA = 365.256366 days = 31558150 s.
To find out how the space traveled between the two of the
pendulum points, at the limit between the Anchor layer - the Outer
Mantle layer, we will use the relation:
14,5·2π·ROM 14,5·2π· 5970
AP-A-OM = = = 1510 Km = 1510000 m.
360 360
The pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit with the
Outer Mantle layer, will be:
AP−A−OM 1510000
vP-A-OM = = 31558150 = 0.047848 m/s ≈ 0.05 m/s,
from which we deduce that the Anchor layer on the direction of
pendulum, moves about 5 cm per second, at the limit with Outer
Mantle layer. To find out how the space traveled between the two of

pendulum points, at the limit between the Anchor layer - the Inner
Mantle layer, we will use the relation:
14,5·2π·RIM 14,5·2π· 5470000
AP-A-IM = = = 1384311 m.
360 360
And the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit with
the Inner Mantle layer is:
AP−A−IM 1384311
vP-A-IM = = 31558150 = 0.043865 m/s ≈ 0.045 m/s,
from which we deduce that the Anchor layer on the direction of
pendulum, moves about 4.5 cm per second, at the limit with Inner
Mantle layer.
Next, we can find out the angular velocity of the pendulum.
Thus, the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor layer, will
2π 2π
be: ωP-A = T = 31558150 = 1.99099·10-7 rad/s.
The centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer, at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer is:
εP-A-OM = ω2P−A · ROM =
= (1.99099·10-7)2 · 5970000 = 2.3665·10-7 m/s2,
where, RME = 5 970 000 m.
And the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer will be:
εP-A-IM = ω2P−A · RIM =
= (1.99099·10-7)2 · 5470000 = 2.1683·10-7 m/s2,
where, RIM = 5 470 000 m.
Every planet has an anchor layer that is fixed in relation to the
Sun, but the axis of its spindle oscillates like a pendulum in a plane
perpendicular to orbit in the direction of the orbiting star.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Earth.

The thickness of the Inner Mantle layer is:
30.9598 30.9598
hIM = 100
R= 100
6460 = 2000 Km.
The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Earth rotates retrograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- hIM - the Inner Mantle layer thickness -[m];

- f2 - the Inner Mantle layer spindle is axis of the North Magnetic
Pole, of the planet;
- m2 - the mass of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg];
- T2 - the period of the Inner Mantle layer -[s];
- ν2 - the frequency of the Inner Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- v2 - the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator-
- vT2 - the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
- ω2 - the angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωT2 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρ2 - the density of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- ε2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer -
- εT2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Mantle
layer -[m/s2].
The Inner Mantle layer is shaped like a toroid, which is caught
between two spools (one to the North Pole and the other to the South
Pole). These spools are concentric with the spindle f2. The toroid and
the two spools have the same density ρ2. Among the little information
we have about the Inner Mantle, we know that the spindle f2 coincides
with the axis of the North Magnetic Pole, so we consider that the
spindle f2 is not an oscillating axis, although the magnetic poles move.
About this layer of the Inner Mantle, we do not have much data, but
we can extrapolate by analyzing the planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune. Thus, on these planets we notice that after the
gravitational limit corresponding to the Inner Core layer, the satellites
in these areas are smaller, therefore the cohesion of the satellites in
spherical shape can no longer be maintained and their orbits are
chaotic, even retrograde. We must consider the fact that the moments
of the layers must be balanced, the Inner Core layer with the Outer
Core layer and the Inner Mantle layer with the Outer Mantle layer
(without big differences between the couplings). So, we come to the
conclusion that as the Inner Core rotates faster the Outer Core will
rotate in the opposite direction, training for balance the Inner Mantle
which will rotate in the opposite direction to the Outer Core. If we
look at the atmospheric layers of the planet Jupiter, we notice that they
rotate in the opposite direction (the Researchers explain this
phenomenon, resembling it with the effects of the Birkeland currents).
Likewise, something has to balance the Anchor layer which is fixed.
So, the final conclusion is that the Inner Mantle layer rotates in the
same sense with the Inner Core layer, but in the opposite sense against
the Outer Core layer and (the most important aspect) in the opposite
sense against the Outer Mantle layer.
At the limit between the Inner Mantle Layer - the Anchor layer,
there is a continuous flow of electrons, but this flow will only be on
the surface of the toroid, where these “points” have approximately the
same rotation speed. Looking in the section the polylines HGFE and
H’G’F’E’, the rotation speed near the equator is maximum and is
lower at the poles, but on the polylines GH, FE and G’H’, F’E’, the
rotation speed decreases towards the points E, E’, H, H’, until reaches
the value 0, and in the points C, C’, D, D’, the rotation speed will have
the sense and value of the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer.
The Anchor layer is fixed, that means that does not rotate neither
to the left nor to the right, also pendulate transversely. But the Outer
Mantle rotates from left to the right, so has a prograde rotation having
the rotation speed v1, which is the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle
at the equator. Because the Anchor layer must remain fixed, the Inner
Mantle layer must rotate retrograde. We consider that the rotation
speed of the Outer Mantle (which is actually variable, being maximal
near the equator), applied to the support of action, namely on the
circumference of the circle at the limit the Anchor layer - the Outer
Mantle layer is equal with the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle
(which also is actually variable, being maximal near the equator),
applied to the support of action, namely on the circumference of the
circle at the limit the Anchor layer - the Inner Mantle layer, without
the polylines GG’ and FF’ (which are equal with diameter EF and each
one represents the outer portions of the spools), but plus the polylines
GH, G’H’, EF, E’F’, (which represent the circumference of two circles
with diameter equal of EF). Thus,
2π · R OM · v1 = [(2π · R IM ) − (2 · FF ′ ) + (2π · EF)] · v2 ,

from where it results: v2 = v
(2π·RIM )−(2· FF′ )+(2π·EF ) 1
= (2π·5470000)−(2· 2000000)+(2π·2000000) 434.15 = 379.3 m/s.
So, v2 = 379.3 m/s = 1365.48 Km/h, for GG’ = FF’= hIM and
F’E’ = FE = hIM.
At this speed of rotation of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator
v2, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the pendulum speed of
the Anchor layer at the limit between the Anchor layer - the Inner
Mantle layer vP-A-IM, so that the motion of the electrons on the surface
of the sphere with the radius RMI will be undulating. Thus, we will get
the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator, at the
limit the Inner Mantle layer - the Anchor layer, vT2. Because, v2 and
vP-A-IM, make between them a 90o angle, the result it will be obtained
with Pythagoras’ theorem:
vT2 = �vP−A−IM 2 + v2 2 .
So, vT2 = √0.0452 + 379.32 = 379.3 m/s. The translation speed
vT2 will have approximatively the same value in the module with the
rotation speed v2, but its sense will oscillate depending on the
pendulum of the Anchor layer. Namely, the translation speed will
make an angle to the equatorial plane of the Earth, towards the South
Pole alternating with changing the angle in the opposite direction
against the equatorial plane towards the North Pole, thus the trajectory
of the translation speed vT2 will be a sinusoid. This sinusoid will
surround the sphere of radius (RIM = 5470 Km).
Next, from the relationship, v = ωR sin(ωR), where the angle
ωR is 90o, we can find the angular velocity.
The angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer will be:
v 379.3
ω2 = R 2 = 5470000 = 6.934·10-5 rad/s.
We can find out the period of the Inner Mantle layer, so:
2π 2π
T2 = ω = 6.934·10−5 = 90614.4 s = 25.17 h ≈ 1.05 days.
The frequency of the Inner Mantle layer will be:
1 1
ν2 = T = 90614.4 = 1.103577·10-5 rot/s.
Similarly, we can find out, the speed in the points H, H’, E, E’:

2πROC 2π3470000
vIM-OC = = = 240.6 m/s = 866.16 Km/h.
T2 90614.4
At this angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator
ω2, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the angular velocity of
the pendulum of the Anchor layer, at the limit betwen the Anchor layer
- the Inner Mantle layer ωP-A, so that, we will get the angular
translational velocity of the Inner Mantle layer ωT2. Because, ω2 and
ωP-A, make between them a 90o angle, the result will be obtained with
Pythagoras’ theorem: ωT2 = �ωP−A 2 + ω2 2 =
= �(1.99099 · 10−7 )2 + (6.934 · 10−5 )2 = 6.934·10-5 rad/s,
where, ωP-A = 1.99099·10-7 rad/s.
Following the symmetry of this movement, it is observed that at
the same time, at the opposite diameter point, we will have another
translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer vT2, at the limit betwen the
Inner Mantle layer - the Anchor layer, which will generate another
angular translational velocity of the Inner Mantle ωT2. Thus results
that the vector of the angular translational velocity ωT2 oscillates in a
perpendicular plane on the plane delimited by the axis North Pole of
the Sun, with the axis of the spindle fA in the direction of the spindle
f2, both in the northern and southern hemispheres. Thus, ωT2 the vector
of the angular translational velocity will have the application point in
the center of the planet Earth and as we move toward the poles, the
application point of ωT2 will move properly on the spindle f2. We have
ωT2 maximum, for vT2 maximum. Because at the same time, we have
the angular velocities of translation ωT2, for all translation speeds of
the Inner Mantle layer vT2, in all plans parallel to the equator at the
limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Anchor layer, we will have
a total angular translational velocity ωTT2, which will be:
ωTT2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωT2i .
The centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer will be:
ε2 = ω22 · RIM = (6.934·10-5)2 · 5470000 = 0.0263 m/s2,
where, RIM = 5 470 000 m. And in the points H, H’, E, E’, the
centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer will be:
ε2-IM = ω22 · ROC = (6.934·10-5)2 · 3470000 = 0.0167 m/s2,
where ROC = 3 470 000 m.

The centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Mantle
layer, εT2 will be obtained, using the parallelogram rule and will be
equal in the module with the sum of the centripetal acceleration of the
Inner Mantle layer ε2 with the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum
of the Anchor layer εP-A-IM, having the direction perpendicular to the
spindle f2 and the sense is a vector with the application point in the
center of the planet Earth, directed to the outside of the equatorial
circle, perpendicular to the spindle f2. The centripetal translation
acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer εT2 is maximum at the nodal
points, where the Inner Mantle equator intersects direction Sun- Earth
and is minimal at the nodal points, where the Inner Mantle equator
intersects orbit direction when εP-A-IM is null. Thus, εT2 in the
equatorial plane of the Inner Mantle layer we will have the application
point in the center of the planet Earth and as we move toward the
poles, the application point of εT2 will move properly on the spindle
εT2 = ε2 + εP-A-IM = 0.0263 + 2.1683·10-7 ≈ 0.0263 m/s2,
where, εP-A-IM = 2.1683·10-7 m/s2.
Analogously, for total angular translational velocity ωTT2 we
will have a total centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer, εTT2.
εTT2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εT2i ,
which will have the maximum value εmaxT2 to the equator and it
will drop to zero towards the points E, E’, H, H’.
Looking in the section, the magnetic field of the Inner Mantle
layer is given by the flow of electrons on the surfaces limited by the
polylines CHGFED and C’H’G’F’E’D’, but on the surface limited by
the polylines CD and C’D’, the flow of electrons is moving in the
opposite sense. Thus, this flow of electrons generates two concentric
toroidal magnetic fields, which represent the second Van Allen
radiation belt.

For all moving celestial bodies, there is the LAW III of the
Universal Engine, which has the following statement:

Into a celestial spherical body, which has a rotating Outer

Mantle layer, there will be an Anchor layer under this Outer
Mantle layer, which is the oscillating pendulum in the plane
perpendicular to the orbit and always under the Anchor layer will
exist an Inner Mantle layer, which rotates in the opposite
direction to the Outer Mantle layer, so that the Anchor layer will
always be fixed in the report with the celestial body which is
orbited, and these movements of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer together with the rotational movements of the two Mantles
will produce a sinusoidal flow of electrons on the outer and inner
surface of the sphere of the Anchor layer, generating concentric
rotating magnetic fields.

The Outer Core layer of the planet Earth.

The thickness of the Outer Core layer of the planet Earthis:
34.0558 34.0558
nOC = 100
R= 100
6460 = 2200 Km.
The Outer Core layer of the planet Earth rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- nOC - the Outer Core layer thickness -[m];
- f3 - the Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that makes an angle
of 5 left from to axis of the North Magnetic Pole of the planet;
- m3 - the mass of the Outer Core layer -[Kg];
- T3 - the period of the Outer Core layer -[s];
- ν3 - the frequency of the Outer Core layer -[rot/s];
- v3 - the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator -
- vP-IM-OC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer -
- vP-OC-IC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer, at
the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer -[m/s];

- vT3 - the translation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator
- ω3 - the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωP-IM-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Core layer, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ωP-OC-IC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ωT3 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core layer
- ρ3 - the density of the Outer Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- ε3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer -[m/s2];
- εP-IM-OC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the
Outer Core layer -[m/s2];
- εP-OC-IC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner
Core layer -[m/s2];
- εT3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core
layer -[m/s2].
In the Outer Core layer of the Earth, is the Anchor point of the
Moon, which generates the gravity-reaction force, according to the
Third Law of Isaac Newton which says that: any action has a reaction.
So, the gravity-action force which exists in the Anchor of the Moon
(which is the geometric place of all the points on the Anchor layer of
the Moon) will be found in the gravity-reaction force which exists
(according to the calculations) in the Outer Core layer of the planet
Earth, at the Anchor point of the Moon. This Anchor point of the
Moon is found at about 340 Km in the central part of the Outer Core
layer, as against the limit of the Inner Core layer. Thus, we can
estimate the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer in this place,
according to the movement speed of the Moon in orbit. Then, we
extrapolate to find out the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer, after
that we can calculate the rotation speed of the external Nucleus, near

the equator, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner
Mantle layer.
Thus, the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer in the Anchor
point of the Moon is the space that was travelled by this point, namely
the circle circumference from the part of the Anchor point, (which is
2πRM-A = 10116 Km, where RM-A = 1610 Km), divided at the time
when the Moon performs a complete rotation (namely 27.321661 days
= 2 360 592 s), thus:
2πRLA 2π1610000
vPA= = = 4.285 m/s.
T3 2360592
If we extrapolate, we find the rotation speed of the Outer Core
layer at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core
layer, which is equal to v3, the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer
at the equator:
2πRoc 2π3470000
v3 = = = 9.236 m/s = 33.25 Km/h.
T3 2360592
The rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator, at the
limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer will be:
2πRIC 2π1270000
vOC-IC = = = 3.38 m/s = 12.168 Km/h.
T3 2360592
The frequency of the Outer Core layer is:
1 1
ν3 = T = 2360592 = 4.2362·10-7 rot/s.
We will find out the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer
2π 2π
with the relation: ω3 = T = 2360592 = 2.6617·10-6 rad/s.
The Outer Core layer shaped is like a toroid which is caught
between two spools (one to the North Pole and the other to the South
Pole). These spools are concentric with the spindle f3. The toroid and
both spools have the same density ρ3.
The spindle f3 is an oscillating axis, because the Anchor point
of the Moon is found into the Outer Core layer of the Earth, and the
Moon pendulates at a 10o angle. Thus, the spindle of the Outer Core
layer pendulates all the time, forming a total angle of 10o, so we will
consider that the spindle f3 moves from the equilibrium position, to
the left 5o and to the right 5o, and the place in which the center of the
Earth is intersected, it is fixed. Equilibrium position of the spindle f3
is when the spindle f3 is identified with the axis which runs through

the center of the Earth, and the North Pole is at 6.5o angle to the right,
against of the North Geomagnetic Pole, towards the North Geographic
Pole. The pendulum begins the oscillation (the Anchor layer), when
the Moon is at the Ascending Node, and the spindle f3 will tilt up to a
5o angle to the left against the equilibrium position, reaching the
maximum inclination of 5o when the Moon reaches exactly to the half
of the distance between the Ascending Node and the Descending
Node, and the spindle f3 identifies with the axis of the North
Geomagnetic Pole. In the moment when the Moon had reached the
Descending Node, the spindle f3 returns to its original position of 5o
to the right, as against the North Geomagnetic Pole. The Anchor layer
continues the oscillation, and the axis f3 will tilt on this time to the
right of the North Geographic Pole, up to a 5o angle, reaching the
inclination of 10o to the right, as against the North Geomagnetic Pole,
when the Moon is exactly of the halfway between the Descending
Node and the Ascending Node. After the Moon reaches the Ascending
Node, the f3 axis returns to the initial position of 5o to the right, as
against the North Geomagnetic Pole, towards the North Geographic
Pole. After that, the process is repeated. Attention! We must look from
the right side, thus the Earth - Moon System is always in front of us,
from left to the right, the first celestial body being the Earth, then the
Moon. We will consider that the beginning of the oscillation is from
the moment when the Moon is in the position between the Ascending
Node and the Descending Node, and the spindle f3 identifies with the
axis of the North Geomagnetic Pole. The Moon crosses the entire orbit
and then returns to the initial position. So, the pendulum period is of
27.321661 days.
Thus, we can observe that on the limit between the Inner Core
layer - the Outer Core layer is a continuous flow of electrons and the
magnetic field that is formed in this area will be a perfect sphere (in
fact three perfect spheres, of which one of them is the ionosphere). At
the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Mantle layer is a
continuous flow of electrons, and this flow will be only on the surface
of the toroid where the points have approximately the same rotation
speed. Looking into the section, on the polylines ADCB and
A’D’C’B’ it exists approximately the same rotation speed, but it is a
maximum rotation speed near the equator, and on the polylines DA,

CB and D'A', C’B’, the rotation speed is smaller and decreases until
reaches the value 0, then in the points A, A’, B, B’, the rotation speed
will have the sense and value of the rotation speed of the Inner Core
layer. The Outer Core layer toroid, apart from the rotational motion
around the spindle f3, moves exactly like a pendulum with the period
T3, equal to the orbital period of the Moon, so:
T3= 27.321661 days = 2360592 s.
To find out how the space travelled between the two pendulating
points, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core
layer, we will use the relation:
10·2π·ROC 10·2π· 3470000
nP-IM-OC = = = 605630 m.
360 360
And the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer will be:
n 605630
vP-IM-OC = P−IM−OC = 2360592 = 0.0257 m/s ≈ 0.03 m/s.
From which we deduce that the Outer Core layer on the
direction of pendulating, moves about 3 cm per second, at the limit
with Inner Mantle layer.
At this speed of rotation of the Outer Core layer at the equator
v3, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the speed of the
pendulum of the Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Inner
Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer vP-IM-OC, so that the motion of the
electrons on the surface of the sphere with the radius ROC will be
undulating. Thus, we will get the translation speed of the Outer Core
layer at the equator, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the
Outer Core layer, vT3. Because v3 and vP-IM-OC make between them a
90o angle, the result will be obtained with Pythagoras’ theorem:
vT3 = �vP−IM−OC 2 + v3 2 .
vT3 = √0.032 + 9.2362 = 9.236 m/s. The translation speed vT3
will have approximatively the same value in the module with the
rotation speed v3, but its sense will oscillate, depending on the
pendulum of the Outer Core layer. Namely, the translation speed will
make an angle to the equatorial plane of the Earth, towards the South
Pole, alternating with the change of the angle in the opposite direction
against the equatorial plane towards the North Pole, thus the trajectory
of the translation speed vT3 will be a sinusoid. This sinusoid will
surround the sphere of radius (ROC = 3470 Km).
To find out the space travelled between the two pendulating
points, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer,
we will use the relation:
10·2π·RIC 10·2π· 1270000
nP-OC-IC = = = 221657 m.
360 360
And the speed of the pendulum of the Inner Core layer will be:
n 221657
vP-OC-IC = P−OC−IC = 2360592 = 0.094 m/s ≈ 0.1 m/s.
T 3
From which we deduce that the Outer Core layer on the
direction of pendulating, moves about 10 cm per second, at the limit
with Inner Core layer.
Next, we calculate the angular velocity of the pendulum. The
angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer, ωP-IM-OC will
2π 2π
be: ωP-IM-OC = T = 2360592 = 2.6617·10-6 rad/s = ωP-OC-IC,
which will have the same value as ω3 - angular velocity of the
Outer Core layer, because during oscillation the toroid of the Outer
Core layer moves with tangential speed v3 = vIM-OC = 9.236 m/s, at the
limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer. Near the
points A, B, A’, B’ the tangential speed will be vOC-IC = 3.38 m/s.
So, ω3 = 2.6617·10-6 rad/s, which means that the value of the
angular velocity module of the Outer Core layer is the same value as
that of the angular velocity of the pendulum module of the Outer Core
layer, but the sense is different.
At this angular velocity of the Outer Core layer at the equator
ω3, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the angular velocity of
the pendulum of the Outer Core layer, at the limit betwen the Inner
Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer ωP-IM-OC, such that, we will get the
angular translational velocity of the Outer Core layer ωT3. Because ω3
and ωP-IM-OC make between them a 90o angle, the result will be
obtained with Pythagoras’ theorem:
ωT3 = �ωP−IM−OC 2 + ω3 2 =
= �(2.6617 · 10−6 )2 + (2.6617 · 10−6 )2 = 3.7642·10-6 rad/s.
Following the symmetry of this movement, it is observed that at
the same time, at the opposite diameter point, we will have another
translation speed of the Outer Core layer vT3 at the limit between the
Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer, which will generate another
angular translational velocity of the Outer Core ωT3. Thus it results
that the vector of the angular translational velocity ωT3 oscillates in a
perpendicular plane on the plane delimited by the North Pole axis of
the Moon, with the axis of the spindle f4 in the direction of the spindle
f3, both in the northern and southern hemispheres. Thus, ωT3 the vector
of the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core layer will have
the application point in the center of the planet Earth and as we move
toward the poles, the application point of ωT3 will move properly on
the spindle f3. We have ωT3 maximum, for vT3 maximum value.
Because at the same time, we have angular velocities of translation
ωT3 for all translation speeds of the Outer Core layer vT3, in all plans
parallel to the equator at the separation limit between the Inner Mantle
layer - the Outer Core layer, we will have a total angular translational
velocity ωTT3, which will be: ωTT3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωT3i ,
The centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Outer Core
layer to the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core
layer, εP-IM-OC will be: εP-IM-OC = ω2P−IM−OC · ROC =
= (2.6617·10-6)2 · 3470000 = 2.4584·10-5 m/s2,
where, ROC = 3 470 000 m.
And the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer, ε3 is:
ε3 = ω23 · ROC = (2.6617·10-6)2 · 3470000 = 2.4584·10-5 m/s2,
where, ROC = 3 470 000 m.
In the vicinity of the points A, B, A’, B’ the centripetal
acceleration of the Outer Core layer to the limit between the Outer
Core layer - the Inner Core layer, ε3-OC-IC will be: ε3-OC-IC = ω23 · RNI =
= (2.6617·10-6)2 · 1270000 = 8.9975·10-6 m/s2,
where, RIC = 1 270 000 m.
The centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core layer
εT3 will be obtained by vectorial rule and it will be equal in module
with the sum of the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer ε3
and the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Outer Core
layer εP-IM-OC, having the direction perpendicular to the spindle f3, and
the sense is a vector with the application point in the center of the
planet Earth, directed to the outside of the equatorial circle. The
centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core layer εT3 is
maximum at the nodal points, where the Outer Core equator intersects
direction Moon - Earth and is minimal at the nodal points, where the
Outer Core equator intersects the direction of the orbit of the Earth,
when εP-IM-OC is null. Thus, εT3 in the equatorial plane of the Outer
Core layer will have the application point in the center of the planet
Earth, and as we move toward the poles, the application point of εT3
will move properly to the spindle f3.
εT3 = ε3 + εP-IM-OC =
= 2.4584·10 + 2.4584·10-5 = 0.0840752 m/s2.

Analogously, for total angular translational velocity of the Outer

Core layer ωTT3, we will have a total centripetal translation
acceleration of the Outer Core layer, εTT3.
εTT3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εT3i ,
which will have the maximum value εmaxT3 at the equator and it
will drop to 0, towards the poles.
Looking in the section, the magnetic field of the Outer Core
layer is given by the flow of electrons on the whole surface delimited
by the polylines ADCB and A’D’C’B’, because on the surface
delimited by the polylines AB and A’B’ the flow of electrons is made
in the rotational sense of the Inner Core layer. Thus, this flow of
electrons generates two concentric toroidal magnetic fields, which
represent the first of the Van Allen radiation belts.

For all the moving celestial bodies, there is The LAW II of the
Universal Engine, which has the following statement:

Into a celestial spherical body, which has a rotating Outer

Core layer oscillating and a rotating Inner Mantle layer, the
layers have the form of two toroids which are each caught in two
spools, which rotate in opposite senses and produce the motion of
the flow of electrons on the outer surfaces of these toroids, which
produce concentric toroidal rotating magnetic fields.

The Inner Core layer of the planet Earth.

The radius of the Inner Core layer of the planet Earth will be:
19.66 19.66
rIC = nIC = 100
R= 100
6460 = 1270 Km.

The Inner Core layer of the planet Earth rotates retrograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- rIC - the radius of the Inner Core layer -[m];
- f4 - the Inner Core layer spindle is axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”, of the planet;
- m4 - the mass of the Inner Core layer -[Kg];
- T4 - the period of the Inner Core layer -[s];
- ν4 - the frequency of the Inner Core layer -[rot/s];
- v4 - the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer at the equator -
- vT4 - the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
- ω4 - the angular velocity of the Inner Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωT4 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core layer
- ρ4 - the density of the Inner Core layer - Kg/m3;
- ε4 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer -[m/s2];
- εT3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core
layer -[m/s2].
We consider that the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer
(which is actually variable, being maximal near the equator) applied
to the support of action, namely on the circumference of the circle of
radius rIC is equal with the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer
(which also is actually variable, being maximal near the equator)
applied to the support of action, namely on the circumference of the
circle at the limit the Outer Core layer - the Inner Mantle layer, without
the polylines CC’ and DD’ (which are equal with diameter AD and
each one represents the outer portions of the spools) but plus the
polylines AD, A’D’, BC, B’C’, (which represents the circumference
of two circles with diameter equal of AD). Thus,
2π · rIC · v4 = [(2π · R OC ) − (2 · CC′ ) + (2π · AD)] · v3,
(2π·ROC )−(2·CC′ )+(2π·AD)
from where it results: v4= 2πrIC
v3 =
(2π·3470000)−(2· 2200000)+(2π·2200000)
= 2π·1270000
9.236 = 36.14 m/s.
So, v4 = 36.14 m/s ≈ 130 Km/h, for CC’= DD’ = nIC,
A’D’ = AD = nIC and v3 = 9.236 m/s.
At this speed of rotation of the Inner Core layer at the equator
v4, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the speed of the
pendulum of the Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core
layer - the Inner Core layer vP-OC-IC, so that the motion of the electrons
on the surface of the sphere with the radius rIC, will be undulating.
Thus, we will get the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
equator at the limit the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer, vT4.
Because v4 and vP-OC-IC make between them a 90o angle, the result will
be obtained with Pythagoras’ theorem:
vT4 = �vP−OC−IC 2 + v4 2 .
Thus, vT4 = √0.12 + 36.142 = 36.14 m/s. So, the translation
speed vT4 will have approximative the same value in the module with
the rotation speed v4, but its sense will oscillate depending on the
pendulum of the Outer Core layer. Namely, the translation speed will
make an angle to the equatorial plane of the Earth, towards the South
Pole, alternating with changing the angle in the opposite direction
against the equatorial plane towards the North Pole, thus the trajectory
of the translation speed vT4 will be a sinusoid. This sinusoid will
surround the sphere of radius (rIC = 1270 Km).
Next, from the relation v = ωR sin(ωR), where the angle ωR is
90 , we can find out the angular velocity, thus the angular velocity of
v 36.14
the Inner Core layerω4, will be: ω4= r 4 = 1270000 ≈ 2.85·10-5 rad/s.
Thus, we can find out the period of the Inner Core layer:
2π 2π
T4= ω = 2.85·10−5 = 220463.2 s = 61.246 h = 2.55 days.
The frequency of the Inner Core layer will be:
1 1
ν4 = T = 220463.2 = 4.5359·10-6 rot/s.
At this angular velocity of the Inner Core layer at the equator
ω4, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the angular velocity of
the pendulum of the Outer Core layer at the limit between the Outer
Core layer - the Inner Core layer ωP-OC-IC, so that, we will get the
angular translational velocity of the Inner Core layer ωT4. Because ω4
and ωP-OC-IC make between them a 90o angle, the result will be
obtained with Pythagoras’ theorem:

ωT4 = �ωP−OC−IC 2 + ω4 2 =
= �(2.6617 · 10−6 )2 + (2.85 · 10−5 )2 = 2.8624·10-5 rad/s.
Following the symmetry of this movement, it is observed that at
the same time, at the opposite diameter point, we will have another
translation speed of the Inner Core layer vT4 at the limit between the
Outer Core layer - the Inner Core, which will generate another angular
translational velocity of the Inner Core ωT4. Thus ωT4 oscillates in a
perpendicular plane on the plane delimited by the North Pole axis of
the Moon, with the axis of the spindle f3 in the direction of the spindle
f4, both in the northern and southern hemispheres. Thus, ωT4 the vector
of the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core layer will have
the application point in the center of the planet Earth and as we move
toward the poles, the application point of ωT4 will move properly on
the spindle f4. We have ωT4 maximum, for vT4 maximum value.
Because at the same time, we have angular velocities of translation
ωT4, for all translation speeds of the Inner Core layer vT4, in all plans
parallel to the equator at the separation limit between the Outer Core
layer - the Inner Core layer, we will have a total angular translational
velocity ωTT4, which will be: ωTT4 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωT4j ,
The centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer ε4 will be:
ε4 = ω24 · rIC = (2.85·10-5)2 · 1270000 ≈ 1.032·10-3 m/s2,
where, rIC = 1 270 000 m.
The centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Outer Core
layer to the limit the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer, εP-OC-IC,
will be: εP-OC-IC = ω2P−OC−IC · rIC =
= (2.6617·10-6)2 · 1270000 = 8.9975·10-6 m/s2,
where, rIC = 1 270 000 m.
The centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core layer
εT4 will be obtained by vectorial rule and it will be equal in module
with the sum of the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer ε4
and the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Outer Core
layer of the planet Earth εP-OC-IC having the direction perpendicular to
the spindle f4, and the sense is a vector with the application point in
the center of the planet Earth, directed to the outside of the equatorial
circle. The centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core layer

εT4 is maximum at the nodal points, where the Inner Core equator
intersects the direction Moon - Earth and is minimal at the nodal
points, where the Inner Core equator intersects the direction of the
orbit of the Earth, when εP-OC-IC is null.
Thus, εT4 in the equatorial plane of the Inner Core layer will have
the application point in the center of the planet Earth, and as we move
towards the poles, the application point of εT4 will move properly to
the spindle f4.
εT4 = ε4 + εP-OC-IC = 1.032·10-3 + 8.9975·10-6 = 1.04·10-3 m/s2.
Analogously, for total angular translational velocity of the Inner
Core layer ωTT4, we will have a total centripetal translation
acceleration of the Inner Core layer εTT4.
εTT4= ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εT4j ,
which will have the maximum value εmaxT4 at the equator and it
will drop to zero, towards the poles.
The magnetic field of the Inner Core layer is formed by the flow
of electrons all over the surface of the sphere with radius rIC, due to
the rotate motion of the Inner Core layer, in the opposite sense against
the rotate oscillating motion of the Outer Core layer, on the direction
of the Earth orbit. Thus, concentric spherical rotating magnetic fields
appear, and the best known of them is the magnetic energy field of the

For all the moving celestial bodies, there is The LAW I of the
Universal Engine, which has the following statement:

For any celestial spherical body there is a sphere of the Inner

Core layer wich has a rotating motion and together with the
rotating oscillating motion in opposite sense of the Outer Core
layer, produces the motion of the flow of electrons on the outer
surface of the sphere of the Inner Core layer, generating the
strong concentric spherical rotating magnetic fields, which are
proportional to the diameter of the celestial body (the last
magnetic field being outside the diameter of the celestial body).

The North Geomagnetic Pole. The geomagnetic poles are
diametrically opposite points, in the case of the axis of the dipole of a
magnet, wich intersects the surface of the Earth. This theoretical
dipole is the equivalent of a strong bar magnet found in the center of
the Earth. The locations of the geomagnetic poles are calculated by
International Geomagnetic Reference Field and measured with the
help of satellites.
The North Magnetic Pole of the Earth is the point on the
surface of the northern hemisphere, where the magnetic field of the
Earth is directed straight down. The North Magnetic Pole moves
slowly in time, due to magnetic changes, from the center of the Earth.
His correspondent in the southern hemisphere is the Magnetic South
Pole. Because the Earth’s magnetic field is not perfectly symmetrical,
the two points are not antipodal, namely, a line drawn from one to the
other does not pass through the center of the Earth.
The North Geographic Pole is the most northerly point on
planet Earth. It is defined as being the point of intersection between
the rotation axis of the Earth and the surface of the Earth in the
northern hemisphere, where all the meridians and time zones meet.
This geographical point is not fixed on the surface of the Earth,
because the rotation axis that defines it, varies slightly over a period
of fourteen months. Nevertheless, the position is considered to be
approximately fixed.
North Magnetic Pole axis does not pass exactly through the
center of the Earth, how it passes the axis of the dipole the North
Geomagnetic Pole, because the matter from within the spherical
celestial body behaves differently, even if it has the same density. If
we look at the Inner Mantle layer in the section, the lobe of the toroid
EFGH does not have the same size as the lobe of the toroid E’F’G’H’,
because the matter is compressed, towards the direction of
displacement and it expands in the opposite direction of displacement.
In the two intermediate zones will be a portion in which the matter
will be in equilibrium, namely the matter in these areas of equilibrium
will have volumetric dimensions, between the volume dimension
where the matter is compressed and between the volume dimension
where matter expands. In other words, the lobe of the toroid E’F’G’H’
is thickset, so smaller having the landmark the lobe of the toroid
EFGH, which is bigger. Between these two positions, if we look at the
Earth in section (at the intersection with the plane perpendicular to
orbit) we will see two other equal toroid lobes that means that the
volumetric dimension of these two lobes is the same. Similarly, it
happens in the Inner Core layer. Thus, the effect is clearer at the orbit
of planet Mercury. Even though, the orbit of planet Mercury is a
perfect circle and this circle is decentered, against the center of the
Sun. From here, we can calculate the trajectory of the orbit of the
anchor point for planet Mercury, from inside of the Sun, according to
the Third of Isaac Newton. Analogously it is calculated for the other
planets. The effect of this force due to the movement of a celestial
body makes the planet that orbits around the Sun (Earth for example)
to return to the Perigee, then return to the Apogee, and the trajectory
of the planet does not have deviations. This phenomenon can be seen
more clearly, at the planets Neptune and Uranus, where the spindles
of the axes are so decentered that can be seen accurately the position
of the dipole axis of the North Magnetic Pole.
To view the formation of magnetic fields of the planet Earth, we
should look at the whole perspective for the flow of electrons on the
following surfaces:
- The spherical surface of the Anchor layer at the limit with the
Outer Mantle layer;
- The outer surface of the Inner Mantle layer toroid (more
precisely, the surface delimited by the polylines CHGFED and
- The outer surface of the Outer Core layer toroid (more
precisely, the surface delimited by the polylines ADCB and
- The spherical surface of the Inner Core layer.
Here appear the phenomena that take place in the total magnetic
field of the planet. This Magnetic Field is outside the planet Earth like
- At about 80 Km is the first rotating spherical magnetic field
- From about 600 Km to 6 000 Km, there are two concentric
rotating toroidal magnetic fields (the first Van Allen belt);

- From about 14 500 Km to 19 000 Km, there are two concentric
rotating toroidal magnetic fields (the second Van Allen belt);
- From about 65 000 Km, there are two concentric rotating
spherical magnetic fields, which extends like a comet tail (in the
opposite sense of the Sun), beyond the limit of Hill sphere, which is
located at 1 500 000 Km.
These magnetic fields are all concentric and due to the
resonance phenomenon other concentric magnetic fields appear
around them, but weaker. An example is the clouds Barrier from 2 800
~ 3 000 m. When the planet Earth moves from the Apogee to the
Perigee, an acceleration occurs which intensifies the flow of electrons,
from the inner layers of the Earth, generating a magnification of all
the concentric magnetic fields. Thus, during the period when the Earth
is at the Perigee, magnetic fields become more intense and can create
new layers where plasma is accumulated, or protons (for example, an
intense magnetic field between the two Van Allen belts still appears).
All these concentric magnetic accumulated fields form the whole
magnetic field, which we will name, the Magnetic Field. Thus, the
Magnetic Field is constantly in the field of action of the solar wind
which feeds on plasma these inner cavities of the rotating magnetic
fields. Here, more phenomena occur among which we mention the
Zeeman phenomenon (Stark phenomenon). Sure it is the fact that the
Magnetic Field can accept a certain volume of plasma, depending on
the firmness of the concentric magnetic fields. Variation of the
firmness of the concentric magnetic fields depends on the acceleration
and deceleration of the planet, namely depends on the position
towards the Apogee or the Perigee. Due to these fluctuations inside of
the Magnetic Field it appears the need to balance the electric loads and
electric discharges occur between the concentric magnetic fields (for
example the powerful lightning bolts from the outside of the
ionosphere, but also the lightning in the atmosphere of the planet
Earth). If it shows up a large fluctuation, as in the case of a solar
explosion, the inner cavities of the rotating magnetic fields
progressively swells, from the outside to the inside and when plasma
filtering by rotating magnetic fields is finally finished, the atoms of
hydrogen appears which pushes the atoms of oxygen and nitrogen,
through Birkeland energetic points, outside the ionosphere to the

poles. More precisely, plasma comes from the Sun in a cavity
delimited by a magnetic field, due to the Z-pinch effect, then hits the
Magnetic Field. The magnetic field, which wraps the plasma cloud is
smashed and plasma enters in the first cavity of the Magnetic Field of
the planet (but still keep Z-pinch effect), then enters in the second
cavity, etc., until up to the ionosphere, where cannot penetrate and
then the plasma will be diverted through the places where he finds
depressions, behind the magnetic fields, more weakers as intensity.
These depressions located in behind the concentric rotating magnetic
fields are at Poles. Every time, in each cavity the Z-pinch phenomenon
will be activated and the plasma cloud be kept compact. Plasma will
energize more with each passing through a magnetic field and in the
final identifies with hydrogen ions, which push the oxygen and
nitrogen atoms to the extremities of the cavities of the Magnetic Field.
Due to the increased pressure and temperature, the hydrogen ions will
irradiate the oxygen atoms and the nitrogen atoms, expelling them
from the last cavity of the Magnetic Field and here appears the
Zeeman effect. At this moment, the auroras of the planet Earth are
observed (Borealis and Australis). All the magnetic fields of the planet
Earth are weaker in intensity than the magnetic field of the ionosphere.
Thus, there are just certain places towards the planet Earth where the
magnetic fields intersect the magnetic field of the ionosphere, and the
cavities of the Magnetic Field will transform in filled pockets with
oxygen atoms and nitrogen atoms.
This download of electrons will balance the Magnetic Field of
the planet Earth, but a part of the electrons will reach through the flow
of the Magnetic Field to inside the planet. Thus, the first energy
Barrier will be at the surface of the Anchor layer, where the electrons
will find the space for maneuver. Here, the electrons will rotate after
a sinusoidal shape, after which through the flow of the inner magnetic
field, the electrons will reach the surface of the Inner Mantle layer.
Thus, the electrons will have a flow on one side of the surface of the
Inner Mantle layer toroid, then will have a flow on one side of each
spool of the Inner Mantle layer, after that the electrons will reach one
side of the surface of the Outer Core layer toroid. Then, the electrons
will have a flow on one side of each spool of the Outer Core layer,
after that the electrons will reach on one side of the sphere of the Inner

Core layer, where there will be a flow on the circumference of sphere,
then the electrons will arrive on the other side of each spool of the
Outer Core layer, after that the electrons will arrive on the other side
of the surface of the Outer Core layer toroid. Then, the electrons will
arrive on the other side of each spool of the Inner Mantle layer, after
that the electrons will arrive on the other side of the surface of the
Inner Mantle layer toroid, after that the cycle is repeated. This flow of
electrons from inside the planet to the shear surfaces together with the
Magnetic Field led to the formation of the Engine of the Universe.
Thus, every celestial spherical body has such a Universal Engine.
In the case of satellites or dwarf planets with smaller diameters
than the diameter of the Earth, some layers are blocked. That is why
we observe different rotations of the celestial bodies. We will analyze
further the satellite Moon and each planet of the Solar System.

6. The satellite Moon.
Throughout the surface of the Moon the impact craters with the
meteorites or the comets are observed. Also, there could be observed
the traces of the volcanism phenomenon, which ended about
approximative 3.8 billion years ago, because there are mountains with
volcanic origin and the so-called seas, which formed due to the flood
of the magma. The sea with the largest surface is called “Imbrium Sea”
and has a length of 1200 Km, and an appreciable mountain range
which is in the southern part has a height of 6 100 m, measured from
the so-called “level 0”.
So, the satellite Moon has a “visible” sphere who has a diameter
DM = 3474 Km and the radius has the value of RM = 1737 Km. The
proportions resulting from the calculation method are approximately
equal with the real values of the Moon, because of the method applied
in the case of the planet Earth.
Thus, according to the Law I of the Universal Engine, because
the Moon is smaller than the planet Earth, that means it has only a
rotating spherical magnetic field formed by the Inner Core layer.
Because the Moon shows towards the planet Earth only one face, that
shows the Anchor layer was blocked with the Outer Mantle layer and
with the Shell layer, becoming a large Anchor layer. The magnetic
field measured at the surface of the Moon is very small, from where
we deduce that the Inner Mantle layer is also blocked with the Outer
Core layer. There must be two separation limits, one between the
Outer Core layer and the Mantle layer, and the second one between
the Mantle layer and the Shell layer. These limits give us information
from the point of view of different densities between layers, but the
layers are blocked. The conclusion is that the displacement of these
layers is so small, that they do not have the necessary power to form a
magnetic field. Still, separation by density criteria was done within the
Moon, but these layers are blocked and do not rotate independently.
So, Law II and Law III of the Universal Engine do not apply.
Thus, the satellite Moon will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer;
- The Shell layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Core layer
The Barrier layer of the satellite Moon.
We chose this naming, because the Moon has in its surroundings
a layer of energy which is concentrated at the same distance, against
the level of the satellite which is considered 0. This energy Barrier is
a rotating spherical magnetic field, which distort like a magnifying
glass the surface of the soil of the Moon, such that the satellite can be
seen as a perfect sphere. At the same time, this energy Barrier reflects
half of the Sun’s rays received by the Moon, so not the surface of the
satellite is responsible for this phenomenon.
So, the first layer is outside the Moon and the thickness will be:
1.2384 1.2384
aM = 100
RM = 100
1737 = 21.5 Km,
when RM is the “observable” radius of the Moon,
RM = 1737 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body,
up to elevation 0 to “sea level”, which will be:
RMo= RM – aM = 1737 – 21.5 = 1715.5 Km.

The Shell layer of the satellite Moon.

The thickness proportion of the Shell layer reported to the
7.73994 7.73994
satellite Moon is: PR-AM = 100 R M = 100 1737 = 134.5 Km.
Because of the fact that the density of the Moon is lower than
the density of the Earth (the density increases exponentially with the
radius of the celestial body, because we compare spherical volumes),
we will have the Moon Shell layer of about sM = PR-AM – aM = 134.5
– 21.5 = 113 Km. This layer of the Moon is blocked in the Anchor
layer but it has its own density. Thus, this layer of the Moon is very
important from the point of view of the phenomena that take place
here. For example, all the water produced at the Genesis of the Moon
is stored here.
The Shell layer of the satellite Moon is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sM - the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mMo - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρMo - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Anchor layer of the satellite Moon.
On Earth, the thickness of the Anchor layer gives us the
information for knowing the approximate distance between two
rotating magnetic spherical fields. The thickness proportion
calculation of the Anchor layer reported to the Moon, will give us the
approximate value of the distance between the energy Barrier of the
Moon, which is the only outer rotating spherical magnetic field, as
against the limit of the blocked Shell layer.
The Anchor layer of the satellite Moon is:
AM = RMo – rM-C – sM = 1715.5 – 476 – 113 = 1126.5 Km.
The Anchor layer of the satellite Moon is characterized by the
following sizes:
- AM - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fM-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the North Pole;
- mM-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TM-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vM-A-P - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Core layer -[m/s];
- ωM-A-P - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρM-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εM-A-P - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Core layer -[m/s2].
The spindle fM-A oscillates like a pendulum into an orbital period
of 27.321661 days and the spindle oscillates in a 10o total angle. Thus,
the spindle of the Anchor layer is constantly oscillating in the plane
delimited by the axis of the North Pole of the Moon, with the spindle
f3 of the planet Earth. The equilibrium position of the spindle fM-A is
when the spindle fM-A is identified with the North Pole axis, passing
through the center of the Moon. Thus, when the Moon reaches the
Ascending Node (the spindle fM-A, is in the equilibrium position), the
pendulum begins to oscillate and the spindle fM-A will tilt up to an 5o
angle to the right, having like reper the equilibrium position of the
North Pole axis (the point of the axis at the center of the Moon
remaining fixed), then reaches the maximum inclination of 5o, when
the Moon reaches exactly to the half of distance between the
Ascending Node and the Descending Node. In the moment when the
Moon reached the Descending Node, the spindle fM-A returns to the
equilibrium position. The pendulum continues the oscillation and the
axis fM-A will tilt, this time up to a 5o angle to the left as against the
North Pole position, when the Moon reaches exactly halfway between
the Descending Node and the Ascending Node. Then, after the Moon
reaches the Ascending Node, the spindle fM-A returns at the
equilibrium position, and after that the process is repeated. We will
consider beginning the oscillation, from the moment when the Moon
is in the position between the Ascending Node and the Descending
Node, and the spindle fM-A makes a 5o angle to the left against the
equilibrium position of the North Pole. Thus, the Moon travels the
entire orbit, then it returns to this initial position. So, the pendulum
period is of 27.321661 days.
The Anchor layer of the Moon moves exactly like a pendulum,
with the period of TM-A equal with the orbital period of the Moon, so:
TM-A= 27.321661 days = 2360592 s.
Thus, the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor layer
of the Moon, ωM-A-P, will be:
2π 2π
ωM-A-P = TM−A
= 2360592 = 2.6617·10-6 rad/s.
To find out the space travelled between the two pendulating
points on the surface of the Moon, we will use the relation:
10·2π·RMo 10·2π· 1715500
sM-P = = = 299 412 m.
360 360
And the speed of movement of the points of the pendulum which
is on the surface of the Moon will be:
s 299412
vM-S-P = TM−P = 2360592 = 0.12684 m/s ≈ 0.13 m/s.
From which we deduce that the surface of the Moon, on the
direction of pendulating moves 13 cm per second.
To find out the space travelled between the two pendulating
points, at the limit between the Core layer - the Anchor layer we will
10·2π·rM−C 10·2π· 476000
use the relation: nM-A-P = 360
= 360
= 83 000 m.
And the speed movement of the points of the pendulum at limit
between the Core layer - the Anchor layer will be:
nM−A−P 83000
vM-A-P = = 2360592 = 0.0352 m/s.
From which we deduce that the Anchor layer on the direction of
pendulating moves about 3.52 cm per second, at the limit of the Core
Next, we can find out the centripetal acceleration of the Anchor
layer pendulum, on the surface of the Moon’s Shell, εM-S-P which will
be: εM-S-P = ω2M−A−P · RMo =
= (2.6617·10-6)2 · 1715500 = 1.2154·10-5 m/s2,
where, RMo = 1 715 500 m.
The angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor layer to
surface of the satellite Moon, εM-A-P will be: εM-A -P = ω2M−A−P· rM-C =
= (2.6617·10-6)2 · 476000 = 3.3723·10-6 m/s2,
where rM-C = 476 000 m.

The Core layer of the satellite Moon.

The radius of the proportion of the Core layer of the Moon will
19.66 19.66
be: PR-rM-C = 100 RM = 100 1737 = 341.5 Km.
And the thickness proportion of the Anchor layer reported to the
7.73994 7.73994
Moon will be: PR-AM = 100 R M = 100 1737 = 134.5 Km.
As order of size, the dimension of the radius of the Nucleus of
the Moon will be equal to the ratio calculated against the Inner Core
of the Earth plus the ratio of the thickness of the Anchor layer of the
Earth. This is the consequence of the Law I of the Universal Engine,
because the Moon has a smaller diameter than the Earth, so the
Nucleus will have only a rotating magnetic field. Thus, this rotating
magnetic field is the energy Barrier of the Moon.
So, the Core layer of the Moon will be:
rM-C = PR-rM-C + PR-AM = 341.5 + 134.5 = 476 Km
The Core of the satellite Moon rotates retrograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rM-C - the radius of the Core layer -[m];
- fM-C - the Core layer spindle is axis of the North Pole of the
- mM-C - the mass of the Core layer -[Kg];
- TM-C - the period of the Core layer -[s];

- νM-C - the frequency of the Core layer -[rot/s];
- vM-C - the rotation speed of the Core layer at the equator -[m/s];
- vT M-C - the translation speed of the Core layer at the equator -
- ωM-C - the angular velocity of the Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωT M-C - the angular translational velocity of the Core layer -
- ρM-C - the density of the Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εM-C - the centripetal acceleration of the Core layer -[m/s2];
- εT M-C - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Core layer
-[m/s ].
We know that the core of the Moon rotates retrograde at a
rotation speed and we know that this rotation speed is smaller than the
rotation speed of the Core of the Earth. We can extrapolate and
calculate the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer of the Earth, at the
point of radius of the proportion of the Core of the Moon PR-rM-C,
2πPRrM−C 2π 341500
vM-C = = = 9.73 m/s = 35 Km/h
TIC 220463.2
We consider that it is a sufficient speed, which can produce a
rotating magnetic field, from the point of view of the order of size,
because it is observed that it is also kept the report of 1/4 between the
Earth and the Moon.
So, we consider that this rotation speed is the value of the
rotation speed of the Core layer of the Moon, at the equator, vL-N.
Thus, we find the period of the Core layer of the Moon T M-C.
2πrM−C 2π 476000
TM-C = = = 307379.6 s = 85.4 h = 3.56 days.
vM−C 9.73
At this speed of rotation of the Core layer of the Moon at the
equator vM-C, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the
pendulum speed of the Anchor layer vM-A-P, so that the motion of
electrons on the surface of the sphere with the radius rM-C will be
undulating. Thus, we will get the translation speed of the Core layer,
at the limit between the Core layer - the Anchor layer, vTM-C. Because
vM-C, and vM-A-P, make between them a 90o angle, the result will be
obtained with Pythagoras' theorem:

vTM-C = �vM−A−P 2 + vM−C 2 , when vM-A-P = 0.0352 m/s.
So, vTM-C = √0.03522 + 9.732 = 9.73 m/s. The translation speed
of the Core layer vTM-C, will have approximately the same value as
vM-C, but its sense will oscillate, depending on the pendulum of the
Anchor layer. Namely, the translation speed will make an angle to the
equatorial plane of the Moon, towards the South Pole, alternating with
changing the angle in the opposite direction against the equatorial
plane towards the North Pole, thus the trajectory of the translation
speed vTM-C will be a sinusoid. This sinusoid will surround the sphere
of radius (rM-C = 476 Km).
The frequency of the Core layer will be:
1 1
νM-C = T = 307379.6 = 3.2533·10-6 rot/s.
Next, from the relation, v = ωR sin(ωR), where the angle ωR is
90 , we can find out the angular velocity. Thus, angular velocity of the
Core layer of the Moon will be:
v 9.73
ωM-C = r M−C = 476000 = 2.044·10-5 rad/s.
At this angular velocity of the Core layer, of the Moon at the
equator ωM-C, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the angular
velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor layer ωM-A-P, so that, we will
get the angular translational velocity of the Core layer ωTM-C. Because,
ωM-C and ωM-A-P, make between them a 90o angle, the result will be
obtained with Pythagoras’ theorem:
ωTM-C = �ωM−A−P 2 + ωM−C 2 =
= �(2.6617 · 10−6 )2 + (2.044 · 10−5 )2 = 2.06·10-5 rad/s,
where, ωM-A-P = 2.6617·10-6 rad/s.
Following the symmetry of this movement, it is observed that at
the same time at the opposite diameter point, we will have another
translation speed of the Core layer, of the Moon vTM-C, at the limit
between the Anchor layer - the Core layer, which will generate another
angular translational velocity of the Core layer of the Moon ωTM-C.
Thus it results that the vector of the angular translational velocity
ωTM-C oscillates in a perpendicular plane on the plane delimited by the
axis North Geomagnetic Pole of the Earth with the axis of the spindle
fM-A in the direction of the spindle fM-C, both in the northern and
southern hemispheres. Thus, ωTM-C the vector of the angular
translational velocity of the Core layer will have the application point
in the center of the Moon and as we move toward the poles, the
application point of ωTM-C will move properly on the spindle fM-C. We
have ωTM-C maximum, for vTM-C maximum value. Because at the same
time, we have angular velocities of translation ωTM-C for all translation
speeds of the Core layer, of the Moon vTM-C, in all plans parallel to the
equator, at the separation limit between the Anchor layer - the Core
layer, we will have a total angular translational velocity ωTTM-C, which
will be:
ωTTM-C = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀−𝐶𝐶 ωTM−Ci .
The centripetal acceleration of the Core layer of the satellite
Moon εM-C will be:
εM-C = ω2M−C · rM-C = (2.044·10-5)2 · 476000 = 2·10-4 m/s2,
where, rM-C = 476 000 m.
The centripetal translation acceleration of the Core layer of the
Moon εTM-C will be obtained by vectorial rule and it will be equal in
module with the sum of the centripetal acceleration of the Core layer
of the Moon εM-C and the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of
the Anchor layer of the satellite Moon εM-A-P, having the direction
perpendicular to the spindle fM-C and the sense is a vector with the
application point in the center of the Moon, directed to the outside of
the equatorial circle. The centripetal translation acceleration of the
Core layer of the Moon εTM-C is maximum at the nodal points, where
the Core layer equator intersects, direction Moon - Earth and is
minimal at the nodal points, where the Core layer equator intersects
the direction of the orbit of the satellite Moon when εM-A-P is null.
Thus, εTM-C in the equatorial plane of the Core layer of the Moon will
have the application point in the center of the Moon and as we move
toward the poles, the application point of εTM-C will move properly to
the spindle fL-N.
εTM-C = εM-C + εM-A-P = 2·10-4 + 3.3723·10-6 = 2.033·10-4 m/s2,
where εM-A-P = 3.3723·10-6 m/s2.
Analogously for the total angular translational velocity of the
Core layer ωTTM-C, we will have a total centripetal translation
acceleration of the Core layer, of the Moon εTTM-C.

εTTM-C = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀−𝐶𝐶 εTM−Ci .
It is noticeable that the Core of the Moon has a retrograde
rotation, but nothing counteracts this rotation in the layers within the
Moon. This phenomenon is happening, because the Anchor force of
the Earth, along the mass of the Anchor layer of the Moon produces
an inertia, which engages the core to rotate retrograde, while the Moon
is moving into the orbit. There is a limit speed of the Core layer below
which all the layers superior to the Core are locked and remain
anchored. This phenomenon is observed on satellites, namely to
spherical celestial bodies with generally small diameters (minimum
500 Km). The satellite with the largest diameter in the Solar System
is Ganymede, the satellite of planet Jupiter which has the diameter of
5260 Km. Comparable to this satellite is Titan, the satellite of planet
Saturn which has the diameter of 5150 Km. Thus, the more the
gravitational field grows, the more the Anchor force increases in
which celestial bodies with larger diameters can be caught.

7. The planet Mercury.
The planet Mercury has a “visible” sphere who has a diameter
of 4880 Km, so the radius will be RMe = 2440 Km.
According to the Law I of the Universal Engine, because it has
a small radius, it is in the category of satellites, although it is a planet.
So, the planet Mercury has only two rotating magnetic spherical fields,
formed by the Inner Core. All over the planet surface there are lots of
impact craters, as well as pools filled with magma due to the
phenomenon of volcanism, which stopped 3.8 billion years ago. Thus,
magma flooded the planet and large plains were formed of the “sea”
type. It is noticeable, the bulging traces of the tidal waves, due to the
Sun and an agglomeration of material due to the shock waves,
accumulated on the opposite side of the collision with a celestial body.
We can observed on the surface of the planet rifts and wrinkled soil,
which denotes that the Shell floats on the Outer Mantle, but because
there is no volcanic activity, we will consider that the tectonic plates
do not move. So, the Shell layer of the planet Mercury is blocked with
the Outer Mantle, but the separation between the layers by density
exists. Thus, the Shell of the planet Mercury will be proportionally
larger in thickness compared to the thickness of the Shell of planet
Earth. In fact, the Shell layer is defined as the first layer which exists
on a celestial spherical body and this area interests us the most,
because only here life can exist. This layer is approximately 100 Km
from the surface of the planet Mercury and it should be mentioned
that, even if there is no pronounced tectonic activity, the Shell layer
exists and must be strictly delimited in front of the other layers. Instead
and overall, the planet Mercury has a weak Magnetic Field, which
means that the Inner Mantle and the Outer Core are not blocked, but
the planet Mercury is at the limit the stop of the Universal Engine,
from the point of view of a planet. Thus, we will apply partially all
three Laws relating to assembly the parts of the Universal Engine,
which form concentric rotating magnetic fields.
Thus, the planet Mercury will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer (ionosphere);
- The Shell layer;
- The Outer Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Inner Mantle layer;
- The Core layer.

The Barrier layer of the planet Mercury.

We chose this naming, because the planet Mercury has in its
surroundings a layer of energy which is concentrated almost at the
same distance, against the level of the planet which is considered 0.
This energy Barrier is a rotating spherical magnetic field, which
distorts like a magnifying glass the surface of the soil of the planet
Mercury, so that the planet can be seen as a perfect sphere. At the same
time, this energy Barrier reflects half of the Sun’s rays received by the
planet Mercury, so not the surface of the planet is responsible for this
So, the first layer is outside of the planet Mercury and has the
1.2384 1.2384
thickness of: aMe = 100 RMe = 100 2440 = 30.2 ≈ 30Km,
where, RMe is the “observable” radius, of the planet Mercury,
RMe = 2440 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body
up to “sea level 0”, which will be:
RMeo = RMe– aMe = 2440 – 30 = 2410 Km.

The Shell layer of the planet Mercury.

The thickness proportion of the Shell layer of the planet
Mercury, according U. E. Type I, will be:
a 30
PR-sMe = Me = 2 = 15 Km. But, the Shell layer will be much
larger, because the planet Mercury is smaller than the Earth and the
Shell will multiply in relation to the lower density from the surface of
the planet.
This layer is very important from the point of view of the
phenomena that take place here. The phenomenon that particularly
interests us is the metamorphism. Thus, through metamorphism a
mineral transformation takes place with the help of the microbes. This
is the only place where it is possible to exist the primordial life on the
We appreciated that the thickness of the Shell layer is:
sMe=100 Km.
The Shell layer of the planet Mercury is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sMe- the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mMe-o - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρMe-o - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Mercury.

On the Earth, the thickness of the Shell layer and the thickness
of the Outer Mantle layer, gives us the information to know the
distance between the surface of the planet and the Anchor layer.
Calculating the proportion of the thickness of the Shell layer and the
proportion of thickness of the Outer Mantle layer, reported to the
planet Mercury, will give us the approximate value of the distance
between the surface of the planet and the Anchor layer, for the planet
The thickness proportion of the Anchor layer for planet
Mercury, according U. E. Type I, will be:
7.73994 7.73994
PRAMe = 100
RMe = 100
2440 = 188.85 Km ≈ 190 Km.
So, the thickness of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
hMe-OM = PRAMe – sMe – aMe = 190 – 100 – 30 = 60 Km.
The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Mercury rotates prograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hMe-OM - the Outer Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fMe-1 - the Outer Mantle layer spindle is the axis of the North
- mMe-1 - the mass of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TMe-1 - the period of the Outer Mantle layer -[s];
- νMe-1 - the frequency of the Outer Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vMe-1 - the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle at the equator -
- vTMe-1 - the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ω Me-1 - the angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer -[rad/s];

- ωTMe-1 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρ Me-1 - the density of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- ε Me-1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer -
- εTMe-1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
The Outer Mantle layer spindle is axis of rotation of the planet
and by analogy with the Earth, axis of the “North Geographic Pole”
of the planet Mercury, which makes a 0.1o angle, but due to the very
small inclination, we will consider the spindle fMe-1 is the axis of the
North Pole and is fixed. Thus, the period when the planet makes a
complete rotation, is: TMe-1 = 58.6462 days = 5067032 s.
The speed of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer at the equator,
at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Anchor layer, will
2π R
be: vMe-1 = T Me−OM ,
where, TMe-1 is the period of complete rotation of the Outer
Mantle layer and RMe-OM is the radius from the center of the planet
Mercury, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Anchor
layer (RMe-OM = 2250 Km). Thus, we will have:
2π· 2250000
vMe-1 = 5067032
= 2.79 m/s = 10.044 Km/h.
At this speed of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer at the equator
vMe-1, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the pendulum speed
of the Anchor layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the
Anchor layer vMe-P-OM-A, so that the motion of the electrons on the
surface of the sphere with the radius RMe-OM will be undulating. Thus,
we will get the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer with the Anchor
layer, vTMe-1. Because, vMe-1 and vMe-P-OM-A, make between them a 90o
angle, the result will obtain with Pythagoras’ theorem:
vTMe-1 = �vMe−P−OM−A 2 + vMe−1 2 =
= √0.0352 + 2.792 = 2.79 m/s,
where, vMe-P-OM-A = 0.035 m/s.
So, the translation speed vTMe-1 will have approximatively the
same value in the module with the rotation speed vMe-1, but its sense
will oscillate depending on the pendulum of the Anchor layer.
Namely, the translation speed will make an angle to the equatorial
plane of the planet Mercury, towards the South Pole alternating with
changing the angle in the opposite direction against the equatorial
plane towards the North Pole, thus the trajectory of the translation
speed vTMe-1, will be a sinusoid. This sinusoid will surround the sphere
of radius (RMe-OM = 2250 Km).
The frequency of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
1 1
νMe-1 = T = 5067032 = 1.9735·10-7 rot/s.
The angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer of the planet
2π 2π
Mercury, will be: ωMe-1 = T = 5067032 = 1.24·10-6 rad/s.
At this angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer at the equator
ωMe-1, will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the angular velocity
of the pendulum of the Anchor layer ωMe-P-A so that, we will get the
angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle layer
ωTMe-1. Because ωMe-1 and ωMe-P-A make between them a 90o angle, the
result will be obtained with Pythagoras’ theorem:
ωTMe-1 = �ωMe−P−A 2 + ωMe−1 2 =
= �(8.2667 · 10−7 )2 + (1.24 · 10−6 )2 = 1.49·10-6 rad/s,
where, ωMe-P-A = 8.2667·10-7 rad/s.
Following the symmetry of this movement, it is observed that at
the same time, at the opposite diameter point, we will have another
translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer vTMe-1, at the limit between
the Outer Mantle layer - the Anchor layer, which will generate another
angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle ωTMe-1. Thus, it
results that the vector angular translational velocity ωTMe-1, oscillates
in a perpendicular plane on the plane delimited by the North Pole axis
of the Sun, with the axis of the spindle fMe-A, in the direction of the
spindle fMe-1, both in the northern and southern hemispheres. Thus,
ωTMe-1 the vector of the angular translational velocity of the Outer
Mantle layer, will have the application point in the center of the planet
Mercury and as we move toward the poles, the application point of
ωTMe-1 will move properly on the spindle fMe-1. We have ωTMe-1
maximum for vTMe-1 maximum. Because at the same time, we have
angular velocities of translation ωTMe-1 for all translation speeds of the
Outer Mantle layer vTMe-1, in all plans parallel to the equator at the
separation limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Anchor layer,
we will have a total angular translational velocity ωTTMe-1, which will
be: ωTTMe-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTMe−1i.
The centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
εMe-1 = ω2Me−1 · RMe-OM =
= (1.24·10-6 )2 · 2250000 = 3.4596·10-6 m/s2,
where, RMe-OM = 2 250 000 m.
The centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Mantle
layer εTMe-1, will be obtained by vectorial rule and it will be equal in
module with the sum of the centripetal acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer εMe-1 and the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of
the Anchor layer of the planet Mercury εMe-P-OM-A, having the direction
perpendicular to the spindle fMe-1 and the sense is a vector with the
application point in the center of the planet Mercury, directed to the
outside of the equatorial circle. The centripetal translation acceleration
of the Outer Mantle layer εTMe-1 is maximum at the nodal points, where
the Outer Mantle equator intersects direction Sun - Mercury and it is
minimal at the nodal points, where the Outer Mantle equator intersects
the direction of the orbit of the planet Mercury, when εMe-P-OM-A is null.
Thus, εTMe-1 in the equatorial plane of the Outer Mantle layer will have
the application point in the center of the planet Mercury and as we
move toward the poles, the application point of εTMe-1 will move
properly to the spindle fMe-1.
εTMe-1 = εMe-1 + εMe-P-OM-A =
= 3.4596·10-6 + 1.5376·10-6 = 4.9972·10-6 m/s2,
where, εMe-P-OM-A = 1.5376·10-6 m/s2.
Analogously for total angular translational velocity ωTTMe-1, we
will have a total centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer, εTTMe-1, which will be:
εTTMe-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTMe−1i ,
which will have the maximum value εmaxTMe-1 and it will drop to
zero, towards the poles.

The Anchor layer of the planet Mercury.
The Anchor layer of the planet Mercury is characterized by the
following sizes:
- AMe - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fMe-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole” of the planet (which is axis of the “North Magnetic
- mMe-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TMe-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vMe-P-OM-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vMe-P-A-IM - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s];
- ωMe-P-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρMe-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εMe-P-OM-A - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εMe-P-A-IM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s2].
Because the planet Mercury has small dimensions compared to
a planet, then the thickness of the Anchor layer will grow
proportionately, so that the thickness value of the Anchor layer and
the thickness value of the Outer Mantle layer will be approximately
equal with the specification that the Outer Mantle layer will have
greater thickness, so,
AMe + hMe-IM = RMe – aMe – sMe – hMe-OM – rMe-C =
= 2440 – 30 – 100 – 60 – 480 = 1770 Km. Thus, we will have
the proportion 850/920 = AMe / hMe-IM, so, the thickness of the Anchor
layer will be: AMe = 850 Km and hMe-IM = 920 Km.
The spindle fMe-A is an oscillating axis. Thus, the spindle of this
layer is the axis of the North Pole. So, the spindle of the Anchor layer
oscillates all the time in the plane delimited by the axis of the North
Pole of the planet Mercury and axis of the North Geographic Pole of
the Sun, pendulating at a total 6.76o angle, but we will consider that
the spindle fMe-A moves to the northern area to the left - right direction
of the North Pole of the planet Mercury in the plane delimited by the
axis of the North Pole of the planet Mercury and axis North
Geographic Pole of the Sun, and the place where the center of the
planet Mercury intersects is fixed. The equilibrium position of the
fMe-A spindle is when the fMe-A spindle is identified with the North Pole
axis of the planet Mercury. Specifically, oscillation begins when the
planet Mercury is located at the Ascending Node, when the spindle
fMe-A is in the position of the North Pole axis, after which the spindle
fMe-A is inclined to the left of the North Pole at a 3.38o angle, at the
same time the planet Mercury arrives exactly halfway between the
Ascending Node and the Descending Node. When the planet Mercury
arrives at the Descending Node, the spindle fMe-A returns to its original
position, namely at the position of the North Pole axis. The oscillation
continues and this time the fMe-A spindle will tilt to the right of the
North Pole, up to a 3.38o angle, reaching the inclination of 3.38o, when
the planet Mercury reaches exactly half the distance between the
Descending Node and the Ascending Node. Then, when the planet
Mercury arrives at the Ascending Node, the spindle fMe-A returns to
the North Pole axis position, after which the process is repeated. We
will consider the beginning of a complete oscillation from the moment
when the planet Mercury is in position between the Ascending Node
and the Descending Node. Thus, the planet Mercury travels the entire
orbit, then return to its initial position. So, the period of the pendulum
is of 87.969098 days.
Thus, it is observed that on the limit between the Outer Mantle
layer - the Anchor layer is a continuous flow of electrons, so the
magnetic field that is formed in this area will be a perfect sphere. The
Anchor layer moves just like a pendulum, with the period TMe-A. Thus:
TMe-A= 87.969098 days = 7600530 s.
To find out the space traveled between the pendulating points at
the limit of the Anchor layer - the Outer Mantle layer, we will use the
relation: AMe-P-OM-A = =
6.76·2π· 2250
= = 265.4652 ≈ 266 Km = 266 000 m.
The pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit of the Outer
Mantle layer - the Anchor layer, will be:

AMe−P−OM−A 266000
vMe-P-OM-A = = 7600530 = 0.035 m/s,
from where we deduce that the Anchor layer on the pendulating
direction moves about 0.035 m per second, at the limit of the Outer
Mantle layer - the Anchor layer.
To find out the space crossed between the two pendulate points
at the limit of the Anchor layer - the Inner Mantle layer, we will use
the relation: AMe-P-A-IM = =
6.76·2π· 1400
= = 165.1783 ≈165 Km = 165 000 m.
The pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit of the
Anchor layer - the Inner Mantle layer, will be:
AMe−P−A−IM 165000
vMe-P-A-IM = = 7600530 = 0.022 m/s,
from where we deduce that the Anchor layer on the pendulating
direction moves about 0.022 m per second, at the limit of the Anchor
layer - the Inner Mantle layer.
We can find out the angular velocity of the pendulum. Thus, the
angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor layer ωMe-P-A, will be:
2π 2π
ωMe-P-A = = = 8.2667·10-7 rad/s.
TMe−A 7600530
The centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer at the limit of the Outer Mantle layer - the Anchor layer, will be:
εMe-P-OM-A = ω2Me−P−A · RMe-OM =
= (8.2667·10-7)2 · 2250000 = 1.5376·10-6 m/s2,
where, RMe-OM = 2 250 000 m.
The centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer at the limit of the Anchor layer - the Inner Mantle layer, will be:
εMe-P-A-IM = ω2Me−P−A · RMe-IM =
= (8.2667·10-7)2 · 1400000 = 9.5674·10-7 m/s2,
where, RMe-IM = 1 400 000 m.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Mercury.

The thickness value of the Inner Mantle layer of the planet
Mercury will be: hMe-IM = 920 Km.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Mercury rotates retrograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hMe-IM - the Inner Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fMe-2 - the Inner Mantle layer spindle is axis of the North
Magnetic Pole;
- mMe-2 - the mass of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TMe-2 - the period of the Inner Mantle layer -[s];
- νMe-2 - the frequency of the Inner Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vMe-2 - the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- vMe-P-IM-C - the pendulum speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
limit with the Core layer -[m/s];
- vTMe-2 - the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωMe-2 - the angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTMe-2 - the angular translational velocityof the Inner Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρMe-2 - the density of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εMe-2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εMe-P-IM-C - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Inner Mantle layer at the limit with the Core layer -[m/s2];
- εTMe-2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
vMe-2 = (2π·R ′
vMe-1 =
Me−IM )−(2· FF )+(2π·EF )
= (2π·1400000)−(2· 920000)+(2π·920000)
2.79 ≈ 3.1 m/s.
So, vMe-2 = 3.1 m/s = 11.16 Km/h, for GG’= FF’= FE = hMe-IM
and FF’ = FE = hMe-IM.
vTMe-2 = �vMe−P−A−IM 2 + vMe−2 2 =
= √0.0222 + 3.12 ≈ 3.1 m/s.
v 3.1
ωMe-2 = RTMe−2 = 1400000 = 2.2143·10-6 rad/s.

TMe-2 = ω =


= 2.2143·10−6 = 2837556 s = 788.21 h ≈ 32.84 days.
1 1
νMe-2 = T = 2837556 = 3.5242·10-7 rot/s.
2πRMe−C 2π480000
vMe-P-IM-C = = ≈ 1.063 m/s = 3.83 Km/h.
TMe−2 2837556

ωTMe-2 = �ωMe−P−A 2 + ωMe−2 2 =

= �(8.2667 · 10−7 )2 + (2.2143 · 10−6 )2 ≈ 2.3636·10-6 rad/s,
where, ωMe-P-A = 8.2667·10-7 rad/s.
ωTTMe-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTMe−2i.
εMe-2 = ω2Me−2 · RMe-IM =
= (2.2143·10-6)2 · 1400000 ≈ 6.8644·10-6 m/s2.
εMe-P-IM-C = ω2Me−2 · RMe-C =
= (2.2143·10-6)2 · 480000 ≈ 2.3535·10-6 m/s2.
εTMe-2 = εMe-2 + εMe-P-A-IM =
εTMe-2 = 6.8644·10-6 + 9.5674·10-7 = 7.8211·10-6 m/s2.
εTTMe-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTMe−2i .

The Core layer of the planet Mercury.

The thickness of radius proportion of the Core layer of the planet
Mercury, according to the Universal EngineType I, will be:
19.66 19.66
PR-rMe-C = 100
RMe = 100
2440 = 479.7 ≈ 480 Km.
So, the radius of the Core layer of the planet Mercury will be:
rMe-C = 480 Km
The Core of the planet Mercury rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rMe-C - the radius of the Core layer -[m];
- fMe-3 - the Core layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”;
- mMe-3 - the mass of the Core layer -[Kg];
- TMe-3 - the period of the Core layer -[s];
- νMe-3 - the frequency of the Core layer -[rot/s];
- vMe-3 - the rotation speed of the Core layer at the equator -[m/s];

- vTMe-3 - the translation speed of the Core layer at the equator -
- ωMe-3 - the angular velocity of the Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTMe-3 - the angular translational velocity of the Core layer -
- ρMe-3 - the density of the Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εMe-3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Core layer -[m/s2];
- εTMe-3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Core layer
-[m/s ].
Because the Core layer has no more couple with the Outer Core
layer, we will couple with the Inner Mantle layer, so we consider that
the Core layer rotates in the opposite direction of the Inner Mantle
layer, thus we will have:
(2π·RMe−IM )−�2· FF′ �+(2π·EF )
vMe-3 = 2πrMe−C
vMe-2 =
(2π·1400000)−(2· 920000)+(2π·920000)
vMe-3 = 2π·480000
3.1 ≈ 13.1 m/s.
So, vMe-3 = 13.1 m/s = 47.16 Km/h, for GG’= FF’= FE = hMe-IM
and FF’ = FE = hMe-IM.
So, we consider that this rotation speed is the value of the
rotational speed of the Outer Core layer of the planet Mercury, on the
direction of the equator vMe-3. Thus, the period of the Core layer of the
planet Mercury will be:
2πrMe−C 2π 480000
TMe-3 = = ≈ 230224 s = 63.95 h = 2.66 days.
vMe−3 13.1

vTMe-3 = �vMe−P−IM−C 2 + vMe−3 2 =

= √0.6 2 + 13.12 ≈ 13.1137 m/s.
v 13.1
ωMe-3 = r Me−3 = 480000 = 2.7292·10-5 rad/s.

ωTMe-3 = �ωMe−2 2 + ωMe−3 2 =

= �(2.2143 · 10−6 )2 + (2.7292 · 10−5 )2 = 2.7382·10-5 rad/s.
1 1
νMe-3 = T = 230224 = 4.3436·10-6 rot/s.
ωTTMe-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝐶𝐶 ωTMe−3i ,
εMe-3 = ω2Me−3 · rMe-C =
= (2.7292·10-5)2 · 480000 = 3.5753·10-4 m/s2,
εTMe-3 = εMe-3 + εMe-P-IM-C =
= 3.5753·10-4 + 2.3535·10-6 = 3.5988·10-4 m/s2.
εTTMe-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝐶𝐶 εTMe−3i,
The Magnetic Field of the planet Mercury is generally weak,
because its dimensions are small like that of a satellite, and its Engine
has no power, but being closer to the Sun, its Magnetic Field is
abundantly fed by the electrons, fact which activates the Engine and
determines it to rotate by inertia. Still, the Inner Mantle toroid and the
Outer Mantle toroid have not yet entered in the blockade. From that
moment, these two toroids will line up and they will resonate, after
which their tangential speeds will be equal, thus both layers will be
blocked at the same position with the Anchor layer. In this case, the
planet Mercury will show only one face to the Sun and will look like
a satellite rather than a planet.

8. The planet Venus.
The planet Venus has a “visible” sphere who has a diameter of
12104 Km, so the radius will be RV = 6052 Km.
Most of the planet Venus surface is covered by magmatic plains,
almost 80% of the entire surface. There are two mountainous areas,
one located in the northern hemisphere, which is called Terra Ishtar
(the Babylonian goddess of love) and this is approximately the size of
Australia, where the highest mountain on the planet Venus (Mount
Maxwell) is located, which has 11 Km height, from the level
considered 0, and the second mountainous area is in the southern
hemisphere and is approximately the size of South America. The
atmosphere is oversaturated by carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid,
showing traces of nitrogen gas. The ground temperature reaches up to
460 oC and the pressure reaches 90 bar.
We can find that there is a tectonic activity, so the crust floats in
drift on the Outer Mantle layer. The planet Venus is considered the
twin sister of the Earth, from the point of view of dimensions, but
unfortunately the similarities end here, because the planet Venus
cannot support the human life. So, the planet Venus will have all the
layers that the Earth has, with the specification that the sliding of the
Shell layer on the Outer Mantle layer is a phenomenon due especially
to the high pressure and temperature conditions. As an observation,
the planet Venus is in the period of metamorphism.
According to Law I, of the Universal Engine, the Inner Core
layer will generate three rotating magnetic spherical fields. Studied
from the outside, the Magnetic Field of the planet Venus is weaker
than of the Earth, which means that there is a blockage at the level of
the Outer Core layer - the Inner Mantle layer, so that these two toroids
resonate and they rotate in the same sense, but with different speeds,
which do not allow a powerful cursive flow of the electrons in order
to activate a strong magnetic field. This phenomenon also happened
on Earth and the proof is that the the poles are reversal, which means
that, for a while the Inner Mantle toroid of the planet Venus will rotate
slowly, trained and in the same sense as the Outer Core toroid, but
with a different speed of rotation. The Inner Mantle toroid, produces
the rotating magnetic toroidal fields through the Shell of the planet, so

the sense of these field lines shows us very clearly, if the polarity of
the magnetic field has been reversed, or not.
Thus, the planet Venus will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer (ionosphere);
- The Shell layer;
- The Outer Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Inner Mantle layer;
- The Outer Core layer;
- The Inner Core layer.

The Barrier layer of the planet Venus.

So, the first layer is outside of the planet Venus and has the
1.2384 1.2384
thickness of: aV = 100 RV = 100 6052 = 74.95 ≈ 75 Km,
where, RV is the “observable” radius of the planet Venus,
RV = 6052 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body,
up to elevation 0 (to “sea level”), which will be:
RVo = RV – aV = 6052 – 75 = 5977 Km.

The Shell layer of the planet Venus.

The thickness proportion of the Shell layer by analogy with the
a 75
Earth is: PRsV = 2V = 2 = 37.5 ≈ 38 Km. But the Shell layer will be
larger, because the planet Venus is in metamorphism period, and the
Shell layer will multiply with the coefficient 1.67.
So sV = 1.67·PRsV = 1.67·38 = 63.46 ≈ 63 Km.This layer is very
important from the point of view of the phenomena that take place
here. The phenomenon that particularly interests us is metamorphism.
Thus, through metamorphism a mineral transformation takes place
with the help of the microbes. This is the only place where it is
possible to exist the primordial life on the planet.
The Shell layer of the planet Venus is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sV - the Shell layer thickness -[m];

- mV-o - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρV-o - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Venus.

The thickness proportion ofthe Outer Mantle layer is:
5.7276 5.7276
PRhV-OM = 100
RV = 100
6052 = 346.63 ≈ 347 Km.
From the values of the Shell layer and the Anchor layer, we
adjust the proportion of the thickness value of the Mantle layer, thus,
PRhV-OM = PRAV/1.22 – PRsV.
The proportion with the values of the Earth is A/(s + hOM), which
is 500/410 = 1.22 and we have (hV-OM + 63)1.22 = 468, so, hV-OM =
(468 – 63·1.22)/1.22 = 320 Km. It results that the correct value is not
347 Km, but 320 Km. Thus, the value balanced in terms of order of
size is hV-OM = 320 Km.
The Outer Mantle layer spindle is the axis of rotation of the
planet and by analogy with the Earth, axis of the “North Geographic
Pole” of the planet Venus, which makes a – 2.64o angle, with the axis
of the “North Geomagnetic Pole” of the planet.
The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Venus rotates retrograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hV-OM - the Outer Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fV-1 - the Outer Mantle layer spindle is the axis of rotation of
the planet, (the axis of the “North Geographic Pole”) of the planet
- mV-1 - the mass of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TV-1 - the period of the Outer Mantle layer -[s];
- νV-1 - the frequency of the Outer Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vV-1 - the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle at the equator -
- vTV-1 - the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωV-1 - the angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTV-1 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρV-1 - the density of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εV-1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εTV-1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
So, the Outer Mantle layer of the planet Venus rotates retrograde
and rotation tangential velocity (the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle
at the equator) will be:
2π RV−OM 2π· 5594000
vV-1 = = = 1.67 m/s = 6.012 Km/h,
TV−1 20995200
where, TV-1 is the period of the Outer Mantle layer of the planet
Venus of 243 days = 20995200 s and RV-OM is the radius from the
center of the planet Venus, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer
- the Anchor layer (RV-OM = 5594 Km = 5594000 m).
vTV-1 = �vV−P−OM−A 2 + vV−1 2 =
= √0.038842 + 1.672 ≈ 1.67 m/s.
1 1
νV-1 = T = 20995200 = 4.762·10-8 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωV-1 = T = 20995200 ≈ 3 ·10-7 rad/s.

ωTV-1 = �ωV−P−A 2 + ωV−1 2 =

= �(3.2364 · 10−7 )2 + (3 · 10−7 )2 = 4.413·10-7 rad/s.
ωTTV-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑉𝑉−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTV−1i .
εV-1 = ω2V−1 · RV-OM = (3·10-7)2 ·5594000 = 5.0346·10-7 m/s2.
εTV-1 = εV-1 + εV-P-OM-A =
= 5.0346·10-7 + 5.86·10-7 = 1.08946·10-6 m/s2.
εTTV-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑉𝑉−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTV−1i .

The Anchor layer of the planet Venus.

We will find out the thickness of the Anchor layer with the
7.73994 7.73994
relation: AV = 100 RV = 100 6052 = 468.42 ≈ 468 Km.
The Anchor layer of the planet Venus is characterized by the
following sizes:
- AV - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];

- fV-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole” of the planet Venus;
- mV-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TV-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vV-P-OM-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vV-P-A-IM - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s];
- ωV-P-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρV-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εV-P-OM-A - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εV-P-A-IM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s2].
TV-A= 224.7 = 5392.8 zile = 19414080 s.
7.72·2π·RV−OM 7.72·2π· 5594000
AV-P-OM-A = = = 753734 m.
360 360
AV−P−OM−A 753734
vV-P-OM-A = = 19414080 = 0.03884 m/s.
7.72·2π·RV−IM 7.72·2π· 5126000
AV-P-A-IM = = = 690676 m.
360 360
AV−P−A−IM 690676
vV-P-A-IM = = 19414080= 0.03558 m/s.
2π 2π
ωV-P-A= = 19414080 = 3.2364·10-7 rad/s.
εV-P-OM-A = ω2V−P−A · RV-OM =
= (3.2364·10-7)2 · 5594000 = 5.86·10-7m/s2.
εV-P-A-IM = ω2V−P−A · RV-IM =
= (3.2364·10-7)2 · 5126000 = 5.37·10-7m/s2.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Venus.

The Inner Mantle layer spindle is the axis which makes a – 1.32o
angle, from to rotation axis of the planet, but due to the small angle
we will consider that the spindle fV-2 is the North Pole axis of the

The thickness proportion of the Inner Mantle layer is:
PRhV-IM = 4· AV = 4 · 468 = 1872 Km.
But, as the planet is smaller than the Earth, the thickness of the
Inner Mantle layer will be smaller, reported at the calculation ratio,
meaning that the Inner Core layer and the Outer Core layer will have
greater thicknesses than the calculation ratio. So we will have to make
the necessary correction. Thus approximately hV-IM = 1850 Km.
The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Venus rotates prograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- hV-IM - the Inner Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fV-2 - the Inner Mantle layer spindle is axis which makes a 1.32o
angle to the left from to axis of the “North Geomagnetic Pole” of the
planet Venus;
- mV-2 - the mass of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TV-2 - the period of the Inner Mantle layer -[s];
- νV-2 - the frequency of the Inner Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vV-2 - the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator
- vTV-2 - the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωV-2 - the angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTV-2 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρV-2 - the density of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εV-2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer -
- εTV-2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
vV-2 = (2π·R ′
vV-1 =
V−IM )−(2· FF )+(2π·EF )
= (2π·5126000)−(2· 1850000)+(2π·1850000)
1.67 ≈ 1.463 m/s.
So, vV-2= 1.463 m/s = 5.2668 Km/h, for GG’= FF’= FE = hV-IM
and FF’ = FE = hV-IM.
vTV-2 = �vV−P−A−IM 2 + vV−2 2 =
vTV-2 = √0.035582 + 1.4632 ≈ 1.46343 m/s.
v 1.463
ωV-2 = R V−2 = 5126000 ≈ 2.854·10-7 rad/s.

TV-2 = ω =

= 2.854·10−7 = 22015417 s = 6115.4 h = 254.8 days.
2πRV−OC 2π3276000
vV-IM-OC = = = 0.935 m/s.
TV−2 22015417
1 1
νV-2 = T = 22015417 = 4.542·10-8 rot/s.

ωTV-2 = �ωV−P−A 2 + ωV−2 2 =

= �(3.2364 · 10−7 )2 + (2.854 · 10−7 )2 = 4.315·10-7 rad/s.
ωTTV-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑉𝑉−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTV−2i .
εV-2 = ω2V−2· RV-IM =
= (2.854·10-7)2 ·5126000 = 4.1753·10-7 m/s2.
εV-2-IM = ω2V−2 · RV-OC =
= (2.854·10-7)2 ·3276000 = 2.6684·10-7 m/s2.
εTV-2 = εV-2 + εV-P-A-IM =
= 4.1753·10-7 + 5.37·10-7 = 9.5453·10-7 m/s2.
εTTV-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑉𝑉−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTV−2i .

The Outer Core layer of the planet Venus.

The thickness proportion of the Outer Core layer of the planet
Venus, according to the Universal Engine Type I, is:
34.0558 34.0558
PRnV-OC = 100
RV = 100
6052 = 2061.057 Km.
But as the planet is smaller than the Earth, the thicknesses of the
Inner Core layer and the Outer Core layer will be greater than the
calculation ratio. Also, the thickness of the Inner Mantle layer will be
smaller, so we will have to make the necessary correction. Thus, we
approximate nV-OC = 2070 Km
Because the orbit of the planet Venus is almost a perfect circle,
we consider that the Outer Core layer oscillates a little and because
the planet Venus has no satellites, we will choose the oscillation at
1/2.5 from the oscillation of the Outer Core layer of the Earth, so
5o/2.5 = 2o and the oscillation of the Outer Core layer of the planet
Venus will be: 2 · 2o = 4o. The Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that
makes a 2o angle against the axis of rotation of the planet, but due to
the small angle, we consider the spindle fV-3 as the axis of the North
Magnetic Pole of the planet.
The Outer Core layer of the planet Venus rotates prograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- nV-OC - the Outer Core layer thickness -[m];
- fV-3 - the Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that makes a 2o
angle, to the left as against the axis of the “North Geomagnetic Pole”
of the planet;
- mV-3 - the mass of the Outer Core layer -[Kg];
- TV-3 - the period of the Outer Core layer -[s];
- νV-3 - the frequency of the Outer Core layer -[rot/s];
- vV-3 - the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator
- vV-P-IM-OC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer -
- vV-P-OC-IC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer -[m/s];
- vTV-3 - the translation speed of the Outer Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωV-3 - the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωV-P-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTV-3 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ρV-3 - the density of the Outer Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εV-3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer -
[m/s ];
- εV-P-IM-OC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the
Outer Core layer -[m/s2];
- εV-P-OC-IC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner
Core layer -[m/s2];

- εTV-3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core
layer -[m/s2].
vV-3 = (2π·RV−OC )−(2·CC′ )+(2π·AD)
vV-4 =
= (2π·3276000)−(2· 2070000)+(2π·2070000)
34 ≈ 8.75 m/s.
So, vV-3 = 8.75 m/s = 31.5 Km/h, for CC’= AD = nV-OC,
and A’D’ = AD = nV-OC and vV-4 = 34 m/s.
TV-3 = vV−3
2π· 3276000
= = 2352430.1 s = 653.45 h = 27.23 days.
4·2π·RV−OC 4·2π· 3276000
nV-P-IM-OC = = = 228708.5 m.
360 360
nV−P−IM−OC 228708.5
vV-P-IM-OC = = 2352430,1 = 0.0972 m/s.
2π 2π
ωV-3 = T = 2352430.1 = 2.671·10-6 rad/s.
1 1
νV-3 = T = 2352430.1 = 4.2509·10-7 rot/s.

vTV-3 = �vV−P−IM−OC 2 + vV−3 2 =

= √0.09722 + 8.752 = 8.7505 m/s.
4·2π·RV−IC 4·2π· 1206000
nV-P-OC-IC = = = 84194.9 m.
360 360
nV−P−OC−IC 84194.9
vV-P-OC-IC = = 2352430.1 = 0.0358 m/s
2π 2π
ωV-P-OC = T = 2352430.1 = 2.671·10-6 rad/s.

ωTV-3 = �ωV−P−OC 2 + ωV−3 2 =

= �(2.671 · 10−6 )2 + (2.671 · 10−6 )2 = 3.7774·10-6 rad/s.
ωTTV-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑉𝑉−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTV−3i .
εV-P-IM-OC = ω2V−P−OC · RV-OC =
= (2.671·10-6)2 · 3276000 = 2.3372·10-5 m/s2.
εV-P-OC-IC = ω2V−P−OC · rV-IC =
= (2.671·10-6)2 · 1206000 = 8.6039·10-6 m/s2.
εV-3 = ω2V−3·RV-OC =
= (2.671·10-6)2 ·3276000 = 2.3372·10-5 m/s2.
εTV-3 = εV-3 + εV-P-IM-OC =
= 2.3372·10-5 + 2.3372·10-5 = 4.6744·10-5 m/s2.
εTTV-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑉𝑉−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTV−3i .

The Inner Core layer of the planet Venus.

The thickness proportion of the Inner Core layer of the planet
Venus, according the Universal EngineType I, will be:
19.66 19.66
PRrV-IC = 100
RV = 100
6052 = 1189.82 Km.
But we should make the necessary correction by gathering all
the layers thicknesses of planet Venus and then from RV we will
subtracte this value. So, rV-IC = RV – (aV + sV + hV-OM + AV + hV-IM +
nV-OC) = 6052 – (75 + 63 + 320 + 468 + 1850 + 2070) = 1206 Km.
The Inner Core layer spindle is the axis which makes a 1.3o angle
against the axis of rotation of the planet, but due to the small angle,
we consider the spindle fV-4 is the axis of the “North Geomagnetic
Pole”of the planet.
The Inner Core of the planet Venus rotates retrograde and it is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rV-IC - the radius of the Inner Core layer -[m];
- fV-4 - the Inner Core layer spindle is axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”, of the planet;
- mV-4 - the mass of the Inner Core layer -[Kg];
- TV-4 - the period of the Inner Core layer -[s];
- νV-4 - the frequency of the Inner Core layer -[rot/s];
- vV-4 - the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer at the equator
- vTV-4 - the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωV-4 - the angular velocity of the Inner Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTV-4 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core layer
- ρV-4 - the density of the Inner Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εV-4 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer -

- εTV-4 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core
layer -[m/s2].
According to Law I, of the Universal Engine, the Inner Core of
the planet Venus rotates retrograde at a rotation speed and we know
this rotation speed is lower than the rotation speed of the Inner Core
of the planet Earth. We can only extrapolate, and to calculate the
rotation speed of the Inner Core of the planet Earth, at the radius point
of proportion at the Inner Core of the planet Venus,
2πPRrV−IC 2π 1189000
(PR-rV-IC = 1189 Km), thus: vV-4 = = = 34 m/s.
TIC 220463.2
We consider that it is a sufficient speed, which can produce three
powerful rotating magnetic fields, so we validate it as viable from the
point of view of the order of size.
So, we consider that this rotation speed is the value of the
rotation speed of the Inner Core of the planet Venus at the equator
vV-4 = 34 m/s = 122.4 Km/h. Thus, we find the period of the Inner Core
of the planet Venus, which will be: TV-4 = v V−IC =
2π 1206000
= 34
= 222868.8 s = 61.9 h = 2.5795 days.
vTV-4 = �vV−P−OC−IC 2 + vV−4 2 =
= √0.03582 + 342 ≈ 34 m/s.
1 1
νV-4 = T = 222868,8 = 4.48694·10-6 rot/s.
vV−4 34
ωV-4 = = 1206000 ≈ 2.82·10-5 rad/s.

ωTV-4 = �ωV−P−OC 2 + ωV−4 2 =

= �(2.671 · 10−6 )2 + (2.82 · 10−5 )2 = 2.833·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTV-4 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑉𝑉−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTV−4j .
εV-4 = ω2V−4· rV-IC =
= (2.82·10-5)2 ·1206000 = 9.591·10-4 m/s2.
εTV-4 = εV-4 + εV-P-OC-IC =
= 9.591·10-4 + 8.6039·10-6 = 9.677·10-4 m/s2.
εTTV-4 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑉𝑉−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTV−4j .
If we analyze the values well, we should see that the Outer Core
toroid and the Inner Mantle toroid have the same sense of rotation. So
their tangential speeds is decrease, meaning that it results a lower force
of gearing of the electrons and results in a weak toroidal magnetic
fields. In fact, it is due to the resonance phenomenon between the two
toroids, which led at the inversion of the magnetic poles too in the
toroidal magnetic field of the Inner Mantle layer. But the Engine of
the planet Venus is in “line” and will reactivate soon, after the
resonance phenomenon will pass.

9. The planet Mars.
This planet has been studied the most, because of the climatic
conditions that allowed the rovers to cross, for observing and
analyzing it more, than on the other planets. Thus, saltwater was
detected in the Shell of the planet, the water which sublimated almost
instantly. Furthermore, the entire surface of the planet Mars has been
charted and we have detailed maps with names of seas, mountains,
volcanoes, canyons, cavities, craters, etc. The largest canyon known
in the Solar System, the Valles Marineris is found on Mars, as well as
the highest mountain of the volcanic origin the Olympus Mons, which
is approximately 25 Km high, from the level considered 0, of the
planet. This “level 0” is given by lava flows that flooded the planet
and created the so-called seas. The surface is covered with fine dust
and sand, rich in red iron oxide, which indicates a period in the history
of the planet, when the water was in liquid form, covering a part of the
Shell. The Magnetic Field of the planet is weak and cannot create a
dense atmosphere, which led to the loss of the surface water. The
atmosphere of Mars is rarefied, consisting of carbon dioxide in
proportion of 95%, and the solar wind interacts almost directly with
the ionosphere. The atmospheric pressure at the surface of the planet
is 0.9 kPa, compared to that of Earth which is 101.3 kPa and the
atmosphere reaches up to 11 Km. The temperature varies between
–140 oC (–220 oF) and +20 oC (+68 oF). The sandstorms must be
mentioned, which are the most powerful in the Solar System and the
carbon ice bumps from poles, which contain a significant amount of
The Shell layer is blocked, because no tectonic movements were
observed, and volcanism also is stopped. Mars has all the layers of the
Universal Engine Type of a Dwarf Planet. The Engine of planet Mars,
seems to be “flooded with water” and “cemented” because the Inner
Mantle toroid is blocked with the Anchor layer, form a large Anchor
layer. Both these layers act like a single block big Anchor. The orbit
of the planet Mars is more eccentric than for other planets from the
Solar System, which reinforces the fact that it behaves rather like a
satellite than a planet, namely it has a large Anchor surface. So, we
will analyze all the layers of this planet, we will evaluate their

parameters, we will look at the ensemble, after which we will draw
the final conclusions.
In the area with the largest volcanic activity it is observed the
Valles Marineris canyon, which shows the place where the saltwater
was expelled, activated by the flow of electrons. This means that the
phenomenon occurs only in this area of the planet. Namely, in the area
where the Shell layer temperature from all over the planet is higher,
compared to the temperature of the Shell layer of that planet from that
period. This means that in this area, the plasticised Shell layer
becomes rigid and cracked. The cracks were filled with saltwater and
they waited just for passing the passage of the planet through the one
energetic orbit, for activating water flows, through “four slits”. Why
four? Because the electron flow reaches in the most area closer to the
energetic orbit. This energetic orbit is shaped like an elongated toroid
pear-shaped and when the orbit of the planet intersects the peak of
“pear of energy” (this is the shortest way to the planet, where it
intersects with the Shell layer of the planet), the flow of electrons was
activated. In our case, because the rotation axis was inclined to
approximately 25o, the entry place of the energetic flow of electrons
was through the South Pole area, which is also the output area of the
Magnetic Field of planet. Thus, the energy Barrier reversed the sense
of the Magnetic Field of planet Mars up to the limit with the Outer
Core (he couldn’t penetrate further, due to the stronger electrons flow
from the limit between the surfaces the Outer Core - Inner Mantle)
then was reflected by the Outer Core, was filtered through the Inner
Mantle layer, through the Anchor layer, then arrived in the Outer
Mantle layer, where he encountered the first two cracks, after which
he erupted with power through four slits of the Shell layer. On Mars it
is clearly visible the drift of the primordial continent, the smooth
Basalt area (which is the accepted level 0 of the planet) and the area
through which the saltwater erupted on the surface of the planet
(Valley Marineris). But something stopped suddenly in the Engine of
the planet Mars and the Magnetic Field of the planet has decreased,
which allowed the total loss of liquid water from the surface of the
planet. At that stage of evolution of the planet Mars, the saltwater
inside the Shell layer, under the action of electron flow, reached high
temperatures and pressures, fact that favored the emergence of the

primary life. Thus, these elements together with saltwater penetrated
through cracks with the help of the energetic flow and they are the
cause of the blockage the Engine of Mars. The Researchers named
Tholins, the elements that give color to the water of Europe, the
satellite of Jupiter. We will named these elements - Tholins, because
they are the same, and have the link to the iron ore, water and the red
It should also be specified that the planet Mars oscillates almost
at a 35o angle. To make this phenomenon appear, it means that the
Anchor layer of the planet is large relatively to the entire planet. So,
the final conclusion is as the Inner Mantle is cemented with the
Anchor layer. Thus, the Tholins have penetrated the cracks created by
the flow of electrons together with the saltwater jet and have blocked
the Inner Mantle toroid to the limit with the Anchor layer. For
balancing the layer of the pendulum, the Outer Core toroid entered the
resonance and began to rotate retrograde, in the same sense as the
Inner Core. Why did we introduce the Tholins into the equation?
Because the saltwater together with the flow of electrons would
destroy these layers, but could not block them. Instead, just an extra
matter mobile and viscous could do that (to cement the layers). Thus,
the two layers, the Inner Mantle layer and the initial Anchor layer,
they have become a big Anchor layer. Why did I consider that the
Outer Core was not blocked? Because there is an energy Barrier on
the surface of the planet, which assimilates the planet into a perfect
A final conclusion is that the Engine of the planet Mars, is
blocked, with the one perfect centered couple, between the Mantle
layer and the Outer Core layer, instead the Inner Core layer rotates in
the same sense as the Outer Core layer, but it has a rotation
independent of it, much smaller, which can only generate a rotating
very weak magnetic spherical field.
The “observable” sphere of the planet Mars has a diameter of,
DMa = 6792 Km, so the radius will be RMa = 3396 Km.
Thus, the planet Mars will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer (ionosphere);
- The Shell layer;
- The Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Outer Core layer;
- The Inner Core layer.

The Barrier layer of the planet Mars.

Thus, the first layer is found outside the planet Mars and its
1.2384 1.2384
thickness is: aMa = 100 RMa = 100 3396 = 42 Km,
where, RMa is the “observable” radius of the planet Mars,
RMa = 3396 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body,
up to elevation 0 to “sea level”, which will be:
RMao = RMa – aMa = 3396 – 42 = 3354 Km.

The Shell layer of the planet Mars.

The thickness proportion of the Shell layer of the planet Mars
according to the Universal Engine Type I, will be:
aMa 42
PRsMa = = = 21 Km.
2 2
But the Shell layer will be larger proportionally because the
planet Mars is much smaller than the Earth. From the point of view of
the phenomena that take place here, this area is very important. So, if
the planet Mercury has a Shell layer of about 100 Km and the Moon
has a Shell layer of 112 Km, then the planet Mars will have a Shell
layer of about 80 Km.
The Shell layer of the planet Mars is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sMa - the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mMa-o - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρMa-o - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Mantle layer of the planet Mars.

From the values of the Shell layer and the Anchor layer, we
adjust the ratio of the thickness value of Mantle layer, PRhMa-M =
= PRAMa – (PRaMa + PRsMa) = 263 – (42 + 80) Km = 141 Km.
So, the approximate value of the Mantle layer thickness is,
hMa-M = 140 Km, which is correct from the point of view of the order
of size.
The Mantle layer of the planet Mars rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- hMa-M - the Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fMa-1 - the Mantle layer spindle is the axis of rotation of the
planetaxis of the “North Geographic Pole” of the planet;
- mMa-1 - the mass of the Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TMa-1 - the period of the Mantle layer -[s];
- νMa-1 - the frequency of the Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vMa-1 - the rotation speed of the Mantle at the equator -[m/s];
- vTMa-1 - the translation speed of the Mantle layer at the equator
- ωMa-1 - the angular velocity of the Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTMa-1 - the angular translational velocity of the Mantle layer -
- ρMa-1 - the density of the Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εMa-1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εTMa-1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Mantle
layer -[m/s2].
The Mantle layer spindle is the rotation axis of the planet Mars.
The spindle fMa-1 oscillates at a 35o angle, due to the pendulum of the
planet Mars, which causes inertia, resulting in the rotation axis
displacement of the Mantle layer. The Mantle layer of the planet
Marsrotates prograde and the rotation speed of the Mantle at the
equator will be:
2π RMa−M 2π· 3134000
vMa-1 = = = 222.2 m/s = 799.92 Km/h.
TMa−1 88632
When TMa-1 is the period of complete rotation of the Mantle
layer, by 24.62 h = 88632 s and RMa-M is the radius from center of the
planet Mars, at the limit between Mantle layer - Anchor layer
(RMa-M = 3134 Km = 3134000 m).
vTMa-1 = �vMa−P−M−A 2 + vMa−1 2 =
= √0.018432 + 222.22 = 222.2 m/s.
1 1
νMa-1 = T = 88632 = 1.12826·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωMa-1 = T = 88632 = 7.089 ·10-5 rad/s.

ωTMa-1 = �ωMa−P−A 2 + ωMa−1 2 =

= �(1.05855 · 10−7 )2 + (7.089 · 10−5 )2 ≈ 7.089·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTMa-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝑀𝑀 ωTMa−1i .
εMa-1 = ω2Ma−1 · RMa-M =
= (7.089 ·10-5)2 ·3134000 = 0.01575 m/s2.
εTMa-1 = εMa-1 + εMa-P-A-M =
= 0.01575 + 3.5117·10-8 = 0.01575 m/s2.
εTTMa-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝑀𝑀 εTMa−1i.

The Anchor layer of the planet Mars.

We will find out the thickness proportion of the initial Anchor
layer with the relation:
7.73994 7.73994
PR-AMa = 100
RMa = 100
3396 = 262.85 ≈ 263 Km.
The thickness proportion of the Anchor layer for the planet Mars
will be: PRhMa-IM = 4· AMa = 4 ·263 = 1052 Km. But, the smaller the
planet is than the Earth, the smaller the thickness of the Inner Mantle
layer will be, reported at the calculation ratio and the Inner Core will
have greater thickness, than the calculation ratio, so we should make
the necessary correction. Thus, we approximate the thickness of the
Inner Mantle layer of hMa-IM = 1016 Km.
So, the final thickness of the Anchor layer of planet Mars is the
initial Anchor layer plus the Inner Mantle layer, thus:
AMa = PR-AMa + hMa-IM = 263 + 1016 ≈ 1280 Km.
The Anchor layer of the planet Mars is characterized by the
following sizes:
- AMa - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fMa-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”, of the planet;
- mMa-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TMa-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vMa-P-M-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vMa-P-A-OC - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Outer Core layer -[m/s];
- ωMa-P-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρMa-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εMa-P-A-M - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer, at the limit with the Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εMa-P-A-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer at the limit with the Outer Core layer -[m/s2].
In normal conditions, the spindle of the Anchor layer should
oscillate of a 5.65o angle to the left and of a 5.65o angle to the right of
the North Pole axis, totaling 11.3o, because this is the inclination of
planet Mars as against the equatorial plane of the Sun. But because the
mass of the pendulum of planet Mars (the Anchor layer) is large in
report with the mass of the planet, the inertia appears and increases the
angle of oscillation. What we can observe if we look at the planet
Mars, is the oscillation of the Mantle layer at which we also added the
inertia of the Anchor layer, so the oscillation phenomenon is
amplified. Thus, the Anchor layer has an oscillating spindle, which is
identified with the axis of the North Geomagnetic Pole (analogous to
Earth). This spindle oscillate more than the inclination of planet Mars,
as against the equatorial plane of the Sun. Thus, the spindle fMa-A
oscillates almost double, so 10o to the left and 10o to the right, against
to the position of the spindle in the equilibrium state, so the angle of
pendulum is approximately of 20o.
TMa-A = 687 days = 59356800 s.
20·2π·RMa−M 20·2π· 3134000
AMa-P-M-A = = = 1093975 m.
360 360
AMa−P−M−A 1093975
vMa-P-M-A = = 59356800 = 0.01843 m/s.
20·2π·RMa−OC 20·2π· 1854000
AMa-P-A-OC = = = 647170 m.
360 360
AMa−P−A−OC 647170
vMa-P-A-OC = = 59356800 = 0.0109 m/s.
2π 2π
ωMa-P-A = = = 1.05855·10-7 rad/s.
TMa−A 59356800
εMa-P-A-M = ω2Ma−P−A ·
RMa-M =
= (1.05855·10 ) ·3134000 = 3.5117·10-8 m/s2.
-7 2

εMa-P-A-OC = ω2Ma−P−A · RMa-OC =
= (1.05855·10-7)2 ·1854000 = 2.07746·10-8 m/s2.

The Outer Core layer of the planet Mars.

According to U. E. Type I, the thickness of the proportion of the
Outer Core layer of the planet Mars is:
34.0558 34.0558
PRnMa-OC = 100
RMa = 100
3396 = 1156.535 Km.
But, the smaller the planet is than the Earth, the smaller the
thickness ratio of the Inner Mantle layer will be, reported at the
calculation ratio and the Inner Core will have greater thickness, than
the calculation ratio, so we should make the necessary correction.
Approximately nMa-OC = 1170 Km.
The Outer Core layer of the planet Mars rotates retrograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- nMa-OC - the Outer Core layer thickness -[m];
- fMa-2 - the Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that makes a 8o
angle to the right, against the axis of the “North Geomagnetic Pole”
towards the axis of the “North Geographic Pole” of the planet;
- mMa-2 - the mass of the Outer Core layer -[Kg];
- TMa-2 - the period of the Outer Core layer -[s];
- νMa-2 - the frequency of the Outer Core layer -[rot/s];
- vMa-2 - the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator
- vMa-P-OC-IC - the pendulum speed of the Outer Core layer at the
limit with the Inner Core layer -[m/s];
- vTMa-2 - the translation speed of the Outer Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωMa-2 - the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωMa-P-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTMa-2 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ρMa-2 - the density of the Outer Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εMa-2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer -
- εMa-P-OC-IC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer at the limit with the Inner Core layer -[m/s2];
- εTMa-2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Core layer -[m/s2].
vMa-2 = (2π·R ′
vMa-1 =
Ma−OC )−(2· FF )+(2π·EF )
= (2π·1854000)−(2· 1170000)+(2π·1170000)
222.2 ≈ 263 m/s.
So, vMa-2 = 263 m/s = 946.8 Km/h,
for GG’= FF’= FE = nMa-OC and FF’ = FE = nMa-OC.
2π·RMa−OC 2π· 1854000
TMa-2 = vMa−2
= 263
= 44293 s = 12.3 h
1 1
νMa-2 = T = 44293 = 2.257693·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωMa-2 = T = 44293 = 1.4185·10-4 rad/s.

vTMa-2 = �vMa−P−A−OC 2 + vMa−2 2 =

= √0.0109 2 + 2632 = 263 m/s.
16·2π·RMa−IC 16·2π· 684000
nMa-P-OC-IC = = = 191009 m.
360 360
nMa−P−OC−IC 191009
vMa-P-OC-IC = = = 4.3124 m/s
TMa−2 44293
2π 2π
ωMa-P-OC = T = =
Ma−2 44293
= 1.4185·10-4 rad/s = ωMa-2.
ωTMa-2 = �ωMa−P−OC 2 + ωMa−2 2 =
= �(1.4185 · 10−4 )2 + (1.4185 · 10−4 )2 = 2.006·10-4 rad/s.
ωTTMa-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTMa−2i.
εMa-2 = ω2Ma−2 · RMa-OC =
= (1.4185·10-4)2 ·1854000 = 0.0373 m/s2.
εMa-P-OC-IC = ω2Ma−2 · RMa-IC =
= (1.4185·10-4)2 · 684000 = 0.013763 m/s2.
εTMa-2 = εMa-3 + εMa-P-A-OC =
= 0.0373 + 2.07746·10-8 = 0.0373 m/s2.
εTTMa-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTMa−2i.

The Inner Core layer of the planet Mars.
The thickness of the proportion of the Inner Core layer of the
19.66 19.66
planet Mars, will be: PRrMa-IC = 100 RMa = 100 3396 = 667.65 Km.
But we will have to make the correction, thus we add of all the
thicknesses planet Mars layers and then from RMa we will decrease
this value, so, rMa-IC = RMa – (aMa + sMa + hMa-M + AMa + nMa-OC) =
= 3396 – (42 + 80 + 140 + 1280 + 1170) = 684 Km.
The Inner Core of the planet Mars rotates retrograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rMa-IC - the radius of the Inner Core layer -[m];
- fMa-3 - the Inner Core layer spindle is axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”;
- mMa-3 - the mass of the Inner Core layer -[Kg];
- TMa-3 - the period of the Inner Core layer -[s];
- νMa-3 - the frequency of the Inner Core layer -[rot/s];
- vMa-3 - the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer at the equator
- vTMa-3 - the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωMa-3 - the angular velocity of the Inner Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTMa-3 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ρMa-3 - the density of the Inner Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εMa-3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer -
[m/s ];
- εTMa-3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner
Core layer -[m/s2].
According to the Law I of the Universal Engine, the Inner Core
of the planet Mars rotates retrograde at a rotation speed and we know
this rotation speed is lower than the rotation speed of the Inner Core
of the planet Earth. We can only extrapolate, and calculate the rotation
speed of the Inner Core of the planet Earth, at the radius point of
proportion at the Inner Core of the planet Mars, PR-rMa-IC, thus:
2πPRrMa−IC 2π 667000
vMa-3 = = = 10.82 m/s
TNI 387373.6

So, we consider that this rotation speed is the value of the
rotation speed of the Inner Core of the planet Mars at the equator
vMa-3. Thus, the period of the Inner Core layer of the planet Mars will
2πr 2π 684000
be: TMa-3 = v Ma−IC = 10.82 = 397200 s = 110.33 h = 4.59 days.

vTMa-3 = �vMa−P−OC−IC 2 + vMa−3 2 =

= √4.3124 2 + 10.822 = 11.6477 m/s.
1 1
νMa-3 = T = 397200 = 2.51762·10-6 rot/s.
vMa−3 10.82
ωMa-3 = = 684000 = 1.58187·10-5 rad/s.

ωTMa-4 = �ωMa−P−OC 2 + ωMa−3 2 =

= �(1.4185 · 10−4 )2 + (1.58187 · 10−5 )2 =
= 1.4273·10-4 rad/s.
ωTTMa-3 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTMa−3j.
εMa-3 = ω2Ma−3 · rMa-IC =
= (1.58187·10-5)2 ·684000 = 1.7116·10-4 m/s2.
εMa-P-OC-IC = ω2Ma−P−OC· rMa-IC =
= (1.4185·10-4)2 ·684000 = 0.013763 m/s2.
εTMa-3 = εMa-3 + εMa-P-OC-IC =
= 1.7116·10-4 + 0.013763 = 0.0139342 m/s2.
εTTMa-3 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTMa−3j .
The Magnetic Field of the planet Mars is proportional to the
planet and it is enough as intensity, but it misses Van Allen Radiation
belt II, compared to the Earth. This means that it cannot maintain its
insulation rooms, against the solar wind, thus the Magnetic Field goes
away like a comet tail. Due to this phenomenon, the planet Mars
cannot keep the atmosphere, as the Earth does, although a rarefied
atmosphere exists on the planet. Most correctly, we should call the
Mantle layer - the Outer Mantle layer, and the Outer Core layer - the
Inner Mantle layer, because the torque of the Outer Mantle layer - the
Anchor layer - the Inner Mantle layer, forms a perfectly balanced
couple, but to be able to follow more clearly the method and reasoning
by which these values were reached, we will leave the names of these
layers unchanged.
10. The planet Jupiter.
We have very little data about the planet Jupiter related to the
Shell layer. But we have some data from the Galileo spacecraft, which
has orbited the planet for a period of 7 years. Thus, Galileo launched
an exploration spacecraft toward Jupiter, but failed after resisted time
of 57.6 minutes, after its entering in the planet atmosphere. But, as it
traveled 150 Km, from the energy limit (from the magnetic field of
Jupiterian ionosphere), it succeeded in measuring the pressure of 22
bar and the temperature of 153 oC, after which the spacecraft was
destroyed. But, we received important information, once with the
crash of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on the planet Jupiter, with a speed
of 60 Km/s. Thus, the comet was sheared by the energy Barriers
through which it passed. It was divided into several pieces and there
were several impacts with the planet Jupiter. Traces of these
explosions were visible for several months after impact. From here,
we concluded that in reality the comet hit a solid surface, because if it
had hit a liquid, then the traces of the impact would have erased and
the liquid would have quickly covered the traces of the collision. The
most important information was that the Shell layer of planet Jupiter
is solid and what we see on the surface of the planet are actually the
cyclones of the fluid storms, which do not turn into liquids on the
surface of the planet (or not in a large volume of liquids). So, the
second layer of the Universal Engine has been revealed (the Shell
layer) in solid state. The planet Jupiter has a very strong Magnetic
Field, which extends to 650 000 000 Km after the planet Saturn, and
in the direction of the Sun, that is against the solar wind, reaches about
4 300 000 Km. The planet has a slight inclination of the axis of rotation
by only 3o and the inclination against the equator of the Sun is 6o. The
planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called gas giants, but
in fact, the gases are in a fluid state, even liquid, only in the
atmosphere, that is from the energy Barrier from the surface of the
planet (ionosphere), which delimits very precisely these fluids of outer
space to the Shell layer. Thus, the planet Jupiter has a powerful Engine
and its Inner Core produces five firm magnetic fields spherical
concentric, and the last one represents the limit of the energy Barrier
that we see and which is actually a visible sphere. The dimension of
the sphere diameter is:

133 708 Km, so the “visible” radius is RJ = 66 854 Km.
The planet Jupiter is accompanied on its orbit by asteroids,
which occupy in the Hill sphere of planet Jupiter, the Lagrange points
L3, L4, L5, being named Hildas, Greeks and Trojans. Also the
Lagrange point L1 is occupied by asteroids that change constantly with
others, because the Lagrange point L1 is less gravitationally stable.
These asteroids, which are in the area of the Lagrange point L1 have a
resonance of 2:3 with the planet Jupiter, mixing with the Hildas and
because of this fact they are called as well as the asteroids from the
Hilda family.
As a conclusion, it is observed that the resonance phenomenon
of the planets (the satellites), happens in the case in which, the
gravitational influence appears from two zones, of the same layer,
from the same celestial body, which have different rotation periods,
for example the Outer Core layer of the Sun (the planet) - case I. But
also it exists the case II, when the resonance phenomenon of the
planets (the satellites), happens in case in which, the gravitational
influence appears from two zones, of the two layer, from the same
celestial body, which have different rotation periods, for example the
Tunic layer and the Outer Mantle layer of the Sun (the planet). This
phenomenon occurs in case II, when the respective zones are
assimilated with layers having different periods, but the rotation of the
respective layers is realised in the same direction, for example, the
Inner Mantle rotates in the same sense as the Outer Core.
The planet Jupiter has a high rotation speed at the surface of the
Shell layer (we see the rotation speed at the surface of the ionosphere)
and this speed must be reduced up to the Anchor layer. Therefore, each
layer with the thickness of an “Anchor layer” will rotate more and
more slowly, until the tangential speed will decrease. Thus, in the end,
the Anchor layer or the Pendulum of planet can be balanced from the
inside, not to be overturned. So, the five rotating spherical magnetic
fields, created by the Inner Core will delimit four layers, from which
three will rotate in the same direction, and the rotation speed will
decrease progressively up to the Anchor layer. Thus, two more new
layers will appear, and we will call them, the Sleeve layer and the
Tunic layer. Thus, the planet Jupiter will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer (ionosphere);
- The Shell layer;
- The Sleeve layer;
- The Tunic layer;
- The Outer Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Inner Mantle layer;
- The Outer Core layer;
- The Inner Core layer.

The Barrier layer of the planet Jupiter.

Thus, the first layer is outside of the planet Jupiter and its
1.2384 1.2384
thickness is: aJ = 100 RJ = 100 66854 = 827.9199 ≈ 828 Km,
Where, RJ is the “observable” radius of the planet Jupiter,
RJ = 66 854 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body,
up to elevation 0 of the “sea level”, which will be:
RJo = RJ – aJ = 66854 – 828 = 66026 Km.

The Shell layer of the planet Jupiter.

The thickness proportion of the Shell layer of the planet Jupiter,
a 828
related to Earth, will be: PRsJ = 2J = 2 = 414 Km. But the Shell layer
will be exponentially smaller, because the planet Jupiter is larger than
the Earth and the Shell will decrease with the proportion found in the
diameters ratio. Thus, DJ/DP = 10.35, so,
sJ = PRsJ– 10.35% PRsJ = 414 – 43 = 371 ≈ 370 Km.
This layer is very important from the point of view of the
phenomena that take place here. Thus, the Shell layer of the planet
Jupiter isolates gases from the atmosphere, from incandescent magma
of the Sleeve layer. Here are the phenomena associated with
metamorphism, in fact only in this area certain microbes can still live,
because in the molten magma there will definitely be no life.
Therefore, the Shell layer of planet Jupiter is like a hot plate and here
the phenomenon of convection appears, which raises the gases out of
the atmosphere.

The Shell layer of the planet Jupiter is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sJ - the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mJ-o - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρJ-o - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Sleeve layer of the planet Jupiter.

The thickness proportion of the Outer Mantle layer is:
5.7276 5.7276
PRhJ-OM = 100
RJ = 100
66854 = 3829.129 ≈ 3829 Km.
We adjust the thickness ratio value of the Mantle layer with the
Shell layer values and of the Anchor layer. The proportion with the
terrestrial values is PRhJ-OM = PRAJ/1.22 – PRsJ = 5175/1.22 – 370 =
3872 Km, where A/(s+hOM), which is 500/410 = 1.22. Thus, the
correct value is not 3829 Km, but 3872 Km. So, the value balanced
from the point of view of the order of size is hJ-OM = 3872 Km. But
this layer will no longer be called the Outer Mantle layer, because the
Outer Mantle layer must be located immediately after the Anchor
layer, to counter the Inner Mantle layer. This layer will be named the
Sleeve layer, so, hJ-S = 3872 Km.
The Sleeve layer spindle is the axis of rotation of the planet and
by analogy with the Earth is the axis of the “North Geographic Pole”
of the planet Jupiter, which makes a 3o angle to right against the axis
of the “North Geomagnetic Pole” of the planet.
The Sleeve layer of the planet Jupiter rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- hJ-S - the Sleeve layer thickness -[m];
- fJ-1 - the Sleeve layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geographic Pole” of the planet;
- mJ-1 - the mass of the Sleeve layer -[Kg];
- TJ-1 - the period of the Sleeve layer -[s];
- νJ-1 - the frequency of the Sleeve layer -[rot/s];
- vJ-1 - the rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator -
- vTJ-1 - the translation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator -
- ωJ-1 - the angular velocity of the Sleeve layer -[rad/s];
- ωTJ-1 - the angular translational velocity of the Sleeve layer -
- ρJ-1 - the density of the Sleeve layer -[Kg/m3];
- εJ-1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Sleeve layer -[m/s2];
- εTJ-1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Sleeve layer
-[m/s ].
The rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator will be:
2π RJ−S 2π·61784000
vJ-1 = = = 10864.854 m/s = 39113.5 Km/h.
TJ−1 35730
Where TJ-1 is the period of the complete rotation of the planet
Jupiter of 9.925 h = 35730 s and RJ-MS is the radius of the center of the
planet Jupiter at the limit of the Sleeve layer - the Tunic layer (RJ-MS =
61784 Km = 61784000 m).
The Sleeve layer spindle of the planet Jupiter fJ-1 does not
oscillate. Instead, the Tunic layer spindle (the next layer) has an
oscillation, because the pendulum (the Anchor layer) engages by
inertia of the Outer Mantle layer. Also, the Outer Mantle layer engages
the Tunic layer. Thus, the Tunic layer has a slight oscillation, but this
oscillation exists.
At the speed of rotation of the Sleeve layer at the equator vJ-1, it
will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the pendulum speed of the
Tunic layer, at the limit between the Sleeve layer - the Tunic layer vJ-
P-S-T will get the translation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator, at
the limit between the Sleeve layer with the Tunic layer, vTJ-1.
vTJ-1 = �vJ−P−S−T 2 + vJ−1 2 =
= √0.01152182 + 10864.8542 = 10864.854 m/s.
1 1
νJ-1 = T = 35730 = 2.798768·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωJ-1 = T = 35730 ≈ 1.7585 ·10-4 rad/s.

ωTJ-1 = �ωJ−P−S−T 2 + ωJ−1 2 =

= �(1.86485 · 10−10 )2 + (1.7585 · 10−4 )2 =
= 1.7585 ·10-4 rad/s.
ωTTJ-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑆𝑆 ωTJ−1i .

εJ-1 = ω2J−1 · RJ-S = (1.7585 ·10-4)2 · 61784000 = 1.9106 m/s2.
εTJ-1 = εJ-1 + εJ-P-S-T = 1.9106 + 2.14864·10-12 = 1.9106 m/s2.
εTTJ-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑆𝑆 εTJ−1i .

The Tunic layer of the planet Jupiter.

We will find out the thickness of the Tunic layer with the
7.73994 7.73994
relation: AJ = 100 RJ = 100 66854 = 5174.459 ≈ 5175 Km.
Thus, hJ-T = 5175 Km.
The Tunic layer spindle of the planet Jupiter has an oscillation
of 3o, so the total oscillation is of 6o. In reality, the pendulum of the
planet Jupiter (the Anchor layer) oscillates under a total 12.2o angle
and this oscillation is transmitted to the Outer Mantle layer. Thus, the
Outer Mantle layer will oscillate under a total 9o angle, and this
oscillation is transmitted further to the Tunic layer, also the Tunic
layer will oscillate under a total 6o angle. So, the effect of oscillation
on the Tunic layer will be maximum, when the Outer Mantle layer and
the Tunic layer will have the pendulums in opposition.
The Tunic layer of the planet Jupiter rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- hJ-T - the Tunic layer thickness -[m];
- fJ-2 - the Tunic layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geographic Pole” of the planet;
- mJ-2 - the mass of the Tunic layer -[Kg];
- TJ-2 - the period of the Tunic layer -[s];
- νJ-2 - the frequency of the Tunic layer -[rot/s];
- vJ-2 - the rotation speed of the Tunic at the equator -[m/s];
- vJ-P-S-T - the pendulum speed of the Tunic layer, at the limit
between the the Tunic layer - the Sleeve layer -[m/s];
- vTJ-2 - the translation speed of the Tunic layer at the equator -
- ωJ-2 - the angular velocity of the Tunic layer -[rad/s];
- ωJ-P-S-T - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Tunic
layer, at the limit between the Tunic layer - the Sleeve layer -[rad/s];

- ωTJ-2 - the angular translational velocity of the Tunic layer -
- ρJ-2 - the density of the Tunic layer -[Kg/m3];
- εJ-2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Tunic layer -[m/s2];
- εJ-P-S-T - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Tunic layer, at the limit between the Tunic layer - the Sleeve layer -
- εTJ-2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Tunic layer
-[m/s ].
Because up to the Anchor layer there are three layers, the
rotation speed of the Sleeve layer is amortized with 1/3. Every time,
the rotation speed will decrease with 1/3 and will be found the rotation
speed of the next toroid. Namely, we found the rotation speed of the
Tunic layer vJ-2 = vJ-1/3, then the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle
layer vJ-3 = vJ-2/3.
vJ−1 10864.854
vJ-2 = = = 3621.618 m/s = 13037.8248 Km/h.
3 3
The period of the Tunic layer TJ-2 will be:
2π RJ−T 2π 56609000
TJ-2 = = = 98212 s = 27.28 h = 1.1367 days.
vJ−2 3621.618
But, the pendulum period of the Tunic layer is equal to the
period of the Anchor layer, so:
TJ-A= 11.862615 years = 4332.8956 days = 103989.5 h =
= 374362184 s.
6·2π·RJ−S 4·2π· 61784000
nJ-P-S-T = = = 4313346,9866 m.
360 360
nJ−P−S−T 4313346.9866
vJ-P-S-T = = = 0.0115218 m/s.
TJ−A 374362184
vJ−P−S−T 0,0115218
ωJ-P-S-T = = 61784000 ≈ 1.86486·10-10 rad/s.
The pendulum speed of the Tunic layer vJ-P-S-T is transmitted to
the Sleeve layer and will get the translation speed of the Sleeve layer
At the speed of rotation of the Tunic layer at the equator vJ-2, it
will be added, using the parallelogram rule, the pendulum speed of the
Outer Mantle layer, at the limit between the Tunic layer - the Outer
Mantle layer vJ-P-T-OM and will get the translation speed of the Tunic

layer at the equator, at the limit between the Tunic Mantle layer with
the Outer Mantle layer, vTJ-2.
vTJ-2 = �vJ−P−T−OM 2 + vJ−2 2 =
= √0.02375282 + 3621.6182 = 3621.618 m/s.
1 1
νJ-2 = T = 98212 = 1.0182·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωJ-2 = T = 98212 ≈ 6.3976 ·10-5 rad/s.

ωTJ-2 = �ωJ−P−T−OM 2 + ωJ−2 2 =

= �(4.195937 · 10−10 )2 + (6.3976 · 10−5 )2 =
= 6.3976 ·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTJ-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑇𝑇 ωTJ−2i .
εJ-2 = ω2J−2 · RJ-T = (6.3976 ·10-5)2 · 56609000 = 0.23169 m/s2.
εJ-P-S-T = ω2J−P−S−T · RJ-S =
= (1.86486·10-10)2 · 61784000 = 2.14864·10-12 m/s2.
εTJ-2 = εJ-2 + εJ-P-T-OM =
= 0.23169 + 9.9665·10-12 = 0.23169 m/s2.
εTTJ-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑇𝑇 εTJ−2i .

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Jupiter.

We will find out the thickness of the Outer Mantle layer with
7.73994 7.73994
the relation: AJ = 100 RJ = 100 66854 = 5174.459 ≈ 5175 Km.
Thus, hJ-OM = 5175 Km.
The Outer Mantle layer spindle of the planet Jupiter has an
oscillation of 4.5o, so the total oscillation is of 9o. In reality, the
pendulum of the planet Jupiter (the Anchor layer) oscillates under a
total of 12.2o angle and this oscillation is transmitted to the Outer
Mantle layer, so that the Outer Mantle layer will oscillate by inertia
under a total 9o angle. Thus, the effect of oscillation on the Outer
Mantle layer will be maximum, when the Outer Mantle layer and the
Anchor layer will have the pendulums in opposition.
The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Jupiter rotates prograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:

- hJ-OM - the Outer Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fJ-3 - the Outer Mantle layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geographic Pole” of the planet;
- mJ-3 - the mass of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TJ-3 - the period of the Outer Mantle layer -[s];
- νJ-3 - the frequency of the Outer Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vJ-3 - the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle at the equator -
- vJ-P-T-OM - the pendulum speed of the Outer Mantle layer, at the
limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Tunic layer -[m/s];
- vTJ-3 - the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωJ-3 - the angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωJ-P-T-OM - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Tunic
layer -[rad/s];
- ωTJ-3 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρJ-3 - the density of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εJ-3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer -
- εJ-P-T-OM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the
Tunic layer -[m/s2];
- εTJ-3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
The rotation speed of the Sleeve layer is amortized with 1/3 and
is obtained the rotation speed of the Tunic layer, wich is amortized
with 1/3 and is obtained the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle layer
thus, vJ-3 = vJ-2/3.
vJ−2 3621.618
vJ-3 = = = 1207.206 m/s = 4345.9416 Km/h.
3 3
The period of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
2π RJ−OM
TJ-3 = =
2π 51434000
= 1207.206
= 267701 s = 74.3613 h = 3.09839 days.
But, the pendulum period of the Outer Mantle layer is equal to
the period of the Anchor layer, thus:
TJ-A = 11.862615 years = 4332.8956 days =
= 103989.5 h = 374362184 s.
9·2π·RJ−T 9·2π·56609000
nJ-P-T-OM = = = 8892141.72 m.
360 360
nJ−P−T−OM 8892141.72
vJ-P-T-OM = = = 0.0237528 m/s.
TJ−A 374362184
This speed of the Outer Mantle layer of the pendulum vJ-P-T-OM
is transmitted to the Tunic layer, which will be added, using the
parallelogram rule, to the speed of rotation of the Tunic layer at the
equator vJ-2 and we will get the translation speed of the Tunic layer
vJ−P−T−OM 0,0237528
ωJ-P-T-OM = RJ−T
= 56609000
≈ 4.195937·10-10 rad/s.
For calculating the angular translational velocity of the Tunic
layer ωTJ-2, we will consider the angular velocity of the pendulum of
the Outer Mantle layer ωJ-P-T-OM.
But, for calculating the translation speed of the Outer Mantle
layer vTJ-3, we will consider the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer
vJ-P-OM-A, which will be added, using the parallelogram rule, to the
speed of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer at the equator vJ-3.
vTJ-3 = �vJ−P−OM−A 2 + vJ−3 2 =
= √0.029254762 + 1207.2062 = 1207.206 m/s.
1 1
νJ-3 = T = 267701 = 3.73551·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωJ-3 = T = 267701 ≈ 2.347 ·10-5 rad/s.

ωTJ-3 = �ωJ−P−A 2 + ωJ−3 2 =

= �(1.6784 · 10−8 )2 + (2.347 · 10−5 )2 = 2.347·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTJ-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTJ−3i .
εJ-3 = ω2J−3 · RJ-OM =
= (2.347·10-5)2 · 56609000 = 0.031183 m/s2.
εJ-P-T-OM = ω2J−P−T−OM· RJ-T =
= (4.195937·10-10)2 · 56609000 = 9.9665·10-12 m/s2.

εTJ-3 = εJ-3 + εJ-P-OM-A =
= 0.031183 + 1.44886567·10-8 = 0.031183 m/s2.
εTTJ-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTJ−3i .

The Anchor layer of the planet Jupiter.

We will find out the thickness of the Anchor layer with the
7.73994 7.73994
relation: AJ = 100 RJ = 100 66854 = 5174.459 ≈ 5175 Km.
The Anchor layer of the planet Jupiter is characterized by the
following sizes:
- AJ - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fJ-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”
- mJ-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TJ-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vJ-P-OM-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vJ-P-A-IM - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer at the limit
with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s];
- ωJ-P-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρJ-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εJ-P-OM-A - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εJ-P-A-IM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s2].
TJ-A = 11.862615 years = 4332.8956 days =
= 103989.5 h = 374362184 s.
12.2·2π·RJ−OM 12.2·2π· 51434000
AJ-P-OM-A = = = 10951875.9 m.
360 360
AJ−P−OM−A 10951875.9
vJ-P-OM-A = = = 0.02925476 m/s.
TJ−A 374362184
12.2·2π·RJ−IM 12.2·2π· 46259000
AJ-P-A-IM = = = 9849959.709 m.
360 360
AJ−P−A−IM 9849959.709
vJ-P-A-IM = = = 0.02631131 m/s.
TJ−A 374362184

2π 2π
ωJ-P-A = = 374362184 = 1.6784·10-8 rad/s.
εJ-P-OM-A = ω2J−P−A · RJ-OM =
= (1.6784·10-8)2 · 51434000 = 1.44886567·10-8 m/s2.
εJ-P-A-IM = ω2J−P−A · RJ-IM =
= (1.6784·10-8)2 · 46259000 = 1.30308895·10-8 m/s2.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Jupiter.

The thickness proportion of the Inner Mantle layer of the planet
Jupiter will be: PRhJ-IM = 4· AJ = 4 · 5175 = 20700 Km. But, the larger
the planet is against the Earth (the Universal Engine Type-I), the larger
the thickness value of the Inner Mantle layer will be. Relative to the
calculation ratio and the Outer Core will have the thickness
proportionally smaller than the ratio calculation. Thus, we will have
to make the necessary correction, because the Inner Core layer
generates 5 spherical rotating magnetic fields, from which we see only
the ionosphere. Compared to the Earth, we have two additional
magnetic fields with thicknesses of approximately, 2 · AJ = 10350 Km,
then we divide them to 3 and we obtain the percentage. At this
percentaje we add or subtract the value of 3450 Km (the Inner Mantle
layer, the Outer Core layer) then we adjust the calculation at the end,
when we find out the thickness of the Inner Core layer. We
approximate it as the initial value hJ-IM = 24150 Km, value that we
validate. After that, we will subtract from the Inner Mantle layer, twice
the thickness of an Anchor layer, we will rename the layers and we
will get the final pieces of the Universal Engine of the planet Jupiter.
Thus, the final thickness value of the Inner Mantle layer will be:
hJ-IM = 24150 – 5175 – 5175 = 13800 Km.
The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Jupiter rotates retrograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hJ-IM - the Inner Mantle layer thickness - [m];
- fJ-4 - the Inner Mantle layer spindle is axis of the “North
Magnetic Pole”;
- mJ-4 - the mass of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TJ-4 - the period of the Inner Mantle layer -[s];
- νJ-4 - the frequency of the Inner Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vJ-4 - the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator
- vTJ-4 - the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωJ-4 - the angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTJ-4 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρJ-4 - the density of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εJ-4 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer -
- εTJ-4 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
vJ-4 = �2π·R ′ )+(2π·EF )
vJ-3 =
J−IM �−(2· FF
= (2π·46259000)−(2·13800000)+(2π·13800000)
1207.206 ≈
≈1115.42 m/s.
So, vJ-4 = 1115.42 m/s = 4015.52 Km/h,
for GG’= FF’= FE = hJ-IM and FF’ = FE = hJ-IM.
vTJ-4 = �vJ−P−A−IM 2 + vJ−4 2 =
= √0.026311312 + 1115.422 = 1115.42 m/s.
v 1115.42
ωJ-4 = R J−4 = 46259000 ≈ 2.41125·10-5 rad/s.

TJ-4 = ω =

= 2.19877·10−5 = 260578.5 s = 72.3829 h = 3.016 days.
1 1
νJ-4 = T = 260578.5 = 3.8376·10-6 rot/s.
2πRJ−OC 2π32459000
vJ-IM-OC = = = 782.6677 m/s.
TJ−4 260578.5

ωTJ-4 = �ωJ−P−A 2 + ωJ−4 2 =

= �(1.6784 · 10−8 )2 + (2.41125 · 10−5 )2 =
= 2.41125·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTJ-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTJ−4i .
εJ-4 = ω2J−4 · RJ-IM =
= (2.41125·10-5)2 · 46259000 = 0.02689 m/s2.
εTJ-4 = εJ-4 + εJ-P-A-IM =
= 0.02689 + 1.30308895·10-8 = 0.02689 m/s2.
εTTJ-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTJ−4i .

The Outer Core layer of the planet Jupiter.

The thickness proportion of the Outer Core layer of the planet
34.0558 34.0558
Jupiter is: PRnJ-OC = 100 RJ = 100 66854 = 22767.664532 Km.
But, as the planet is larger than the Earth (the Universal Engine
Type-I), the thickness value of the Outer Core layer will be smaller
than the calculation ratio, and the thickness of the Inner Mantle layer
will be larger, thus we will have to make the necessary correction. We
approximate this value at nJ-OC = 19318 Km, value that we validate.
The Outer Core layer of the planet Jupiter rotates prograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- nJ-OC - the Outer Core layer thickness -[m];
- fJ-5 - the Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that makes an 0.8o
angle to the right, as against the axis of the “North Geomagnetic Pole”
of the planet;
- mJ-5 - the mass of the Outer Core layer -[Kg];
- TJ-5 - the period of the Outer Core layer -[s];
- νJ-5 - the frequency of the Outer Core layer -[rot/s];
- vJ-5 - the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator
- vJ-P-IM-OC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer -
- vJ-P-OC-IC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer -[m/s];
- vTJ-5 - the translation speed of the Outer Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωJ-5 - the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωJ-P-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer Core
layer -[rad/s];

- ωTJ-5 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core layer
- ρJ-5 - the density of the Outer Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εJ-5 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer -
- εJ-P-IM-OC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the
Outer Core layer -[m/s2];
- εJ-P-OC-IC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner
Core layer -[m/s2];
- εTJ-5 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core
layer -[m/s2].
The planet Jupiter has 67 natural satellites, among which four
are clearly differentiated, and these are the most famous spherical
satellites in the Solar System. They are:
- Io which has the semimajor axis of 421700 Km, the diameter
of 3650 Km and the orbital period of 1.76913778 days;
- Europa which has the semimajor axis of 671034 Km, the
diameter of 3122 Km and the orbital period of 3.551181 days;
- Ganymede which has the semimajor axis of 1070412 Km,
thediameter of 5263 Km and the orbital period of 7.154552 days;
- Callisto which has the semimajor axis of 1882709 Km, the
diameter of 4820 Km and the orbital period of 16.689018 days.
Ganymede is the largest satellite in the Solar System, Io is into
an energetic field and is in the period of volcanism, metamorphism
and of the saltwater eruption, and Europa is famous for the water with
Tholins it has.
Io, Europa, and Ganymede have an orbital resonance of 1:2:4.
Callisto will be caught also, in several hundred million years in
resonance, when he gets to have twice Ganymede's period and eight
times the period of Io. But we are interested in the layer of the planet
Jupiter, in which these four satellites are gravitationally trapped. We
calculate Hill sphere, we approximate it with the limit of the
gravitational field of the planet Jupiter, we compare with the semi

major axes (the distances from the satellites to Jupiter) and everything
is clarified. The Hill sphere of the planet Jupiter has a radius of
53 000 000 Km.
Thus, the four satellites have Anchor points exactly in the Outer
Core layer, and the orbital period of the Outer Core layer will be an
arithmetic average of the periods, for the four spherical satellites.
Another method to find out the tangential velocity (the rotation speed)
of the Outer Core layer is to calculate for each satellite the speed at
the Anchor point, and then we extrapolate to the inside of the planet
Jupiter, to the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Mantle
layer. We can also approximate with the Earth (the Universal Engine
Type I) and to calculate the tangential velocity (the rotation speed) of
the Inner Core layer of the planet Jupiter, then the tangential velocity
(the rotation speed) of the Outer Core layer. Thus, everytime we will
get the same results, the order of size will be the same, so we choose
the first option and we will calculate the period of the Outer Core layer
of the planet Jupiter. In reality, the Outer Core layer of the planet
Jupiter is very large and even if it rotates in single block, there will
still be the different rotation periods throughout the Outer Core layer.
Thus, all layers of the Outer Core layer that rotate are divided in turn,
on stratified densities, in concentric spheres with the center of the
planet, even if it is in a toroid. This means that, there will be different
periods, in the rotating layer of the Outer Core layer.This rule applies
to all layers of the planet. But to simplify the calculations, we will
consider the Outer Core layer a single block with the same rotation
So, the period of the Outer Core layer, will be:
TJ-5 = (1.76913778 + 3.551181 + 7.154552 + 16.689018)/4
= 7.29 days = 174.98 h = 629940 s.
The orbital inclination of these four satellites is below one
degree. That means that, the Outer Core layer has a slight oscillation.
Furthermore it is sufficient for the Inner Core layer to produce five
concentric rotating magnetic sinusoidal spherical fields. Thus, on the
last one, we will study it.
We can calculate the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at
the equator, which will be:

2π·RJ−OC 2π·32459000
vJ-5 = = = 233.7634 m/s = 1165.6 Km/h.
TJ−5 629940
1 1
νJ-5 = T = 629940 = 1.58745·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωJ-5 = T = 629940 = 9.97428·10-6 rad/s.
2π·RJ−OC 2π· 32459000
nJ-P-IM-OC = = = 566518 m.
360 360
nJ−P−IM−OC 566518
vJ-P-IM-OC = = 629940 = 0.89932 m/s.

vTJ-5 = �vJ−P−IM−OC 2 + vJ−5 2 =

= √0.899322 + 233.76342 = 233.7634 m/s.
2π·rJ−IC 2π· 13141000
nJ-P-OC-IC = = = 229354 m.
360 360
nJ−P−OC−IC 229354
vJ-P-OC-IC = = 629940 = 0.36409 m/s
2π 2π
ωJ-P-OC = T = 629940 = 9.97428·10-6 rad/s.

ωTJ-5 = �ωJ−P−OC 2 + ωJ−5 2 =

= �(9.97428 · 10−6 )2 + (9.97428 · 10−6 )2 =
= 1,41057·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTJ-5 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTJ−5i .
εJ-P-IM-OC = ω2J−P−OC · RJ-OC =
= (9.97428·10-6)2 · 32459000 = 3.22922·10-3 m/s2.
εJ-5 = ω2J−5 · RJ-OC =
= (9.97428·10-6)2 · 32459000 = 3.22922·10-3 m/s2.
εJ-P-OC-IC = ω2J−P−OC · rJ-IC =
= (9.97428·10-6)2 · 13141000 = 1.30735·10-3 m/s2.
εTJ-5 = εJ-5 + εJ-P-IM-OC =
= 3.22922·10 + 3.22922·10-3 = 6.45844·10-3 m/s2.
εTTJ-5 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝐽𝐽−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTJ−5i .

The Inner Core layer of the planet Jupiter.

The thickness proportion of the Inner Core layer of the planet
Jupiter, will be:

19.66 19.66
PRnJ-IC = PRrJ-IC = 100
RJ = 100
66854 = 13143.4964 Km.
But, we will make the necessary correction, gathering all the
thicknesses of the layers for the planet Jupiter and then from RJ, we
will subtract this value, so:
rJ-IC = RJ – (aJ + sJ + hJ-S + hJ-T + hJ-OM + AJ + hJ-IM + nJ-OC) =
66854 – (828 + 370 + 3872 + 5175 + 5175 + 5175 + 13800 + 19318)=
= 13141 Km.
The Inner Core of the planet Jupiter rotates retrograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rJ-IC - the radius of the Inner Core layer -[m];
- fJ-6- the Inner Core layer spindle is axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”
- mJ-6 - the mass of the Inner Core layer -[Kg];
- TJ-6 - the period of the Inner Core layer -[s];
- νJ-6 - the frequency of the Inner Core layer -[rot/s];
- vJ-6 - the rotation speed of the Inner Core laye at the equator -
- vTJ-6 - the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωJ-6 - the angular velocity of the Inner Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTJ-6 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core layer
- ρJ-6 - the density of the Inner Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εJ-6 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer -
- εTJ-6 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core
layer -[m/s2].
�2π·RJ−OC �−(2·CC′ )+(2π·AD)
vJ-6 = vJ-5 =
= 2π·13141000
233.7634 ≈
≈811.67 m/s.
So, vJ-6 = 811.67 m/s = 2922.012 Km/h, for CC’= AD = nJ-OC,
A’D’ = AD = nJ-OC and vJ-5 = 233.7634 m/s.
TJ-6 = =
= 811.67
= 101725.5 s = 28.26 h = 1.17738 days.
vTJ-6 = �vJ−P−OC−IC 2 + vJ−6 2 =
= √0.364092 + 811.672 = 811.67 m/s.
1 1
νJ-6 = T = 101725.5 = 9.83037·10-6 rot/s.
vJ−6 811.67
ωJ-6 = r = 13141000 ≈ 6.1766·10-5 rad/s.

ωTJ-6 = �ωJ−P−OC 2 + ωJ−6 2 =

= �(9.97428 · 10−6 )2 + (6.1766 · 10−5 )2 =
= 6.256639·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTJ-6 = ∑𝐾𝐾=1𝐽𝐽−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTJ−6k .
εJ-6 = ω2J−6 · rJ-IC =
= (6.1766·10-5)2 · 13141000 = 0.0501334 m/s2.
εJ-P-OC-IC = ω2J−P−OC · rJ-IC =
= (9.97428·10-6)2 · 13141000 = 0.00130735 m/s2.
εTJ-6 = εJ-6 + εJ-P-OC-IC =
= 0.0501334 + 0.00130735 = 0.0514407 m/s2.
εTTJ-6 = ∑𝑘𝑘=1𝐽𝐽−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTJ−6k .
The planet Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System and
has a very strong Magnetic Field. Its engine is perfectly balanced, thus
the two couplings, the Inner Core layer - the Outer Core layer and the
Inner Mantle layer - the Anchor layer - the Outer Mantle layer, rotate
independently at maximum rotation, without presenting regression or
resonance symptoms. Thus, it is observed that the axis of rotation of
the planet is inclined with a 3o angle, and the inclination angle for the
orbits of the Galilean satellites is below 1o, which denotes that the
planet is very balanced on the orbit.
The internal oscillation of the Engine is small, but sufficient to
create the concentric rotating sinusoidal powerful magnetic fields.
Thus, the Magnetic Field of the planet Jupiter, starts with the
ionosphere, which covers the planet with a strong rotating spherical
magnetic field, then follows the Outer Core toroid layer which
produces four concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, which we
identify with the Van Allen Radiation belt I, then it follows the Inner
Mantle toroid layer which produces four concentric rotating toroid
magnetic fields, which we identify with the Van Allen Radiation belt
II, then it follows the Outer Mantle toroid layer which produces four
concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, followed by the Tunic
layer toroid which produces four other rotating concentric toroidal
magnetic fields, and finally it is the Sleeve layer that produces the last
four rotating spherical magnetic fields.
All these magnetic fields multiply with other redundant
magnetic fields with lower intensity, which appear and accompany
separately each magnetic field. It is observed that a plasma toroid
appears at the delimitation between “Van Allen Radiation belt I” and
“Van Allen Radiation belt II”. Why does it appear here and not
elsewhere? Because here the magnetic fields of the two couplings of
the Engine meet and there is a phase shift between them. That is why,
in this zone it appears an area that must be electrostatically balanced.
The other magnetic fields are firm, perfectly concentric and creates
proportional enclosures, which can accept a certain amount of plasma.
But between the two “Van Allen Belts”, there is a double zone as
volume, hermetically isolated from the magnetic fields of the two
couplings. This area is overgrown and full with plasma, which cannot
go outside the magnetic fields. Sometimes, it goes out to the poles
area, in the form of aurora, when the Magnetic Field overloads occur.
Due to the phase shift, in this plasma area, electrical discharges occur.
In fact, here is a current circuit that passes through the plasma
continuously, and the Z-pinch phenomenon occurs. That happens due
to the flow of current through the plasma (because the planet’s
Magnetic Field feed plasma with electrons) and a new toroidal
cylindrical magnetic field appears which compress all the plasma
found which surrounds the planet, between the two couplings. This is
a compact energy Barrier of Birkeland type, which is visible due to
the Z-pinch phenomenon.
Thus, there is a balance between the Engine, which acts as a
dynamo and Magnetic Field of the planet, because the electrons are
the ones that feed the entire system. This system is permanently fed
by the radioactive ores from inside the planet. So, because there is a
continuous exchange of electrons, between the inside and the outside

of the planet, the power and intensity of the Magnetic Field remain
In conclusion, this Engine of the planet Jupiter will be taken as
the Universal Engine Type-III, to find out the internal composition of
the layers for the planets larger than Jupiter and also smaller how the
planet Saturn is.

11. The planet Saturn.
All planets that have gases in the form of storms in the
atmosphere have been called gases giants. The fluids and gases on the
surface of the planet are in a permanent equilibrium with the Shell
layer, which is solid. The planet Saturn, among all the planets is
highlighted by its rings, near the equator. All Jovian planets have rings
around the equator. The planet Saturn has rings up to the Roche limit
and even above this limit, the exception is the Enceladus satellite
which crosses an energetic orbit and expels the saltwater into the
cosmic space, and this saltwater is accompanied by an electrons flow.
The rings are composed of solid material that involves pieces of rock,
dust and ice crystals. The Saturn planet, in addition to the famous
rings, has about 200 satellites observed, of which 62 have orbit
confirmed, and 53 of them have even received official names.
The “observable” sphere of the planet Saturn has a diameter of,
DSt = 116464 Km, which means that the radius is RSt = 58232 Km. We
already notice that the radius of the planet is closer as order of size, by
the radius of the planet Jupiter, which is the Universal Engine Type-
III (the first one being the Earth). Thus, the planet Saturn will have all
the layers of the planet Jupiter, but we expect the translation speeds to
be comparatively smaller, against the Universal Engine Type-III.
The planet Saturn will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer (ionosphere);
- The Shell layer;
- The Sleeve layer;
- The Tunic layer;
- The Outer Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Inner Mantle layer;
- The Outer Core layer;
- The Inner Core layer.

The Barrier layer of the planet Saturn.

Thus, the first layer is outside the planet Saturn and its thickness
1.2384 1.2384
is: aSt = 100 RSt = 100 58232 = 721.145 ≈ 720 Km,

where, RSt is the radius of the planet Saturn, RSt = 58 232 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body,
up to elevation 0 (to “sea level”), which will be:
RSto= RSt – aSt = 58232 – 720 = 57512 Km.

The Shell layer of the planet Saturn.

The thickness proportion of the Shell layer of the planet Saturn,
according U. E. Type III, will be:
0.5535 0.5535
PRsSt = 100
RSt = 100
58232 = 322.314 Km.
But the Shell layer of the planet Saturn, will be greater than the
calculated ratio, after the Shell layer of the planet Jupiter, because the
density of the Shell layer of planet Saturn is lower than the density of
the Shell layer of the planet Jupiter, so we approximate sSt = 330 Km.
This area is very important, from the point of view of the phenomena
that take place here. The phenomenon that particularly interests us is
metamorphism. Thus, through metamorphism a mineral
transformation takes place, with the help of microbes. So, the Shell
layer of the planet Saturn isolates gases from the atmosphere, from
incandescent magma of the Sleeve layer. In fact, only in this area can
certain microbes still live, because in the molten magma there will
definitely be no life. Therefore, the Shell layer of planet Saturn is like
a hot plate and here the phenomenon of convection appears which
raises the gases out of the atmosphere.
The Shell layer of the planet Saturn is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sSt - the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mSt-o - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρSt-o - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Sleeve layer of the planet Saturn.

The thickness of the Outer Mantle layer, according to the
Universal Engine Type III, is:
5.792 5.792
hSt-S = 100
RSt = 100
58232 = 3372 Km.
The Sleeve layer spindle is the axis of rotation of the planet, and
by analogy with the Earth, the axis of the “North Geographic Pole” of
the planet Saturn, which makes a 27o angle to right, as against the axis
of the “North Geomagnetic Pole” of the planet.
The Sleeve layer of the planet Saturn rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- hSt-S - the Sleeve layer thickness -[m];
- fSt-1 - the Sleeve layer spindle is axis of the “North Geographic
Pole” of the planet;
- mSt-1 - the mass of the Sleeve layer -[Kg];
- TSt-1 - the period of the Sleeve layer -[s];
- νSt-1 - the frequency of the Sleeve layer -[rot/s];
- vSt-1 - the rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator -
- vTSt-1 - the translation speed of the Sleeve laye at the equator -
- ωSt-1 - the angular velocity of the Sleeve layer -[rad/s];
- ωTSt-1 - the angular translational velocity of the Sleeve layer -
- ρSt-1 - the density of the Sleeve layer -[Kg/m3];
- εSt-1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Sleeve layer -[m/s2];
- εTSt-1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Sleeve
layer -[m/s2].
The rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator will be:
2π RSt−S 2π 53810000
vSt-1 = = = 8708 m/s = 31349 Km/h.
TSt−1 38826
Where, TSt-1 is the period of a complete rotation of planet Saturn,
and the value is of 10 h 47 min 6 s = 38826 s, and RSt-S is the radius
from the center of the planet Saturn at the lower limit between the
Sleeve layer - the Tunic layer (RSt-S = 53810 Km = 53810000 m).
The Sleeve layer spindle of the planet Saturn, fJ-1 does not
oscillate, instead the Tunic layer spindle (the next layer), has an
oscillation, due to the pendulum (the Anchor layer), and because of
the inertia, engages the Outer Mantle layer and this engages the Tunic
layer. Thus, the Tunic layer has an oscillation approximately of 1/3
times smaller than the Outer Mantle layer, and the Outer Mantle layer
has an oscillation approximately of 1/3 times smaller than the
pendulum (the Anchor layer).
vTSt-1 = �vSt−P−S−T 2 + vSt−1 2 =
= √0.00505 2 + 87082 = 8708 m/s.
1 1
νSt-1 = T = 38826 = 2.575593·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωSt-1 = T = 38826 ≈ 1.6183·10-4 rad/s.

ωTSt-1 = �ωSt−P−S−T 2 + ωSt−1 2 =

= �(9.38888 · 10−11 )2 + (1.6183 · 10−4 )2 =
= 1.6183·10-4 rad/s.
ωTTSt-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑆𝑆 ωTSt−1i.
εSt-1 = ω2St−1· RSt-S =
= (1.6183·10-4)2 · 53810000 = 1.409 m/s2.
εTSt-1 = εSt-1 + εSt-P-S-T =
= 1.44355 + 4.7434·10-13 = 1.44355 m/s2.
εTTSt-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑆𝑆 εTSt−1i .

The Tunic layer of the planet Saturn.

We will find out the thickness of the layer Tunic with the
7.73994 7.73994
relation: PRASt = 100 RSt = 100 58232 = 4507 Km.
Thus, hSt-T = 4507 Km.
The Tunic layer of the planet Satur rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- hSt-T - the Tunic layer thickness -[m];
- fSt-2 - the Tunic layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geographic Pole” of the planet;
- mSt-2 - the mass of the Tunic layer -[Kg];
- TSt-2 - the period of the Tunic layer -[s];
- νSt-2 - the frequency of the Tunic layer -[rot/s];
- vSt-2 - the rotation speed of the Tunic at the equator -[m/s];
- vSt-P-S-T - the pendulum speed of the Tunic layer, at the limit
between the the Tunic layer - the Sleeve layer -[m/s];
- vTSt-2 - the translation speed of the Tunic layer at the equator -

- ωSt-2 - the angular velocity of the Tunic layer -[rad/s];
- ωSt-P-S-T - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Tunic
layer, at the limit between the Tunic layer - the Sleeve layer -[rad/s];
- ωTSt-2 - the angular translational velocity of the Tunic layer -
- ρSt-2 - the density of the Tunic layer -[Kg/m3];
- εSt-2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Tunic layer -[m/s2];
- εSt-P-S-T - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Tunic layer, at the limit between the Tunic layer - the Sleeve layer -
- εTSt-2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Tunic layer
-[m/s ].
The Tunic layer spindle of the planet Saturn has a total
oscillation of 5o. In fact, the pendulum of the planet Jupiter (the
Anchor layer) oscillates under a total 11o angle (5.51o·2) and this
oscillation is transmitted to the Outer Mantle layer, so that the Outer
Mantle layer will oscillate under a total of 8o angle, and this oscillation
is transmitted further to the Tunic layer, and the Tunic layer will
oscillate under a total 5o angle. Thus, the effect of oscillation on the
Tunic layer will be maximum, when the Outer Mantle layer and the
Tunic layer will have the pendulums in opposition.
vSt−1 8708
vSt-2 = = = 2903 m/s = 10449.6 Km/h.
3 3
2π RSt−T
The period of the Tunic layer TSt-2 will be: TSt-2 = =
2π 49303000
= 2903
= 106710.5 s = 29.642 h = 1.235 days.
But the pendulum period of the Tunic layer is equal to the period
of the Anchor layer, so:
TSt-A= 29 years 165 days 11.68 h = 10757.7365 days =
= 103989.5 h = 929468433.6 s.
5·2π·RSt−S 5·2π·53810000
nSt-P-S-T = = = 4695819 m.
360 360
nSt−P−S−T 4695819
vSt-P-S-T = = 929468433.6 = 0.00505 m/s.
vSt−P−S−T 0,00505
ωSt-P-S-T = = 53810000 ≈ 9.38888·10-11 rad/s.

vTSt-2 = �vSt−P−T−OM 2 + vSt−2 2 =

= �0,00740642 + 29032 = 2903 m/s.
1 1
νSt-2 = T = 106710.5 = 9.3712·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωSt-2 = T = 106710.5 ≈ 5.888 ·10-5 rad/s.

ωTSt-2 = �ωSt−P−T−OM 2 + ωSt−2 2 =

= �(1.50222 · 10−10 )2 + (5.888 · 10−5 )2 =
= 5.888·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTSt-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑇𝑇 ωTSt−2i.
εSt-2 = ω2St−2· RSt-T =
= (5.888·10-5)2 · 49303000 = 0.1709 m/s2.
εSt-P-S-T = ω2St−P−S−T· RSt-S =
= (9.38888·10-11)2 · 53810000 = 4.7434·10-13 m/s2.
εTSt-2 = εSt-2 + εSt-P-T-OM =
= 0.1709 + 1.1126·10-12 = 0.1709 m/s2.
εTTSt-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑇𝑇 εTSt−2i.

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Saturn.

We will find out the thickness of the Outer Mantle layer with
7.73994 7.73994
the relation: PRASt = 100 RSt = 100 58232 = 4507 Km.
Thus, hSt-OM = 4507 Km.
The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Saturn rotates prograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- hSt-OM - the Outer Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fSt-3 - the Outer Mantle layer spindle is the axis that makes 17o
angle to the left, against the axis of the “North Geographic Pole” of
the planet;
- mSt-3 - the mass of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TSt-3 - the period of the Outer Mantle layer -[s];
- νSt-3 - the frequency of the Outer Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vSt-3 - the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle at the equator -
- vSt-P-T-OM - the pendulum speed of the Outer Mantle layer, at
the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Tunic layer -[m/s];
- vTSt-3 - the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωSt-3 - the angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωSt-P-T-OM - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Tunic
layer -[rad/s];
- ωTSt-3 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρSt-3 - the density of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εSt-3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εSt-P-T-OM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the
Tunic layer -[m/s2];
- εTSt-3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
vSt−2 2903
vSt-3 = = = 968 m/s = 3483.6 Km/h.
3 3
The period of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
2π RSt−ME
TSt-3 = =
= = 290767 s = 80.7685 h = 3.365 days.
But the pendulum period of the Outer Mantle layer is equal to
the period of the Anchor layer, so:
TSt-A = 29 years 165 days 11.68 h = 10757.7365 days =
=103989.5 h = 929468433.6 s.
8·2π·RSt−T 8·2π·49303000
nSt-P-T-OM = = = 6884013.55 m.
360 360
nSt−P−T−OM 6884013,55
vSt-P-T-OM = = 929468433.6 = 0.0074064 m/s.
vSt−P−T−OM 0,0074064
ωSt-P-T-OM = = ≈ 1.50222·10-10 rad/s.
RSt−T 49303000

vTSt-3 = �vSt−P−OM−A 2 + vSt−3 2 =

= √0.009252852 + 9682 = 968 m/s.
1 1
νSt-3 = T = 290767 = 3.4392·10-6 rot/s.

2π 2π
ωSt-3 = T = 290767 ≈ 2.1609 ·10-5 rad/s.

ωTSt-3 = �ωSt−P−A 2 + ωSt−3 2 =

= �(6.7599929 · 10−9 )2 + (2.1609 · 10−5 )2 =
= 2.1609·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTSt-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTSt−3i.
εSt-3 = ω2St−3· RSt-OM =
= (2.1609·10-5)2 · 44796000 = 0.02092 m/s2.
εSt-P-T-OM = ω2St−P−T−OM · RSt-T =
= (1.50222·10-10)2 · 49303000 = 1.1126·10-12 m/s2.
εTSt-3 = εSt-3 + εSt-P-OM-A =
= 0.02092 + 2.04706539·10-9 = 0.02092 m/s2.
εTTSt-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTSt−3i .

The Anchor layer of the planet Saturn.

We will find out the thickness of the Anchor layer with the
7.73994 7.73994
relation: PRASt = 100 RSt = 100 58232 = 4507 Km.
Thus, ASt = 4507 Km.
The Anchor layer of the planet Saturnis characterized by the
following sizes:
- ASt - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fSt-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”
- mSt-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TSt-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vSt-P-OM-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vSt-P-A-IM - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s];
- ωSt-P-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρSt-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];

- εSt-P-OM-A - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εSt-P-A-IM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s2].
TSt-A = 29 years 165 days 11.68 h = 10757.7365 days =
= 103989.5 h = 929468433.6 s.
11·2π·RSt−OM 11·2π·44796000
ASt-P-OM-A = = = 8600234.72 m.
360 360
ASt−P−OM−A 8600234.72
vSt-P-OM-A = = 929468433.6 = 0.00925285 m/s.
11·2π·RSt−IM 11·2π· 40289000
ASt-P-A-IM = = = 7734950.81 m.
360 360
ASt−P−A−IM 7734950.81
vSt-P-A-IM = = 929468433.6 = 0.0083219 m/s.
2π 2π
ωSt-P-A = T = 929468433.6 = 6.7599929·10-9 rad/s.
εSt-P-OM-A = ω2St−P−A · RSt-OM =
= (6.7599929·10-9)2 · 44796000 = 2.04706539·10-9 m/s2.
εSt-P-A-IM = ω2St−P−A· RSt-IM =
= (6.7599929·10-9)2 · 40289000 = 1.841106739·10-9 m/s2.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Saturn.

The thickness proportion of the Inner Mantle layer of the planet
Jupiter, according U. E. Type III, will be:
20.642 20.642
PRhSt-IM = 100
RSt = 100
58232 = 12020 Km
Thus, hSt-IM = 12020 Km.
The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Saturn rotates retrograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hSt-IM - the Inner Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fSt-4 - the Inner Mantle layer spindle is axis of the “North
Magnetic Pole”;
- mSt-4 - the mass of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TSt-4 - the period of the Inner Mantle layer -[s];
- νSt-4 - the frequency of the Inner Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vSt-4 - the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator

- vTSt-4 - the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωSt-4 - the angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTSt-4 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρSt-4 - the density of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εSt-4 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer -
- εTSt-4 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
vSt-4 = (2π·R ′ vSt-3 =
St−IM )−(2· FF )+(2π·EF )
= (2π·40289000)−(2·12020000)+(2π·12020000)
968 ≈ 894.4 m/s.
So, vSt-4 = 894.4 m/s = 3219.79 Km/h,
for GG’= FF’= FE = hSt-IM and FF’ = FE = hSt-IM.
vTSt-4 = �vSt−P−A−IM 2 + vSt−4 2 =
= √0.00832192 + 894.42 = 894.4 m/s.
TSt-4 = =
= 894.4
= 283032 s = 78.62 h = 3.276 days.
2π·RSt−OC 2π·28269000
vSt-IM-OC = = = 627.6 m/s.
TSt−4 283032
1 1
νSt-4 = T = 283032 = 3.5332·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωSt-4 = T = 283032 ≈ 2.22·10-5 rad/s.

ωTSt-4 = �ωSt−P−A 2 + ωSt−4 2 =

= �(6.7599929 · 10−9 )2 + (2.22 · 10−5 )2 =
= 2.22·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTSt-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTSt−4i.
εSt-4 = ω2St−4· RSt-IM = (2.22·10-5)2 · 40289000 = 0.019855m/s2.
εTSt-4 = εSt-4 + εSt-P-A-IM =
= 0.019855 + 1.841106739·10-9 = 0.019855m/s2.
εTTSt-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTSt−4i .

The Outer Core layer of the planet Saturn.
The thickness proportion of the Outer Core layer of the planet
Saturn, according to the Universal Engine Type II, is:
PRnSt-OC = 100
RSt =
= 100
58232 = 16826.66 Km ≈ 16827 Km
Thus, nSt-OC = 16827 Km.
The Outer Core layer of the planet Saturn rotates prograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- nSt-OC - the Outer Core layer thickness -[m];
- fSt-5 - the Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that makes a 3o
angle to the right, as against the axis of the “North Geomagnetic Pole”
of the planet;
- mSt-5 - the mass of the Outer Core layer -[Kg];
- TSt-5 - the period of the Outer Core layer -[s];
- νSt-5 - the frequency of the Outer Core layer -[rot/s];
- vSt-5 - the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator
- vSt-P-IM-OC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer -
- vSt-P-OC-IC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer - [m/s];
- vTSt-5 - the translation speed of the Outer Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωSt-5 - the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωSt-P-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTSt-5 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ρSt-5 - the density of the Outer Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εSt-5 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer -
[m/s ];

- εSt-P-IM-OC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the
Outer Core layer -[m/s2];
- εSt-P-OC-IC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner
Core layer -[m/s2];
- εTSt-5 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core
layer -[m/s2].
The satellites of the planet Saturn which have a spherical shape
- Mimas, which has the semimajor axis of 185000 Km, the
diameter of 400 Km and the orbital period of 0.9 days;
- Enceladus, which has the semimajor axis of 238000 Km, the
diameter of 500 Km and the orbital period of 1.4 days;
- Tethys, which has the semimajor axis of 295000 Km, the
diameter of 1060 Km and the orbital period of 1.9 days;
- Dione, which has the semimajor axis of 377000 Km, the
diameter of 1120 Km and the orbital period of 2.7 days;
- Rhea, which has the semimajor axis of 527000 Km, the
diameter of 1530 Km and the orbital period of 4.5 days;
- Titan, which has the semimajor axis of 1222000 Km, the
diameter of 5150 Km and the orbital period of 16 days;
- Iapetus, which has the semimajor axis of 3560000 Km, the
diameter of 1440 Km and the orbital period of 79 days.
What interests us especially is the orbital period, because the
seven spherical satellites have the Anchor points trapped in the Outer
Core and we will make the average of the orbital periods for all the
seven satellites.
So, the period of the Outer Core layer, will be:
TSt-5 = (0.9 + 1.4 + 1.9 + 2.7 + 4.5 + 16 + 79)/7 = 15.2 days =
= 364,8 h = 1313280 s.
The orbital inclination of the last four satellites is below a
degree, so that it means that the Outer Core layer has a small
oscillation, but it is more than enough for the Inner Core to produce
five rotating concentric spherical sinusoidal magnetic fields, and the

Outer Core to produce four rotating concentric toroidal sinusoidal
magnetic fields.
We can calculate the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at
the equator, which will be:
2π·RSt−OC 2π·28269000
vSt-5 = = = 135.25 m/s = 486.9 Km/h.
TSt−5 1313280
1 1
νSt-5 = T = 1313280 = 7.6145·10-7 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωSt-5 = T = 1313280 = 4.78435·10-6 rad/s.
2π·RSt−OC 2π·28269000
nSt-P-IM-OC = = = 493388.28 m.
360 360
nSt−P−IM−OC 493388.28
vSt-P-IM-OC = = = 0.37569 m/s.
TSt−5 1313280

vTSt-5 = �vSt−P−IM−OC 2 + vSt−5 2 =

= √0.375692 + 135.25 2 = 135.25 m/s.
2π·rSt−IC 2π·11442000
nSt-P-OC-IC = = = 199701.04 m.
360 360
nSt−P−OC−IC 199701.04
vSt-P-OC-IC = = = 0.152063 m/s
TSt−5 1313280
2π 2π
ωSt-P-OC = T = 1313280 = 4.78435·10-6 rad/s.

ωTSt-5 = �ωSt−P−OC 2 + ωSt−5 2 =

= �(4.78435 · 10−6 )2 + (4.78435 · 10−6 )2 =
= 6.766093·10-6 rad/s.
ωTTSt-5 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTSt−5i.
εSt-P-IM-OC = ω2St−P−OC · RSt-OC =
= (4.78435·10-6)2 · 28269000 = 6.4707755·10-4 m/s2.
εSt-5 = ω2St−5· RSt-OC =
= (4.78435·10-6)2 · 28269000 = 6.4707755·10-4 m/s2.
εSt-P-OC-IC = ω2St−P−OC · rSt-IC =
= (4.78435·10-6)2 · 11442000 = 2.619074·10-4 m/s2.
εTSt-5 = εSt-5 + εSt-P-IM-OC =
= 6.4707755·10 + 6.4707755·10-4 = 1.2941551·10-3 m/s2.
εTTSt-5 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTSt−5i.

The Inner Core layer of the planet Saturn.
The thickness proportion of the Inner Core layer of the planet
Saturn, according to the Universal Engine Type III, is:
19.6563 19.6563
PRnSt-IC = 100
RSt = 100
58232 = 11446.2566 Km
But we will make the necessary correction, so:
rSt-IC = RSt – (aSt + sSt + hSt-S + hSt-T + hSt-OM + ASt + hSt-IM + nSt-OC) =
58232 – (720 + 330 + 3372 + 4507 + 4507 + 4507 + 12020 + 16827)
= 11442 Km
Thus, nSt-IC = rSt-IC = 11442 Km.
The Inner Core of the planet Saturn rotates retrograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rSt-IC - the radius of the Inner Core layer -[m];
- fSt-6 - the Inner Core layer spindle is axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole”
- mSt-6 - the mass of the Inner Core layer -[Kg];
- TSt-6 - the period of the Inner Core layer -[s];
- νSt-6 - the frequency of the Inner Core layer -[rot/s];
- vSt-6 - the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer at the equator
- vTSt-6 - the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωSt-6 - the angular velocity of the Inner Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTSt-6 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ρSt-6 - the density of the Inner Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εSt-6 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer -
- εTSt-6 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core
layer -[m/s2].
(2π·RSt−OC )−(2·CC′ )+(2π·AD)
vSt-6 = 2πrSt−IC
vSt-5 =
= 2π·11442000
135.25 ≈ 469.74 m/s.
So, vSt-6 = 469.74 m/s = 1691.064 Km/h, for CC’= AD = nSt-OC,
A’D’ = AD = nSt-OC and vSt-5 = 135.25 m/s.

TSt-6 = =
= 469.74
= 153047.2 s = 42.5131 h = 1.7713 days.
1 1
νSt-6 = T = 153047.2 = 6.53393·10-6 rot/s.

vTSt-6 = �vSt−P−OC−IC 2 + vSt−6 2 =

= √0.1520632 + 469.742 = 469.74 m/s.
v 469,74
ωSt-6 = r St−6 = 11442000 ≈ 4.1054012·10-5 rad/s.

ωTSt-6 = �ωSt−P−OC 2 + ωSt−6 2 =

= �(4.78435 · 10−6 )2 + (4.1054012 · 10−5 )2 =
= 4.133185·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTSt-6 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTSt−6j.
εSt-6 = ω2St−6· rSt-IC =
= (4.1054012·10-5)2 · 11442000 = 0.0192847 m/s2.
εSt-P-OC-IC = ω2St−P−OC · rSt-IC =
= (4.78435·10-6)2 · 11442000 = 2.619074·10-4 m/s2.
εTSt-6 = εSt-6 + εSt-P-OC-IC =
= 0.0192847 + 2.619074·10-4 = 0.0195466 m/s2.
εTTSt-6 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTSt−6j .
The Engine of the Saturn planet has both balanced couplings,
but does not have enough mass, for the all five rotating spherical
magnetic fields, created by the Inner Core layer to be very strong (for
example, how are the Jupiter ones). It is noticed that the translation
speed of the Inner Core layer of the planet Saturn is almost twice
smaller, than the translation speed of the Inner Core layer of the planet
Jupiter, which means that of the five rotating magnetic spherical
fields, the last one is weaker, less firm, which has the effect of losing
the matter. That is why, around the planet Saturn the most spectacular
rings from the entire Solar System persist. It is true that there are a few
satellites, which feed the Saturnian rings with matter, but the planet
Saturn mainly has rings due to the slow translation speeds in all layers
of the planet (compared to the Universal Engine Type-III).

The Magnetic Field of the planet Saturn, is smaller by a
percentage of ten, as against the Magnetic Field of the planet Jupiter,
but due to the inclination by a 27o angle of the rotation axis, the
Magnetic Field is also inclined in the direction of Sun by which the
solar wind comes, the Magnetic Field opposes and resists, on the
weaker sides. This phenomenon spreads the Magnetic Field and does
not allow it to accumulate enough plasma to have a strong plasma
toroid like the planet Jupiter has, between the magnetic fields of the
couplings. But, the planet Saturn does have a balanced Magnetic
Field, with all components evenly arranged, even if it is inclined. The
Magnetic Field of the planet Saturn is the second Magnetic Field as
size and power from the entire Solar System, the first one being that
of the planet Jupiter.

12. The planet Uranus.
Like all the Jovian planets, the planet Uranus has rings of matter,
divided into energy orbits, but they are darker (similar to the rings of
Jupiter). The Rings have in their composition the large particles like
those of the planet Saturn, which reach diameters up to 11 m, but fine
particles too like those of the planet Jupiter. Until the present, the
planet Uranus has 27 known satellites. The satellites with a spherical
shape are Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon.
The dimension of the sphere diameter of the planet Uranus is
DU = 51118 Km, so the radius will be RU = 25559 Km.
It is observed that the planet Uranus is located close to the planet
Neptune, as an order of magnitude, so we will use as a landmark the
Universal Engine Type II.
Thus, the planet Uranus will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer (ionosphere);
- The Shell layer;
- The Sleeve layer;
- The Outer Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Inner Mantle layer;
- The Outer Core layer;
- The Inner Core layer.

The Barrier layer of the planet Uranus.

Thus, the first layer is outside the planet Uranus and its thickness
1.2384 1.2384
is: aU = 100 RU = 100 25559 = 316.523 ≈ 317 Km.
When RU is the observable radius of the planet Uranus,
RN = 25 559 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body,
up to elevation 0 to “sea level”, which will be:
RUo= RU – aU = 25559 – 317 = 25242 Km.

The Shell layer of the planet Uranus.
The thickness proportion of the Shell layer of the planet Uranus,
according to the Universal Engine Type II, namely Neptune, will be:
0.5865 0.5865
PRsU = 100
RU = 100
25559 = 149.9 ≈ 150 Km.
This area is very important, from the point of view of the
phenomena that take place here. The phenomenon that particularly
interests us is metamorphism. Thus, through metamorphism, a mineral
transformation takes place with the help of microbes. So, the Shell
layer of the Uranus planet isolates gases from the atmosphere, from
incandescent magma, of the Sleeve layer. In fact only in this area,
certain microbes can still live, because in the molten magma there will
definitely be no life.The Shell layer of the planet Uranus is like a hot
plate and here the phenomenon of convection appears, which raise the
gases out in the atmosphere, where the storms form.
The Shell layer of the planet Uranus is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sU - the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mU-o - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρU-o - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Sleeve layer of the planet Uranus.

The thickness proportion of Sleeve layer of the planet Uranus,
according to the Universal Engine Type II, will be:
5.759 5.759
PRhU-S = 100
RU = 100
25559 = 1471.943 ≈ 1472 Km.
The Sleeve layer spindle is the axis of rotation of the planet and
by analogy with the Earth, axis of the “North Geographic Pole” of the
planet Uranus, which makes a 98o angle, from to axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole” of the planet.
The Sleeve layer of the planet Uranus rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- hU-S - the Sleeve layer thickness -[m];
- fU-1 - the Sleeve layer spindle is axis of the “North Geographic
Pole” of the planet;
- mU-1 - the mass of the Sleeve layer -[Kg];
- TU-1 - the period of the Sleeve layer -[s];
- νU-1 - the frequency of the Sleeve layer -[rot/s];
- vU-1 - the rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator -
- vTU-1 - the translation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator -
- ωU-1 - the angular velocity of the Sleeve layer -[rad/s];
- ωTU-1 - the angular translational velocity of the Sleeve layer -
- ρU-1 - the density of the Sleeve layer -[Kg/m3];
- εU-1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Sleeve layer -[m/s2];
- εTU-1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Sleeve
layer -[m/s2].
The rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator will be:
2π·RU−S 2π·23620000
vU-1 = = = 2391.2 m/s = 8608.32 Km/h,
TU−1 62064
where, TU-1 is the period of complete rotation, of the planet
Uranus, for 17 h 14 min 24 s = 62064 s and RU-MS is the radius of the
center of the planet Uranus, at the limit between the Sleeve layer - the
Outer Mantle layer (RU-MS = 23620 Km = 23620000 m).
The Sleeve layer spindle of the planet Uranus fU-1 does not
oscillate, instead the Outer Mantle layer spindle (the next layer), has
an oscillation, due to the pendulum (the Anchor layer), and because of
the inertia, engages the Outer Mantle layer and this has an oscillation
approximately of 1/2 times smaller than the pendulum (the Anchor
vTU-1 = �vU−P−S−OM 2 + vU−1 2 =
= �(1,006978 · 10−3 )2 + (2391.2)2 = 2391.2 m/s.
1 1
νU-1 = T = 62064 = 1.61124·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωU-1 = T = 62064 ≈ 1.012374·10-4 rad/s.

ωTU-1 = �ωU−P−S−OM 2 + ωU−1 2 =

= �(4.26324 · 10−11 )2 + (1.012374 · 10−4 )2 =
= 1.012374·10-4 rad/s.
ωTTU-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝑆𝑆 ωTU−1i .

εU-1 = ω2U−1· RU-S =
= (1.012374·10-4)2 · 23620000 = 0.24208 m/s2.
εTU-1 = εU-1 + εU-P-S-OM =
= 0.24208 + 4.2929·10-14 = 0.24208 m/s2.
εTTU-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝑆𝑆 εTU−1i .

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Uranus.

The thickness of the Outer Mantle layer is equal to the thickness
proportion of the Anchor layer, which is:
7.73994 7.73994
PRAU = 100
RU = 100
25559 = 1978 Km.
Thus, hU-OM = 1978 Km.
The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Uranus rotates prograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hU-OM - the Outer Mantle layer thickness - m;
- fU-2 - the Outer Mantle layer spindle is the axis that makes 17o
to the left, as against the axis of the “North Geographic Pole” of the
- mU-2 - the mass of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TU-2 - the period of the Outer Mantle layer -[s];
- νU-2 - the frequency of the Outer Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vU-2 - the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle at the equator -
- vU-P-S-OM - the pendulum speed of the Outer Mantle layer, at
the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Sleeve layer -[m/s];
- vTU-2 - the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωU-2 - the angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωU-P-S-OM - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Sleeve
layer -[rad/s];
- ωTU-2 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρU-2 - the density of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];

- εU-2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εU-P-S-OM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the
Sleeve layer -[m/s2];
- εTU-2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
Because, until the Anchor layer are two layers, the rotation
speed of the Sleeve layer is amortized with 1/2. Thus, the rotation
speed will decrease with 1/2 and will be found the rotation speed of
the next toroid. Namely, the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle layer
vU-2 = vU-1/2.
vU−1 2391.2
vU-2 = = = 1195.6 m/s = 4304.16 Km/h.
2 2
The period of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
TU-2 = =
= 1195.6
= 113734.5 s = 31.59 h = 1.3164 days.
But the pendulum period of the Outer Mantle layer is equal to
the period of the Anchor layer, so: TU-A= 84.3 years =
= 30799.095 days = 739178.28 h = 2661041808 s.
6.5·2π·RU−S 6.5·2π·23620000
nU-P-S-OM = = = 2679610.3 m.
360 360
nU−P−S−OM 2679610.3
vU-P-S-OM = = 2661041808 = 1.006978·10-3 m/s.
vU−P−S−OM 1.006978·10−3
ωU-P-S-OM = = ≈ 4.26324·10-11 rad/s.
RU−S 23620000

vTU-2 = �vU−P−OM−A 2 + vU−2 2 =

vTU-2 = �(1.8453 · 10−3 )2 + (1195.6)2 = 1195.6 m/s.
1 1
νU-2 = T = 113734.5 = 8.7924·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωU-2 = T = 113734.5 ≈ 5.524445 ·10-5 rad/s.

ωTU-2 = �ωU−P−A 2 + ωU−2 2 =

= �(2.36118 · 10−9 )2 + (5.524445 · 10−5 )2 =
= 5.524445·10-5 rad/s.

ωTTU-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTU−2i .
εU-2 = ω2U−2· RU-OM =
= (5.524445·10-5)2 · 21642000 = 0.066 m/s2.
εU-P-S-OM = ω2U−P−S−OM · RU-S =
= (4.26324·10-11)2 · 23620000 = 4.2929·10-14 m/s2.
εTU-2 = εU-2 + εU-P-OM-A = 0.066 + 1.206579·10-10 = 0.066 m/s2.
εTTU-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTU−2i .

The Anchor layer of the planet Uranus.

We will find out the thickness of the Anchor layer with the
7.73994 7.73994
relation: PRAU = 100 RU = 100 25559 = 1978 Km.
Thus, AU = 1978 Km.
The Anchor layer of the planet Uranus is characterized by the
following sizes:
- AU - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fU-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole” (the axis that makes a 66o angle to the left, as
against the axis of the “North Magnetic Pole” (or a 98o angle to the
left, as against the axis of the “North Geographic Pole”), of the planet;
- mU-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TU-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vU-P-OM-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vU-P-A-IM - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s];
- ωU-P-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρU-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εU-P-OM-A - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s2];
- εU-P-A-IM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s2].
TU-A = 84.3 years = 30799.095 days =
= 739178.28 h = 2661041808 s.
13·2π·RU−OM 13·2π·21642000
AU-P-OM-A = = = 4910425.52 m.
360 360
AU−P−OM−A 4910425.52
vU-P-OM-A = = = 1.8453·10-3 m/s.
TU−A 2661041808
13·2π·RU−IM 13·2π· 19664000
AU-P-A-IM = = = 4461630.51 m.
360 360
AU−P−A−IM 4461630.51
vU-P-A-IM = = 2661041808 = 1.6766·10-3 m/s.
2π 2π
ωU-P-A = T = 2661041808 = 2.36118·10-9 rad/s.
εU-P-OM-A = ω2U−P−A· RU-OM =
= (2.36118·10-9)2 · 21642000 = 1.206579·10-10 m/s2.
εU-P-A-IM = ω2U−P−A · RU-IM =
= (2.36118·10-9)2 · 19664000 = 1.0963·10-10 m/s2.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Uranus.

The thickness value ratio of the Inner Mantle layer of the planet
Uranus, according to the Universal Engine Type II, will be:
29.679 29.679
PRhU-IM = 100
RU = 100
25559 = 7585.65 ≈ 7586 Km.
Thus, hU-IM = 7586 Km.
The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Uranus rotates retrograde
and it is characterized by the following sizes:
- hU-IM - the Inner Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fU-3 - the Inner Mantle layer spindle is axis of the “North
Magnetic Pole”, that makes a 32o angle to the left, as against the axis
of rotation of the planet, (towards the axis of the “North Geomagnetic
- mU-3 - the mass of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TU-3 - the period of the Inner Mantle layer -[s];
- νU-3 - the frequency of the Inner Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vU-3 - the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the equator
- vTU-3 - the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωU-3 - the angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTU-3 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρU-3 - the density of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εU-3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εTU-3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
vU-3 = (2π·R ′
vU-2 =
U−IM )−(2· FF )+(2π·EF )
= (2π·19664000)−(2·7586000)+(2π·7586000)
1195.6 ≈ 1042 m/s.
Thus, vU-3 = 1042 m/s = 3751.2 Km/h,
for GG’= FF’= FE = hU-IM and FF’ = FE = hU-IM.
vTU-3 = �vU−P−A−IM 2 + vU−3 2 =
= �(1.6766 · 10−3 )2 + (1042)2 = 1042 m/s.
2π·RU−IM 2π·19664000
TU-3 = = = 118573 s =
vU−3 1042
= 32.9369 h = 1.37237days
2π·RU−OC 2π·12078000
vU-IM-OC = TU−3
= 118573
= 640 m/s.
1 1
νU-3 = T = 118573 = 8.4336·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωU-3 = T = 118573 ≈ 5.3·10-5 rad/s.

ωTU-3 = �ωU−P−A 2 + ωU−3 2 =

= �(2.36118 · 10−9 )2 + (5.3 · 10−5 )2 = 5.3·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTU-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTU−3i .
εU-3 = ω2U−3· RU-IM = (5.3·10-5)2 · 19664000 = 0.055236 m/s2.
εTU-3 = εU-3 + εU-P-A-IM =
εTU-3 = 0.055236 + 1.0963·10-10 = 0.055236 m/s2.
εTTU-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTU−3i .

The Outer Core layer of the planet Uranus.

The thickness proportion of the Outer Core layer of the planet
Uranus, according to the Universal EngineType II, will be:
27.6056 27.6056
PRnU-OC = 100
RU = 100
25559 = 7055.715 ≈ 7056 Km.
Thus, nU-OC = 7056 Km.
The Outer Core layer of the planet Uranus rotates prograde and
is characterized by the following sizes:
- nU-OC - the Outer Core layer thickness -[m];
- fU-4 - the Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that makes a 33o
angle to the right, as against the axis of the “North Geomagnetic Pole”
of the planet;
- mU-4 - the mass of the Outer Core layer -[Kg];
- TU-4 - the period of the Outer Core layer -[s];
- νU-4 - the frequency of the Outer Core layer -[rot/s];
- vU-4 - the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator
- vU-P-IM-OC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer -
- vU-P-OC-IC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer -[m/s];
- vTU-4 - the translation speed of the Outer Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωU-4 - the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωU-P-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTU-4 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ρU-4 - the density of the Outer Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εU-4 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer -
- εU-P-IM-OC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the
Outer Core layer -[m/s2];
- εU-P-OC-IC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner
Core layer -[m/s2];
- εTU-4 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core
layer -[m/s2].
The satellites of the planet Uranus with a spherical shape are:

- Miranda, which has the semimajor axis of 129390 Km, the
diameter of 472 Km and the orbital period of 1.413479 days;
- Ariel, which has the semimajor axis of 191020 Km, the
diameter of 1158 Km and the orbital period of 2.520379 days;
- Umbriel, which has the semimajor axis of 266300 Km, the
diameter of 1169 Km and the orbital period of 4.144177 days;
- Titania, which has the semimajor axis of 435910 Km, the
diameter of 1576 Km and the orbital period of 8.705872 days;
- Oberon, which has the semimajor axis of 583520 Km, the
diameter of 1522 Km and the orbital period of 13.463239 days.
What interests us especially is the orbital period, because the
five spherical satellites have the Anchor points trapped in the Outer
Core and we will make the average of the orbital periods for all the
five satellites.
So, the period of the Outer Core layer, will be:
TU-4 = (1.413479 + 2.520379 + 4.144177 + 8.705872 +
+ 13.463239)/5 = 6.0494292 days = 145.1863 h = 522670.7 s.
The orbital inclination of the last four satellites is below a
degree, only Miranda has an inclination of 4.3o. That means the Outer
Core of the planet Uranus has a small oscillation.
We can calculate the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at
the equator, which will be:
2π·RU−OC 2π·12078000
vU-4 = = = 145.2 m/s = 522.72 Km/h.
TU−4 522670.7
1 1
νU-4 = T = 522670.7 = 1.91325·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωU-4 = T = 522670.7 = 1.202134·10-5 rad/s.
2π·RU−OC 2π·12078000
nU-P-IM-OC = = = 210801.36 m.
360 360
nU−P−IM−OC 210801.36
vU-P-IM-OC = = = 0.40332 m/s.
TU−4 522670.7

vTU-4 = �vU−P−IM−OC 2 + vU−4 2 =

= √0.403322 + 145.22 = 145.2 m/s.
2π·rU−IC 2π·5022000
nU-P-OC-IC = = = 87650.64 m.
360 360
nU−P−OC−IC 87650.64
vU-P-OC-IC = = 522670.7 = 0.167697 m/s

2π 2π
ωU-P-OC = T = 522670.7 = 1.202134·10-5 rad/s = ωU-4.

ωTU-4 = �ωU−P−OC 2 + ωU−4 2 =

�(1.202134 · 10−5 )2 + (1.202134 · 10−5 )2 = 1.7·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTU-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTU−4i .
εU-P-IM-OC = ω2U−P−OC · RU-OC =
= (1.202134·10-5)2 · 12078000 = 1.745423·10-3 m/s2.
εU-4 = ω2U−4· RU-OC =
= (1.202134·10-5)2 · 12078000 = 1.745423·10-3 m/s2.
εU-P-OC-IC = ω2U−P−OC · rU-IC =
= (1.202134·10-5)2 · 5022000 = 7.257423·10-4 m/s2.
εTU-4 = εU-4 + εU-P-IM-OC =
= 1.745423·10-3 + 1.745423·10-3 = 3.490846·10-3 m/s2.
εTTU-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑈𝑈−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTU−4i .

The Inner Core layer of the planet Uranus.

The thickness proportion of the Inner Core layer of the planet
Uranus, according to the Universal Engine Type II, will be:
19.65544 19.65544
PRnU-IC = 100
RU = 100
25559 = 5023.734 Km.
But, we will make the necessary correction:
nU-IC = RU – (aU + sU + hU-S + hU-OM + AU + hU-IM + nU-OC) =
= 25559 – (317 + 150 + 1472 + 1978 + 1978 + 7586 + 7056) =
= 5022 Km.
Then, nU-IC = rU-IC = 5022 Km.
The Inner Core of the planet Uranus rotates retrograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rU-IC - the radius of the Inner Core layer -[m];
- fU-5 - the Inner Core layer spindle is axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole” (the axis that makes a 66o angle to the left, as
against the axis of the “North Magnetic Pole” (or a 98o angle to the
left, as against the axis of the “North Geographic Pole”), of the planet;
- mU-5 - the mass of the Inner Core layer -[Kg];
- TU-5 - the period of the Inner Core layer -[s];

- νU-5 - the frequency of the Inner Core layer -[rot/s];
- vU-5 - the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer at the equator
- vTU-5 - the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωU-5 - the angular velocity of the Inner Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTU-5 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core layer
- ρU-5 - the density of the Inner Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εU-5 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer -
- εTU-5 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core
layer -[m/s2].
We can calculate the rotation speed for the Inner Core layer at
(2π·RU−OC )−(2·CC′ )+(2π·AD)
the equator, which will be: vU-5 = 2πrU−IC
vU-4 =
= 2π·5022000
145.2 ≈ 488.3 m/s.
Thus, vU-5 = 488.3 m/s = 1757.88 Km/h, for CC’= AD = nU-OC,
and A’D’ = AD = nU-OC.
TU-5 = vU−5
= 488.3
= 129241.2 s = 35.9 h = 1.5 days.
1 1
νU-5 = T = 129241.2 = 7.73747·10-6 rot/s.

vTU-5 = �vU−P−OC−IC 2 + vU−5 2 =

vTU-5 = √0.1676972 + 488.32 = 488.3 m/s.
2π 2π
ωU-5 = T = 129241.2 = 4.8616·10-5 rad/s.

ωTU-5 = �ωU−P−OC 2 + ωU−5 2 =

= �(1.202134 · 10−5 )2 + (4.8616 · 10−5 )2 =
= 5.008·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTU-5 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑈𝑈−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTU−5j.
εU-5 = ω2U−5· rU-IC = (4.8616·10-5)2 · 5022000 = 0.011869 m/s2.
εU-P-OC-IC = ω2U−P−OC · rU-IC =
= (1.202134·10-5)2 · 5022000 = 7.25742·10-4 m/s2.
εTU-5 = εU-5 + εU-P-OC-IC =
= 0.011869 + 7.25742·10-4 = 0.0125947 m/s2.
εTTU-5 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑈𝑈−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTU−5j.
Between the planets Neptune and Uranus, the first was analyzed
Neptune, but because this planet is in resonance, more indicated as a
model Type II Universal Engine is the planet Uranus, but the
proportions for the component layers are the same, so, either one
between the two planets can be taken as a model.
The engine of the planet Uranus, has both balanced couplings,
but does not have sufficient mass, for the Inner Core rotation, to be
larger and for this reason, when gravitational disturbances appear in
the Solar System, the inclination of the axis also appears, (for the
amortization and balancing of the rotation speeds). But, like overview
the engine of the planet Uranus is perfectly balanced (fact confirmed
by the satellites). Thus, in the end we chose the planet Uranus for the
Type II model of the Universal Engine. The Magnetic Field of the
planet Uranus consists of the ionosphere, which covers the planet with
a strong rotating spherical magnetic field, then the Outer Core toroid,
produces three concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, that we
identify it with “Van Allen Radiation belt I”, then the Inner Mantle
toroid, produces three concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, that
we identify with “Van Allen Radiation belt II”, then the Outer Mantle
toroid, produces two concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, and
finally, the Sleeve layer produces two other rotating spherical
magnetic fields. All these magnetic fields, multiply with other
redundant magnetic fields, of lower intensity, which appear and
accompany each magnetic field separately. But the problem is that,
this Magnetic Field has a double, even triple inclination, depending on
the inclination of the axles of the component layers. For this reason,
the solar wind does not strike perpendicular to the Magnetic Field in
zones of maximum intensity, which makes the elongation of the
magnetic field component on the opposite side of the Sun, to be larger.

13. The planet Neptune.
Like all the Jovian planets, the planet Neptune has rings of
matter especially with the silicates or the carbonates, which give a
reddish tint. Opposite to Saturn, the planet Neptune has in particularly,
thin rings, but with a massive structure which marks the energetic
orbits. Though, the planet Neptune has rings too in the form of arches
(mini Trojans), it also has the true Trojans, which resonate 1:1 against
the planet and occupies the Lagrange point L5. Until the present, the
planet Neptune has only 13 known satellites, but we distinguish the
most massive of them, the Triton satellite which is spherical, with a
diameter of 2707 Km and has a retrograde orbit. The orbital period of
the Triton satellite is 5.876854 days and the semi-major axis is 354759
Km. Triton satellite equator is perfectly alligned with the orbital plane
of the planet Neptune. Where there are spherical satellites (with a
diameter which exceeds 500 Km), we already have some additional
information. The spherical satellite confirms that there is an Anchor
point of the satellite within one layer of the planet, usually in the Outer
Core layer. For confirmation, we calculate the gravitational limit of
the planet and we make the report with the semi-major axis of the
satellite, then we extrapolate to the dimensions of the planet and we
find the approximate Anchor point of the satellite. All the planets of
the Solar System have the spherical satellites, anchored in the Outer
Core layer. Over this information, we can’t get through. In this case,
it means that the planet Neptune is in an area with gravitational
turbulence. For balancing and attenuation of these gravitational
influences, the Outer Mantle layer entered into resonance and rotates
in the opposite sense as against the Sleeve layer. This fact provokes a
chain reaction, inside this planet and changes all the senses of rotation
to all the layers of the planet Neptune.
The dimension of the sphere diameter of the planet Neptune is
of 49106 Km, so the radius will be RN = 24553 Km.
It is observed that the planet Neptune is located as an order of
magnitude between Earth and Jupiter, so it has enough mass to have
an Inner Core proportional, which rotates with a corresponding speed
to produce four rotating magnetic spherical fields. Therefore, the
planet Neptune will have one more layer, as against the Universal

Engine Type I and one layer less, as against the Universal Engine Type
Thus, the planet Neptune will have the following layers:
- The Barrier layer (ionosphere);
- The Shell layer;
- The Sleeve layer;
- The Outer Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Inner Mantle layer;
- The Outer Core layer;
- The Inner Core layer.

The Barrier layer of the planet Neptune.

Thus, the first layer is outside the planet Neptune and the
thickness will be:
1.2384 1,2384
aN = 100
RN = 100
24553 = 304.064352 ≈ 304 Km.
When RN is the radius of the planet Neptune, RN = 24 553 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the celestial spherical body,
up to elevation 0, to “sea level”, which will be:
RNo= RN – aN = 24553 – 304 = 24249 Km.

The Shell layer of the planet Neptune.

The thickness proportion of Shell layer of the planet Neptune,
according to the Universal Engine Type I, will be:
aN 304
PRsN = = = 152 Km.
2 2
The thickness proportion of Shell layer of the planet Neptune,
according to the Universal EngineType III, will be:
0.5535 0.5535
PRsN = 100
RN = 100
24553 = 135.9 ≈ 136 Km.
So, the Shell layer of the planet Neptune will be the arithmetic
mean between the two values, thus:
sN = (152 + 136)/2 = 144 Km.
This area is very important, from the point of view of the
phenomena that take place here. The phenomenon that particularly

interests us is metamorphism. Thus, through metamorphism, a mineral
transformation takes place with the help of microbes. So, the Shell
layer of the Neptune planet isolates gases from the atmosphere, from
incandescent magma of the Sleeve layer. In fact only in this area,
certain microbes can still live, because in the molten magma there will
definitely be no life. The Shell layer of the planet Neptune is like a hot
plate and here the phenomenon of convection appears, which raise the
gases out in the atmosphere, where the storms form.
The Shell layer of the planet Neptune is characterized by the
following sizes:
- sN - the Shell layer thickness -[m];
- mN-o - the mass of the Shell layer -[Kg];
- ρN-o - the density of the Shell layer -[Kg/m3].

The Sleeve layer of the planet Neptune.

The thickness, according to the Universal EngineType I, will be:
5.7276 5.7276
PRhN-S = 100
RN = 100
24553 = 1406.2976 Km.
The thickness, according to the Universal Engine Type III, will
5.792 5.792
be: PRhN-S = 100 RN = 100 24553 = 1422.1097 Km.
So, the thickness of the Sleeve layer of planet Neptune will be
the arithmetic mean between the two values, thus:
hN-S = (1406.2976 + 1422.1097)/2 = 1414.203 ≈ 1414 Km.
The Sleeve layer spindle is the axis of rotation of the planet and
by analogy with the Earth, axis of the “North Geographic Pole” of the
planet Neptune, which makes a 30o angle to right, as against the axis
of the “North Geomagnetic Pole” of the planet.
The Sleeve layer of the planet Neptune rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- hN-S - the Sleeve layer thickness -[m];
- fN-1 - the Sleeve layer spindle, is axis of the “North Geographic
Pole” of the planet;
- mN-1 - the mass of the Sleeve layer -[Kg];
- TN-1 - the period of the Sleeve layer -[s];
- νN-1 - the frequency of the Sleeve layer -[rot/s];

- vN-1 - the rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator -
- vTN-1 - the translation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator -
- ωN-1 - the angular velocity of the Sleeve layer -[rad/s];
- ωTN-1 - the angular translational velocity of the Sleeve layer -
- ρN-1 - the density of the Sleeve layer -[Kg/m3];
- εN-1 - the centripetal acceleration of the Sleeve layer -[m/s2];
- εTN-1 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Sleeve
layer -[m/s2].
The rotation speed of the Sleeve layer at the equator will be:
2π·RN−S 2π·22691000
vN-1 = = = 2458.3 m/s = 8849.88 Km/h,
TN−1 57996
where, TN-1 is the period of complete rotation of the planet
Neptune, for 16 h 6 min 36 s = 57996 s, and RN-MS is the radius of the
center of the planet Neptune, at the limit between the Sleeve layer -
the Outer Mantle layer (RN-MS = 22691 Km = 22691000 m). This speed
of rotation of the Sleeve layer vN-1 is calculated in a Static Inertial
Reference System, namely from the point of view of an observer
which is on the Anchor layer, thus vN-1 is much larger, so that the speed
of reaction is gathering with vN-2 (│the speed│=│the speed of
reaction│), because the Sleeve layer rotates in the opposite direction
of the Outer Mantle layer, but we calculated the module of the rotation
speed and how is attenuated, until it gets to the Anchor layer.
The Sleeve layer spindle of the planet Neptune fN-1 does not
oscillate, instead the Outer Mantle layer spindle (the next layer), has
an oscillation, due to the pendulum (the Anchor layer) and because of
the inertia, it engages the Outer Mantle layer and this has an oscillation
approximately of 1/2 times smaller than the pendulum (the Anchor
vTN-1 = �vN−P−S−OM 2 + vN−1 2 =
= �(4.949999 · 10−4 )2 + (2458.3)2 = 2458.3 m/s.
1 1
νN-1 = T = 57996 = 1.724256·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωN-1 = T = 57996 ≈ 1.083385·10-4 rad/s.
ωTN-1 = �ωN−P−S−OM 2 + ωN−1 2 =
= �(2.181481 · 10−11 )2 + (1.083385 · 10−4 )2 =
= 1.083385·10-4 rad/s.
ωTTN-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝑆𝑆 ωTN−1i .
εN-1 = ω2N−1· RN-S =
= (1.083385·10-4)2 · 22691000 = 0.26633 m/s2.
εTN-1 = εN-1 + εN-P-S-OM =
= 0.26633 + 1.079832·10-14 = 0.26633 m/s2.
εTTN-1 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝑆𝑆 εTN−1i .

The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Neptune.

The thickness of the Outer Mantle layer is equal to the thickness
proportion of the Anchor layer, which is:
7.73994 7.73994
PRAN = 100
RN = 100
24553 = 1900 Km.
Thus, hN-OM = 1900 Km.
The Outer Mantle layer of the planet Neptune rotates retrograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hN-OM - the Outer Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fN-2 - the Outer Mantle layer spindle, is the axis that makes a10o
angle to the left, as against the axis of the “North Geographic Pole” of
the planet;
- mN-2 - the mass of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TN-2 - the period of the Outer Mantle layer -[s];
- νN-2 - the frequency of the Outer Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vN-2 - the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle at the equator -
- vN-P-S-OM - the pendulum speed of the Outer Mantle layer, at
the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Sleeve layer -[m/s];
- vTN-2 - the translation speed of the Outer Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωN-2 - the angular velocity of the Outer Mantle layer -[rad/s];

- ωN-P-S-OM - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the Sleeve
layer -[rad/s];
- ωTN-2 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρN-2 - the density of the Outer Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εN-2 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εN-P-S-OM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Mantle layer, at the limit between the Outer Mantle layer - the
Sleeve layer -[m/s2];
- εTN-2 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
Because, until the Anchor layer there are two layers, the rotation
speed of the Sleeve layer is amortized with 1/2. Thus, the rotation
speed will decrease with 1/2 and will be found the rotation speed of
the next toroid. Namely, the rotation speed of the Outer Mantle layer
vU-2 = vU-1/2.
vN−1 2458.3
vN-2 = = = 1229.15 m/s = 4424.94 Km/h.
2 2
The period of the Outer Mantle layer will be:
2π·RN−OM 2π·20791000
TN-2 = = = 106280 s =
vN−2 1229.15
= 29.5222 h = 1.23 days.
But the pendulum period of the Outer Mantle layer is equal to
the period of the Anchor layer, so: TN-A = 164 years =
= 60190.3 days = 1444567.2 h = 5200441920 s.
6.5·2π·RN−S 6.5·2π·22691000
nN-P-S-OM = = = 2574218.3 m.
360 360
nN−P−S−OM 2574218.3
vN-P-S-OM = = 5200441920 = 4.949999·10-4 m/s.
ωN-P-S-OM = =
= ≈ 2.181481·10-11 rad/s.
vTN-2 = �vN−P−OM−A 2 + vN−2 2 =
= �(9.0710354 · 10−4 )2 + (1229.15)2 = 1229.15 m/s.

1 1
νN-2 = T = 106280 = 9.41·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωN-2 = T = 106280 ≈ 5.912 ·10-5 rad/s.

ωTN-2 = �ωN−P−A 2 + ωN−2 2 =

=�(1.208205 · 10−9 )2 + (5.912 · 10−5 )2 =
= 5.912·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTN-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTN−2i .
εN-2 = ω2N−2· RN-OM =
= (5.912·10-5)2 · 20791000 = 0.07267 m/s2.
εN-P-S-OM = ω2N−P−S−OM · RN-S =
= (2.181481·10-11)2 · 22691000 = 1.079832·10-14 m/s2.
εTN-2 = εN-2 + εN-P-OM-A =
= 0.07267 + 3.0349856·10-11 = 0.07267 m/s2.
εTTN-2 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTN−2i .

The Anchor layer of the planet Neptune.

We will find out the thickness of the Anchor layer, with the
7.73994 7.73994
relation: PRAN = 100 RN = 100 24553 = 1900 Km.
Thus, AN = 1900 Km.
The Anchor layer of the planet Neptune is characterized by the
following sizes:
- AN - the Anchor layer thickness -[m];
- fN-A - the Anchor layer spindle is the axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole” (the axis that makes a 15o angle to the left, as
against the axis of the “North Magnetic Pole” (or a 30o angle to the
left, as against the axis of the “North Geographic Pole”) of the planet;
- mN-A - the mass of the Anchor layer -[Kg];
- TN-A - the period of the Anchor layer -[s];
- vN-P-OM-A - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Outer Mantle layer -[m/s];
- vN-P-A-IM - the pendulum speed of the Anchor layer, at the limit
with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s];

- ωN-P-A - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Anchor
layer -[rad/s];
- ρN-A - the density of the Anchor layer -[Kg/m3];
- εN-P-OM-A - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Outer Mantle layer- [m/s2];
- εN-P-A-IM - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Anchor layer, at the limit with the Inner Mantle layer -[m/s2].
TN-A = 164 years = 60190.3 days =
= 1444567 h = 5200441920 s.
13·2π·RN−OM 13·2π·20791000
AN-P-OM-A = = = 4717339.3 m.
360 360
AN−P−OM−A 4717339.3
vN-P-OM-A = = 5200441920 = 9.0710354·10-4 m/s.
13·2π·RN−IM 13·2π· 18891000
AN-P-A-IM = = = 4286241.96 m.
360 360
AN−P−A−IM 4286241.96
vN-P-A-IM = = 5200441920 = 8.24207255·10-4 m/s.
2π 2π
ωN-P-A = T = 5200441920 = 1.208205·10-9 rad/s.
εN-P-OM-A = ω2N−P−A · RN-OM =
= (1.208205·10-9)2 · 20791000 = 3.0349856·10-11m/s2.
εN-P-A-IM = ω2N−P−A · RN-IM =
= (1.208205·10-9)2 · 18891000 = 2.7576313·10-11m/s2.

The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Neptune.

The thickness of the Inner Mantle layer is calculated together
with the thickness of the Outer Core layer of the planet Neptune.
The thickness of the Outer Mantle layer is calculated
proportionally in this way: it is made the proportion of the thickness
of the layers for the Outer Mantle/the Inner Core, of the planet Earth
and it is obtained 0.9, then it is made the proportion of the thickness
of the layers for the Outer Mantle/the Inner Core, of the planet Jupiter
and it is obtained 1.25. With these values the arithmetic mean is made
and is obtained the percentage for the Outer Mantle / the Inner Core
of the planet Neptune, which is 1.075. After that, we decrease from
RN all validated results of, aN, sN, hN-S, hN-OM, AN and rN-IC, then adjust
the report so that hN-IM/nN-OC = 1.075.

hN-IM + nN-OC= RN – (aN + sN + hN-S + hN-OM + AN + nN-IC) =
24553 – (304 + 144 + 1414 + 1900 + 1900 + 4826) = 14065 Km.
Thus we obtain the values, hN-IM = 7287 Km and nN-OC = 6778
Km, that we validate.
So, hN-IM = 7287 Km.
The Inner Mantle layer of the planet Neptune rotates prograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- hN-IM - the Inner Mantle layer thickness -[m];
- fN-3 - the Inner Mantle layer spindle is axis of the “North
Magnetic Pole”, that makes a 15o angle to the left, as against the axis
of rotation of the planet, (toward the axis of the “North Geomagnetic
- mN-3 - the mass of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg];
- TN-3 - the period of the Inner Mantle layer -[s];
- νN-3 - the frequency of the Inner Mantle layer -[rot/s];
- vN-3 - the rotation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
- vTN-3 - the translation speed of the Inner Mantle layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωN-3 - the angular velocity of the Inner Mantle layer -[rad/s];
- ωTN-3 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Mantle
layer -[rad/s];
- ρN-3 - the density of the Inner Mantle layer -[Kg/m3];
- εN-3 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Mantle layer -
[m/s ];
- εTN-3 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner
Mantle layer -[m/s2].
vN-3 = (2π·R ′ )+(2π·EF )
vN-2 =
N−IM )−(2· FF
= (2π·18891000)−(2·7287000)+(2π·7287000) 1229.1 ≈ 1071.3 m/s.
So, vN-3 = 1071.3 m/s = 3856.6 Km/h,
for GG’= FF’= FE = hN-IM and FF’ = FE = hN-IM.
vTN-3 = �vN−P−A−IM 2 + vN−3 2 =
= �(8.24207255 · 10−4 )2 + (1071.3)2 = 1071.3m/s.

2π·RN−IM 2π·18891000
TN-3 = = = 110796.2 s =
vN−3 1071.3
= 30.7767 h = 1.282363 days
2π·RN−OC 2π·11604000
vN-IM-OC = = = 658 m/s.
TN−3 110796.2
1 1
νN-3 = T = 110796.2 = 9.02558·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωN-3 = T = 110796.2 ≈ 5.671·10-5 rad/s.

ωTN-3 = �ωN−P−A 2 + ωN−3 2 =

= �(1.208205 · 10−9 )2 + (5.671 · 10−5 )2 =
= 5.671·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTN-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTN−3i .
εN-3 = ω2N−3· RN-IM =
= (5.671·10-5)2 · 18891000 = 0.060753 m/s2.
εTN-3 = εN-3 + εN-P-A-IM =
= 0.060753 + 2.7576313·10-11 = 0.060753 m/s2.
εTTN-3 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTN−3i .

The Outer Core layer of the planet Neptune.

The thickness of the Outer Core layer of the planet Neptune, will
be: nN-e = 6778 Km.
The Outer Core layer of the planet Neptune rotates retrograde
and is characterized by the following sizes:
- nN-OC - the Outer Core layer thickness -[m];
- fN-4 - the Outer Core layer spindle is the axis that makes a 7o
angle to the right, as against the axis of the “North Geomagnetic Pole”
of the planet;
- mN-4 - the mass of the Outer Core layer -[Kg];
- TN-4 - the period of the Outer Core layer -[s];
- νN-4 - the frequency of the Outer Core layer -[rot/s];
- vN-4 - the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at the equator

- vN-P-IM-OC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the Outer Core layer -
- vN-P-OC-IC - the speed of the pendulum of the Outer Core layer,
at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner Core layer -[m/s];
- vTN-4 - the translation speed of the Outer Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωN-4 - the angular velocity of the Outer Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωN-P-OC - the angular velocity of the pendulum of the Outer
Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTN-4 - the angular translational velocity of the Outer Core
layer -[rad/s];
- ρN-4 - the density of the Outer Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εN-4 - the centripetal acceleration of the Outer Core layer -
- εN-P-IM-OC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Inner Mantle layer - the
Outer Core layer -[m/s2];
- εN-P-OC-IC - the centripetal acceleration of the pendulum of the
Outer Core layer, at the limit between the Outer Core layer - the Inner
Core layer -[m/s2];
- εTN-4 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Outer Core
layer -[m/s2].
The Triton satellite has the Anchor in the Outer Core of the
planet Neptune, so the period of the Outer Core layer will be equal to
the period of the satellite. Thus, the period of the Outer Core layer,
will be: TN-4 = 5.876854 days = 141.0445 h = 507760 s.
We can calculate the rotation speed of the Outer Core layer at
the equator, which will be:
2π·RN−OC 2π·11604000
vN-4 = = = 143.6 m/s.
TN−4 507760
1 1
νN-4 = T = 507760 = 1.96943·10-6 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωN-4 = T = 507760 = 1.237435·10-5 rad/s.
2π·RN−OC 2π·11604000
nN-P-IM-OC = = = 202528.48 m.
360 360

nN−P−IM−OC 202528.48
vN-P-IM-OC = = = 0.398866 m/s.
TN−4 507760

vTN-4 = �vN−P−IM−OC 2 + vN−4 2 =

vTN-4 = √0.398866 2 + 143.6 2 = 143.6 m/s.
2π·rN−IC 2π·4826000
nN-P-OC-IC = = = 84229.8 m.
360 360
nN−P−OC−IC 84229.8
vN-P-OC-IC = = = 0.165885 m/s
TN−4 507760
2π 2π
ωN-P-OC = T = 507760 = 1.237435·10-5 rad/s.

ωTN-4 = �ωN−P−OC 2 + ωN−4 2 =

= �(1.237435 · 10−5 )2 + (1.237435 · 10−5 )2 =
= 1.749997·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTN-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 ωTN−4i .
εN-P-IM-OC = ω2N−P−OC · RN-OC =
= (1.237435·10-5)2 · 11604000 = 1.776857·10-3 m/s2.
εN-4 = ω2N−4· RN-OC =
= (1.237435·10-5)2 · 11604000 = 1.776857·10-3 m/s2.
εN-P-OC-IC = ω2N−P−OC · rN-IC =
= (1.237435·10-5)2 · 4826000 = 7.38979·10-4 m/s2.
εTN-4 = εN-4 + εN-P-IM-OC =
= 1.776857·10 + 1.776857·10-3 = 3.553714·10-3 m/s2.
εTTN-4 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1 𝑁𝑁−𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 εTN−4i .

The Inner Core layer of the planet Neptune.

The thickness proportion of the Inner Core layer of the planet
Neptune, according to the Universal EngineType III, will be:
19.6563 19.6563
PRnN-IC = 100
RN = 100
24553 = 4826 Km.
Thus, nN-IC = rN-IC = 4826 Km.
The Inner Core of the Neptun planet rotates prograde and is
characterized by the following sizes:
- rN-IC - the radius of the Inner Core layer -[m];
- fN-5 - the Inner Core layer spindle, is axis of the “North
Geomagnetic Pole” (the axis that makes a 15o angle left, as against the

axis of the “North Magnetic Pole” (or a 30o angle left, as against the
axis of the “North Geographic Pole”), of the planet;
- mN-5 - the mass of the Inner Core layer -[Kg];
- TN-5 - the period of the Inner Core layer -[s];
- νN-5 - the frequency of the Inner Core layer -[rot/s];
- vN-5 - the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer at the equator
- vTN-5 - the translation speed of the Inner Core layer at the
equator -[m/s];
- ωN-5 - the angular velocity of the Inner Core layer -[rad/s];
- ωTN-5 - the angular translational velocity of the Inner Core layer
- ρN-5 - the density of the Inner Core layer -[Kg/m3];
- εN-5 - the centripetal acceleration of the Inner Core layer -
- εTN-5 - the centripetal translation acceleration of the Inner Core
layer -[m/s2].
We can calculate, the rotation speed of the Inner Core layer at
(2π·RN−OC )−(2·CC′ )+(2π·AD)
the equator, which will be: vN-5 = 2πrN−IC
vN-4 =
= 2π·4826000
143.6 ≈ 482.8 m/s.
So, vN-5 = 482.8 m/s = 1738.08 Km/h, for CC’= AD = nN-OC,
A’D’ = AD = nN-OC and vN-4 = 143.6 m/s.
2π·rN−IC 2π·4826000
TN-5 = = = 62806 s = 17.446 h.
vN−5 482.8

vTN-5 = �vN−P−OC−IC 2 + vN−5 2 =

= √0.1658852 + 482.82 = 482.8 m/s.
1 1
νN-5 = T = 62806 = 1.592204·10-5 rot/s.
2π 2π
ωN-5 = T = 62806 = 1.0004139·10-4 rad/s.

ωTN-5 = �ωN−P−OC 2 + ωN−5 2 =

= �(1.237435 · 10−5 )2 + (1.0004139 · 10−5 )2 =
= 1.59125·10-5 rad/s.
ωTTN-5 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑁𝑁−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 ωTN−5j .
εN-5 = ω2N−5· rN-IC =
εN-5 = (1.0004139·10-4)2 · 4826000 = 0.0483 m/s2.
εN-P-OC-IC = ω2N−P−OC · rN-IC =
= (1.237435·10-5)2 · 4826000 = 7.3898·10-4 m/s2.
εTN-5 = εN-5 + εN-P-OC-IC = 0.0483 + 7.3898·10-4 = 0.049 m/s2.
εTTN-5 = ∑𝑗𝑗=1𝑁𝑁−𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 εTN−5j .
The engine of the planet Neptune has balanced couplings, but
the toroid of the Outer Mantle layer entered into resonance with the
toroid of the Sleeve layer. The Magnetic Field of the planet Neptune,
consists of the ionosphere, which covers the planet with a strong
rotating spherical magnetic field, then the Outer Core toroid, produces
three concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, that we identify with
“Van Allen Radiation belt I”, then the Inner Mantle toroid, produces
three concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, that we identify with
“Van Allen Radiation belt II”, then the Outer Mantle toroid, produces
three concentric rotating toroidal magnetic fields, and finally, the
Sleeve layer produces four rotating spherical magnetic fields. All
these magnetic fields, multiply with other redundant magnetic fields,
of lower intensity, that appear and accompany each magnetic field

14. The Sun.
The Solar System has the following zones of gravitational
- The Inner zone, which is delimited by the orbits of the small
planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars);
- The zone of the Asteroids belt, which exists between the planet
Mars and the planet Jupiter;
- The Outer zone, which is delimited by the orbits of the large
planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune);
- The zone of the Kuiper belt and the Spread Disc, characterized
by the existence of transneptunian planets, such as dwarf planets,
Pluto, Eris, Haumea and Makemake, which have a dozen satellites
each. In this area, there are centaurs, comets and a lot of matter made
up especially of frozen asteroids;
- The zone of the Oort cloud, which contains spherically
distributed interplanetary matter (because until the end of the Spread
Disc, the matter is distributed after a disk, located in the equatorial
plane of the Sun), and here there are a lot of celestial bodies considered
long-term comets, besides asteroids and the ice particles.
The solar wind is a stream of electrons distributed by the Sun
throughout the heliosphere with the help of the Sun’s hot Crown. The
Sun is positioned among other stars of different sizes and each of these
stars or Stars Systems have its own heliosphere. Where these spheres
meet, the Heliopause occurs, where the pressure of the solar wind is
equal to the pressure of the interstellar wind.
Between the celestial body, according to the Universal Engine
Type-III (Jupiter) and the Sun, it still exists a type of planet, which is
called Mega-Jupiter and represents the maximum sphere which can be
reached by a planet (for exemple how is the celestial body called
HD100546B). After this limit, the stars appear which have a
maximum limit, after which the Bollovans appear. One of the smallest
Bollovans, is the type of celestial body called NGC1277, which has
an estimated diameter of 60 000 000 000 Km. Then, the Bollovans are
categorized by size, thus the largest celestial body of this type is the
Bolloșoy. The Universal Engine Type-B is the celestial body for our
galaxy, the Milky Way which is called Bollovan and has a mass of
98%, from the mass of the entire galaxy. Namely, the mass of the
approximately 200 billion stars (together with the planets of each star,
molecular clouds, supernovae, etc.), sum up roughly only 2% from the
mass of the entire galaxy. The rest of 98%, from the mass is in the
Thus, the Sun is a type of celestial body, which has accumulated
enough matter and has an Inner Core capable of producing seven
rotating spherical magnetic fields, due to its rotation. The Sun will be
considered the Universal Engine Type - V (five).
So, the dimension of the sphere diameter of the Sun is of
1.392·106 Km (109 times the diameter of the Earth), and the radius is
RSUN = 696 000 Km.
The number of layers components of the Sun will be enlarged
with two new layers (and as we calculate the layers we will also add
the dimensions in Km). Thus, the Sun will have the following layers:
- The Crown layer - CSUN;
- The Chromosphere layer - CRMSUN = 5000 Km;
- The Photosphere layer - FSUN = 8620 Km;
- The Shell layer - sSUN = 3395 Km;
- The Sleeve layer - hSUN-S = 40760 Km;
- The Tunic layer-1, - hSUN-T-1 = 53870 Km;
- The Tunic layer-2, - hSUN-T-2 = 53870 Km;
- The Tunic layer-3, - hSUN-T-3 = 53870 Km;
- The Outer Mantle layer - hSUN-OM = 53870 Km;
- The Anchor layer - ASUN = 53870 Km;
- The Inner Mantle layer - hSUN-IM = 71857 Km;
- The Outer Core layer - nSUN-OC = 162202 Km;
- The Inner Core layer - nSUN-IC = 139816 Km.

The solar Photosphere is the first strong rotating spherical

magnetic field (and the seventh produced by the Inner Core) which is
outside the Sun, and the layer thickness is:
FSUN = [(1.2384)/100]·RSUN = [(1.2384)/100]·696000 ≈ 8620 Km,
where, RSUN is the radius of the Sun, RSUN = 696 000 Km.
Thus, we can calculate the radius of the spherical celestial body,
up to “level 0”, of the surface of the Shell layer, which will be:

RSUN-o = RSUN – FSUN = 696000 – 8620 = 687380 Km.
This limit of the Photosphere is actually the seventh spherical
rotating magnetic field, produced by the rotation of the Inner Core
We return to the theory.
If we want to get seven cylindrical concentric magnetic fields
outside an electrical conductor, then the electric wire must be seven
times larger in diameter than a normal conductor, and the current
intensity should be proportional, as big as.
This phenomenon (magnetic field amplification) occurs when
the electric charges flow under a larger electron flow. So, there must
be the volume of electrons (the calotte of electrons) proportionally
higher and there still has to be the movement of electron flow higher,
wich is normally the same by the speed of light c. The larger the
volume of moving electrons is, the displacement of electrons (at the
limit surface between the Inner Core layer and the Outer Core layer)
appears at a speed greater than the speed of light. Do not confuse, the
translation speed at the limit between the Inner Core layer - the Outer
Core layer with the speed of electrons movement, at the limit between
the Inner Core layer - the Outer Core layer. This translation speed
initiates and maintains the flow of electrons at a speed greater than the
speed of light (in the case of very large astronomical bodies). This
speed of electrons movement will increase more and more, as we will
calculate the Universal Engines more and bigger. So, this speed of
electrons movement, at the limit between the Inner Core layer - the
Outer Core layer produces seven rotating spherical magnetic fields,
the latter being the Barrier of the Photosphere which represents a firm
sphere of rotating magnetic field powerful and capable to keep inside,
the Helium and the Hydrogen in the form of plasma up to the limit of
the Shell layer. In fact, the Hydrogen appears in the upper layers of
the solar Photosphere. Thus, these elements (the Helium and the
Hydrogen) receive from the Shell layer the energy by radiation and
convection and the radioactive electric particles emitted, reach the
Barrier of the Photosphere. Here it appears the Zeeman Effect and at
the time of crossing the Photosphere, some of the radioactive electric
particles turn into photons and the Sun shines. The stronger the light
intensity is, the further away the respective star is in a sequence from
the primordial stage from its life. The sun is classified as a class star
G2V and it is considered that is in the middle of the main evolution
cycle of the star. So, this magnetic field of the photosphere deflect the
photons at an angle which is associated with the great mass of the Sun
(what is not wrong), but this phenomenon which represents the
deviation of the light rays when meeting the Barriers of energy (the
spherical magnetic fields created by the Inner Core layer) of different
celestial bodies is an effect and not a cause.
The surface temperature of the plasma is approximately 5778 K
(5505 oC, 9941 oF) and its spectrum contains ionized and neutral metal
lines, as well as very weak Hydrogen lines.

Outside the Photosphere there are two other layers of the Sun,
the Chromosphere layer and the Crown layer, which represent two
redundant rotating spherical magnetic fields distinct from the
Photosphere. The Chromosphere Barrier, which at a distance of about
5000 Km against the Photosphere, is covered by dynamic gas fusiform
jets (gleaning), and the temperature reaches 20000 oC. The next
energy Barrier is the Crown layer where the temperature reaches
values of 1000000 oC. The Crown layer is not perfectly delimited, as
the other layers are delimited, so that it is gradually lost in space,
depending on the zonal activity of the Sun (more intense, or weaker).

The Shell layer of the Sun. The report of thickness of the Shell
layer, according to the Universal Engine Type-I, is PRs = 0.6192/100
R, and the thickness of the Shell layer, according to the Universal
Engine Type-III, is PRs = 0.5535/100 R, so, 0.6192 – 0.5535 = 0.0657,
thus the thickness of the Shell layer, according to the Universal Engine
Type-V, (the Sun), will be: PRsSUN = (0.5535–0.0657)/100 RSUN =
0.4878/100 ·696000 = 3395 Km. The Shell layer is formed of
elements that insulate the Sleeve layer. From the Tunic layer up to the
center of the Sun we will meet plasma of different categories for
different elements, with increasingly larger density, distributed
proportionally concentrically into layers to the center of the Sun, but
the most important aspect is that all layers are separated into blocks
with the same density which does not mix between them.

The Sleeve layer of the Sun. The report of thickness of the
Sleeve layer, according to the Universal Engine Type-I, is PRhS =
(5.7276)/100 R, and the thickness of the Sleeve layer, according to the
Universal Engine Type-III, is PRhS = 5.792/100 R, so, 5.792 – 5.7276
= 0.0644, thus the thickness of the Sleeve layer, according to the
Universal Engine Type-V, (the Sun), will be: PRhSUN-S =
= (5.792+0.0644)/100 RSUN= 5.8564/100 ·696000 = 40760 Km.

The Tunic layer-1, the Tunic layer-2, the Tunic layer-3 the
Outer Mantle layer and the Anchor layer will have the same size,
because the layers are equal, thus:
hSUN-T-1 = hSUN-T-2 = hSUN-T-3 = hSUN-OM = ASUN = (7.73994)/100 RSUN
= (7.73994)/100 ·696000 = 53869.9824 ≈ 53870 Km.

The Inner Mantle layer of the Sun. The report of thickness of

the Inner Mantle layer, according to the Universal Engine Type-I, is
PRhIM = (30.9598)/100 R, and the thickness of the Inner Mantle layer,
according to the Universal Engine Type-III, is PRhIM = 20.642/100 R,
so, 30.9598 – 20.642 = 10.3178, thus the thickness of the Inner Mantle
layer, according to the Universal Engine Type-V, (the Sun), will be:
PRhSUN-IM = (20.642–10.3178)/100 RSUN = 10.3242/100 ·696000 =
71856.432 ≈ 71857 Km.

The Outer Core layer of the Sun. The report of thickness of

the Outer Core layer, according to the Universal Engine Type-I, is
PRnOC = (34.0558)/100 R, and the thickness of the Outer Core layer,
according to the Universal Engine Type-III, is PRnOC =
= 28.8959/100 R, so, 34.0558 – 28.8959 = 5.1599, thus the thickness
of the Outer Core layer, according to the Universal Engine Type-V,
(the Sun), will be: PRnSUN-OC = (28.8959-5.1599)/100 RS =
23.736/100 ·696000 = 165202.56 ≈162202 Km.

The Inner Core layer of the Sun. The proportion of the radius
of the Inner Core layer will be: PRrSUN-IC = PRnSUN-IC = (19.66)/100
RS= (19.66)/100 · 696000 = 136833.6 Km. But the necessary
correction will be made and will be obtained rSUN-IC = 139816 Km.

Once we found out the dimensions of the “pieces” of the
Universal Engine Type-V, (the Sun), we will find out the dimension
of the Inner zone, which is delimited by the orbits of the small planets
(Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars), the dimension of the zone of the
Asteroids belt, which exist between the planet Mars and the planet
Jupiter and the dimension of the Outer zone, which is delimited by the
orbits of large planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). Thus, all
these three zones correspond to the area of gravitational influence of
the Outer Core layer of the Sun.
According to the Third Law of Isaac Newton, the Law of action
and reaction, there are two forces that can be found, one in the Sun (as
the Anchor point of the planet), and another force in the planet (the
Anchor layer). Between the Anchor point of the planet, from inside
the Sun and the surface of the Anchor layer of the planet, there is a
tractors beam (ray), made of energy particles. We will calculate the
Anchor point of the planet Jupiter from inside the Sun and we will find
it at a distance of about 191900 Km, as against the center of the Sun,
namely in the Outer Core layer at a distance of approximately 52084
Km, as against the limit between the Inner Core layer - the Outer Core
layer of the Sun. In this point inside the Sun, we will position the
center of the Anchor point, of the planet Jupiter. But the Anchor of
planet Jupiter is the geometric place of the points with the external
radius of the Anchor layer of the planet. So, in the Outer Core layer of
the Sun, we will position a sphere with radius RJ-OM = 51434 Km,
which is the Anchor of the planet Jupiter. We will do the trajectory of
the Anchor sphere from inside the Sun and will get an imaginary
toroid. But, the orbit of the planet Jupiter has a Perizen (place closest
to the Sun, where planet Jupiter is on the orbit), and an Apozen (place
furthest from the Sun, where planet Jupiter is on the orbit). So this
imaginary cylindrical toroid, will be decentred as against the center of
the Sun, so that at Perizen the toroid will enter a portion (we estimate
that Anchor sphere will enter with the maximum of half radius), in the
Inner Core of the Sun. It will not enter more than half a radius, because
if the Anchor of the planet Jupiter would fall inside the sphere of
influence of the Inner Core of the Sun, which has a rotation in the
opposite sense, would have the effect of removing the planet Jupiter

from the orbit, giving him a trajectory similar to the trajectory with the
orbit of the planet Pluto.
Each planet of the Solar System has an imaginary decentred
toroid of the trajectory of the Anchor of that planet, against the center
of the Sun, wich is positioned in the Outer Core of the Sun. Depending
on the position of each planet in the Solar System, we can calculate
exactly (at time t), in what place on the toroid of each planet there are
the Anchor points positioned in the Sun and so we will see the
perturbing forces, from the Inner Core surface of the Sun.
We return of the planet Jupiter, thus the Anchor point (sphere
with the diameter of the Jupiter Anchor, from inside the Sun), is
positioned in the Outer Core layer of the Sun at a short distance against
the limit between the Inner Core layer - the Outer Core layer, when
Jupiter is at Apozen. As the planet Jupiter moves to Perizen, the
Anchor point from inside the Sun (the sphere with the diameter of the
Jupiter Anchor), will move proportionally, entering the Inner Core
layer of the Sun, so that when the planet Jupiter is at Perizen, (the
Anchor point from inside the Sun) the sphere with the diameter of the
Jupiterian Anchor, will be almost half included, in the Inner Core layer
of the Sun. In this displacement of the planet Jupiter to Perizen (the
Anchor point from inside the Sun), the sphere with the diameter of
Jupiterian Anchor will have portions in which it is rejected by the
Inner Core layer, along its trajectory, thus the Anchor sphere will jump
(will temporarily leave the Inner Core layer area) and the solar spots
will disappear for a while, but when the Anchor sphere comes back,
the solar spots will return too, but with increased intensity. When
Jupiter arrived at Perizen (the Anchor point from inside the Sun), the
sphere with the diameter of the Jupiterian Anchor will be maximally
penetrated into the Inner Core layer of the Sun, and the tractors beam
will extend. This phenomenon is seen very well at the planets Mercury
and Venus, when these planets approach to the smallest distance
against the Sun. By displacement the planet Jupiter from Perizen to
Apozen and again to Perizen, starts and ends the activity period of the
Sunspots, on the surface of the Sun. This phenomenon must be
corroborated with all the planets and their positions at every moment
of their movement in the orbit, but the strongest imprint has the planet
Jupiter. Therefore, the period of the cycle of the Sunspots, is about 11

years, because the period of a complete rotation of the planet Jupiter
around the Sun is of 11.86 years.
In the following part, we will explain the cycle of the Sunspots,
reported only to the planet Jupiter (although, for accurate compliance
of the phenomenon, we must also consider the other planets).
Therefore, the planet Jupiter is in Apozen and his Anchor (by the
Anchor of the planet Jupiter we mean the sphere with the diameter of
the Anchor layer of the planet Jupiter inside the Sun) is positioned
outside the Inner Core of the Sun. It follows a period of temporary
silence, after which, at the time of displacement the planet Jupiter
towards Perizen, the Anchor of the planet Jupiter begins to enter inside
the Inner Core of the Sun. At this moment, the first Sunspots begin to
appear near the equator of the Sun, both to the northern hemisphere
and to the southern hemisphere. As the Jupiter moves to Perizen, the
Sunspots move both towards the parallel of 30o North, as towards the
parallel of 30o South, so that at the moment where Jupiter reached
Perizen, the maximum of Sunspots appear around the parallels of 30o,
both to the northern hemisphere and to the southern hemisphere. At
this moment, the Anchor of Jupiter from inside of the Sun has a period
when it stretches the tractors beam and the sphere of the Anchor will
sink deeply into the Inner Core layer of the Sun. Now it appears an
explosion of the Sunspots around the parallels of 30o, both in the
northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere and therefore this
moment was chosen as the beginning of the Sunspots cycle. Then, the
Sunspots decrease towards the equator of the Sun, while the planet
Jupiter moves to Apozen. Thus, at the moment when the planet Jupiter
reaches Apozen, the Sunspots disappear and the solar calm appears.
Now we will analyze the same phenomenon, from the point of
view of acceleration and deceleration of the planet Jupiter. Therefore,
when the planet Jupiter moves from Apozen to Perizen, the Anchor
sphere of the planet Jupiter crosses areas of the Outer Core layer,
increasingly closer to the Inner Core layer. Even if the toroid of the
Outer Core layer of the Sun is a single block and has a prograde
rotation, as we get closer to the Inner Core layer, we will have layers
of the Outer Core with a shorter rotation period, namely layers that
will rotate faster. So, the Anchor sphere of the planet Jupiter will pass
through these areas of the Outer Core layer and the planet Jupiter will

accelerate. When the planet Jupiter arrives in Perizen, its Anchor
sphere already enters the Inner Core layer, so it will encounter layers
of the Inner Core which move in the opposite sense, so it slows down
the advancement of the planet Jupiter. Thus the planet Jupiter will
have a slowed speed in the orbit and move away from the Sun, until it
reaches the Apozen.
We must also, be careful to the Inertial Reference System from
which we look at this phenomenon, because we see the cycle of
Sunspots on Earth and we will see this phenomenon in our area of
visibility. The cycle would be more eloquent if we could see it from
the planet Jupiter.
In the area between the planet Mars and the planet Jupiter, there
are many asteroids due to shear of two major Magnetic Fields. A
Magnetic Field comes from the Sun and the other Magnetic Field
comes from the planet Jupiter. Thus, a spherical celestial body is
observed among asteroids, but without the energy Barrier layer, which
means the Ceres has the density too high to be crushed resulting that
Ceres is the Nucleus of a planet which entered this area of the energy
shear. So, in this area of action of firm Magnetic Fields it will be a
shear zone of energy, which will not allow the accumulation of a
single block planet. Not the same phenomenon happens with the
planet Jupiter. Here, the Magnetic Field of the planet stretch loses in
intensity and power, in such a way that it has no longer the necessary
strength to shear the matter.

15. The Bollovan.

The mass of the celestial body, the Bollovan, which is at the
center of our galaxy is calculated as follows. Thus, it is made the sum
of the masses for all approximately 200 billion existing stars in the
galaxy, plus the mass for the other astral bodies (mini Bollovans,
supernovae, molecular clouds, bubbles, pulsars, quasars, magnetars,
etc.), so we will get X [Kg] and 49·X [Kg] will be the mass of the
Bollovan. This is the proportion of the Solar System extrapolated to
the Milky Way galaxy, the Sun has a mass of 98%, from the entire
Solar System, so the Bollovan should have about 98% of the mass,
from the whole galaxy, even if there are several spirals. The spirals
are actually for balancing the Anchor areas from inside the Bollovan,
because here are masses which, if not balanced, can generate forces
that can throw the Bollovan on another energy orbit of the upper
MegaBollovan, in which the Bollovan is anchored.
Thus, the Bollovan is a type of celestial body which has
accumulated a great deal of matter, and has an Inner Core capable of
producing (due to its rotation) eight rotating spherical magnetic fields
(which is the portion delimited by the star Engines, starting from the
Sun to the largest star), over the seven of the Sun, plus four more
rotating magnetic spherical fields (which is the portion delimited by
the Bollovan Engines, starting with the PicoBollovan, the
NanoBollovan and the MicroBollovan). The Bollovan will be
considered the Universal Engine Type B, and after this astronomical
body the next astral bodies will be, the BigBollovan, the
GrandBollovan, the MegaBollovan and the Bolloșoy. So, the Inner
Core layer of the Bollovan produces 19 rotating spherical magnetic
The emergence of microprocessors in Electronics, brought
Humanity into a new Era and namely the Age of Computers, for
example all the images observed by telescopes before this Era were
black and white photos. Then after adapting the computers to
telescopes, the color snapshots began to appear, thus the different
gases were separated by colors (oxygen - red, nitrogen - blue,
hydrogen, helium - yellow, etc.) and the pictures were more detailed.
Thus, with the help of technology new devices could be built, which
began to measure the spectral lines, of the different elements. But,
about what we don’t see with the telescopes, only presumptions have
been made. The existence of these astral bodies and the power

unleashed by these celestial bodies, invisible to the telescopes, were
called the Black Matter and the Dark Energy.
Next, we will elucidate, what the Black Matter and the Dark
Energy are. To make these unknowns visible, we have to do an artifice
and by proportion methods and order of size, we will calculate their
masses, then we will approximate their diameters, after that computers
will place these Bollovans, starting with the centers of the galaxies.
The placing has to be done on the scale (where possible), and the
Bollovans can be violet spheres and the bigger the Bollovans is, the
more the color will intensify until the dark violet (the Bolloșoy). The
movement of galaxies must be tracked and thus will be observed
placement of the Bollovans increasingly bigger (analogous to String
Theory). But where is the Bolloșoy? Well, once, the Hubble telescope
was oriented in a direction in space from where it received frames with
pictures, filled with clusters of petrified galaxies, images that jump
from one corner of the screen on the other side of the screen. Here, in
this direction it is the Bolloșoy. After placing almost all the Bollovans
on the scale, in space, we will have a new image, of the Observable
The Milky Way galaxy, due to the Bollovan, has the following
areas of gravitational influence:
- The Inner area, where the biggest and oldest stars are located,
classified from the point of view of the life stage;
- The Middle area, where are found the other younger stars
proportionally smaller, compared to the stars in the Inner area;
- The Outer area, in which there are a few mini galaxies that
rotate around the Milky Way galaxy.
Thus, the Inner area of the Milky Way galaxy corresponds to the
area of gravitational influence of the Outer Core layer of the Bollovan,
where we will encounter the energetic orbits with very high
displacement speeds, where there can be only the astral bodies with
large diameters. This area looks like a star bar, at some galaxies. This
bar is the effect of the rotating of the Outer Core layer, with the spindle
at an angle of about 90 degrees against the spindle of the Inner Core
layer. The larger the galaxy is, the higher the rotation of the Inner Core
is, and the Outer Core must attenuate this rotation, thus the Outer Core
layer inclines at an angle proportionally to reduce and to attenuate the
rotation speed. It follows the area of influence of the Inner Mantle
layer of the Bollovan, where we will encounter the energetic orbits,
with high speeds of movement. After that, we will meet the areas of
influence of the Anchor layer, then of the Outer Mantle layer, then of
the Tunics layers, followed by the Sleeve layer.
At a distance of 2/3 against the Inner area is the Solar System,
with the Sun in the center. Thus, from the surrounding area of the Solar
System, we have the most observations and data. In the immediate
galactic vicinity of the Solar System, it is the Interstellar Local Cloud,
a dense astronomical cloud, from another scattered region, known as
the Local Bubble, which is an hourglass-shaped cavity, from the
Interstellar Environment, at least 300 light years in length. The Local
Bubble is saturated with high temperature plasma, which suggests it
was recently produced by some Supernovae. There are relatively few
stars at less than ten light years (95 trillion Km) of the Sun. The closest
is the Alpha Centauri Triple Star System out of the Centaur
Constellation, located at 4.4 light years away and composed of a pair
of stars (Alpha Centauri A and B), similar to the Sun, around which it
gravitates, at a distance of 0.2 years light, the red dwarf Alfa Centauri
C, of relatively low brightness. The latter is the closest star to the Sun
at a distance of 4.24 light years, which is why it is called “Proxima
Centauri”. The next, the closest stars to the Sun, are the red dwarfs
Barnard’s Star (at 5.9 light years), Wolf 359 (7.8 light years) and
Lalande 21185 (8.3 light years). The biggest star, from the list of the
closest stars is by far Sirius, a luminous star in the main sequence of
life (of the star), whose mass is similar to the mass of the Sun and is
orbited by a white dwarf, called Sirius B (which is about 8.6 light
years away). The other Star Systems closer to ten light years, are the
Luyten 726-8 Binary System, between two white and red dwarf stars
(at a distance of 8.7 light years) and the solitary red dwarf Ross 154
(at a distance of 9.7 light years). The closest Sun-like solitary star is
Tau Ceti, which is located 11.9 light years away. This star has about
80% of the mass of the Sun, but only 60% of its brightness. The closest
extrasolar planet to the Solar System is near the Alpha Centauri B
Star. One of its confirmed planets is the Alpha Centauri Bb, which has
at least 1.1 of the Earth mass and orbits the star every 3236 days.
Thus, the number of layers components of the Bollovan, are:

- The Bollosphere layer;
- The Magnetobollosphere layer;
- The Barrier layer;
- The Shell layer;
- The Sleeve layer;
- The Tunic layer-1;
- The Tunic layer-2;
- The Tunic layer-3;
- The Tunic layer-4;
- The Tunic layer-5;
- The Tunic layer-6;
- The Tunic layer-7;
- The Tunic layer-8;
- The Tunic layer-9;
- The Tunic layer-10;
- The Tunic layer-11;
- The Tunic layer-12;
- The Tunic layer-13;
- The Tunic layer-14;
- The Tunic layer-15;
- The Outer Mantle layer;
- The Anchor layer;
- The Inner Mantle layer;
- The Outer Core layer;
- The Inner Core layer.
The Barrier layer is the 19-th spherical rotating magnetic field,
produced by the rotation of the Inner Core layer of the Bollovan, so it
is a magnetic field of power composed of electrons, which contains up
to the Shell layer, only moving electrical particles at very high speeds.
To be able to maintain these electrical particles, between the
redundant layers of the energy Barrier, the electrons of magnetic field
resonates and move at a speed greater than the speed of light.
Therefore, the photons which come from the other luminous astral
bodies, bypass this energy Barrier and they unite beyond it, so that the
Bollovan is camouflaged and not seen. This does not mean that it does
not exist. This energy Barrier layer is named by the Researchers the
“event horizon” and it is the limit between the Black Hole outside
surface and the Black Matter. The Black Matter is estimated at 27%
from all the existing matter. The Dark Energy is estimated at 68%
from all the existing matter. Normal matter is estimated at 5% from
all the existing matter and consists of stars, molecular clouds,
supernovae, pulsars, quasars, magnetars, planets, satellites, asteroids,
comets, etc.
Conclusion: the Black Matter is the sum of all Bollovans,
which are identified in the center of the galaxies.
The Bollosphere and the Magnetobollosphere are two layers,
positioned outside the energy Barrier layer. There are two other
Bollovan layers here, the Magnetobollosphere layer and the
Bollosphere layer, which represent two redundant rotating spherical
magnetic fields distinct against the energy Barrier. The
Magnetobollosphere layer is covered by dynamic electrons fusiform
jets. The next energy Barrier is the Bollosphere layer, where the
temperature reaches the highest values on the surface of the Bollovan.
If one galaxy occult another galaxy, then the first of them is seen
in a distorted magnifying glass. The Researchers imagined that the
observed galaxy passes through an unknown energy type, which they
called the Dark Energy. They made calculations with supercomputers
and reached the conclusion that there must be an additional force,
otherwise the galaxies would spread chaotically. So they saw the
gravitational energy lens and was also confirmed by calculations, and
this form of energy it was named the Dark Energy. But, what did they
see and what did the Researchers calculate? They saw the energy
Barrier layer produced by the Sleeve layer at the limit with the Tunic-
1 layer of a Bollovan, because it is a rotating spherical magnetic field
of high energy, where all the electrical particles, emitted from stars,
mini Bollovans, other celestial bodies and even from the Bollovan,
from the center of the respective galaxy accumulate. But, they
calculated the matter existing outside the galaxies which is not visible,
but which gravitationally links galaxies and clusters between them and
they estimated it at 68% from all the existing matter.
Conclusion: the Dark Energy is the sum of all Bollovans,
which are identified outside the galaxies.
But now, we have to see what limit a Bollovan can reach.
Namely, are there still Bollovans over Bolloșoy too? The answer
comes from careful monitoring of the movements in the Universe. But
it is possible that we cannot see something that neither light has time
to transmit, but we can extrapolate and calculate the maximum mass
contained by SuperMegaBolloșoy and its limit.
Thus, we get to analyze another unknown. In the opinion of the
Researchers the Dark Energy is the cause that displaces the galaxies
some against others, at the same time increasing the distance between
all the galaxies. Why do all Astronomers see the movement of all the
galaxies to red and only the Andromeda galaxy moves towards blue?
This case must be analyzed as a whole and first we must ask ourselves.
Why do the galaxies collide among them?
More than 100 galaxies and dwarf galaxies belong to the Local
Galactic Group. The Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy and
the Triangle Galaxy are the largest galaxies in the Local Galactic
Group and rotate around a BigBollovan. Each of these three galaxies
in turn has companions (satellites) a lot of dwarf galaxies, besides
other astronomical bodies (clouds of matter, etc.). However, the
largest galaxies have very high speeds in orbit around BigBollovan.
All BigBollovans rotate around a GrandBollovan that forms the Virgo
Supercluster. Further all the Grand Bollovans rotate around a
MegaBollovan and form the Local Supercluster. Then all the
MegaBollovans rotate around the largest known astronomical body,
Bolloșoy, and form the Observable Universe.
Due to our position in the Universe, all the observations we
make are affected by the very large displacement speed of the Milky
Way Galaxy around the BigBollovan. Because of this we see that all
galaxies move away from each other, increasing the distance between
them. In fact, all astronomical bodies comply with Kepler’s Laws
cumulated with the Titius-Bode Law and all other Laws on the motion
of bodies. The laws in the Universe apply the same, but they must be
analyzed from the point of view of the Inertial Reference System, from
which we make the observation. As a conclusion, all the observations
made on the Universe are affected by the very high speed that the
Milky Way Galaxy has in the orbit around BigBollovan, so we see
that all galaxies move towards red and only on Andromeda Galaxy we
see that they move towards blue. This is possible because the
Andromeda Galaxy is part of the Local Group, so it is closer to us and
because the Andromeda Galaxy’s travel speed is higher than the speed
of the Milky Way Galaxy, in orbit around BigBollovan.
A few words about the intergalactic travels. The good news is
that, the wormholes exist, so the travel lanes between different areas
of the Universe are paved with high energy particles, which move
continuously at very high speeds. But, wormholes are called energetic
orbits, which is identified with the areas of action of the different
layers of the Engines of the MegaBollovans. The bad news is that we
need many years until we have the technology, the materials and the
possibilities to build such an intergalactic ship. The fact is that, this
ship will have to have a similar engine with the Universal Engine, and
above the Shell layer will be built cabins which will have to be made
of new ferrous materials. These cabins will behave like Faraday cages
that can withstand the flow of electrons that will pass through this ship
and can protect life. Thus, colonization of the Universe must be done
first with the robots programmed to terraform the planets and satellites
that have a mass acceptable to the human species. Also, with the help
of the robots, new ships will be build, and we will colonize the whole
Universe step by step.

To be continued.


- Science Magazine: “Serpentine Stability to Mantle Depths
and Subduction-Related Magmatism”, 12 May 1995, Peter Ulmer,
Volkmar Trommsdorff;
- News, Science - Terra Magazine: “Part of ocean water
brought by comets?”, 11 October 2011, Gabriela Costache;
- Science Magazine: “Dehydration melting at the top of the
lower mantle”, 13 June 2014, Brandon Schmandt, Steven D.
Jacobsen, Thorsten W. Becker, Zhenxian Liu, Kenneth G. Dueker;
- Science - Terra Magazine: “Comets or Vulcanoes? What is
the explanation of the origin of water on Earth?”, 7 March 2017,
Ariana Lazurca.
- Nuclear Physics Experience ( The Potassium-
Argon method; The Rubidium-Strontium method - 13 June 2013.

Documentary films:

- Saturn’s Mysterious Moons - 15 April 2011;

- Tour of the Moon in 4K - 14 March 2012;
- Voyager 1 & 2 UPDATE-Where Are They + Brief Mission
Recap - 21 June 2012;
- The History of Earth - 6 June 2012;
- Earth’s Magnetism - 18 August 2012;
- Solar System Video - 6 October 2012;
- The History of Life on Earth - Crash Course Ecology - 6
November 2012;
- Saturn Moons Animation by Bryan Brandenburg - 12
March 2013;
- Voyager Journey to the Stars - 6 April 2013;
- The Solar Cycle - 15 May 2013;
- Jupiter’s Galilean Moons - 7 June 2013;
- How Far Away Is It - 01 - Preface - 16 August 2013;

- Motion and orbit of the Moon and the Sun and the Earth -
24 August 2013;
- Theplaneterrella - Polar Light Simulation - 6 January
- The Sun - 7 May 2014;
- NASA documentary - And Then There Was Voyager 15
June 2014;
- Cosmic Journeys - Fate of Antarctica - 22 July 2014;
- Uranus, its rings and Moons - Voyager 2 - 13 September
- The mystery of the Milky Way Nova - 14 October 2014;
- The Ever Expanding Universe - History Channel - 29
November 2014;
- Voyager Encounters Uranus 1986 NASA Voyager 2 - 1
December 2014;
- Inside the Milky Way - 9 January 2015;
- UY Scuti - The biggest Star in the Universe - 13 February
- The Geological History of Earth - 18 March 2015;
- Continental Drift - 20 April 2015;
- “Hubble Deep Field” Amazing Images - 10 May 2015;
- Discovery Channel - Ragingplanet Lightning VO - 13 June
- Cosmic Journeys - Hubble - Universe in Motion - 31 July
- How the Universe works - Strangest Things Found in Deep
Space Exploration - 20 September 2015;
- Earth’s Cousin Find “Whispers the Possibility That We
Are Not Alone” - 25 November 2015;
- Neptune Moons - 1 March 2016;

- How Universe Works - The Giantplanet in the Universe -
19 March 2016;
- Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth - Geologist
Hazen Robert - 2 June 2016;
- Plate Tectonics, 540Ma - Modern World - Scotese
Animation 022116b - 5 June 2016;
- The Universe S1 E01 Secrets of the Sun - 6 July 2016;
- The Universe: The Biggest Things in Space -14 July 2016;
- The Universe: Travelling Deep inside Neptune and
Uranusplanet - 4 October 2016;
- How Far Away Is It - 02 - Earth Distances - 22 October
- The History of Earth - 3 November 2016;
- The String Theory - 30 November 2016;
- The history of Terra - 11 December 2016;
- How the Universe Works - Dead Stars in Space Revealed -
14 January 2017;
- Earth from Space - Like You have Never Seen Before - 5
February 2017;
- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle - 19 February 2017;
- The String Theory - Science Documentary 2016 - 23
March 2017;
- The Strangest Star in the Universe - 27 April 2017;
- Universe Documentary - 18 May 2017;
- Jupiter’s Moons - 21 May 2017;
- Moons orbiting Saturn - 21 May 2017;
- The Universe 216 - Biggest Things in the Universe - 30 May
- The Most Dangerous Objects Known in Space - 3 June
- The Universe 410 - Pulsars &Quasars - 13 June 2017;
- Anti-Matter and Quantum Relativity - Space Time - 21
June 2017;
- Monster Black Holes - The Biggest Black Holes in the
Universe - 24 June 2017;
- Monster Black Holes- The Biggest Black Holes in the
Universe - 2 July 2017;
- Top 10 Largest Explosions in the Cosmos - 2 July 2017;
- The Most Dangerous Objects Known in Space Science
Documentary - 10 September 2017;
- How the Universe Works Theory of Gravity - 11
September 2017;
- Bizarre planets - 7 October 2017;
- How Far Away Is It - 03 - The Solar System - 15 October
- Betelgeuse Supernova and Its Impact on Earth - 7
November 2017;
- Magnetars, Black Holes, Quasars and Pulsars - 7
November 2017;
- How Far Away Is It - 04 - Comets and the Heliosphere - 21
November 2017;
- Betelgeuse Supernova and Its Impact on Earth - 5
December 2017;
- Universe Documentary 2015 How the Universe Works
Solar Systems & Moons - 15 December 2017;
- How the Universe Works - Strangest Things About Solar
Superstorm - 17 December 2017.

The Saltwater Eruption on Earth and on Moon

The volcanic
eruption The North Pole

The volcanic Earth
eruption The South Pole

The volcanic The saltwater

eruption eruption

The North Pole SGMP The saltwater

The South Pole
The volcanic
NGMP - The North Geomagnetic Pole
SGMP - The South Geomagnetic Pole
The Saltwater Eruption from the Earth's Shell at the Passage
of the Earth through the Sun's Energetic Orbit

the "orange Peel"

(The Basalt layer)

The plasticised Magma

The fluid zone

The tip of the tidal waves

The saltwater eruption

The flow of electrons

The volcanic eruption

The Planet Mercury
The Universal Engine Type - Dwarf Planet

Barrier 6,76°
layer NGMP NGP
Shell NMP Inner
100 Km Mantle

H H'
160 Km

850 920 480

Km Km Km

E E'
F F'

Core ν1 ν3
2 magnetic fields
ν2 generated by Core
f1 f2 f3 fA
The Planet Venus
The Universal Engine Type-I

Anchor 7,72°
layer NGP Inner
63 Km Outer
G' Inner
H H'
B B'
468 Km
320 Km

1850 2070 1206

Km Km Km
A A'

D D'

E E'

F F'
fA f4 Outer
3 magnetic fields
generated by the Inner Core ν3
f1 f2 f3
The Planet Earth
The Universal Engine Type-I


5° 12°
The Moon Mantle
Anchor NGP
40 Km
G The Moon
G' Anchor
H' Outer
C C' Core

B B' Inner
370 Km
500 Km

2000 2200 1270
Km Km Km
A A'

ν1 ν4
ν2 Ionosphere
f1 f4 fA
f 2 ν3 f 3
3 magnetic fields
generated by the Inner Core
The Satellite Moon
The Universal Engine Type - Satellite

Shell 5°
113 Km
N-S Axis
476 Km


1126,5 Km 476

ν1 Barrier
Anchor f2 layer
layer f1
One magnetic field
generated by Core
The Planet Mars
The Universal Engine Type - Dwarf Planet


Barrier 25°
layer 8°
NGP Mantle
80 Km Outer

G G'
H H'
140 Km

1280 1170
684 Km
Km Km
E E'
F F'

ν1 ν3
ν2 f3 fA
f1 f2 2 magnetic fields
generated by the Inner Core
The Planet Jupiter
The Universal Engine Type-III

layer 12,2°
Sleeve 1,5° Tunic
3872 Km
Shell Outer
370 Km Mantle
layer J
5 KmG Mantle

5 17 Outer

H H' Core
5175 Km 175 Km

C C'
Km 19318 B B'

13141 Km

A A'
D D'
E E'
F F'
Core ν1
f3 f2 f1 ν4 5 magnetic fields generated
f4 by the Inner Core
f5 ν6
f6 fA
The Planet Saturn
The Universal Engine Type-III

layer 27°
3° 13°
Sleeve NGMP
3372 Km 11°
330 Km Outer
Anchor Mantle
layer m J Inner
7K G Mantle

450 G' Outer

m 2

4507 Km 507 K 337

H' Core
Km 16827 B

11442 Km
Inner F'
ν2 ν4 ν6
ν5 5 magnetic fields generated
f 1 f 2 f 3 ν3 f 4 f 5 f 6 f A
by the Inner Core
The Planet Uranus
The Universal Engine Type-II

13° Outer
1472 Km Mantle

Barrier Inner
layer Mantle
Anchor 33°
layer Outer
Shell 66° Core
150 Km 98°
Km 97
1978 K1 m



f1 7586
Km 7056 B C'
Km B'
ν1 5022 H' G' 17°
f2 F E Km
D A'
ν2 E'
f3 D'
ν3 NGP

ν4 Inner
ν5 Core
f5 fA
4 magnetic fields generated
by the Inner Core
The Planet Neptune
The Universal Engine Type-II

1414 Km
Barrier 7°
layer NGMP NMP
Anchor 20° NGP
30° Outer
144 Km Km
1414 Inner
G Mantle
G' Outer
H Core
1900 Km 900 Km

7287 C'
Km B

6778 B'
4826 Km

E E'
ν1 Inner
f 2 ν3
ν5 Core
f3 ν4 f4 f5 fA
4 magnetic fields generated
by the Inner Core
The Sun
The Universal Engine Type -V

8620 Km NMP
Sleeve 2° NGP Tunic-1
40760 Km 11°
3395 Km Tunic-3
Anchor 40760 Outer
layer 0 KmJ Mantle
5387 Km
5387 G Inner
H G' Mantle
538 Km
71 m
Km 57



53870 Km 53870

B' Core
139816 Km

A A'
E D'
F E'
ν4 Crown
ν3 ν7
ν2 Chromosphere
ν6 ν5 ν8 5000 Km
f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 f7 f8 fA
7 magnetic fields generated
by the Inner Core
The Bollovan
The Universal Engine Type -B

Barrier NGMP
layer 6° Tunic-1
28° NGP
Sleeve Tunic-2
36° 42°

layer Tunic-15
Anchor Outer
layer Mantle
J G Mantle

H G' Outer
C H' Core
B C' Inner
A B' Core
D A'
E D'
F' I

f 19
ν18 Bollosphere
f 18 f 17ν17 ... ν1
... f 1 f 20 f A
19 magnetic fields generated
by the Inner Core
Variation of the Translation Speed of the Outer Mantle of the Earth,
at the Limit with the Anchor Layer Near Equator

f 1 NI f 1 AI f 1 NII f 1 AII f 1 NI

NI, NII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Earth's orbit.
AI, AII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Sun-Earth axis.
f 1 - the axis of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer of the Earth (axis of the North Geographic Pole).
Variation of the Angular Translational Velocity of the Outer Mantle Layer of the Earth,
at the Limit with the Anchor Layer Near the Equator

f 1 NI f 1 AI f 1 NII f 1 AII f 1 NI


NI, NII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Earth's orbit.
AI, AII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Sun-Earth axis.
f 1 - the axis of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer of the Earth (axis of the North Geographic Pole).
Variation of the Centripetal Acceleration of Translation of the Outer Mantle Layer of the Earth,
at the Limit with the Anchor Layer Near the Equator

f 1 NI f 1 AI f 1 NII f 1 AII f 1 NI
Ɛ T1

Ɛ T1(max)
Ɛ T1(min)

NI, NII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Earth's orbit.
AI, AII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Sun-Earth axis.
f 1 - the axis of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer of the Earth (axis of the North Geographic Pole).
Variation of the Translation Speed, the Angular Translational Velocity and
the Centripetal Acceleration of Translation of the Outer Mantle of the Earth,
at the Limit with the Anchor Layer Near Equator

f1 f1

T1(min) T1(min)
VP-OM-A (max) VT1(min) = V1 T1VT1(min) = V1
VT1 (max) T1(max)
AI VP-OM-A = 0 AI VP-OM-A = 0
V1 T1(min)
V1 T1(max)
T1(min) VT1
T1(max) NII V1 NII V1
P-A(max) T1 VT1 VP-OM-A (max) P-A
VP-OM-A VT1 (max) VP-OM-A (max)
T1(min) VT1 (max)
NI T1(max)
AII P-A(max)
V1 NI T1(max) V1
VT1(min) = V1 VT1 (max) VT1(min) = V1
VP-OM-A (max)
VP-OM-A = 0 VP-OM-A = 0

NI, NII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Earth's orbit.
AI, AII - intersecting nodes at the equator of the Outer Mantle layer with the Sun-Earth axis.
f 1 - the axis of rotation of the Outer Mantle layer of the Earth (axis of the North Geographic Pole).
The Inclination of the Planet's Orbit, as Against the Sun's Equator
The inclination of the planet's orbit, as against the Sun's Equator
Mercury Venus Mars Saturn Neptun

Terra Jupiter Uranus

Mercury Venus Terra Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune


The InclinationThe inclination

of the of the axis
Axis of Rotation of Planet,
of the rotation asofAgainst
the planet,
to theasPerpendicular
against to thetoorbit of the planet
the Planet's Orbit
The Ecliptic Plane of the Earth

NGMP Axis of The Moon's

the Bollovan orbit
The ecliptic
NGP Axis Moon
of the Sun NGMP


July 4th


January 3rd

The galactic Earth

plane The path of the Sun
around the Bollovan

NGP - The North Geographic Pole

NGMP - The North Geomagnetic Pole
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Mercury
Without the Action of the Solar Wind


The magnetic field
Outer Mantle-Anchor
Barrier layer Van Allen II
30 Km belt

Redundant magnetic field

Van Allen II belt
Redundant magnetic field
Outer Mantle - Anchor
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Venus
Without the Action of the Solar Wind


The magnetic field -

Outer Mantle-Anchor NGMP
Van Allen II
Barrier layer belt
75 Km
Van Allen I

Redundant magnetic field

Van Allen I belt
Redundant magnetic field
Van Allen II belt
Redundant magnetic field
Outer Mantle - Anchor
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Earth
Without the Action of the Solar Wind

The magnetic field
Outer Mantle-Anchor
The ionosphere Van Allen II
80 Km belt
Van Allen I

Redundant magnetic field

Van Allen I belt
Redundant magnetic field
Van Allen II belt
Redundant magnetic field
Outer Mantle - Anchor
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Mars
Without the Action of the Solar Wind


The magnetic field NMP NGP

Barrier layer
42 Km Van Allen I

Redundant magnetic field

Van Allen I belt
Redundant magnetic field
Mantle - Anchor
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Jupiter
Without the Action of the Solar Wind


The magnetic field NMP

Sleeve - Tunic NGP
The magnetic field
Tunic-Outer Mantle Van Allen II
Barrier layer
Van Allen I
828 Km

Plasma Redundant magnetic field

toroid Van Allen I belt
Redundant magnetic field
The magnetic field Van Allen II belt
Outer Mantle-Anchor Redundant magnetic field
Sleeve - Tunic
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Saturn
Without the Action of the Solar Wind

The magnetic field NMP
Sleeve - Tunic
The magnetic field
Van Allen I
Tunic-Outer Mantle
Barrier layer
Van Allen II
720 Km

Redundant magnetic field

Van Allen I belt
The magnetic field Redundant magnetic field
Outer Mantle-Anchor Van Allen II belt
Redundant magnetic field
Sleeve - Tunic
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Uranus
Without the Action of the Solar Wind

Van Allen II
NGMP belt
The magnetic field
Van Allen I
Sleeve-Outer Mantle
The magnetic field
Outer Mantle-Anchor
Barrier layer
317 Km


Redundant magnetic field

Van Allen I belt
Redundant magnetic field
Van Allen II belt
Redundant magnetic field
Sleeve - Outer Mantle
The Magnetic Field of the Planet Neptune
Without the Action of the Solar Wind

The magnetic field NGP
Sleeve-Outer Mantle
The magnetic field Van Allen I
Outer Mantle-Anchor belt
Barrier layer Van Allen II
304 Km belt

Redundant magnetic field

Van Allen I belt
Redundant magnetic field
Van Allen II belt
Redundant magnetic field
Sleeve-Outer Mantle
The Cycle of the Sunspots Only With
the Influence of the Planet Jupiter

The orbit
of Jupiter
The planet
1 5

The beginning The Anchor
of the cycle of Jupiter
2 The end 4
of the cycle
The Anchor's
orbit 1 5
2 4

The minimum The minimum

of sunspots of sunspots

The Inner Core
The maximum of the Sun
of sunspots


The Cycle of the Sunspots Only With
the Influence of the Planet Jupiter

The beginning
of the cycle

The Anchor
of Jupiter
The minimum The Sun
of sunspots equator
The m. f.
of the Shell

The Inner Core

of the Sun

The maximum The m. f. The Sun

of sunspots of the Shell equator

The Inner Core

of the Sun

The m. f.
of the Shell
The minimum The Sun
4 of sunspots equator
The Anchor
of Jupiter
The end
5 The Inner Core m. f.= magnetic field
of the cycle
of the Sun
The Bollovan Camouflaged
Deflection of Photons from the Barrier Layer

Top view

Side view
The Milky Way Galaxy

The Sun's
The Greek Spu
r Bollovan
The Solar

u s


The Hilda Spur

The Local Spu


m -

The Solar The Trojan Spur
System Supernova

Old stars Bollovan

The galactic

Young Molecular
stars cloud

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