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Page 1

INTRO .............................................................................................. 4

WHY SQUIDOO? .................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 1: KEYWORDS AND YOU ......................................................... 6

WHAT KEYWORDS TO GO FOR? ................................................................. 6

MAIN KEYWORD ..................................................................................... 7

KEYWORD HUNT .................................................................................... 9

LSI KEYWORDS ................................................................................... 10

OPPORTUNITY HUNTING ......................................................................... 12

FINDING THE RIGHT PRODUCT ................................................................. 13

LAZY KEYWORD RESEARCH ...................................................................... 14

CHAPTER 2: BAKING THE LENS ........................................................... 16

FILLING PROFILE INFORMATION................................................................ 16

CREATING YOUR LENSES ........................................................................ 19

SQUIDDON’T! ...................................................................................... 22

LENS MODULES AND SORTING ................................................................. 27

MODULE CONFIGURATION ....................................................................... 28

PLACING THE KEYWORDS ....................................................................... 30

WRITING THE CONTENT ......................................................................... 31

Page 2
IMAGE MODULE ................................................................................... 33

MAKING YOUR LENS STAND OUT .............................................................. 35

BIO BOX AFFILIATE LINKS....................................................................... 36

CHAPTER 3: GETTING OUTSIDE THE BOX .............................................. 39

DOMAIN NAME .................................................................................... 40

SOCIAL BOOKMARKING ........................................................................... 41

RSS FEEDS......................................................................................... 43

PING - SQUIDUTILS .............................................................................. 44

BOTTOM LINE .................................................................................. 45

Page 3

So, you want to learn how to make great, money making lenses that will
keep generating you passive income for months to come? Great, let’s get
on with it!

I want to warn you that you won’t find any cheap talks in this course. Talks
that are here just for the word and pages count. We will always get
straight to the point and we will concentrate on key points. This isn’t a
novel you know!

Oh, I got to mention that this course is written in so called “talking

manner”. That means that I wrote this course like I’m speaking – I’m using
common, simple English.


There are tons of article directories out there, what’s so special and great
about Squidoo? Well, I love Squidoo (and you should too!) for couple of

1. Uniqueness. You can produce hundreds of lenses that will look

completely different from each other. Squidoo allows you to use
great variety of HTML tags that will make your lens stand out of the
crowd. That’s not a common thing for other article directories, you

It’s really important that Squidoo allows you to add images, custom
headings, text decoration to your articles, because people nowadays

Page 4
don’t read anymore. That’s right, they passed on reading the
information long time ago, now they scan. And visual content is so
much easier to imbibe.

2. Freedom. You don’t need to wait for your lenses to be approved.

Once you hit the PUBLISH button, your lens goes live. It’s great
because you don’t have to waste your time waiting for staff members
to approve your pages.

3. Love. Google loves Squidoo! Nowadays I can see more and more
Squidoo lenses outranking other article directories articles on Google
1st page. Squidoo even outranks so called “sniper sites” (blogs that
are build specifically for 1 keyword)!

Fallen in love with Squidoo yet? :)

Of course, it would be too good to be true if there would be no

disadvantages of Squidoo. So, only disadvantage I could come up with is
What I mean, you don’t have 100% control over your lenses. Yes, you are
the lensmaster, and yes, you can control the content on your lenses, but
you don’t own those lenses completely. You don’t own Squidoo.

It’s not the same as running your own web site hosted on your own web

Of course, maybe I’m being too suspicious and cautions, but that’s me!

Well, to be honest this is not such a big disadvantage when you compare
pros and cons, but hey, I needed to add at least one negative thing for the
proportion! :)

Page 5

Since you are a Warrior, I guess I don’t need to tell you the importance of
a good keyword that it’s the root of successful campaign and so on, huh?

However, I want to cover everything in this course, so you have everything

in one place, everything in single course.

If you feel that you have mastered keyword research and you are cool
without my tips, feel free to skip this chapter to the very end.

At the end of this chapter I’m going to reveal one sweet tip where to get
dozens of great keywords in just a matter of seconds. Click here to skip
this chapter.

Ok, I can see you’ve decided to go through this chapter. So, let’s learn
something about keywords!


Ok, obviously we won’t be ranking for keywords like “iPod”, “money”,

“football” and so on.

Yes, those keywords have great amount of global monthly searches in

Google, but also they have millions and millions of competing pages. That
means A LOT of competitors for us.

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186,000,000 competitors… Ouch.

Of course, nothing is impossible, and you can rank for virtually any
keyword at all, but that’s not what I’m going to teach you in this course.

We will be going for long tail keywords that are buying related. Our
keywords will be 3 to 5 words and they will be specific and laser targeted.

For example, guy who searches for “iPod” maybe is just curious what new
features will be presented in the latest software package, or he is just
interested how the new iPod looks. He isn’t willing to buy anything; he’s
just seeking for some information.

And there is this guy, who typed in Google “cheapest iPod touch
headphones”. This guy is almost wearing a T-shirt with a red letters on it
screaming potential customer.

See where I’m heading?

We don’t want to be chasing winds and offer something for thousands of

visitors that are not willing to buy anything from us. Instead we will be
targeting much smaller audience, but that audience will have crazy
conversion rates.

We want to get straight to the point!


In order to get long tail keywords we need to move one step at a time.

First of all we need to come up with a main keyword, such as “iPod games”
or “iPod headphones” (I’ll stick to iPod example just for consistency), and
then we’ll dig deeper until we have ourselves a winner!

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How to come up with a main keyword? Well, decide on the niche you want
to be in. I strongly recommend that you choose something that you are
already interested in.

It can be anything at all: dogs, theatre, basketball, video games, cell

phones – anything. Think about the niche and write 3 to 6 keywords that
come to your mind.

For example, if we would go for solar energy niche we could think of such

Make solar panels

Reduce electricity bill
DIY solar panels
Solar panel plans
Solar panel kit
Build solar panels
Solar energy for home
Homemade solar panels
Solar energy advantages

And list goes on and on... Really, this list took me up to one minute to
write, it’s really easy.

Just sit down for a minute or two, and write keyword ideas that come to
your mind.

Remember, these aren’t your actual keywords that are going to be used on
your actual lenses! This is just a beginning where we will start digging
deeper and deeper, so don’t linger here. Try to complete this part in no
more than five minutes.

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Now, when you have your main keywords, we can move forward to the
actual keyword research process.

Go to Google keywords tool and type in your main keywords one at a time
and hit search (also choose all countries and all languages from advanced

Oh, something I like to do is make a filter that I want to see keywords that
have 10,000 or less global monthly searches. This is something that I do,
that doesn’t mean that you need to do this as well! I strongly recommend
you to play with this value to see what works for you best!

Now you’ll have up to 100 possible keywords for your lenses.

We need to analyze them, so we don’t waste our time on keywords that

won’t bring us money.

So, first of all let’s quickly go through them and look for those keywords
that are buying related.

Remember “cheapest iPod touch headphones” example? That’s something

that we are looking for. It’s ideal if keyword phrase has got now, quick,
today, buy, cheap or similar words in it. These keywords convert like crazy!
Once you find a keyword that might be a winner put it down to the
notepad. I keep doing this until I have at least 10 keywords in my list.
Don’t settle for second best keywords, look for the best ones.

Once you have a nice list, we need to do a small test before we can start
making lens on these keywords.

Go to Google and type in your keyword.

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What we want to see is other article directories such as GoArticles,
EzineArticles, HubPages, Buzzle and so on. Sniper sites (usually a
wordpress blog with few posts and keyword in its domain name), forums
and things like Yahoo! Answers are a good sign too!

If you find a such keyword put it down to separate notepad file. Keep
doing this until you have at least 5 keywords in your list. I usually go for 5,
however, there are times when I settle for 4, even 3, but sometimes I put
down up to 10 keywords.

This isn’t something that’s set in stone, but try to focus on 5.


LSI means Latent Semantic Index. Don’t worry if you don’t understand
what it is, I’ll try to explain in simple words :)

Google will punish you if you will use one keyword too often (for example,
you use a keyword phrase in 30% of your article). That’s something that
will hurt your ranking.

We want to be ranking for that keyword phrase, but we need to do it in a

smart way.

There is a free tool called LSI Keywords (, and I

just LOVE it!

Here is the great explanation of what it does from LSI Keywords website:

How does it work?

This tool searches the top 10 in Google for a phrase you like to rank highly

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for. Then it collects all the text from these 10 result pages and calculates
the most used words and phrases on these pages. It then orders them by
number of times used.

With this data you know exactly why these pages rank highly in Google.

I’ll demonstrate how it works. Let’s try “ipod headphones” as an example.

Hit Submit Query and wait several seconds for results to show up.

We want to be looking at second and third columns (Two Word Phrases

and Three Word Phrases).

Write down top 10 two word and three word phrases for each of your 5
keywords. I like to use my main keyword and 5 to 8 LSI keywords in my
lenses. When we’ll stuff our lens with those LSI keywords Google will have
nothing else left to do but rank us high.

Page 11

Remember when I pointed out advantage that Squidoo allows you to

publish your lenses instantly and Google ranks them good and fast? Well,
you can use these advantages to cash out quick on various opportunities.

For example, I am a gamer. I love to play World of Warcraft.

From time to time, game developers release a patch for game (new
content, features and other things are added to game). Maybe you don’t
know this, but World of Warcraft is a BIG niche with lots of money in it.

So, whenever new patch is released I create a handful of lenses reviewing

new game content, features, changes and fixes. I get thousands of visitors
each day for a few weeks or even a whole month!

Maybe you are thinking now “this is useless… I don’t play World of
Warcraft, what’s the point of all this?” Don’t you think that this works only
for World of Warcraft!

There are thousands of other niches, such as: iPod or iPhone updates (you
know it was coming, haha), new game, new movie, new album, you name
it! Just keep your eyes peeled.

If you are hanging at the Internet Marketing niche than you should know
about one of the best places to hunt opportunities. I’m talking about JV
Notify pro.

You can access launch calendar straight from the homepage.

It’s easy to navigate, everything is given in chronological way, also next to

each listing you’ll usually find a link to partner page, where vendors have
prepared affiliate tools and other essential information for you.

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You’ll always know what’s coming next and you can set up a new campaign
before the actual launch.


Now, when we’ve decided on a niche we want to attack, and we’ve armed
ourselves with a nice list of keywords we need to find something to
promote, something to make us money.

My favorite monetization method is ClickBank.

I don’t really know why... Maybe because I’ve started my Internet

Marketing career by selling ClickBank products, and so far I’ve experienced
best results promoting them.

However, I suggest that you don’t put yourself in a box just because I’ve
said so! You can do whatever you like: Amazon, eBay, Commission
Junction, various CPA networks, just about anything you can come up with.

Also, you can find standalone affiliate programs that will fit specific

To do so run a Google search on your “main keyword” +affiliate program,

like so:

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Usually you’ll find a product to promote and an affiliate program in top 3

You won’t believe this, but there are affiliate programs for just about
anything. There are weirdest affiliate programs that you haven’t even
thought of.


Ok, in this subchapter I’m going to reveal something really cool. However,
you won’t be able to use this method until you have a few lenses up and

Don’t worry if you won’t understand what I’m going to explain now. Get
back to this subchapter once you’ve made your first campaign and your
lenses are getting some traffic.

1. Login to your Squidoo account

2. Go to any lens stats

3. Navigate to Traffic tab

4. Scroll down until you see the pie chart

5. On the right search for table named Keywords

Page 14
Found that table? Those are the keywords that lead people to your lens.
You’ll see all kind of keywords, mostly weird ones that you haven’t thought
of and Google keywords tool haven’t shown you.

So, why I’m so excited about these little weird keywords?

Well, look at the top of the table; there you’ll see thr keywords that drove
you most traffic.

Think about it: if you got some traffic with a lens NOT optimized for that
keyword, how much traffic you’ll get once you’ll build a lens targeting just
that one keyword?

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I always build a lens for top keywords that I have found in each of my
lenses stats. It’s a great way to expand your campaign, and you don’t have
to find any more keywords. Keywords will find you!


Ok, now we should have our keywords in notepad file, and we can move to
the part two – making the actual Squidoo lenses that will generate us nice
passive income.

Go to and press Sign Up to create an account.

What I like to do is create a separate account for each campaign. Yes, I

have lots of accounts in various niches. Trust me it’s very easy to manage
your Squidoo campaigns once you have a different account for each

Registration process is quick and painless. Go to your email and confirm

your account, so we can move on.


Once you have confirmed your account go to Squidoo dashboard and

navigate to profile tab. We want to change few things here, so our visitors
would trust us more.

Name. By default your name is same as your username. Change to your

own name, or use a pen-name.

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I prefer second option. Why? Because I can make a specific character for
each niche I’m in. If I’m in World of Warcraft niche I can use my own
name and photo, if I step into the weight loss niche, I want to appear as
middle aged woman, and so on.

Default bio. This is not very important, but I tend to change my default
bio, and write 3 to 7 sentences about myself or my character. Information
like what’s my name, how old am I, what I like, why I’ve made this lens,
what I think about Squidoo and so on.

Also you can add sentence or two about your niche or product that you are

Default photo. If you are using your own name use your own photos.
Even if you aren’t using your own name, but the picture fits, use it!
However, there will be situations when you can’t use your own photo for
your characters (for example, that weight loss niche where we want to
appear as middle aged woman). We’ll need to get our hands on stock

My favorite website is stock.xchng ( What’s so great about

it? Well, of course, there are tons of great photos, and all of them are free
to use!

However, make sure you check out availability of photos, so you don’t
violate the rules.

Page 17
It may take some time until you find a winner photo that has got good
availability rights, but it’s really worth it.

If you don’t want to spend time searching for those winners, and you
would rather buy some stock photos right away, I can recommend
iStockPhoto for you.

Payment settings. Squidoo lenses may generate you some money even
without any product or service promotion! Both, you and me, are smart
marketers and we don’t want to let go any money, huh?

Navigate down until you find payment settings.

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There are few options you can choose. If you want to receive cash from
your Squidoo lenses select I want cash! and select a threshold.

Also, you can choose to donate one of the charity funds.

It’s all up to you!

Global ad settings. Squidoo will place some ads on your lenses. While
these ads will generate you cash, it might also annoy and distract your
visitors from the main offer – product or service you are promoting.

So, I tend to turn these ads off.

You can experiment and turn on ads on custom lenses. See what works for
you best!

Ok, we are done with general profile information, we can move forward.


Open that notepad file with those 5 keyword ideas (I’ll call them root
keywords) we’ve got in chapter 1, and go to Squidoo Lens Wizard.

Page 19
Your lens title is one of the most important things. People will make a first
impression from your title.

It’s something similar as newspaper headlines. When you want to buy a

newspaper and you don’t know which one to buy, you are most likely to
buy a newspaper that has interesting, eye catching headline.

So, you want to be creative on this one. Use your root keyword and one or
two LSI keywords.

Something like:

iPod Headphones - Special Offer for Apple Earbuds

Take your time to come up with a good lens title.

Once you are done with this step hit continue.

Lens title. Don’t change anything here, we’ve already came up with a lens
title in a previous step.

Page 20
Set your lens URL. URL should be short and sweet. Use only your root
keyword if that’s possible, so your URL doesn’t look lumpish.

If it’s already taken try to add review, offer, discount, rating, overview to
root keyword. Or you can use a little trick and use dashes for your URL. For

Instead of:

It only takes a little creativity ;)

Pick your category. Select the category that fits your lens best, simple as

Please rate your lens. If you think that your lens might not be suitable
for all age visitors, simply select R Rated Material. If you think it might be,
probably it is!

Better to play safe in this point, because Squidoo might delete your lens if
it won’t fit in G Rated Material category.

Once you are done with these options hit continue.

Ok, we’ve reached Step 3 out of 4. So far so good!

Tags. You can’t go wrong here,the more good tags you have - the better.
Tags won’t boost your search engine ranking, but they will help you rank
better in Squidoo.

More relevant tags you have, more targeted visitors you’ll have.

Page 21
In this step we can only add 1 main tag, and 3 additional ones. Don’t
worry, later on we can add as much as we like, so in this step just write 3
more and hit continue.

Don’t be mistaken, tags are not the same deal as keywords. Don’t just
chuck in keywords you’ve got in Google keywords tool, be a little more
creative, go for a longer phrases.

For example, write something like cheapest iPod headphones on the

Internet or best apple earbuds online store. Think about what you are
going to write and try to come up with relevant tags.

Once you’ve came up with those tags hit continue.

In Step 4 we’ll need to choose what you want to do with money earned
from Squidoo ads. As I’ve said earlier in profile configuration subchapter,
it’s all up to you: you can select to receive 100% cash, you can donate to a
charity of your choice or you can donate to Squidoo fund.

Select option of your choice and finish the lens wizard. We can move to the
fun part – building the lens and filling in the content!


You’ve finished the second step, filled all the gaps, selected what type of
material it is, you hit continue, and BAM you are again in step 1, staring at
big red error.

You’ve faced the SquidDon’t.

Page 22
Not so long ago Squidoo announced topics that are not welcome. Many
lensmasters got their lenses deleted, because those lenses were violating
the rules.

Here is the list of what topic are not welcome on Squidoo:

Pharmaceutical, drug, and diet aid reviews and

diet pill sales. (Examples: Viagra, Hoodia
Gordoni, Penis Enlargement pills, acai berry etc)
Drug and diet reviews
Plus whatever the latest miracle cure drink
happens to be, and affiliate/salesy lenses

Yes, weight loss and dieting lenses are far more

often spam than good--especially when they're
selling something, or promoting an affiliate site.
Weight loss
Acai berry reviews have earned a rotten
reputation elsewhere on the web, for example,
and that's seeping into Squidoo as well.

MLM, network marketing, pay per click projects,

MLM, PCC, etc.
traffic exchanges, and even quite a few affiliate
programs that have earned bad reputations.

Page 23
Ebooks and affiliate programs for "medical
cures." This means yeast infections, PE, snoring,
hair loss, augmentations, asthma miracle cures,
etc. Of course we hope all our visitors are in
Medical cures
good health, and we'd love to rid the world of
toe nail fungus, too. but 99 times out of 100,
lenses about ebooks and affiliate programs
selling medical cures are awfully scammy...

Likewise for help with love life, sex life, dating

sites, etc. If getting your ex back (who might be
Love life help
gone for a reason) requires paying $29.99 for a
PDF, we have to say no.

Yeah, that means you, TexasHoldem lenses. And

most poker lenses. We'll probably overcorrect
heavily on these, and can't guarantee that we
Gambling lenses
can move swiftly to unlock false positives. Your
best bet is just to stay away from gambling and
lottery lenses or the topic in general.

Downloading movies, tv, or games; watching

movies, TV, or satellite online; copying DVDs,
Online entertainments
games, and programs. Not only are these against
our TOS, they're against DMCA laws.

Video game hacks, illegal downloads, copying

Illegal hacking and sharing, game gold generation. Leveling and
help guides are almost always spammy, so if it
doesn't offer something new of value, stay away.

Page 24
Dealing with credit card debt, cash gifting,
envelope stuffing, mortgages, currency trading,
Forex, Regenesis, etc. There's a clear way to
Credit cards
make good stuff on this topic, but alas, most
people just make spambait on it.

Sure, you can give negative reviews. But

spewing hate at a person crosses the line, and if
Hate lenses
we get contacted about them we might lock
them. Think happy thoughts.

Free (and so-called legal) movie download

lenses. Free Mp3 download lenses. Yikes. These
Ringtones lenses
exploded in the last year, and we've never seen
ONE that's worth anyone's time. Really.

Illegal Adult lenses Child pornography, anyone? No.

Be careful. We're getting swamped by these, and

most of the time they are junky, copied and
pasted, and have serious copyright issues. If you
Lyrics lenses have an entire account dedicated to lyrics lenses,
make sure you're adding a significant amount of
personal review and curation, quoting correctly,
and don't steal from someone else on the web.

Traffic exchange, PTC, banner ad sites, and

other advertising or artificial traffic boosting
PPC, traffic, etc. systems. Not only are these not allowed, using
them to promote your lens may be a violation of
our TOS.

Page 25
Promotion of and reference to illegal activities,
such as drug use, hacking, etc., or promotion of
Illegal activities ways to get around illegal activities, such as
"legal drugs," black hat systems, copying and
hacking, free games and tv, etc.

Promotion of activities that could be harmful to

Harmful activities health, such as encouraging readers to become
anorexic or induce a miscarriage.

This information is taken straight from the Squidoo. If you want to learn
more about SquidDon’t click here.

I know that you may be thinking now that there are nothing left to write
about. I had this feeling too when they released the SquidDon’t and
trashed bunch of my lenses…

But believe me, there are still thousands of topics out there!

Of course, it sucks when you get yourself a nice keyword list, LSI
keywords, already have the idea what you are going to write and you see
that your topic is on the SquidDon’t list…

But it’s not the end of the world, just come up with a new campaign and
work on it.

Don’t, and I repeat, don’t try to outfox the Squidoo. Sure, maybe you came
up with a title for your lens that Squidoo filters haven’t marked as
SquidDon’t lens, and you are giggling that you’ll still make a lens about
latest Forex robot…

Page 26
But your lens might be deleted one day without a warning…

Why to spend time on something risky while you can make a lens on
allowed topic and sleep quietly at night?


I love Squidoo, because it provides you tons of great modules for your
lenses. If you are familiar with Wordpress it’s something like plugins.

Everything is very user friendly, push of a button away!

I always delete all modules and keep only the New Text Module. Then I
add 3 more text modules and the guestbook module.

Here is how my lens structure looks like:

This is the structure I usually go for. Again, this is something that I do,
that doesn’t mean you need to exactly copy me.

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Feel free to play with the modules, there are tons of them. You can add
Amazon module, you can add an eBay module, you can make your lens
interactive and add polls, YouTube videos – anything!

Don’t do what everyone else is doing, be unique, find yourself!

I’m just showing you the basic structure, don’t be afraid to add something
from yourself.

In 3rd text module (I’ve marked it as Text Module (image)) we’ll just place
an image with an affiliate link, and in other 3 modules we’ll place some


First, let’s configure your main module, the one that you can’t delete -
Introduction, Contents & Discovery Tool.
It’s 3 in 1, and we’ll be using all three features.

Click the edit button.

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First module is just an introduction, don’t go over 150 words, keep it
simple and interesting for visitor.

Once you’ve done with writing, scroll down to image uploading. This is
really important. Make sure you select an image that would be relevant to
your lens.

When you are thinking what image to choose, think about it how it will
look as a thumbnail (100x100px or 150x150px size). In related lenses
module and Squidoo search your lens will appear with this image next to it.

Don’t use huge photos with lots of details, because when image will be
scaled down people might not understand what’s rendered in the image.

Let’s take World of Warcraft as an example. You could use Warcraft logo,
or portrait of some character.

Got the idea?

Once you’ve decided on the image navigate to Table of Contents tab.

Select On (increases clicks and revenue), and deselect those modules that
you don’t want to appear in table of contents. I deselect text module that

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will include nothing but image (the “Text Module (image)” one), along with
the Comments module.

Ok, we’re done with the configuration.


It’s really important that you strategically place your keywords in order to
get reach organic traffic results.

You should place your root keyword in:

Title of your lens

Module titles
Module subtitles
Anchor texts of URL’s
Module descriptions

Also, sprinkle your LSI keywords all over your lens, try to use them as
often as possible, though make sure your text looks natural, that it
wouldn’t appear as jumble of keywords.

Here’s how your text module should look like:

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You should use your root keyword often, but don’t overdo with it! Try to
keep the keyword density at around 5% (that means use it once every 20
words, or five times in 100 words, and so on).


So, if you follow my lens structure you’ll need to fill two more text modules
with text.

I have this feeling that you are sitting now with long face thinking that
endless writing is incoming. That’s not true!

My lenses have got no more than 500 words (and yes, that includes words
from my first module, intro text from that 3 in 1 module).

That’s not that bad, huh? You’ll only need to fill up two more text modules
(each around 150-250 words).

In first module I always tend to talk about how the specific product or
service improved my life.

I understand that sometimes it’s really hard to imagine how some product
has changed your life without even trying it. But that’s not a problem! You
can become an expert in any niche fast.

When I am stepping into the niche I’m not aware of I spend some time
reading that niche forums, browsing Yahoo! Answers that are related to
that niche, and so on.

Good old Google will help you find those forums. Just run a search on your
“root (or main) keyword” +forum. Like this:

Page 31
20,700 results. That’s a lot of information for you to know your audience
better! :)

Just go through the forum threads and make little notes of common things
people are talking in that niche.

As for that iPod headphones example people are looking for original
headphones, they are tired of fake ones, they want to know where they
could get a better deal, or they are interested in alternative headphones
that would be cheaper, but quality would be the same.

I got all this information with couple of minutes of research, and now I
could write an article or two without any problems. It’s really that simple.

It’s even easier to fill up the second text module.

What I like to do is go to the sales page of the product I’m promoting and
search for bullet points, pros and cons, various tables and stuff like that. I
just copy the information I find and write a little summary for that

When you are writing your content you should always think about the
readers, your visitors. Think about the problem they are facing, think about
why they are on your lens and how you could solve their problem.

Think outside the box, don’t focus on making money. Focus on helping
people and solving their problem and money will come by itself!

Also, decorate your modules with images. You can get royalty free images
from Just make sure you read availability terms before using any

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You already know what to do with 3 out of 4 text modules. One left.

Now we are going to make image module. What it is it’s only an image that
will lead our visitors to our affiliate page once clicked. What type of image
it will be?

Well, I like to do couple of things. I like to visit the sales page of the
product I’m promoting and search for an opt-in form, or something like

If you hang around in ClickBank then you should know the Earth4Energy
product very well. I’m going to take it as an example.

When you are trying to close Earth4Energy you get a pop up that looks like
chat window, and they are offering you $10 discount.

Ok, that’s cool, that’s something that we are looking for.

Take a screenshot of that chat window and crop it in paint, than upload it
to TinyPIC.

Page 33
Copy Direct Link for Layouts link.

Head to Squidoo and press edit on your text module (image one).

Write a title for it. Again, something short, attractive with LSI or root
keyword in it. For example if we take that chat picture you could write
“Earth4Energy Solar Panels Kit - $10 Discount Coupon” if solar panel kit
would be our root keyword.

I tend to leave subtitle blank, but feel free to experiment!

And in the body part copy this code:

<p align="center">

<a href="">

<img src="" />



Page 34
As a result you’ll get nice, clickable image that will lead you to the affiliate


You want to make your lenses look like a million bucks, right? Then you’ll
need to use some HTML elements. I know, I know, programming sucks,
but hey, it’s not that difficult once you have everything in one place. It’s
really just copy and pasting.

I’m going to give you a nice table of basic html tags and what they do:

What it does HTML Tag

Hyperlink <a href=”LINK”>ANCHOR TEXT</a>
Line brake <br>
Image <img src=”IMG_LOCATION”>
Wrapping text around <img src="IMG_LOCATION" style="float:
image left; margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;">
Bold <b> or <strong>
Italics <i> or <em>
Underline <u>
Center <p align="center">TEXT</p>
Colored text (change <b style="color: blue; font-weight:
blue for other color) normal;">TEXT</b>
Highlighting (change <b style="background-color: blue font-weight:
blue for other color) normal;">TEXT</b>
XX-Small text size <p style="font-size: xx-small;">TEXT</a>
X-Small text size <p style="font-size: x-small;">TEXT</a>
Small text size <p style="font-size: small;">TEXT</a>
Medium text size <p style="font-size: medium;">TEXT</a>

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Large text size <p style="font-size: large;">TEXT</a>
X-Large text size <p style="font-size: x-large;">TEXT</a>
XX-Large text size <p style="font-size: xx-large;">TEXT</a>
<b style="font-weight: normal; letter-spacing:
Letter spacing
<b style="font-weight: normal; word-spacing:
Word spacing
<b style="font-weight: normal; font-variant:
Small caps

HTML tags are great, just make sure you don’t overdo with them, because
too many design elements might have an opposite effect – they might
deter your visitors.

Good design is not when you don’t have anything else to add, but when
you don’t have anything else to remove :)


One of the most important things in affiliate marketing is correct (strategic)

link placement. You must give your visitors a clear call to action button
when the time and place is right.

First of all, we want to place one affiliate link at the side panel that’s in
your bio area (lens bio).

I don’t use default bio, I like to write a bio for each lens individually.

Ok, go to your dashboard and click edit the lens, and on the right side of
lens editor look for lens bio, expand it and select custom lens bio.

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Now, there are couple of ways to do this.

First, we can just write some promotional text, and make a simple URL
pointing to our offer. This way is good, it generates some clicks… It’s really
simple, just come up with a catchy line to make people click through your
link. For example: “Cheapest iPod Touch earbuds. Choose from 5 colors!”

Yea, I bet you could come up with a better line, haha! But you’ve got the

But, do you remember when I’ve said that people don’t read anymore and
they scan for information? So, we want to treat our visitors right, and give
them some ”easy to scan” information.

Second method is to place a link that has an image instead of standard

anchor text.

With couple of minutes of work you can make a nice poster that will attract
your visitors and make them click through your link.

Don’t think it’s complicated, you’ll only need a Microsoft Paint (or any
image editor), couple of minutes and a little piece of creativity.

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Referring back to the iPod headphones example, here is what I’ve made
literally in less than one minute.

It’s very simple and clean, but trust me, these little posters generate great
amount of clicks!

It’s really simple, just copy some image that is related to your lens, and
write 3 to 5 words that will grab attention, and highlight some of the

Upload the image to, copy the uploaded image URL (like I’ve
explained earlier, when were making the image module), and write this
code to your bio box:

<p align=”center”><a href=”YOUR_AFFILIATE_LINK”><img


Ok, we are done with the bio box affiliate link, and we’ve already placed
the link in our image module. Now let’s place some links in our text

I tend to post up to 5 affiliate links in one lens, because if you go too wild
with affiliate links Squidoo might lock down your lens, so be careful!

So, at the end of each text module write two to four sentences – your
promotional message.

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For example: Using the solar panels I’ve managed to reduce electricity bill
by 78%. Discover how you too can build your own solar panels. Click here
to learn more.
Don’t scotch your offer to people. Instead of saying Reduce your electricity
bill by 100%, say that you’ve reduced. Let them believe that they can
achieve success you’ve had too. Let them have that A-ha moment.

Do soft selling.

Oh, and once again – focus on the problem, and the people, not the
selling, and then you’ll achieve MUCH greater results!

So, let’s recap. You should have 1 affiliate link in your bio area (either a
text link or image that you’ve made), 1 link in your image module, and
three more links in your text modules. In my opinion, these 5 links are
essential, they will generate you most of the profit.

Feel free to experiment and try your own combinations. Tweaking is the
key to the success!

Now that you’ve done everything in your lens go through it one more time,
check for spelling and grammar mistakes, make sure your links are working
good, images appears correctly, and so on. Once you’ve finished double
checking hit that PUBLISH button, and make your lens go live!


I’ve called this chapter “Getting Outside the Box”, because now we are
going to talk about off page optimization. What to do to get your lens
indexed in Google and ranked good in no time.

Page 39

Ok, this step is optional, but I STRONGLY recommend you to take it.

Once we have our lens up and running, it’s time to spread it all over the

What I like to do is register a domain name for each lens I create without
spending a fortune!

Both, me and you, know that best domain name ending is .com, right?
That domain will cost you $11.99/year (in When you add
up all your lenses it turns out to $60-$80/year. That’s pretty much…

So, here is my advice. There are Godaddy coupons. Those coupons might
give you great discount. I’ve seen couple of times $0.99 .com domain
coupon. Yes, that’s right, you can buy a .com domain name for less than a
dollar for a full year!

Every month Godaddy releases new coupons, so during the first days of
new month I run a Google search on “godaddy coupons 2010 month”, like

You might get a very good deal (like that $0.99 .com new registration).
However, not always you’ll get a good deal, so what I do is I just go for
.info domain name (which is priced $1.99 + taxes at Godaddy).

Why to bother and get a domain name for your lens? Well, it will be easier
for visitors to remember your domain name instead of your Squidoo URL.

Page 40
If they find information useful in your lens they might visit it again and
again, and we want to make sure it’s easy for them to remember where to
come back.

You know, the more someone sees your promotion, it’s more likely that
they will become customers!


I hate this very much… But it’s very powerful… It’s social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking can skyrocket your lens traffic and boost your search
engine results. Though, free rides just don't come along every day. Social
bookmarking is long and time consuming process, but you will be WELL

There are lots of tools that will help you social bookmark your pages in
thousands of websites in no time, both – clean and black hat, but that’s not
something I want to talk about in this course.

I don’t like spending money where I can save them by investing little more

I can recommend Social Marker ( It’s a

handy tool (and it’s free) that will help you bookmark your lens in all major
social bookmarking websites (so far there are 50 of them).

Of course, it’s a real pain if you are doing this the first time, because you
will need to create an account for each site. Registration process is really
simple and quick, though when you add up 50 registrations it all turns out
to 30 minutes of work.

Page 41
However, I must say this once again – it’s well worth it! Don’t be like me,
don’t be lazy, and invest those 30 minutes to register to all of those sites.

Okay, if you are a lazy, at least register to 22 bookmark sites that have got
DOFOLLOW flag. That means they will generate you backlinks and boost
your Google ranking. Other social bookmarking sites will increase your
traffic, but will NOT increase your Google rating.

Fill the gaps like you see in the screenshot and bookmark your site to each

(kw is keyword)

Page 42

Sharing your RSS feed can greatly increase indexing process in Google.
And best part is it will only take up to five minutes (everything, even
registration is included).

There are few great websites you can post your RSS feed to:

Feedest (
Feedage (
Feedburner (

Registration is quick and not painful at all, will only take up to 30 seconds

Now grab go to your lens, and grab the RSS feed from navigation bar:

Press the little icon, and copy URL you’ll be lead to. It should look
something like this:
Now go to each of those 3 sites mentioned above and post your RSS feed.
I don’t think I need to explain everything about how to post your feed,
because those websites are very user friendly, push of a button simple.

Page 43

Let’s talk about pinging. No, it has got nothing to do with ping pong.
Pinging is telling search engine robots to check out your lens, because you
made some changes and you want them to be indexed or updated.

Pinging is very easy process that will only take up to one minute. However
when you have a lot of lenses it may become a pain to ping all your lenses.

But, there is no situation without a solution.

Recently I’ve came across great free resource SquidUtils. I just love it. You
can ping all your lenses from one page.

Start by heading to SquidUtils, and enter your Lensmaster ID:

Once you’ve logged in (no password is required, only your Lensmaster ID),
look for ping your lens link on the left:

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Now you should see a drop down list with all your lenses. Choose a lens
and press PING! SquidUtils will give send a message across the internet
that your lens has been updated and robots should take a look at it.

That happened to you too? Pinging is made to inform search engines about
the changes in websites, so it’s logical that content must be updated before
you ping.

Just head to your Squidoo dashboard, press edit lens, make couple of
changes (replace some words with synonyms, or add one or two extra
sentences), and hit PUBLISH.

Then head back to SquidUtils and ping your lens again.


I don’t want to wreck my style, so I’ll keep the bottom line short too :)

You can’t get rich overnight, and that’s not what this course is about. I
wanted to give you a solid and tested plan how to build your wealth over
time, one step at a time.

It’s all up to your dedication and passion from this point.

I know this too well, it happened to me countless amounts of times. I see a

promotion. I buy a book. I read it. I forget about it.

Page 45
I hope that you haven’t read this eBook just for reading it, and you are
actually going to put these techniques to work.

I know that it might be hard when you start, but you will keep getting
better and better when time goes by, you must trust me on this one!

If you have any questions feel free to catch me on Warrior Forum and drop
a PM.

To your success!

Sky’s your limit!

Emilis Strimaitis and Sim Aurile

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