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Name of Student: Catherine B.

Jordan Section and Group Number: 3E - Group 2

Name of CI: Sarah Jane M. Rosales, RN MAN Area of Exposure: NEURO Ward

DRUG STUDY - Lactulose

Mechanism of
Name of Drug Frequency, Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Dosage: Osmotic effect of Relief of Contraindicated  GI: flatulence; Nursing Considerations:
Lactulose 30ml organic acids causes constipation. to patients on belching;  Assess the patient for abdominal distention, presence of bowel sounds, and normal pattern of bowel
laxative action, low-galactose abdominal function.
Brand Name: Frequency: which moves water diet. disturbances; pain  Assess color, consistency, and amount of stool produced.
Cephulac ODHS from plasma to Contraindicated and distention;  Assess mental status (orientation, level of consciousness) before and periodically throughout course
intestines, softening in patients with diarrhea, of therapy.
Classifications Route: stools, and GI obstruction or hypernatremia;  Promote fluid intake during drug therapy for constipation.
: PO stimulates peristalsis perforation, toxic colon accumulation 
Hyperosmotic by pressure from colitis, of hydrogen gas.  Assess and monitor for electrolyte imbalance when drug is used for longer than 6 months or in
Laxative water content to megacolon,  Bulk-forming patients predisposed to electrolyte abnormalities.
stool. nausea and laxatives may  Monitor body weight of the patient.
vomiting, or cause intestinal  Monitor for signs of hypotension, tachycardia, angioedema, hyperkalemia, and hypernatremia.
acute surgical obstruction, Patient and Family Education:
abdomen. impaction, or  Inform patient that laxative action is not instituted until drug reaches the colon therefore 12-48 hours
Use cautiously in (rarely) esophageal is needed.
patients with obstruction.  Encourage patients to use other forms of bowel regulation, such as increasing bulk in the diet,
rectal or anal  Hyperosmolar and increasing fluid intake, and increasing mobility.
conditions, such saline laxatives  Caution patients that this medication may cause belching, flatulence, or abdominal cramping. Health
as rectal bleeding may cause fluid care professional should be notified if this becomes bothersome or if diarrhea occurs.
or large and electrolyte  Tell the patient to not self-medicate with another laxative due to slow onset of drug action.
hemorrhoids. imbalances.  Tell the patient to notify the physician if diarrhea persists more than 24-48 hours. Diarrhea is a sign
of overdosage. Dose adjustment may be indicated.
 Tell the patient that excessive or prolonged use may lead to dependence.
Source: Nursing Source: Nursing Drug Source: Source: Nursing Drug Source: Nursing Drug Source: Nursing Drug Handbook, 2020

Drug Handbook, Handbook, 2020 , p. 50 Nursing Drug Handbook, 2020 , p. 50 Handbook, 2020 , p. 51 p. 51
2020 , Handbook,
p. 50 2020, p. 51

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